The Asheboro Courier. Asheboro, N. C. May 31, 1906 Local and Personal. Send ns your ordei for job print- ing. A. A. Spencer returned from Carthage Saturday. Frof. K. H. Mclntyre, of Farmer, was in Asheboro last Friday. Oacar Coffin has returned home from the University to spend vacation. Dr. Fox has purchased the Jasper Annian home on South Fayette ville street. Miss Edith Moring left Tuesday for W;i8hingtou to visit her aunt Mrs. Jno. Bulla. Mr. A. 0. Cox, a prominent citizen of Michfleld, spent Friday in Asheboro on business. Misses Annie and Marion Mor ing returned Tuesday morning from the State Normal at "Greensboro. Miss Carrie Lowe, after attend ing commencement at Farmer, re turned to her home at High Point Friday. The Courier job department is always busy, but we make it a point to execute orders according to prom ise. Miss Ethel Pagf has returned to her home near Burlington after visiting Mrs. W. C Hammer tor several days. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Foust died Friday and was buried Saturday in the Ashe boro cemetery. The corner lot recently owned by policeman Fox was sold to Mr. A. M. Free, who has since sold it to Mr. C. C. Cranford. Miss Clara Spencer, who has been attendingthe Conservatory of Music at Durnam, returned home Monday morning . The school election held at Farmer Friday resulted in the de feat of the special school tax by a vote of 35 to 34. Miss Mamie Mclntyre, instructor in music at Farmer Institute, re timed to her home at Carl, in Montgomery county Friday. Miss Helen Newbeld, who had charge of the primary department at Farmer Institute during the past year was in Asheboro Friday en route to her home at Graham. The Courier failed to say last week that the prize catch made by the party who spent the day with Mr. S. W. Kivett on Caraway fish ing was a seven pound redhorse. The Asheboro Band will give their ministrel show at Frank lin ville June 2nd instead of June 5th as announced last week. The boys have a good show and will be given a large house. Miss Ora M. Cox, of Greensboro, who has been teaching in the Apos tolic Holiness Bible School there, passed through Thursday on her way home to attend the Friends' Quarterly Meeting at Holly Springs Mr. L. L. Thomas, "The oldest Mason in North Carolina," was in Asheboro last Week. He says the statement made by a Winston-Salem paper that he was married recently to a young woman 32 years old is an error. The Courier gladly cor rects the mistake. Attention is called to the new advertisements of the Wachovia Loan and Trust Company, of High Point; the Asheboro Department Store: Stieff Pianos; H. C. Wilmoth, of Charlotte and McCrary-Redding Hardware Store, of Asheboro. The Courier clubs are becoming popular. It is not much tiouble to get subscribers for The Courier. Everybody wants it and almost everybody in this section is a sub scriber or intends to become one. Let the good work go on. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Lewis, of Farmer, were visitors in Asheboro Tuesday. Mrs. Lewis brought the Courier ten dollars in subscription and receives two of the premiums one the breakfast set. We thank her very much for the interest taken in the paper which our force is sparing nothing in an effort to make it the best paper of Piedmont Carolina. f How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY CO Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J, Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and ttnaii. oially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALPING, KINNAN & MARVIN. Wholesale DrusKists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting dlrectl;- upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the system Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c, per bottle. Sold by all UriiRicists. lake Hall's Family Pills lor constipation. Mr. Percy Mendeahall is the proud father of a big baby boy. Mr. Wm. Cooper was presented with a fine baby girl Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Martin at tended commencement at Ramseur Monday. Miss Blanche Coffin is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Ii. L. Deaton, at Enfield. D. W. Wood, of LaGrange, is visiting his sister, Mrs. W.K swain, in South Asheboro. Flaud Morris, a student at the A . & M. Coll ege at Raleigh has re, turned home for vacation. Mrs. B. R. Lacy, who was a guest of relatives here last wpek has re turned to her home in Raleigh. G. D. M. Reynolds, of Troy, spent Sunday in Asheboro and at tended commencement at Ramseur Monday. Prof. Craven, of Concord, and principal of the State3ville Graded Schools, was a visitor in Asheboro last week. Edgar Woodell is contemplating extensive improvements on the Al len WoodeU home place near the court house. Miss Ina Smitherniau, of Troy, and Miss Pattie Monroe, of Rocking ham, attended commencement it Ramseur Monday. Mr. Ernest Redding, of Gibson ville, spent Sundav in Asheboro, attending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. W.J, Gregson. Mrs. A. W. E Capel, of Troy, was in Asheboro Monday enroute to Ramseur to attend the closing ex ercises of Ramseur