GOVERNMENT CONTROL Equal Justice to People Railroads. and DEMOCRATIC POLICY OUTLINED. Republicans Invited to Join In Mak ing the Hepburn Bill Effective The Shipper Mut Be Protected From the Law's Delay A Reasonable Proposition, That was a most interesting debate oil tbe railroad rate regulation bill which occurred in the senate ou March 7, in which Senator Bailey of Texas outlined a policy for the Democrats on what Senator Tillman termed the "spi nal cord of this whole question." Sen ator Bailey stated that when a rate is once established by the interstate com merce commission "It is not unreason able to require that that rate shall re main in force until tbe question has been thoroughly determined upon its merits by the court. To suy that a rate established by a commission of men supposed to be especially fit for the performance of that duty shall be set aside by a Judge who may know everything about the law, but may know very little about the justice of a railroad rate, is, to my mind, conceding more than congress is under the neces sity of conceding to what are called 'the inherent equity powers of the court.' " But Senator Bailey clinched his con tention by saying that "in view of the fact that in most of the states in the Union when the railroad comes to take the citizen's property and they disagree about the price which shalj be paid the carrier is authorized to ap ply to the court for the appointment of a commission, and when that commis sion assesses the value of the property actually taken and the damages to the remainder of the tract the carrier can deposit the assessment with the court and appropriate the citizen's property to its use, it seems to me we are not asking too much when the citizen is compelled to apply to the commission to assess the value of the carrier's serv ice to permit the citizen to have it at the value assessed by a commission, just as the railroad was permitted to take the citizen's property at the value assessed by a commission. "It does not seem to nie that there is any difference in principle, and I sug gest that we all agree upon an amend ment which provides against the sus pension of rates by interlocutory de cree, and then in Justice to the car rierbecause I want to be just to the railroad as well as I do to the shipper expedite the decision. I have never seen the hour when I would consent to close the doors of the courts of this country to any person, nor have I ever seen the time that I wanted to obstruct the free and open access of every man to the courts of this country for the protection of his property rights. But opening the doors as wide to the rail roads as to the shipper ami I want them to stand equally open and as widely open to one as to the other still it seems to me that we should pro vide for the rate established by the commission to remain in effect until finally suspended by the court upon a full Investigation Into the merits of the case and provide that when this suit shall be instituted it shall have precedence over every other case on the ducket of a different nature, first in the trial court and then iu the court to which it might be appealed. When that is done there can be no serious delay in the final adjudication of the case upon Its merits." That should appeal to every one as a fair proposition, and if the Republic ans are really In earnest to enact a law that will protect the shippers from un reasonable rates and prevent the rail roads from taking advantage of the law's delay they will join Senator Bai ley, as he invited them to, in perfecting and voting for such an amendment to the Hepburn bill as will Insure relief, because it will stand the constitutional test that the supreme court must eventually decide. FOR BOTH Ona disease of thinness in children is scrofula; in adults, joiisuniption. Doth have poor i'iood : both need more fat. These diseases thrive on lean ness. Fat is tiie best menus of vi;voniing them; cod liver oil viikes the best mid healthiest fat f. nd SCOTT'S EMULSION the easiest and most effective Win of cod liver oil. Here's a natural order of things that shows why Scott's Emulsion is 'if so much value in all cases of scrofula and consumption. More far. more weight, more nourish ment, that's why. St'nJ for five sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-415-Pearl Street, New York r.Oc. and $1.00 It II K All druggtitt OUT OF POLITICS. Ei.Gov, C'hai. B. Aycock Doe Not An il I re to tbe Honors of Senator. In a recent interriew upon the rumor that ex-Gov. ii. Aycock would be a United States Senatorial aspirant Mr. Aycock said: "No, I am not a candidate Whenever in the past I have wanted a public position, I have never best tated to announce the fact. If I were a candidate for the United States Senate or intended to be, I should long since have notified my fi lends of my purpose. I am out of politics, and if I ever return to it mv friends eball know at once. CORPORATION COMMISSIONER. Randolph Mill Improvement. North Carolina is vear bv vear be coming a recognized factor in the manufacturing world. The Manu facturer's Record, of Baltimore, has