fTHE REIGN OF THE MOB iWhat the Triumph of Socialism Would Brine. books that tire used in the schools; june ist. I but a course in the theory and prac-i The corner stoue of the uew HOW IT DHTEES FEOM DEM00EA0Y tice of teaching, a course that Will Lutheran church at Lexington was J be helpful to the teacher, making iaid Friday. There can Be xo permanent Alliance I him or her a better instructor audi Work has begun on the water Between Them-HepnbUcan Prind-1 enabling them to do more for their Ld sewerage syriterii at Lexiugton. pie. and roiioie. ue-pon.ii.ie For pupils. It is necessary that we The county commissioners have the o..tro(h of sociaii.m-cor. i know something to teach, yes, very ordered a vote on special school tax eminent Mean. Force. ! necessary; but it is also as fully j f01 district 11, Thoniasville towu- : nencessarv that we know how to ship to be held July 10th. Tbo Socialists of this country nre uu- )fj;lch what we lttteinpt to teach. Prof. AV. M. brown, superintend doubUMlly (UsMtlaflcd with j i-roscnt eeo-; ie tettCiier iiiav be born, but even ant f Lexington Graded School nomlf aul political conditions, and so , . , i r ' . , n. , . ... arc the lKM.uKT.its. r.ut there is ll0 , if e are born to teach, we need to was marned Iu,t week to Mm coumum mounil t-etweew Socialism and guided in that work by the ex- lVml , estal at Arcadia. Democracy, and hence there can l.e no pcrienee of past generations ot l)r. A. L. riummer, son of the permanent alliance between Socialists teachers. It is not enough to be are J, K. I'luininer, of Jones Mine, and Democrats. Socialism Is a reli- born for a certain work; til.' person la3 returned home from the Ur.i- cious in-inciple or. if you please, an Ir- ivl.w.ous i.nncipie. win.'e nomocracy !s,jon possible for that work. purely political, because it Is founded , jan(rUi,(re js verv helpful in upon the system established for civil f fom povernmeni m mis rnuuirj in u.c nine of ihe American Revolution, a system which reprobates all compacts between relijdou and the state. Socialism, tempered by Christianity as that system of religion was taught by its Founder and his apostles, is based upon the ideas of peace and charity, while civil pivernmont, our Qvu us well as every other, present or past, is founded on organized physical force. Socialists can organize only in voluntary associations, because peace and charity and pxd will Imply the full and free assent of each Individual coi.-cience to the principles and nets of the society. whereas Democrats may (n some phase" of the subject of edu nize in civil Bovernmeuts. (iatjon '. ,yQ and do organize in whose acts not each individual con science, but the will of the majority, rules by means of physical force np- , i i,.- nw.nna f fnnrts nmi i9 nm navies." Christ had neither an anny nor a navy. His early followers refused to beeome soldiers. Three hundred years after Christ, Celsus appealed to the Christians to abandon their creed Id ealise the effect of that creed was to deprive the state of armed defenders n.caiust barbarians. Franklin appealed to the ijuakers of rvnnsylviuila during the Uevoluiiou to abandon their doc trine of nonresistam ground. on tho same Ylo!l Christian socialists compro mised with the state ami accepted physical force as a means of iroveru ment the dark aires were the immedi ate result. The doctrine of nonresist once was used to keep the people in vassaiace to an impious and blood thirsty military aristocracy. With these lessons from history In their minds, our American ancestors sounht by the political institutions which they estab lished to escape the fate of Europe and Asia by disassociating religion and the state, because the mixture of contrary principles in government was known to produce deplorable effects. They pave to the soverument certain powers which Christianity and socialism re pudiated. Tlu-y pave to comrress, for instance, the power "to lay and collect taxes," a power implying force. They tiave ft the power "to provide for tho ,l,ifiK " fur th imnisliinelit of -tk-ii war lerfeitini: the coin, the power to ol Her own nouse, inn gneii a 11 :i;.d punish piracies, to declare cense to gad the streets and a bunch iir.ir.t letters of mar.pie and of matinee tickets and she'll lind reprisal, to raise and support armies, to provide and maintain a navy, to call out the militia, to suppress insurrec tions and repel invasions. We do not lind any such powers as these enu'.ner ,.t.,.i i tl... V..H- T.wtiiiHiint