LIBERTY NEWS. Many Familiar Fac Seen, While Othrrs are Mlsaril In the llomei In Llberly Wanl Mr. Cnuy for Trtautrtr. The fruit tree agents are return ing. M. J. Keitzel and others have already come. We would like to suggest the name of H. C. Causey, from our place for Treasurer of Randolph ceunty. He is one of our best citizens and has been a strong man for his party all his life. No per son can fill that position with more dignity an honor than he, and he will make as good an ollicer as cau be found. Let the Democratic Convention nominate him. Dr. J. W. Long and family spent a night in Liberty recently with his sister, Mrs. C. 1 Smith, Sr. He was en route to Mt. Vernon Springs. President Thomas C. Amick was absent last week and the early part of this week in Mebane, Chapel Hill, and other points. He deliver, ered an address at Mebane at an edu cational rally and one at Haw Fields at a Sunday School Con vention while he wa away. Mr. W. G. Amick and wife of Bhietield, West Virginia, have been visiting their brother, Prof. T. C. Amick. Mr. Branson has moved from the Horr.ady bouse to the Brower house in Liberty. Th.- Hornady house is to under go extensive repairs preparatory to its bein' used as a club hous.- f t the young ladies attending tue Liberty Normal Lollop'. Ir is to ' be painted outsi! :.::. i:i?ide and to have other repair .voi donn. It will make a very pleasant iwine f ti the club .'iris. ' lV"r. Il.irnady and wife spent a part -)t !a-t w.-ek at the home of U.JN'. Hornady in Alamance c im- Prof. Amick and wife and fost-r dauht-r, Mi- Ili:is;. -hues, .si one a part of last week a: the limine Mrs. K. I!. Causey in (Jr.ilford county. Mrs. Josie Harbour, of Chiea '. returned with her m Liberty i cent ly. They exn.:: make Liberty tiieir ho::'--. Miss Pearl Teairue has bought -t Sioo.1 Hatch-:, i: father e'q ertv iib: ! IVople a their wat:. : ..t propel Liberty. to illlpl'O'. .:h in the c-iniiiieiK-::; Tiiev a I'h ' -Normal '. by. i for in:': .vrv luive eV-l ren to vl for the tioi'. A nnn Frank!::! day soil' Ail A.lvvi . If it i lilt of I lie i-lKll Alipi- I Rational Rip-Saw Rlppern. "Financial success" is no indica tion of real wisdom. ! There's one thing that no man ; ought to have to spare time. A busy wife seldom needs the services of a "divorce lawyer." j The bigger the fool the more money he must have to enjoy him self. If you want vour prayer to sound I right, you've got to get your heart right. Most hearts broken in "love af I fairs" can be mended if the right "gal" bobs up. i Whenever we smell "perfume" on a man or woman we always imagine i they need it. It's not nearly so dangerous for a ; tkief to frown on you as it is for a hypocrite to "grin"' at you. "Industry" is the best watch dog imaginable to keep the wolf from hanging around a fallow's door. Now comes the "graduating girl 'with short sleeves, ilowers, white 'socks, iink ribbons, some learning ' and a very small desire to help her , mother in the kitchen. : Lots of young society women would : have a tit if their "steady" shotul come to see them with his breath perfumed with onions, but they'll ; "wallow" around with them half the night with the sinell of -boo.e" so strong on their breath that it would intoxicate a canary. ti miner loult anil A eceorle. White is always appropriate for Summer gown;, but yellow seeuis to be preferred for the dressy functions crowded into August. The latest shade is the rich yjld of ripened corn. This tint combines be.iuii f u 1 ly with the fain: greens a:;d warm browns one sees ::i sun-burned e i'ii silk. Ar. arii.-t:c creation :u tiiis g-jl lea hue is veiled with very riiu brown tulle and embroidered in the i-oru- Si'.k toiler. Tile lut aivulil pU lies it is of inushlVOill Si a v,tii!al ny high '. 'andean. It is of yellow elilp and .