I. The Asheboro Courier. Asheboro, N. C. Juue 21, 190C Local and Personal. J. W. Johnsou ia building a new brick store house at Mechauicsville. Mrs. A. M. Runkiu and children have retnrue I to the'r home tit High Point. Robt. Bums of High Point visit ed friends here last week. Frank Bird of Z. T. Bird and son oiade a business trip to High Point Monday. The lied Cross Dentists have au ad on the 4th page. M:ss Evelyn Smith, of Mt. Olive Wayne county, is visiting her grand mother, MrsElijah Moftitt. Joseph Ileddiug spent a part of last week with bis daughter Mis. O. K. Fox of Asheboro. Mr. Red ding lives at High Poiut with his son Mr. J. P. Redding. Mrs. M. F, Vuucaunon, of Star, is visiting lelatives and friends in Asheboro. M. F. Yuncaimon spent Sunday here, a uuett in the home of Mr. Eli Prier.aid. Mr. Jas. Webb spent Saturday aud Suuihiv in Asheboro, a guest of his sister, "Mrs. 0. L. Sapp. His family who have been visiting here for several days returneu to their home at Widesboro with him. Mr. Webb u a druggist of Wadesboro. Col. J. U. Blair, of Troy, spent Monday in Asheboro. The Nm-th Carolina Bar Associa tion will meet at Seashore bote', Wrrightsville, Wednesday, Juue 27th, continuing in session until the 29th Messrs. J. A. Speuce, 0. L. Sapp and E.Motritt, Win. C. Hammer, of the Asheboro Bar, expect to attend. C. R. MeAdanjs, of High Point, epent Sunday in Asheboro. J. Lawrence White, of High Point, visited friends in Asheboro last Sunday. Hal S. Lewis was in Asheboro Suuday enroute from his home at Farmer to Lexiiigtoii where he holds a position. He reports the condi tion of his father. Dr. C. H. Lewie, greatly improved. Dr. C. C. Hubbard, of Worthville, was here Sunday to attend the Ashe boro Township Sunday School Con vention. Mrs. Sarah A. Boroughs has return ed from an extended visit to relatives and friends in Richmond aud Mont gomery counties. She is visiting at the home of her sou, Register of Deeds, J. 1. Boroughs. Miss Rosa Kuklman, of Tennes see, spent a part of last week in Asheboro, a guest of Mrs. James Underwood. W. N. Elder was in Asheboro Monday on business. Mr. Chas. Fox arrived Monday and has assumed charge of the Stan dard Drug Store. Mr. Fox recently graduated in pharmacy at the State University. Mrs. Trogdon, wife of the late Win. T. Trogdon, formerly a well known hotel keeper at Asheboro, died at the 'Jounty Home for the Aged and Infirm, Tuesday. Mr. Trogdon died suddenly at Glenola several years ago. Mr. J. Rom Smith and brother, Mr. Thos. Smith, of Liberty, were here yesterday on business. Mrs. Jos. A. Redding, of Millboro, is reported critically ill. Mrs. J. A. Redding is a sister of Mrs. J. S. Ridge, at Asheboro. J Mrs. WT. J. Miller was reported very little improved yesterday. Mrs. W. L. Foust is critically ill at her home in nor.h Asheboro. The salaries of seventeen other postmasters in North Carolina were increased Tuesday. Lexington re ceives 2,000 instead of $1,800. Dr. D. K, Lockhart left yesterday afternoon for High Point to attend the State Dental Association meet ings. .'. The body of the late J. Q. Holton which now- rests in thefaniily-grwve-yard at Springfield, will be taken up by the request of the widow and carried to Yadkinville and buried in the old Mickie graveyard in Yadkin. Mr. Holtoii died last February. Mr. James T. Wood, the popular Asheboro drvmmer, was in the coun ty several days last week, visiting his numerous customers. Mr. Wood was formerly a merchant in Jack 1 eon-Hill, nd was once county com missioner. He is widely known and well-liked by a multitude of the folk. Davidson Dispatch. J. D. Ross has moved to his nome on Sunset Ave. Eugene Moflitt visited High Point cunuay. Miss Mozelle Dicks, of Randal- man, was a guest of lriends here Monday. Mrs. S. Bryant, of Handleman, was in Asheboro Tuesday shopping. Miss Julia Broadwell, of Wake county, who has been visiting her cousins, the Misses Richardson, re turned home Tuesday. Miss Agnes Moring left Monday afternoon for Augusta, Ga., wheie she will spend several days a guest of friend. i Friends of The Courier who send communications or news letters .ire requested to sign their names to each letter. Our rule is not to pub lish any communication which is not signed by the writer. Master James, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. James