"The 4)ae&df& iMfiSE Asheboffcu Local and Personal. Johnson v.lsi,ted . Greensboro Ed Monday -business, M. RMoffitt, of Asheboro-Monday Ulah, was iu n m. j$ pmwWWW juflay iff, Asa Bpent Mojay ioAs ness. ' J: M.i-Oiassiter left Monday for Pinehnrutwith a W'iiCP:1wfck-fi fas hounds tajbhase Reynard for a few days. ,v Kev. B. . ' Fin cher, of : Farmer, passed though Asheboro ' Monday jroing w woui'ne in response to a message announcing the critical ill iieas of lji sister. ! 1 ' Su pt. M'nnedy of the rawd force, moved tjiie conviett fMni : Grays Chapel .community Saturday and liave takgn up quarters at the, cona 5 -) I v ' ' I-.4.J ,5 llev. enry Sheets, of Lexington, will prmh 'to'" th; ;"'Bftpti, of A8heboj,fcf''tTSer.Pitrft?riwtt church the tlii-USulS'darrt'nhl iiionth. Ail-deiiQJWbafegaieja vited. xioauvmuuu a ouuuai ouun is lu uc herds t JreeMboro3 Jaxuary 8th to Miss Katie Lee Hester, of Greens' bpro, retaroed home Monday after visiting Miss ..Mamie .Richardson forsevera) days; '( ' , ,'; "" 1 ' v .'" Mrs. J. W. Steei returned' to. Her home at Steeds the first of the week. aftfr'ending several days here w.idb rrienaB. i inAbel)orwiUTrtfis j y y f i&,G. Newliu, of . Raidlenian was W AheMrO" Sunday 3 A i I 1 j, ! Mrs,- Cynthia Blair has . returned from a visit to her daughter at SaliS; Mrs,, . Martha ' page returned . to oteeus aonaay, aner spending sev eral days in Asheboro with relatives. There will be a display of new fall rnillinery!aT?Mrs: Blair's "store on Siturday Uctober 5th. ; -) " fill Skeen, returned Monday from a, Dusiuefla wg xo oquin varoiina, :';,tkr'ge' crBWtt 'of AstbornJ young. )e43jueiien&.e.l.iJne ,rfiV4J,JKr7,!cX tiw iumuat sxmsn, samjA RJL Ead3.kaa.Qne.ta.Uaosii?..t9 purchase a lot of horses and mules been visiting her father, Dr. r. h. Miss I DurhanwTuesday to visit her par ,ents for a few days. MissIWl Ballinger, of Guilford Colleeef arrived last week to spend some t-frne with r, sifter. Miss Nan nie Bagiiger..ijj o.t ' A.,qA 'li S. ELoble. of "Providence" town ship, wjls in Asheboro yesterday on (business jnj Jjjjfl ; Miss'-Julia Worth, of Wilmington. is expeoed.jtctaiEle-tbla8ff jthis week 4 visiC relatives. Married Sunday September '30, 1906. Mr. J. BL D8wkm,-f5f Ajh boro, tqjMiss .Swunnanoah PykfSi of Fisgah HonV R. N Page was in Asheboro vesterdnv and spoke to a large crowd Rt the itourthouse last . nieht. Our tpeoplejare always glad to heW' Mr. Page, who is a plain, practical, and interesting speaker. ProftX MVj left, Monday for Troy tji' attend the eesioii8 bf the 3HoutgQinery county Sunday School Association. He returned yester-J lay. "n O. M. Henry,, formerly ..witfe 'the Standard Drug Company here, left Tuesday for Richuioud, Va., to tnter Maasey's Business College to take the combined commerofaT, and shorthand course. Mrs. W. E. Swain and Miss Ella "Hendricks left Wednesday for High "Point to attend the annual mefting of the North Carolina Branch of the Womin's " Foreign Missionary.; Society of the Methodist Protestant Church. The County Board of Education w is in session Mouday at the court house. Besides the regular routine business Chairman W. T. Foushee, off red his resignation ou accoiint of his candidacy for the houpe of representative of the next legislature ou the Democratic ticket. The State Board of Education, ill. uppoiut his successor. v ' ' " ' ' The series