-bows nutt'ii veive' r.b o:l i.i s on ti.e crown. Tue 'inudeau is hidden by olovdy .s:.'t choux of bro-Vn tsllle, Witil "olileii d.ll.deli i: . uvstliag aiiiong tiu-iii. Tne .-n:.'.;i. t.iiioivd cmehi! . ale ri'i.n::: ' 1 v.itn sii'iwy buttoiii, jtiapi and LoUi..le- ot lino .1 ;.i ; embl'oid ! Many ji :v.w .t:v j'.r.v wnite, ;:ie niuleriai :un'u.,r f rom r.i.i.m tar. .:.,:: Se. . c.oth and :!al.llei, to cerv d.iv v:;s..abie i.-oruuroy. L'lle lv..' ar-.- I'-my jv s.k . ;;ap. -in.! .-iho.v iriinai t:v.ttiiK-:it .i ! it-. a id .::i::s. Ini.iV '.if -ullllu;:, el'.uue, ir -..! -ilk ::;V : ig-.-d w.tu lilies of !....:. 'A ;'iy v; a of Vei.'i . ..': :? : i : ' ; ; i witn hS.rk Ml'll:. from THE FEDERAL POWER. Thf IJepublioau Stute platform enduifes the Kuesell administration by declaring that the fusion of the lieptiolicaus and Populists brought ihis makes it I The Two Theories of Const national Government. . ine JMir agu. ei.uu..c-u abml K00,. thin Jng no vestige of state government in necessary for the Demociatic speak I ihis nation. lie Is apparently deter-. to coutiast the State aduiiuis ! mined to centralize nil power at Wash-. tratiou under Russell with that I jngum." 'under Aycock and Glenn. News j Hut the omSious feature of the sltua- aud Observer. tion la that the Republican congress as well as the president is drifting in i the same direction. During the liear- Cireriinhoro to Thoiiiiinvtlle Vurk 'was started Thursday ar High Point on the electric railway connecting Grtensboro, Ilih Point, and Thoimisviilf. The contractors have sevenry rive hands, eighteen muhs, and twelve scnipeis at work, Will iis-s on a public building hill t!ie other i day Attorney r.eneral Moody said, ! "Tlie whole tendency of legislation is ! to broaden the federal power." The ; president is only fanning the ilame of imperialism which was already hurn ' ing furiously nt the time of his aceea- ; sion to ottice. It is singular that the Uuu the work of construcrion only ch.H'k the tendency nas nveivpti, ni.,i,l!v pushed. I came from the Republican majority of ' I tlie house Judiciary committee in its re- j" ''" " " - - rr i jKTt nninst the assumption of feleral j FOR SHERIFF i control of life instirauee companies i . I and that Judge De Armond. tlie lead- i To the 'otel's of Randolph Co.: ! ing IennK'rat on that committee, dis- j I hereby announce invself as can ! seated from that report ami tiled a didate for the office "of sheriff of : minority report in which he advocated J Randolph Countv, subject to the ! assaan wutrol of such institutions ,,r tu iv Signed S. L. Hawvoktii. t.i- .'.in. ana H. i In llil- Moss ros-a and m -are t:.e hit st in niildnery effee:-. Lace cou;.-', iute "i' dyv.i, a, id '.iii j.i:.y iii:-s ;;'y i iiient? illlo!' t.'ivf Liud- i, f ,i 1 1 . 44: Tne catalogue of ibis j; institution shows 4n4 sr durii'g the year, distributed the departments as follows: Fngill'.-ei'ilie-, 94: Elee'.iieal neerim:, T4; Agrictiltiiie course i, o4: i snore comse (dairying'. "-'3: Textile In (cotton mauufacturiiub 3t: Indus trial Chemistry, CI; Mechanical En gineering. ): Mechanic Arts (draw ing, d"signinir wood and iron work , 44. Inspite of urgent iifcd for morf room and added teaching force tbeCollege coiitiuu-s to do mjre, and better wo-k. The registration the past year wis 404, against 4T4 in 1004 '5. The graduating class numbered th 'a year 54, last year 4'). Already the number of iu'jiiiiies making toward matriculation in September is very large. Young men desiring' industrial training would do well to write for a cata logue to Psesident Winston, West Raleigh, X. C. Moore Comity Dull. A new Methodist c' urch will be erected at. Eagle Springs. I3ud Thomas and Coggins I'.ros. ar putting in a new saw mill, grist mill, and otton g;n: Tramway. The new pipe organ for the Car thage P:e,(.y:eria:i Church has ar ri'.ed uud the installation will re quire an addition to the building -! Inch will be done at once. Duiing a colored festival at Car t e.tige Jh!v 4th, Dan Shaw, a des j erate cmnai-ter, under small provo cation wounded, but not seriously, tour other negroes. A 3$ calibre pistol was used. Shaw was arrested, but gave bonds aggregating -f?00 and as released. . u l .lev are worn .van 'own- l any SU--1 mater. a . L i.ere pretty its uvt 'jUit- ;u keepiiig witn tiie pi.