Underwood, was badly scalded Tuesday after noon. Ihe little fellow was playing nrouud a bucket of hot water when he turned it over, scalding his legs and hips. Though he suffers very much the burns are not senous. Two fusts of smallpox have de veloped at a 'louading house at Beau fort. Capt. A. J. Gales, a native of Bristol, England, aud for twenty- one yeui-a chit 1 of the Winston, N. C, tire Department, died in retv lork Moiulav. A nuarrel between the two uesroes at Salisbury Sunday caused Mark Henderson, a well to-uo colored man, to shoot Luther Sherrill, cook "nt the Harkey restaurant. Two balls took f Sect in the hip and one in the arm. Miss Bettie Ash worth, of Rich mond, Va., was in Asheboro Mon day inroute to Science, to visit her father, Mr. Russell Ashworth. Mis. Jno. K. Wood, of Raleigh, spent Tuesday in 'Asheboro visiting her fathei-iL-law, C'ol. W. P. Wood. V. M. Motsinger, of High Point, was in Asheboro Monday on business. Mrs. W. A. Underwood, of Ran dlemao, visited relatives here Tues day. Mis. Renwick Wilkes, of Char lotte, has leturned home after a visit of several diys at the home of Mrs. Worth. Mrs. M. Hammond, mother of Clerk of the Court W. 0. Hammond, is ill at the latter'a home, and her physician says she cannot live but a few hours as the Courier goes to paess. Mr. Arthur Ross isconfiued to his room with au attack of eore throat. Guerney Hinson has purchased the farm of Wni. Brady, north of town. Mr. Brady will move to Asheboro. Geo. L. Lyon, of Greensboro, ar rived in Asheboro Tuesday mcrning, accompanied by a company of mine prospectors. They immediately se cured conveyances and drove seven miles south of Asheboro,to the pros pact known as the Branson mine. Prof. Sherrill Lassiter, of Farmer, was in Asheboro Monday. A. R. Morris, of Troy, waa here Monday, leaving Monday, afternoon for Salisbury, accompanied by his brother, P. H. Monjs, of Asheboro. They go on business. Oliver, Henry the clever clerk at the Standard Drug Store, is spend ing his vacation at bis home near Ralph. T. C. Worth, of Durham, spent Sunday here with his mother, Mrs. A. H. Worth. Mr. Thomas Hurley passed thiough Ashebero Tuesday on his way to visit his father at Biscoe. The young man has been working for the L. & N. Railroad and had his leg so crushed four weeks ago at Kno.tville that the leg waa am. putated. Mr. Hurley formerly lived at Ramseur, and is a eon of Mr. W. T. Hurley, at one time superin tendent of'the Columbia Manufac turing Company, but has been at Concord for several years until re cently when he moved" to Biscoe to take charge of the new mill to be built- there. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mcrcurv will sunly destroy the sou of smell and completely derauee the whole system w lirii en teilng It through the mucuos surfaces. Such articles should never lie used except on prescrip tions from rejiutablo physicians, as the damage they will do it ten (old to the eood you can s siblv derive from them. Hall's Oatnrra ("are, niaaufiwHirod by K. J. Cheney anil Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous mr faoemf the svstjrtn. lu buying Hall's Cat irrh Cure be sure you pet the genuine. It i- hikcji internally and nm.icin Toledo, (Unci, by h.J. Cheiiev Co. Testimonials free. Sold'l.v 1'rt.ggists. Price. V.V. per iKitt'.e. Take Hall's Family Pi'ls to ccistliailoii. Painters are applying a new dress to the residences of "E. A. Bums and J. W. Teague. . Jno. T. Moffitt is able to be at his office after several days' illness Reeister of Deeds. J. P. Borousrhs spent Sunday with friends at his old home in Coleridge township. Editor H. W. Ornisby, of The Raudleman Times visited Asheboro Friday. W. S. Garner, of Kanoy, spent luesclay in Asheboro. Austin Finch, sou of Sherriff Inich, of Randolph, who recently returned from Trinity College, where he has been a student for the past year aud where he made a fine record, has taken a position m C. L. Harris' store for the vaciticn, Thomasville welcomes Mr. Finch heartily. State Item from Thorn asville. ' Mr. S. P. Woodard returned Sat. urday from Cleveland, Ohio, where he spent several days on business. Mr. Woodard is con lined to his room at Mr. Lassiter's with sickness. W. 0. Mills, a druggist of Jack sou Springs, was