f flWnFNKFn FOR S - JJ iU LtlJtjV I VI ( BUSY READERS. Th Orfnrd OrDhan Aavlum Sine irur class will beein a concert tour of North Carolina Monday, May 7th. The class is composed or ten girn and fonr boys. Mr. Jno. D. Wall, of the hard ware firm of Wall & Huake, of Winston-Salem, died ac his .home Tuesday last. Mr. Robt. W. Hodin. former! of Greinsboro, but no of Grand Forks, North Dakota, will be mar ried May 7th, to Miss Sallie Sher rod Silaburflr of Hamilton. Mr Hodgin was formerly clerk in the Greensboro postomce, out is now i post office inspector. Mr. C. D. Benbow has been chos en secretary and treasurer of the Industrial News, succeeding R. D. Douglas, who will devote his entire time to the editorial department ot the paper. I Rev. W. M. Curtis, treasurer of the Greensboro Female College, re cently sacuied $1,000 for the school during a visit to Charlotte. The A & M College commence ment at Rileigh occurred this week, beginning Sunday and closed Wed nesday with an address to the graduating class by liov. K. ts. Glenn. The class was composed of sixty-two members. Both the Republican congress man from Oreeon are appealing for new trials on the indictments for i connection with the land frauds, ' and the grand jury at Portland has just indicted another batch charged with the same offense. Mr. George P. Beverly, of Char lotte, has accepted the bosition of secretary to judge Jas. E. Boyd, of the United States Court, and will go to Greensboro May 8th to enter upon his new duties. The National Association of Cot ton Manufacturers in session t Bo ton has passed a resolution asking for the modification of the exclusion laws against the Chinese, claiming that it causes the Boxer uprisings ? and interferes with the cotton goods trade in the Orient. ( Capt. Claude H. Beard was given a verdict for $6,500 for injuries re- ! ceived in a wreck on the old C. r. c& Y. V. railroad several years ago. S During a storm at Gastonia Thursday Mrs. Daniel Lowe was killed by lightning which struck the chimney of her home. She was in a closet by the chimney. A tornado swept over Bellevue, Texas, last week completely wreck ing the business portion of the town and killing eleven people. ' The Cement Block Com Dan v for the manufacture of cement blocks, sewer pipes, paving blocks, roofing etc., has been incorporated at Sal isbury. Capital stock $25,000. The company will begin operations at once. John Owins, a young farmer of Rowan county, was cut to pieces about 8 o'clock Wednesday morning ot last week, by Charles Brady whose farm adjoined that of Owen's' The fight was .the result pi an old feud. Mrs. J. A, Bivins. wife of the wide ly known Methodist minister of I union county uieu iaas ween. Enterprising citizens of Siler City have organized a stock company for the purpose of erecting a town hall building. The seating capacity of the auditorium will be about seven hundred. H. Russell, who has been employ ed at the Asheboro Chair Company has moved to Whitney. To Be a Great Mannfketurlng State. North Carolina is going to be a great manufacturing State. The Erwin Cotton Mills has this week increased its capital from $3,000, 000 to $5,000,000. The Concord Times says that the Cannon Manu facturing Company has increased its stock from $200,000 to $1,000,000. This year it will build a mill with thirty thousand spindles at a point where power from the Yadkin which the Wihtney company will supply ( can be had. The old State is spin ning right alodg. News & Observer. ! Stereoscope Free. If you will send us three new sub 4 ecribers during the month of May -. we will send you a fine stereoscope at i : :.l.l f t Wltu s ueauuiui yicwb, piwiueu V you will send ns 25 cents for pos tage aud packing. f f J The Courier clubs are becoming ,0 y, popular. It is not much tiouble to l get subscribers for The Courier. 1 Everybody wants it and almost ' everybody in this section is a sub .jjcriber or intends to become one. Every Two Minutes Physicians tell us that all the blood in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di gested before it enters the stomach ; a double advan tage' in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion cjoes just that. A change for the better takes place even be fore you expect it We will wnd jrou t ample free. Be ture that thii picture in the form of a label h on the wrap per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott & Bowne ChemiiU 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50 cents aod f 1. 00 All Iragguu MUCH LOVED PASTOR. Mr. Lambeth Forced to Leave Pulpit on Account of Nervoui Breakdown. The resignation of Rev. Wm. Lam beth, pastor of Homes Memorial church, at Salisbury, has caused wide epreud sorrow in that town. He accepted the pastorate there last November, fresh from college. and entering upon his work with a characteristic arnestness and zeal his church was soon taxed to its utmost to accommodate the throng which sought counsel under his preaching. Mr Lambeth was compelled to give up his strenuous work for a time that he might regain his strength which suffered through the duties demanded in strengthening the cause of his Master. Mr. Lambeth is a eon of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Lambeth, of Thomasville, and his many friends regret to learn of his health giving away so early in life, because he is today one 01 tne brightest young men of the State. Why Suffer From Rheumatism? Why suffer from rheumatism when one application of Chamber lain s ram Balm will relieve the pain? The quick relief which this liniment affords makes rest and sleep possible, and that alone