rcculUr' Caatom of the Arl Ladle f of albrfr!wwtivrt.v. 1 a$Ti&'tit4W bit .S5a'nlbr-Jlv-:1 1 I grrpt eeIfl8loft '' in the large whit s I lioitaes, nevflr, polng :-.int a th daytim; J frok on yeif n4i to knottier,, srj JthelvW'ancWste'OiJiird'ljin. A littl I cooking ana swqtmettt.iiiaklns is toel ; I onlf irecogilied emiwmfiiA, Sbow i .gome few 'ot,ilem m$ 'do- trWutiftjl gli'J ;en)broiderri oll. thflt beiT anibe fanned W itlfelrtaWgirta Jb the usual 'occuaiiof of richer ,omen. $S-,0-$WJ$ If they want ti vlii.lt tbeto friends, or, f 3- Is more often thepaemj to perambu late the town, they wait until 8 o'clock In the evening, when a gun la fired warning all Mohammedans that It la Uie fifth, and last.ihour pf prayerv, then !Jiey may q out (,, They, are, entirely nvelored iu Jnrge mantles and their aces completely hidden by very ugly fcllt masks, with oblong s!lU. for the pyes, and 'many' of thertl wear these even in the privacy of their own homes, fhelr other gannents are trousers and i tunic reaching below the knee, which B often embroidered and trimmed wrth fold braid; Theyi have a number of jold and silver ornaments, nose rings ind earrings, bracelets, anklets, and so on. , iThey are very light in color, many of bem cream colored. Their features are fgular and good, and they have dark jyes and silky black hair. They paint inder tjwlr eyes and. state thalr hands init tinils a reddUli color Vtth'lmba. 'f they want to go any distance from iome they ride through the narrow treets on large white asses stained a tick red. the .skives running by tbe deS, ' but you ' generally meet ' them lalklng solemnly along, surrounded by Jielr slaves, who carry enormous lan cms as big as n London street lamp. , IVery often they do not return hom 111 4, in !th4;!ibortlng,' when, another1 kin is fired proclaiming the firet liou 'f prayer. It la very !akrard at timet hen you meeMntbe streets some of; iese ladles v.honi you ought to know! id are greeted by tbem.-You cannot: le then- faces, it is not always easy i recognize a voice, an4 nothing would rend them more than to ask thelf imes. ni l , i .u.i i . , ,i : FREAKS OF THE LAVA, 'j m Cai-soa lavtdeata of. Ortuvj Sow VtBaavlaa. i.i. . , it one house;-whit bad been'ettlrej surrounded bjr the flood, but not dei pyed,, que saw:, peop'e, on fop of tliej ass of lava,.' Entering' tie. upper wlai ws. wi tb a .ladder, and bringing fort( Selr' 'household 1 goods to" transport Ltri ttf a"i)lace of safety. 'Oqe vinej fsd, was surrounded on three slides bjr is dividing current., and, It was posj jle to walk rnto it-among the lines) Itirimrrfisa Viae1 htid W Wrce'lvo the still glowUiitVtawering wall? Ilava ou each side'.' The people atj buted this remarkable pUcuamepon the miraculous intervention of tlielj jilomiH, ''Our Indy' of -tJ:,8nws., JU whose sacred Image they had con- inted, . the all Tonre , rnoMjer jeepln jlrently doonieil homes. i'T , N . . ... ' -1 8te v(ft?p tu prints and fhfeta'i ;' . J lij! .iemrftiia. J j 4 i, elnglng the litany, retreated as the u M l(.ml Allwi, (lie,, ltt her fful flood swept ou. and still the , ., p Imd of singing and prayer rose above K , ... ;, J, fearful roar of the torrent and the' " "'rt 1,uV srt""' loF- tUtf inder of the mountain above, belch- j kv ler sfr.