in Asheboro Tues day on busiueSM. C. M. Higgins, a registered phar macist of Salisbury, Has accepted a position with the Grimes Drue Com' pany at Thomasville. Mr. Higgins held a position several years ago with tne atuiiuaru Drug Co. ot Asiieboro, R. L. Albright and Mr. Stutts, of lucliIauU township, were in Ashe' ooro yesterday. B. F, Burrow, a merchant of ihomasville, spent Tuesdny un'd v euuesUay in Asheboro on business. Mr.. Burrow formerlv lived heie. Ex-Sherriff Chas. M. Giifith ot Thomasville has announced him self a candidate for treasurer of Davidson county subject to Uia ratification of the Democratic con vention. SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Interesting Sleeting Held nt M. I C'linrch In Asheboro Sunday Morn ing. The Asheboro Township Snndav School association met in the M. P. Church Sunday morning with a large attendance. E. Moffitt pre sided, and Mrs. v . J . Moore, acted as secretary. The convention opened with de votional exercises, conducted by Rev. N. R. Richardson, who spoke on,"H"w The Church May Become itally Inteiested m Sunday School Work." Following Mr. Richardson, a plain practical talk on peisonal work bv Dr. C. C. Hubbard, of Worthville, was listened to with much interest by the laige gathering of Sunday school workers. A canvass of the schools in the township showed that there were delegates from all but one. Ihe subject of county ana town ship pledges was discussed and the convention obligated itself to raise $40.00 for the county and state work. Ihia amount will be raised by the Bchcols, each raising its pro rata according to the number of mem bers enrolled. A collection was a1.- so taken to defray the expenses of the township work. 1 he annual election of officers re suited aa follows: President E. Moffitt. Vice President H. M. Robins. Secretarv and Treasurer Miss Ella Hendricks. The election of de'.eg t a to tt e County Conventiou which meets at f rankunville July 19 and 20 was then taken up. . A. Yeargin and Mrs. W. H. Moring were declared delegates, with Misses Minnie Hoover and May McAhster aa alternates. FRANCIS COTTON MILL. Construction of Xew Mill at Biscoe to Begin at Once Excavation Com pleted, Biscoe, June 19 The Biscoe Ball Players crossed bats with the Troy nine on the hitter's grounds at Troy featurday afternoon, with a score of 8 to 4 in favor of Troy. This is the second game with them this season, they being the victors in both games. We are sorrv to note the illness of Hon. and Mrs. Robert N. Page, who recently moved to Jackson Springs for the season. They are under treat meut of Dr. H. E. Bow man, of Biscoe, and are improving. Mr. Pape will not be able to return to Washington City for several d'M s. 1 ha Francis Cotton Miills Com- ri ny have about completed all the excavations for the Mill building 1.11 d getting their brick ou the yard and will begin the construction of the building in a few days. Mr. T. B. Creel of Aberdeen, N. C, has charge of the brick work. The home' committte has reported vorablc, the bill opyroprirtting iJ.lO.OOO for t ht tmvflMtg ttXJHMiSt-S ot the : resilient. AN OLD-TIME MELODY. Carry Me Back to Old Virginia. Carry nte back to old Virginny, fKHl There's where the cotton and the corn and 'taters grow; There's where the birds warble sweet in the springtime, There a where this old darkey's heart am long to go, There's where I lulwred so hard for old maBsa Day after day in the field of yellow corn; No place on eiirth do 1 love more sincerely Than old Virginny, the place where 1 wa? born Chorus: Carry me back to old Virginny Tlierc's where the cotton and the ecru and 'taters grow; There's where the birds warble sweet in the springtime, There's where this old darkey's heart am long to go. Carry me back to old Virginny, There let me live till I wither and decay, Long bv the old Itismal Swamp have I wandered, There's where this old darkey's life will pass away. Mussa and Missis have long gone before me, Soon will we meet on that bright and gold en shore, There we'll lie happy and free from all sorrow, fliers where we'll meet and we'll never part no mote. HIGH POINT "NEWS." The Arnifl-lr Itlg Deal Mr. Jarrrll to Build J. P. Heildlng to llutld New High PiInt Book City to Celebrate. Numa F. Eeid Lodge No. 344, A. F. and A. M., elected officers