CALL FOR COURIER CLUB RAISERS. Enter Your Name On Our List at Once and Win One of the Premiums Offered. Hundreds of Dollars will be Distrib uted in Presents During the Next Few Weeks. In arranging this contest we have endeavored to offer a reward to workers sufficient to make them en thusiastic and at the same time make the work of securing subscribers easy, so they could not fail to win prizes Every one who pays one dol ar IN ADVANCE will get free with The Courier one of these papers oneyear, the Woman's Magazine, The Metropolitan and Rural Home, The Southern Agriculturist, or the Farm and Fireside for one year. This contest begins NOW and will cloBe July 1, 1906. The person whosends us the largest number of subscriptions during that time will receive as a prize a handsome Na tional Sewing Machine, which sells for $65.00. To the person who sends in cent subscribers to count one sub scription in the contest. Now here are the "sure things" prizes inose you u v you can get whether you win one of the oth er prizes or not. To every person sending us twelve subscribers at one time with twelve dollars, we will give a handsome water set the best made, or, if you prefer, a set of genuine Kodgers knives and forks, either of these sell anywhere for $5.00 to $6.00: Or to any person, who will send us 18 sub scriptions with $18.00, we will send both these premiums. But that is not all, we make another offer that every bodv can get and that is that every worker, who will send us six subscription at one time accompai- eu dv so.uu. we win give A VIGOROUS PROTEST. the second Ingest list of subscribers rZZS we will eive a Champion JNew Home . , , v , Sewing Machine, price $65.00, give a nanasome stereoscope and 48 colored scenes from all parts of Kt..;r. fnrna I wiorsu But . iv:.i i:0.av,a;h0rflw-1 of the world. This breakfast set the third largest list of subscribers we will give one Carolina Cook Steve never sold and it for less than $4.00 pany. To the person sending fourth lareest list we will the give a The Labr Lendera Memorialise the Republicans. Tbe memorial of the labor organlza tions of the country to President Roose velt, Speaker Cannon and the presiding officer of the senate for remedial legis lation and relief from conditions about which organized labor complains Is one of the greatest political events of this generation. In effect it declares that If no relief is granted the American Fed eration of Labor will discard Its non polltlcal garb and will enter upon the nonpartisan plan of uniting the votes of all its members ngalust those poli ticians of all parties who have refused or neglected to vote for the legislation labor demands and who have voted for such legislation as the repeal of the eight hour bill in Panama. It will also mass nil Its -voters for those candi dates of either party who have proved friendly. The plan to be followed Is to ques tion those candidates whose position on labor legislation has not been dis closed and combine the labor vote on those who pledge themselves favorably. That. will be a pretty tough proposition for many Republican candidates, who rely upon the Manufacturers' asso ciation for campaign funds, for the written pledges of candidates will be published, and their usual plan of promising everything to ' everybody will hardly answer. There was a test vote taken in the bouse of representatives on Jan. 26, which will be found recorded on page 1,502 of the Congressional Record of the present session of congress on the question of repealing the application of the eight hour law to alien labor em ployed on the Isthmian canal. The Re publicans votal unanimously for the repeal and the Democrats solidly against the extension of the hours of work. That vote is one of the questions raised in the memorial of the Ameri can Federation of Labor. The Republican managers reported a I special rule, to be adopted without de-1 THE SOUTH MUST LEAD Invitation to Command the Na tional Democracy. EULOGY OP SOUTHERN STATESMEN wiri. R list with nine, including aD" la W0Iln -uu ywnere full and complete cooking outfit and the stereoscope and views which sells everywhere for $18.00. ?re ,7rtfh J"11?.. as mucas tne This stove is on exhibition at the breakfast set, or if any worker will Lewis & Winslow Hardware Com- 8en4 ? 