I CALL FOR COURIER CLUB RAISERS. Enter Your Name On Our List at Once and Win One of the Premiums Offered. Hundreds of Dollars will be Distrib uted in Presents During the Next Few Weeks. RECEIVERS APPOINTED. For tne Montgomery Mining Company Of Candor, Montgomery County U.R. Galther and B. M. Klilgr ley Receiver. Ia the Federal court at Greens- To Advertiser, The Courier has spent large soma of money in working up its circulation and to-day it thorough ly covers Kandolph and adjoining counties besides having a large list tnrougnout this and other states. In arranging this contest we have endeavored to offer a reward to workers sufficient to make them en thusiastic and at the same time make the work of securing subscribers easy, so they could not fail to win prizes Every one who pays one dol ar IN ADVANCE will get free with The Coukier one of these papers oneyear, the W oman s Magazine, I he Metropolitan and Rural Home, The Southern Agriculturist, or the Farm and Fireside for one year. This contest begins NOW and will close July 1, 1906. The person who sends us the largest number of subscriptions during that time will receive as a prize a handsome Na tional Sewing Machine, which sf lis for $65.00. To the person who sends in the second largest list of subscribers j we will give a Champion New Home j iSewing Machine, price $65.00. I To the person who obtains for us the third largest list of subscribers we will give one Carolina Cook Steve with "B" list with pipe, includiug full and complete cooking outfit which sells everywhere for $18.00. This stove is on exhibition at the Lewis & Winslow Hardware Com pany. To the person sending us the fourth largest list we will give a cent subscribers to count one sub scription in the contest. Now here are the "sure things" prizes those you J&..N O V you can get whether you win one of the oth er prizes or not. To every person sending us twelve subscribers at one time with twelve dollars, we will give a handsome water set the best made, or, if you prefer,' a set of genuine Rodgers knives and forks, either of these sell anywhere for $5.00 to $6.00. Or to any person, who will send us 18 sub scriptions with $18.00, we will send both theee premiums. uut tnac is not au, we make another offer that every bodv can get and that is that every worker, who will send us six subscription at one time accompani ed by $6.00, we will give a fine porcelain, 30 piece breakfast set or for five subscriptions we will give a handsome stereoscope and 48 colored scenes from all parta of of the world. This breakfast set never sold for less than $4.00 and it is worth $6.00 anywhere and the stereoscope and views are worth fully as much as tne breakfast set, or if any worker will send us 10 subscriptions accom panied by $10, we will sei d Wh these handsome premiums. We know you will wonder how we can make such a remarkable boro Thursday Jud Rnvd annmnt- ul are wrung mil a up o,i fn, tha wAmo. iutuuojpn county ana me neamoni xr:: rw,ra ntmr nf.. section of North Carolina. gomery county. The order was I , .. "T . j ,. ", '.. signed upon the application of cujation, that our advertisers and the JuliauLerov White, who claims the w"n"J mi.Sai secure me greater comoanv owes him SS7.669. of which P"?itj. We have improved amount over $5,550 ia over due. gCu "r paper- He also claims that the company owes $40,000 .besides his claim. This indebtedness was admitted bv the president of the cqmpany, Geo. K. uaither. Judge iioyd then ap pointed as receivers, the president, Air. uaitner, and 11 ux ton M. Kidge- ley, hxing their bond at $10,000. all of which necessarily increases expenses. ueuce inis article netirying oar advertisers that after March 1st, 1906, the advertising rate is as fol lows: I I A Per inch one time 25c " " " month per issue 20c " " two months " " 17c " " six " and over " " 15c Reading notices will lie charged .at the rate ot one cent per word. Wo reader ac cepted for less than zoe. All tills payable monthly. Our circulation is Hot made up genuine Aiuenn uiuieiuui i wuiw offe( To be frank whh ou we vateh made by the ew York Stan-jcouldn,tifwe did not kno' from da,rfJa c,h Company, fitted in a 5perience that three-fourths of the gold filled hunting case warranted ue 8ubscriber8 obtained in this for 20 years. It is a stem-windei , wiU be turQed ,nto , and stem-setter, and in every way a subJ3crib,r8 at the end of the year, reliable time keeper. Each case is , We are . handsomely handsomely engraved. simply to get them started for us. To the worker who sends us the j The merit of the paper itself will fifth largest list we will give a watch do the rest and in the lone run we with movement like the foregoing wjil mate a proflt and you will be description except a ten yearguara.