of revival meetings will l ogin at the Metbedist ohurcli Wed nesday night of uext week. The pastor "will be assisted fcy Rev. K. C. Qieni). of Greensboro, who will arrive Friday following. Mr. Glenn is conducting meetings at Salisbury this week. The eight mouths old child o Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Denny, of . Central Falls, died Saturday, morning, und was buriod at Gile's Chapel Sunday afternoon. The funeral -seivicti, conducted by Rev..N. li. Richard-, sou.ljf Asheboro, was attended by a larg uumber of relatives and fn'euds of the bereaved family, , .i ..... Ej W. Swaim killed a big rattle analce on the farm of Troy Reddiug in Back Creek townsliip last Sunday, September 30tb.''.The'. snake had theTami farhi fast' tfear'-'with tokW teen f tCttltf.'''-? J ofetl u a it 0 a ftr,' j?-.4-Fy Brwmr Fletcuid.JoMai reprsenting Franklinville township, lloiaimissianejkfl.nieetinfi- rii Afkli roadi . Robt. W. Jordan, of Franklinville, .fas' a business, visitor in' Asheboro jviQnaay . r , - . -. 4 ; J. A. Ann-fan? of Why - Not,! was in tnrtm nn Knainaoi fnnr1uir 'jjjsjc a.'ooI Miss Jennie Davis visited ner parents attended qburch .per vices afc-OldtMon'gub'dayl1 -'i i ' Miss E-itfier Jordan,' daughter of Ki.W. Jordan, ojranklinTille, is at- Unung school t, Leaksyille, . ;nsti tUte. . ..;;! .., I A Met '. of Reemeutal History to the KuMl ScliooU ul Kaiuloli)li Making '.' CJretest Hrogress, County Superintendent of Public Schobtb, J. M. Way, has arranged to give to tlie six rural school libraries making the most progress b'etweeu this aud January 1st, a set vof Chief Justice Walter Clark's Reguoeutal History. The contest is oped to all of the eighteen schools' in the,;county having rural libraries. The jflet is 'in five volums, nioely boupdi . aud . contains over 4000 pages.; Mr. Way has issued a letter to the librarians asking for informa tion as to the present condition of the libraries and setting foith the requirements necessary to secure one of; these sets. They are us fol lowst'i I.' The library having the great est odmber of books that are actual ly tfctj property of the county pub lic school in which the library situated. 2, The library having the best books. ' ' 3;'The library securing the most new Hooks from now until January lst1907. 4.;iThe library whose patrons nse .tKejgreatestr, number of books in the uexi mree niuuxuif. - i..The library that has on hand January lsl9t)7, thej grrttejBt Biitber of books that were purchas ed wlen the librafywstabiifeiied. Thiswill require that all lost books 1 Ajomniito Of diVinrefesteA eV Fsomhwill be selected to decide what schools are entitled to the sets. riDr.iA.!fit9W,of..H, spent Monday in Ashebor jhj Point; atteided lCjopiYi88iane4'fl.,njeetip, Monday iMBelntertlfJtlai roa: -in fcat township. The board ar ranged to work the, bad i lces uffvat oncf and promises fi4 "1 thefepring. n . H. Slack, last week ". deposited wit the Wachovia Loan & Tnut Co. at High Point4, $1,000 to the credi4, of Mrs. Nancy Wall, of Spero, it biinarthe amount of a check from theTPennTOfiufialT7re Company, catering ctliP $im n$ polfcv for the death of her sou, C. ,E. Wa!t:MT7!r"rr3'a"TrClftl agent for the Penn Mutual. ;'Miss . Cam ; Jjindley,4 pi , Pomona, visited friends in Asneboro bun day. ' ' " ' : T!!ev,t G, F ;-MUIBway ., pfched-. a special sermon to ine