$3,521,000 INCREASE. ieport of Comptroller of Currency On State Banks. IDIVIDUAL DEPOSITS TOTAL $17,578,000. Do varVaa Mar One For Tar (Heel Hanks M" Snow a strong ! Commercial Pulse. The pist year has been one of Lat prosperity to the banks of 'Jrth Carolina as the following lures from the report of the Comp toller of Currency on State banks I11 Bhov' ' 1 nnrin? the past vear the lndivid- Jl deposits in the 52 national banks North Carolina now aggregate 7,578,000. These figures are ien from the report of the comp- ; iller of the curreucy on the eondi in of the nationul bunks of the ite at the close of business Sep nber 4. Compared with the cor iponding statement a vear ago, in ridual deposits have increased $3- l,000. JCash resources have jumped from ifi.49S.594 to$33,Z9,eab. A year ago the loans and discounts Jthe national banks of North Car ina were a little in excess of six i million dollars. They now ag nate $21,207,300. fine surplus fund has increased il,000, now footing up to $2,820,- iThe present holdings of gold coin w amounts to $365,357 as compar- with $330,664. lUnited States deposits m tha te have increased in the twelve nths from $385,482 to $745,996, lithe uadivided profits, less ex tse and taxes, from $900,292 to 4,060. The percentage of le$al erve to deposits is lb.b3, a decline less than 1 per cent. TEACHER WEEPS. Uin Siler Breaks Dou n In Announc ing the Death ot Dr. SI elver. ftusner. N. C cent. 27. in an- luciug the death of Dr. Chas. D Iver. president ot tne Mate JNor and Industrial College, captain fcr, the teacher broke down in tears Raleigh News & Observer, Stanley Motes. ii The Enterprise. J. M. Dry, of Albemarle, left jbday for Charlotte to accept a I tiou with the Southern Jixpress jipany. Hiners from a distance are Ipecting around New London, i it is rumored some lucky strikes slimmer rnnnp. kiss Jeanie Deese, of Cottonvillp, Mr. Iuchard foreman, of I'or-wt-re married Snnday, Sept. 'he AViscasset Band, of Albe- le, is making fine progress under management of Sir. bairier. V. V. ritzgeraid, or unat- Vii.. has decided to locate at fcmarle to practice dentistry. athanne, theintant or Air. aim , W. T. Efird, died September d, after an illness of three ths. IWE COULD ONLY KNOW! iXLMACH TROUBLE AND NERVOUSNESS CURED. pur years ago my general health I way. I was afflicted with a rsii"jg stomach trouble, and Id not touch solid food of any j. For oue year I vouhl vomit ything I would swallow, even ii to medicine and water. My lath would not retain a thing. ue can know wnac i sunereu weakness, dizziness, shortness vat a and nervousness. 1 often like it would be so much better l I die and get out of my suf;. ig. Off and on I was under lor's treatment for three years, 1 can only say that doctor s cine did me no good. I hen ! coud fate put one of Sirs. Per i pamphlets in my ham:s, and I where so many had been cured were as bad off as I was. I got bottle of the Remedy, and f rc m very first dose I took I knew I struck the right thing. It was irst medicine I ever took that Brat dose did me good. For the' time in a long time, i was not leated after taking it. I contin fitnntill took thirteen bottles, it made a perfect cure of me. s been ayear since 1 was cured, II know I am well. I reconi- U it to everv one who has stom Jtrouble, and to all who have matism, as it cured my brother peumatism. He tried to get me pe it long before 1 did, but i Ight, becau it will cure rheu- ism was no reason it would cure !ch trouble. I had no faith in ling; it was as a last resort I it. How much suffering it d have saved me had I tried it years before! iss) Rebecca. Trollixoer. wton, N. C, Nov. 11, 1904. A IMTTERQF HEALTH lllf '.' 