ROOSEVELT OUIBBLED an old-time melody. On Question of Political Contributions. WHY THE SENATE PASSED THE BILL The ItejobIlc-an l'nry llelnlemt With oat m Larg C4nipulnn Fund Am an Evldenow of CJom1 Faith Restitution Should Do Made of Fund Filched From Pulley Holder of Life Insur ance CoritornttonN. -hill- .lVhpii the Harvest Moull ing on the River. The nightingales are singing in the valley; The stars, like sliininp jewels, deck the skies. As still U-Mile the garden gat they li" g,.r And whisper of a love that never ilies. "The summer snon will pa niurs; iiwav. l.e mur j SOUTH WANTS MEN. ' Kurope U being Ransacked to Provide j Farm Laborers. ! New York Sun. ! The f'all uf tht Cultivate.! is so i loud that the Cull of the Wild seems jnettv faint in coiii'.ir;on. All j over "the country Hie farmers atv ! howling for labon-r.s. I The voice ut the South conies on everv breez'.'. Swatcely one of t li Itut when the fields art. riie gram. Then I'll come In t i keep When thw United States senate pass ed the bill to prohibit ixjlitieal contri butions from corporations it was evi dently considered, necessary to give some proof that the Kepiibllcau mem bers of the senate were not as black as they und been painted. The UepuhlhNin sonutors must have taken keen delight In puttiut; this bill under the nes of the president. Shaker I'himiou and the other Uepublican leaders, litiowlug that they dare not allow the bill to ikiss, for without campaign contributions from the corporations there would be but few Uepublican congressmen elected from the close and doubtful districts. The senate plan worked to ixyrfuctlon, for the Wll was sutpwsed, the com mittee to which it was referred not even coueklerlng it. Senator liayuer of Maryland charges that tho Wll was suppressed by Presi dent Roosevelt and the sixniker. He says: "The president and ;eaker of the house of representatives are re sponsible for the supprosAm of this legislation. It passed the senate, as I recall It. unanimously. When it came to the hose It awaited, as usual, the order and command of the president. "The practical defeat of this measure in congress means that the Democratic party must face an enormous corrup tion fund n the future, as It has done In the past, while its passage would have signified to the country that the elective franchise can no longer be polluted except at the peril of law and that the ballot Is no longer for sale." Yet the president says. "1 hope and believe that the bill to prohibit political contributions by corporations will pass." "This makes one think," says that good Uepublican newspaper, the Provi dence (K. I.) Journal, "of the confidence man who approached Sydney Smith on the street, saying cordially as he held out his hand, 'Ah, Mr. rnrsons, I be lieve?' 'Sir,' was the answer. If ywu believe that you'll believe auythlng.' " But the bill commended by the presi dent would be a very good kind of bill to pass, and a stop in the right di rection might be taken by the presi dent himself. It would cml.vlreu.uire some "ffonesty, courage and common sense" on his part, and tliat, he says, controls him utterly, always arid every where. As a starter, why should ho not compel the tvturn of tlie $30,000 campaign contribution which was club bed out of the New York Ufe Insur ance comiwny's iolicy holders to help elect him In 1004? Mr. Perkins of the insurance company testified that he gave the money toJSlr. Bliss and iden tified the very cbwU for the amount. Mr. Bliss says he got it and used It. Why should not the president. If he really means what be vays, send this money lmck to the policy holders, to whom irbelongs? ThjU is the ipiestlun. Until restitu tion is iriaile of tut' large sums filched from tho K)lcy holders of the Insur ance companies it is ditEeult to llleve that either the president or the other Republican leaders are really in ear rnest in declining corporation subscrip tions. An Interesting question" Is how j mUCJl IIJOIM'.V I1US Lnill luiuiiwmw, corporations or their officials to the congressional campaign conitnlttre this year and has any part of the Insurance funds