-tur- hats :n iiair and in line leg horn. Helen Uerkely Lovd in The LKi.i .veatoh for August. NEWSY PARAGRAPHS. Snhierlptlona Paid. G. A. Talbert. J. J. Lamb, L. T. j Branson, I. T. Cox, J. M. Patterson, j W. C. Hall,' M. J. Leach, AV. A. Moffitt, W..A. Ward, A. Lewis, H. j C. Cansev, G. R. Ellis, Jesse Jnes, : W. F. Davis, Rev. W. C. Lpssiter, P. T.Hndeon, W. C. Henley, A. .V. Cagle, L. W. Wise, E. P. APred, n W.Johnson, K. E. Roach. It -hiti-.r Bding. Things that Have Happened In and Out of the State. Duriug ti.e r cent s-ssion of con gress North Caivliiui representatives secured from tue I'osruiast-r Gener al an order that n and aft-r An.'. 1, l'.tnb, honie-ma ie R. F. D. Mail boxes, approved by the Postmaster serving the route, may be used. This defeats the letter-no:; trust. Lust wetk near Julian in this cjtinty Deputy .Marshall Milhkau ana Deputy Collector Pool ru across a blockade still, but were un able 1 1 take it. They were seen as they arrived in the ueigbbo.hood and the operators were warned bv four pistol shots from a nearby house. Mr.C. G. Djrsett, i Vaililia, sent to the Patriot tb- first co'ton bio mi we have seen thU year, and probably one of the first to blossom in the country. It opened ou the patriotic day of J uly 4th. Gbeex liORO Patkiot. The little child of Mr. W. O. .Mills of Jackson Springs died .Mon day night. Death came not unex pectedly, as the parents and friends had lost hope of the child's recov ery several hours before the end came. Moxtuomeky News. Mr. W A. Hennes-e, who for years has managed the cafe of the Union Xews Company in the depot at Greeusborc, will in the near fut- j ure go to the Hotel Elwood. in High Point, as manager, succeeding Mr. W. H. PI nm me r, Jr., who wiP gi f) the Everett. The Farmer's warehouse at Greens-! born will be "in tne hands of a ue.v iri..ui,eneut next fa 1 1. Messrs. E. j 1 Morgan fin d R. (.. Gitinbie .iu uir tntuge August . under tlie taxing purer. It sivms that congress can control anything except interstate and foreign j commerce by an exertion of the tax ing power and that it can control inter- j state and f ireign commerce by an ex- 1 erticn of Hi,' p iwer expressly given for ! t!i::t pur;w by the constitution. The, Itcpubiicans invoke the reserved rights j of the states In order to shield tlie in- s iriiice grafters who contribut their campaign funds, while the Pcno cr.'iis inv'ike tbose state rights fir the leir,, mo of cnr'vng graft and ch'tu;) tinn. Hut Mr. 1 e Armond Invokes fie taking power as a weapon against graft and e irruption, while the Ko-ubiie-uis Invoke and exense It in the 1 irm of li!i,o;t )i:s tariffs in o-ler t )tu pnmote mi l shelter innmuillng !ni us , llV an! -non ip Yw. Y7e naturally prefix the I'eni ie:v.tic tluvity. lint iroteeti n- i ism has generated so many socialists, i::.per!alis;s and anarchists tliat a ma jority of the pepple seem to like 1! i-iso-vclt !'eansi ''y his words he :-! ll.v ' pan.'.ers to the prejudices of :. it? , clause's and T y !:!s acts shrewdly ;o ) ::: ites the Int. vests of tlie pint r 1 1 s. -v. h i ire .i"st as a-tlvt as the soe.h-sts in pi-ornoliinr the tendency of le.isia tion 1 broaden the f.doral power. ' FUR TIJEASUKKK. I hereby anuounce myself a caud -late for tlv oflice" (Jf Countv rr.asuivr for liaodolph Countv. uiijccr to the (union of the 1 .