1 QUDGR Absolute! Pure A Cream of Tartar Powder, free from alum or phos phatlo acid HAS NO SUBSTITUTE DAVIDSON COUNTY. Interesting Industrie! and .Miscellane ous Notes' I' loiii Neighbor County. From The Dispatch. Saturday morning September 22, wh'te infttut was found in a well in the tenement section of Lexington. The identity of the CHild is unknown. The Lexington Mirror Co., is ready to begin operation. i Kobt. Harvey, member m Co. K. 45th regiment, aged 61 years died last week and was buried at Fork Churcu Davie Countv. Mrs. W. H. Mclnturiff, after spending a month in Washington and Philadelphia, returned to Thorn asville last week accompanied bv her mother who will spend some time visiting her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cramer and Miss Helen Julian returned to.their bomet Tbomasville last week from a mouths visit to relatives and friends in different cities in the state of Ohio. We hear that the Conrad Hill gold mine, including the Clayton and Dodge Hill parts, is now all owned by oue company, and that this company will begin to operate the property as soon as possible. The work will be under the direct ion of Mr. Jno. F. McKee, who is a miner of many years experience. This valuable property has not been worked since the war, or if any, very little. The Dispatch. Mr. W. H. Rounsaville, who used to live here and fifteen years ago conducted a grocery store, was in Lexington last week. He has mov ed from Randolph county to Apex, JN. V., where he will run a hard ware stoi e. CONDENSED FOR BUSY READERS. The Vega Suit Case and Basr Co.. of Philadelphia, has finally decided to locate the trunk factory at Lex ington. A tropical hurricane swept the the cities along the Gulf of Mexico, last Friday doing great, damage toj property between ISew Urleans and Pensacola, Fla. At Pensacola the wind reached its height and $3,000,- 000 worth of propel ty is in ruins. Bernard O'Neal, who was shot at the University last week while at tempting to h:ize a fellow student recovering. Jaine Hutch, who did the shooting, has been released. In seven Southern states in which the Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co. operate they cow have u. ore than 100,1 OJ phouts in use. Late reports from the explosion ut Jeliico, Tenu., sty the condition is more serious than at tirst expect ed. Contributions of money and clothing are asked for by the mayor of the Tennessee town as well as that of Jeliico, Ky., adjoining. C. Nail, independent candidate a for Sheriff of Rovvuti County, who is 1 trgely endorsed by the Republicans of that county, says their receut conveutiou was Boss riddeu. Cabarrus Eefiublioau's met ut Concord the 22nd inst. and nomi nated a partial county ticket. A res)lution endorsing the Democratic nominee W. R. Odell, for the Sen ate, but the motion was lost sight of. This place will be filled by the bosses. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I Lucas County i Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partuer of the Arm of F. J. Cheney & Ca. doing busineiM In the City of Toledo, County and State aforewid. and that inid linn will pay the sum of ONE HCNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall' Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to heforeme and subscribed in my pres ence, tills th day of December. A. P. ltW. sal) A. W. ULEAfioN, u.io. catarrh rnre In tnken Infernally, and i acta directly on the blond aud mucous surfaces . Of the system. Send for testimonials free. rtoidbyai.Drs.'01'"- .J"." W. oiucm Take Huh' Fauniy nils in constipation. 1 ,iui. THINGS TO KNOW. Dip half a lemon in salt and rub on knife handles; then wash imme diately in warm water, and the han dles will be as white as when they were new. To remove coffee stains, rub the spots with glycerine and water and they will disappear as by magic. Heat a lemon thoroughly before squeezing, and you will obtain near ly bouble the quantity of juice that you would if it had not been heated. If housew:ve3 who dislike to find worms when cutting apples would first put the fruit in cold water, they would find that the worms would leave the apples and come to the surface of the water. After washing lace curtains lay a blanket on the floor in some empty room; spread the curtains on the blanket, stretching