- jug your community a good turn teed case. by inducing the people to read a To the person sending us the papei. which teaches them how to sixth largest list we will give make more money from their farms a pair of Queen Quality Shoes and in various occupations, worth $3.50. These shoes are on To everyone who sends us as much exhitition at Messrs Wood & Mor-ias $100.00 for snhsr-rinrinns ami Your Boy Handicap. Be careful how you pamper your bjy. There's a man inside of him if you can get it out. But manhood is made ur bv nut finer fWri anil lilnrwl and soul up against sharp comers. of Uead hea(8 ani exchanges, but it is a cruei process, out tne only '"V""6 " uo nnt cash for their subscription. Few It is natural for a parent to try to 8re, more than six months in arrears u: . . i i finn rrninv n.r nairt in ailuanno the parent went through. And so This shows that we circulate among the boy sleeps late and finds fault a prosperous people the class that with his breakfast and talks impn- advertisers desire to reach. deutly to his mother. The home is courier appreciates the nadded for him TTia unhnnlintr patronage accorded it in the past costs him nothing. There is money a"u i'lcuS cvciy euuii, w give in bin nnnkft that. hs nvr rnpd value received for future business Everything is done for him instead Placed with it of by him. And an estate is cumulating for his use. Chamberlain's Co-'gh Remedy the Very Ail tnis is fatnerly but it is not Best. wise, sometime, somehow he must DASHING AUTOMOBILE STORY t Motor-Car Divorce B LOyiSE CLOSSER HALE A BREEZY and deliciously humorous motor-car romance the fact that the hero and heroine are man and wife makes it no less a romance. Mrs. Ward, a believer in the theory of the ten-year marriage contract! advanced by George Meredith, goes with her indulgent husband on an automobile tour through France and Italy (or the purpose of securing a divorce on the grounds of "incompatibility of temper," which, in reality, do not exist. It takes another woman, several accidents and the automobile to bring Mrs. Ward to her proper tenses. With 36 Illiutrmtiom, 10 of which ar In Color, by Walter Halo 12mo, Cloth, $1.50 (Jfyottr kxbulltr kasn't U, tkt fublitkers mill unit th toe, pottag paid, y upon receipt 0 frue. DODD, MEAD & COMPANY Publishers 372 Fifth Avenue New York Publishers -and- T I i : jni i i grow strong by striving. He will ' ZTrlTZ without brest- L. P . ,J ,. . T . ay " luo ucat uuugu uieuicine i nave ever n . taken," says Geo. L. Chubb, a mer- liul l 1. :-!. mi job work together we will give a Champion New Home Sewing Ma chine. Any young man who wants a p; ir of "Keiths Konqueror" shoes, or a pair of celebrated King Bee shoe, or a pair ot Lrossett s best shoes, never learn to swim w ing the swift current. 1 ouuumi. l , . T T 1. l r 1 nil . nhnrnnfai. ia nmfantaA V D-; UUaili. Ui XXal laU, 1M.1CU. mere 18 nO Unless be meets and masters difficult g0aboat"8 being the best as ties he will always be a flabby weak- W,"L cure a c?"h ?r cld n leT8? i- Anltnn mm Ullm mm, uure tuau auv utuer treatment, it J' "'"J w mm muu- i i. i - , , , . , , ,ni i, i ,A buuuiu oenepi iuiueuou8e use it or save it. He will lack fiber. Z&7r? mtaat for colJ ?&n v k(,i t,; nf 4k i . be cured in much less time wheu t n tu ;n it 0,,n, tn,PromVaJ treated. For sale by fhl . MrlZ I ,,r;it;J XZJ Tn Standard Drug Co., Asheboro, W. Randleman. 'each and every pair sells for $5.00 ! aiicf: Let him make a man of nrei 3 that much better results are eigth j the world over, or if vou want free him,8elf' by hlul3e,f and for himelf- bta.ind r0 ih.e U9e f Chamber- . - .. .. .. ' . - KV linn s i:nlif I.hnlAra und UiniThnoo laiMllematt News. ing'g Store. The person sending us the seventh largest list will receive a pair of the celebrated White House Patent Leather Blue her Ladies' Shoes worth 3.50. These shoes can be seen at anytime at the Morris bciirboro-Monitt Co s Jstore. laiccv ucv niii ittcne a pail vi j iuc juoi luuiuuu naiiu cil'l uiauc the popular Woman's College j you can learn how to get them free Walking Shoes, worth 3.50. It can j by getting subscriptions or job work be seen at Mr W J Miller's store. j for The Courier. The worker sending us the ninth Xow the facts are' all before you largest subscription list we will give i and the contest is on. DON'T free a beautiful 52-piece porcelain j WAIT UVTIL TO-MORROW TO breakfast set. j BEGIN WORK. Start now and To the person sending us the . keep it up, if you want one of the tenth largest subscriptions we will ' big prizes. We will send you sam give a hand.so.ne water set worth j pie copies, if you ask for them, but $G.50. : we do not furnish receipts and sub- The person sending us the eleventh ; scription blanks except direct to the largest list of subscribers will re- subscribers upon receipt of the list 'from Guilford College, ceive a 14-piece combination