REVISION OF TARIFF Opposed by Republican Leaders as Impracticable. CANNON'S EXTEAORDINAET VIEWS OVER THE PRECIPICE. The "Common Mind" of the People la Giving- Much Trouble to the Kepub-Uoann-AliHurd Contention Thnt to Partially HevUe tbe Dlnaley Sched ule Would Destroy Home Industry. Speukor Cannon has boeii smoked out of his tariff holo and forced to give a reason why the tariff should not be revised, lie declared in a private let ter to a trust pottery manufacturer protected from competition by the tar iff that "the desire for a clmutfe wmcu exists In the common mind' will drive the Republican party, If continued lu j power, to a tariff revision." He said he did not want it, but It would have ! to come "in the not distant future." . This letter, having beeu published, compelled Mr. Cannon to make a fur- j ther statement of his positiou. lie j starts off by sajiutf that the amend- : ment of a single schedule or a few schedules is "entirely Impracticable."' In his Judgment "nothing cim be done except bv a complete revision of the tariff." That, he says, "would halt production, consumption niid commerce for at least twelve months," and the result would "probably not be an im provement on existing law." "For the general interest of the whole country," j he thinks, the revision toward which ; the "common mind" In its desire for change Is driving the Republican party , "should be postponed as long as pos- , Bible." This disagreement of the uncommon , mind of Speaker Ca;iuon with Uiat of , the comni'.m people Is nothing new with j Republican politicians. Their nffilia- j tlon with the corporations, trusts and i combines obliterates any sympathy for ; the plundered people, but tariff revision i and other reforms will come, not through the aid of the unwilling Re publican speaker of the house of rep rosentatives or bin party associates, but through the ardent reform efforts , of a new congress born of the desires . of the Democracy and aided by inde pendent voters, who are sick and tired of the plundering by the trusts and the corruption and grafting of the Repub lican party. The attitude of the Republican poli tician toward the protective tariff is like the heathen before his Idol-it is n fetich U worship and too sacred to be touched. Rut when the time of stress and political trouble comes and the tariff idol has shown itself to be but a brazen image and its high priests have exalted it to plunder the people, then the voters will have none of It and will cast it down and break it. The Republican contention that to re vise the tariff by reducing the rates on hides or coal would destroy domestic Industry is t :o absurd for argument. Would 'it ruin the crops r cause the rain to ceao or the sun to be darken ed'' The beef trust would lose a triilo of its enormous pmlits. but in one be lieves the farmer or cattle grower would lose a --nt. Even the abnormal ly hiirli price for hides n-'v being paid lias not increased the price of cattle, for entile are now selling cheaper than for inaiiv years before, though the tariff protected beef trust is getting a 111 ir! price for In cf. Take the iron and steel schedules and abolish the tariff rates on the products of the steel trust and that giant cor poration would still control the market for iu products, for the cost of trans portation over seas would be protection enough, end only inordinate profit would be reduced. There is hardly a BC'hedt'.le of the tariff that does not "belter sotr.e trust or combine that In all fairness to a long suffering people, does not require revision. The Repub licans refuse to meddle with it, bo this duty must be Intrusted to the Demo crats, who ore pledged to a reasonable reform that will preveut the trusts sell ing cheaper abroad than here, and while producing en ugh revenue to run the government will reduce the cost of liv ing to something more In reason than now. RonaeTelt and Hashes. Terhaps the only Republican in New York who had strength enough with the people to be elected governor of that state nest fall was Charles E. Hughes. President Roosevelt wouldn't like to see Hughes elected governor, however, lest he should become a pres idential possibility In 1908, and so he lias shelved Hughes by having him ap pointed associate counsel In the coal trust investigation. There is a con venient shelf somewhere for every Re publican in New York who may be sus pected of popularity. Roos welt is more prudent than he seems to be. Ho knows how easy it Is to slide from the fxeeutive office at Albany to th White House, and he doesn't want a Repub lican elected governor of New York this year. lie will probably cause Odell to be nominated and then treat