them carefully, and they will Keep their place with out any fastening nntil dried. Graniteware can be soldered as easily as tinware by adopting this method: Brush over the edges of the holes to be mended with shellac, both inside and outside, and imme diately apply the melted solder, which will adhere firmly. To keep the neighbor s hens from scratching up your flowers, spread on the ground, close to the rows or clumps of plauts, strips of heavy paper, through which, at close in tervals, carpet tacks have been push ed up to the head. Lay the paper,' point side up, and place flat stones or pieces of brick on its edges to keep it from blowing away. The vry best way to keep violets fresh is not to put them in water, but to throw over them a handker chief thoroughly wet, and set them in a draught. A Keal Love letter. When I begin a letter to you, the great difficulty is to leave off again. Oh: how warm it makes one feel to know there is one person in the world to whom one is everything! A lover is the most precious, the most marvellous possesion. No wonder people like having them! And 1 used to think that so silly Heavens! What an absurd person I have been. Why, love is the one thing worth having. Everything else talents, interests, arts, religion, learning, the whole 'tremblement', are so many drugs with . which the starved, the loverlees, try to drug their pangs, to put themselves to sleep. How strange and dreadful love is! Till you know it, you are so sure the world is very good and pleasant up in those serene, frost-bitten re gions where you stand alone, breath ing the thin air of family affection, shone upon gently by the mild and misty suu of general esteem. Then comes love, and pulls you down. For isn't it a descent? Isn't it? Somehow, though it is so great a glory, it's a coming-down as well down from the pride of absolute in dependence of tody and soul, down from the high-mightiness of indif. ference, to something fierce, hot and consuming. From "Fraulein Schmidt and Mr. Anstrnther" in the October Delineator. It a n il Ic hi a n Lj f u uv Co u rst . A contract lias IJeerJ.signed with the Alkahest Lyceum;! six of their best attractions to aujp'ar here du ring the fall and -jviuter. Their entertainments come with the high est recommendations, and it is to be hoped that our people will come to the front and help support those w ho areeudeavoriug to present here as excellent course of entertainment as can be found in the larger towns of the state. The worknieu are putting the finishing touches to the interior of the three large brick stores on the I corner of Maine & Fenee St. These ' buildings will be occupied by Elliott; & Co and V. A. Underwood. ' All the cotton mills are ruuinug on full time, in fact the business 1 sue of Katdleuiau seems to have; taken on a new life due to theprce-j pectofthe Randolph Uuuiueriaud itailioad which it is ciaimtd will be built here withiu the next 18 month.-. Mr. S. G. Newlin.is erecting cu te prettv cottage uu the lot adjoin- his residence on .Main Street Mr. James W. ilarsball, of Rich mond, Va., eneut Tuesday night heie the guest o his brother, MrJ Thomas . Marshall. Debating Society Organized. Several boys of the Aaheboro Gra ded School met at the Academy a few nights ago uud perfected the organization of a literary and de bating society. They will meet once each week. The office-s of the society are D. M. Sharp, President and Herndou Moffitt, Sectetary. The organization has uineteeu mem bers, embracing pupils from the 5th to the 9th grades inclusive. On September 23, 190G, at the resideuce of Iva Garner, Lowe Drtu iel and Miss Roella Luther, of New Hnno rnn ntthin. Wrrt nnittd iu the , i i , . :,,,,, uuij uuaus vi uixnuivui, Another Fair Flower Plucked. Once again the death angel Las vitited this lowland of sorrow and taken from our midst one of earth'a fairest flowers. On September the 20th we were called to wit ness the death of little Francis H. Scotten, who died of bronchal