POLITICAL PARTFeS- The Young Man Must Choose Between Them. WHAT DEMOCRACY OITEES HIM Cqnnl RlBh to All and Special Priv ilege to None Home Role and Honett Government It Courts Pob llcltr and Welcomes the Closes In vestigation. Tbe universities nnd colleges and high hcLooIs are ngaln Fending out thousands of younjj men equipped, ns far os educntiou cau arm theui, to fight life's battle. They will enter Into every profession nud business and must struggle for a living wltli the older and more seasoned army that has preceded them. Many of these young men, especially from the law Bchools, will enter upon political ca reers, and all will have to decide upon the political party they will support. Those that are honest and true, and nearly all young men are so until con taminated, wUl naturally turn from corruptlou and grafting, and some at least will strive to correct those terri ble evils that have so vastly dimmed the luster of the party lu power. Fam ily ties and associations naturally bave great Influence In deciding the political course of young men about to 'nnt their first vote. The bias of the teachers of economics has led many to look on but one side of political issues, and hence many young men are very apt to decide their political future without tine Investigation of both sides of the great political questions that di vide the parties. As the Democratic narty has every thing to gain by the investigation and publicity of Its contentious and being the great historic party of the nation, Its principles should be thoroughly scrutinized and given due weight be fore a decision is arrived at. The fundamental doctrine of democ racy is "equal rights to all and special privileges to none." The Democrats believe lu home rule and that every community has the right to decide Its local Issues and the amount 'Of the lo cal taxation, to decide upon municipal ownership and the regulation of the liquor traffic and such other local mat ters as affect the community. All these under Democratic rule are settled as a majority of the legal voters may de cide. The great national questions of the tariff, subsidies to corporations and in dividuals, regulation of railroad rates and control of trusts and combines, the management of the nuances of the country', the rights of capital and la bor, the question of Individualism or socialism, militarism. Imperialism; tax ation without representation, all must be investigated before the young man can fairly decide with whom he will politically ally himself. As government Is the chief agency and adjunct of civilization, it Is entire ly worthless unless it protects life and property and provides libi rty without license. A government which takes from the people by taxation more mon ey than Is needed to defray the ex pense. of the public business econom ically administered or takes money from the nuinv In order to favor and .Mirich tbo few lv Indirection under the Iilise iireiense tu iiriueciuis iauur iw mlts robbery ami fraud ami Is undem oeratlc. A UNITED DEMOCRACY. Kanaoa Sonndu a Slottan to the Party of the PeupJe. Tbe cbairimin of the Democratic con reutlon of Kaua lu Lis address to tbe w ,w win bare Interest in Massaehnsetts and bows that a united nomocracy from Spencer. Tbe trustees of E.on College have f I Toted a $15,000 appropriation for -The people of Kansaa," ald he, installing an electric lighting plant, send this slogan aerow the Mississippi water and s eam heater systems, valley and over the AppaHtblan inoun-1 , Uhis t New England. W re for free The Baw mill of G. W. Stout, of raw material, and we are frflUnj to Moore county was burned recently, give the laborer of the eat free Ihldes I n S ccmpetiUon with our bldea. becmise The Southern Rail wHy Company the beef trust rob ui even t Ihe foalr has l educed its force .n the fepen.er and thea Mlla the balance to tbe east-! shops at least ten per tent, i nere ern manufacturer at a higher and fied ) ductiou will save more tbau $f 0. per price, to that the poor are ahoeleaa. J (j11y Our Republican congressmen have coia- represented long enough. We are la I Mr. Benj. Millikan has gone to favor of the old fashioned doctrine a v6li Qi8 60n living in Kansas. He enunciated by Samuel J. Tllden and re- eipects to be gone aoout two weeks. enunciated by Grover CleveUnd of a Greensboro Patriot. tariff for revenue only. The time it i past when we should protect trusts Qa8t0Di t f UJ grown young and capltalUtle ombinaOonB. Protee-1 fa fa b robbing houses t. dbya.th.n V,TZ ; JT the cty broad W, rich to become richer and for the poor was drawn m bj the pobce atnr to become poorer." Hurrah f or tbe un-, day and bouud over to court in four terrified