him as he did Ivins in the mayoralty contest last year. I TraBle Adventure In a Billiard la the Antarctic. Here is an adventure in the antarctic regions taken from Captain Robert P. Bcott's "The Voyage of the Discovery." Nine men are returning from a sledge expedition in a blinding snowstorm: "An unusually violent squall prevented ns from seeing even one another. I Im mediately ordered a chain to be form ed at right angles and extending across ur track, each man keeping In touch with the rest, with the Idea of Inter cepting Hare, who was missing, when be came on. We shouted nnd blew whistles, nnd while this was going on Evans stepped back on to a patch of bare, smooth Ice and shot out of sight Immediately. Thinking the slope to be one of the short ones so coinmou in the folds of the hills, liarne sat down aud delibemtely started to slide In Evans' track. In a moment or two tho slope grew steeper, and soon he was going at a pace which left him no power to con trol his movements. He whipped out his clasp knife and dug it into the ice, but the Made snapped off short nnd failed to check his wild career. In a flash the ice changed to snow, which grew softer until, hi a smother of fly ing particles, his rapid flight was ar rested and he stood up to find Evans within a few feet of him." A third man joined them in similar fashion: "Realizing the Impossibility of ascending again by the way they had come, they started to descend, but within four paces of the place at which they had been brought to rest they found that the slope ended suddenly In a steep precipice, beyond which they could see nothing but the clouds of whirling snow. Even ns they recoiled from this new danger and dimly real ized the merciful patch of soft snow which had saved vhem from It, a yelp ing dog flew past them, clawing madly at the icy slope, and disappeared for ever Into the gloom beyond." The six others eventually moved on until they, too, found themselves on nn nwkward nlope: "Their lender suddenly saw the precipice beneath his feet and far be low, through the wreathing snow, the sea . "Another step would have taken him over the edge. He sprang back with n cry of warning, and those behind him, hearing it, dug their heels instinct ively into the surface, aud, with one exception, all succeeded In stopping. What followed was over in nn Instaut. I'.efore his lio-.-r-r stricken companions had time to think poor Vinee. unable to cheek himself with his soft fur boots, had shot from among them, flashed past the leader and disappeared." Vinee was never seen again, but Hare, the first missing man, staggered back to the ship two days after the others, reniemberintr nothing Iwtween strug gling to a patch of rock for shelter and waking thirty-six hours later covered with snow. THE MAN ON FOOT. In MiiiuIiokI He flux No ItlKhta aa AkhIi'xI "e llorxeuiun. One of the ieculiaritics in Stambonl Is the Insolent demeanor of the horse man to the rootman. Many times daily yon will see some rascal of n cabman trying to drive down a well dressed man on the street. The drivers rarely take the trouble to shout as they ap proach pe.h-strlans. I was often tilled with wonder at observing the meek ness with which well dressed Turks on foot submitted to such treatment from shabby Turks on carriage boxes. Even when no Injury was done to such n pe destrian, he was often bespattered with mud. Staiulioul mifst be an unpleas ant place In which to live. Were cab men in our country to treat pedestrians so recklessly there would lie many cases of assault :uid battery, and I think some mortality among the Jehus. One day I saw a uniformed Turk picking his way across the street, using his s iler as a walking stick. A car riage suddenly dashed down on him, and its driver, after nearly running over him, hurled nt him a volley of what sounded like choice Turkish abuse. The uniformed Turk retorted not. He scraped the mud off his uni form, stuck his salier under his arm nnd waded ashore. In our country a man with a saber would have used it on the drrvor's back. By this I do not mean that the Turks nre lacking in spirit far from it, but apparently it would seem to be the custom of file country that the man on foot, ns against the man on horselrack, has no rights. "A Levantine Log Book," by Jerome Hart. In a Stew. The Republican party is in a mess over the statehood hill whichever way it turns, for if it defeats statehood for Oklahoma the voters will be mad, and If it passes the bill as amended by the senate the Democrats will get all the credit. Democracy's War Crlea. '- or "7- ' ""r on 1Ve "o l l p -i.ic: .',- ! ''0 -1 by ,lr.f,.