devoted much space recently to ex ploiting her progress in cotton products. Among a large list of mills to be enlarged or machinery improved we note in 'Randolph: The Cedar Falls Manufacturing i Company expects to overhaul the machinery of both mills and add ! some uew equipment. I Tiie Fiauklinville Manufacturing i Company are adding new spinning frumes. The Worth Manufacturing ! Company, at Worthville, are con teinplx.ting new looms. The Carthage Blade says the bams and stables belonging to Mr. J. M. Spivey, who lives at Villanow, Moore county, were destroyed by fire one da; last week. All the con tents together with farm implements and two mules were destroyed. The Courier clubs are becoming popular. It is not much Double to get subscribers for The Couriep Everybody wants it and almost evervbodv in this section is a sub scriber or intends to become one Let the gojd work go on. I The standbatters will hnrdly dare stand out against abating the tariff on building materiul to the unfortue nate Sou Francisco sufferors .though tbey will still coutinue the tariff tax on homes for the balauce of us. Hon. Jntoh'A. Long, of Alamance, An uoiiuch II I h Candidacy for that Position. To the People of North Carolina: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the nomination as Cor poration Commissioner by State Convention Why Suffer From Rheumatism? Why suffer from rheumatism when one application of Chamber lain's Pain Balm will relieve the pain? The quick relief which this t)e liniment affords makes rest and j sleep possible, and that alone is I pledge myself, if nominated, to worth many times its cost. Many do all in mv power to establish: 1st. Passenger fares at two cents per mile. 2nd. A reduction of freight rates to a point which will leave the railroads fair and reasonable divi dends on the actual value only of their property, after excluding watered stock and bonds and ex horbitant salaries. 3rd. Taxation of railroads upon the same valuation upon which they are entitled to earn dividends. I rospectfully ask the support of all those who favor these reforms iu the interest of the public. Jacoh Loxo. Gruham,,X. C, April 21, 190G. Accidents Will Happen Use forSprains.Bnrises SorfeMuscIes,Cuts Burns & Scalds A1AJI Dealers Price2JfJ0fM Sometimes it takes a woman who says but little a long time to say Jt, L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N.C. otters his professional service to the citizens of Asheboro'and surrounding community. Offices: At Residence Dr. J. V. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN - AND - SURGEON Office Asl.'dWo Hrufl Co. Residence Come, of Main and Worth Si reels. Asheboro, N. O. Dr. Earl S. Sloan M Boston r1&s&U.S.A.-V land sale. Uy virtue of an order of the superior court of Hundolrih countv in the special proceeding entitled Ijewis 1' York Ailmr et al V J M York et al, I will on the 4tli day of Juno Partisanship Defeated. The rank injustice of tlio Republican statehood bill ns passed by tbe house has been remedied by the Democratic senators joining with n few Republic ans, Toting to amend the bill so as to give statehood to Oklahoma and Indian Territory nnd leaving to the future the question of admitting New Mexico and Arizona. The Republican partisan plan of forcing tbe two last named terri tories into the Union as one state when their people are bitterly opposed to such a partnership because It Is expect ed that the Democrats will carry Okla homa and thus increase their vote In the United States' senate, but cannot carry New Mexico and Arizona com bined, was thus fortunately defeated. It now remains for the Republican par tisans of the house to back down In ac cordance with common sense and fair play or' take the responsibility of de feating tbe bill. Sees Breakers Ahead. Representative Littauer, of army glove contract fame and tbe warm personal friend and close political ad viser of President Roosevelt, has an nounced bis Intention of retiring at the end of his present term. After the Toters set through with their Job next November there will be a good many other compulsory retirements. Lit tauer evidently sees rocks ahead. Pluye Oat Falter. At the rate tbe dirt is flying at Pan we of this feneration are quite as likely to enjoy the millennium as to wee tbe completion of the The Republicans should wr.fce 'up. This 4'.anding pnt on evcrytUug c played Judge Sliaw. We ' wish to go on record for Judge Shaw to succeed himself on the Bench. First, we want, him because he is a man who knows the law and gives everv man lich or poor a square deal in his court. Second, we want him because he is a Judge and not a politician. This is perhaps the onlj reason that ought to be given for his re-election. Third, he has done more for the cause of tempeiance than any one man we have known on the Bench. lie has been cal'cd "cruel as the grave," but no one who really knows the man will say this of him. The State owes it to itself and especially to its own moral welfare to re-elect this mau to succeed him self. Catawba News. Historic Mill. dam at Hamburg The dam at Hamburg Mill, eight miles from Greensboro, belong ing to Col. James T. Morehead bu rated Wednesday. A party of negroes camping below the dam narrowly escaped drowning. Hamburg dam will be repam-d, and the oiu water mill, which foi more than a cencuiy has ground the old fashioned water meal excellent ly on the old fashioned mill stones, will coutinue its blessed career. W hen Coruwallis was in Guilford, he used this mill 'or grinding, it be ing but a short distance from where be joined Greene in battle at Guil ford Courthouse. Why lake a dozen things to cure that cough? Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar allays the conges tion, stops that tickling, diives the cold out through your bowels. Sold by Standard Drug Company and Asheboro Drug Company. The average man is always nurs ing the hope that he may some day encounter an easy mark who has more dollars than sense. See that yonr drnggist gives yon no imitation when you ask for Ken nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, the original Laxative cough syrup Standard Drug Company and Ashe horo DrugCompary. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollnn Reward for nr cane of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY fcCO., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J, Cheney for the lat 15 years, and believe him perfectly lioitnruble til all business transaction, and tinaii. iillv able to tarry out anv nblieatioiis mode by bis ilrin. WALPINM, KINNAN A MARVIN. Wholesale liruccisls, Toledo. O. Hull'k Catarrh Cure Ik lukeu internally, actinic dirietly i:p.iiThu biwnl niiU inuenus Mirfuee of tlie .) Hioin. leM'iiioti'uls sent free, I'nee, TAi. "' Win!" Kt'.tl bv nil llT'Ul-'itS. t. ke il.'.li'- ramil l'il. i'ir omstiijaiUin. who have used it hoping only for a short relief from suffering have been happily surprised to find that j mots, at 12 'o'clock M at the the court hou: artcr awhile the relief became per manent. Mrs. V. H. Leggett of Yum Yum, Tennessee, TF. S. A., writes. "I am a great sufferer from rheumatism, all over from head to foot, and Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that will relieve the pain." For sale by Standard Drug Co. Asheboro, W. A., Under wood, liandlenian. Itnral School Libraries. There are now iu the state 1, 259 rural public school libraries, established uuder the act of the legislature providing for libraries where the citizens of the district, the county board and the state ap propriate $10 each for the purchase of books. Wake, Durham and For syth are among a large number of counties that have the full limit of eighteen libraries each. New Han over has twelve. door in Asheboro, X C, tell at public auction to the highest uiiluer the following desenheu tract of laud: A Tract adjoining the IumIs of Alfred Williams and others, beginning ut a post oak. original corner, thence East L'8 chains to a stone, Tabitlia illiums' corner; thence North wish her lino 34 4.1 chainsto a stake in the middle of the creek, said Williams' c ir ner; thence down the vui imis courses of the creek to a stake; thence East 7 50 chains to a stake; th nee South 23.5(1 chains to the l ginning. containing ti.'l acres, more or less Terms of sale, l-'.j cash, 1-3 iu three months, and 1-3 in six months1, the purchaser to give a bond and approved security for ti e deferred payments. Elijah MofFitt, Commission!, r. This Mayl, 11)00. Dr. S. A. HENLLY. Physician - and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO. N. C. Office over Spoon A Reckling's More neai Standard Drug Co. A C McALISTER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. Fire, Life and Accident Insur ance. The best companies represented. Offices over the Bank of Randolph. Little Money, But Big Money You will save money by paying cash for what you buy, and will avoid paying for goods you think you haven't bought.. So call on J. L. Norman and buy cheap, whera you will not be bothered with book account. Nice line Groceries, Notions, Overalls, Susper.ders, Pants, Shirts, etc. Jones' Old Stand, North side Depot street. Ayers Pills The great rule of health Keep the bowels regular. And the great medicine Aver's Pills. j&SFiEi: Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE a beautiful brawn or rich black ? Use fUH CT8. Of 1. !''"' uJl k. if. HALL 4 CU.. MASHl i. X. U It is possible toiobtain relief from i chronic indigestion and dyspepsia by I the use ol bVli DXb-l PEl'SIA. Some of the most hope- j less cases of long standing have I yielded to it. It enables you to! digest the food you eat and exer- i cises a corrective influeuce, building j up the efficiency of the digestive! organs. The stomach is the boiler j wherein the steam is made that; keeps up your vitality, health and streugth. Kodol digests what you i eat. Makes the stomach S'veet j puts the boiler in condition to do; the work nature demands of it i gives you relief frcm digestive uis-l ciders, and puts you in shape to doi your best, and feel your best. Sold j by standard Drug Company and Asheboro Drug Company Asheboro, N. C. A torpid, inactive liver can pro dace more bodily ills than almost