Democracy of Kansas! or more cases. Gaston waa caught with some of the st jlen goods in wr Tfc-m A4yritr. h(g gjon and he readily ad- TrosDerlty breeds tyrants, . j i...: ,KkoJ Birriil . . . . w Republican policies breeds Cassatts, MeCurdys. McCalls and Hamiltons, 1 Rockefellers, Morgans, Senilis and a of marauders of the same kind. Prosperity that centralltes.wmlta J a . .nAml-0 nt nma. Worse CUrae uiou amc..v. f- perlty In which all participate accord ing to thtlr natural abilities, unfetter ed by Tldous laws, produces neither tyrants nor plunderers. OreartM Repablleaaa. Tbe Republicans of Oregon have se lected their candidates for congress and are trusting that the Indictment of those they elected to the present con gress will be overlooked by the voters. Tha Deacfcataa PayvW. In Republican circles "the man with the dough" la received with more con sideration than "the man with the vit rake." Disease takes no summer Vacation. !? you r.cci flesh end '.rengih use Jeott's Emulsion summer as in winter. Ssnd for free sample. SCOTT ft rOWNE, Chem'uU, ao4ij Purl street, New York. oc and ;' :.oo; all druggnM. CONDENSED FOR BUSY READERS. II. Clay Grubb, who was almost killed hv Nat CruniD and Fr.tnk Hairston in Davidson county last year, has offered $500 reward for 'the carture of dump, and 500 for the arrest of Hairstou. In 1867 Peter Dodd used a razor on the threat cf Margaret MtCon- naighey, and escapeci. Aiier i years of hiding, Sheriff Julian, of Rowan, has located him at Moores ville where he was arrested for vagrancy. He will be held for Au gust term of Kowau court. The change of schedule on the Southern between Greensboro and Raleijih is being fought by citizens all orer the State. Protests are be ing tiled all over the western part of the State on the grounds of inter ference with the traveling and read ing public and commercial interests of cities and towns along the line. The State Building and Loan hio.h met at Winston- Salem last week decided to meet at firppnshoio next vear. S. it- kowsky, of Charlotte, is president. A $20,000 stock company has been chartered at North Wilkc-sboro t) operate electric hirht and power plants and street railway systems. A recent census shows the popu lation of Winston-Salem 22,802. Wm. Bohauuoti, a fanner of Yad kin county, aged about 40 years, committed suicide last ween. v . . it, ,u ini ... : vi i haug.ug himselt to the jowl, in hi. , barn, using a plough line. j John Owens, the Morgan town ship liowan county farmer, who was seriously wounded a few weeks ago by Chas. Brady continues to im prove slowly, but it is not believed lie will ev-r entirely recover. Kmiisuh Sure Convention Demounts last Week declined of for! Bryan for President in 1908. P. M. Phillips living nine milts from Salisbury lost 1,"U0 las. week by lightning striking h's wViP.t. house uud com crib. PlatneS immediately followed the stroke, ground ; razinsr the bulltl'iias to tne , raw minutes. Mr. H. L. Iloi ton and Miss Ethel Hearue, both of Albemarle, were married last week at China Grove. Misa Mrrit Ii'.chaidsou. of this i i i i ;iin c...,r' cirv. aicenueu auu ueiim-iiiiur ouu "1 Love lou' just preceding tne: . .. .i ceremony. Started on the ! WorK nas oeen ' ui i.;i.i; . new liOtw tcuuul """"'"6 " mi l Leu uatiuu . houses. Greensboro Patriot. Mr. Holland Thompson, son of Prof. D. Matt. Thompson who is nawa.insU actor in tbe. City Col lege ofNew York city, will this week receive the degree of doctor of philosophy from Columbia Univer sity, New Yoik city. Mr. Thomp son has just completed the compos ition of a book entitled "From the Cotton Field to the Cotton Mill," which will be issued from the press es of the MacMillan Co. in a few weeks, when it will be placed on sale. Statesville Landmark. To Cure a Cold la One Div. Take LAXAtrriVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggist refund money if it fail to cure. E W GROVE'S signature is on each bos. 25c. PREMIUMS TO COURIER COLLECTORS AND CLUB RAISERS. Every dollar smt us counts as knivesand forks. Either of thesesell one subscription. Two 50 cectjanv where for $5,00 to $6.00. Or to subscribers will count as one sub- ; 'v person, who will send us 18 sub- ., r. u . oil ! sciptions with $18.00, we will tend scriber. Hash to accompany all , X , ? ' st 1 J ; both these premiums. reiniLLaiiues. u iuc uciouu ouv. person ing us two new subscriptions wd will give free one Mothers Cook Book 320 pages size 5-1-2 x 7-1-2 inches weighing 19 oz. Gold back title and gold top. For three new subscriptions we will give fiee one Woman's Ex change Cook Book 340 pages, size 8 x 10 inches, weighing 47 ounces. Both these books are bound in white art cloth and are