is worth many times its cost. Many who have used it hoping only for a short relief from suffering have been happily surprised to find that after awhile the relief became per manent. Mrs. V. H. Leggett of Yum Yum, Tennessee, U. S. A., writes. "I am a great sufferer from rheumatism, all over from head to foot, and Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only ' thing that will relieve the pain. For sale by Standard Drug Co. Asheboro, W. A., Under wood, Randleman. E. P. Hayes, J. P.. had before him on Monday J. M. Brown, on a charge of forcibly entering the house of his son-in law, Mr. Buck Going. From the evidence it appeared that Brown had been drinking and was inclined to make trouble. He was bound over to court in $100. There, was an eruption Monday at the chir factory. Two of the em ployees quarrelled and clinched. It was tooth and toe-nail for a while. One bit the finger and the other one held on while her received about fifteen slight jabs of a pocket knife. Dr. McFadyen patched things up. Miss Ethel Hinshaw, of High Point, is visiting her father, I. G. Hinshaw, near Millboro. Randle man Times. . ' How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catnrrli Cure. K. J. CHENEY &CO., Toledo, t). We, tne undersigned, Dave kiiowu r. J. i nrm'y for the last 1 years, and believe him perfectly hnnnruble in all business transactions, ami linan- clallv able to curry out any obligations made by his H'rm. WALDIN. KINNAN fc M AKV1N. w holesalc DrugKlsU, loiooo, r. Hnll's Catarrh Cure Is tnkon Intemallv. actlnir directly upon the blood and mucous sin faces of the yteni. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottle . Hold by all Driuotisut. SAYINGS OF SUSAN B. AN. THSOY. "Who can doubt that when the representative women of thought and culture, who are to-day the moral backbone of our nation, sit in counsel with the best men of the country higher conditions will be the result?" "I do not agree that we have too many voters now. Instead of that, I eay ire have just one half enough, for a majority of the opinions of all the people combined is sure to be better than the opinion of any ore class. They call it a 'mistake' giv ing to poor and uneducated men the right to vote; whereas the greatest wrongs in our government are per petuated by rich men,the wire-pulling agents of the corporations and monopolies, in which the poor and the ignorant htve no part." It is in order to lift the millions, of our wage-earning women into a position of as much power over their own labor as men possess that they should be invested with the fran chise. This ought to be done net only for the sake of justice to the women, but to the men with wh m they compete-" "I nrge all to study the intricate problems of bettering the world; not merely the individual sufferings in it, but the general conditions. Such studv will show the great need of a new balance of power in the body politic; and the canscienti ous student must arrive at the con clusion that this will have to be ob tained by enfranchising a nr.v class women." night Thinking and Self-Control. Zopyrus, the physiognomist, said, "Socrates' features showed that he was stupid, brutal, sensual, and ad dicted to drunkenness." Socrates upheld the analysis by saying: "By nature I am addicted to all these sins, and they were only restrained and vanquished by the continual practice of virtue." Jimerson says, in ettect, "The virtue you would like to have, as sume it as already yours, appropri ate it, enter into the part and live the character just as the great act or is absorded in the character of the part he plays." No matter how great your weakness or how much you may regret it, assume steadily and persistently its opposite until you acquire the habit of holding that thought, or of living the thing, not in its weakness; but in its whole ness, in its entirety. Hold the ideal of an efficient faculty or quali ty, not of a marred, or deficient one. The way to reach, or to attain to any thing, is to bend oneself toward it with all one s might; and we ap proximate it just in proportion to the intensity aud the persistency of our effort to attain it. If von are inclined to be verv ex citable aud nervous, if you 'fiy all to pieces over the least annoyance, do not waste your time regretting this weakness, and telling everybody that you cannot help it. Just as sume the calm, deliberate, quiet, bal anced composure, which character izes your ideal person in that res pect. Persuade yourself that you are not nervous or excitable, that you can control yourself; that you are well balanced; that you do not fly off on a tagent at every little an--noyance. You will be amazed to see how the perpetual holding of this serene, calm, quiet attitude will help you to become like your thought. O. S. Morden in Suc cess Magazine. Chatacter Deeds no recommend ation. It pleads its own cause. "Success Magazine." Do Not Vote. The Wilmington Dispatch has the following sensible words to say which are worthy of considera tion: "Do not vote for any man unless you know his platform. If he ex pects and asks your vote it is in just ice to yourself that you know where he ii at. Won t it be manly for him to come out and sayes what h advocates. If he doeBn't give an opportunity of knowiug which side he is on don t vote tor mm. lie careful that he doesn't try to fool you with subterfuges, or to 'sort soap you into forget fulness. Let him tell you his position in plain, posi tive language and it he dosn't don't vote for him, for a man wno won t state his platform doesn't deserve offi ce and cannot be relied upon if he obtains