Tl.o war power is not of divine origin, but it is the power that lies buck of every civil rove;iiiae'it-the ultima ratio repum. ialists therefore cannot support 'itlcal theories by appealing to tbeir p- :o political power on -lpported by such an Christianity. earth can In anneal. Democrat'', , , i a ie taxpayers IV other members' t.' 0r1,c" torite 'im? a imVIority of t?:e electors , Is sullicient to rule, jvmucti-j iWv .... ,.r think al-oiif It. Men may ,e.r mny be- turns for ro; b Christian socialists (In m vr.tniitarv associations upon.. :xv:lt:zr . tl"o i-e be Chris- tian'Demo'crat or So.ialist Democrat, . ,.i,.i..c i.i. niiun Is not of at, of this world, and democracy is entirely a human Institution, liavlup its root and kernel In the natural riphts of man and not in tho divine riphts of r nnvbo.lv else. Madison said In his last message to conpress, "Our system is an eiual interdict apainst p'nc-oacliments nnd compacts between relipion and the state." .iniiHm. lK'lns: merely the econom..' iru::.rrtin: Tl.nl- firm i,f socialism VVhiCll iS not Christian is pure nnareliy nnd is still further removed from democra- cr It is ochlocracy, the rule of the unorganized mob. A democracy may nutentiv own nnd operate its pub- lie utilities" instead of licenslnp corpora- tions to do so, but ochlocracy can nel- ther own nor operate anything. . ,. ri'cmlnr'meant rnrine and tisheries has unanimously reported in favor of the passasrc of the Morrell bill t prohibit tho practice of 'shandiaUniT in the tt.ited States, nna it is to ie i.oiH-u in.. i. .1- for while Flianphniinp robs a fex the tariff plunders tho whole people. ,,., For rork. i s."d ro'r? ' M rii - Tided on every proposition that looks , toward reform, but they ore all united nn the "norv hill" nnd "for the old fla? pass botn nouses m mis , , best pair of ladies or men's shoes . . , " ,.r n nrntective tnriff. ins subscriptions for the Coi LiEit, and, an appropriation." A Course of Study for the Tenchrrs of Ksmlulpli County. j Has the time couie for the teach- i era to take up such a work as this? We believe that :t has. Not for a i course of study in the ordinary lext is rentiired to make all the prepara- , . - t) t 1 ,. men have been wrestling with every uliase of the teacher's work uud tliev have eiven us their experience It is the privilege us well i'S the dutv of eveiv teacher to avail him self of all these accumulated stores of wi-dom a;:d knowledge; it will be for the gooil of the teacher, for the good of "the child taught, and for the good of the State. Would it not be well for the teachers of the couutv t read and tudv carefully at least two works studied and mastered would not be '. so much for one year's work, bit'; in t ie course or a iew veais i. wo.uu add immeasurably to our power as teachers. We imu do it. We ought to do this. Our high Ca!l- j)ir annuls that we do this much: . ... . .-,,.,.., .1,:,, ! r,J As the lirst great work to study, I would suggest "The Foundation of Education," by Levi Seoley. This work goes to the bottom of the philosophy of education, and WOuld be helpful, yes. very helpful to every teacher who mastered it. Thomas C. A mm k, Ties. Liberty Nor. Col. "Olil tJoriloM"i" View on lilleisr. A few men and more women can be happy idle when they're single, but once you marry then to each other they've got to lind work or they'll iiud trouble. Everybody's got to raise something in this woild, and unless people raise a joh, or crops, or children, they'll raise Cain. You can ride three miles cn the tolley c.r to the stock yards every morning, and mm Happiness at the end of the trip, but you may chase it all over the world in a steam yach without catching up with it. A woman can find fun from the basement to the nursery discontent. There's alwavs an idle woman or an idle man in every di vorce case. When the man earns the bread in the sweat of his brow, it's riarht that the woman should pleSpll'e il little baking it, - - A Small Unity .lil. On the 10th of May there was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ilines, w ho live on eighth street, in south Statesville, a baby girl. At birth thebtbv weighed only one and a half pounds and it was so frail looking that the physician did not t.Xpei;i, ii io ine. inn mc- uauj l, .i ot, 0 iife with a tenacious tit Id Oil 10 me Willi i leuiitiuiio a(Jj -3 appa-.eiitly thriving, flt the are of days. it was weighed again and the record showed 2 1-2 pounds, a g-in of one gui g j td pound in 1G days, The diminutive pound in 1G days. The diminutive baby lias attract, Pli much attention and interest and ni;inv pe0pie have called to see it. lt jthe first chiUl of Mr. and Mrs. "lnes- THK HKST I.IVK HIT FOR FWHF.Il- The best live bait may be safely laced in the order named minnows, olaced in the order named minnows, , , i,,mnlrs. helgramite, crawfish, frogs, lampieys, goppd .t times niffhtwalker worms. Ihe Huting Magazine. The sin ceres t tribute that can be p.,id to superiority is imitation. The ..