itt.jii,irwiaatw'aiiMlliiHi The Asheboro Coutier PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. WEntered at the Post Office at Asheboro aa 'econd C.wa Matter. A fifty page edition of the Char lotte News was issued May 20th. It was a fine effort and contained much valuable history concerning the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence as well s a strong presentation of the resources of Mecklenburg county and commer cial advantages of Charlotte. It is an edition of which the state can well feel proud. The worst drawback Asheboro has ever had is that some owners of laud hold their belongings at prices unreasonably high considering the Bize of the town. As the prices ad- vance the people who want to build go further out and build and build on and on further away from the lands and lots which are hld at prices beyond the reach of those who want to build.The result is that the town has grovn so that no one hastopaytne prices asueu. xne; principal part of the town now is wli-re there was nothing but woods, nrusn, ami unurs a lew vears j This is the reason Asheboro grows! because the people have too much sense to build the town all crowd- ed up together in one little place. . ! There is world-wide prosperity. ' It is found in England, Scotland j and Wales and on the Continent. ! You find it in the Orient aud on the j steppes of Asia; it is in the laud of1 Khedive, in South Africa and iu 1 the South American coontiies. i Canada was never so prosperous as ! umiv Tha t.n.;' ,nt,i i i "imicu leu years ! ago in the interest of the trusts and - i ccniliiues and against tbe people of the United States is iesponsible for the uuparalelled prosperity which is world-wide. No one thinks so except the favored classes, the de- luded, or the two by four editor j whose editorials are trust written and sent out by the American Tariff Pro tective Tariff League. "Mr. Ragan, treat those bovs at the camp better. It is hard "there and I could not have stood it much longer anyway," were the last words of young McMillan, who lay dyinr in a High Point Hospital last week", from the effects of a bullet which went entirely through his body near his heart, and all because he made a break for liberty and to get H-ay from conditions which are .3w'J row" wsgracPful and a shame? and disgrace. We havej high re gard for the authorities of Guilford county. They are humane men who want to do right no doubt, but coa dfioa3 have gr(wn np there as jn some other p?aees, flUd it all comes from the false idea that guards have a legal ,'and moral right to shoot and kill convicts. It is the duty of the overseer and guards to keep the convicts and not kill them. There is no reason for shooting convicts except in self defence. Cruelty has been stopped in most counties and should be stopped in Guilford county. The use of a few strong chains, locks and such other things as are necessary would make it impossible for a convict to run and get away. There is trouble "a brewin", Cel. Louis W. Porter, whom the editor of this paper happens to know to be not only a great wit but a modest retiring gentleman of finejbusiness capacity and as well courteous in his demeanor and bearing, the friend of Col. O. W. Spencer, one ofthe most popular hotel men in the State and an all round good fellow has made a statement to the editor of the Davidson Dispatch, and it has caused a "mighty Jheap" of trouble. ThDiapatohfays: -"CofLouis W. Porter, of "Shelby, North Carolina, passed tnrough this citv recently and was seen on the train by a Dispatch man. After a moment's chat about the weather and business, the', Col. asked, 'Have you seen the new depot at High Point? The reporter nad not and inquired the wherefore of the ques tion. " '0." said the colonel, "it looks wide'as this, car and probably two times as long. And, say, it's a por table denot.' " A portable depot. Colonel?' What in the world why ' 'Well you see he explained, the Southern is managed by some migh ty wise men. They look ahead and I think they built this High Point depot so that, in case the town ever went down it might be moved to Bowers or Jimtown. Two men are working on it now, hard. In fact , I never saw two men work harder at anything in my life, and it is expected that the house will be finished in three years." Brother Harris evidently don't like this and says Lexington is a sleepy town, and that the two men at work on "the alley" are from Lexington and it is a difficult mat ter to get a move on them. The Enterprise says that the "bowling alley" when completed will cost $25,000. Much has been said in the news' DaDers lu justification of the Presi I jcnt oeCttU8e 0f his recent rebuke jto ueI,resentative Blackburn, who : with tw0 friends called on the Presi- i deuL As thev entered the executive : oflice) jr Blackburn was smokin i The President