it. "And above all else' don't pledge vourself in a careless, foolish wav. Don't pledge yourself at all unless it be lo get in the race. There is no necessity for a pledge, save in the case mentioned, and even then be careful about that exceptional pledge. Don't take anything fcr granted. No matter who the man :s find out his platform. There is many a day before the primary, but be on the alert nevertheless. "Be warned in time." If you want blank deeds we have them. If jou want almost any sort of a blank we have it. Ayers If your blood Is thin and im pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know Sarsaparilla the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60 years. A doctor's medicine. " I owe my tlffl, without doubt, to Ayer't BarsnparlllH. It is the most wmitlerful inedl. cine in tlio world Tor nnrvousiiess. My cure Ii permanent, mill I twmnt thmik von enough." Slits. Delia McWkll, ftuwark, N. J. for Poor Health Laxative doses of Ayer's Pills each night greatly aid the Sarsaparilla (THE CAROLINA)! COOK STOVE Guaranteed to give entire Satisfaction in everyway. This etove has every modern improveTent including extent ion top shelf, side shelf, kicker, nickle towel rod, Dickie knobs, orna mental base. Every stove nicely polished. If yonr merchant does not sell these stoves, write us and we will quote specially low prices delivered at your railroad station. Every stove guaranteed. Manufactured by G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, Greensboro, N. C. For sale by Lewis & Winslow Hdw. Co., Asheboro, N. C, The Watkins-Leonard Co., Ramseur, N. C. You Furnish the Bride We Furnis the Come. Just receivd nice line Parlor and Bed Room Suits, ouches, Upholstered Parlor Sui s, Pic tures, Hall Racks, etc. We have an assortment permitting us to furnish the home in keep ing with any purse. We are also prepared to serve the public as Funeral Directors in a careful and courteous man ner. Kearns & Fox. DR. F. A. HENLEY, ASHEBORO. N. C. Nitr.ru Jci'iil Oxygen for painlessEx traetions Offices First Booms Over the Bank of Randolph. Does Your Hat Match Your Face? If not, wear one that does. Go to Mrs Blair's Millinery where you will find the new est and most desirable shapes for spring. More gcods expected daily. Mrs. E. T. Blair, Asheboro. N. C. W. W. JONES Grocer can furnish you the best in sea sonable edibles. If it is for din ner, supper or breakfast consult him. He always has fine flour, fresh butter, as well as variety of delicacies. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine wets. Seven Miffion boxe told In past 12 months. ThlS Signature, Spring- Styles Are Here. The Remnant Sale recently advertised in these columns was a greater success by far than we expected. Our customers swept our counters and shelves almost clear of all goods of this class. Believing the ladies of Asheboro and Randolph county would appreciate the opportunity to select their spring dresses and furnishings before warm weather begins we have filled our counters thirty days early with the most complete and attractive line of Dress Goods, Laces, Embroid eries, Etc, ever shown by us. They embrace all the most popular fabric and patterns. A few we mention which are popularized in fashion centres, and will be largely worn during the coming spring and summer are Taffeta Gingham, White and Brown linen for shirt waists. For more dressy suits Lansdowne, an imported fabric of wool and silk, has taken a lead; while shadow checks and printed Silk Tissu are becoming notably popular. Besides our regular line of trimmings we have just received a large shipment of laces, hamburgs and em broideries, which were imported by New York dealers, and will only be da sale here for ten days. Spring Hats for Men. Large line of Hats in straws, furs and panamas, the shapes to be worn during the coming season are already on sale at our store, all and see them. Moriis-Scarboro Moffitt Co. Free Delivery. iThe Vital Point. I 1 When it comes to eating you wan some- A thing you like. The same applies to the J I necessary articles for the dining room.where w you do your eating. " Dining Room Suites and Fine $ ! Theodore Havener Dinner Se ts from $25.oo to Sloo.oo per set. A I We are adding a full line of Mantels, Til- J ) ing and Grates that will be worth your while Z to inspect. t Mattings of all Kinds j Rugs, Axminister Velvets and Burtworth t Wiltons, varying in price from $2o to $65. J A call will convince you. A ! People's House Furnishing Co., if The Spring Outlay Miller's is the Place- Something to please all. New goods already here, more coming. Merchandise bought at this store stands for style and quality, bears inspection and is offered at prices that invite most rigid comparison. Our line of new spring dress goods, and trimmings eclipse anything ever shown in our store. The latest fads in furnishings for ladies, gentlemen and childrens boys and girls can be found in our immense stock of goods. W. J. MILLER, ASHEBORO, N.C We Handle High Point Buggies, J. I. Nissen Wagons, Empire Drills, orn Planters, Johnston Harvesting Machin ery, Mowers, ultivators, Plows, Stoves, Ranges, Mill Supplies, Builders Hardware, Buggy and Wagon Harness, Stag Paint, 1 gallon makes 2; Roofing, Barb and Smooth Wire and everything in the hard ware line. See us before you buy we can save yo money. Lewis & Winslow To Cure a Cold in One Day Phone No. 7. High Point, N. C. J Hardware Company. .J Cures Crip In Two Days. on every rujfy box. 25c 1 Let the good work go on. iUKe nun a ruuiii rua 101 cousbii'uiioii.

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