-nng -as more than cuu lie g forth from the central crater fiery 1 'old. IMatives, frie.idt, au,l pliyskians did 0ibs and enormous swirls of cinder, j all tliey coald to relieve her pain aod Kive nd and smoke, which rose to great her lite, hut iii vuin. Iru August 1001, sbe Ights. Yard by yard the lava swept ; ,mited in marrlag to Mr. .1. B. Allied te nrd. Now a palatial villa would be of H,.,llatolli 'ivxas. Slip leaves a sorrowful frounded by the torrent, crushed hllltIltttl(l three cuiidru.' Ernest. I-o. a.,l kn and disappr in smoke; now a htaM m two aep ng peasant would see his little 1 . ttage nil vineyard, his all. go under Hw. e.ter Moore u...l M Kuwe Macon, v nu Instant. I To k,ll"T ,,er K" '" love ht,r' S e pro' )ne poor woman was thus watching fsed religion while quite young and joined fate of her earthly belongings from '. the Chiistiun Church at N'ew Center, where ittle euilneuce wheu a smaller crnter ne roaring forth at her very feet. 4 turned to flee, fell, rolled to the torn of the little' hill, and the next j pient the lava flowed forth like the sa from a glass of beer and 6wept r the spot where she had been hding au instant lefore. William Andrews In Century. I , . GJnttonoas Kuklmos. j lie eating jwwers of the Eskimos, . te talus told in the looks of north- 'explorations are to be believed, are , J extra irdiuaryi -One writer tells t vouns man scarcely full grown I p ate four pounds and four ounces! j c. Aberbathy. inacagiug editor frozen sea horse flesh, four pounds hf . ch&tWM 4iiejfTeff died Sat ("ndlnde monnng at St. Joseph's Sau- .Wad, one and one-fourth pounds ; at mum at Asbeville, wheie he bad f ica gravy, in twelve hours. Besides 1 Bng the alwve he also drank one k of grog, three glasses of raw epir maa jalue idnts of wator.s . , . , , i " ' " - '. I Conralneeace, fheu, a p!ck,pcrson is becoming con-. cjnti 'the Tufe of a 'quiet time be jea 8 nlji o'clock; iu (he afternoon jild. stiil be adhered to until com e'fngth is 1 regahied.a I3ven li the entaiwtibtalp sleep the fact of; V nnlotlv'tn a darkened room Wlfl fbetli eyes sab - bnam, 1 producing Jeeling pf wide awake brjghtnesa Invalids so often feel in the even- to Oeifa: the )Jeasantest' time of the In consequence. -,iriak SUnJer. -.; .-j.r.t.;? 1 four husband," said Mrs. Hlghmus pously, 'Is decidedly Interesting Joriglnal, even if be does sometimes his own horn a little too" ea't-aer-4ndigaaBtly exclaimed f nawoll "Mt hnahnnrl alwava GaswelL "My husband always his handkerchief r Chicago Trtb- l"n''comni6n"fatnt' ftTtje , never red with our fortune nor dlssat wlth out understanding. Rocbe- fculd. .,.-(.-: NEKV 0 IJSLIY SE PHI A,,,,, CAN BeIjUKEiTTf ONE WILL I was uoWMpMjiftii k$N9M Oy.8.--pepaia . foi. eignt years. Wl.eu.I was taken I weighed 185 , pounds, auat; reduced toe ,'to. ittf.'il could uvvVw't ''" f0& I .oelieye if I hud taken solid food ic would Lave killed me, and I had to live on sweet ami lightest kind of diet f. " Vi'J wad !ev'.'Jt yh-m,' jjjkil '.8. neari I j;evtry;itaj!' aijd iwoulul have docks' to i'rWt.iW,., iiut they did . uot 'do ui dii' .'JUit'icIe b'f .; go6d hot. even' !to relieve' trie.1';' '.' 1 f 1 was so weak that for three niontliji I was nut able to walk. 'iMfrwjd tbeiupui. I hyl. ratUtTLie ibaii.itu nuft'ei'i ittuver ktiaio al I. felt' that 1 whs in li worse cuudition than any one who ever lived. I1 " ' '"' ' Mr. Joe Persou and.iny. wifp per-j !'u'adjei nie io' U'e Mrs. ' ' J, oe Prsou' Rfcineiv. , '. ' " ;; ,::,!' ; ' ' 1 bought a doieu ootlles " aiitl itj was .three niouths, tei"re i . leu any rejef at all. I'hei),,.