COW ipT The Asheboro PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. ! crats who do not suc:eed in getting WEntered ' "e Post Oflice at Asheboro as . ecoud cms Mutter. ; nominations to kick uud ruu as . --- independents. Later on iu the cam There is interest ami iuthusi. j paigu republican leaders promise to asm among Democrats in this couu ty. Every man in a Democratic Con vention has a fair chance. With Republican editors and spell binders lisiug prices are due to the republican party; but when prices decline they are due to some other course. There is no tight between the outs and ins in Randolph. Some of the present otlieials are candi dates for renoininatbn and some are not. The people will settle these matters in the primaries and will settle them light as they genei allv do, and all will be satisfied. l'olitics is beginning eaily this year. The democratic state conven tion will be held July 10. The coun ties all round and about us have eith er nominated or fixing to nominate their tickets: candidates g are au nounciug themselves, and the air is getting warm. If the proof was not overwhelm ing we could not believe that the beef packers take great masses of tainted und putrying refuse from dead hogs and cattle iu making various kinds of potted meats, chemicals being used to preserve de caying and putrid meats. Let the deiucorats confer together but let there be no caucuses to se lect tickets. Let republicans con tinue to select their nominees in that way. In democratic couveu tious let the people rule. Let no man or set of men control, domi nate or select the ticket iu demo cratic conventions. Several weeks ago we published in these columns that we had adopt ed a rule requiring all comniuuica tie is advocating any or.e for oflice to be sigued. Our experitnre has taught us that this plan is most satisfactory. This course is taken for good and sufficient reason?. We shall be glad to publish UHob jectional articles advocating nomi nees when signed. In fact we invite our friends to write such ar ticles. It is said that when Upton Sin- i clair's book, The Jungle, was mib lished, President Roosevelt sent for tiic author, and the result of the conference was the appointment by the president of Messrs. Xeill and jtteynokls to make an official investi gation. Their report of conditions are even worn than was outlined in Mr. Sinclair's book. Mr. Sinclair's book states that men with coiisum tion are iu the habit of expectorating upon the lloor, and occasionally up on the meat which they handle in the packing houses of the trust; that ruts are frequently caught in the machines and ground ui tiat ! diseased cattle are slaughtered at night. The repo.t makes matters 5 1 even worse. We hear much about candidates for some of the offices, and some thing here aud there about this one or that one for the general assembly, but little or nothing is said as to county commissioners. We would like to hear of some good men who would not only accept but run for the office of county commissioner. We do not know whether the com missioners now holding these offices are candidates for renomination and have heard no one say as tc that. If they are not can didates the people should know it, so they can begin to cast about for good men for their successors. W e believe now as we have alwavs believed that the demo crats in the primaries should say who they want to fill the various offices. Let the democrats consider well' their nominees ; for' the im portant office of county commission ers. If they wait until the day of the convention to think about it a mistake may be made. ! Settle iu the primaries who shall i e tjig nou,iuees unj then work for the whole ticket. Oue of the plans this year is for i republicans to try to induce deuio- endorse the independents. Did you ever see au independent atid do you know what one is. He is always a disappointed oflice seeker. It is always sour grapes with him. -- Iu writing of the recent rate bill fight in the Senate Mr. Archibald Johnson, editor of Charity and Chil dren, Iiuj this to say of Senator Overman, who has gone to the front in the Senate: Overman made a capital record, and his ameudmeat was conceded to be one of the most sensi ble that was oft'eied. Indeed in the wind-up of this titanic strug g e few of the Stmtors fared better diau Senator Overman. There is a contest on iu this county, and a friendly contest it is for the county officers. The caiuli dates who are in the race aie broad gauged nieu who can stand defeat or success. There can be but one successful candidate for each office. It is fortunate that we have only those iu the race that are big enough 'ind broad enough to leadily and cheerfully accept the verdict of the people and join with good feeling in the ratification of the nomination of the successful aspirant. A little man sulks and becomes sour: a big man accepts without murmuring at the adverse