pneumonia at the home of his parents John ami Eva Scotteu. Little Francis was born at Wabash, Iml. Novemlier fitl), 1000, and came to North Carolina with his parents in 11)04. He leaves a father, mother two sisters and one brother to mourn their loss. He was pre reeded to the Heavenly land just seven weeks by his little sister Helleu. All earthly love and skill could not save him. Heaven opened wide her everlasting gates for another one to enter the realms cf day and wear a jeweled crown. Euterment took place at Mt. Pleasant Church. There while the sun in Heaven was shining in ull his glory and brighluetg we looked for the last time upon :1ns sueit face nnd laid him to rest to wait the ref ur- j rection morning. Weep not dear parents, though the vacant place in your home can never be tilled and your hearts are bleeding for the little one g me on lief ore. For Jesus has said, "suf fer little children to come unto me and for bid them not for of such is the kingdom of Heaven". "A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is still, A plnce is vacant in our home Which never caii lie Idled. "God in his wisdom has recalled, The child his love had given. And though the body slumbers here The soul is safe in Heaven. A FiiiKsn. Among the stiiking outdoor books of ti e year Mr. Horace Kephart's book of '"Camping and Woodcraft," which The Outing Publishing Com pany promises during August, is one of the best. Few men are as well known, as campers or as writers of cam pets, as is Mr. Kephart. For many years he has spent a large amount of his time iu the woods, and his book covers every detail which-the novice or the inexperi euced camper can care to know about, from the kind of mosquito uettiug to the quality of tent can vas. The book moieover is written with all the charm of the story. Parker-Tonilliison. The event of the social season at High Point was the marriage of Miss Deborah Tomlinsou to Mr. Alvin Parker last Thursday. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Anna F. Tomlinson and of rare ac complishments. The groom is a son of Rev. J. 11. Parker, popular with all who know him. They are spending their honeymoon in the South. We are leaders and originators not imi tators nor followers'. The Great Artistic STIEFF PIANO! is tod.iy the marvel of the present pia no ajie. It wa never an experiment. Its artistic standard liegau the day it was oonceived, and now, as in the past, the nearest perfect piano pro duced. We Have New Pianos of different makes, s low as 92O0.0H, on easy term-.. If you are only able to buy a low priced piano don't you think the se lection of these grades by Mr. WtielT, who lias been maniilaclnriii;; pianos for over half a centuny ini rns muc h to you? Ghas. M. Slieff. soiaiii-rn Warerooin o W Trade Si , Charlotte. X. C. C. H. wil.MuTH. Manner. . DO YOU WANT THE BEST, SAFEST, EFFK IENT FAMI LY MEDICINES? BUY Vlck'i Little Liver Pills, '43c. 8a- perior to Calomtl for child or admit. Tick's Yellow Plus Tar Cough Syrnp, 93c. Cures worst coagb aud prevents consumption. Vlrk's Turtle Oil Liniment, 13. Best and largest for man or beast. Vlck'a Hestorltlve Tonic Wine ot Cod Liver Oil, 91.00. Vlck'a Rum and Qnlnlne Hair Tonic, SOc. Xot au oil or dye, stops d mill run", restores the Hair. At all druggists or dealers or sent for the price br L. RICHARDSON M'F'G CHEMIST, ! Greensboro Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. One frequent cause of had blond Ii a tluRirlsh IWer. Thlt product! cnmtlation. Foiionoua substance! are then absorbeil Into the blood. Keep the bowels open with Ayer's fills. A Also manuflMlturera of f HAIR VIOOR. iers ' AUUE CURB. CHERRY PECTORAL. l.ANOSALK! Hv Virtue of an order of nale (iranteit liv the Superior Court of Kainlolph nouuty on the pe tition of .loll li K. Jurrcll Kxccuior of Hannah Koblilns. deeeastil amilnst i; L. Uolil.in et nl. I diall sell ut the courthouse door .In Ashulioro at IS o clock M. on the ST day ; of October llioti, the following Real