-!, coinaipoed tOifflpriive;ignt( along... , .,( i. 1 'took' thityrlne , bbttei, andjit. cured we. It bio been two years since 1 was cured, and I have iievei bad a louch of tl e tiouble Biucej and cau eut anything under the uun, and as much of t as I want. If-any tuie will stick t Air. Per son's KfUitdy long euough to build up the system, I know it will cure tbe-Di8t aggvatrd ea -of 4ype. 4a of net vousness that, cut .be, I i.'1 '!.! B. M. MKDLINv Qneduiore, (irauviHe County, N. C, II. K. D . No. 1, Aususf 1,1904 i r cAyifi COUNTY. . . ? S i M ,. . '! tj ., ; .iirii, Moore Died ljtnt We?kMa ; , tally Hcalded... ; ;, J MiK'kville Courier. " "'-1 '"'! j AtiBk . ClemeDtine Moore, i mothet of Kegister of Deeds J. h: Moor4 died laat Thuraiat at her sou's resi deuce on Churchy 8treet,; of cancer forn which she had been a. 'greaj 4if feiwv). (Mrs. Moore, was 65-. year j old. :!: v i ;(if -.it-iM. !(..-;. i ) Kimbrongh Gairher, col , fell int af vat of boiling water at. 'the Veheei plagt at Mocks ville earl v Wed uesdaj dioming, ftnd was terribly acaldea fjoui bis neck down. It is thought ihut he is faiallv burued. ., An insane man ty the. name of Jones confined jn j he t'ountyJ,ai Attempted to kill hiinaelf Saturda by butting liihisvH' ..against the bar of his eel'.' ' ' ;i ' ' ''' '" i The Commercial and' Farmer' Ban k at Kural Hall' ' was'- orgauiaed l4t..wi;eIc.,1.,The stock. 14 OW.Pfd ,, hj biirtiness men of the town and W. nVerlv, of Mt. Airy and T. J. y, of Mocksvillv remained a faithful luemher until her death. She wa buried at Concord Ceme torr, where a large or wd of eople asseni bled to riy their Inst trilmteoT re)ect. Hers was tlie ipiiet, olieUient, busy life. She w n pood friend, a faithful wife and loving mother. May the I.ord bless the Horrowing ones and keep the dear husband, mother, and children tor a noble life. The burial services were conducted by Rev. C. A. Wood, of Pnlnseiir. K. C. A Fpikni.. . Death bt' Mr. Alx-rnatliy. gone ior ireaimeut xor 4uug uuuuic Mr. Aberuathy was 32 vears of age He began his career as a printer at the age of 13-yeara at -Newton. t .In fee accreted, a.posit.ion Witlhe Observer as compositor, and was rapidly promoted ufitil at his; death ,be .badi uio,uuted to alnioat , ;the;( top most-round f the ladder. aiHoul -if.' n )? m ' !BngiueeivMcIiidori,f Wbo 'vrdi "hot bi the riolftrt-SsJiebni-yiAugHSt 6th, .underwent an .operation . Jas 'week, liis leg and hip being ' anipu tafed; He ii3 imce di-d. ' '": '. -?i Qoodfor the cough, removes the cold, the cause of the cough. Thai's the work of Kenuedy's Laxaaive Honey and Tar the original cough Evruc Contains no opiates. Sold - StandarcTDrng Co. and" Asheboro t-T r- - vr n urug kjo., aiueuuiu, x. , - Wm. Spain, a ATorth Carolina negrr was lynched -by a mab teai St. George, S. C, last week. He entered a house with intent to as suit a young lady who was there alone. tttymr adverti stng:""" ciiHMiiMnt How a- I-ir Name on a Building. Close observation on the part of a newspaper1 'rani' tri '''Boston ' several' years ogoi revealed) n ' strikhtg 'device employed by H?ni,of,MfIlin.Mead & White, tjhe notod. New. Tork archi tects, or wmcn Binniora nue, wqo The deviiV, says the' fltfsburg'(iazette VMM.1 whs'h.nlVMtlfe'of'u'iies1 fa-'i mots 'Ml' witbr,llrtteVatUre' 'Arid'hrt 1 by ! which .the flrlnij1 namb 'wuB tw'lie en-' graved:.dn 'tht. BotoH fubltc' library'.' As may be observed, the nrrangoment) defied, iVronrturflWsMry,; jmd ll)MOo pbyr Iajifrr!U)gemep.t,'nndi jtb)s was,,the. Iritb"n; seUmiAgiy'. hpnt orrjieHtjitldn' for the:flne bnlMing.' Begtfihlng1 at'the1 top of a space to be devoted to names1 famous i In the; world! la .Varfous' Wries wereithe followlngM v.oim ' r-.ai t I cy in ;i .1 -Ai U Moes," i'i-I Vv.ibl.'