decrees of fate or fortune. The honor and brutality of scenes iu the Chicago stock yards have as narrated by Upton Sinclair in a recent book have started the world. We quote one paragraph: 'Worst of any, however, were the fertilizer men, those who served in the cooking rooms. These people could not be shjwu to the visitor for the odor of a fertilizer man would scare au ordinary visitor at a hundred yards, and as for the other men, who worked in tank rooms full of steam, and in some of which there were open vats near the level of the floor, their peculiar trouble was that they fell into the vats; and when they were fished out there was never enough of them left to be worth exhibiting sometimes they would be overlooked for days till all but the bones of them had gone o"t to the world as Durham's Pure Leaf Lard." This is the trust, like Standard Oil, which presses, drives and forces ali competition out of the way. Stock raisers are helpless and de- pendent on its will. Our good old friend, Col. Allen Jordan, of Troy, is still a joker as in the days of yore when he had Seago Smith called so often one cold wintry morning at Troy court. He writes the Industrial News that Montgomery county is natural Democratic but has stilLred revers es! by reason of indecent methods of which decent Democratic are heartily ashamed. Col. Jordan continues to joe when he says there is not only au opportunity to put Montgomery in the Republican column this fall, but a tine oppor . " iM by the selection of a ITrovanasa candidate against R. N. Cagle, Col. Jordan says: The particular Trojan who can do the job with neatness and dispatch is G. D. B. Reynolds, at present chair man of the county executive com mittee, and a lawyer of fine ability. The district will please take notice that Montgomery has a candidate and will press his claims. He is a leader and will make a canvass to be remembered. Bunch Item. The heavy rains last Sunday did considerable damage to both farms and crops in some parts of this section. Mr. Sam Martin is all smiles its a bov. Owinsr to the wet weather the farmers are considerably behind witL-their work. There is to be a picni at Denton in the near future celebrating the arrival of Jones' ew carat. : -no, The steaaier "Lilliev ewned by Cant. J. W. Harper, plying between Wilmington and Southporr, burned Saturday. FRANKLINVILLE NEWS. Improvement h Frnnklliivlllr Mfg. t'o' Mill Personals. The Frauklinville Mfg. Co. re ceived last week two new slubbers and a drawing frame from Saco & Pettee machine shop which will te placed iu a few days Mr. W. A. Allred, one of our truck growers, who has for many years turuished our town with nice vegetables tlirougn tue summer sea sou, was on our streets Saturday with a load of snap beaus tue first for the market that we have heard of this season. Joe Maner, of Asheboro, was in town Sunday. J. A. Mciviniion has purchased the Ross Pugb farm on the public road leading from this place to Asheboro, about 1 1-2 miles from town. Prof. D. M. Weatherly, our tax lister, had his books open Friday and Saturday t Frankliuville anil Randolph Mfg. Co's store aud sev eral of our citizens froJi he ountry were in the city to list theit property. John Rat tow, w ho has the con tract for m-iking a large quantity of brick at P-iseoe spent Suuday in town with his family . Several of our road overseers have been working their roads for the last few days and have put their roads in as gojd condition as they could under the present system of working and are to be commended for their efforts: bur the roads are bad yet and we believe always wil be until a better system is adopted Suppose we try working by taxation. Who will start the ball to rolling. Joe Handcock and Miss Sela Jones spent Sundny at Raudlemon Monroe Craven visited friends Sunday evening at Cedai Falls. S. vV Free and family are visit ing relatives at Kiimsville, Ala in mce county thU v te'i. Mrs. Dave Elliott, of Rauiseur, and Mrs. Cora Broau, of near Salis bury, were the gue3ts of Mrs. Jane Elliott Suud.-.y. Several of our fanners are cut ting their wheat this week and re port that their crops are iugood condition aud a good yield expected. T. P. Frazler has been on the sick list for few days. Rev. James Jordan is improving the appearance of his residence by a new coat of p lint. Mr. G. C. Russell has commenc ed the erection of Ins ue.v residence. Mrs. Joseph Sanders, of Whites ville, is spending some time in the city with the Misses. Lunsdeii. Rill J nes m ide his appearance in town again last week. FIRE IN ELW00D HOTEL. Llxh tiling f'nur Dnmnitr t High Point ( biirt h ami Wnre Honor Other High Point I.ihiiI About midnight Weduesday fire was discovered iu the sample room of the Elwood Utel at High Point, and but for the prompt action and hard work of the tire department the file would have been most dis aaterous. