EVAPORATING APPLES. la the Exteaalve Fruit DlRtrlcta of Wrttrrn Xew l'ork. Iu fruit districts, sui-li as lu western New York, win-re aiile growing la done ou a large scale, there are large evaporators lu every towu where farm ers tuuy Hell their windfalls. In some eon sous when the crops are lartre and prices low entire crops are shakeu from the trees and sold lu this wan ner, often the jtiwer realizing us much tor the fruit as to pick und ship It iu barrels. I There are also small evaporators made for farm use. These are made f wood, with a system of racks, fitted one above another, upou which to put the sliced apples. A stove below fur nishes the heat, and ventilators are made in the top of the building by which the heat is regulated. These dry houses are made of different sizes, and from eight to forty bushels of apples may lie dried in twenty-four hours. The dilhVulty with these farm evaporators is to obtain the necessary belp with which to do the work. The work cannot be so economically done as wi'h the la rue evaporators, and they are g.iinu out of is.- to a larae ctent. Iteyond providing for family or local ueiMs. Oorm- T. I'owell. a New York fruit grower of note, describes in American Agriculturist a dryiug house he put tip four years ajo. It is 1'U by feet, two stories, with an I. by feet. This is not d':i i:i tho sketch, but it extends out froai where the plat form is shown. Tl.is addition is used for parinir. trimming, slicing and finni gatiua Tin n are two rooms below, each -'" by -" feet, iu which furnaces are placed with a system of pipes running around the rooms near the top. which earrj and distribute the heat to the floors above, upon which the apples are spread. Two largft towers are built t Tir-n tt the roof which carry a strong draft, thus drawing the heat up rapidly from the furnace rooms below. The entire cost of tins building was fStKi. lie has turned out in a season H'liq3.--.- h oj n ELEVAT105 OF DBtlNO HOCSK. sixteen tons of white stock and five tons of chops and waste. With an other furnace room and drying floor, several more tons of chops and waste could be dried. The chops are apples too small to be pared and are run through without paring. The waste consists of cores and parings. It requires four tons of coal a week to run the two furnaces. The chops and waste will usuully pay for the coal. The summer and autumn apples are too soft to be of any value for evaporating. About Sept. lu he begins on the greenings and earlier winter varieties. When running up to full capacity it requires ten people to han dle the work, a day man to run the (dicing, to attend to the furnaces aud do the ge'ier.-.l work and oue night tian. T.v-i machine a l.l.lle six 1 tin apples. :i:el pice.-s mis.--.-!. acres, acres ti:e . -year. p::rers will run through the hundvetl hn-hels a .lay. n',e:i an- tv.i'i'.tvd to trim cutting oat bruised spots oi the skia that the paters lirrt. r 'pot-' ' i.; li-wrl il oi -t..ti !cs. as 1 .lit. as depute I with r.-a.'S liaute.-l lust crop i with s respoi -.rage con iiti.iii of the growing ." i ! 1 was ; ., as oacijiared i oa'.-rly 1. ". .'! at the cor m; ilafe in l'.tlM aud a teu year ave''uc.e of 1.4. The uver-.tge condition of winter wheat on July 1 was S.".'! as compared with SU last tujutb. S2.7 on July 1. 1005, 7S.7 at the corresponding date In 1904 and a teu year average of "9.4. The average condition of. spring wheat on July 1 was 01.4 as compared with 03 laBt month, 01 on July 1. 