LIBERTY NORMAL COLLEGE. Commencement Kierelitet Last Wk- Large Attendance Medal Awarded. The Liberty Normal College closed another gocul year's work last week. lhe commencement days proper were on Monday and Tues' day and the fttendance was even greater than previous years. Mon day evening was the occasion of the reciters contest. Miss "Lnra ( Bowman, of Liberty. was the winner of the prize. While all the others were creditable, it is well to say that Misses Lala Brown of Ramseur, and Bronie Coble, of Liberty, deserve spesial mention On Sunday, May 20, the Annual sermon was preached by Hev. C. E. Maddry, of Greensboro, X. C. The preacher took for his text, Esther, fourth chapter and the last part of the fourteenth verse: "W no Knowetn whether thou art come to the King dom for such a time as this? His theme was Individual Opportunity We scarcely evi-r have the privilege of hearing" as strong a sermon as was this. The speaker's words were with power and we believe they will have lasting mlluences tor goon. The next exercise tooK place on Monday night, May -.2 1st. Ten young ladies contested for the Ke epers' Medal, and the class in music furnished the music for the-occasion. The young ladies rendered their recitations well, the music was ex cellent, and the exercises were high ly enjoyed. Tuesday, May 02nd. was INuii mencemeut Hay. The morning exercises consisted of declamation, music and oratory. Seven young men contested for the Reclaimer's Medal and seven for the Orator's Meda'. Every young man won the applar.s of the large audience and was well satisfied with the work he did. MKHAl.S. Scholarship, Ellin Kichardson, Sutphin; Reclaimer's, II ad ley Clark, Ilillsk'io; Orator's, Cecil C. Jarrett, Julian; Keciter's, L ra Uowinan, Liberty; Improvement in Music. Haze! "lieece, Liberty; Advancement in Music, Bronie Coble, Libertv; Art, Kosa Coltrane, Liberty. Next term opens third Tuesday in August, 1 !0J. The school is under the manage ment of l'rofs. T. C. Amick intl J. A. lloruaday.the enrollment hav ing been 215. The music department of this school is under the control of Miss Ella E. Brow n, of Warsaw: the art department, under direction of Miss '.m. VU In the aftel noon, Prof. M. C. S. Noble, of the University, delivered a strong address. His address was a stronii plea for the education of all our children, lie pleads for si ch an education of mind, heart, and body, us would eiialde the student to go out and become a leader in his chosen calling, or at least to be able n compete successfully with his fellow man in the race of life. He says that the rtason some men. nay even most men fail, is not that thev did not have it in them to suc ceed, but that they did not have the chance. The child who is trained and educated may have no more mental pow er or ability than the one w ho has not; the reason he succeeds above the other is that he had the chance to develop what was in him while the other had not. It is the parent's duty to give his children a chance, to seud them to the Liberty Normal College where they will have a chance, and then the parent may be assured of their success in life. On Tuesday night the program was varied. Two plays, A Pretty Piece of Property and Vanity Van quished were given. The former by Misses Mary "Thompson, Minnie Seawell and Effie Kichardson; the latter was given by Misses Sal lie Durham, Carmen Grimes, Lalah Brown and Hassie Jones. Messrs. W. I. Ward aad Joe Hamlin were the gentlemen actors in the first and D. A. Neece in the second. The special feature of this pro gram was a butterfly drill given by sixteen young ladies. It was highly enjoyed. The jantomime "The Holy City" aad the tableaux were exceedingly well rendered. An Old Lad? Dies at Worlhvllle. Miss Janette Royals, aged 76 years died on Tuesday of last week at Worthville, She has two