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hazzard had just returned from a social function w hen they discover ed fire on the cecond floor, and gave the alarm. The damage to the hotel is estimated at $15,000, hile considerable damage by water was done to the stock of the Mann Drug Company ami the Newlin Knxk Company, w ho were on the first floor. The business of the hotel was not interfered with how ever. J. H. Adams. tf the High Point Overall Company and the High Point Hosiery Mills will be mar lied thu week to Miss Elizabvth Barnes, of Bennettville, S. C. Dr. C. S. Farris is spending a few days in the t-ity before going to New York to spend the summer. Wednesday evening lightning truck the Episcopal church on the corner of College aud Washington streets doing considerable damage. The ware house of the Thomasviile Chair Company was struck about the same time. It was damaged about $50. J. n." Harris is building an opera house and oflice bnilding for the colored people, on hast W asn ton street. 1 he colored people are nigniy pieaseu over me pros pect of having ior themselves such a building in their part ot town. The material is being placed, for the new M. E. Church, on 'South Maiu St. Claud Woodel and Will Suider, finished their new houses last week. Mrs. T. T.ipFerree, of Asheboro, who has been here in the Junior Older Hospital, has returned home feeling much better. Mrs. J. Ed. Kirkman. Mrs. Oscar Kearns, Mrs. L. II. Hilliard, Miss Victoria Smith, Mrs. A. J Owens, and others left as delegate to attend the Women's Foreign Missionary Society, at Charlotte Thursday. No more whiskey from Danville, is to be shinned here by Geo. Mil ler, as he says that it did not pay him to keep au agent here. Guess not, since the new city ordinance went iu to effect. Rev. O. L. Powers is in line spirits over his trip to Randle mau last week, where he went to preach the commencement sermon. He was well pleased with the treat ment given him by real Randolph iaus. Mr. E. J. Justice, of Greensboro, was before the board of City Alder men again Thursday night, asking for a Franchise for an electric line, for the Greensboro and High Point Electric Company to enter the city. The Board will consider the proposi tion this week. Members of Company M. High Point Rifles feel proud of their 1st annual CauteeL. given by Capt. L. kDodamead, Thursday night of last week. Capt. aud ftlrs. Doda mead, planned the whole affair and asked the select of the city to assist them in making it a success. The Band boys furnished splendid music for the occasion. Refresh ments were served bv the ladies. 40U people weie in attendance. The receipts of the evening were about $90. Robt. Luughlin. of Hoyle, was here last week. Chief Horney, of the Fire De partment, will have an expert from Atlanta here this week, to give a demonstration of a fire alarm Sys tem. We need such a system aud will no doubt give the ouler for it at an earlv date. NEWSY PARAGRAPHS. Things that Have Happened In and Out of the State. High Point will install a tire alarm system. The Carolina Savings aud Trust Company wa organized at High Poi lit this week. A. X. Terkius has leased the Roaring Gap hotel for the season. It will open June 20th. At Charlotte this week, G. L. Patterson, fornrer postmaster at Con cord, wil! be tii.'d in the Federal ourt up hi the charge of permitting Ins clerks to abstract mail. From an uukuown causa dynamite exploded in the powder mill near Lancaster, Pa., Saturday, causing the d-ath of eleven people and te rious injury to live others. $100,000 has been subscribed for a new cotton mill at Selma. Rev. E. D. Cameron, pastor of the Baptist chuich at Rockingham, has resigned to accept the presidency of the Baptist University at Black- well, Oklahoma, ami left with mis family to assume charge of his new duties last Thursday. Gov. Glenn has been unable to attend to his executive duties for several days past on account of sick ness. He is unable to leave the Executive Mansion. The disclosures of the nnsanitory condition of the grf-at . meat pack ing houses made by the house com mitter have caused great excitement over the county. The elemand for icketl meats has decreased fifty per cent during the past week. St-atesville Society was alert Thursday afternoon to witness the marriage of Miss V. Copeland and Mr. David 3. Craig, two of North Carolina's social favorites. The marriage solemized at the Presby terian chuich, was one of the most b i i 1 1 i an t ever w i t nessed in that ci t y . ftei the ceremony Mr. and M r Craig left f w Canada to spend a month. Wnu Jennings lirvan seems to be conuu!! asain to tne irontas leauer of Democracy in 1&08. Many Weit eru and Middle Western states have declared for him while many national party leaders express them selves favorable. Capt. Jas. C. McCauless, a val ued citizen of Salisbury, died Fri day last, from a stroke of paralysiB received while in tne court nou.