juniors. at ine M. E. Church Saturday night. The service was well attended and inter esting to all. Mrs. Setta W, Langhlin has Wn on the sick list for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller are txpected, to return from Baltimore Rev. S. H. Hilliard, of High Point, was a gnest of Rev. N. K. Richardson Monday. ' ! Miss; Virginia Heuley has returned from a visit to relatives at Randle- man. " . , ' . Miss Lillian McCrary, of Tyro, Davidson county, and Walter Kirsch, of Richmond, Va.,.were married at Philiidclphia last wop. The big pair of iron gray mules received by McDowell Bros, in their last car is attracting the attention of WWtoer(W goar-.stocte, The Franklinville Band and Aid Society. Ex,cursjon to Mt. Airy from Uaniseur had to be postponed on noconnt-of the. iimbility . to securuj train. '1 ".' ' . V' ' " . ' Miss Nannie Btliinger will have her Fall Opening in Millinury be ginning. Srturday and continuing through Monday. Goo. Ross hasgone to West End where he will:en'gage in the lumber business. v '. : .- " . Rev. S. BJ-'Tnrraatine 'rerrtiests the Courier to'1 announce thit the fourth ; (uartdily ;Cnference.f$r the Randolph Circuit vwilji'be. held at Fair View,, Friday, Oct. 12, .instead of Monday, Oct.5 15. 'V H. B. Meechj mining engineer, returned toNew York last week, to see' ,ptrtH;' , iptweat, 'in tb 'davtl- section. TO STIMULATE INTEREST. Prolan-) to Be ;ivett"I!tuci4J;! Eveu- ailiuuwu ire KMCU . yj wit Ashffboro '.Nightingal ; Band- at As&iboro Tuesday even ing, Oct. 4th, The)roceeda .will be used ... to pur.-, chas new instrnnients. , .. . ? a e: following, program will' be ited: ... , ; . . -' FIRST PABT. 1 . Bind Grand Selection A Day 'n the Cotton Field (Character istic.) ' ' ' 4 f ' 2. Violin Solo (Fantasia) ' .Old SOaken Bucket-Charlie M. Kep ;bart. - ' 3. -Vocal Solo, "Lo tela" Spanish vSerauaue, H. B. Martin. : 4. B a " d S ousa't Manhattan f Beach March. 1 5. Vocal Solo Miss Annie X Blair. 6 . -(Band Quick March and Fan- -, tasia Old Follfs at uome; -"Needle Work; Exhibition- by J, H. Kivett. ;. ,i ''; feEfcONU PART. ' 1, .Band Intermezzo, Indian War Dance. 2. ; Vocal Solo "The Spring Has Come" Maude Valarie White, Mrs. E. E. Kephart. ... Hey! Mr. Joshua, Hey! Come Song, Grady Miller. " " Band A Jolly March, Eiu Fideles. Maischlied.. - Vocal Duet, Confiic, Clarence Rush and H. G- -Miller. - Band Dixie, In tefmezzo, . FREE RAILROAD FARE Every Day in the Year To GREENSBORO AND RETURN "" By ' . MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION Of GREENSBORO IT'S EASY. TftVIT For Further. Inlormation '; Address' HAS R BROCKMANN . ml Secretary Greensboro, N.,C. VERY IMPORTANT When buyinjf your rail road ticket, be sure to -g-ct a receipt for same from the ticket aj-cnt, so that the Secretary may know how much to refund yqu, as positively no fares will be refunded unless vhis receipt is shown. nembers of Merchants Association Who Have Adopted This Plan R. f. BKHXAI', Jeweler, I. I.. BLAl'STEIX, Cli.tliiiiu 2W Sontli F.lm St. Hats, Ptc., 304 .Smith Elm St. J. R. KF.I.L, Furniture, WO South Elm St. BEAU. HA.KMVAKE A IMPLEilEXT COM PA XV, lldidware and Farm Impleinauts, 114 West Market St. Ul(AXIrs BAKEliV, Bread, Tics, fakes, etr., 210 X. Elm St. J K. CAHSOX, Groceries. Cor. liavie and Washington Sts. CIIISHOLU, STROIT), CRAWFORD & REES, Clothing, Hats, Trunks, etc., 300 South Elm St. .. V. COXYERS, Drugs, 330 South Elm St. CEXTHAI, HARDWARK & MAXTKL CO., Hardware, Mantels, etc., 337 South Dave St. K. M. CALDCLEL'GH & BROS., i'hina, (iliiHHw-are and Toy, 21!) South F.lm St. H. W; CLEXDEX1X, Cirucer, 422' Asheboro St. ('HAST. H. DORSETT, Drv Ooods, Carpets aud Trunks, '..".. 