-mi- t0 cratic Convention. W. J. Tkai-k. 'iKl" v'o, 1 H Mi. Blind Headache "About a year ago," writes Mrs. Mattie Allen, of 1123 Broadway, Augusta, Ga., "I suffered with blind, sick headaches and backaches, and could get no relief until 1 tried WHITE US Woman's Relief 1 immediately commenced to improve, and now I teel like a new woman, ana wisn to recommend it to all sick women, for 1 know it will cure them, as it did me. Cardui is pure, medicinal extract of NX NX NX l ciiian: func but aMedl- nn FREELY vegetable herbs, which relieves end frankly, describing NX lciwaic Hauio, .w.u.v your symptoms, we win sN. functions.tonesuptheorgans SiS togSZSu x t0 a Pr?pf r state of healt,h- envelope). Don't hesitate, but Jxy it for your trouble. a..SSi mX Every druggist sells It dne Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. nx m S 1 .00 DOttleS. 1 h-r-' v a: a:.;at I ( OKI II- of l.b: acti. mvself a cm: d' Clerk of th. r. nt v Mil.ii'cl lie I lc'liioci',11 li! ilk Vital Point. j. i; .M rtv X. C. !l--lt. ! n. n.-.:f as a -f 'i':vrs,;r.'r iit'j ft to the :atn Conw-n- X TARIFF REFORM. iii. X. C. Whn it. ir.133 ro yoa '.va:i some- '' y;u like. Tha same applies to thf!iy artic?ies for the dining room where Dining Room Suites and Fine T h eoc! o re H a ve n e r D j n n e r Se t s from $ to Sloo.oo per set. .T7e are adclirar a, full line of I.ia,ntels, Ti'. iug t.-::cl Grs.t3 ;h?,t will be worth your while to r.-.svezt. :m if t'l:tn;:liin For n-i:i- :erntli t onurreK. ssin.'i:: .-in inviiitiim for a tiri:'f i .'iiiiiei- :!i t.iriil rfonn :n- of !ii; N,.- York Uel'orni in'i . I:n -le.v. i.: :!:an :y.iy t.'intV .M't. i motlior of ' m.l of trnsn-. It .wows v v ';ir. 1 .r ii .vielii-i a .liininls nt of v.'veniie in proportion te it inipose-' '.'.ion the iieopli-. )!ects au ::n-'.v isi'i mi:;i!i v!'.ie!i ;r.-ul,ctio:i to e:: t -i-.-il I.s ;.:():'t. i !u-:j ;.1.V lo !!:.::. in Hi- -i" tint :'n' : eon:-.! 'Is !li ie:'l-' t i-mee i prh-es. .f 1 m I.' " f .I0'.: r :!:;;;! vu Into na:nn;il 1'lie most of this .?l.r.iM.ii.o, ..": i'o;- the i:io:lt of the '. lier il-i)ti'i te.I Interests. 1 -II the r Ipts ( all our : Is v.n :v jcu-o 'rnl't til-.1 hi! 1 not lieuin to oijual t'.iu f our iiiotiH-ti"! trusts. eeeijits of nil our life in npnuies wore eaeli year the people tlie rob' er.v mull In cunniiirison with 11 Kl; IFF. I h.'tvhv .Minoniice in-v!;' :;s 6 ii Lit. for ibe .):;.. SI t ; ::":' .,f X I- . , I. !. . : . . . Mattings of ail Kinds 5 Rus. A::tiai;iis'cer Velvets I. ' ! i ' "I I .li" l , 1 I '.' 'I'l II a ;. m ii tn.-iieiiu'eratii.' i.oiacn'io I ' m:xk '.Vnn;N. '.In," y.T.Tirsta'jaau.t..i sairxr:' yzzxizxizzn Is iriij rzan m Ruys, A:;'.iii;ii5ter Velvets and Burtwort ".Vjltons. varying in. price from $2o to $65. A Cil! v. 11 1 convince you. Peop!eJs House Furnishing- Cc.3 tf)3h Point. IL C. ste'ini vn. I'.mt won yearly irraft If all the r. sur.mi.p f.u. stolen fro:- WOV. Ill of tl: Iiini'ley tariff. If many thiies tbrf money which will be spent la ili-'iiis the ranaina eanal wer-1 .liin:;ieil into the I'acitU? ocean the loss wonl l not eipial the iieoUless tariff tae Ji.ii.l l-.y our i-o is inu-rs." Hon. .luhn Sharp Williams mill ex (Governor Iioir.'las of Massachusetts will deliver the principal niMresses, anil the occasion will he a notalile one as tlie op.-niiu' irun oi' tlie ;anipaiij:u to elect a Ilenioe.-itU- i'n:ii,'ress. QfT ' Ct O CJ w iy Do you like it? Then why 5 be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Aycr's Hair Vigor and have Mong, thick hair; soft, even f hair. But first of all, stop your hair from coming out. Save what you have. Ayer's g Hair Vigor will not disappoint 1 you. It feeds the hair-bulbs; 3 ! makes weak hair strong. The best kind of a testimonial i oave I Mciey Try our New Improve-l Arti.i.Mai Teeth that are held in i!r.ce by the Rurr::e Suction a ?erret process Kr.own only to r. Kull ' Troll 'hut I t.iiii riiiinu KIlKT KlllllIK ;..!. I -II k ... i;rllr Wurk NfRVOUS PEOPLE are irnectly .i i I !etii..iistinn'. I.. :' Pair.'cs3 Deni: PAINLESS EXTRACTING. 