.i Hi; h' . - :0?,Ti !-.i.!..,i,M .iii b. 1. 1 ij):0. .Mleocratea, ...II :Wllton. jl.'il lid ilii These names, through their Initials, formed the fi,rst part of the acrostic, spelling ! t'jnlply ' "McKlpi."1 T'A . slight space appeared before, the rixt list Of aatocs, whicfi wtt: "' 7.',: ' - .'.1 ii I i'Mozart, ; i.iiu.i .'',.1 . .. . . , .. Euciiij, , ; .... -. .. , . ' Aeschylus, . 1 , '! I : l 1 tante. 1 1 ! "1 i 'i 'iTtie initials' of these1 names brought out the second . namfe of the flrmj "Mead."; Another slight space, and the following names appeared: i ' i ; i '. l . Wren. -.' : ! . f , Kerrlck. .. , , '' ' Irving, : 1 ... 'Titian, : .,;. Erasmus. , i Here was the name "White" also en graved, the whole device bringing out the firm name of "McKlm, Mead & White" in connection with the world's famed men. It was In 1800, Just before the building was completed, that the discovery was made and published. The list of names was changed. ' THE! REAL LlrWOLN. . ' '..' .!;.; ,;t ' ' .'' Ha Wu Kol Hinely,nil H Wm . ( KoC'Slovejnlr-jtB Dreaa. , ; For many rears It has been the. f ashi Ion to .call M,r, ' Linooln homely. He was vey tal aha very thin. Ills' eys; were deep s'ttnken, his skin, of a sallow; pallor, his hair coarse, bMck and un ruly. Yet lie was neither - ungraceful nor awkward nor ugly.M-Hia large fea tures,: fitted his large : f Same, : and his large handa and feet were but right on a body that measured six feet four Inches. , His was, a sad and tboughtful face, add 'from 'boyhood be bad carried a load of care:'' It is small wonder that wtieii n!orie or absorbed ltt thought the face should take on.decp lines, the eyes appear as if: seeing something beyond the. vision of other men and 'the.ebout ders stoop as though they; too. , were bearing a weight. But in a moment all would be chnnged. The deep eyes could flash .or twinkle-merruy, wUb hu- mrr rtr l.w'- onfr frini unilor ovprhnn'?- Iilrg brows ,11s fhey. did upon'jthe f'lve? rolnts oiiiWircn in kinaitest gentienees So, too, iu public speaking, when hw tall iHxiy rose to Its full height, with' bead thrown back and his 'face trans figured with the fire and earnestness of his thought he would answer Dong las in the high, clear tenor that came to him In the heat of debate, carrying his Ideas so far out over listening crowds. " And Inter, during the years of war, when he pronounced with noble gravity the words of his famous ad dresses, not one iu the throngs that heard him could truly say that lie was othi-r than a handsome man. It has been the fashion, too, to say that he was slovenly and careless In his dress. This nlso Is a mistake. His clothes could not fit smoothly on his gaunt and bony frame. He was no tailor's figure of a man, but from the first be clothed himself as well as his means allowed and In the fashion of the time and place. In reading the grotesque stories of his boyhood, of the tall stripling whose trousers left exposed a length of shin, it must be renifimbered not only how pour be wns. but that he lived on the frontier, where other boys, less poor, were scarcely U-tter clad. In Vnndnlla the blue Jeans lie wore were the dress of his companions as well, and later, from Pprlngfield days ou, clear through his presidency, bis costume was the usual suit of black broadcloth, careful ly mnde end scrrrpulously neat He cared nothing for style. It did not matter to him whether the man with whom ho talked wore n coat of the latest cut or owned no coat at all. -It was the paB inside the coat that In-' terostxd hlm.