smiI "Please j remove your cigar, Mr. Congress Qf t))e prwijLut WM entirely right, There wa3 a ; breach of gooJ miumer3 which was hardly excusable. But what about , pr3sijent hiluael. when out ' the President I West last vear. the Western naners md' we ,mve never 8ee1 u JeleJ that he st0(jJ and 8noked cigarettes on the steps of the Capitol f Colorado itl it,nver. Poes not the rtTriD,.lIul come from the wrong source It was Senator Bailey, the brave and able Texan, who said receutly 'u the Senate: love a ll'ave '."an anJ a n'Sutor auu ine i resilient is urave on some : i..t i. . i .., I'LLasiuns. jui, lie uetiiueu. lie was without tndurence and always allowed the leaders of his party to swerve him from his purpose. "Let us have no more talk about the Iron Man. He is only clay and very common clav at that," he add ed, and said if the President had been the heroic figure he is repre sen ted to be, he would have called the Republican Senate s and mem bers together aud told them that if the right kind of a bill was not passed it would be vetoed. The man. or set cf men, who think that party machines and or ganizations can control and dictate the party policies is badly mistaken. The people have a way of smashing machines and rings iuto smithereens. They jar and batter up the bosses aud turn them down at their will and pleasure. With the hundred and odd thou sands of Methodists in North Caio- lina, we should be glad to see Greensboro Female College get along without any of Mr. Car negie's steel trust funds. It ia said the college is to get $25,000 from the great millionaire. For nearly ten years the present tariff law has protected the trusts which have plundered and robbed the people. Many republicans are demanding a revision of the tariff. The good times of the present are brought about by the American taiiff say the barons and their satellites, yet that tariff has not been changed in more than ten year3. Why is it a tariff law enacted more than ten years ago should re sult in no benefit to the public until many years after its enactment. The Baltimore Sun was sixty-nine years old on May 17, and is in our opinion the greatest and best oi an American News papers. With a prosperity which is world wide, the little republican heelers yell tariff as the panacea for all our woes. FOR SHERIFF. To the Voters of Randolph Co.: T hereby announce myself as can didate for the office "of sheriff of Randolph County, subject to the action of the JJemocratic convention Signed S. L. Hayworth. FOR SHERIFF. 1 VioroVvv announce mvself as candidate for the office of Sheriff of Randolph County, subject to the action of the uemocratic uonvenuuu Early Conventions. The counties of Stanley, Rowan and Iredell have held their demo cratic conventions and have nomi nated county and legislative tickets. Montgomery will nominate a full county and legislative ticket on Tuesday, June 20, four days before Randolph holds her county conven tion to send delegates to the state and district conventions. We learn that the democrats of Davidson and a number of other counties will hold their county conrentious a week or two before, or a week or two after the state convention which convenes in Greensboro July 3. In the past in Randolph it has been the custom to hold the couven tiou to nominate a county and legis lative ticket the last of August or first of September. There seems to be a general desire this year to call the convention to be held not later than the middle of August. The last of July or first of August would probably meet with more general approval. HIGH POINT "CLIPPNGS." Penny Bros, (-rent Mle Uev. Pourrti 4ors to Hnnillriuan. Prof. Crow ell (Mint to KaiiiMnir to Preaeh 8rr iioii, ioi'ttl! tuil Feronls. Penny B:os. have pulled off an other great horse sale, at their sale stables in Gree isboro. They had a large crowd, lively bidding and quick sales. The sale started at U:30 a. m. aud closed at C p. m. 183 horses and mules were sold at prices ranging from $?5 to $-135. J. Lawrence Harrison lias resign ed his position, at theElwood Hotel as clerk, to become manager of the St. Lawrence Hotel at Ellerby Springs, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Mat'on, utertaiued the W. O. T. Club last Tuesday afternoon. Rev. A. L. Powers will preach the Baccalaureate Sermon for the commencement at Randleniau next Saturday. John D. Pavlor is out with his card for Treasurer of Guilford county. Mr. Pay lor is a good man and will make a good Tieasurei. Allison Aumau was here on busi ness last Monday. A. C. Laugbliu of Level Plaius. wai in the city last week. Miss Berta Alexander of Level Plains visited at C. F. Wilson's last Sundi'.y. The Baraca Class, of Washington St. church, had a good meeting last Sunday again. More new members joined the class and much iuterest is taken iu strangers Jwho come here