Graded School Frances Walker, little daughter of Dr. J. 0. Walker won a prize for writing the best child s story under nine years of age for the "Woman's Home Companion published in Jew York City. Dougan' Foster was called to Dewey Tuesday to see his son who is quite sick at the home of his grandfather 11. M. Garner, two miles from Dewey. He is suffering with fever. Mr. Geo. D. B. Reynolds, of Troy, was here Saturday enroute to W hy JN ot to attend commencement. It is reported that Mr Reynolds has aspirations which will probably make him a candidate tor the nomi nation for Congress on the Republi can ticket. WHY NOT ACADEMY. F. Ilullu Awarded DeclatmrrV Med alt MIn Beane, the Young Ladles' Medal and Mis Biggs the Primary Department Medal. The closing exercises of Why Not Academy and Business Institute were held on Thursday, May 24th. Lone before 10 o clock a vast con course of people had assembled on the grounds to witness these exer cises. Many ot the citizens claim that the crowd was the largest ever seen here on such an occasion. It was a charming day, and the order was exceptionally good for such a large crowd ef people. There were three contests for gold medals, given by the Principal. The one given to tne children was won by little Miss Maggie Biggs; the one to the young ladies was won by Miss Ina Beane; and the declaim ed medal was won Dy Mr. u. a. Hulin. The students all did well in their recitations and declamations, re flecting honor and credit on them selves and teachers. John T. Britlain, Esq., of Ashe boro, delivered the address. His subject was, "Education from a Financial Standpoint." He han dled the subject well, setting forth many examples to prove that educa tion piys financially as well as men tally, morally and religiously. Many compliments were passed upon his speech. Mr. W. A. Cochran, of Troy, pre sented the children's medal; Mr. G. D. B. Reynolds, of the same town, in a speech of appropriate and well chosen words, presented the young ladies' medal; and Mr. J. T. Brit tain, in a speech of sound and whole some advice, presented the young men's medal. On the whole, the commencement was a success. We would not for get to mention the social gathering at night. This was greatly enjoyed by the young people, and older ones, too. The Moffkt String Band furnish ed music for the commencement exercises and social, which added much to the pleasures of the occa sion. The year just closed has been a very successful one, with the ex ception of about two months in the Spring Term, at which time measles and whooping cough affected the school very much, causing nviny to diaw out, and p:t venting many oth ers from entering. The Fall Term will begin Augutt the Gth, 1900'. FRANKLINVILLE NEWS. Movements of People Aid Society to Serve Refreshments Saturday I Jnne and. Mr. Fred Day, of Winston-Salem, filled the pulpit at the Baptist Church Sunday and preached two very instructive sermons. Mr. Jesse Jones and family, of Liberty, spent Sunday in the city with relatives. Mr. George Martindill has accept ed a position with the street car line at Greensboro. Mr. Martin dill is one of our best and most energetic young men and we feel eure that he will meet with much success in his new field. Mr. I. F. Burrow, of Biscoe, spent Saturday night and Sunday in town with his mother, Mrs. J. C. Burrow. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tippett left for Greensboio Monday to visit their sister Mrs. Nannie Martin, who hus been ill for some time. Some of our people attended commencement at Ramseur Mon day. Mrs. W. C. York, of High Point, who has been in the city for some time with relatives and friends re turned to her home Saturday. Mr. Bill Jones, of Greensboro, was in town Monday shaking hands with old acquaintances and smiling at some of our young ladies. Mr. Joe Maner, of Asheboro, was in the city Saturday and Sunday. Mr. H. J. Upton, one of our prosperous farmers, has erected a modern and up-to-date stock and feed barn on the banks of Coon Creek near his residence in the northeastern part of the city. Mr. It. W. J?inlator, of Greens boro, spent Sunday in town. Mr. Neal McUoiquadale, who fires a steam shovel for the South ern R. R. on the double tracking between Greensboro aud Salisbury was at heme Monday. Mr. W. -S. Buie is building an addition to his residence on Acade my street. We have been having some fine rains for the last few days which was badly needed and all our farms and gardens are taking on new life and our farmers are more hopeful for good crops this season. As was announced in the Couri er last week, the Aoln boro Nightin gale Band, will give their popular minstrel in the auditorium of the academy Saturday night. Ice cream and other refreshments will be served by the Ladies A:d Society and a jolly good time is in store for all that attend. Subscriptions Paid. Richard McGhee, Miss M. J. Cox, J. R. Lutterloah, J. H. Free, R. S. Craven, D. L. Culberson, Jno. C. Williamson, G. H. Jones, Miss Belle Dove, M. L. Burke, C. L. Curtis, Nixon Lucas, Jim King, J. A. Au man, 0. M. Yow, Noah Richardson, J. A. Caveness, J. L. Phillips, R. L. Kearns, Jacob