-Helei 'Nlcolay In St Nicholas., , ,; -M :..- ; ;c... ,.- s."-ffT . Manner 1 are of more importance; ibaui - tows fpo'ri ' iheuv ' In ' ' great measure, , bp , la ws depend. The - law touches tnfem' lut here and there.' now and taenir Mannersiarp. ;Uat(ex or soothe, corrupt or. purify, ealt w de fea,: barbarize" 6 refine us, by a 'con stant! teady,., uniform, lnaeqsible op eration like that of the air we breathe la.1-'They1 give their wuole' fbfta and color to. our ites.-.ccprdia; to, thelf quality,' they aid morals, they supply them Tor they" totally destroy them. Burke. fi..,.,-j . - ... t . , ,.,,.,) Part of tbe Battle. "A pleasant disposition, goes a long ways," eafcl-Uncle Ebea. "I 6ympa thlies wif de Indian, but I don't believe he'd have had near as much bard luck if be'41 er been good natured an' learn ed to play de banjo." Washington Star. There Is no duty we so much under rate as . the duty of being happy. Stevenson. JJyrJsePartj trs p7th, thtar.-frtwUv. zwsa.hrgH baskets of good things to eat, met Hi the faomt.of.Mrvind Mrfi.iS. f. Pngb. ufciF theii purpose of giving tbem -a suppnse diniuMfitOo oelebrate Mr: .: Pugh's C3rd i:birthda - .Tb tobies ; were apread ini - the; v nden mm' beautirulroaks, jbetwteii m the h&a sf a nd" :th e : wfe 1 1 j " 'T h'e 'pa r ti Siilem: Ml. J. V. FuifL . and' wife. of Kandlman; a,mj pi r,, Clark Tfm h aud wifei..fflf. ueiir..';Millboro. yi.le, sixp thfle here. wereLififtwiigrand children,. Alsn Mnr'J!. .iWt Cot, of-Stalev. ' '''i f.v.,.70 -fMT;!Si" F: Pueh,! reeived'seterul pVeSetfVs' firorii ' the griliid ' children.' The tbtiji 'mW.')?reVert',was'8A ';' '11 fi ! 1 1 i MORTO AU S A Lt . ifi".'." 'HeVtritUilii thi.- rinveN1 4:Hiilliea'iti 'ft1' nliirl. tica deed executed Ui r. Ai WiUlamson tht.imft ot oeiieiuota', 9-,aim); n,, turnr, una hustjonil. W. H. Outlier, nuti' nenrdiit III the oftlce at the KeviHtornMMmlii' fori Howtarph; uoiMifvlU Bclc,119, PiiKUiM, ami .duly, u-MKUfl will on tht dirt' dui' of. KeiDil;r, JSofljut li o'clwk M,el totliv litgliest Wtf'k;r Jorta,l tlw. niiin nepcnwiT in -mu moriiive. mwii. two tnu t il liillii lu Klcliliuirt tnunlilii. Hmitlnlhli iwtiut)'. X'irtll Cunillhu, iWflji;1 u rlow.-'i . , . Kfr-tTnit't Beslimn ut ii liK-fcorv, theiice NOrtti 1.) oMiiUk tn 11 p.wt oull. 'Iliciiot-, E. 1-h-. .! to a white nak Viculv 6uull i liuiiis hi a rcl. oak, tlivnce West 20 cfiiilus to the Ix'trliitniiir containing Whfri'n mor.vur. fi .. . ..i Kftinid Tract Hvxiimiiiff at a post oak at Oie plunk ixmd 5S df nw Eaft 8T ik to a stuki- ii. mid mud titii pitfliial t-orner. thence Kit If t-i rlmitw W u auilbarry fiiniut ,o;d uoriHT theui c Xorth on original linu 3;.' 1-a vliuius to li stone iheirne Wwt 10H to awhltuoak on tho Kidvx mad lt-aiiln from KHz Vuiiv.iiiuiii.i , to the jiliink rond. tln'm-e South im Went on road 'o the beginning oiituining ss 13 oori-s mora or lew, Kxdcpt 5 acres' known as the Wlk-y Vmmhn ilniili"-crihed ill rtee-1 fpini h. L. Sfieucer to said Wiley Vnuxhii and in acres dvfcrlbed in d?il from P. H. Wiiliuins to nholiopi ber On , total reiniilnder 114 1.8 acre. ., V. A,- WILLIAMS, ilurtgaaw. . , T. E. .Cm, : ,1.. ' Asslnnef of mortuniff. ? 