-n-i fill ere e-i; el o " .Tuck- ro:i and Til.Vi vT'X -'? r.T trcwli- ri"-;t .71 1 refo-:n" and "tiva the ras cals out." Clania According to Order. Bill Handy of Marblehead, nn ardent Republican during the antislavery agi tation, cauclii flsh and sold clams for a livelihood. One of his customers, a strong Democrat, ordered some clams and told him to be sure and cut off the "black abolition heads." Wheu he delivered them he said. "Mr. Brown, here ere your clams: real Democrats- all bodies and no heads." Boston Har old. Poaaible Explanation. An old hen was pecking at some stray earnet tacks In the back yard. "N'ow. what do vou sunnose that fool hen is eating those tacks for?" said Homer. ! "Portions " reioined his better half, "she is going to lay a carpet." Chicago News. Coartealea. Cabby I 'ad a beard like yours once. bnt when I found whnt it. made me look like I got it cut off. Bussy An I ad a face like yours once, an when I found I couldn't pet it cut off I grew a lipar.'. Pu: i Ii. FUNERAL OF PROF. MANN. Dlrd In Los Aiirlri, California I ntrr- nrnt nt Old Home Place at llrown'i Chapel. The Courier's Mt. Olivet cor respondent sent the following inter esting letter which failed to reach us for last issue. Mr. and Mrs. T. Herbert lysor returned home the 18th from the buriiil of Mrs. Tysor's brother, Prof. W. 11. Mann, who died in Los An geles, California. He was embalmed and brought home in( a nietalic casket by his brother, Mr. Ed Mann. He was buried at town's cnapei, his old home church, in Chatham countv. His grave was completely covered with rare (lowers by his many fri. nds. He was principal of our school for over a year anil was a successful teacher. Mis. K. E. McCoy arrived Satur day to visit Mrs. Tcmpie and Kate li. Sugg ana atieuueu prcauiuug Sunday. Our "ood pastor, Brother .. J. Kads. preached an excellent tennon on Sunday to the aged. Mr. D. H. Leach, who has been in feel) e health for some time, is out again, we are glad to state. Farmers are about through phint 1; corn. I There is a good prospect for a tine wheat crop. THE HONOR OF IT. I'mirtc DrlrKHllon to the National Kll- Inrtnl Amotliiltoii Will be L.rMHrl by IlicSau Frauvlftro DIaHtrr. A letter to The Courier from M r. Albert To.ier, of Salem, Oregon, vividly presents the horror cf the terrible calamity which befell 1 Francisco as a result of the eaitniiake Wednesday, April lsth. Mr. lozit-r is a delegate iroui tne Pacific coast to the meeting of the National Editorial Association which meets lie says: The San Francisco calamity may lessen the delegation from the i'acitic coast section, as we all have had our trials. My sister, Mrs. Edith lczier Weathcrred, was two days and two nights without toou, water 01 shelter, in her stocking fee: and wearing a night dress she lied from lire all those awful hours. A cons- n whs killed, and another was one A lny at Hope Academy. 13y W. V. Andrews. More than half a century ago, New Hope Academy was established aud for years it was a liye school. The civil war came on and theu it was a struggle with the people for bread for iire existence. The school seemed to be dead, but now it has aroused again from sleep, not like Kip Van Wiukle, an old tattered man, but a lusty urchin, with brawn and brain, destined to force his way to the front again under the manage ment of Prof. S. T. Lassiter. It requires no prophet to see that there is a bright future for New Hope. 1 well remember in those days that in one of our debating societies, my old friend, Tom Ledwell, said that the bible command was to "be fruitful and multiply and explenish the yeth." The people of New Hope have certainly lived up to that command, for while listening to the fine music and good speaking of the girls and I boys, I still had time to count three J hundred and sixty-one babies, not Itching, Scabby Sldn, Bone Pains, Swellings Tho bov pkturet how what Bounlc Blood Balm will do.roak Ing tbe blood pure and rich. If won hav nctaes and polns la bones, buck and J olnts, Itching, Scabby Hkln. Blood feels hokSwollon Oilnnds, lllslngs And Humps on the Slila, Mucus Patches In Jdouth, Bore 'inroac. rim les.Coppi Uloersonauy partol 3olored down body, Hair or Eyebrow foiling out, take Botanic Blood Balm, Guaranteed to eare the worst and most deep nested cases. Heals all cores, stops all nets e and pains, reduces ail swellings, ninkea blood pure and rich, changing the body Into a healthy condition. Old RheuRistlsm, Catarrh, Eczema, Scrofula are caused by Poison In the Blood. B.B.B stops Hawking and BpltitnK, Itching and Scratching: cures Kheumallsni. Cta-tarrn ; neais an hcbdb, i'vv""v,w li listers, by giving pure, bwclthy blood to aneotoa parts. CANCER Snppnratlnpr Swellings, Eattnjr Bores, Tu mors, ugly