sisters, one of whom is Mrs. Carter, who lives at Asheboro with her daughter, Mrs. Dempsey Auman, and Mr. Newton J. Carter, of Elise. Mrs. Carter is 81 years old. Miss Nan Koyals, Worthville is another sister and is 78 years old. She was also a sister of Mrs. M. R. Moffitt, of Ulah, m ho died a year or two ago. Misses Nan and Janette Royals moved to Worthville when the town was established in 1881. They for merly lived nt Ramaenr and proba fir . w ii e nt FraoklinviUe. Mis Vm Mill mike her future home w tn vr. X. J. Carter at Elise, The Dental Boaetj. will meet in Tligh Point next month. RAMSEUR COMMENCEMENT. Though the weather wa3 unfavo r able Monday it did not have a very discouraging effect upon the attend ance at the Kamseur ctmmence meut exercises, and did not mas the pleasure of those who braved the storm. The well prepared pro gram was greatly enjoyed and those paiticipating did themselves and their instructors much honor. Mon day morning the following num bers composed the program and re ceived enthusiastic applause: .MeSI'AY, MVV 5!S, 10 O'CLOCK A. M. Music Band Invocationby Rev. C. A. Wood Sonp "Hall Smiling Morn!" By the School "N'eddv's Thankseiving" Pauline Smith "TI.e Losing Side i --Beulnh B. Norment "The Burniiifj Ship" Itntli Ellis "Little Willie's Hearing" Dewey White head Music Band "A School Day Sarah Cole 'Trouble in " the Amen Corner" Ielyor Ferree "Little Blossoms Pixie Lowe Carter "Hiirdm'k Goat" (ilenn Scott Music Band 'Signs" Mildred Syler "An Open Talk" llracie Moon "N.. Place for B. vs" Cecil York "Marengo" Eari Steed Music Hand "A Buddhist Lcu'end" Lizzie Forrester "John M:iynanl" John Klwell "1 Have Drunk My I-ast lilass" Lizzie Campbell 'Pollv Coflm"- Sue Svler Musii Band Pipes at Luckmnv" Jesse Whitehead A liclentimj Mob" Marv L. Luther Tlie L'Otli Onturv Man" De Wine Wrght Musie-P.and Nauli.inolit tbo l'eai-on" Annie ( lyde Scott 'Stay iu the South -Hubert Brady 'Aux Italians" M.uul Curtis Intermission till 1' 'clock Address--K. D. Proudlmrst, ( i rcehslioro, X. C. Presentation . f prizes. Bouedicti' n. Mr. Uroadhtirst's address was'on general 'educational lines. Mr. Broad hurst is an enthusiastic speak er and made a splendid impression upon the large audience. lie took i linn bold upon tne assembly in his appeal for better schools and strongly advocated the imminent to supplement the public funds now expended by a p cial sehcol tax retter schools winch meaii3 hetter itienship will be the ultimate re ult. His charge to the pupils was very fitting. 1 1 is speech will be on' remembered bv patrons and fiietuls as well as the pupils of the bool. At the close ot t lie address CIvde Luther was awarded the prize, beautifulk bounl volume of Tennyson's 1'oeuis, for the higest' landing on examination in spoiling unl the lurgtst number of head marks. For general excellence in studies, deportment aid attendance Dixie I Lowe Carter was awarded a ! gold medal. j Two very creditable concerts were given Saturday and Monday. We would like to publish these programs but lack of space makes it impossi ble. Kilty's store Xt ws. WliMit is looking tine in this sec tion. Miss Fanny May Nance, of High Point, visited her grand parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Harris Aance, anmiav; night. : Mr. Charles Cox and family, of j Handy, visited at Mr. Ira Corneli- j son's Saturday night and Sunday. I Kev. Henry Sheets preached -n 1 excellent sermon at Giavel Hill j Sunday. Mr." Eli Allied and wife spent j Sunday with their parents, Mr. T. M. Allred and family. Mr. Harmon Johnson i3 all smiles j It's a boy. j Mr. Lee Surratt and sister, Miss j Lo'a, spent Sunday at Mr. T. M.j Allied s. Misses Tula Morris, Ollie and Clyde Loftin were welcome visitors at Mr. W. G. Surratt's Sunday. Mr. Jeremiah Johnson lost a fine mule a few days ago. Kev. Tommie Spencer, a