1005, 93.7 at the corresponding date in 1904 and a ten year average of S.2. The amount of wheat remaining In the hands of farmers on July 1 lis esti mated at about 4(1,053,000, bushels, equivalent to about CO per cent of the crop of last year. v CowpM Hay In Ml.llppt. To make choice cowpea bay the Tines should be cnt when the leaves first begin to turn yellow and when here and there is a ripe pea pod. Do the cutting la the morning after the dew Is dried off and on a sunny day. Bake In small piles late In the' after noon. The nest day turn the piles oyer after the dew hat dried off and late In the following afternoon haul to the barn. To get the most good from pea Tine hay It should be cured so as not to lose the leaves. When one ; lias ample shelter room, It Is best to r core the Tines under shelter- bj baul I lag them and turning them every day or two til they ' have heeu tarred twice. It is very flue, but a dlHealt i hay. 40. save. .YVUeu properly cured it is equal to alfalfa and relished as much by all stock writes a .MissUiif- plan to Rural New Yorker.' DAVIDSON NOTES. ' Valuation ot 'Property An Old fililiifcle. Big Cucumber An Accident. The valuation of property iu Da vidson County for 1900 is reported at $u,7l7,133.1fl; an increase of $5:8,000. tiov. Glenn will- address" the peo ple at Thomasville, Sept. 22nd on the issues of the day. A handsome fountain has been re ceived at Lexington to be placed in the cemetery. The Methodist Protestants of Lexington have purchased from G. A. Harrier his home for a parsonage. Mr. Harrier has moved to the coun try.. "Mr. W. L. Wya te, of Tyro, is j displaying a huge cucumber of the Long Green variety, that he has grown this season. It was about a ! foot in length and weighed four j pounds, eleven ounces. ' A. W. Picket, of Lexington, has . two pine shingles that are known to have done service for more thau a: century aud are still in good condi-1 tion. They came from a barn of' the father of Adam Smith, in J.ick-; son Hill Township, and were pur j there Kbi years ago in 18(0. ' Lexington School opened Monday ' of last week with children en rol led. The Song of the Hair There are four verses. Verse 1. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling hair. Verse 2. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the scalp healthy, and keeps it so. It is a regular hair-food ; this is the real secret of its won derful success. The best kind ot a testimonial " Sold tor over sixty years." t by J. O. Ayr Co., Lowell, Mam. Also maimfhoturw of 9 SAKSAPABILL. vj vf O cueuv PECTORAL. ' A word of truth in a few words: "Nearly all other cough cures are constipating, especially those con taining opiates. Kennedy' Laxa tive Honey and Tar moves the bowels. Contains no opiati s." You can get it at Standard Drug Co. and Asheboro Drug Co. Asheboro, N. C. W Inily Way t l"nrii Fees. A gentleman unacijuaiuteJ the wavs of Union county o wants to know w hy it is that lawyers in addressing a inrv with j 'lifts 1 the and ! i-.i.on coi.vi.t'r. Co-educational Established 1S!HI. Thor ough College course lending tn M A.; A. 1J-, 1'U. B. and Lit. H. degrees. Strong und ex perienetd Faculty with highest university j training, liooil lilirary, rending room, labor stories, literary societies. Excellent j nmsie, art .elocution and business depart -, meats. j Beautiful and Jieallliful location, seven I teen miles east of ( ireenslioro, on Southern 1 railway. I Host moral and religious ialluiinces. No lia.ing; new students met by reception committees from young people' Christian . organizations connected w''h the college. : Ciood equipment. Another large new 'dormitory, with modern conveniences has beeu built thi- year to meet the requirements of growing patronage. Steam lieatiug, elec tric lighting and water systems are now lieing instnlh'd in idl buildings, j Expenses usuiillv moderate. Fall term opens Sepieml.ier litli. For catalogue or further iiiforniation, ad : dress , EMMtrr L. Momir, M. A., LI.. 1', I I'resi.K'nl, F.lon t'illege, K. C. You will never get well and strong, bright, hap py, hearty and free From pain, until you build up your constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making tonic, like It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink It Is a pure, harmless, medicinal tonic, made from vegetable ingredients, which relieve female pain and distress, such as headache, backache, bowel ache, dizziness, chills, scanty or profuse menstru ation, dragging down pains, etc. It Is a building, strength-making medicine for women, the only medicine that is certain to do you good. Try it Sold by every druggest In $1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, In strictest confid ence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We wiU send free advice (in plain sealed envelope), now to cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept. , The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , Chattanooga, Tenn. "YOU ARE FRIENDS of mine," writes Mrs. F. L. Jones, of Gallatin, Tenn.: "For since taking Cardul I have gained 35 lbs., and am In better health than for the past 9 years. 