the best cook books published. To the person sending us three new subscription we will give one Defiance nicKei or gun metai wna stem set. guaranteed for 12 mouths, a good time keeper. .tor three new suoscripiions we will give one gold gold watch chain worth $3.00. To every person sending us $8.00 with 8 subscriptions old or new we will give a pair of Queen Quality Shoes worth $3.50. These shoes are on exhibition at Messrs Wood & Moring's Store. Or for eight subscriptions old or new we will giv: free a pair of Cele brated White House Patent Leather Blucher Shoes worth $3.50. These shoes can be seeu at any time at the Morris-Searboro-Moiiitt Co's store. Or for eight subscribers old or new we will give, a pair of Woman's College Walking shoes worth $3.50. These shoes may be Sit u at W. J. Miller's store- For ten subscriptions old or new we will giv free a pair of Kangaroo me j s $5.00 shoes tit W. J. Mill er's store; or a pair of $5.00 Crossett men's shoes at Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co'- store; or a pair $5.00 King Bee men's shoes at Wood & Morinjjs. For ten subscriptions old or new C Wl.l Jjl'C WOO XKMUUillt jiwii. Silver jde watch, a gjod watch and we w id give one Katiroau special guaranteed For 35 subscriptions old or new we will give free one ladies New icrk btaudard g , f York Staudard gold watch guaran- Tq every j. n8 twelv subscribers at one time witn twelve dollars, we will give a handsome water set, the best made, or, if you prefer, a set of genuine Kodgers IN THE PILLORY. lio PreRldent lla Shown Uluisell to lie a Illunderer. One of tbe leading newspapers of tbo i jiimry, ret erring to Uie disclosures i;i;ule by Senator Tillman respecting h'.a "conspiracy with tlie president," says of Mr. ltoosevelt that he has been 'ti'ually caught iu tbe trap of his own duplicity and caged there for tbe re gretful ga.e of a niortilieJ nation." Another great newspaper and a Re publican newspaper, too declares that "too much has been made public" iu connection with tbe Tillman exposures "to please those who wish to retain es teem for tbe occupants of honorable positions in tbe public service" and siij"ests that "the public can be best , --.--- - - - , c.-.t.i ntoi tim iiiirnirr or t ir nresi- r - "n .",,,, tl . uuiiim "'" lr performance of its dnVes and non- interference with other brauebes of the ! government" Iu regard to the presl dP.,f denunciation of William E. Chamber, the same paper (the Balti more American) says lu an editorial: "While It Is as patriotic to assume that the executive Is always right and every one else wrong, It would seem to be the part of wisdom not to strain that sentiment too much. Heretofore there have been some wise and virtuous peo ple In tbe land besides the presidents, and it is possible that there are still a few scattered over the country." The president has shown himself to be a blunderer, if no worse, and It is clear from such expressions of public opinion as we have quoted that he has at last forfeited the. confidence and re spect of Republicans and Democrats alike. It is evident, moreover, that even while dealing with him senators Iibto. lieen oblleed to use the same pre cautions against fraud and duplicity which prudent meu use In dealing wli known tricksters uy securing uocu lnentary evidence of the nature of Oe transactions In anticipation of bad faith. This documentary evidence sus tains the charge of duplicity made by sfeaator Tillman, which is Iu substance that Roosevelt with the design of ap pearing to be the real author of rate legislation secretly trafficked at the same time with both factions of the Republicans and with the Democrats and that after recelvlug the support of the latter he betrayed them and his Republican.. allies and sought to de ceive fEe country by means of false ac cusations against William E. Chandler, whom he had authorized to treat In his behair with Senators Bailey and Till man. Fortunate indeed it was for Till man and Bailey that they used the pre caution uow ascribed also to Republic an senators "lest there should be traps for them." The president says. "There was not the slightest opportunity for any hon est misconception of my attitude." But the evidence shows that there was am ple ground for suspicion, though possi bly the very existence of that well grounded suspicion shows that there was jfijml-B'scGS?60-1-1011 el?r ' nl-8 But th;it. is not all. we make another offer that everybody can get and that is that every worker, who will send ns six sr.bscnptions at one time, accompanied by $0,00, we will give a fine porcelain, breakfast set, or for five sub scriptions we will erive a handsome stereoscope and 48 colored scenes