holiness preacher, filled his regular appoint ment at Riley's school "house the third Sunday. A large crowd was present. Mr. Oscar Tucker and family visited at Mr. Harris Nance's Sun day evening, Mr. Sam Lanier and Celia spent Sunday at Mr. Ivy Hill's. Mr. N. R. Morris, who has been at work at a saw mill in Mont gomery county spent Saturday with homefolks. S. The trial of Sam Kobre, Wm. Plean and J. . Whitbeck for mur der of Henry Kobre was called at Winston-Salem last week but jury was not secured nntil Tuesday. Judge Peebles has announced that he will hold night sessions of court in an effort to complete the case this week. Disagreeable home relations and lover's quarrel caused Miss Zenobia Franklin, 18-year-old danghter of Heurt trails lin, to u.ake an uonuo cenelu I attempt to commit m.ioiuV it l'uihnm Tuesday. She n-o Bhot gun, the discharge e u.i y oundiiig her, tkjugu u uia- pov fatal. COMMENCEMENT AT FARMER. Large C'mwil Knjoy the Exerclae of the Dmy Prlxei Offered by Prof. Mclntyre Awarded. The commencement at Farmer's Institute this year was as usual most enjoyable. Large crowds gathered from every part of the county and adjoining counties to witness the exercises which were most creditable. The season opened Tuesday eve ning of last week with the follow ing program which was most cred itably executed: 1 'It OG 1 ! A M T L' KS DA Y EVENIXti Instrumental Duet "Oser Hill and Dale" Misses Johnson and Lassiter. Recitation "Confound the Old Luck Any how" Claude Dorset. Chorus "Hells of Dreamland." Recitation und Solo "Unity's Asleep" Naomi r'inclier. I'hiy "Two Misses lhltetson" Misses I.oive, Rush and Parrish. Instrumental Trio Valse I.illie Lassiter, Puna and Walter K euros. Recitation "When Teacher Comes to Stay All Ninht"-Kthel Cale. Vocal Duel "t'nder the Old Umbrella" Lena Steed and Henrv I twain. Tableau "SunsluHe and Shadow" Huh Mnrdix'k and George Kearns. Instrumental Solo "Minuet iu E. Flat" Miss Clara Johnson. Farce "The Great Arrival" - George Fuller. William Homey ami An hur Macon. Instrumental Duet "Cheerfulness" Miss I.illie Lassiter and Walter Kearns. "The Flood anil The Oak."- Ramie liiiigliatn Musical Flav "Festiv 1 of the Daises" Class. Instrumental Solo - "S inherit Melody" Miss Lassiter. Recitation "Jack's Kisses" Miss Lena .lolnlsou. Vocal l.iuartet "Midnight Fire Alarm." - Miss Clara Johnson mid I.inuie Dorsetl. II. .ward Harris and Allert Craiiluril. Wednesday morning the annual address was delivered by Prof. J. I. Fonst, of the State Normal und Industrial College. His address was tilled with the most logical arguments on behalf of better schools and graded rural schools. He favored a levy of special tax for the niaintaiitance of graded schools in the county school dis tricts, and answered many argu ments which he had met in this tour in the educational campaigns over the State, that are generally used against such improvement. He set all who heard linn to think ing and his address will be produc tive of much good in this and ad join ing counties where the question of educational progress shall be raised. Wednesday afternoon the de cl timers contest was attmded by a well Tilled house. The fo'lowing were the speakers and the subjects of their declamations; with other participants iu the afternoon pro gram: Hannah Arncttis Faith 11cm aid Harris. The South and Her Problem Herbert I loward. Music. True Men the ot the Present Ed Macon. Whose Name Foremost in l.iheity's Story? - Charlie .-li.inibuier. The People Always Compinr- G rover Var 11"!'