SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. Mcetlugs Will Be Held All Over the Conatr Daring the M omth Sub jects to Be UUcniitd, The activity of the Sunday School worker in Randolph county will be veiy evident during the month of June. Many townships will hold conventions for ;the pur pose of discussing subjects of in terest to both- teacher and pupil, that the work may be more success fully carried on throughout the county. These meetings will be largely at tended and will be made interest ing for all. The Courier takes pleasure in publishing the following programs by request: RAXDLEMAX TOWNSHIP, SAINT JOHN 'S CHURCH, SUNDAY, JUNE 17, l'JOO. 9:30 Song Service. Scripture Reading anil Prayer Win, A. Lamb. Reports from Schools Read ly Secretary o Convention. 10:1j Round Table The Sunday School Teacher--Led bv Dr. V. 1. Sumner 10:45 Our Little Folks -L. li. Hughes, Frances 1. Hubbard. 11:1") A Few things the J'astor Should Ex pect from the Sunday School -Rev. CM. Campljell. 11:40 Fledges, Collections, etc. NOON. 2.00 Song Service and Prayer. Election if Ullicers and Other business. 2:u0 Si.nieUood Things about the "Baraca . 11. l'ickard. L' .45 The Hardest Problem in My School Three minnt. talks from Suerintciideiits. l." Round Tal.le Sunday School Manage ment Led by Dr. C C Hubbard. Announcements and t'lo-iug. GOOD HEALTH GIVERS IMPROVED HIGHWAYS FROM A MED ICAL POINT OF VIEW. COI.IMF.LV T'i WNSI! 1 P, CHURCH, RAMSEUR. X. C. 17T11, PJiHi. MORNlNli SESSION. Devotional Exercises R hapUou. Report from Schools. I irgaui lo.;;o R DM.i 11.00 RAPTIST JUNK, J. B zed Chi- Wei r I. Stale ll.JO Po ud.i .MlK Pled imer. ml by re .'airview Illll'lilV Mi District-, general iih! Table -T etendeut. Led by 1. F. Craven, s for State aiid County Sunday cliool VtOIK. Appointment of Committee, etc. AFTERNOON SESSION. 2:1 j Song Service. j :;0 The Possibilities of Childhood Rev. C. A. Wood ."H Address bv Coumv President Prof. J. M. Way. ' Election of Officers. Every Sunday School in the towushi-i i urgeil to -end' delegates, ami it is desired tliat every Suiday school supriiitendeut participate in the discussions. Dinner will l! provided for delegates and visitors. M. E. Jus-i.s, Pre-idei.t. Ali-s Pi:tuL Fr.uuKK, Secretary. TRINITY TOWNSHIP. Trinity Towhship Sunday School Convention will be held at Fairview Church, June 10, ll'OO. The pro gram is as follows: 10 a. in. ong -ervivice. M!oved with prayer by l!ev. Ii. F. llargett. lO.l'i a. in. 'Word-of welcome by Dr. D. Reid Parker. Response by Rev, 15. F. llargett. 11 a. tn. The Sunday School a- a I'mide ol Young Life to' its Be-t Estate Prof. N. C. English. 1 1:30 a. ni. The Sunday S-ho 1 a lieiielicent lull lence on Per-o is ot Mature Year-. Dr. Frank H. Wood. 'l in. Ad jonrnmeut for 1:."0 p. in. Sinning, foil from uiendiers ,f School. 1' p. in Addre- bv Prof. .1. M Way. :;J0 p. in. The Minday School as sioiiary Factor. I r. t. J. T. Henry. 3. p. ni. How to Secure a U-tter unday Attendance ill our Rural Rev. 1 1. C. Cos. Oien for enion. 4 p. m. I!eiorts from School. 4.30 p. in Election of Oilicers. "t p. tu. Adjournment. W. N. President. GRANT TOWNSHIP. Grant Township Sunday School Convention will be held at Spoon's Chapel, Sunday, June 24th, 1U00. The following is the program: MORNING SESSION. 10:06 Song Service. Devotional. Welcome A. D. Hamilton. Response C. W. Cox. Song. rSSBTZT Recitations The different schools a follows: What a Boy Can Do Clifford Glasgow. The Downward and Upward Road Stena J. Humble. Charity's Meal Lula Cole. Auda Brown. Song. Alone Dallas Glasgow. A School of Heroes Erma Lynch. A Drunkard's Child Swanna Bird. Song. The Rolie of Christ Mattie Kenney. The Gift of God to Fallen Man Ezade Smith. A Voice frjm the Poor House Leola K Have You not a Word for Jesus fearle Cox. Sona. He Stoops to ComjuerSin and Death Mamie Kenny. The Judginent Ruth E. Smith A Mother's Prayer Etta Lowdermllk Only Try Olive Moffitt. Be Sure" Your Sins Will Find You Out- Ella King. Song. Address Dr. C. C. Hubbard. Intermission. AFTE3NOON SESSION. Song Service. Report from School. A Talk on Sunday School Teaching-E. C Williamson, President of Iliiudleiruir n 'nv Vv,1 C f " :! Michigan I'hralclaB rolnta Oat the Beaeflta aid Dlaadvaatacra to Man kind of Flac and Bad Road Value ot Trees Along- Koadnidea. The medical man in pioneer days was many times one of the first to blaze the path, to lay out the road or to plan the highways, and It is a fact that in modern times lie is one of the first to lend his knowledge and aid to fur ther the movement of good roads, says Ir. E. B. Smith, secretary