230 South Elm St. J. B. EMJNUTOX A CO., Jewlers, .. . . 224 South Elm St. ELUS, STOXE & CO., Dry Goods, Notions, etc., " ' , 220 und 22S South Elm St. FARISS -KLUTZ DRL'G CO., finj and Toilet Articles,. 1 4 . .:'.- 121 South Elm St C. C. FORDHAJI, Drugs, 514South Elm St .GRKEXfiSBORO ICK A COAL CO., Ice and Coal. Opp. Southern Depot. GREENSBORO HARDWARE CO., General Hardware, 223 South Elm St. GUILFORD FURNITURE CO., r l . -.CarpeW, Furniture, Trunks, etc., 312 South Elm St. Ht'XTr.F.Y-STOCKTOX-HlLL CO., Everything in Furniture, " 110-1UI North Elm St. THE HUB DRY GOODS CO., : Anythiiifr in the Dry Goods line, 203 South Elm St. HAM GROCERY CO., Heavy and Fancy Groceries, 215 South Elm St. HARRY-BELK BROS. CO., Cout Suits, Cloaks', Furs, Millinery, Drv Goods, Clothing, Shnea, 242 South Elm St. HUDSON GROCERY CO., Heavy aud Fancy Groceries and Coun try Produce, ' , 513 South Elm St. J. M.HEXDR1XA CO. Drv Gonrls, Shoes and Notions, ' 227 South Elm St. I. ISAACSON, Xew York Clothing House, . . 332 South EUn St. S. J. KAl'FMAXX, ' I 'cuts' Furnishings, 3i)6 South Elm St. LEAK H.VLLADAY Co., ; - Carpets and Rugs, Decorators, 221 South Elm St THE aBRIT'r-JOHXS0X CO. Clothiers, Hatters, e4c. 308 Smith Elm St. ' J. B. MATHIS SHOE CO., Shoes, 202 South I'.lm St. McCI.AMUOC'H IIAXTI'.L CO., Everything in Mantels and Tiling, 324 South Elm St. MEYER'S DEPARTMEXT STORE, Everything for Everybody, )ppusite Postoffice. PEEBLES SHOE CO., Everything in the Shoe line, 210 South Elm St. PALACE OF SWEETS Retail Dept.) Candies, 331 South Elm St. M. H.P1XXI.X, Dry Goods, Shoes and Notions. WO South Elm St. RICKS, B.VTCHELOR A CO., 'outs' Furnishing Establishment, 20r South Elm St. JOHXT. REES, Everything in the Tobaoco line, 100 Smith F.lm St. SKREEMER .SHOE STORE, Nothing but Shoes, 220 South Elm St. A. V. SAPP, Dry Goods, Shoes, etc., 318 South EltoSt. SHAW & McMATH, Lumber, Lewis Street; SCHIFFMAN JEWELRY CO. ' 'Watohea and Jewelry,4 .. ' 326 South F.lm St. SOMETHING- FOlt EVERYBODY; Gents' Furnishings. Carpets; etc., .' - '. 334 South Elm street,, C. C. TOWNSEND CO., ' Wagons, Buggies, Harness and Farm Implement, . 637 isouth Elm street . THACKER BROCKMANN, - Drv Goods,. Shoes, Notions, Carpets,. Slat tings, etc., ., . f .., 232 South. Etm street. VANSTORY CLOTHING CO,, Clothiers, .230-23S S. Elm street. WHARTON BROTHERS, . Books, Stationery, Graphopones and Typewriters, " 20f South Elm street. E. S. WILLS, ' Rooks, Statieneiy, Typewriters, and ' Office suplies, 118 S. Elm street. Mks. "N. C, WEATHERLY, - Millinerv, Notions and Peerless Pat . terns. " 109 W. Market street, WAKEFIELD HARDWARE CO., . Everything in Hardware, 220 south ):lm street. WARD SHOE CO.. stylish shoes, 312 south Elm street. T. A. WALKER .1- CO., I'p to d'ate Tailors, 212 south Elm street. THE PLAN . Vt each rf the above stores from which jr. u buvKOods, ask tor a Rebate Coupon, showing the amount "f goods purchased arid date. After concluding your purchases, present ALL of your coupons, together with your receipt for railroad Tares paid, t.i 'the