. Just Instrumental Duet "Se Carillon" S. RiiiKtiet. Misses Lissiter an. I Johnson. PecCation "Bill Perkins' ToUiooan Slide" Libert Kearns. Vocal Duet- "Mary June" Misses Kearns' and Lassiter. Reritalio "The Raggedy Man" Frauk Fiiiiher. At the close of the declainii's medal, given by Prof Mclntyre, the ellicient principal, was awarded to j Ch is. Shainburgt r. Little Miss Eihel Keains, the live year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Keains, was awarded a gold medal for excellence in spelling, she having beaten all competitors iu tho contest. Miss Eihel is an exceed ingly bright child. She was the winner in a '10 day spelling contest a few weeks ago, and withstood the siege without missing a single, word. Wtdtiesday evening the school closed with a five act drama entitled 'The Deacon.." The following was the caste: THE DEAD iX -CASTE OF CHARACj TERS. Deacon Thornton (Mrs. Thornton' brother in- law, with a passion for lemonade with stick in it) Albert Cranford. G.-oVja Graef (Mrs Thornton's nephew) Clepg Garner. George Darrah (alias Matt Wheeler) Irvin Kearns. James Reed (a friend of Durralis) Frank fiurkhead. Pedro (an organ grinder) Hal Kearns. Parson Brownlow, Sidney Redding. Tele (Mrs. Thornton's servant) George Dor sett. Billy (the Deacon's boy) Walter Kearns. Mrs. Thsrnton, Miss Mabel Kearns. Helen (her daughter) Miss Emma Dorsett. Miss Amelia Faucett (Mrs. Thornton's maid en sister) Miss Pat Lowe. Mrs. Darrah (George Darrah'i wife) Miss Addie Lassiter. Nellie (her child) Miss Luna Kearns. Daisy (Mrs. Thornton's maid) Miss Clyde Kearns. Time, the present. Locality, Eintville, Va. The Supreme court has refused to grant a new trial to Rbt LiUiston, who shot one Smith, a by-stander, in the depot at Raleigh last October. He must serve four een years in the penitentiary. Senator Oveinmn hxH introduced a bill asking fr two term ofJiFed erl court at Durham; Judg- Boyd to preside at Greensboro an t Dur b Ri sessions. LIST TAKERS APPOINTMENTS. I will be at Branson Mills June 6; Providence, June 7; Red Cross, June 8; Pugh & Lineberry Store, June 9; Union Grove, June 11 after, noon to list tax for Providence town ship. J. W. Pcoh. I will attend at the following times and places to list the property in Liberty township: Liberty, June 6th; Julian, June 7th; Melanchton, June 8th and Liberty, June 9th. V. li. UURTI9. I will list taxes for New Market township: Level Cross, June 5th; Walker s Mills, June 6th; Sophia, June 7th; Edgar 8th; Gladeflboro, June 9th; Glenola, 11th afternoon R. L. White, List Taker. JJJFor list taking I will be at Ram seur, June 7th and 8th; Kivett's Store, June 9th; York & Frazier's Store, June 11th; Staley, June 11th. T. P. Barker. I will be at Brower's Mills, June 20, forenoon; VV. II. Wrenn's, June 20th, afternoon; F. M. Teague's, June 27th, Wednesday and Erect Post Offiee, June 28th, Thuisday, for the purpose of listing taxes E. B. Leach, List Taker, Brower township. Knli'vlrw Items. The Trinity townsnip Sunday School convention and Children's Day combined will be held at Fair view church the 2nd Stiuday iu June, every body invited. Everybody was pleased to see the refreshing rainfall last Friday morn ing. Miss Bessie White, of Guilford College, will be present at the con vention at '''airview and will recite one of her fainating pieces. A large picnic crowd from Thom asville picnieed on the grounds of Fairview Park one day last week. We are glad to note Mrs. B. A. Gray, who has been in bad health for sometime, is rapidly improving. Several of our people attended the Trinity commencement Sunday and Monday, report an interesting time. Jim Little went to High Point on business Satuiday evening. Little David Blair Moffitt, of ThsiHiisville, is spending sometime with his grand parents at this place. Allen Blai'. of High Point, made a living trip home on Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Sarah Helper leaves this week for a visit to relatives in Guilford county. A. 0. i'lu'ti of riimiks. We desire, tlnougn TilK Coi'Ki KK, to thank our many friends in Ashe boro for theii very great kindness aud sympathy during father's sick ness and