n A v MOORE COUNTY. Items of Interest Culled From Car thnge Blade. The wheat croi was possibly never finer in Northern part of Moore County. The Snow Lumber Company has moveij its large plant from Halli eon to the Giles Foushee place near Cool Sprin? church. A special train was operated from Gulf to Elise on the 1). & C. road for the commencement exercises. Mr. John Davis, of Putman, fell from a. tree last week and badly crip pled himself. He is compelled to use crutches. It is pleasing to be iuformed that the Salemburg High School, Samp son county, under l'nf. G. F. Ed wards' management, has had a most prosperous year. The commence ment exercises last week were of a hiffh order. Mr. Joseph t. Davis and Misses Nannie M. Davis au Martha L. Fields, students, returned to their homes near Glendon Satu lav. Prof. Edwards is one of Moore county's best young men, an we reioice in his success. The Democratic Convention of Moore county : called to meet at the Court House at Carthage Wed' ne3clay June 27th. 2JEev. J. B. Hurley, presiding elder of the Fayetteville district, h wife and little daughter, were thrown violently from their buggy some two wet-ks ago, and Mr. llnrle was somewhat seriously hurt, being scarcely able to walk tor several days. He hope3 soon to be at wor again. The accident was caused by running against an iron hitclnn post. elon1:ollege7 unit Begins Tiimdny June And Closes June 7tli V Program. , , The program for the commence , ment exeicises of Elon College has been issued as follows. 4 PBOGKA.M. "June 5, Tuesday, 11 a. m. Trus vV tees' Meeting. ' 'Tuesday, 8 p. m. Society Rev re8entative V. C. Pritchette Phi'C. E. Pritchette, Phi., N v., v. v. nowen, ria., uno. J. A. Vaugham, Va., Clio. ) Miss Ella Uounk, Va., Psi .-5 Miss Jennie Godwin. Va., Ps June 6, We mesday 11:30 a. in. r Annual address before the 1 Literary Societies, lion. B. F, Dixnn. State Auditor. Ralfich 1 N. C. Wednesday 3:30 p. m. Baccalau -V ' Wednesday, 5 p. in. Business s. Meeting of the Alumni, Prof ' W. P. Lawrence, M. A. Pres ! - Wednesday, 8 p. m. Annual Con- k- cert. T June, 7, Thursday, 10:30 Graduat ( i nig Exercises. N 7is Thursday, 3 p. m. Entertainment ! by Literary Societies, f k Tbuisdav, 4 p. m. Alumni Ad f , dress, llev. C. II. Rowland, B. ' A., Frankliu, Va. ' Thursday, 9 p. m. Alumni Ban- - quet. ' MARSHALS. . rm. T. H. Franks, Chief; 4j ' R. C. Coble, ' A. C. Hall, clio A. L. Lincoln, Chief; I I J. C. Barrett, ! j S. C. Harrell. STANLY BRIEFS S'V50 Subscribed for New London t .. Sihool Albemarle Notes. 'I Stanley Enterprise. ( A S. DeWitt Arrowood ha been i appointed secretary of the Piedmont R, Commercial Club at Albemarle. ; t Richard Carwell was accidently y' filled at Whitney last week by .f: Uharles Ulitton. West Albemarle has organized a ' band with thirteen pieces. t Manager W. M. Ivy, of the Albe marle telephone exchange announ- i ccs that the 100 drop swichboard now being used will soon be replaced by one with a capacity of 300 hones. Dr. G. M. Teague, of Atlanta, Ga., cas purchased the practice and omce hx Hires of 6. B. K.luttz, D. 1). S. Dr. Kluttz, will travel for a dental supply dealer. Messrs. J. W. and J. A. Austin returned to New London last week 'from Oak Ridge, where they have neen in school. James carries four medals won during his two Pear's course there. At the closing of New London ichool last week it was announced that the school will be moved dur ing the summer to a new 11-acre site, fend a new 24-room dormitory erect ifd for girls. It was also announced that $5,000 is needed to place the !chool on firm footing and within hirty minutes half the amount was aised. The stockholders, of the Cannon Mfff. .Comnanv. of f!niif'nrn hnvf leaded to locate Ihe 30.000 )le cotton mill near Chiua Grove. The Vicissitudes of Life. (Continued from Hay 17th.) In continuing the thought along the trials of life 1 will say: Humanly speaking it is evident that God has an ambition for his children, and quite likely an ambi tion that comprises more thau the ambition -we have for ourselves Human parents often think larger thoughts set wider plans tor their cnnureu man me cunuieu ever think for