of the Michigan College of Medicine and Sur gery, in the Auto Advocate and Coun try Rouds. Many years ago Michigan possessed a man of sterling worth, broad intel lect and keen observation for the re quirements of the people of his locality and the needs of good roads and the reclaiming of ninny acres for new set tlers and clearing up of the cause of much sickness and death. Dr. Henry Wyuiau in about 1S44 was a member of the legislature from Lenawee coun ty. The district was a great cotton wood swamp. Miliaria und typhoid fe ver prevailed every month of the year. Through his efforts in the legislative body Dr. Wyninu secured appropria tions for digging a ditch a considera ble distance, across Lenawee and well into Monroe. They say that at that time logs were felled, and over the logs was thrown the dirt from the ditch, which contained considerable clay. CALVIN J. STOUT DEAD. Result of Attack of Paralysis on Street at High Point Wednesday of Lut Will, Calvin J. Stout, formerly of Ran dolph county, but lately of High Point, died suddenly at that city last Wednesday after an illness of only a few hours. lie was attacked with paralysis early in the morning while walking along the streets of High Poin"-. He fell and became unconscious he fore he eou'd find shelter. The deceased leaves a wife and seven children. Mr. Stout was horn and reared in Grant township, Randolph county, and for many years lived fom miles east of Asheboro. For some time he had made his borne, at High Point where he was employed as carpenter. The funeral' serviefs were held Thursday afternoon followed by the interment at Springfield, ne: r Arch- dale, Guilford County. LIST TAKERS APPOINTMENTS. I will be at Bianson Mills June ti; Providence, June ?; Red C,oss, June S; I'ugh & Lintbetry Stoic, June !; Union Grove, June 11 after, noon to list tax for Providence town ship. J. W. Pitch. 1 will attend" at the following times mid nhires to list the uroiiertv WHICH coiliaiueu i-uiiMuriauii; , I r I These logs were either tired on in Liberty township: Liberty, June purpose or by baked the clay stance, and today going through this country one can see the result of that baking process. As n result of this ditching mid turn pikingtlicre aivnoiiiorebenuttful farms, with people enjoying good health, in hiince. and the fire . dtn; Julian,; Melanchton, into the brick sub-. June 8th and Liberty. June 0th. C. li. Cruris. l! e Po day Soli. -l Co v (ion led by . J. Election of. Officers. mm mmm .88a, Vim ' "l ik ... lrfP Alters You can hardly find a home without its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad vise parents to keep iton hand. "The tt coiieli mullein niony en bur la Av.-r Oierrv I'eeim-al. For tlif -ieli ot children llotlilhK colil'l inlhlT br Letter." Jacoii Siii ll. Saratoga, Ino. Sc.. Me.. l .W. .r. r. Ay KB ro.. lUKK tor """ Throat, Lungs Handle ycr's Pills greatly aid the Cherry LOW RATES TO Louisville and Buffalo via Queen and Crescent Route To Cure a Cold in One Dav. Take I.AXATITTVK IMtOMO Quinine Tableis, I)ruggiM- reliind iinmey if it liiii to c-nrc . 1C W UlIOVK's iglla!llIe i o i cacli Ix'X. ".V Money to Loan On city real estate mort gage. Terms: One to ten years. Interest: 6 percent per annum, payable semi-annually. Address, Piedmont Trust Company. Burlington N. C. Ti hip fare plus 25 oimiim for the round trip. i kcls sohl loi.oiiisvine iicc-oiiiii jxciioick- i,o:s lloiiiecomihj; June 1 (Ml), llth mid 1 -Hi, limit June 2,'Jrd, can lie extended until July I'.'.rd. 'i'ickets sold to Ibiflalo, nct-oiint National Coiiintioii T. I'. A. on June 8;h, '.Mil and I'ltli, limit for return June -'nil. Side trip New York S.MI round trip. nja I Sy fioing over the Queen ,V C'rew-eiit lomie you ass tlii-inndi llie beniitifiil Hlue i Iras-, section of Kentucky in tlie day time. l",i-t i-cliediile, mid excellent M-ivice in con neiiion with Southern liailway from Tennes see ami North I'aivliiiu. Further informal ion cheerfully furnished. J. C. OiNN,' II. F. I.ATIMOII, I) P. A., T. 1'. A. Chattanooga, Teisn. .ril"J (!y St. i Knoxville, Tenn. FINE KOADS MEAN GOOD HEALTH. nny other iart of the I'nited States than in Lenawee and Monroe counties. So 1 believe that as good roads mean pood Urniuinire that is. drainage of the surface of the road, drainage under the and drainage along the sides of the road so we have gaod health to thost? Hying along the roads construct ed after thin maimer. Man is ko constructed that wheu lie . walks, runs or juiniis the jar is lessen-1 ed and entirely spoilt before it reaches tissue or vital organs that are unable , to withstand it. This is so on accouut of the arch iu the foot and on account . of the elasticity of that arch. This arch Is i. more i.erfeet one than you builders can make. Between each , Joint are lluid buffers, and running j from one bone to) tuiotlu r, keeping the , Joints frjm spreading and to aid tliem to swing, are guy ropes that assume a las or tense condition, as reiuired. and bet weiu each hone iu the spinal col umn are mattresses that make it pos sible for one to jump from a consid erable height, and, striking upon the . feet, the force of the blow is cur- 1 from -part to part of the Isjdy and , the force spent upon these resisting , bodies until it is sieiit before reaching j the brain. I hruuly believe that tlie . rough, bad roads of our country are no ( small factor as a cause of the large j number of nervous and insane cases j that our rural districts supply. I Catarrhal conditions are aggravated bv the dust from the roads, the decay- i ing vegetable life along the roadside bleeds disease, and the stagnated pool f is a fertile held for low forma or ani mal life. From these the air Is pollut ed, aud man has only to be found in a condition to be infected. It Is too had that these stngnaut pools cannot cry out to the passerby: "Unclean: un clean :" If this were S3 you and I could turn out of the way and pass by. Healthy plant life along the roadside is conducive to good heiilth In man. It helps give unto man that which man needs for his growth and for Iris living. What is pleasing to the eye gives health. That is one reason why tne tourist aud travelers peek other climes. The eye Is delighted. It Is pleased. That helps the body. Every special sense Is helped, and so the great body Is made more healthy. The nose smells, and we are pleased or displeased. We ore satisfied, even gratified, or we nre disgusted and sickened. The ear hears the sweet songs, the mind becomes Joyous, and the heart beats stronger and fuller, and we are made to feel the Joy of exhilaration at the pleasant sur roundings; we are made to feel that It Is good to live. The keen sense of taste begins to manifest Itself. The appetite Is sharpeued, the stomach does better work, und the man begins to feel his power and strength and fsels that It is good to be here. I can sar to you farmers, I can say to you men outside of the cities and j towns, that good roads nre your salva tion, your health. I can say that that which Impr-ivf! yniir everylny I'fe and that which Improve - yocr wniks T.i life make you live longer, make yon live easier, make you live a little bette. and that which nutkes ynu live linger, easier and better makes It passible for you to diO easier. f We Offer You a Trip Around the World in 60 Minutes at a mero trifle. Trips for 100.000 people; you can be one of ttaeee. Read this 4 carefully and you will learn omethliig t o your avd vavntntre. Laughable. Interesting and exoivlng scenes trom eery land-a trip around the world at almost no cost. Scores upon scores of people are dally taking advantage of our very liberal and decidedly interesting otter. Magnificently nnisbed and exquisitely photo-colored views In place ot thS oldtime and antiquated views ot the past. A moxt Pleasant and interesting hour to spend Journeying around the globe the places ot gieatest interest, most beautiful scenery. etc.. at n mere trifle ofoosl through our liberal plan. These views illustrate some of tb Soio p'Scei in the world-mountain scenery both in America and Europe-waterfalls and other lamous Datura phenoma, some of "he world" most famous buildings, places of historical Interest and olaoes famous for beautiful architecture or beautiful natural scenery. TntTsetlsof the greatest educational value, prewnt ng. as it does, such reallstle likenesses of scenes and places that we all should know about We want every household to have one of these seta. Imagine yourself taken through the Orient, on a trip to California, through theWorlds Fair to see the splendid scenes as though you iwere right there on the spot. By special process, a combination i otl itho ftTaphlngand half -tone worfc we are able toofferaool ectlonofoolored view, from every part of the world In the most beautiful. MUinlul startling life-like color effect, which must be seen to be ai'preclatea. It la impossible to describe the grandeur and beauty of these viewa. We wan each and every household to have set of these therefore act promptly after reading this adv. It wasn't so very long ago that hundreds of thousands or people pent many pleasant houra with the stereoscope, but heretofore they