1 TUis.August Till I'.HXl . ,, , . KUTICK TO CRKPITOKS. ... Havlux qualified ub Executor tn the hint mil and Testament A. W. Kennedy, decuuwil, boftreW.C. Hatnniond. C'kk of thtf'Hutivrlnrji Uonrt of Kunrtolpli county, North Oatoliuu, Chi 1 i- tn notify all persons having cinini- aKan.st j said deceased to present tlrcm to the utidet ,, -iif neit on or heflire the 115th day of Aufiist, I'.Mir, ; or tbis notice will be plendcil n bar of thtir n:- ; coverv: and' nil per-ons due und Owlht suid 1 e tale are nureiiy nutiiK'U hi -tnaKu uniiR'opi'a payinopt. This Auifiwt .'4llK)ll . . . ... t xecntur.') 1 - r : -. 1 LAND SALE; ' fi...." ' U.. I nl nn nr,W nf thi Kliln rlor I'llRrl ol KurUolW tounty iu the Hpucml vriH uedni x !' eiitltlw Aitiiir. Ko-f vs. ui uiiiruiic ci ui i will oil the 17th day of .setmlier ' IHHI ar W o'oUx k jii. a iheco irtlioiiHi door. Iu Alieljin, Kamlolph couiitv. N. '.. sell at l'liMIc niiciloii to the htfctiest Mdiler for cash, tliu follnninc clisitutibed lumlvt .. . . .,- , . . .1 Adjoining the liinils of wim MclHiwcll nnil ntlirre 111 New Mm kft twiishl)i beRimiliiK nt a smke near rolirauit. lliv Hilh-caxt wu-iii-r of lo( N'n-1 in tile division of the land of John (ids. st'tt by His hoirs. unit runs Houth IB.iit qlmiiH til . ftako!.. tliciiie. Went n.t i-haiiis , to . tl tiiiicA- Coltraiics: thciiic North oil Mild Ihie i aichuiiu tn a stake: thence east to Dip liivt. station coiualiiiiin Hi H ia:res inori.' nr lw, It iK'iiiK lot No. 4 ol said division, known us the Mmrlilo WHtruno land. "1 - -. - 4, ... J A..sHhM'li. toiiiijilssuiiu-r,, . This 11th 'day ol August, l!Hr,. 1 . MtlRTUAttJi SALE. . Hv-virtue of tlie power iroutiiinwl 111 a.unlulii inortuiiL-e deed vecut! to the inidcrsiKiH d on th 8rd day f (irtober. 1WM.' hr . Krniiks.iiri wife. Kllu Franks, mij rucunlitl iu Uie uBivu of tho KcirlKtcr of Heeds for Kundolph count', 111 B4.k'lli. F:m.' I'M. I "ill on tho lMnrt day of Supttmlier r.Mi. ut li 0 clock m. sell for cash t the niHliest bidder at puhhc nncilnti r the PoiTthonse diKir in Ashclsim. Kinidolpli ciiuntv. the follon:nn litscnlK-d pni ity. to-'it- I.vinif mid iB-iio; 111 Kuudolph county in Ashclsim township, ilcscriln-d 11s follow: Adjoining the hind ol Knilcy Hi'l. loin Bell dii4 ntbciii. HeKiiiinuir at suinu on the north siile of the KMiiklmville mud, hinlcy Hills curlier: thence 11I011S! mid road :si leer tn a torn- hi Tom Hcll' corner: tlicn'i north i"l feel to a Hon in said Hcll line; thciuv soiiih r.'nkvrces north .mi feet t. 11 stom- H:li c .rucr rlicnce south 011 Hill s line .". fivt to the ! viiinliijr. Oiutiiiiiiim H,i.m) Mimirc fid, nunc r less. JIG. MII.l.K... Monpiifi-c. ,T!il the ilst -lay of Anaust l!r. . l.AXH fALE. . ; BY VIKTl'K of an on'.tr of u!e made by t'.c iuierifir Conn of K-oi lolh rount;, 11 "In siwiul pmciediiiir tl.eniii jivuilii.i: c tit d Mnrv J Cix uud oilier-. Kx H'lrto. 1 will si ii iii 11 u'ciin A. M.. 111 iue"'.!!'. the lllh doy of. . pli 'in bi-r. nt public miction, t" tl.e iiil'I.cs; Udder, at ti.e l ourlhoiise door In Ashi -luiro. N- 1'.. the f-'lloivnia descrllied trm-t of laii'l, IviiiKam! b ini; in tlic town hi F'unklMi. ville. and described as lol!ow. viz: Htkriiniiiiv nt a UMi". Uraves ojincr 01 the -tiirt ami runs north tfi jhiU-s 10 a si.iiie ti.emv east 8 j.'les t4ia 'tone, thence liortli IT deatecs east o I'oies to a hickory, tlieiiue lmrtli Mi -.irvcs west i '-" pcii to a srone, thciiee imrtl !"' IcKrit east iC'U, poll'? to a so ne. ttutn c in itu .l,.'L'H.-es,iist ti Is.h.s Uli4l - iil'ks 1., ti -t;':i'. Iheln e lliillli "-i 'i'.Jl.