-..- imitations of DeWitt's Witch niye gave that are now be fore the b,jc .Qve ,t tiie best. Ask for De- Witt's Good for burncs, scalds, chuff- e.l skin eczema, t. tter, cuts, bruises, .-omended iind reliable. Sold by Standard I rug Co. and Asheboro Drug Co. Aslieboro y v . - you want to get trie nicest auu write us for particulars The gw0rll statement of the manu- factnrers protects you from opiates in Kennedv's Laxative Honey and Tar the cough syrup that drives ti e co j 0ut of your system, sold by Shin.lard Dru? Co. and Ashcboro j Drug Co. Asheboro, X. C. DAVIDSON NEWS. Short Itrin Culled From the Dlxpntch ami State Excliniigm, Mrs. Fuunie Stoue died at hf-r ! i,ome at Abbott's Creek Fr id ty versitv of Maryland, where h irraduated in medicine. Hi has not decided where he will locate. The county commissioners of Davidson county have agreed to bear half the expenses of putting in a town clock at Lexington. Joe Wagner, clerk at Mock Ho tel at Thoinasnllo, lias gone to New l'ork where he Ims accepted a lucrative position. The annual in. -eting of the trus tees of Thoin isville Urpluuuge will be held July 4th and oth. It will be made a picnic day. Who Will Will! The Dispatch Ins begun t lie great est, voting contest ever conducted by a North Carolina newspaper to send six Ministeis of the Gospel to Nev York City for a ten days tiip with all expenses paid. One of these preachers will be selected from Ran dolph county by Dispatch sub scribers. The contest is open touuy Mir.is.er of any enoniination iu Randolph county and the one re ceiving the highest Lumber of votes will be declared elected and will make this grand trip as the guest of The Dispatch, in company with one minister from Yadkin, one from Montgomery nnd two from Davidson counties. A guide will be furnished and all expenses paid. The contest started June 1 :3th. and will close Saturday June 1 1th, at 12 o'clock noou. Kach copy of The Dispatch will contain a c.iij o:i w hich counts live votes. Clip these an 1 send them in; also each dollar paid ou subscription entitles yon to2o0 votes : for the Minister of your choice. Begin working for your favorite Bleacher today. Send all coupons and subscriptions for The Drspdtch : ( ontest direct to us. If voir desire f art her information, address Ihe Dispatch, 1 Lexington, N. C. llotv Tfl llnvr Swrrt It-nt all Suiiiuirr. Vh'ii the sweet peas conse into' bliKun, cut their tlowers off as soon as thev begin to fade. This pre vents them from forming seed, and j the plants, in their efforts to per petuate their kind, w ill straightway produce more flowers, and keep ' on doing this as lonir as interfered with. Iu this manner tlowers are; secured throughout the entire sea-: But, if seed is allowed to! form, you will have comparatively few flowers during the latter part of summer. Kben E. Rexford in 1 Making the Country Home," in The Outing M.igazine for June. NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED IF ONE WILL TRY TIIE RIGHT THING. I was down with Nervous Dys pepsia tor eignt years. v neu i was taken 1 weighed lbo pounds, i and it reduced me to lis;. I could ; not touch solid food. believe if I j had taken solid food it would Jiavej killed me, and I had to live on ! sweets and ligh'est kind of diet. ! I had severe nervous spells nearly every day and would have doctors to treat me, but thev did not do me one particle of good not even to : relieve me. I was so weak that for three months I was not able to walk ! ajross the room. I had rather die than to suffer it over again, and I ! felt that I was in a worse condition 1 than any one w ho ever lived. : Mrs. Joe Person and mv wife i persuaded me to use Mrs. Joe Per-i son's Remedy. 