over from the last election been transferred by the treas urer of the Republican national com mittee to the congressional committee? Tho answer, duly sworn to, would be of great political Interest. pri'-inise, And you and I will liover pa't again." Chorus: When the Harvest Moot lining on the again we hear, roam down the Mollie, And the merry harvest ong Then as sweethearts we wi path that leads to home; When the harvest moon is shining . jlear. Tis autumn now, and in the peaeelul valley The paths are strewn with leaves of red and g"M. Hut someone waits I'cr somebody's return- wiih golden ! Southern Males uui nus sem n; ; agent abroad to tiy to direct itinni my loving! gtatiotj to its own juirticular boun daries. Whole colouies of immigrants aie being planted along the iailw.i lines, and still the cry is for more. Already several hundred Genn-u. farmers have been located tilons: tne Southern Railway between Rich mond and Danville, Va. Hun garians, Germans and Poles are to be found on fauns between West rointatul Richmond. These set tlements ate crowing constantly. S;iys The Charleston News and Courier, and the farmers are send ing to the mother country for their friends and relatives. At Valdese, N. C, fifty families nf ltnlinn farmers have been orean- ganized into a profitable community. inp, And dreams about the loving vows he told Beneath the ocean's dancing foam he'.- sleep iug, gamzea into a proncauic community, 1 . Yet oft' when sunset's crimson turns to , ullll they t 0 are illduciug Colonies ; g 1 Vt Q f lOUTlSt Lf tl-.-.;,. rtr,,, ,,tvtrtiiot tn mmp nnr til' !g:n Deteibiiatli'ii oft hararter. .11 .s :.: i.-.ieii lit, M-tgazitie.) , .t-i "! It nl.MfV, fa iiied with medi- nut 0. .i.fs dotsu't trouble WI on. ' .. - .!! .In not fer' troubled y a (... iiiu's woi ... or when slight ed 1 . I uo,s not 0:itlUt V"U 118 it OliCe d-d. When u.i tire sut'stied to do a tiiii,g "just for nmi' expeCtiug to do if iitrr-r lute'. When v.ut din work nnlroubled in the 111'dft of confused, svsteniless surrou:;dinjiS which you might rem edv. 'When you can listen without pro. test to indecent stories. WI1.11 voui ambition begins to cool, mid vou no lonoer demand the same standard of excellence that you olue !iil. hen you do noim.tke a confident of jour niother, as von once did, or aiv'ar, ill ease with her. When you begin to think your father is an old fogy. When vou begiu to associate with people w Ii 'tn you would not think oc taking to your home, and whom you wen id not want the niembe'8 f vour family t know that you know urav, of their country men to come out to A woman by the garden gate is waiting i America. j For one who promised i.e tl retain some KuSslan iarmers are UOW engasjtu ,!i,y. j in trucking in Aiken, S. C, and; I uear Summerville a little band of Ti k isi ed I French-Canadian farmers are in j me t4 a in . similar nursuits. with most eucour : Xixon Waterman in "Success Magazine j! : results. At lumber City, : 1 3a., Italian farmers and wood j Could have wrought good things had there ; saw miJl3 a that vicibitV 80 re- j lieen hut one j niutierative that they are urging j io smile and to bid me try. j their countiympu to come there. I But they kept their words, -they were busy, From Birmingham, Ala., to Green Tickets Now On Sale To , Great Lake Resorts Mine was a uature that needed sun As the flowers need it, I VIA all, With their own affairs-until ville, Miss., Italians have been se cured as cotton firroivers. If rom Me tered set.lemeiKS ot Hungarian aml ' October 31st 1906 Polish farmers, whose abilities and , y Iow ' teg t'( K-1,1 nod seemed touch ed with a tinct of, to Rirmiliffhaui there Uie Scat- gall I tered set.lemeii;s of Hungarian ami And my heart with an icy chill.. I died ouo night, and they came, next day The ones who had seemed so cold. And wept as they wreathed my lifeless clay Aud my many ways extolled. And I thought, as I lay on my silent bier. "They are fools to wast on me The words that a dead man cannot hear Ami the wreaths that he cannot see!" QUEEN & CRESCENT KOUTC Tickets sold daily until Sep tember 30th. limit for return