-i-. eu-t l1' p'ii- :H" links to n -tone, thence north WHdegix-es east I-ilixioa blaelciuk or st'Hie, tluiv- i"ir'J. '. lesrees wct ik-s tn a -'.one. Iiheuic m nl: 1T" Pali's tn a black onk fm oriBlufi; line, treiu ; .ll-t .VI p iK- t" :l -tulle, oi iellllll uorncr. lU-lel' 1 Miuth 244 pules to a brunch rook. Uicucc soutb ! Siiilpt-'rec ni.'-t 1J poles to the soiit'n i-.lut -f a . lame ruck. thmceMiusim i-noetiues wc-i -t p iii-t.i 11 black I'U'-th's line, the . -. south 1 -I ileurccs west ') 1- ooiest., a .-fn'.i'V, vhwice -omit 5 derfreijs wtlt 41nle t , u stooe. thence nmth iii .Iviirees west.-, polys to.a s'n..e. rhelice south s l-4V'1 tA aStake on the bmn b. thence 1101II1 til dawea. wwl.o-J ,polei to j isoiic. tUeiice i 1:1 l-'s' pii.c to tile 1k.-Iiiuiiiii. contatiiibi ?' !i-4 aiTes moiv nr lc-V. ( TO-pt theh (Kia.ofaii act v ldUrd luiitfevti to Thom;,, . '( : H iKomibitoitiiniMi'ilitri ; Tjiiflithilay.of A.i:j;u.-,t, Ji. i:. .,,.. , - ,l ' tn ..... -f ... .- Kv iirttieol the u.wer.coifMliieJ-uiijmoU: iraie dei'd exei-ut".l the uiul-r-finieil 011 th- -.If. 5St of 5k,'l.ihVTrtVtHi'fl. UhichHs-i! Hy lial-otdcil iiithenffi.-e.ol,ihiiHeitWt..-p lr-is i,.f RatuJolpli 'oiuity X. :..B...k UT. vajif , MY wbft h'TVfTaiiof KehTti: 1 B:rH'T'ii.1 1 tin sjtil ilavsif i tWiolsir 4tlW OS tel iVki to the hiirlu-tbiddyr. tit tiy; c,iurt-hou-e,d"..r. in Alirt'.rrt. the Yrttwa -nf 'lant'OnnVeyed W ill's mort(4Mwi4..iA tra40fi hnnJ.,litvKauiUiplJ i-iuutv. r-tatof XoitU Carolina, Ahtro.toij v.-shlp.'iViiig'uua-belut on Oreen b'Snob joiniim trp- Bc'tta place as tbtf Weit, H niilttt UOln Acsiu- This rrni tAf land' coufaltiV 10 Hire more or )$9.i I This aagum Ttn, icm, '-' ' NOTICE! ' ' " ' ' Hurtni Qualified a Executiir on the wtate r-aiviii Haves. deceaseil. before W. . Hammond Clerk of ttk Superior tiourt of Randolph omnty all ucrsoun havum claims against aid e-tuie r. iiotltle'l to present them to this uBit-r-'D-ne-i. dulvveritef. on or before the 10th day of ,iii, tii, 1D0T, or tb i notice will be pleaded iu ba; "f belr recovery: and ifll persons owli.ii .il'' eitiite will coma forward and make linui..-a.ji-settlement. H. A. ALBR10HT Kxcc. Tula 7th day of August !!. Wife,' W-i?m' lbabwl;Mf;'K0bert Lni'eberry and'' wife br'Lineo'r't'ry;' Mr. 8:fXJT.dth::ai)lL,,te''of ''NeV Castings ;".oi ii 1 i l til ti ; , ::'', .', Castings .1 ' ',) !! ,!( I if-,--.f ! r M I ii Grate Par- and plain .cast a ings.of alj despription,. Delivered 9A Ashebbrd f ot .. . ii..,i'iilll (7 li ili',;l i ill '! ,:, ; ,2 lr2 tents per pound. . , "Send us' your orders,'. ;',, ' h '.n.:l( "T"i:ii!; rr." ( .('' blscoe! Foundryi Machine Co., .f 1 Biscoe, N. C. My Work ;Plea! V!Mu, you .wish ap eajV shave; .!.(.., gni)il ui liarlier ever gave,,' . , " , 'j In-ii call ou ftie 'm tuy saloop1, ' . ' ' ' ' .VI 'iiiot-Bltifir, pve "or noon,- r.t it:..ti t ,!'j I oiii iuiJ:iir-Hn tlie li.ir:witb sruce, -i!i ;) ' I.Tii tiuit,,iln-rontour of the face, I ; Hvi(0(.ni.i,iivat uud tuwels clean, , ; ' fyisHors sharp and razors keen, '' '' ' ' ' Ali'rf eVen'thing I think vou'll fkid, ' ' ' ' - To suit the fiico ond please tlieuaiad, A.111I all iiiv art and skill cau do, If vim just call 1 11 do for vou. ' TOM CARTER. are sv mcture. and to reallv aiiurccuic borne. Kead below ourofer -r Y,.y- yr lives, your nelitbiiors or in'is. i.-rir. and everyone shouid t;... . - .i:. : : : HERE 1$ OUR CFFCR : - : :ii;its i :.i iuul.1'.