to live. Prof. Crowell preached the Annu al Sermon to Ramseur High School last Sunday. N Dr. T. F. Marr spent a few days out of the city last week. A. J. Davis of Wake Forest vis ited Editor Fan is last week. Opt. T. J. Redding was here last Thursday on business. The surveyors have taken their measures. eats of the belt-line. The committee having in charge the petition work has sicured 600 names to the petitions pledging a ote for a bond issue. The Lawn Party givec by the City Cornet Band was a uccess. A large and orderly crowd greeted the land. The refresh menis- were nice and well served by the many ladies who asaistel the band. The collections on the supper were- very much appreciated. Miss Luilee re ceived the cake and Miss Fruit the slippers offered as prizes. Claud Hosaey is out wita ma card as Veterinary Surgeon. Claud is a hustler and will succeed i nia calling. W. M. rush or novidence lown. ship Randolph county was here Sat urday, visiting nis orotner a ine Everett Hotel. The Welch Memoral Sunday School had a picnic last Saturday north of town. June Johnson returned thi week from Raudleman where he has been doing some surveying for them. SECOiN'D-IIAND Saw Mill Out fits We have on hand two of these, with engines and boilers. One has been used only a short while. We will sell cheap. Call and see us before buying. McUkary-Reddino tiawe. co. BUY McCORMICK and Deering binder twine They make the best Buy McCorinick and Deering Bind ers, Mower and Rakes You will be d! eased with them. For sale by McCrary Redding Hdwe. Co. Notice. W will sell for cash June Cth. 1900. 12 M. near MitcMeld, N. C between two and three hundred thousand feet nine lumber, one saw mill outfit, location of timber, loi ria wacrnnH. harness, six or eisht head o mules, shanties, stables, commissary and RANDLEMAN NEWS. Fire Narrow ly Averted In the New York Hacket Store Commencement. There came near "being a serious fire in the millinery department of G. W. Elliott & Company last Saturday night. The ceiling caught on fire from a hanging-lamp, but was extinguished before any serious damage was done. This should serve as a warning to all to be care ful with lamps. If this fire had gained headway it would have been very disastrous since the firm of G. W. Elliott & Co. is one of the largest in town carrying several thou sand dollars worth of stock Bascom Hoskius, of High Point, spent Sunday heie. Carl Hill, iioai High roint, was hire Sunday. The commencement exercises of the Randleman Graded Schools be gins Sunday. Tuesday will be com mencement day proper. All the mills will shut down and a large crowd from the surrounding coun try is expected. Dr. W. I. Sumner is having brick placed on the ground preparatory to the erection of a building on his lot opposite G. W. Elliott & Com pany. Thos. E. Marshall went to Greens boro Sunday. W. H. Pickard has purchased a complete tenting outfit and expects to spend some time tenting ou his farm near town. Senator Butler proudly boasted that he r still "boss" of North Carolina Republicans when shown the account in the Washington Post referring to Blackburn victory in the recent State Executive Coin mittei' meeting. "There is not a word of truth in it," he said. Business Locals. Notices Inserted under this head at one cent a word each insertion. FOK SALE 50 bushels of colored peas ;it s 1 23 per bushel. Apply to S. A. Cox l'isg;,,, X. C. F"U KENT (1ikI location for county store, on Salisbury road, 8 miles from Aslie bnro, thickly settled section. Xo other store in immediate vicinity. Address) or mil on V. A. Kkmixs, Ashoboro, X. 6. li. F. D. Xo. 2. WANTED - men and boys to iverk in chair factory. II. II. IUiixks, Hupt. Forsrth Mfjj. (V Wiuston-Salein, X. C. WANTED -One hnndred cheri weavers. Weavers make 12 to 2i every two weeks. Healthy place, artesian water. Advance traiispTtalion to families Apply to, C. X. STEED. Highland Park Cotton Mill, 3-23-4t ' Kock Hill, S. C, WAN'IT.D STAVES Higlst cash prices paid for all kinds of staves for Norfolk mar ket. Apply to E A Hammer, Asheljoro, X C. W ANT E I Travelling Salesmen. Must furnish referear a anil invest $1,000.00 in lirst class ti Te cent Bond. Salary ami Expenses pai'f. Experience not required, we teach business- at oor Mills. TN Wheel ing Rooting & ( tr:i ice Compativ, Wheeling, W Va. 4-2 -(It WANTED To eontrart with "Saw Mill Man" to cut and pnt on cars one or t-o lo cations about one trillion feet each fxmi 3 to 1 miles from R, K. For particular write P. O. Box 7, Hemp, C, Moore Co. 5-1 ;-4t BROWN LEGHORNS. As I have a sur plus of Brown I-eghoro) Eggs I will furnish eggs for the next 30 days to reliable parties- for batching on share. My stock is the lient obtainable, ana Ua is a gwxt ctiance to iinpnove your stock. Asheboro, X. C. May il'th,' 1'JOC. FH'CE A 50 cent pie;e of music "Luna Dnitce-" march