energies have made a marked dif ference iu the neighborhood where Ihev have established themselves. Hlg Lumber Mill Huraed. A dispatch from Macon, Georgia, savs the Central City Planing and Lumber Mills, one of the largest in that section, was destroyed Sunday The couviction of W. L. I vine, at morning. The loss is $100,000. Gasionin last, week, as a represent' tive of a Vireinia whiskey house, is nosurDriseto lawyers. Under our At, Nashville. Tennessee the lum ber yard of Lumberman, Lovemaa & O'Brien, was destroyed by fire Suu- laws it is cleat that when an agent j day night lusuring a loss of $150, of a whiskey house in anotner state - solicits orders iu this state, he is the seller, and the sale is made here and not at the (d ice from which it is shipped. Public Speaking At Kamseiir. HUSIXESS tH'HORTfXITY A MANAtiKR to take charge of olliee anil also do rom I work connection with Magazine Miliseriptiou Agency established twenty years. doiiiK a busi ncss of $'JH0.IW vr vt-ar. A in-rson who is re unsibltf ami exprewivc In meeting people anil 'unvttMtiim, who will not object to appointing Willi ineni in nis terriHiry, u-.. ,v-nl i,v n mrtiit. hlv nlurv. iiimisiiiii. and also a lu'rther interest in tin , agents anil working Willi ineni in nis ternwiry lion. J. Bryan ii rimes, oeuy. oiirosuei rhe State, will speak at Kamseur on ,,',hlt next Thursday night October 4th, l'jOi!. aid territory that 111 l.rinir ill li (HTiuanent return and income. .Vl.ires I nr. IP IK MAiiA.lNK, Hox III, lndlaiiaimlis, Iud. Vorv Irvur rarps to Denver, ac' meetincr. tickets sold July 9th, to 14th, limit August 20tq, diverse routing west oioc Low round trip rates to Mil waukee, account Eagles' meet ing, and to Minneapolis account G. A. K. Encampment in August, fiw fnrrVipr information and attractive resort literature call on or writ , H. F. Latimer, T. P. A., Knoxville, Tenn J. C. Conn, D. P. A.; Chattanooga, Tenn UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE ?r, STUART MeOOIRI. M. P.. rllntT. Vl. it . MnfAvma n the Standards fixed by law for Medical Education. Bend lor Bulletin No. 11, which tell about it. TAree tree cataloput-SpecHy Department, MEDICIM-OENTISTRY- PHARMACY Favoritism to Standard Oil. It is now claimed that lijpeans of tbe proviso to section 1 tlie railroad rate bill the meniliors of the Oil truft are excepted from the oiH-ra-tlon of the law forbidding railroads to Issue free pusses. Tbe "proviso permits "the Intvrehanse of passes for rue om cers, asnts ami eniplorees of common carriers, and their families." Every corporation engaged. In the transporta tion of oil by means of pipe H113 19 made a common carrier by the bill, and It, ta claimed that for this reason the ofucers. agents and employees of such conoratlons and their families aro mkhi;; thjse to wiwoi railroads may Issue passes. There seems to be a difference, however, between Issuing and Interchanging passes. Yet the rail roads will hardly discover that differ ence lf by Ignoring ft ther can grve'Ve bates under tb guise of interchange of passes. " ' 4tar PolitlcMb TDVttatanine of the Republican eonven- , tlons la the south, made up of negroes and federal officeholders, are crnm .w ifnr Rooaevelt for a third term. the Boosevelt-Hlgglns combine In New Tortt lias been beaten out or tne con trol ef the.Republlcan state commit m -h trta Plai-Odell-Black combine iProphet Teddy Is notVithout honor among Eepubllcans save In his own country. It would be funny ifvMr. nrwrxuvpit should be nominated for a .third term by a. lot of negroes and boodlers and officeholders from . the soeth, who do not cast a single electoral ' a. -rmt find his oartr In the 2m- plre State arrayed against him. That aeexBB tu m ntv vuiv M-sssssWttC.Wgy3B . The Largest, Besl-EquSpped and SIsansstFIat Plug The Reynolds lactones, equipped w.m every modern appliance for producing the best chewing tobacco by a clean, sanitary and healthful process, under the direction of men who have made the bu3ines3 a life study, are located in the centre of the Pied mont tobacco belt, known to the world as the best productive soil for