themselves. A child's thought of life is how he may have a good time now. ihere is nothing wrong in the thought, but some time the parent comes along and breaks it all up, putting the child at something that ruus in au al together different current, that eventually turns on; something noble for the child. Audit would be strange if there were not some thing similar to this in the system adopted toward us by our Heavenly Father. Singular as io may se.jin that a condi ion in which the huiu object is its comfortableness, is never a condition that makes us m any way better or greater. Yet comfort is indispensable; we could not live without it, we cou'd not live unleis there were some hours in fveiy twenty-four when we simply exist, when the machinery of life is so lubricated that it goes without any consciousness of trying to go. Seasons when we stop long enough to let ourselves overtake us. But these are not the hours that make for us growth, whi-ther in strength, tiber or Christian nobility It is straining the muscle, (but not overstraining) that makes muscle, and develops it so as to give ac complishments along the lines of the work for which the straining is done, and just so with the mind and conscience. God has created all the attributes of man so as to com ply with natural laws in ordtr to grow, become strong and be powerful, both in body and mind. When we tail to obey we fail to ac complish hence the necessity of a thorough knowledge of God's plans in order that we may really have more pleasure in our trials and labors thiough life. Just so our whole system of mental development is but another illustration of this principle. Letting our thoughts play so to speak, never makes mind Mind can be overworked, iust as the body can be overstrained but the mind must be worked in order to nuke mind. Many a young mind is being spoiled by over work aim pernaps more are being let gc to'ruin in various ways, fot the ack of work. There is a quality essential to strong-mindedness that nothing but struggle will put there. ,There are all sorts of pedagogical schemes devised for creating in children and youth, intellectual fiber without tiring the dear ones and making them uncomfortable. But there is no use trying, man cannot change God's plans in mak- man toe the mark, in order to ever become noble aud good. And when we seek soft places that car ry ease, comfort, and idleness for us we are doing ourselves au miustiee that lowers us greatly in pure happiness hereafter. When vou are bringing up your childreu in idleness, allowing them their child ish want, never making them labor both physically and mentally, you are committing one of your greatest sins against mankind, and especial ly so towards your children, for they are put into your hands that you may be a greater benefactor to man kind and a blessing to the world. To be continued with what may be cdled the "Mvsterv" or why of these buidens. J. F. Hamilton Why Suffer From Rheumatism? Why suffer from rheumatism when one application of Chamber lain's Pain Balm will relieve the painr 1 he quick relief which this liniment affords makes rest and sleep possible, aud that alone is worth many times its cost. Many who have used it hoping only for a short relief from suffering have been happily surprised to find that after awhile the relief became per manent. Mrs. V. H. Leggett of Yum Yum, Tennessee, U. S. A., writes. "I am a great sufferer from rheumatism, all over from head to foot, and Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that will relieve the pain." For sale by Standard Drug Co. Asheboro, W. A., Under- ood, Randleman. A torpid, inactive liver can pro uce more bodily ills than almost anything else. It is good to clean the system out occasionally, btir derived from the use of DeWitt a ! Little Early Risers. Reliable, ef fective, pleasant pill with a repu tation. Never gripe. Sold by Standard Drug Company and Ashe- boro Drug Company Asheboro, X. ; " Cleanse your system of all im - purities this month. Now is the ; time to take Holister's Rocky Monn- tain Tea. It will keep VOU Well all u miner. 