Kstate, to.it: Two tract of laud iu Hack deck Township in said countv. Tract No. 1 Joinins the hinds of Dr. A. M. Bulla, W. K.: Keddiint and C. L. Robbing and others containing 30 acres more or less. Tract No. S being a one fourth Interest iu ST acres more or less a.ljoluiiiK the lauds ol C. L. Robblus, R. K. Trotter aud others on oue stream of Caraway. "Termsi cash, tit.e reserved till the furtr.er order 57 the court. This iMth duy of Sent. 1IHW. J. K. JARRELL, Executor aud Commissioner. NOTICE. To whom it may concern: I have sold my interest in the Central Falls Store company to my former associ ates in said company who will continue the business, they to assume al! obligations of the former company and collect all accounts owing said company. W. B. ivKiis'mi, This 29th day Sept. 100(5, TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE MAKERS CRADDOCK -TERRY CO. LYNCHBURG -VA. A full line of these Shoes can be found at W. J. MILLER'S, Sole Agent, ASHEBORO N. C. r THE ELLINGTON, THE WINTER PEACH. This peach has been kept in perfect condition until November 24th. I have the only stock of these trees in existence, and am offering; a limit ed number at 50c. each, f. o. b- hcte- Order at Address JOHN A. voUNC. Greensboro Xurserie?, Greensboro, N. C. Carolina Stock and Poultry Farm. Fine Pigs and Poultry for sale. I j Berkshire Pigs $5.00 Each, j Brown Leghorn Cockerels. i Barred Plymouth Rocks. C. U. Hinsliaw, Greensboro, N. C. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. C. !a. m. to 1 r. iv. 3 p. it. t j 5 1 . ID. 1 ant now In my office premrl to pail'. ulStry '" '!a vatt"U In.-.'!- -. ' (mBs THE BEST SHOE Wk m AMERICA I A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. l'ci.i'ii.'. IiliniJ, Bleeding, I'rotrudug Piles. 1 'insists are authorized to refund mouev if I'AZ'O OINTMENT fails to cure in Glto 14 .lavs. flOe Wood's Seeds ron SOWING FALL Every fanner should have a copy of our New Fall Catalogue It gives best methods of seed ingiandifull information about Crimson Clover Vetches, Alfalfa Seed Oats, Rye Barley, Seed l7heat Grasses and Clovers Descriptive Fall Catalogue) mailed free, and prices quoted on request. T. W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. Our Trade Mark Brand Seeds'are tbe Beat and ttleaueat qualities obtainable. THE CAROLINA!; LpDOK STDVE Guaranteed to give entire Satisfaction in everyway. This stove has every modern improve" ent including extentiou top shelf, side shelf, kicker, uickle towel rod, nickle knobs, orna mental base. Every stove nicely polished. If yonr merchant does uot sell these stoves, writo us and we will quote specially low prices delivered at your railroad station. Even- stove guaranteed. Manufactured by G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, G-sensboro, N. C. Km Ashe! u !iv b'wis ,'v .. X'. f., The V X. c. Winslow Hdw. Co., 'al kins-Leonard Co., Little Money, But Big Money You will save money by paying cash for what you buy, and will avoid paying for goods you thirk i you haven't bought.. So caii n IJ. L. Norman and buy cheii,, where you will not be butheie: : with book accoulit. Nice line Groceues, Notions, Overalls, S'isper.ders, Pants, Shirts, etc. Jones' dd Stanc', North side Depot street. L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N. C. Oilers hit. I'mleisioual service to the dtijeni-Vjf Aslii-toro and surrounding ' v (",!. ::ce' Dr. J. V. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN . AND - M'RGEON. Office Asii. Residence MltVtS. kiv Drug I.' . Coi ue. 1 1 Muiu and Worth Asheboro N. O. Dr. S. A. HENLEY, Physician - and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO. N. C. O Jice over Spoon & Bedding's store near Standard Drug Co. AC McALISTER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. ! Fire, Life and Accident Insur ance. Tie best companies represented. Office m-.-r 'h B;-nk ..f Randolph. N. P. COX, Jevve er and Photographer, Asheboro. N. C. f

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