THEWORKOFCONGRESS Few Measures of Real Impor. tance Enacted. fHE COEPOEATIOBS WEEE SFAEED Hany Dealrable I.aTv Defeated or Postponed Bin of Omluloa and Commission The Negative Tri umphs of the President and Hla Party Some Democratic Victories. The Fifty-ninth emigres will be known In history as Roosevelt's con gress. At the session just epded It has done little but sneeze when the president took snuS. We hear a great deal of the president's legislative tri umphs. Let us see what they have been. Congress has passed the rail road rate bill, a bill which outrageously discriminates In favor of the Standard Oil company and allows the railroads to issue free passes to almost every body and which was made practically worthless by ,the rejection of the Bailey and La Follette amendments. On the whole, it was a triumph for the railroad and Standard Oil monopolies and the smaller grafters over the peo ple. It was. In fact, to that extent also a triumph for Hoosevelt. It has passed a meat Inspection bill putting the cost of the Inspection to the extent of $3,000,000 a year on the taxpayers of the country instead of the criminal beef trust, and yet allow ing the packers to palm off their em balmed beef on the public without put ting the date of the packing on the can. The beef trust has been greatly strengthened and rewarded by this measure at the expense of small pack era and the public. This Is Roosevelt's third triumph and will no doubt re sult in augmented contributions by the trust to the campaign fund of the O. O. P. v 'Congress, under the lash of Roose velt, passed a bill Increasing the presi dent's compensation during the term for which he was elected $25,000 a year, upon the pretext of paying his traveling expenses, though the consti tution expressly forbids such an In- " crease. The Democrats In congress op posed It. This was a triumph for Roosevelt and, like all his real trl umpbs, a blow to American lnstltu tlons. Against the advice of the best engl- neers In the country the president forc ed through congress his scheme fqr a lock canal at Tanama Instead of a sea level canal. This was a triumph of the transcontinental railroads as well as a triumph of Roosevelt. A lock canal at Panama will not Interfere very much with Harriman, Hill and Morgan. These men at least owe a great debt of grati tude to Roosevelt for bis legislative work. The proposition to subsidize ships built In this country by the protected Interests was one of the president's pet measures. It passed the senate under his lash, but It lodged in the bouse. where It will rest until the next ses slon. Roosevelt will triumph In this case if the people re-lect bis henchmen to congress next fall. Congress passed the Aldrich resolu tion authorizing and directing the pres Ident to purchase materials and equip ment for the construction of the Pana ma canal from the tariff protected trusts of this country, notwithstanding lower bids for such articles from Eu ropean bidders. This was a triumph for Roosevelt and the stand patters. - For years the labor unions have ad vocated a law making common car riers liable for Injuries to their em ployees acting under orders-; This bill was passed, and Roosevelt gets the . credit due to thes labor organizations, lie did nothing to push this bill. The senate confirmed the appoint ment of Barnes, Roosevelt's assistant private secretary, whose brutal treat ment of Mrs. Minor Morris, an aged and respectable woman, disgusted the people of Washington and the entire country. This and the traveling ex pense steal were his greatest triumphs. Congress passed the bill to declare the true Intent and meaning of the act entitled "an act In relation to testimo ny before the Interstate commerce commission," etc., so as "to extend Im munity only to a natural person who as a witness on the part of the govern ment in any proceeding authorized by any statute testifies on oath or In obe dience to a subpoena produces relevant evidence." This keeps the "natural persons" In the big thieving trusts out of jail. It Is a great positive triumph for Roosevelt. Now for his negative triumphs. He and his party defeated the bill to promote the safety of employees and travelers on railroads by limiting the hours of service of employees thereon. He and his party defeated the Till man bill designed to prohibit contribu tions by corporations to campaign cor ruption funds. This was a mighty tri umph over honesty and good govern ment. He and bis party defeated the eight hour bill, the child labor bill, the prison labor bill, the bill to modify the Philip pine tariff, the bill to reduce all tariff rates which exceed 100 per cent and all other tariff reform measures, the La Follette joint resolution to reserve all coal, oil and lignite deposits In the public domain for the use of the United States; the Tillman resolution for the Investigation of national banks In re spect to excessive loans to favored per sons, the Tillman resolution asking for Infqrmation from the comptroller of the currency respecting contributions by national banks to party campaign funds, the La Follette resolution for investigation of the relations between the railroads and the companies own ing the grain elevators In the north western states and the Joint resolution .! .;iuend the constitution of the Unit ed States so as to provide for the elec tion of United States senators by direct vote of the people. In sins of omission the record of the CiKscvelt congress Is greater only than . 