and two step played at Proctor's Fifth Ave Theatre JJroniwvay, N. l ., a very catchy piece no advertisii matter printed on music, a new copy aowoiuieiy iree ior a two-cent stamp. Als our new illustrated catalogpite of household sp e-iialties. Contain ing owr 4W Bargains. Jlloore, Uept. ., in oroaaway. REAPER FOR SALE CHEAP A bargaia in second hand JTiCormick Keayar apply i$oick. A. C. JIcAlister. vanK Buuuingi Asneooro ... LOW RATES TO Louisville and Buffalo via Queen and Crescent Route One fare plus 26 cents for the round trip. Tickets sold toLonisTille account Ken tuck- inns Homecominir June 10th. 11th and 12th limit June 23rd, can be extended until July 23rd. . . . Tirketa sold to Buffalo, account National rviTntin T. P. A. on June 8th, 9th and 10th, limit for return June 25th. Side trip Vw York 9(8 00 round triD. By going over the Queen 4 Crescent Route you pass through the beautiful Blue Orass section oi JventucKy m me uay iuuo. Ft arhedule. and excellent service in con nection with Southern Railway from Tennes see and North Carolina. Further information cheerfully furnished. J. C. CONN, H. F. LATIMOR, D. P. A., T. P. A. Cliattanooca. Tenn. 529 Gay St. MR. H. C. CAUSEY. A Prominent Citizen of the Concty Highly Endorsed for KegUter of eedn. To the voters of Randolph coun ty: Liberty township will pteseut the name of II. O. Causey for the office of Register of Deeds. We all like the present register, but at tfte same time we think it is the best not to keep any one in too long. Mr. Causey is qualified in every re spect to till any oftice in the county. Liberty township has not bad a county office in twenty years and I am not sure she ever had one and you may look the county over aud you can't find a man that is more deserving than Cicero Causey. He has voted and worked for every Democrat since the war and will still do so. It is known far and near that this township is entitled to this and we do hope at the next County Convolution you will all help us nominate Mr. Causey and he will be elected by a large majority. M. J. Rkitzki., May 26, 190G. Liberty, N. C. Mt Olivet Iteiiin. Mr. C. M. Tyson, from Carthage aud Miss Margaret McDonald from Cameron, are visitiug their sister mid cousin Mrs. L. D. Sugg. Several in the conmunity attend ed the commencement at Why Not and enjoyed Mr. John T. Bri'tian's ood speech. Ihey report a nice time. Mrs. Tempie Sugg and grand daughter lit tie Lizzie who has been on the sick list ur- improving. Quite a nuniler in the 'neighbor hood attended mating at Holly Springs Sunday. The woods seem to be us full of candidates for the sheriff place as it is with fruit tree agents. Asheboro Department Store Co. South fayetteville St, Keeps Ir Stock Gold Band Hams, Country Hams, Picnic Hams, Chickens and Eggs, Butter and Cheese, Fine Flour, Jellies and Preserves, Glassware. Moca and Java Coffees. Mattings. Coffee. Green Coffee 12 l-2c. Fancy Roasted bulk 1? and 20c. Roasted Coffee in package S, 16, 25 and 3 Scents. Silks. Foilette silk waistings 2Sc, Japanese silks, all colors, formerly SOc, now 40c. yd. Shoes. The International Walk-Over Shoe is the finest product of skilled labor. It looks well, fits well and wears well. Price S3.SO, $4X0, SS.OO AULTftlAN raction Engines Aultman & Taylor Traction Engines & Separators are without question .he strongest and most durable machines built. CZ3 We have a supply on hand and can show you at any time. If you are in the market kindly drop us a line and we will send you catalog. Never too busy to answer questions. PETT5T-RTED CO.. No. 336 South Elm Street. Greensboro, N. Carolina. R. S. PETTY, Pre., B. C. CAMPBELL, Sec. F. B. REID. Treas. r DlNLvCaS. Threshers, This Is the season for buying Traction Engines, Selt-binders, &c. It will pay you to look at our line, as we are selling the best on the Market. Sole agents Geo. E. Nissen Wagon. v : : jicrarvneaaiim uaiuna.10 vnw-"7 Why Did You Do It? BECAUSE Maybe you did not know we had it. Maybe you thought we could not make the price. Maybe you forgot that we know our business. Maybe you forgot to figure the freight. Mayl you forgot that we can sell goods as cheap as anyone, cata logue housos included. CONFESS It is good f r tho soul. But don't send away again, We sell just as cheap as any one and pay the freight, too. Trade with the Asheboro 5 and 10c. Store, Z. T. Bird & Son. We Pay the Highest Mar ket Prices for Chickens, Eggs, Butter and Country Bacon. : : Asheboro Department Store Co., South Favetteville St. near M. P. church. Near M. P. Church, At All Times Star Brand Shoes, Valk-Over Shoes, Ladies Fine Dress Goods, McCall's Patterns, Gents Furnishings, Crockery, $t TAYLOR and Separators. mOWCKS. Hay Rakes. s like a ten oin alley. It is about as J. Frank Cameron goooV PRESSELL Br( 1 Knoxville.Tenn.

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