1 bought a dozen bottles and it i was three months before I felt any relief at all. Then I commenced! to impVove right along. i I took thirty-five bottles and it cured me. 1 It has been two years since I was cured, and I have never had a touch of the trouble since, and can cat anything under the sun, and as much of it as I want. If any one will stick to Mrs. Per son's Remedy long enough to build up the system, I know it vi!l .cure the most aggravattd case ol dys pepsia or nervousness that can be found. B. M. Mf.hu k, Creedmore, X. C, R. F. D. No. 1, August 1, H01. I To Advertiser. The Courier ha spent large sums of money in working up its circulation and to-day ir thorough ly covers Randolph and ul joining counties besides having u large list I throughout this and other states. , But we are working to build up Randolph county and the Piedmont section of North Carolina. i To this end we have built our cir-! dilation, that our advertisers and the j community might secure the greater I publicity. We have improved our plant and enlarged our paper j all of which necessarily increases, expenses. Hence this article notifying our I advertisers that after March 1st,; linn;, the advertising tute is as fol- ' Ions: er inch one i1i.il' . month. " two mon tli i, vjx piTI ue 'ou 1 To 1-V i.t the ler ac ,...Hi." notice- will In' clla !;.! r.it,-. f mil' ei'.it per word No re e- i-e-i fur less tlun I'-V All hills p.oab!e in.ititlily. Our circulation is not made up of dead h.'ads and exchanges, but paving subscribers, w ho send us the1 c.isli for their subscription. Few : are m iv thin si months in arrvar uud many are paid in ad van. This shows that we circulate a nn i a prosperous people the class Ilia: advertisers desire to reach. The Coi'kikh apprecia'es the patronage acconle 1 it in fie past and pledges every eft'ot t to give value received for future business placed with it. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is n disease prevailing in this country most dangerous 1 ice.iuse so decep tive. Many Slid' leu deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or tip. plexy are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidnev trouble is allowedtiiadvanee the kidiiey.poi soil ed blood wili at tack the vital organs, causine catarrh of , the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. ( 1 ''ladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and r a cure is obtained quickest by a proper 1 treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel- i iti.H hadlv you can make no mistake by : taking I r." Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the : jjreat kidney, liver and bladder remedy, j !t corrects inability to hold urine and j sealdins; pain in passing it. ami over- ! vomes that unpleasant necessity of being i compelled to ;o often through the day, j and to net up many times durim; the night. The mild mid the extraordinary I effect of Swamp-Koot is soon realized. : It stands the highest for its wonderful ! cures of the most distressing cases. Pwamp-Koot is pleasant to take and is Sold by all druggists in f.flv-eetit ami : one-dollar size 1 ott V-s. You may have a sample bnf.le f this wonderful new ;:-- covery and a book that tells all about it. I both sent free by mail, address. Dr. Kil mer & Co., lliughaintoii, N. Y. When ! writing mention reading this generous j offer in this paper. Don't make i.ny , mistake, but rcmemberthe name, Swamp- j Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ; address, r.inghamlor, N. Y.,' on every j bottle. ! Nobby priig tyles In Ladies', Misses' and Child ren's Oxfords, t n patent leather gun metal, calf and vici kids. Our display embraces all the season's most attractive lasts and points of style. Call and inspect them. Z5e Crossett Shoe for Men This shoe needs no intro duction. It is the only shoe that is furnished to the inde pendent dealer in car-load lots, and this is done all over the State. It is the people's popu lar choice. Our Summer Straw and Light Weight Hats for Men Our stock shows all the choicest shapes. You can find the one adapted to your statue if you call to see us. We have done the season in Panamas, but still have a few left Come early. MORRIS-SCARBORO MOrFITT CO.. in. ii i mi v-a mmrn til EIGflflT Bone or Back Pains, Swollen Joints, Itching, Burning Skin CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD BY B.B.B. y 'a Thrr- 1 H""" Th- nh-ive tlcWrrj tftrwtnt H-.rbr'orrar.Jlt t i.tcf of Bounic Blood BalmlB.B.B.) on a r-ist wt:? ,-! of Rheumatism. It is no fancy pir.u-c ! it a c-'-.i'j .i c cln. it if limply wonderful the efi -C? i,. !I. I'. I' - oj K'.ieutr.allcs. it Invigoratef the tlond, r;in.T i. rr.re ar.d rl.h, and destroying the active tiniwa In ine'tf'-uAi, vlilch causcl Hie awful imptomi C . 