10 ubscnpt.ons accom- these handsome premiums. We know you will wonder how j genuine American movement inaies offe Tq be fnmk with i bate t0 force tuls repeal of eight -vatcb made Dy tne JNew lone own- coujdnt if we diJ not know from j hour law as an amendment to the ur dard Watch Company, fitted in a I sperience that three-fourths of the I eent deficiency bill, and the labor side cold filled hunting case, warranted ay.e-:hara ,:.i : n.:. of this outrageous action was well tor zu years, it is a oieiu-wmuei and stern-setter, and in every way a reimoie time Keeper. x.uca t.u We are payiug you haailsonuI ' ,nff votp of ; rned stntes of the Handsomely engraved. simply to get them started for us. opportunity to come before the ap- To the worker who sends us the The merit of the paper itself will nroprlate committee and give their evl- fif th largest list we will give a watch j0 the rest and in the on run we ; denoe as to why this proposition should with movement like the foregoing wjjl make a profit and you will be description except a ten year gnara ' Joing- your community a good turn teed case. by inducing the people to read a To the person sending us the paj,er which teaches them how to sixth largest list we will give nUike more money from their farms a pair of Queen Quality Shoes ' and jn various occupations, worth $3.50. These shoes are on i To evervone who sends us as much exhibition at Messrs Wood & Mor- na $ioo.OO for subscriptions and ing's Store. job work together we will give a The person sending us the Champion New Home Sewing Ma- seventh largest list will receive chine, The Pernicious Tendencies and Bane ful Corruption of the Republicans, The Country Ready to Intrust Vigilant and Reputable Democracy VltU Porver. The southern states are the strong hold of Democracy, for when other lections went off Into un-Democratlo fields the south stood steadfast for the party of the people. Heretofore the south has been very modest, even with advice, at national conventions and has brought forward no candidates for the national nominations except In an In different way from the debatable bor der states, such as Missouri and Mary- laud. The country sorely needs honesty, and Democrats must rescue the gov ernment from the party of graft, greed and scandals that now Is in power. Tbe steadfast south, whose unwavering de votion to Democratic principles has withstood the bribes and gibes of the enemy, has now been Invited to lead in the reorganization of tbe party on tiie old and undisputed doctrine of 'equal rights to nil aud special privi lege to none." This invitation comes from the state that has heretofore al ways been dominant in dictating party polleies and candidates, but Is now ready to follow the lead of the south, which has hitherto been content to fol low what have been considered the necessary but doubtful states.. At Charlotte, N. C, Judge Tarker lately made a speech urging the south to take the lead lu party management and further said: "Hut the time has come when new duties and responsibilities must be un dertaken by the Democrats of the s.Hith. It is more than twoscore years way will be turned into regular I LT- Ml"- rmlerW00d f Alabamn' ! hUu o ti.o war closed, and people ,v.0,.;i, u i r .i i who said. i themselves upon the threshold of subscnb is at the end of the year. nrp depriving the great labor-, wIwt ,n.oini8e9 to be the most remark- not be adopted and why It Is detrimen tal to the labor conditions of this coun try if they desire to do so, and I can say to you I know they do desire to do so. You say that this relates to alien labor. One might be led to be lieve that you did not know anything about the principles on which the con tentions for the eight hour law are founded when you state that proposi tion. Is not the alien laborer the com-' petitor of American labor as any other American laborer? If you want to American la-; un the stand- pair of celebrated lung Bee shoe, i nnl of his competitors? if you pull a pair of the celebrated White House Any young man who wants a pi ir i"np ie" unXipds of' Patent Leather JMucher Ladies of "Keiths Konqueror" snoes, or a : borer, must you not keep Shoes worth 3.50. These shoes can pair of celebrated King Bee shoe. I nnl of his competitors? be seen at anytime at the Morris- or a pair of Crossett's best shoes, I down the standard of the competitor ! dl,rulti m p0litl Scarboro-Moflitt Co's Store. each and every pair sells for $5.00 ! of American labor and open the field i p(Hl ns'jje- pr0I The person sending us tne eigtn i the world over, or if vou want free ror nis p(""iet largest list will receive a pair of j the best railroad watch ever made 8tant,anl or A etitor down must come the American labor with It of Wnman'l Dn unn rvon Larn l,nu, t nn tl .necessity. Walkfng Shoes, worth 3.50. It can ny getting subscriptions ol -job wo ! JZZ' be seen at Mr W J Miller'- store. j for The Coueier. I ..T Ral(1 OI . ' tlme aco tbat the time The worker sending us the ninth , Aow the facts are all before you 1 would come when one more drop