seeretarv and your lailrood fare will be refunded us follows: ... , .. , , , " 7 Upon the purchase of goods amounting to 6 15.00. from any one or more of the abnve named firms, your railroad fare, both coiniiiB andRoinfi, will le refunded, provided you ' not cine a greater distance than ufteeu miles. I pon the purchase of goods amountina to f20.00 vour fare both coming aud going, will be refunded, provided you do not come a greater distance than twenty miles- or upon the purchase of go. ids amounting to 2.i 0!) your fare will he retunaeu, proMue.i j Unce thi"i twenty-five miles. This plan may be opoiat-d for any distan. 3 upon the same scale. --..' Xo fares refunded on purchases less than s4 1 ). All rnunons nresente.l to tlie secretary fur anv one fare must bear the same date. After conoludinK your purchases, if yon haven't time t.i call upon vour fare be refunded by mail. do nut come a greater dis the secretary, rebate coupons may be mailed to him and F. li. Worris visited his son, CrJS'litoTTlrrt-y'wi rr"t Swl-rsl-mi'y, thiawe3k. ..Hi returned .Tuesday. houtiei is -altVwnoiiJce that the report that J. Milton Var jjnlj otjFyileTBf hadSfth stricken with f pfalalysia is liot ""true: The infor mation is gathereci .trpnia letter f rohi, Mr. Varuar received yesterday. MesBre". E. -Graves, J; Vun eannonr nd Abe Parks,; of Rich land township ; were r: among the! y..'i4AiiebQiaJ!limAy contrct ior ine erection oi sj- ne w resi deuce otr TsntrseraTen'ae ior II. II. Kennedy. DEATH VTERANT'. I j '' x Knrnrat i C'lirUtlou and Cull tc.lerot Anwarrs llic hnut Roll Call. ' Alexaiiuer G. Jenkins died , at Worthv$!le X." C., Sept..l90(i, agtd 7 yeui'i. ' Mr. eiikius wiVs -"the oldest per son in Worthville,:and,hiid lived the town. tor a, mimce.4-.. or yeiiru. lie wiia mjcmber of the I.ajniet churc-hf and ttntil kcjitr'.ut hume by weakness Ayas . u faithful; iittotKlnnt at all church s"r vices. : Ilf strvm ia . the war of t.i, w-ing ouptaiii of -Co. E. jf theind North Carolina Hegiineiit of Home Guards He was a good soldier in his coun try's serviei', .and u good soldier in Chrift'a army. He was a kind friend-and , ui-isrhbor, and had the respect and..esteem of all who ktii"- bmi. ' . ? Tim' fiincrkt sorvices weie held ia the Worth yille church, Sur.tlay, Sept. 30, . 1006, by Kev. . II. !) . . I SUCCESSFVL REVIVAL. v. ', Closertjat ;raj Cbrl ;undA$J-Voi'tjr evei AddHlui, to. thurcb--'. ..ijiUI(ln(f." Pj-0jiys;d.', ; Thl pl-otractitd uneetirig Ht Graysi Cbupijl closed ."Sunday-: and was niarktd by MeeirfntereBt- froor the bezinninaV- The.' pastor, : Hevj. U. -Pv' Routi ws ca8sisted by . Kev; Geo..t; r n HONOR ROLL. j last of Pupil Who httveJDUtlntniiUli'"! .. Themelve In Thtr stuaiea a , , ; ' '; tUm Undid flcbool. . .'The' following pupils of Asheboro Graded School deserve honorable men tiop for efficiency in work dur ing the lirst month of the fall term: . , f FlttST tilUI'B. ' . - Kdith Uetts, John Brittain, Car rie Burrow, Ethel Glasgow, Lillian Ilunsucker, Connie Ingold, Garland Trfiwdertnilk. Jutu.js Miller, Robert GIhskow, Harriett Hammer, Bon Iledaing. ': . . .,- ... teISTH Farlie" Spoou, !yvd. -;-.' GKA.DE. ,.. Ethel . Free, May SEVENTH GK.YpEt - . Lynj?tte Swain,. Nancy Lambert, lua Anman, Isy Cos Bex Scar boro, Ernesf Williams, ffalr- Gar rett. ..' 1 " . '.; . . . . ' '. " 4 K10H.TH GtAI)8..!