35 cents, Tei or Tablets, 'in Asheboro Drug Compauv. Tor your Protection we plnco this label on every package of Scott's Emulsion. The man with a fish on his back l.s our trade-mark, and It Is a guarantee that Scott's Emul kIoh will do all that Is claimed for It. Nothing better for lung, throat or ronchial troubles lu infant or adult. Scott's Emul sion is one of the greatest flesh lmilders known to the medical world. Wt'll nad you a tampla In. READ YOUR COUNTY PAPER. A Courier Header (lvg Three Ilea for TakliiK Tills Paper. J. A. Caveness, Jr., of Pinners, a., writes. I enclose herein postage stamps to the amount of two dollars to meet my subscription to October 13th, 1907 as per your statement. I hope this will be satisfactory to you to accept stamps. I read The Courier with a great degree of- pleasurj for several reasons. 1st, because I get the current news of the day and can Keep abreast with the curre"t topics, events and happenings of the present day. 2ud, because I am a native of Randolph and feel deeply interested in the welfare both politically and socially, aud I know The Col hiek is the strongest advocate in this di rection that exists in Randolph. 3rd, because being a democrat I feel that I am duty-bound to keep my self informed uth i ic txponent of "Democratic" party and I know of no other iu the County with which I could exchange for the better, hence my continuation as a reader of The Courier. 1 am eniovinsr a very nice position with the Southern here and like Virginia very well, though Norfolk, like all other sea port towns is frequented by a great number of foreigners coining here on different steamers who do not conduct themselves as they should thereby reu ering it more disagreeable for those lss interested iu that direction. I would like very much to visit old Randolph and take a good handshaking with the Demo crats once more. To Kill the Taste of Onions In Milk. The last issue of our Fatherless Ones, the Barium Orphans' Home paper, makes this inquiry: "Does anybody know a good plan for elevating a cow's taste? Some of our cows 'eem to have a morbid liking for onious and this interferes seriously with our ewn taste iu milk and butter. When there is an onion flavor in the milk and butter at sup per time our menu is right limited." Some years ago this inquiry was submitted to The Landmark and one or more recipes were offered. One of these we recall. It is to mix a few spoons full of common black j molasses tt'ith the cow's feed. This, it is said, will kill the onion flavor j in the milk and do no harm to the, cow. Statesville Landmark. Time is always going The river sings to sea; So hrief the time for listening To the songs 1 sing to thee. Time is always going Silent the stars ahove, I5ut we have still a dream, my dear, And that sweet dream ii Love! F. L. Stanton. For a painful burn there is noth ing like DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. There are a host of imitations of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve on the market see tha you gpt the genu ine. Ask for DeWitt's. Good,' too for sunburns, cuts, bruises, and especially reconnn- tided for piles. The name E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, is on every box. Sold by Standard Drue Company and Ashe boro Drug Company. Three months ago Aliss Lera Ramsey, of Asheville, lost power of speech without apparent cause. Last week while skating 3he fell heavily to the lloor causing her to Sf-ream and restored the partially paralyzed vocal cords. The Sou them's annual excursion I for the benefit of the Spencer rail- lrc - ad shon pmvilnvps siml their families was run to Winston-Salem .lf,t Saturday. Nearly '.'noil ......nle th.. tni'in u-hi,h n w rm..r..i...l two sections If Yod Suffer From Catarrh my advice is to take Mrs. Joe Per son's Remedy and Wash. I was a severe sufferer from catarrh of the head and ear. The discharge from the ear and nose was copious and very unpleasant, I suffered in that way for live yearn. I tried various treatments which did no good. Finally my physicians advised me to try Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy and Wash.' I used seven bottles of the Remedy and useu the Wash with a syringe for my no.e