death. Ciias. F. and Lavka J. Smith. ...... i Kiirly oiivi nlloii In Uullfonl Count) . E. A Brow n has heen elected chairman of j the democratic eM'iuthe committee of Gnil- i lord county in place of V. II. Osborn, re- j inned The County Convention to send j delegates to state and district conventions ill he held on dune !, and the convention to iiouiiii. ite a ticket will le on Jul v itu. FROM NOW till July 1st, Mo- Crarv-Redding Ildwe. Co. will oiler special inducements in buggies and harness, to reduce their stock. Call and see them. Chas. Dewey, the little eight-year old son of C. C. Randleinan, died of appendicitis yesterday in Danville, a. Furniture After getting your house your next need will be to furnish it. We have it and will make you the very best prices, and to make the thing easy to pay, will sell to any one in the town on the installment plan 1-3 down and balance in even payments for three months. The following are a few of the things offered at this time: BEAUTIFUL QUARTER- ART SQUARES COUCHES ED OAK SUITS Any size from 4.50 to $12.50 Iron beds, trimmings brass, 5.00, 10.00 and $15. at the following prices: RUGS Bed Couches 12.50 30a:im225' B?utifiaM,gnetaW,.2.75 Seouche, V MATTAESSSS CHAIRS MATTING oLtn Mi"riii) in $5 50 Anything from $10. Morris You should see our line of Hi aid ShuckS ofiTw airs down 10 the Ch6ap- v Matting. om )i nt ion 50 in. 4.00 e3t- hi n a, heavy weight, 20 to h 9 ip filled 2.00 vjAHjrmrorv: 40cts. Woven steel wire 3.50 hammuuu Jap. Matting any pattern or Folding steel wire 2.00 Full line .75 to $3.50 color, 25 to 30 cts. White Quilts, Sheets, Pillows, Quilts, Lace Curtains, Curtain Shades, Curtain Rolls and many of the things which go to furnish a first-class home. Come and take a look; we will be glad to show you. We guar antee satisfacion and remember we will sell you any of these things on time Central Falls. Death, in its sad scenes of be reavement, has visited the home of Mr. D. W. Hill again, and taken from them, the triplets that were left motherless some nine months ago. No doubt it is well remembered that during the latter part of last summer, triplets were born at his home, and that after two weeks ill ness the mother was taken from their midst leaving the home deso late and sad, wirh the little ones still living. They grew nicely through the loving tender care of the family's watchfulness and de votion until recently, when taken with something like teething and died very soon, all at nearly the same time. The little girl, Rosa, was first to go, and ditd on the 22nd and buried the 23id. The little boys, Roland an I Reg. n, both d'ed on the 24th and were buried in the same grave with Rosa on the 25th. Thus they all three now sleep side by side near the loving mother who went before them, and all are joined together in the Paradise above, ! where there is l est evermore. The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Spinks' little girl, who died last fall, wag to have been preached by Rev. M. E. Hammer at Giles' Chapel on last Sunday, but owing to some sickness or otherwise with Mr. Hammer, the funeral did not take place, so it will be preached later on, but iu the near future, we presume. J. F. Hamilton. White House, Quite a small crowd attended Sun day School nt Hopewell Sundiiv. Misses Lillie Belle Yuncannou and j Lizzie Johnnm spent the Sunday with M'ss 1'ielle fiiny. I Mr. and v'rs. Twin Cox went to Holly Springs Saturday. I Miss Dora Yuncannou and Mr. ; Stanley Williams spent Sunday with j Mr. Anthony Smith and wife. Claud Luck has a new buggy. t Miss bi 11 Gr.ty is on the sick list I this week. j H. T. Yiuicannon is building a ! new house. i Misses Willie Allred and Hattie i Luck visited at Bob Johnson's Suu-1 day evening. I Frank Dawson and Miss Belle Luck went, out driving Sunday after. noon. Misses Mattie and Beitha