- ' : Blanche AudersOE, Carr Anuian, Jaines Davis, Lela, Hall, Keid Han- 'illinery pen i n g riuunner, Carl Kosrers, 1'eaii ay, i mh Lollie Jones, Charles Kepnart, Lena ..WiHituuu, Victoria Burrow, Cone Kidge. i,,y Berry, Uli Clark .Ada Cos, a Clilford Hall, Alice Hunsiicker, KxzA Kivett, Baxter Lnssiter, Oradv Miller, Hennlon Mothtt, Mary McCaiu. Warner Miller, Earl , Daniel Bharpe, Blanch !p..on. Maxwell, raul JNimce, uieoa ltion Marifar.t Uush, Blanch St.-i.-d. Bax ter Stowe, Beulah Webster, Sidney Wood, Dfwey Webekr. ' SECO! (il(AI)E.. Bertie Kivett, Rush Lassiter, Luia Jones, Jewel Glasgow, Minnie Ingold. Byron, Kichurdson, .frank Steed, Lelw Aiken.- ,-i-.,v'. ' "Mtibel' Five, .-Vittfe-'C'aVi-aVs irt St,-:4Hrflx-M,4:'. rPi itnimety' Frext-urni J oh Tlumnier," ' Wiley; Rush, . limey Rogers, Uobart -Cttix,; M-tbel Spoon,. Ollie-r-nesxioll, Georgf KW.et, (jrace Ferree, Lala Pritehard. .B8e. Xix mm, Wnrd. Woodard. .. .. ... .. .; Forfettf r a if.. " ' .' -'-: GOLD IN DAVIDSON. Itirl) Vein i! Ore t rin k Near I.eNln-;-tuii :.il.l hiiiI Milter Assays in.!;i to the Tim. Gold has been discovered in a tractoi' land three miles from Thorn-; asville in Daviueon county, owned by ( K: .M. Caldchigh. . Mr. Caldclugu. ' ' letjt a sampk' of the ore to . the gi-v-;jcmiept ' assay otlice. at , Charlotte,; .4ttd the 'Bssay . shows- the - value - ot silVJflttfcI go d iu each- ton of ore, to bei4417.S. Jilr..Caldclugh M alrtady'Mnilt; aebaft to the dpth of; sixty tett and intehds .to work th niiueiir the ftrture - s -.0 F. Mmoway,Buriwjgt9.T4iere ' Puaejrg-, Jtt ith Hunsncker L.. fill nfainua ni,1 f Fii'nnlP KeWb. CrirnieWnil. COfS on Siindav f orty-w vea ' wew-alStowCdfiuie 'JUl CAflWM4-?-to thi roll of church...memiier3, .Xti ft. BemSjrouii (Jroker, Annie is leriirtied that a movement is on f Davit, Cliueace McriiW$'J:OTtt foot for the erection of a now and . Nevr.by, Fred Sty res. ' larger church at Grays' Chapel,..e v ('ft ' prSent bouse 30xQ0feet U lidufrl-hf U PTH-ffr-l - cit to 4 accomodate th-. crowds. ' EUgenakMcCain," TeatT Kivett, A i(??ting 'wiH:1 be held Sunday, j MR11je Hall, BhinchiN -MjlWr, iAllie OGfc,-l4ta ,jii ic.nurnB Wui vparri(Uj Tjiuaii Uush'. Myrtie iiifige steps win te WKen t.na orgamuiuuu Lallahis for the-work perfected. , tDiekw4, :. Tlw iplloniug cards I;a've bten, is- sued: I :'. .)JO j-i'ifiwii tuLpiiiiice j 4 ...at. tk..niarrageiiBliU daiighter j ... ... . . , t , Mr. .f.4) .Graham' Heg ' : ' 'dtiesiJiy evebinidct. 10th, ut S;3i) o'clock ' " at liome T.exifleton N. C, 111 Mi. S"iluui Boss'; aKut'iqoil hpreei. app. Norma eWall. Jeantit lie -will.Jjave (hem, nex.t week and H R. U. ,.Miidnl Burkhead, Eulah mules too. -, . .. ..."J,.4-Jr0r8e' U The newest has arrived and ' will be ready for the public Saturday and Monday October 6th and 8th On this date 1 1 will show the newest creations in fall styler. Every lady should see them. The opening; will last two days Come early before this varied l:ne .jf patterns is b-oken. Miss Nannie Ballinger, Asheboro, N C I THE 5 and 10 CENT STORE is the place to g-et your CHINA WARE, GLASS WARE TINWARE and everything4 needed in the dining- and cookroom. . We also have a nice line of Notions of all kinds. If bargains is what you want come to see us. Z. T. BIRD & SON. Asheboro. Ross will have a car 4 of 1 mules here next veek.

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