and throat. It cur-d me. Scabs would form in my nose that were almost uuendurable, until by constant and hard blowing, I would relieve my self it was a fearful aflliction. The cure was perfect, and I have never had a symptom of a return and my health is fine. (MISS) MOLLIE MlLI.EK, Cornelius, N. C, March Hi, 1905. A good complexion is impossible with the stomach out of order.' If pasty sallow people would pay more attention to their stomachs and less to the skin on their faces, they would have better complexion KODOL EOR DYSPEPSIA will digest what you eat and put your stomach back in right shape to do its own work. Kodol relieves palJ putation of the heart, flatulence, sour stomach, heart burn. etc. Sold by Standard Drug Company ai.d Asheboro Drug Oompany Asheboro, N. C. Ntereoscope Free. If you will send us three new sub scribers during the month of May we will send you a line stereoscope with 24 beautiful views, provided you will send ns 25 cents for pos tage aud packing. See that vour druggist gives you no imitation when you ask for Ken nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, the original Laxative cough syrup Standard Drug Company and Ashe- noro Drug Company. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. O. ( 9 am to 1 pro 1 2 pm to 5 jm I am now in mv office prepared to practice dentistry iu its various brunches. L. M. FOX. M. D. ASHEBORO, N.C. Oilers Ills professional service to the citizens of Aslicboro'and surrounding community. Offices: At Residence' Dr. J. V. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN - AND - SUR.CEON Office Ashelwro Drug Co. Residence Cornei of Main and Worth Streets. Asheboro, N. O. Dr. S. A. HENLEY, Physician - and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO. N. C. Office over Spoon & Redding's Btore neai Standard Drug Co. A C MCALISTER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. Fire Life and Accident Insur- ance. m, . . . A(C , , , , , over the Bank of Randolph. N. P. COX, Jeweler and Photographer, Asheboro, N. C. Undertaking Establishment. New and complete lineof Coffins and Caskets, and prices reasonable. New Hearse ticntle Stock and careful drivers. A share of youi patronugu is respectfully solicited. J. W JOLLY, Asheboro Hotel Main Street (Near Court House.) Thoroughly renovated and Refurnished Table supplied with the best the market ffonls. Uites Reasonable, B. F. NEWBY, Prop. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Mets. Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. ThlS SlgR2!Cre, A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching. Blind, Weeding, IVotclnring Piles. DmcffiHta nro authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cm in ulto 14 days. OOc. THE CAROLINA!) COOK STOVEl Guaranteed to give entire Satisfaction in every way. This stove hns every modorn improve ent including cxtention ton shelf, side shelf. kicker, nickle towel rod, nicklo knobs, orna- meulal hase. Every stove nicely polished. it your merchant does not sell tlieso stoves, write us and we w ill quote specially low prices delivered at vour railroad station. Every Move guaranteed. Manufactured by G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, Greensboro, N. O. For i AshelK liumsei ale by Lewis & Winalow Hdw. Co., ro, X. (.'., The Watkins-I.eonurd Co.. r, X. C. L 11! Mony, But Big Money You will save money by paying: cash for what you buy. and will avoid paying for goods you think you haven't bought. So call on J. L. Norman and buy cheap, where you will not be bothered with book account. Nice line Groceries, Notions, Overalls, Suspenders, Pants, Shirts, etc. Jones' Old Stand, North side Depot street. You Furnish the Bride We Furnis the Come. Just receivd nice line Parlor and Bed Room Suits, ouches, Upholstered Parlor Sui s, Pic tures, Hall Racks, etc. We have an assortment permitting us to furnish the home in keep ing with any purse. We are also prepared to serve the public as Funeral Directors j in a careful and courteous man- 1 ner. i Kearns & Fox. j Does Your Hat Match Your Face? If not, wear one that does. Go to Mrs Blair's Millinery where you will find the new est and most desirable shapes for spring. More goods expected daily. Mrs. E. T. Blair, Asheboro. N. C. W. W. JONES U?e Grocer can furnish you the best in sea sonable edibles. If it is for din ner, supper or breakfast consult him. He always has fine flour, fresh buttr, as well as variety of delicacies- WWA j lltll...... A Saiy i:. Brings Oolc '3 L. A specific fnr C nwi1' and Kid -)-- Troiinles. i l)l od. ni l nroarli, sj. i;t. I BacU.icho. It's It., tct form, in ents i; i H 'l.t.isTEii Dura Ciimp rgets '.