-! ; , n no. In iii 1 1 iii i i m i i tr i i i rlrT ii r I 1 ..'I , f iiiiiiihi," mwmr" i .ar.'A- V el M'.ro'iuli yvtt will HI ... , - , jou i;..n sei'iiM on-! of liiese fc I i . " : stir, i-.iur rulauvis. vour Bfliiihbon i I mends. These silver se-.s ar -not Ilk, j I j, . beautiful inpiitcrD and tr'ist. tntscii 1. .:. I 1. 1 tbetamom Amerien') twau' v Jun : i ri I n...ui neaTler and more m:s..lv : in, I 1 When you rceiv. your r..d Ii J mi i wars is pmnu wim pure en a -".urun-jr i ivr over Cietai Dane, ana will kits i . . (rood wear and e7cll!, ntsati.'i?jiijn. 'I'tn. character of the ware tabeav. I I 1 - wanotneaeMirn Is a heTliViatnpd i-.sii'-ricr.n b, ut.v unc bridal "nse pattern, I 1 I I. andthu rose decoratloiss' nr.de tin lKe-liKe r.-iief. nmkfnat this a ry handsome! I i I fes.. Just notfo the lllusrratloa -loiej-l t T set conulm ol one dozoW Amerloaa, I I : 1 1 toflftyJuneb(iU-l.oca uuitfaui-. d,k.4.r nbell aud butter knife, all securely J I hi '- W. f : I u s nhk wm' 4 fe l MAX I Si K'eiritBf' xi 'it. 'yx?sr nr v.-s -sr'.'v ji I 7rmtA In naaMit 1 . tnoA I-,.1It. I Vv t 1 Uptn receipt of six subscriptions of $1. each, we will seni you one of the ab.ve handsome stt; of Silver wire, absol .t -lv free. THE COURIE i, M Tlie a i !ll "U i- I acke'l liy 'our bales for t'le past few niont!i. Ea-y 1-U..UI-iiiin'.'ie a il comfortable, j We also handle J. I. XUat-n Wuu-. ,n- .Is-hn-'.'ii HaevrtibB . JIachinef y. Mowers. Stow. Raitfm. Mill jjw, liiiililetv Harlware, Itiiiriij- nt.d Warvi Harness, s-n l ui ', i 5.t ,: a:.l hai i nh Wire uud everytliing in t'ae Hani ware It: c j'7 Lewis & Wlnslow NCMaoiurca' . - epiial Stock S30.000 RALEIGH. N. C. 1 I CHARLOTTE, N. C I'ullen Building, j I Fledmont. In. Bid. r-H-E OollPC '! V. t'l ln'livi-ll:ll ll-i"e f .- H .ui istudv rati Irt-. Address. 'JIVE tir world's K'st hi ml.vn Ba lies Bducattnn. Ol e Bwaneaa mi Poiitions i uiante-'i. bavkM bv a writte i contract Ni vacati m. i w e al teaci Bool -keeping, shorthand. Peniiamhip, b" ma'l. Haul Wr.ui Hilay 'O "or Oi ti! .nue. 0 Vers and Hiid Fuiorstioeuia. Ttiey a i KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. RalaigK, N. C or Chssrlat JI.G AHwirPRESNELir I( !; ' til .11! :.: 1 1 ! 'ti' i-i frraiim milt? ! ':, Blacksmith and General ii Repair Shops. ? '.'i ;. niannfacture' Timber Wnels repair ' Buggies and Wagbhs,: Sin Horses ana do a jge'peral .tepu'r bus iness. Second hand biiggi alWuys oil hand at bargains.1 ,' j ' ; , '" ''.When.' in Asheboro see ine. '.' Sh'jJ back of McDowell's livery ftableS.' , 1 ii. ; ,:u , -." yourg trulv.' ,'' '.' ' , ' ' 1 :,A. M: PUESN'ELL id i ': rlni , .1 ;. i ; .-, . .I ii! ..It ..'. i SOUTHERN MACHINE 'i .-t"-:.n- WiORKS-VI i . 1 .1 :'"We build iMachine'ry to 'ot- ,' , der, oyerliaul and repair ma-. , chinery. j cut gears, make .' patterns, models, etc. ( ' Southern Machine Works, High Point, N C. ' II ,. "-TT.'l.l : :i iimi4.iirri.4j tbln biottoem Anorl v n t-juuiy Jun bridal lose MHiirn comblna lioa siivcr.irt frea to our n.anv xub-erlbers. We i.i c.ide arrange i. t.j..i.. .wxtnuute muoy thousands of these euht Picon sets free, and it to'J viii 'r-iui tnia aesoripxion learn now r jour, and your Tint like tln ordii.ary. beirnr exceutlonally v1-i.s ip;nf ci.iuc1. - The pattern U dttl rote, and th- war itself la muen. :bt.Sinrllr ir75i'.i'rwiir',wiiieh will benotleed i bitMile tho rtiTi'reot pieces. This . r.r$'r ".h.sset in type or l tvp me set In your own " vo'ir'clf. your rela t icessfiu orrer of the year t. i':onipUj. HIGH POINT BUGGIES Are THE Best. Hardware Company. f i i

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