Luck and Nettie Cooper spent the evening at Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hammond Sun-' dav. ' I'lilmi throve Items. Mr. J. F. Garner made a business; trip to Randolph recently. Misses Janet, Lulu and Maggie, Hancock were the guests of Misses Rosaim, Rozeta and Cora McNeill Saturday afternoon. Mr. K. M. Brown visited his brother, Mr. S. L. Brown Sunday. Mesrs. E. A. HuncocK and J. II. j McNeill attended services at Mt Zion Saturday night. . lXSTIit'CTUi: for sale: 110 eijfj size, used 1ml little, will hatch as many chicks as ! any inculi.iior on the innket. For further information call on, or write .1. C. .Mot-ni,: Mollitt. N. CI A WOMAN'S If vour face is covereil with pimples, lillJ with unsightly bluckheails, cheeks sunken and hoi low. vnu -houl.l ue the Rubber ConvplexlontBulb which replace" all oM inetluals lor jemf itiu' Is'iiiitv. 1 1 prevent- mid remove, wi inkles, puui'le. blackhead", worms; imik h wilt skill white null vi-lvely blackheads iu nianv in-iaio i s are l-ani-lieil in a h w pliniite. The s oed wltn which it clears the complexion is almost hevond U-liel. A single w othioK application pn duces re markable reMilts. May also be vjsd ir. developing the Bust. Women who own one of these w linden ill devices need lime no further iear ol riukl r blackheads. The regular price 5tl cents. In order to (ret other cikh! things In-fore lull fiireenons lor .to cents. 401 Hroadway. New York. i cannot iillord to and House Furnishings Wood Moring.- CONDENSED FOR BUSY READERS. Congiessman Jos. M. Dixon, an alumnus of Guilford College, de livered the literary address there on Monday. Last Sat lrday iu the House of Representatives at Washington. Mr. Lamar, of Florida, tauched on the rate bill declaring it a "delusion, and a snare." He said that his as sociates would recognize that it would be of no benefit to the people. II. E. Lumley, a drug clerk of Durham, attempted suicide at the Yarborough hotel at Raleigh Tues day. His former home was in Michigan. Lumley fell out with his employer and, dispondent at tempted to end his life. JThe appointment of Edward Mc Coy, colored, mail carrier at Raleigh has caused a petition to be forward ed to Representative Pou asking him to urge the removal of McCoy that be is personally obnoxious to the patrous of the route. Eighteen persons we "e killed a .d twenty-two injured in a wreck at Louisville, Ky., Tuesday morning. It was caused by a defective wheel. The remains of T. A. Gillilaud.of Siler City, who d ed Tuesday morn ing in St. Lio's Hospital at Greens boro, were taken to his home for in terment Tuesday evening. Heart disease caused his death. The de ceased was 35 years of age. CLIMAX, R. F. D. Providence Township Kumtnv Hchool Convention Will Sleet June Kllh. Mr. J. C. Wilson left Monday for Greensboro, where he goes to accept a position with The Southern Loan and Trust Co. Miss Alleen White is with her sister, Mrs. Alta Tyson, at Mebane, since the death of Mrs. Tyson's little girl Lucile. About twenty-five young people and some older ones gathered at Rev. W. A. White's Sunday afternoon at the first meeting of Providence Mis sion Class. Providence township Sunday School Convention will be held at Piethel the second Sunday in June. Give us a good crowd and we will try to jive you something entertain ing. Li-ok for the program next week. Among those of our people who attended Guilford College Com meneement were Mr. and Mrs. AV. A. White. W. L. Foust & Co. has purchased a brick machine with a capacity of 25,00 brick a day. It will be in stalled and ready for work the first of next week. Jno. 1'. Mollitt spent Tuesday in Hirh Point on business. PRIDE IS A BEAUTIFUL COM PLEXION ------ miss this bura'n. Address MOOKE'S VtVT. K. you we will wild the Complexion BiiiD wiju

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