from all parts of the world, lhis hreakfrtst. apt never sold for less than $4.00 and it is worth $6.00 any- wnere ami tne stereoscope anu. views are worth fully as much as the breakfast Bet. Or if any worker will send us ten subscriptions accom panied bv $10. we will send both these handsome premiums. we Know you win wonuer now we can make such a remarkable offer. To be frank with you we couldn't if we did not know from experience that three-fourths of the new subscribers obtained in thU way will be turned into regular subscribers at the end of tbe year. We are paying you handsomely simply to get them for w. The merit of the paper itself will do the rest and in the long run we will make a profit and you will be do tig your community a good turn by pi during the people to read a paper which teaches them how to make more money from their farms and in various occupations. To eveiyone who sends us as much as $50.00 for subscriptions and job work together we will give a Cham pion New Home Sewing Machine. Now the facts are before you and the contest is on. DON''1' WAIT UNTIL T0-M0KR0W TO BEGIN WORK. Start now and keep it up, if you want one of the big prizes. We" will send vou sarnnle conies, if you ask tor them, but we do not furnish receipts and snbscrii tiou : luiiua. 1 blanks except to the subscribers noon receipt of the list and amount enclosed. An ordinary piece of paper will do. Don't tend stamps. Put the silver Imirs in an envelope and fold it iij mi l put in another envelope u lir-ti beats t It Atamp und address m I they will i t be lost. AddlVsS ill letters to The Cm it ie it, Asheb..H), N. C. attlt'.ule or bis cliariicter. The suspi cion w-.i Jnvtitied by bis past life and was verified by tbe result of tbe trans- I '""i."'" Tlie nresideiit hn been convicted of prevarii :ttl on, and be lias told us in bis sen. urns what to think of n liar. "Tbe liar," be says, "is no better than a thief." And again: "If any one lies, if lie has tbe habit of untruthfulness, you cannot deal with him because there I nothing to depend on." "Truth tell ing is a virtue upon which we should insist not only in the schools and at home, but in business and In politics just ns mncb." "The business man or politician who does not tell tbe truth cheats, and far the cheat we should have no use In any walk of life." t. These are some of the aphorisms utter- i - . .. i ed by Roosevelt. They are not tne ! ,.i,n,!rnn of li!s own brain, but have been appropriated by him as the devil niintps Serlnture t3 serve his purposes. Thev are ns true as If he had never nttprpd them and unfortunately find application In the present case to the great grief of honest men. GRAFT AND USURPATION. Serloua Charts la Comaectloa With the lathmna Pipe Line. In the debate on the rate bill May 15 the charge of graft and usurpation was made against the president In connec tion with a monopoly for a pipe line on the Isthmus of Panama, which had been granted to the Union Oil com pany. Senator Morgan had secured an amendment to the rate bill making pipe lines on the isthmus common car riers. Mr. Hopkins moved to reconsider the motion by which the amendment was adopted. Speaking to the motion. Senator Mor gan said the concession by the presi dent for a pipe line In the canal sone bad an oily, not to say a flshy, smell and was a peculiarly pronounced case of graft He declared other pipe lines had been denied the same privileges granted to the Union company, and It was "a sheer, cold usurpation of pow er." This Is a very serious charge and one which if well supported should result In the Impeachment of the president. It was bad enough to say of him that in bis negotiations with Tillman and Bailey he entered upon them with a dilemma, arranged affairs with a sub terfuge, withdrew with a mental reser vation and prevaricated when caught But it Is still worse to charge that he Is a grafter and usurper In league with Cromwell and the oil, trust. If this last charge Is as well sustained as the charge of bad faith has been It is high time to rid the executive office of Its present occupant. Peeple la the Toll. The railroads and the trusts still have a strangle bold on the American peo ple In spite of tbe loosening effect of the San Francisco earthquake 03 pret ty near everytbinf else. Cook Hooka, Do you want the largest and best cook book published. If so, write us and we will tell. vou how te get it for one hour's work. Don't delay but write to-day. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, I'rotdnring Piles. Druggists nrn Authorized to ref'-im money if PAZO OIXTMEXT fails to cure in Glto 14 days. 50c. Dr. S. A. HENLLV. Physician and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO. N. C. Olfire over Spoon & Redding's store nem standard Drug Co. A C McALISTER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. Fire, Life and Accident Insur ance. The liest companies represented. Office iver the Bank nf Randolph. N. P. COX, Jewe er and Photographer, Asheboro, N. C. Undertaking Establishment. New mid complete lineof CntVnis and Cask.'t-, and prices rvusoualile. Sew Hearse Ueiille Stock and cnreful drivers. A share of yow patronage Is ropuetfullv solicited. J. W JOLLY, store opposite Lewfs-Winslow HUw. smn Awhe Uru, N. C, Dr. J. V. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN - AND - SUR.GEON Office Asheboro I'liig l'e. Rosidence C'nriiei of M-in ami Woitli M recta. Asheboro, N. O. ITHE CARDLIN COOK STOVEi Guaranteed to give entire Satisfaction in every way. This stove lins every modern improve em including exientioii top shelf, side shelf, kicker, nickle towel rod, nickle knobs, orna mental l)ii!-e. hvery stove nicely polished. If your merchant does not sell these stoves, write us and we will quote specially low prices delivered at your railroad station. Every stove guaranteed. Manufactured by G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, Greensboro, N. C. For sale by Lewis & Window Hdw. Co., Asheboro, N. C, The Watkins-Leonard Co., Kamseur, N. C. Little Money, But Big Money You will save money by paying cash for what you buy, and will avoid paying for goods you think you haven't bought.. So call on J. L. Norman and buy cheap, where you will not be bothered with book account. Nice line Groceries, Notions, Overalls, Suspenders, Pants, Shirts, etc. Jones' 0!d Stand, North side Depot street. You Furnish the Bride We Furnis the Come. Just receivd nice line Parlor and Bed Room Suits, ouches, Upholstered Parlor Sui s, Pic tures. Hall Racks, etc. We have an assortment permitting us to furnish the home in keep' ine with any purse. We are also prepared to serve the public as Funeral Directors in a careful ana courteous man' Kearns & Fox. Greensboro Nurseries. Fruit, Shade and Or namental Trees, Vines, and Plants. Breeders of High-grade Jersey Cat tle, and Mammoth Black and Poland China hogs. Address JOHN A. v0UNG, Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. S Bryant, President J.B.Cole, Cashier J5he Ba.nk of Randlema.n, Randleman, N. C. Capital $12,000. Surplus, $2,000. Accounts received on favorable terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hartsell. A N Pulht, S G Xewlin, V T Bryant, C L Lindsay, X X Xewlin, S "iirvant, II O liarker and J II Cole. O K CUX, President. W J ARMFIELb. V-hrei W J ARMFIELI), Jr., Cashier. The Bank of Randolph, A.s3a.e"tesiO, 3iT. C. Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $3C,000.00 $150,000.00 With simple as-vts,cxierl;iice and protection, Ki solicit the business of the Ijankiui? public and feci sale in saying we are prepared and willing to extend to o"nr c u-ti uncrs every facility nud ao jomuHKlatiou consistent with safe banking. DIRECTORS! Huish Parks, ir., W J ArnifieW.W H Wood, P H MurriN : C MeAlii-ter. K M Annneld, O K Cox, W K Ked.liiiK, Ben) Mollitt. Thos J KsUUinK, A W Kt'nel. A M Kuukiu, Thos U Kedding, l)r F E Asburv. C J Cox. sent fi 1'Htents tuk tptcial Scientific Jitticricait. A hsndnomely Hlnntmted weekly. I.nreeit clr. dilation of liny ncientltlc journal. Terms. $3 yenr: tour monins, ti. suiaDjau newsaeaiera. !;:Co.36,Bro,d-'-New York Bnocb office. C25 F 8U WuhUmton, D. C Does Your Hat Match Your Face? If not, wear one that does. Go to Mrs Blair's Millinery where you will find the new est and most desirable shapes for spring. More goods expected daily. Mrs. E. T. Blair, Asheboro. N. G. W. W. JONES T5he Grocer can furnish you the best in sea sonable edibles. If it is for din ner, supper or breakfast consult him. He always has fine flour, fresh butter, as well as. variety of delicacies. Asheboro Hotel Main Street (Near Court House.) Thoroughly renovated and Refurnished Table supplied with the best the market fforda. Rates Reasonable, B. F. NEWBY, Prop. HOLLISTCR'3 Rocky Mountain Tsa Nuggets A Buy Medioint for Bust P -opio. Brings Golden Htalth ni Rtncred Vigor. A specific forOnnstinntlon. iDfll.-e on. Lire nd Kidney Trouble. Pimples. Ec -eui, Impure Blood. Bad Breath, SIihtkisIi Bowelo, Hadach and Backache. It's Rocky Mountmti Tea in tab let form, is cents box. Genuine made by Hollistsb Drdo Compamt, Maduvm, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS 0R SALLOW PEOPLE tJArfU 60 YEARS' Anrrtno 'fi;": quickly usf.; ini" ' tiivpntlmi ; .. n . i- lionsHtriclls r.-i :. . " cmi ti.r.M. i v-. rvceivt wttliiiutc-irjc, iutlitf

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