1 3 In Bins of commission. Tlie Democrats won signal victories luring the recent session on three Im portant mensures. They forced the ad mission of Okluhoma nn Indian Ter ritory as a state into the Union, and ijey defeated the outrageous scheme at the Roosevelt gang to force Joint statehood upon New Mexico and Art Bona against the wishes of the people of either territory; they forced through congress the Tillmnn-Glllespic resolu tion for the investigation of the rela tions between the railroads and cor porations engaged In the production of coal and oil. The Democrats, with the aid of certain Republicans, also defeat ed the Santo Domingo treaty and sev eral other treaties negotiated by the administration which were calculated to Impair the "credit of the country abroad and overturn the constitution at home. If they had been In power they would have enacted almost every bill which the Republicans defeated and would have made those which congress actunlly passed comply with the de mands of the people. OPEN CONFESSION. Repnbllcuns Admit the Trusts Sell Cheaper Abroad Than Here. After much tribulation most of the Republican politicians of note admit that the trusts and combines sell cheaper abroad than here. The Iowa stand patters, such as Secretary Shaw and Congressman Hepburn, still per sist in claiming that the trusts sell as cheaply here as abroad, except occa sionally a job lot that It Is impossible to sell at home on account of being out of fashion or out of condition. Congressman Dalzell, however, has acknowledged that the trusts are sell ing their surplus products cheaper abroad than her and is rather boast ful of it. It need hardly be said he used to deny it as a Democratic fabri cation of the most ethereal kind. Senator Aldrich, the boss stand patter and stuffed prophet of the trusts, which "are the spirit of his political life," has also acknowledged the fact that the trusts sell cheaper abroad than here, for on June 2, speaking In the senate, he made this statement: "It Is a well known fact, about which there Is no dispute, that pro ducers in the United States and In every one of the great Industrial na- tlons sell portions of their products from time to time at a less price to people of other countries than to their regular customers at home." !t is hardly possible to expect Secre tary Shaw and Congressman Hepburn to change front on this issue. They have too lately made the most deter mined denials that their friends the trusts are so wicked. It can also hard ly be expected that the Republican spellbinders and many of the news paper organs of the G. O. P. will take back what they have learned and stated with the precision of a phono graph, and now, their mendacity being disclosed, they should be covered with shame and acknowledge the . Demo cratic contention has all along been the correct one. They will either have to admit they were wrong or still stick to deluding the plundered taxpayers who are pay ing 47 per cent higher on the average for all they buy thanfthey did before the present Republican tariff law was enacted and so much higher than the foreigner pays for the same articles. Is this a square deal for the American taxpayer and will he vote to continue It? CREATING NEW OFFICES. How the Republican Maohlne Pre Tldea For Ita Henchmen. The new senator from Kansas la In high favor with the Republican ma chine that runs the distribution of offi cial patronage In the senarc, as they view him as an addition to the "safe and sane" contingent of that body. Those safe and sane Republican pa triots did not, however, propose to re ward the newcomer at the expense of their own share of the political graft, so they Invented a new committee the committee on documents so that Senator Benson could employ a mes senger at $1,440 a year. The follow ing colloquy shows how easy It Is to re ward Republican virtue that Is trust and corporation Inclined: "How old Is the committee?" Inquir ed Senator Culberson. Without telling the committee's age or describing Its functions Senator Kean replied, somewhat evasively, but withal bluntly: It was created' for the benefit of the senator from Kansas, Mr. Benson." "What is the necessity for it?" per sisted Mr. Culberson. "The purpose was to place the sena tor from Kansas on a level with other majority senutors, all of whom have messengers," replied Senator Kean. If you are out of a Job and want a soft snap, with but little to do, ask ei ther of the Republican senators from your state to appoint you as messen ger. Don't be put off because they say there Is no vacancy, for the machine can create a new office at any time If so Inclined. Great Reformer. The pure food bill was purified to suit the taste of the quacks and im postors and murderers who rob the people of their money, their health nnd their lives. Teddy nnd his congress are