last Tuesday night for the ensuing year. Those elected are A. B. Hornty, Worshipful Master; S. L. Davis, Senior Warden; J. H. Dobbs, Treas urer, and J. 1). Paylor Secretarv. "Mr. W. H. Plummer, of the" El wood, is having the dining room beautified. Rugs will cover nearly all the floor space. Contractor E. T. Iledrick, with his force of men, built eighteen houses in six weeks. James, the little son or editor J. J. Farriss, has been very sick, but is now recovering. Dr. jV. P. Staley has returned from Vade Mecum Springs. He says the Hotel is filling up rapidly with guests. W. J. Armfield, Sr., E. M. Arm field aud F. C. Boyles closed a deal with E. II. C. Fields for his proper ty on Main street next door to the Enterprise office. The lot is 42 x 200 feet. The consideration was $15,000 cash. Three stores that are now on the lot, will be torn down at once and give place to a haudsome sky-scraper. The new building will be the home of tha First National Bank, Carolina Savings Bank and Trust Company, The Carolina Life aiu. the NortnCaroliua Fire Insur ance offices. Capt. James D. McNeill, of Fayetteville, who is President of the North Carolina Fire Association, spent a few hours here last week, talking to our fire'iien in regard to attending their State meeting, which is to be held at Asheville this year. St. Mary's church here has been made a Parrish, by the convention held at Henderson last week. - Mrs. P. C. Jarrell will build at once, a two story building on her lot on Main street, between J. C. Welch's and Ragan Mi His' buildings. Thestructuie wi;l be'50 x 110 feet, glass front aud all modern con veniences. The new anuex built to the Wash ington Street church by the Baiacaus, was occupied by about 40 of its members last Sunday the first time. The room will in future be used as a Sunday ' School room. John Harrell, au old Randolph boy, of Worthville, is their vice president. J. H. Fisner, of Indiana, is in the city. The candidates are all on the war path. T. J. Redding, of Hoyle, was here last week. J. P. Redding commence ', to break ground for his fine new building last Monday. The building will be three stories high, with nicely fitted up basements underneath. There will be three stories on the ground floor and the epper rooms will be used as offices, flats and all will be fitted up with all modern equip ments. The front is to be of press ed brick. The Euterprise has issued the High Point Book,. 230 pages, with 235 illustrations and about 60 pages of reading matter. The look is now on sale at $1 .00 each, while thy last. ! Ihe North Carolina Dental As sociation will meet here on the 20th. j The Manufacturer's Club has ap pointed a reception committee to re ceive the delegates as they arrive. High Point will certainly celebrat' on the 4th of July. The Secret Orders, fire Uepartmcnt Company, M. High L'oint Rifles and Other Or ganizations will participate in the great street parade. Kauuoipniana be re are prouu ot the picture of the Nightingale Band seen iu The Cocrier latelv and wish for then much success. Thos. Fialev, a vounc wii man. was painfully stabbed t Salisbury Tin'sdty whi'es itRl i tir w.h Wi.Wr lies. Hess is in j ul. ' Building Kotei. Mrs. E. B. McCain is nretiaiino' to remodel the little cottage ou the oia Uooleii property m fc"uth Ashe boro. It will be converted into a handsome two story residence. The new residence of Mr. Chas. Cranf.rd on North Fayetteville street is neariug completion. Edgar Woodell has begun tl e erection of his new 6-room cottage on Salisoury street. He has torn down the historic old building which was formerly kuown as the Hamlin Hotel and was moved from the uorth west corner of the court house stjuare a few years ago near ly 100 yards further" west on Salis bury street. The frame work of the old buildinff is in thp host cnn. dition and is being- used for the framinsr of the new hnildinov The. old buildinar is somethinor nonr inn years old. Mr. Jas. Kivett has purchsed a buildiuo; lotou Churrih St.. nrlinin. iug the lot of Mr. Jno. Ward, upon wmen ne win erect an 8-room dwell ing. Kanoy Happenings. Mrs. Fannie Wreun has been ou tha sicklist for the last two or three weeks. Miss Belle Reynolds, of Okeewee mee. aud G. D. B. Reynolds, of Troy, visited at W. D. Moffitt's last Saturday aud Sunday. W. C. Wreun haloid his planta tion at this place to D. Auuian, of Asheboro. We do not know where Mr. Wrenu iutends to locate. Mis. W. D. Moffitt has two tur key heus that have laid seventy five eggs this summer. Oue laving four times the other three. ho can beat that? We hope the bridge that was com menced across Deep River near here last wnter will be completed this summer. For a bridge is n-1 need ed as bad auv where in the county as it is here. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Clerk of the Court of Randolph county suhj.'ct to the action of the Democratic Convention. J. Bom Smith, Liberty N. C. 6-21-4t. I will bo at Albright's Store, June 2flth. Tuesday; Why Xot, June 27th, Wednesday; Sfagrove, June 28th, Thursday; Alichliel'd, June 2llth, Friday; Henry lieane's, June 30ih. Saturday, for the purpose of listing taxes. J. C. Lowdennilk, List Taker, Kiehland Township. Business LocaN. Notices Inserted under this head at one cent word each Insertion. WAXTED One hundred cheek weavers. Weavers make $12 to every two weeks. Healthy place, artesian water. Advance transportation to families. Apnlv to, C. K. STEED, Highland Tark Cotton Mill, 5-23-4t Rock Hill. S. C. WANTED STAVES Highest cah prices paid for all kinds of staves tor Norfolk mar ket. Apply to E A Hammer, Asheboro, N C. FOR SALE Oue twelve-boree power traction engine in good con dition. Applv to Lour Bros., Ashe boro. R. F. D.'Ko. 2, N". C. (tfj FOU S LE The Daniel Smith farm, be tween Cedar Falls aud Central Falls con taining about 105 acres, house, barn. Third under cultivation, balance well timbered. Applv to or address E. H. MORRIS, Asheboro, X. C. 2 t. North Carolina In the Superior Court Randolj h county, J Before the Clerk. Arthur Ross ) Vs. Notice, ft ill Coltrane et al J The defendant!, Arthur Ctray, Fletcher Gray, IVter Coltrane. Charles Coltrane, Fen ley coltrane, Jlattie Graham. Tom Graham and Counsel will take notice that an action entitled as alxve has been commenced iu the superior court of Raudolpli county to sell real estate situated in New Market township in said county, in which lands tlie said defend ants tire interested; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are re quired to appear nt the office of the c lerk of the superior court of Randolph county, in Asheboro, X. C, on the 20ih day of July. lUOiI, at the court house of said county, aud answer or demur to the petition in said ac tion, or the petitioner will apply to the court f r the reliof demanded in suil complaint. W. C. HAMMOND, Clerk of the Superior Court. Tbi- 21th dav of June, l!0O 5 and 10 Cent Store. y. Ur neighbor ul ou' t:.e -o has len buying .t the . tii'd I'l Ceiit N"t and see hr w v.'t-ii pleased she is. I'r.r ability to save you a tidy per ( eat. on yoiw p.; rchase i- pi-. i-r.ain-ed. J.ook over iiir lltie end v roursi-lf that we rtrr doih- Bird Sort. ohe GREATEST of All IN SIZE AND QUALITY Vick's Turtle Oil for Rheumatism, Swelling, I Stiff Joints and wounds on man or beast. ANTISEPTIC, LIMBERING, and HEALS WITHOUT SI AR. L. RICHARDSON M'F'G CHEMIST, Greensboro, N. Caro. J 1 flow in prescriptions filled by the Standard I)ru Store at Asheboro or YV A. Under wocd, Asheboro, N. C. Bring or send them to us. We are the prescription druggists of Randolph. W. A. UNDERWOOD, Randleman N- C. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE MAKERS CRADDOCK TERRY COJ LYNCHBURCxVAJ A full line of these Shoes can be found at W. J. MILLER'S, Sole Agsnt, ASHEBORO N. C. SPECIAL BARGAINS In High-drade Square Pianos- If you have the room it is far pre ferable to buy n gooil fuiiim-i1 piano rather than a cheap upright. Our square piano-, have len thoroughly overhauled ly ski'led u..iAiiien. and if it was not for Hie luct that they hit? entirely cut nf sivle tot on" wmild luing ie?s than s'jOO.oo to sTOd.OO. JwStt. SHOES. M3l the best shoe W AMERICA. I Vl 'OR Sti-ih'vav .V .N 17'ilK) llazletoi, Hras. JJ.VHO Kr.mii'li A Bach 1 l.'i.tK) .lames A- Holstrotu Id.") (Ml Waters A Sins luii.OU Waters H-'.twt Bacon A Raven OO.IMI Xew KngUnid et'.OO Wairener 73. thl Knabe tiO.tKt Joint Galling o'-.l.iH) Southern Wareroom No.?5 WestlTradeKStreet, Charlotte, N. i 0. H. Wilmoth, Manager. W. R. XE.VL, PHOTOGRAPHER AND JEWELER Randleman, N. C. L. III. FOX. M. D. ASHEBORO, N.C.