-e hi Salisbury Wednesday. The de ceased was sixty-five years ot age. Irof. J. A. Bivins, head-master cf Trinity Park High School, has accepted the position as fcnperin tendeut ot the Monroe scnooi. The heirs of the late Rev. T.- II Pecrram will contest his will which gives the home place to his wife un til her marriage, tne a to nis ennu ren. and at their death to revert to the Greonsboro Female College. Gov. Warfield, of Maryland, has appointed Ex Gov. Wm. P. Whyte to succeed the late Arthur L . Gor man in the U. S. Senate. The juiy in the case of Joseph Hicks against the Naomi valls Manufacturing. Company returned a verdict at S:30 o'clock Saturday merning in favor of the plaintiff for $1,200, nfter deliberating over the matter from 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Greensboro Telegram. Miss Jessie Davis of Randhman, is visiting her sister Mrs. Will Skeen. Misses Leona and Nellie Muse, of High Point are the little guests of little Miss Vivian Cranford. I will beat Brower's Mills, June 26, forenoon; W. H. Wrenn's, June 26th, afternoon; F. M. Teague's, June 27th, Wednesday, and Erect Post Office, June 2Sth' Thursday, for the purpose of listing taxes E. B. Leach, List Taker, Brower township. W. C. Armstrong returned Tues day from Central Falls, where he relieved his father of his duties as manager of the Morris-Scarboro Moflitl, Company's branch stoie for a few days. Mr. Armstrong Sr. who has been sick for several days is able to return to his post again. Mt. Airy, Surry county, is soon to have a cotton funtory. AULTWAIM Traction Engines , Aultman & Taylor Traction Engines & Separators are without question .he strongest and most durable machines built. have a supply on hand and can show you at any time. If you are in the market kindly drop us a line and we will send you catalog. Never too busy to answer questions. PETTr-RIED CO.. No. 336 South Elm Street. Greensboro, N. Carolina. R. S. PETTV, Pre? Save TPTIP IP Pain A illill Try our New Improved Artificial Teeth that are held in place by the Rugae Suction a secret process Known only to us. tire Full S'l (that HI) ;ulil Fllllu Nllvrr FIIIIiik ;ld ( rnwlla, r4'l k Ilrlrige Work PAINLESS If in need of I'ental work, call and have ters to vou tell von ju-t what you should have dune, aud what the cost will lie, We niak no charge fur pxnmi.iution or consultation. It is our Imsitips, and pleasure, and places you under no obligation to employ us to do ymr work. Hours 8 a. m. to (J p. in. RED CROSS DENTAL PARLORS J. M. Hemlrix Co's. Store. -'S-'i South Elm Street. The -sertion U bucked bv our ruiiniiiL!, (luraiiie auu mnuonanie. hcbimjiuiuuicu. ons. Jahnfton Harvesting Machinery, Mowers, Stoves, Iianges, Mill Supplies, Builders Hardware, Biijyry'aud Wagon Harness, Stag l'aiiit. Harb and Smooth Wire and everything in the Hardware line. Lewis & Winslow The North State Normal and COURSES Literary Classical Scientific Pedagogical Three Courws leading to degrees. Special courses for graduates of other college . Well-equipped Training School for Teachers. Board, laundry, tuition, aud fees for use of text books, etc., 170 a vear. For free-tuition students, $ 125. Fifteenth annual session begins Septenilwr I'D, laiHi. To secure board in the dormitories, nil free tuition applica tions should be made before July 13. Correspondence invited from thos? desiring compe tent teachers and stenographer. For catalog and other information, ad lres CHARLES D. McIVER, President ? ' Greensboro N. C. BINDERS. Threshers, This is the season for buying Traction Engines, Sell-Dinners, &c. It will pay you to look at our line, as we are selling thabest on the Market. Sole agents Geo. E. Nissen Wagon. McCrary-Redding Miss Lanta Wins'ow, of High Point, is visiting in Asheboro. FOItS LE The Daniel Smith farm, be tween '"ednr Falls and Central Fulls cpn laining about 103 acres, house, barn. Third uniler cultivation, balance well tiuilwred. Apply to or address, K. II. SIORU1S, Asheboro, X. C. 2 t. Money to Loan On city real estate mort gage. Terms: One to ten years. Interest: 6 percent, per annum, payable semi-annually. Address, Piedmont Trust Company, Burlington N. C. L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N.C. Offers his professional service to the cltf zeus ofJAsheboroand urrouni1lnB pommnnltv. Offices: At Residence- TAYLOR and Separators. B. C. CAMPBELL, Sec , F. B. REID, Treas. TTTPT Save il il-UL money NERVOUS PEOPlf fZ?'"Jr2 traded or other work done are earnestly invitel to call at onr otlii-e. where we will demonstrate to their en xati-factiim our claim for Painless Denistry. 81.00 up. 8I.OO up. AOc up. 9S.OO up. 8S.UO up. EXTRACTING. a talk with in we will advise and explain trnt- HIGH POINT BUGGIES Are THE Best. sales for the past few months. Kasy lit. i ... I 'll- t t v;., .- u.... Hardware Company. .J Carolina Industrial College Commercial Domestic Science Manual Training Music MOWeRS. Hay Rakes. Hardware Compa-ny.