Ulcers. Ji.n.B. heals the sores or worst cancer perfeotly. If you have persistent Pimple, Swellings, Btlnginj Pains, tiike Blood Balm and they will dis appear before they develop Into Cancer. Botanto Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Is pleas, ant and safe to take. Thoroughly tosted for80years. Composed of Pure Botanlo Ingrodlents. strengthens Weak Stora. achs, cures Dyspepbla. Price U pee large bottle. Take aa directed. If nc, cured when right quantity Is taken, money refunded. Sample Hent Free by writing Blood Halm Co., Atlanta. Ga. De scribe your trouble, and special free medi cal advice to suit your case, Also neat la sealed lettsr. yet six months old. oh there will j For sale by Standard Drug Company and Asheboro Drug Publishers and- be plenty of material, the good peo pie see that, aud they are going to make large additions to their houses before the next session commences. There will lie boarding houses tmilt. and the section of the country for miles around will brighten up, ac cording to the well-ktiowu la', that one tine thing causes the necessity tor another. The large number of well dressed and well-behaed people is plaiu pioof that they are not going to neglect their children. It does our souls good to go to these High School commencements, still we know that the orations are onlv the fragrant bloom, only a promise of j Type . ripe fruit, yet to come after long i Brass Rule in Strips years of careful study. The object ; Brasa Labor Saving Rule of an Hlucatio.i is to learn how to do j g Coumn Rues things, to do them with the least ex- ' . . penditure of force, make every lick brass ""Cles count. Wisdom is the choice of j Brass Leaders right ends, and the best means to : Brass Round Corners attain them. Men and women are j grass Leads and Slugs wanted to meet the 6tern duties of: lift , to be ready for any emergency. To illustrate: once upon a time there was 11 lawyer driving along a bad road while in a deep sludv, how Company, Asheboro, N. C. Printers. Wa Manufacture the Very Highest Grade of Brass Galleys Metal Borders L S Metal Furniture Leads"and Slugs Metal Leaders Spaces and Quads "G to 48 point Metal Quoins, etc. Old Column Rules refaced and made as good as new at a small cost. f three who. of thirty Peoide hotel, escaped with their lives, lie jack knife, cut a litte pole ami was for tweiitv hours under forty j spliced it up securely with withs. feet of brick, an iron door falling on 1 1 he man of ast liook learnii g tbeii j loan iron bedstead with him tinder said, why ilid 1 nut tbiuk or tnai. j it. saved his life. Twenty seven The reply was duuno inassa, some j others were killed. One of the three men will have more sense than otners. escaping was a woman, who with a j In the evening the literary address beam on her tout, and a trick Innlil- "y nioiuer namuier was wormy ui ng collapsed on tp of that, found the 111:111 ami the occasion, lie re the Haines leaping over her head, minus me o! the orange tree w 11 11 its hedged to have her foot chopped off. beautiful green leaves sparkling and A man sie.ed an axe and chopped bhimnieiing 111 the eiinlight. Us the foot off. himself being devoitie.i fragrant, llowers, its young fruit, its v the lianas, the woman escaping."' ripe fruit, all the anie tun , i.n.l all vou have to 1 o is to chuke the tiee PATHETIC STORY. .;, th, luscious fruit will fall in lieh profus'on. 1 was at lirst l r, tempted to envy his splendid physi cal iiuu incut. d manhood, but when I lemeinbeied that fortune had given nie personal beauty in lieu ther-ot and I was satisfied. Fhiladphia Printers Supply Co. Manufacturers of Type end High Grade Printing Material Proprietors 39 North Ninth Sereet PENN TYPE FOUNDRY i l ) i.l-'ie ill lll ill! lie IC lil.'IklltV. Jno. 15 McMillan, the (iieens- boro Society man who was sentenc- l to three years servitude on the roads of tiuilfoid countv, with four other convicts, made a dash for hbcrtv Thursday morning last. The guard opened lire and Jeise Thomas, colored was instantly kill ed. McMillan Wing mortal lv jured, died from the won nds a few hours later. McMillan was convicted of forging checks iind drafts to the extent ot several hundred dollars. lief 01 e he died he revealed his true identity hs Brent A. Morey, a sou 01 uioniiuent citizen ot Lexington, Ky. llecame to Liieensboro in Septem ber and being a young man of pre. poseing appearance an engaging man ners he was admitted to the clubs and became a social favorite, lo carry the place he wrecklessly re sorted to forpery, which caused his downfall. REV. T. J. GATTIS IS DEAD. Fur rnrly Fifty Yrara a MlnUtrr In the Mellioillat Episcopal C hurch. Charlotte, May 25. "ilev. T. J. Gattis, for nearly fifty years a minis ter in the Methodist Episcopal church, South, died here this morn ing at 5 o'clock at his home on East Fifth street, after a lingering llness. The deceased entered the 'North Carolina Conference in l8G0at S.ilis bury, and of the large clats with which he entered only two ait now aliv.', one being Dr. E. A Yates and the other Dr. W. H. Wcore. The deceased was C7 years of age aud leaves a wife and seven children. Mr. Gattis served in active until a few years ago, when he was placed on the superanuated list. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind. itiscouragesaiKJ-iesseiisaminuoir, oca my, vij;or ami cneeriui ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to lie lorn afflicted wit'r enk lcidiicvs. If the child urinates toooften, if the urine scald? the flesh, or if, when- the child reaches sr. age when it should te able to rol the passage, it is vet afflicted ' --wetting, depend upon it, th car jedifli cultv is kidnev trouble, a... .lie first step' should be towards the treatment ol these imortant organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition ot the kiduevs and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of i soon realized. It is sold bv druggists, in titty cent aud one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a Horn of Swamp-Root pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., r.inghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, BingUauiton, N. Y- on every bo,a- 'Lundstrom" Sectionail Bookcase Pronounced the Lest by its Thousands of Users Pi. nP rempmlier that we are not in any Trust or Combination best to entangle justice in the net of ! an(j are sure that we can make it seatly to your advantage to deal law, a shait ot lus ouggy uroKe. ; .j ug No one in sight and no tools, an old coy of our Catalogue will be cheerfully furnished on applica negro came along, he got out his old jon PHILADELPHIA It U impossible t (.ir.t.A a lasting power upon injustice and tronch-ry. Demosthenes. Thns. Edison is touring North Carolina in an auto. He is acconi ptnied by live uentlraeti from New .Ir. v Mr, Kdion is investigating jll M i-.-' 11 Inh. 111- '. H I til- ;nt. l-i Veterinary! I ill l located in South Hijzh Point for the purpose of the people and their dumb brutes. I am prepared to trt-at your horwes in the highest respect. This is a subject thnt ought to be looked after throughout this country. Stock owners loose' many dollars by not having their stock treated in time. I will alio handle a line of Veterinary Sup p'ie, which may lie bad liv railing at 323 M;iiu St. C. I. Hi (r.Y, Pbone 103. S. Main St., Ilifh l'"ii, V. " Tin- I.uml'troin rum lire mmlr u -.l. r oir own patents, in our own factory, and the entire jto--.i. ii iNiM illr.-vt to Hit- noun-11 .1 lite. That in the ri-axon we can olli-r them at Mich rcn Mice lu niircliii-iiia a .i tmm Sectinnxl Bookcase you are not hclpniK to tot a rtouiii Inn urc ifcfiuif 1111 .ni-.-lewhlrh time and experience nuve proven a wonuermi . 11". .....1... ...,,. j .-......f imHiviiluil iitii-iitiim to this one lino oi'm.ihh Iiiciiii.- Kv. n Im.U -!"'.. liii8iiion-liinliiiK. dlsapearlii(t Khin iloor and I highly Hnt-iii-i in m.IhI (i'll.l. u link T..i and bu-, 11.00 each. Write lor illubtrated catalogue No lw. fid cxi-cl in All goods shipped direct from factory The C. J. LUNDSTROIVI MFG. Co-. Little Falls, N. Y. Mfrs. of Sectional Bookcases and Filing Cabinets. A New and Handsome Watch for Ladies. Only $11.75 With One Year's Subscription to the Ashe boro Courier, Or we will -Jvo this w atch for 40 Biibscrii tioun nt 1 e''lYiis in the moKt attractive wulch we have vol offered and it in uh pooJ an it looks. A genuine Amer.cgn niiivc-iiieiit made hv the New "iork Standard U aU-li t o filtcl in a Gold Filled hunting case, warranted for 19 a uieni-w nder and felem-seiier, ana in evrij "wy reliable lime-keeper. Each tae is hand engraved. REMEMBER, this is the egular size ladies wairli. tne mow topuinr one ...r '""" " cirla. Men and boys often prefer this size wateh to the lurger ones 1 he movement ha 1 TeweU. train bearing in metal settin, ni. iok train, lever jet, enaiu. led dial and is made 17 one of the Wat companies of America. This movement tilted id our M 7".r one 01 uie new ciuiijjjiiiies ui nuiriim, - i.;., u,' eT- case makes the greatest watch bargain err offered for the price te ire making vve ex pect every watch sent out to bring several wore orders. Ihe watches are delivered 7 registered mail, and we insure their delivery in good running order. ,i,,r if Order promptly. The watch may be sent to obc address aud th paper to another, o d sired Ashe'uoro. K. 0 V