would j fh nmnrl in largest subscription list we will give and the contest is on. DON'T : overflow the cup of your Insolence and j t0 nttornPV n.pnerai been compelled to free a beautiful 52-piece porcelain WAIT U VTIL TO-MORROW TO your triumph. This is about the drop j hnu, tnpmVto the criminal courts. In breakfast set. BEGIN WORK. Start now and wi" do n- You talk about beln the aee of this record you have not To the person sending ua the keep it up, if you want one of the ! Pcullar'y the Party representing Amer- only pornjitttHl M9 of the north to pre- tenth largest subscriptions we will big prizes. We will send vou sam- ,cftn labor withi" the Araerlcnn iulo.n- sent to you candidates for president pive & handsome water set vortn i pie copies, if vou ask for them, hut' . 1 " . i ant vice presiuem, um you u lusm- S !- , . . , . . : . sucn a manner ns inut me Amencau pre able business development the world has ever known within tbe same time and space? Some of your men have gone forth to command the highest suc cess, in the most honorable way, In the greatest financial and commercial movements of tho time; others have become the managers of great railway interests; you have developed great manufacturing enterprises, and, most difficult of all, your people, as a whole, have so maintained and Increased their own position and the dominance of the country in one of the greatest products of the sjil as to make them the wonder and admiration of the world. "In spite of your devotion to princi ple and consistency in the face of nu merical Importance that was prepou- cs only have you step- From the earliest day you have sent your best men into public life. Thry have been at once modest, able, devoted, patriotic and honest. No Jail or penitentiary has opened Its hos pitable doors to admit your senators, representatives or governors, nor have w, from detectives To AdvartlMr. The Courier has spent large sums of money in working up its circulat on and to-day it thorough ly covers Randolph and adjoiuing counties besides having a large list throughout this and other states. But we are working to build up Randolph county and the Piedmont section of .North Carolina. To this end we have built-our cir cujation, that our advertisers and the community might secure the greater publicity. We have improved our plant and enlarged our paper all of which necessarily increases expenses. Hence this article notifying our advertisers that after March 1st, 1006, the advertising rate is as fol lows: Per inch one time 25c " " " month per issue 20c " " two months " " 17c " " kix " and over " " 15c Reading notices will l.e charged at the rate of one cent per word. No reader ac cepted for less than 25c. Ail bills purable monthly. Our circulation is not made up of dead heads and exchanges, but puying subscribers, who send us the cash for, their subscription. Few are more than six months in arrears nd nianv are paid in advance. This shows that we circulate among a prosperous people the class that advertisers desire to reach. The Couhier appreciates tbe patronage accorded it in the past and pledges every effort to give value received for future business placed with it. Why suffer with spring tiredness, mean, cross feeling, no strength, no appetite HolHster s Rocky Moun tain lea will make you well and keep you well. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Asheboro Drug Comuauv. Don't let the children suffer. If they are fretful, peevish nnd cross give them Holister's Kockv Moun tain Tea. The best bbv tonic known. Strength and h fol low its use. 35 cents. Asheboro DruiT Company. ill ii iiii Tin The Cause of Many There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep tive. Aianysuciuen deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed toad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained ouickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. bwamp-Koot is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention readme this crenerous oiler in this paper. Don't make any mistake, nut remember the name,Swatnp-. Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. : Fine Poultry for Sale Barred Plymouth Rocks. S. C. Brown Leghorns. Eggs $1.00 per 15. Carolina Stock & Poultry Farm. C. U. Hinshaw, Proprietor, R. F. D. No. 6, Greensboro, N. C. Publishers and- rinters. We Manufacture the Very Highest Grade of Type Brass Rule in Strips Brass Labor Saving Rule Brass Column Rules Brass Circles Brass Leaders Brass Round Corners Brass Leads and Slugs Brass Galleys Metal Borders L S MetalJFurniture Leads!and Slugs Metal Leaders Spaces and Quads 6 to 48 point Metal Quoins, etc. cost Old Column Rules refaced and made as good as new at a small Pkase remember that we are not in any Trust or Combination a 7 . : , such a manner ns mat tne American nnnn doln- - -nd have then v-cov. h.i i.ihum wot c c uvt m auy nusiui jumuinauun we do not furnish receipts and sub- J capitalist may collect the returns, and j ZtXtor tLm. and 1 that, too! when aiid are sure that we can make ifc greatly to your advantage to deal iuC -"""6 v" ; i : Vr "Xu"f . I wtieneTer lDere 18 a cnance Ior ru 10 ! sometimes no other states did so." largest iihi. vl auuocnucio nm ic-uu;hucib upuu receipt ra ine list ! stau American laDor unaer me nun no After plainly presenting to the minds ceive a 14-piece combination Ameri can Beauy Rose silver set, consist ing of 1 dozen Tea Spoons, Sugar Shell and Butter Knife to match, pure coin silver plated over nickel plate on hard metal base, packed in fancy box. Every dollar sent we count one subscription. It will take two fifty and amount enclosed peice of paper will do. Don't send stamps, rut tne silver dimes in an envelope and fold it np and put in another envelope which bears the stamp and address and they will not be lost. Address all letters to Thr Courier, Asheboro, N C. An ordinary , yon stab It, and this Is one of the ; of hS nudlence ti,e Democratic dls- tion with US. A copy of our Catalogue will be cheerfully furnished on applica- ! PslltencM Declining Dear Mr. Editor: I notice, in your last issue, an interesting ar ticle on the above subject, indicating that such is the case, beyond a doubt it is true and the cause of it is not hard to locate. We find the' conditions of polite ness, just as portrayed in Prof. Craven's article, in cities, towns and schools and to great extent throughout the country. Hence, no wonder the Journal that pub lished the article be styled a re freshing exception to the general rule. It may seem strange on first thought why the poverty-stricken poor, and the old time negroes, are the most genteel and polite of our day and race; why they really love each other most, and haye a nobler opinion than those in higher life have even of their own class members. The thing ia selfishness pare, un adulterated selfishness, that should be condemned on all occasions in the pulpit, school room, around the fireside, on the streets, in busi ness affairs and at every turn of life. Then pure and nobis politeness will flourish like a beautiful tree planted in rich soil beside many waters. The ladies in poor little down trodden Cuba, and even before they were free, felt slighted by our boI diers, when passed without recogni tion. "Como esta, bonita senorita," meaning, "How-do-you-do, beautiful young lady," would always bring Wk expressions of gratitude and th&nki from their hearts. I All the South has to pay for its bustling business, must never rob it of its already scanty gentility. It is the contaminating influence of greed that makes us selfish, so let us get out, clean up the trash and live more polite. J. F. Hamilton. Central Falls, N. C. A Good Suggestion. Mr. C. B. Wainwnght of Lemon City Fla., has written the manufact urers that much better results are obtained from the aw of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus by taking it in water as hot as can be drank. That when taken ine this way the effect is donble in rap idity. "It seems to get at the' right spot instantly," he says. For sale by Standard Drug Co., Asheboro, W. A. Underwood, Randleman. StcrMacapeJFrM. If yon will send as three new sub scribers during the month of May we will send you a fine stereoscope with 24 beautiful views, provided you will send ns 25 cents for pos tage and packing. FOR SALE. St. Luke M. E. Church o South Fayetteville Street, Asheboro, N. C. formerly known as' the Bulla Grove, tor particulars call on orraddress 8. M. Hanes, pastor in charge, or J. W. Urower. trustee. chances you have bad lately, and you are stabbing now." 80 here Is a concrete case where the Republican leaders refused to allow the representatives of organized labor to even be heard in their own behalf on one of the most Important questions that labor Is Interested In. To memo rialize a Republican congress or presi dent Is only time, thrown away by the labor people. For at least ten years organized labor has been begging the dominant party to pass an antl-lnjunc-tion bill and other legislation, bnt a deaf ear has been turned to their re quest, although Just before an election the bouse once or twice passed a bill, knowing It would be allowed to lapse In the senate. With this record of tbe Republicans it Is no wonder tbat tbe labor leaders have at last decided upon more stren uous action that will produce results. A