1 " Sold lor over sixty years.' 8 yers SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRV PECTORAL. If i t-rs : i; mi elini .1 -I .Iv-' , ;..!! a::'l li.o-e a tail: ut v. m s'l .'i!. !i.ivj i m.l . ill lo rX :U. . il ! RED liver J. M. .v t. CE?OG3 DSNTAI. PARLORS ii Ii Y...i, iwl, lilfi-l 1'uMli- nciipfuc-tor. l'resi.lent Koosevclt's Intonso dislike of "thi. with the muck ralto" can har.lly he woinlenvl for "the man" has tineovereJ so many scandals that the Itooseveit ii.lininistratiou will go ilowu Into history as the most dis ivpntahle era of ltepuhlicau suprem acy. If there had been no muck the ralie would have remained Idle. Was uot a rake necessary to uncover the insurance jrraftlni:. the postal frauds, the land frauds, the Panama grafting and Uiismauatternent, audi would Presi dent Itooseveit have prevented the ex posure of these scandals because It un masked the corruption or connivance of soma of the highest officials of the i:e;iu!lican party' It Is no easy or pleasant task to wield the rake, but the man who does stir up the muck In Summer Tourist Tickets Now On Sale To Great Lake Resorts VIA Ml I HIGH POINT ' BUGGIES : Are THE Best. I QUEEN & CRESCENT I ROUTE in The a-sertion is Uieke '. I.y our a!-s for t'te pat few umm!. V.: ruiiniii', dnrahle a;nl r. ii 'ir'alil..'. Ve also bundle .1. !. Ni-ei Wiig. ens. Jalin-tim ll,iic-iii 2 ilar-liineiy, Mowers, S'n-, 1 a' s, llili Supplies, luilders Ila.-.lva:-e, IJniijy and Wam S-s I'uhit, liarlj and Siuooili Wire mid t-verytliing in lite Hardivaip !i f . Tickets sold hy until St, ter.-:be 30th. limit for return October 31st, liHjG. Very low rates to Denver. ?.c- iuan v.iio noes hut up uie iniicii ill . v,,, , .. , . , , , :-e:i handed ma::r. telliu t the ! COUllt EltlS meetin. tickets SOlrl truth without fear or lavor. Is a puhllc j"L"-' J" 10 i-nn. AJs;,m benefactor. The fact Is the Republican j 20th. cl:ver?e routing West of St. pol:::c:a::-: had liecome so Intrenched ! LC'Uis. iu poorer that the grafters thought that j Low round triD rates to Mil- hey did, however vicious, i ..vaukee, account Eagles' meet-! uao,!rroJ bywtlw rrpt!f' inS Minneapolis account : u. A. K. Encampment m August. : For further information and I attractive resort literature call on or writ , H. F. Latimer. T. P. A., Knoxville, Tenn. , J. C. Conn, D. P. A. , j Chattanooga, Tenn. j Lewis & Winslnw Hardware Company. am! asytiir:; they would he hut the man with the rake: Trith his publicity, exposed them, and th3 Re publican party which was responsible for themV BINDERS. MOWeRS, Threshers, Hay Rakes. Tillman and Chandler. , The Baltimore Su:i recently printed a pood story oa th old friendship be tweeu Chandler aud Tillman, a friend ship which arose long ago from the fact that they always stood shoulder to shoulder In every flelit to control the railroads. Chandler foatht and beat the pollnsr bill time and time nenln, mU Tillman and (haiiuler together fought ths amior ti-ust be:'ore the na val con.a.!te, as they did th rr.Il roa'.s before the iniTstn'e e&;i:merce conimitt?e end the ship BUhalfly s-eal. This is the season for buying Traction Engines, Selt-binders, &c. It will pay you to look at our line, as wo are selling the best on the Market. Sole agents Geo. E. Nissen Wagon. McCrary-Redding Hardware Compainy To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LOXaUVG BfOmO QUHimC aMefs. 6 Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This Si 11121 Ure. m JdvT Cures Crip fa Two Days. on every tox. 25C 0 i