were compelled to pay enormous prices for views, think of it, aw high as too each for colored pictures. Thousands upon thousands of stereo oopio views in oolors were distributed in those days, but Imagine, each and every view had to be colored by hand. In the past few months we have had repeated demands for colored views, and being able to secure the latest and most beautiful colored views to furnish to the public at a ridloulously low prioe, wc entered Into the stereoscope plan on quite a large scale, and have taken immediate advantage of the In ternatlonal Art Aasoctatton's offer who have spent an enormous amount of money to get out special color plates and have finally com pleted their end. namely : To place on the market thounandsof magnifi cent Btereoscoplo views, the most beautiful. Interesting and eiclting scene from every land, in the grandest and most exquisite natural Now wc come to our great special offer. Read carefully our plan below as it describee the stereoscope aud tells how to secure the scope end views at almost no cost to you. First the stereoscope. The stereoscope Is our world-f amooa Alu minum Crystal Lens" Stereoscope. Genuine aluminum hood, pouna with dark rich velvet. Frame is ot fine finished eherrv wood with patent folding handle, folding underneath frame, and sliding bar. The lenses are emtra fine quality, selected for cleamene and brilliancy. Itt Inches In diameter, ground from best quality glass and carefully adjusted. This Crystal tns Aluminum Scope' has won universal praise from lovers ot tbe beautiful, and as a means cf entertain nieut stands second to nothing. Then Here is Our Otter: Secure five eubscrij tiens t Th3 Courier and we will send jxu abso lutely iree.lhi? Ktercoscope and 48 f.i'j vi art' re ' the world over. - High Point Buggies, J. I. Nissen Wagons, Empire Drills, orn Planters, Johnston Harvesting Machin ery, Mowers, ultivators, Plows, Stoves, Ranges, Mill Supplies, Builders Hardware, Buggy and Wagon Harness, Stag Paint, 1 gallon makes 2; Roofing, Barb and Smooth Wire and everything in the hard ware line. t See us before you buy we can save yo money. oiule Bm Uflnsliti., U,iluina rnmnnnu ajOtVIS Ub VV II I3I ITT Tldl U VT CI I V VUlllfUI IJ . The Spring Outlay Miller's is the Place- Something to please all. New goods already here, more coming. Merchandise bought at this store stands for style and quality, bears inspection and is offered at prices that invite most rigid comparison. Our line of new spring dress goods, and trimmings eclipse anything ever shown in our store. The latest fads in furnishings for ladies, gentlemen and childrens boys and girls can be found in our immense stock of goods. W. J. MILLER. ASHEBORO, N.C The Vital Point. When it comes to eating you wan some thing you like. The same applies to the necessary articles for the dining room where you do your eating. Dining Room 'Suites and Fine Theodore Havener Dinner Sets from $25.oo to Sloo.oo per set. We are adding a full line of Mantels, Til ing and Grates that will be worth your while to inspect. - Mattings of all Kinds Rugs, Axminister Velvets and Burtworth Wiltons, varying in price from $2o to $65. A call will convince you. People's House Furnishing Co., High Point, N. C. NEW "RAILROAD SPECIAL" WATCH. An Extra Good One for Men and Boys on the Farm Reliable and Durable Stem Winding and Setting. LA ROE HEAVY DUST-PROOF CASE. RAILROAD STYLE HANDSOME AND GOOD AS IT LOOKS. This watch Iifls proved to be the most popular one evr made to sell fur a i.u o,l h ni n eTpellent Butisfacron Tlie larce, heavy KilviT- ode case is solid 'metal, and will never turnish or cli color. It has a H.-i ewr- Vark and acrew-btzel, winch renders it uust-prooi. cacu ime im White GIbhi Enamel Dial and extra heavy crystal, fi-gular uwn 8 18 fcize, 3 oz. case. THE MOVEMENT. NEW ERA, Seven Jewel, Train Bearing in Metal Setting. l'omp'mation lialanee. Quick Train, Safely Pinion. Made !y the New York Standard Watch Co READ THIS OFFER For 3 ".' oulv we will send the alwve described watch, by registered mail, postage paid bv to any address. We include a year' -.ulwenptmii to the Courier with eac.!i watch without Additional char. Watch inn.- lie s-nt to one address and Uie aner to another, i! desired. We uud.-ru';e lo deliver e.irti watch in good running order, and guarantee same to ( ieireente l, or we will give this watch prepti-1 for subscriptions at !.) eaHi. Address nil orders to THE COURIER, 7,, shboro, N.C. i i ., I..,.-. man in iiii-n x. mmKSwrumvmmwuaBXm Una Bird, S ex toy

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