great reformers and purifiers! Diamond Imports. More diamonds and precious stones have been Imported durlnc tlie past year than everlcforo. nnd most of them came In froe under the Repub lican tariff tlmt plunders the ninny for the benefit of tlie few. Rural Delivery Routes. OnlJuly 2nd theie were 1,150 rural ueuvery routes m operation m North Carolina, an increase of 175 in twelve mouths. It will be a grati fying fact to know that only two routes have been discontinued dur ing that time. There are now total of 132 applications for new routes pending. The number of petitions for the establishment of routes received from Isorth Caro lina totals 2,327, of which 1,045 have been reported adversely There are more routes in operation in Mr. W. W. Kitchin's district than any other in the State. He has 185 routes, Mr. Small 96, Mr. Claude Kitchin 104, Mr. Thomas 99, Mr, Fou 10G, Mr. Patterson 102, Mr, Page 115, Mr. Blackburn 141, Mr Webb 125, Mr. Gudger 77. The number of routes turned down in Representative Blackburn's district is 220, being a larger number by far than in any other district. Republican Favor Corrupted Vote, The refusal of the republican house to pass the publicity bill which would have forced publica tion of the collection and distribu tion of campaign funds, shows once again that the republicans are in favor of corrupting the electorate to advance their interests. Publicity m this matter would be fatal, for it would show how "fat frying" is cained on, how big corporations aie made to staud and deliver to the party that maintains tariffs and passes laws for their benefit, and how money is stolen from the funds held in trust by "defeuders of the national honor" for widows and or phans and handed over to the G, O. P. to corrupt the ballot. Ihe sen ate passed this measure, but thE honorable Mr. Cannon, who meas ures everything by the dollar, re fused to allow it to come to a vote, thus plainly declaring that the republican party is bent on continu ing to buy elections. Jbx. A sweet breath adds to the joys of of a kiss, xou wouldn t want to kiss your wife, mother, or sweet heart with a bad breath. You can't have a sweet breath without a i healthy stomach. You can't have a healthy stomach without perfect di gestion. There is only one remedy that digests what you eat and makes the breath as sweet as a rose and remedy is KODOL FOR DYSPEP SIA. It is a relief for sour stomach, palpitation of the heart, and other ailmeuts arising from disorder of the stomach and digestion, lake a lit tle Kodol after your meals and see what it will do for you. Sold by Standard Drug Co., and Asheboro Drug Co., Asheboro, JS . C, A jealous woman may deny biing jealous until she is blacK in the face, but she deceives no one. Try a little KODOL FOR DYS PEPSIA after vour meals. See the effect it will produce on your gener al feeling by digesting your food and helping your stomach to get itself into shape. . any stomachs are overworked to he point where they refuse to go further. Aodol digests your food and gives your stomach the rest it needs, while its recon structive properties get the stomach back into working order. Kodol re lieves flatulence, sour stomach, palpi tation of the heart, belching, etc. Sold by Standard Drug Co., and Asheboro Drug Co., Asheboro, N. C, When a man proposes and girl asks him to wait for his answer, it is a sign that, if she accepts, it will not be for love, but because nothing better turns up. It is always well to have a box of salve in the house. Sunburn, cuts, bruises piles, and boils yield tc DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Should keep a box on hand at all times to provide for emergencies. For years the Standard, but followed by many imitators. Ue sure you get the gen uine DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Standard Drug Co. and Asheboro Drug Co. Asheboro N. C, If people imagine tha wall flowers at a dance do not have a good time they are mistaken; they have a good time roasting the dancers. Children like Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. The pleasantest and best cough syrup to take, be cause it contains lo opiates. Sold by Standard Drug Co. and Ashe boro Drug Co., Asheboro, N. C. A present of mining stocks is a good deal like 6tage money: Of no value. Does evil still, jour whole life fill? Does woe betiue? Your thoughts abide on suicide? You need a pill! Now for prose and facts DeWitt's Little Eaily Risers are the most pleasant and reliable puis known to day. They never gripe. Sold by Standard Drug Co. and Asheboro Drug Co. Asneboro N. C, Tbe trouble is, careless won't notice a iiutiet. eiH'' iit-wple even like to people . la'H'Ut wliaiotbtfis re worth. On July 12, Mr. Herbert Hill of Kandolph county, who is with A. A. Spencer, of Asheboro, in the lumber business near Carthage, and Maggie Underwood, the popular daughter of C. C. Underwood, of Jesup, were united in marriage by Rev. J. K Robeits. They spent several days in Asheboro last week with friends. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep tive, many sudden deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure oi apoplexy are often tlie result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance the kidney-poison- ed blood will nt. tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidnevs themselves break down and waste awav cell bv cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can make no mistake by taking I)r. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great Kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times durinir the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size lxjttles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this cenerous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swatnt-Root. and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every vome. lAND SALE. By virtue of an order of resale made bv the Superior Court of Randolph county, lu a special iruceeuinif mere -n penning, enuciea vena I. Allreii. Infant, bv her next Friend. J. I. lilies, et ill. ex parte. I trill pell at public auction to the rubiest bidder, at lao'cloclc m., on Mon day Auk. Oth, 1B0B, at the court house door, iu Asheboro. North Carolina, the following de scribed traat of laud, lying and being iu Frank llnville township, adjoining the lauds of J. L. (Slles ami othcv.and containing 150 acres, and known as the farm of Daniel Allred. deceased. This laud u three miles from Asheboro. two miles Iroiu Cedar Kails 2 miles from Central Falls has good buildings. anK room house, lunre turn corn cribs, wagon shelters, tool shelters, and is well Improved and well watered; about 05 acres under cultivation, and a good pasture under fence. Terms, hull eash. and ou a credit of six mouths, the purchaser to give bond und'ap. roveu security lor aeierrea payment, aim tc ear iutcrest until paid. E. MOFF1TT, Comra lssioner. This Tth day of July, 190B. LAND SALE. By virtue of an order the superior court of Kanuo Dh countv in the soeeiai nroceedinir en titled Will coltraue et al Vs. Peter Coltrane et al. I will on the nth day of August 1908 at 12 o clock M . at the court house door in Asheboro, N. C. sell at public auction, to the highest bid der for cosh, the following described real es. tate: In New Market, township, 1st tract: Beginning at a stoue in stalker s line. Leach Gray's comer; thence East on her line 10 chains and is links to a stone, tqence south links to -tone: thence East 5 chaihs to a stone: thence North S chains to a stone; thence Kust 12 chains to a a stoue; thence South 5 chains and 45 links to a stone: thence West 2! chains and IS links to a stone in Stalker s line; thence 4 chains to the tint station, containing li acres more or less. anil tract: Beginning at a stake, Phillip Colt- rane's corner; thence running South M degrees East with his linear chaius and 15 links to a stake; thence South a new Hue 8 chaius and 70 links to a stake: thence North 84 degrees West 2T chains and IB links to a stake la Stalker's. line; thence North on said line to tlie begiu- ing containing in acres more or less. This July nutl, V.m. J. A. 8PENCE. Cnonntssiouer. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of the last ilf and testament of the late A. J. Patterson, leceased, this is to notify till persons holding aims against said estate to present same to nie rn or before the 18th day of July 1907 or this notice will lie plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate are hereby notified to come forward and make immediate payment. This July 18th 1900 11. D. PvTTERsos, Executor of A. J. Pat terson deceased. Walter D. Siler, Attorney. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator C. T A , of the estate of Patsy I'hilli s, deceased notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigued on or lieTore July (ith 1907, or this mtice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. CUAS. JOHNSON, Admr C. T. A., of Patsy Phillips. This June 30th. 1900. BUY THE NEW The F. i-'i -V weak in ' ioui:' v i?t run r poiniM in the bel ,.', i,. l!stoCISCl)LA!!SSS:;:;5 we manufacture mi J j.r: JSL'ni.nif TH - . bEWhiG MACHINE Do l!f t.. ''. :.. !;' ai wrumf u - - , 1'i i. -ill. if t'r t$IA T" 1 1-1!' -: t.f r. !-i-':i-,. ' -.1 be I .... . -...i- &':..'. fr..:u5r., we : i f '. vc-v KCriE !S THE BEST '.'::.i "-'lij;! !: oi v .'-i:i..' Tin -U 1.1- "til. t Ko.i tin- ilo.U M.u i.i:,.- 1.. 'u . . LAN'D SALE! By virtue of un order of sale granted lv the Superior Court cf Randolph County on the petition of Bertha Belle Cox Luther against drover C. Cox and others I shall sell at the Post Office in lianiseur N". C. at 12 o'clock M. on the 11th day of August l'JOii, the following Real Estate to-wit: A tract of land iu Columbia township in said county being a lot in Raniseur adjoining the land's of J. W. Allred, J. il. Whitehead and others: Beginning at Hick's corner, and runs with his line to J. V. Allred's line, thence with Allreds line to Hick's corner, thence with Hick's line about North to the public road, thence with said road to the beginning con taining about one-fourth of an acre, and designated as lotXo. 2 in said petition. Terms: One third cash, the remaining two-thirds on a credit of six months the purchaser giving bond and approved secur ity therefor, and the title reserved till the fur her order of the court. This 2nd. day of July lyfKi. John T. Brittain. Commissioner. RE-SALE OK LANDS. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Randolph countv in tlie special pro ceeding entitled Lewis P. York et ul. Vs. J. M. ork, et al., I will, on the 30th day of July, 11)0(1, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door of Randolph county, iu Asheboro, N. C., sell to the highest bidder at public auction the following described real estate, to-wit: A tract adjoining Alfred Williams' land, A. B. Ward, et al, bounded on the North by A. H. Ward; on the East by Alfred Williams; on tlie South by Branson f'ork and Solomon Holt; on the West by William Mcllasters and Lark in York, containing 93 acres, more or less, it being the dome place of Nathan York, deceased, more particlarly described as follows: Beginning at a post oak origi nal earner, thence East 23 chains to a stone. la:tna Williams corner; thence Last with her line 34 3u chains to a stake in the mid dle of the creek, said Williams' corner; thence down the various courses of the creek to a stake, original corner; thence South 4 50 chains to a stake, thence East 7.50 chains to a stake; thence South 23.60 chains to the be ginning containing 93 acres more or less. Terms of sale, 1-3 cash, 1-3 in three months and 1 3 in six months, bonds with approved security to be given on the deferred payments. LLIJAH MOr F ITT, Commissioner. This 23 day of June, 1900. North Carolina In the Superior Court Before the Clerk. Randolph county, I Arthur Ross Vs. Notice. w ill Coltrane et al The defendants, Arthur Gray, Fletcher Gray, Peter Coltrane, Charles Coltrane, i'en ley coltrane, Slattie Graham, Tom Graham ami Counsel will take notice that an action entitled as above bus been commenced in the superior court of Randolph county to sell real estate situated in New Market township in said county, iu which lands the said defend ants are interested; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior court of Kandolph county, in Asheboro, N. C, on the 20th day of July, uui), at the court house oi said county, and answer or demur to the petition in said ac tion, or the "petitioner will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. W. C. HAMMOND, Clerk of the Superior Court. This 20th day of June, 1900 6-21-4t. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testiment of Irene Craven, deceased, all persons holding claims against said es tate are notified to present them to the un dersigned o: or before the 6th day of July, 1907, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . W. H. PEG RAM, Executor. This Juno 29, 1900. e Sell the Earth! oooooooooooooooooo If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'gf. Armfield (El Lavighlin. Real Estate Dealers. r 4.000,000 Peach Trees Tennessee Wholesale Nurseries. June Buds a Specialty. No agents traveled, but sell direct to planters at wholesale prices. Absolutely free from dis ease and true to name. Write for catalogue and prices before placing your order elsewhere. We guarantee our stock to be true to name. Largest Peach Nursery in the World. Address i J. C. HALE. 4 The North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College COURSES Literary Classical Scientific Pedagogical Three Courses leailiiij to ilegrees. Special courses for graduates of other collegeti. Well-eiiuif jeil Training School for Teachers. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of test liooks, etc., -170 a year. For free-tuition students, !U'.). Fifteenth annual seaxion begins S'jiteniher 2I, 19IN5. To eMire hoard in the dormitories, all five tuition applica tions should lie made liefore July l.". Correspondence invited from those desiring compe tent teacher and stenographers. For catalog and otlic: information, address CHARLES D. McIVER, President Greensboro N. C. Ayers Pills TIRES SET Quicker and better and will run longer without loosening than is possible when set the old way. HUGH J. BURNS, The Blacksmith. VI. PRESNELL Blacksmith and General Repair Shops. I manufacture Timber Wheels, repair Buggies and Wagons, Shoe Horses and do a general repair bus iness. Second hand buggies always on hand at bargains. When in Asheboro see me. Shop back of McDowell's livery stables. Yours truly, A. M. PRESNELL. My Work Pleases! When you wish an easy shave As good as barlier ever gave, Just call on me at my saloon, At morning, eve or noon, ( cut and dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. My room is ceat and towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen. And everything I think you'll find, To suit the face and please the mind, And all my art and skill can do, If you just call I'll do for you. TOM CARTER. " SOUTHERN MACHINE WORKS We build Machinery to or der, overhaul and repair ma chinery, cut gears, make patterns, models, etc. Southern Machine Works, High Point, N C. Winchester, Tenn. Commercial Domestic Science Manual Training Music The great rule of health Keep the bowels regular. And the great medicine Ayer's Pills. fc&.ttlSi: BUCKINGHAM'S DYE I A.r feSr ) rim ctb.or i t Uk IL V. IUU CO.. FABBCA.

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