("! ' i'tu in tub - made by -I. Wis. i 3rOEN NUGGETS C0R SALLOW PEOPLE AW T7 P(t iLJLo) f : it trus you want to look old ? Then keep your gray hair. If not, jjiiien use Hall's Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rich color r of ca-'v life restored to your hair. " JTItS7tJZ.T!iM To Cure a Cold in One he Three Dependa bles IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD Their value can't be toldjin money Vick's roup and Pneumonia Cure Prevents and cures in every case applied externally, 25. Vick's Yellow Pine Tar Cough Syrup Prevents consumption and cures worst cough, 25c. Vick's Turtle Oil Liniment Largest and best for man and beast, 25c. These are monev and life savers and no wise household will : be without them. Take no substi tutes at your dealer's or send direct to L. Richardson, Manufacturing Chemist, Greensboro, N C. SPECIAL RATES. Raleigh and Return Account of N. C. Summer School and Teachers' As sembly, June-July Via Sea Board Air Line Railway. Account of the Teachers' Assemlilv, ttaleijrh, X. C, June lL'th-l.'ttli the iScaWrd will sell round trip lickels from all uoints in Xnrih Carolina, including Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, linvkins, Va.. lit rate of one lirst class fare olus J."..-, nlus SJ III) for round trio il.u 2.01) hein;.' lor inenilieiKhip fee Tickets ild June I III. -Mill with linal retain limit of Juno 1 iSlli. liv (lciiosit of ticket with Special Agent, Uuleigh, X. C , on or More une ihiii and payment of fee ot fiftv cents same can lie extended until July 7th, allow ing those so desiring to remain' over to the Summer Sc hool. Account of the Summer School. I;al..ii,li X. C, June Kith-July fith Sea I ward will sell round trip tickets at rate of one faro ulna jo. for found trip, from same appoints as ill apply for the Teachers' Assemhlv, wiih ght selling dates, June luth-lith-lSth-l'.lth-ilh andlTith and July 2nd and 3rd with linal return limit July 7th. ror rates time-taliles etc. address, CI I AS. Il.tiATTIS, TUAVEI. UXC. l'ASSKXdEI! AG EXT, IiALElGII, X. C. Bryant, President J. H. Cole, Cashier T5he BaLiik of Randleman, Randlemarv, N. C Capital $JZ000. Surplus, $2,000. Accounts received on favorable terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hartsell. A N Bulla, S G New liu, W T Dryant, C L Lindsav, N N Newlin, S "Bryant, H O Barker and J II Cole. O K COX, President. W J ARMFIELn, V-Prei W J ARMFIELD, Jr., Cashier. The Bank of ht -i&-sli.e"bxo, C. I Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $36,000.00 $150,000.00 With ample assets, cxpertenoe and protection. we solicit tue business of the banking public and i feel safe in saying we are prepared and willing j to extend to our customers every facility and ao ; 3orainodatiou consistent with safe banking. I DIRECTOR-Si Hugh Parks. Sr.. W J Armtield.W P Wood, P H Morris, c O McAlister. KM Anntield, (IK Cox, W K Kediiing, Bell) Moflitt, Thus J Redding, A W KOapcl, A M Kankiu, Thus H Redding, llr F E Asburv. C J Cox. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Scfen'tfic jFSmcricam A hnnclBnniPiv lllnfltrnterl wpeklv. T.nrffest cir culation 'f niiv rn'ieiitlhV Journal. Tornm. $:t a vour: four months, fL Sold byall rtewsdoHlern. raSCo.36'61 New York Brancb Ottk-o, iSi F SU Wuhtumon, D. C. VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer Day Cures Crip in Two Days. on every fJs box. 25c l Anronr : quickly njMeri--..i .. 1 invent tmi is pn i-.it'i)' . - ..M!i.;.,n. ttniwMri.ltri-f. : ' .. i " hi sent fre t.it 1 i . . .ii-nm. l'lttents tula-si ti.r'ii i 'i .u i .v i it, i'ccelve tvecUtl nut ice. wib-iiit, ""ye, iu tit

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