Traat DeaoaMC4. That bridge trust in Ohio that the Republicans have fostered has all the characteristics of tbe worst features of the sugar trust, the beef combine or any of the other octopl that the Re publican party has made possible by tariff and other protective legislation. Tbe attorney general of Ohio declared before the Judiciary committee of the legislature tbat "I never knew of a conspiracy so Infamous, so thoroughly steeped In crime, as tbe bridge trust" Politic A-booatlnir. With the president scurrying around after cabinet material and Secretary Taft appealing for help to make np his mind, the senate, all mixed np on railroad rate regulation and the Re publican members of the bouse trying to show tbe dear people bow they love them, Washington Is having all the po litical excitement It cares for. Statement Prored. Jndge Tarker in his late speeches did not say, "I told you so," but he again expressed the opinion that the Repub lican party Is "rotten to the core," which even President Roosevelt will now hardly deny In view of recent exposures. asters of the past ten years Jndge Par ker continued: "When such conditions confront you why should you hesitate any longer? Ton have borne the beat and burden of the day. Your statesmen have demon strated their ability not only to take care of the Interests of their states and their section, but they have been the only dam against aggression at home and the threat of discredit abroad. Among them are men with the knowl edge, experience, honesty and courage to represent their fellow partisans without the surrender of principle and their fellow countrymen with safety and honor. 1 "The time has come when the really, effective Democrats of tbe country should be recognized and when they themselves should no longer hesitate, decline or refuse to seek or to accept those honors which are their Just due for work well done. I believe firmly tbat It will do better, because It will at once eliminate the factions which7 are Inevitable so long as their leaders feel tbat they have only to capture a few state organizations In the north, nomi nate their candidate and then depend upon the south to support and elect him. If possible. "But If this course would give southern Democrats the recognition they deserve It will also put them upon their mettle. It will make It necessary for them to Insist upon devotion ' to Ideas and principles, to avoid, as their character and traditions assure, ex treme policies, to keep themselves thor oughly In touch with all the elements to be found In a national and progress ive party and to be ready and willing to anticipate and promote all tbe needs of a great country. . "If we ore honest with ourselves, earnest and vigilant in the recognition of those popular needs which are both safe and Democratic and regardful of our own Ideas and traditions, we shall again be Intrusted with power, and we shall be ready for it When this time comes the south ought to be, and, In deed, It must be, tbe one great effec tive force hi bringing about such a hap py consummation sorely needed If our Institutions are to endure Inviolate." Fhitadephia Printers' Supply Co. Manifaeturara of Type a-nd High Grade Printing Material Proprietors 39 North Ninth 1 Sereet PENN TYPE FOUNDRY PHILADELPHIA A New and Handsome Watch for Ladies. : : Only $11.79 With One Year's Subscription to the Ashe boro Courier, Or we will give this watch for 40 subscriptions at $1 each. This is the most attractive watch we have yet offered and it is as good as it looks. A genuine American movement made by the New York Standard Watch Co. fitted in a Gold Filled hunting case, warranted for 20 years. A stem-winder and Stem-setter, and in every way a reliable time-keeper. Each case is handsomely engraved. REMEMBER, this ia tbe regular siza ladies watch, the most popular one for ladies and girls. Men and boys often prefer this aize watch to the larger ones. The movement haa 7 jewels, train bearing in metal setting, quick train, lever set, enameled dial and is made by one of the best companies of America. This movement fitted in our 20 year guaranteed case makes the greatest watch bargain ever offered for the price we are making. We ex pect every watch sent out to bring several more order. The watches are delivered by registered mail, and we insure their delivery in good running order. r Order promptly. Tbe watch may be sent to one address and tha paper td another, if so desired. THE COURItR. Asheboro, N. C We Sell the Earth! 000000000000000000 t If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armficld (EL Laighlin. Real Estate Dealers.

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