Ameri- and amount enclosed. An ordinary Mr. Robert Lamb has sold his can Beauy Rose silver set, consist- peice of paper will do. Don't send his stock of general merchandise to ing of 1 dozen Tea Spoons, Sugar , stamps. Put the silver dimes in an W. G. Brown and brothers. Shell aud Butter Knife to match, envelope and fold it up and put in j The "Old Maids Convention" pure coin silver plated over nickel another envelope which bears the i will be played at the auditoiiam plate on hard metal base, packed in : stamp and address and they will I next Friday night. This entertain fancv box. I not be lost. Address all letters to j ment will be made up of home tal- E very doll a sent we count one The Courier, ! ent and will be the last one before subscription. It will take two fiftv Asheboro, N C. commencement and it is predicted Ithat an uuusually large audience ; will turn out. The proceeds will go ed him. Life will give no man his own This sudden announcement caus- He must climb up and take it. ed a burst of applause and a large Hard lines for your boy? Yes, number of ladies in attendance for all. Self-reliance is at the base rushed up and shook Judge Golf's of all that is eood and strong. hand Don't pamper your U6y. Let him nap himuplf tr maka h?ms1f Tua greatest handicap to the child of the uooa suggestion. well-to-do is that he has too much Mr. u. li. Wainwngnt ei Jjemon done for him. Give vour bov a City Fla., has written the manufact- rihters. Wa Manufacture the Very Highest Grade of Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus t f i Ttr li e ti: u t UJ laaiiix it iu wvri ua uui na uiu jir. XLiULfiii uau, ui li'K" i- unit, i . ,i. i. tu ,u fb : spent ouiiuuy ueie. Mr. Bascom Iloskius, of High Point was a visitor here over Sun day. Mrs. John L. Harris has gone to her home at Elizabeth city. Prof. Ha: lis accompanied her as far as Danville, Va. Miss Mozell Dicks is at home this way the effect is double in rap idity. "It seems to get at the right spot instantly," he says. For tale by Standard Drug Co., Asheboro, W. A. Underwood, Randleman. And so, should you return a ver dict of guilty' under these condi tions I would at once set it as'de. It is therefore useless to have you go through ths formality of con sidering the cas3 or returning a verdict." TEACHER'S ASSEMBLY. SUtingnlshed Edncatom of Amrrlca Will Attend Program Most In teresting and Instructive. The twenty-third annual session of the North Carolina Teachers' As sembly, which meets iu Raleigh June 12th-15th inclusive, promises to be the most successful meeting in its history. I he program which has just been announced is a most interesting and instructive one, including some of the most distinguished educators in America. The address of welcome will be delivered by Mr. Joseph G. Brown, President of the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce; response by Supt. W. H. Ragsdale, of Pitt coun ty. The principal speaker at this tession will be Hon. N. C. Schaeffer, State Superintendent of Pennsyl vania and President of the National Educational Association. Dr. Schaeffer is a man of national reputation and is to-day recognized as the leader of the educational forces "f America. He is an author of distinction, a forceful and enter taining speaker. Among the other distinguished educators whose names appear on the program, are tie following: Miss Celestia S. Parish, Director of the Practice School in the the Georgia State Normal College; Dr. John M. Coulter of the University ot Chica go; Dr. V. C. Woodard, Professor of English, in Richmond College, for rwlY President of the University of h Curol'ma, on ' th m - taiuiug lecturers on literary subjects to the piano fund. in the South; Supt. B. C. Gregory Cicero Jarrett, of Central Falls. of the Chelsea (Mass.) City Schools, j spent Sunday in town. a high authority on City School A. N. Bulla spent Tuesday iu problems; Dr. Henry N. Snyder, ! Asheboro. President of Wofford College, S. C, nave macie roi mm a wiue reputa tion; Hon. Andrew J. Montague, the great "Educational Governor" of Virginia. ER0M STOKES COUNTY. Germanton to have School Old Jail Being Torn Down Crops Injured At a mass meeting of the citizens of Grtrmiuton, Stoke i coanty, it w is unanimously decided to build a good school house at a cost of $1,. 