1 tell my husband that Cardul is worth its weight In gold to all suffering ladies." l!cv. V. A. Lambeth returned to jurors 3,,eilk. so loud you cat. hear Thomnsville hist iveek after thiv month's absence abroad. Dr. and Mrs. T. M. t'oiude, of Wiiieton-Saleiii, are visiliij relatives at llannersville. 'Miss Kdith Morinir. of Asheboro, was a guest of Miss Klla LanibeMi, at Thomasville, last wck. John Herman, infatiL son of Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. Mock, died Sunday night, Sebt. Pth, at Thomasville. Miss Corinna Thomas left? Thom asville Tuesday for Baltimore, Md., where she has a posiiioa with Mad am George, the Modiste. tandinjr withiu arm's reach it' the N LI IT! Ill 6 V I OUflSt Tickets Now On Sale tlit'in all over tile public ijUicv, Search us, but we suppose that the lawyers want to make the impres sion ou their c.lietit3 that they tue eaniiiiir the fees coming to 'em. I'nt that man who wants to know, the whyfoi'tiie.-.i of the loud speiklti should listen to some of these visit ing lawyers as they cut tht.'utmos phere. Union county lawyers speak softly compare! to some of the limbs of the law who occasionally drop down here from other counties at couit time. Some of the visiting lawyers try to talk so that they can .V To Great lake Resorts I The Vital POIHt. Lexington, U. i-. J. &ept. ill heard back at home. Monroe Mr. Ben Lanier, who recently visited j Kinpiirer. relatives on this route, had his visit cut short by an accident received , , . . , .. from the kick of a mule. He was struck in the face and a bone broken 1 "I got a good j-;ke on Captain in his nose. Dr. Hartley dressed I Merrivale the other day," ha coutin the wound and Mr. Lanier left for i ued. "You know old Doctor Fer- VIA QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE his home in Winston. The Republican convention which met Saturday in Lexington acted wisely, and strengthened their ticket by the nominations of M. H. Stone far Register of Deeds, and M. F. Briles for County Commis sioner. The weak places on the ticket are for Sheriff and Clerk, Mr. Delap having been used here as a cudgel to pestle the insurgents with, will lose like sixty at this box. Mr. Green having fought with one fac tion of the party in previous elec tions will be slaughtered at every box in the county, no doubt.-Thom-asville Times. guson died last week: Well 1 was talkin' to Merrivale next day after the Doc. died, and Merrivale he al lowed that Ferguson was a good man and that he was mighty sur prised to leatn that the old feller had nigger blood in him. 'Nigger blood'.' says I. Can't be,' says I. He picks "up the News, sober as a judge, and hands it over to me. 'Read that,' he says. 'Don't it say, clear as print can make it,.that the old Doctor was an octogenarian?' 'Course I allowed that it did, und I tried not to laugh 'cause it might 've hurt his feelin's. He's sensi tive, Menivale is. But it was the best joke ou Merrivale I've heard in a month o' Sunday?." From "The Balance of Power," the new Amer ican novel, bv Arthur Goodr'ch. Tickets sold daily until Sep tember 30th. limit for return October 31st. 1906. Very low rates to Denver, ac count Elks' meeting, tickets sold July 9th, to 14th, limit August 20th, diverse routing West ofSt. Louis. Low round trip rates to Mil waukee, account Eagles' meet ing, and to Minneapolis account G. A. R. Encampment in August. For further information and attractive resort literature- call on or writ. , H. F. Latimer, T. P. A., Knoxville, Tenn. J. C. Conn, D. P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE "MASF STUART McOUIWI. M. P . rwmocwT. fixed by liw for Medical Education. Send for Bulletin No. 11, which telU about it. Thrtt tne cataloguem Specify Department, MEDICINE -DENTISTRY -PHARMACY When it comos to eating you wan some thing you like. The same applies to the necessary articles for the dining room where you do your eating. Dining Room Suites and Fine Theodore Havener Dinner Sets from $25.oo to Sloo.oo per set. We are adding a full line of Mantels, Til ing and Grates that will be worth your while to inspect. ' Mattings of all Kinds Rugs, Axminister Velvets and Burtworth Wiltons, varying in price from $2o to $65. A call will convince you. . People's House Furnishing Co., High Point. N. C. TEETH-1 moVney The Chew that's Svcct and Clean No wonder SCHNAPPS is popular if s the chewing tobacco that suits the man who chews to get enjoy ment from the tobacco, instead of the mere habit of chewirig and expectorating I;&vV7: J i ru.ae irum cuuico bcrctuuuo w mo wall maruied, thoroughly cured Piedmont leaf, There's requires and takes so little Save Pain Try our New Improved Artificial Teeth that are held in place by the Rugae Suction a secret process Known only to us. NERVOUS PEOPLE SIX, earnestly ii iiii tHil or otlier work done ar earnestly lliivito.l to .ill a! nur nlKi-e. whei-e we will demonstrate to their tire fi.itifjK-t i.'u mir claim f-.r Painless Denlstry N'. 'c. ' .;)J. wiui an aicma so delightful and appetizir i0:'.-0-k it popularized the chewing of tobacco. . n0 other tobacco in the world that requii thoroughly;' ItVCU R ED CEATlJJs mmmk 9 sweetening. That's what makes the difference between SCHNAPPS and the many excessively sweetened imitations and it's such a difference that once a chewer chews SCHNAPPS, he is never deceived with any imitation, The. sweet, tasty and exhilarating quality of SCHNAPPS tobacco has made the Reynolds factory famous as the manufacturers of the best and most popular brands of chewing tobacco, and as the largest and best equipped flat plug factories in tne world. X ney contain every modern appliance ior producing tne Dsst cnewing Jcbacco, by clean, sanitary ana healthful processes. The R J. Reynolds Tobacco Company is under the direction of the same men who have managed it since 1875. and who have made the chewing tobacco business a lffe-study..' R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO- Wliston-Salsm, ft C To Cure a Cold in One Day Toko Laxative Bromo umme Mets. Seven MnBon boiea'soM in post 12 Month. ThlS SlsnsfOTtS. Cures Crip la Two Days. on every box, 25c. Kllll Ttll ftt) (iol.l Filllnu ' Silver Klltlim ' Jold ('riwu, -fi ! Ilrtil(e Work PAINLESS EXTRACTING. 1 ..f Ih-ntol work, e.il! and liave n tall: will, in wi't -tell v.-i wliaty-tii lvvdd !mv" l".n: and w li.it t!i , r e.Ntni..ilti"! r iNn-ii!tnii.-il. It i- o i Ini-1 . ..l.i;,, ,!,., i.i oi. ii ov i,. I n o V-.' -r'A' .'K II..ui a :.i. DENTAL I.. ei.Milov t nh RED CROSS Over J. M. Il. ndrix . t'oV. Store. dvle and ei iKl Will If. le.iuiv, end a .i. I" I. p. in. PARLORS oh K!in Street, roen-l V.C Choose Wisely . . . when you buy a SEWING MACHINE. YouH find all tort sod kinds at corresponding prices. But if you want a reputable serviceable Machine, tbea take the WHITE. 27 yean experience has enabled us to brine out a HANDSOME, SYMMETRICAL and WELL-BUILT PRODUCT, combining in te make-up all the good points found on high U , WHITE for instance, our TENSION INDI CATOR, a device that snows tne tension ai a glance, and we have others that appeal to car1 fut buyers. All Drop Heads bavt Automatic Lift and beautiful Swell Front, Golden Oak Wookwork. VibratMsRotaryShuttleStylci. OUR KLEOANT H. T. OATALOQUE9 QlVt FULL PARTICULARS, FREE, i WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. Before Movino; into Our New Warehouse we want to reduce our stock of Disc Harrows, Buggies, Land Rollers, Hay Bakes and Mow ers and will sell them at reduced prices. If you want, bargains in above or any kind of hardware call to see us, before the season is off. McCrary-Redding Hardware Compsvny 71 7