'iriii J. S. B. li.r.herJ the J"lntf, llralhtenl out the b-nt baric and r a);vl a pei.'cct, ImUug cut alter all Kjci leuiiies tjii- For sale by Standard Dnii; Company, Publishers -and- We Man-ifcicture the Type Brass Rule in Strips Brass Labor Savin? Rule Brass Column Ruk-s Brass Circles Brass Leaders Brass Round Corners Brass Leads and Slugs Old Column Rules refaced and made as good as new at a small cost- . , . Tl nse rc-memler that we are not in any Trust or Combination and are sure that we can make it greatly to your advantage to deal with us. ' A copy of i '.ir Catalogue will Le cheerfully furnished on application. Fhilederhia Prfr.ftrs Supply Co. Manufacturers of Type end High Grade Printing Material Proprietors 39 North Ninth Street PENN TYPE FOUNDRY PHILADELPHIA Pfllil. "Lundstrom" Sectional Bookcase Pronounced the Best by lis Thousands of Users The Luii'l'trom .mm arc in:i.le umlcr nuro i . putcnts In our own factory, nn.l the entire pro. .luctiiit. i w.l illnrt tn Hi.-l.'viK' i.ii.l nm.-c. Tl.ut i. Hie n'UMin c can orlir tlam ut mi h rca .nunlilt- i.rice. In uni..ii.u u Luniitr.m rVi'tlm M-Ji'licasc you arc not hclpinir to le-t a doubt ful ixi-c.liu.'.it. but arv Ki ttniu an nru.'le ulikh tiinc and cxihtU'I.i'o have imm-n a won.lcrru M1,.,,.. iiiit vi.ti'.ni! I"iki a.- arc tliu product of i-arof uiiclivulnl Bttcnliou to tills one line ol niiinufai-ni!.'. Kv.-. v lik ei tii:i has a non-l.i.i'llni;. .ii-ii'iH.'ariii itl.iw dir and i lilKlily tinl-lu.l 1:. wilid r.i.ld.i'i .ik T"ian.t Ixim, fl.uu cuch. Write for illustrated latmeifuc No luT. All goods shipped direct from factory The C. J. LUNDSTROM MFG. Co., Little Falls, N. Y. Mfrs. of Sectional Bookcases and Filing Cabinets. HFMEMI'.F.i:. thi is the r.."lar hie la-lies wan-h. the luot op ilnr ou, for ladies and cirln Men t.d l vs olu-n l iefe. this size watch to ihe larger ones. 'J he movement lias . iewcl- nam l.e..iii.' in u.-eud setting tjuiek train, lever sot, ei omeled hi.l and is made by ;,ne .-f the U-s, ,--,,,,,.,.,1.-tf An.friea. This movement fit tod in our 1'0 year guarantied ease lual-r the -:.-.il t wi.t. U Imrpain eve.- (-fiercd f--r the r"' v.e are lus.kii.. " s .vet cveiv watch w-nt i.v.t to hi inj several mei-e orders. The watche oro (ichvered by l-i'cistered inaii, ni.d we inline their ilelivi-rv in p.''l rutuiing order. ' i ii-.;, r i ii uipi'y. Tl.c watch may he wi.t to one addrvs and the paper to another, tl .o h'.e i. ' THE COIRIIR. nn T.eadnc SymptomiBone painf, iclatlca Of shoaHr; palni up and down the lee; aching back ot ?h'yj:j--r blade, an-oilcn Joints cr Iwollcn raus:l.; dlf. H-Lltv in moving around tj you have to use crvthet; V.olJ thin or Hn pile; blt.n Itches and aurtsj s rvi.iil bjd b eath; sciatica, lumbago, gout, etc h .taniu 310-- Vl'ai lB.3.i- will remove every symp'om., giv. In; .. ..;: relief li a i:.e first dese, and B. B. 3. scads j rici., :r.;:ii-g fij,i of wi-m, rich, P'ire blool d.-c '? :he P'ralyred nerves, bonci and Joints, c'vlnc V'-.taia and strctj'.a Just where lt Is needed, and In tlni way making a perfect, lasting cure Of Rheumatism la all its forms. AVu.l., Inactive Kllney--One of the causes of Rheumatism Is due to inactive kidneys and bladder. B. B. B. strengthens weak kidneys and bladder, draining ofT all diseased matter and all uric add, so the urlos flows freely and naturally. Itotanlo lilood Balm (It.B.B.) 1 r-laant nnd aafe to take. Thoroughly tested for 30 vra. Composed of l'ure Botanlo In rrcdlentl. StrenKthena Weak Stotnarha, cure Dvapepala. t'rlce 1 per lara-e bot tle. Take a directed. If not cured when right quantity i taken, money refunded. Sample Sent Free ly writing; Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Iecrlbe your trouble, and aperlal free medical advice to ault your vines alio eut lu aoalcd letter.. Company and Asheboro Drug Ashe be ro, N. C. Printers. Very Highest Grade of Brass Galleys Metal Borders L S Metal Furniture Leads'and Slugs Metal Leaders Spaces and Quads 6 to 48 point Metal Quoins, etc. Iliii A New and Handsme Watch for Ladies. Only $11.75 With One Year's Subscription to the Ashe boro Courier, Or wc will fiive this watch for 40 suli-ci-ii t ons at Tl.i i- the nio-t attractive watch we have y-t ofli-reJ ami it i" u a m lo"k- A pcnuiive American movciiieut n'ii"!e i'v the New York Sian.lanl Watch Co. )inc:l in a Ou)i Filled hunlii g case, warranted for t'0 vear. A sti'iii-winiler and Mcm-si-I!er, nnd iu every wnv a ivH.ii.le liuie-hei'ivr. Each cae is hanJsonoly cnjjn.vrii. Asheboro, N. C