500, whether a vote is taken to m ike it a graded schoil or not. The old jail building at German is to be torn away. This old build ing has been used as a dwelling house since Stok s and Forsyth counties were divide 1 ii 1848. Frost nipped the early beans, potato fl. aud other early vegetables here on the 24th inst. The ther mometer registered as low as 35 de-geers. Rev. W. A. Lambeth, who joined the western N. M. E. Conference last N ivemb r an.d ha since served the Holmes Memorial Church at SalWbnry as pastor has been forced to retire on account of ill health. Me has returned to bis boui3 at I'h''ii.itvi'V, Ishamer ArmSeld, aged 87 years, died at Greensboro Wednesday last and was buried Thursday at Walnut Grove Church. Mi . Armtield was a member of the old Guilford coun ty family and was born and raised in Jamestown. He was an uucle of G. Will Armtield and the father of Mrs. J. C. Kirkman. He is sur vived by her, his one child, aud many grandchildren. Mr. Armfifld was by trade, be fore the war, a gunsmith, aud for years was engaged in the manufac ture of the old time long barrelled gun known as the "squirrel rifle." Why suffer with spring tiiedness, mean, cross feeling, no strength, no appetite? HoUister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will make you well and keep you well. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Asheboro Drug Company. Mocksville and Farmington, Davie county, are contemplating an election for voting tax for better schools. Don't let the children suffer. If they are fretful, peevish and cross give them Holister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. ' The best baby tonic known. Strength and health fid low its nse. 35 cent. Asheboro Drug Company. Cleanse your Bystem of all im purities this month. Now is the time to take Holister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. It will keep ycu well all summer. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Asheboro Drug Company. Type Brass Rule in Strips Brass Labor Saving Rule Brass Column Rules Brass Circles Brass Leaders Brass Round Corners Brass Leads and Slugs Brass Galleys Metal, Borders L S MetalJFurniture Leadsland Slugs Metal Leaders Spaces and Quads ZZZ 6 to?48 point MetallQuoins, etc. tion, Old Column Rules fefaced and made as good as new at a small cost. : : Please remember that we are not in any Trust or Combination and are sure that we can make it greatly to your advantage to deal with us. , A copy of our Catalogue will be cheerfully furnished on applica- Fhiladephia Frir.teis' fvjply Co. Maiufcxct jrers of Type a.nd High Grade Printing Material Proprietors 39North Ninth Screet PENN TYPE FOUNDRY PHILADELPHIA Thousand Have Kidney Trimble and Never Suspect It How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a seuimentor set tling iudicatesan unhealthy con dition of the kid neys ; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. Jt corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following nse of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild an,d the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and. one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all fcff- M about it. both sen t f ree & , -"Af by mail. Address Dr. "' 1 Kilmer & Co., Bing- fibSgiiMsfas hamton, N. Y. When Hoorf Sou-aaat, writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and tne address, Binghamtoa, N. Y. . rJT" J A New and Handsome Watch for Ladies. Only $11.75 With One Year's Subscription to the Ashe boro Courier, ')r ve will ivo thin watch for 40 surceHi!iou at $1 eiii'li. This is the mobt littJuiliM' vawh we Luve el ti'eted ar.d it is as good as it lucks. A genuine American movement innde ly the New York Staiiduid Wau-li Co. fined in a Gold Filled limiting cane, warranted lor SO years. A stem-winder and Stem-setter, ar.d iu every way a reliable time-keejer. Kadi case is iinudtcuiely engraved. REMEMBER, this is the regular size ladies watch, the most popular one for ladies and girls. Mon anil boys often piefer this size watch to the larger ones. The movement has 7 jewels, train bearing in metal setting, quick (rain, lever e, enameled dial and is made by one of the best companies of America. This movement fitted in our 20 year guaranteed case makes the greatest watch bargain ever offered for the price we are making. We ex pect every watch sent out to bring several more orders. The watches are delivered' by registered mail, and we insure their delivery in good running order. Order promptly. The watch may be sent to one address and the paper to another, if so desired. THE COURItR. Asheboro. N. C e Sell tke Earth! oooooooooooooooooo If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield (El Laughlin. Real Estate Dealers, INCOftMftATKO RALEIGH, N. C. Puilen BuiSdirt? apital Stock $30,000 . , f CHARLOTTE, N. C Piedmont, Ins. Bid. THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the world's best In modern Buxlnei Education. Oldext BimIiipm Collcfte in North Camliua. Foiiiloim ?untnieecl. tcked by a written contract. No vacation. liidiviutial Inatruction, We alio teach Uonh -keeping, Shorthand, rtMimnruiliip, oy mail, flena f'w H'nutiiriy rates. Write t Klay lornur 'ntitliwue. Otlwra and Hiirh KiiitorMmeutB. Tnoy ars tree. A. drew, IKING'S BUSINESS COLL EGE, RligK. N. C. or Chavrlott. ti. C.