anything else; It is good to clean the system out occasionally. Stir the liver up, and got into shape generally. The best results are derived fmm the use of DeWitt's Little Ejrly Risers. Reliable, ef fective, pleasant pill with a repu tation. Never gripe. Sold by Standard Drug Company and Ashe boro Drug Company Asheboro, N. C. New has just been received that Mr. Jofiephus Kennedy, of the Zion neighoorhood, died Tuesday n.orn ing. lie leaves a wife and two children. He hag been a x sufferer for some1 time and bis death was not altogether a surpris. He was a good ma" and will be mirsH in his neigh borbood. Thomaaville Cor. to The Dispatch. NEW "RAILROAD SPECIAL" WATCH. For a painful burn there is noth ing like DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salre. There are a host of imitations of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve on the market see tha you get the genu ine. Ask for DeWitt's. Good, too for sunburns, cuts, bruises, and especially recommended for piles. The name E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, is on every box. Sold by Standard Dru? Company and Ashe boro Drug Company. There ii more true philosophy in au inch of laughtrr than there is III u ii!u uf liUICtteU). An Extra Good One for Men and Boys on the Farm Reliable and Durable Stem Winding and Setting. I LA ROE HEAVY DUST-PROOF CASE. RAILROAD STYLE HANDSOME AND GOOD AS IT LOOKS. Tli8 watch him piovetl to be the mist popular trie ever made to sell for a reasonable price, and has gi ven excellent satisfaction. The large, Linvy 8ilver orle case is solid metal, and will nver tarnish or change color. It has a g.-rew-liack and screw-bezel, which tenders it dust-proof. Each oue ha a superior White Glass Enamel Dial and extra heavy cry!. Regular men's 18 eize, 3 oz. THE MOVEMENT. NEW ERA, Seven Jewel, Train Bearing in Metal Settings, Compensation .balance, Quick Train, Suftty Pinion. Made by the ' New York Standard Watch Co. Worth, Sherwood Shuttle Block Co., 7oo E. Washington St.. Greensboro. Highest cash price paid for DOGWOOD, PERSIMMON, MAPLE and BIRCH. M. S. Sherwood. Pres. Hiram B. Worth. Treas. J The Three Dependa- bles IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD Their value can't be toldjn money vick s troup and Pneumonia Cure Prevents and cures in every case applied externallv. 25. Vick's Yellow Pine Tar Cough Syrup Prevents consumption and cures worst cough, 25c. Vick's Turtle Oil Liniment Largest and best-for man and beast, 25c. These are money and life savers and no wise household will be without them. Take no substi tutes at your dealer's or send direct to L. Richardson, Manufacturing Chemist, Greensboro, N C. Asheboro Hotel READ THIS OFFER For f S.75 only we will send the elyive de-frilied watch, ty registered mail, postage paid by us, to any address. We include a year's m .ncription to the Courier with each watch without additional charge. Watch tuay be sent to one address acd the paper to another, if desired. .We undertake to deliver each watch in good running order, and guarantee same to be as represented, or we will give this watch prepaid for 12 subscriptions at f 1.00 each. Address all orders to - - THE COURIER. Box 154 Ashebcro, N. C. Main Street (Near Court House.) Thoroughly renovated and Refurnished Table supplied with the best the market (fords. Rates Reasonable, B. F. NEWBY, Prop. S Bryant. President J. U. Cole, Cashier T5hc Beaik of Ran.dlema.rt, Randleman, N. C. Capital $12,000. Surplus, $2,000. Accounts received on favorable terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hartsell. A N Bulla, S G Newlin, "W T Bryant, C L Lindsay, N N Newlin, S Bnant, 11 0 Barker and J H Cole. O R COX, President. W J ARMKIELD, V Pres W J ARM FIELD, Jr., Cashier. The Bank of Randolph, Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $36,000.00 $150,000.00 With ample assets, experience and protection, we solicit the business of the banking public slid (eel safe in saying we are prepared and willing to extend to our customers every facility and ao joiamodatiou consistent with safe banking. DIRECTORS! Hugh Parks. Sr., W J ArmBeld.W P Wood, P H Morris, C C McAlister. M Annfeld. ) K Cox, W F Redding, Bent Moffitt, Thos J Redding, A W K Cupel, A M Rankin, Thos a Redding, Dt F I Asburr, C i Cos. vrM4 60 YEARS' v EXPERIENCE Anvoneso'trttiii; InTcntinn ! pn Jia tlons strictly wiirtiiv; sent free. oMt nw tptrial noUes, without cbirce. j.ii A Cu. recsirt Scientific America!!. A handsomely lihwtntted weesly. Ijirmst etr eolsttnn ut nnf .Iinll0o Journal. Term.. Si .esr : fnur months. L Bold by all nswsdoalera. teX & Co . New Tort Branch UlDos. 635 F 8C Wubtugloo. I). C KCLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bosy Iledioict fir Boiy Feopl. . Brhtgi Goldaa Health tail Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Lire and Kidney Troubles. Pimples. Edema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Sluirgleh Bowels, Headache and Backache, It's Booky Mountain Tea In tab. f nn, 8R rants box. Genuine made ny '.ii.'.waa IJauo Coup, Madison, wis. -I'L-.U.: ;.'JG1ETS CR SAILCW fZ2?LZ