Rovals, Martin Elder. Henry Dorsett, Alex Koonts, A. S, Pope, John Reddick, A. G. Bray. It's an when it comes to selcctintj a remedy for tired, aching feet due to uncom fortable foot wear. ASHEBORO DEPARTMENT PLEASANT HILL. Death of a Child Personals and Other Items t The little child of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Skeen died Monday 21, and was buried 1 uesdav. Mrs. Gazelle Briles, who has been visiting Mr. Lee Briles, of Light House, has returned home. Mr. Robert Hoover visited his father, Sam Hoover, at Charlotte, last week. Several of our young people attended the commencement at Trinity High School. Rev. J. M. Wilson preached an excellent pernion at Pleasant Hill Sunday. The Sunday School at Pleasant Hill is progiessing nicely. Tip. The Little Monster. The above is a cut of the new Wagner mofcir which furnishes the motive power for The Courier machinery. It is always in motion on Tuesday and Wednesday nights and a cordial invitatiou is extended to all who can to call and see it. On Wednesday night the press and folder are both running. An Old l,nly. Mrs. Kisiah Pugh who lives with her eon Mr. J. W Pugh near Gi'ay's Chapel wa 83 years old in April of this year is one of the livliest, brightest, and most cheerful old ladies in the county. She was on a visit to see her son Mr. Kelly Pugh, and to Mr. J. N. Caudle and others at New Salem last week. She was a sister of the late Dr. A. W. Lineberry, a well known M. P. minster, of Guilford county, and a brother of the late Messrs. C. Z. Lineberry and W. A. Lineberry, two well known citizens of Randle man. She is a sister of the wife of Dr. Brantly York, the founder of Union Institute, afterwards Trinity College. Mrs. Pugh is the mother of J. W. Pugh, of Gray's Chapel; A. S. Pugh,, of nt ar Asbebcro; Kelly Pugh, of New Salem; Frank Pugh, of Providence township; Mm. J. W? Routh, of Gi ay's Chapel; and Mrs. J.M.Cox, of Staley. Mrs. Pugh has more thau fifty grand children and forty great grand children. Senator Simmons presented 2, 098 petetious from North Carolina protesting against the retention of Reed Sinool as United States Senator. )ou meet everybody with a smile if you approach them in IT'S SOLID COMFORT. STORE Sole Agents FOR PISGAH NEWS. Gentry Parks Injured In a Runaway Personals. Mr. Elwood Graves is very sick with pneumonia. Rev. J. F. Allred will preach the funeral of Misse3s Nettie and Dora Luck at Pi;gah the s coud bunday in June. Mr. Franklin Auman visited his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Fields, in Guilford last week. Mr. J. B. Welch has moved his family to Moore county where he has purchased a lot of timber. Miss Addie Newsome, of Randle man, is visiting near here. Mr. George Parks' team ran away one day last week slightly in juring Gentry Parks, who was driving them, and severely injuring one of the horses. Mrs. Mary J. Parks is on the sick list Again. Sugg Creek. We have had a nice season of rain in this section the past few days. The wheat crop is looking nice. Mr. John Ash worth and Mr. M. C. Ashworth have the nicest crop3 of wheat on the river. Several of friends attended the Commencement at Why Not aud re port a nice time and a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. James Scott were visiting Mr. and Mrs. May Ashworth Sunday. The trees are bending with peach es and apples in this section. Figuring His Bal ance What a good thing it is to have a bank account, and letter still to have a camfortable balance to draw on at your convenience. Your Account with us will le kept accurately and the balance will be correct. We will look out for your financial in terests in every way, and give you all the banking tacilities you niny desire. In our Savings Department we pay FOUR per cent, interest. Open an account with us. You will find it a business boon. Wachovia Loan & Trust Co., High Point Office, High Point, N. CJ TV.Z WALK-OVER SHOE. ' The Stieff Self-Player Is the King: of all Instruments of its class. In this instru ment you not only have the Artistic STIEFF piano which has the appearance of the regular Stieff, but it is fitted with the finest self-player on the market. Any one can play the highest classic music down to "The Rag time Drummer." Write for particulars- Southern Wareroom No. 5 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. 0. 0. H. Wilmoth, Manager. Greensboro! Nurseries. Fruit, Shade and Or namental Tres, Vines, and Plants. Breeders of High-grade Jersey Cat tle, and Mammoth Black and Poland China hogs. Address JOHN A. VOUNG, Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. Victor Talking Machines and Records at Manufacturers prices. Large selection of Records on hand. W. A. UNDERWOOD, Randleman. 'She GREATEST of All IN SIZE AND QUALITY Vick's urtle Oil for Rheumatism, Swelling, Stiff Joints and wounds on man or beast. ANTISEPTIC, LIMBERING, and HEALS WITHOUT SI AR. L. RICHARDSON M'F'G CHEMIST, I Greensboro, N. Caro. 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm W. K. NEAL, PHOTOGRAPHER AND JEWELER Randleman, N. C.

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