tobacco with an aroma so de- liahtful. nleasinff and appetizing that it created and popularized the fondness for chewing tobacco. Only choice selections of this well matured, thoroughly cured leaf are used in SCHNAPPS and others of the high-grade Reynolds brands, and expert tests prove that this tobacco requires and takes a smaller ... I at llmm"mmmw 1 1111 .i.'S'ATOtT amount cf sweetening than any other kind, and has a wholesome, stimulating and satis fying effect on chewers. schnapps is the brand that made the Reynolds factories famous as the manu facturers of xhe best and most popular brands cf chewing tob?.cco, and made necessary the enormous growrn rom 8 sma& factory in 13 s to tne larg- 1tJ4. est fiat-plug fac i Btr tory in the world. V --The men who iMiinnfr wKV'rfr mvj. started tne Reynolds Co., in 137S, are directing it to-day. There are a greater number of manufacturers making imitations claimed to be just as good as schnapps than any commodity manufac tured; yet there are more pounds of SCHNAPPS chewed than the total amount oi au imita tive brands, or tobacco of similar appearance. Be ten ft Mtors M C taf and mtftr ft tag S-C-H-N-A-P-P-5, m4 yM wfJ fct lb 6 R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, K. - TO DELICATE WOMEN You will never get well and strong, bright, hap py, hearty and free from pain, until you build up your constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making tonic, like ft n o gojvcuiuvimiuii m It Makes Pale Cheeks Piiik It ts a pure, harmless, medicinal tonic, made from vegetable Ingredients, vhlch relieve female pain and distress, such as headache, backache, bowel ache, dizziness, chills, scanty or profuse menstru ation, dragging down pains, etc It Is a building, strenguvmaktng medicine for women, the only medicine that Is certain to do you good. Try it Sold by every druggest bottles. WRIT! US A IETTEB freely and frankly, in strictest osafiO ence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (In plain sealed envelope), how to cure tbem. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. , "YOU ARE FRIENDS of mine." writes Mrs. F. L. Jones, of 'Gallatin, Tenn.: " For since taking Cartful I have gained 35 lbs., and am In better health than for the past 9 years. I tell my husband that Cardul is worth its weHht In alt suffering ladies." Thp. Vital Pnint I I IIV, Vlllal liiile When it comes tD eating you wan some thing you like. The same applies to the necessary articles for the dining room where you do your eating. Dining Room Suites and Fine Theodore Havener Dinner Sets from $25.oo to Sloo.oo per set. We are adding a full line of Mantels, Til ing and Graies that will be worth your while to inspect. Mattings of all Kinds Rncro ATminifitar Velvet.! and RurtWOrth Wilton s.'varying in price from $2o to $65. J A call will convince you. U ec pie's House Furnishing Co., High Point, N. C. j I TROTH SCey Try our New Improved Artificial Teeth that are held in place by the Rugae Suction a secret process Known only to us. NERVOUS PEOPLE . , r i. . i i. ..ll A u a tall- nMtli nairo will Rilvlsc and exnluiu mat- 11 111 llPl'U OI l vn'iu "uii . in ..n-v ...... ... - U'ra to you tell vou just wlmt you stimild have done, and what the cost will lie, e m.iU no charge lor examination or ron-mum..... " , .- under no oblation to cm)jloy us to do your work. Hours 8 a. m. to 0 1. ni. RED CROSS DENTAL PARLORS Orer J. M. Hendrix & Co's. Store, To Cure a Cold in One Day Caret Crip In Two DX2i Tk.Laxative uromc 'M MjZ Smvtm KSBon mtxxtm votm m - ami those who drea tiiiviiiff ihpir tepth ei- trurtwl or other work done are earnestly invited to 'call at our uilice, ' where we will deinonstrnts to their en tire .-atifjction our claim for Painless Denlstry. nil Mi-1 Terlll (llml (II) (Jolil FIlllliK Silver Filling Void Crown,, XI k Urldlic Work PAINLESS EXTRACTING. 9.V00 up. ....Sl.OO Ul. AOc Ul. 93.110 up. ....83.00 up. 22." South Elm Street, Greensuuro, N'. C Choose Wisely . . . - v - when you buy a SEWING MACHINE. YouU finJ all Jorts tnd kinds it corresponding; prices. But if you want a KpuUfele serviceable Machine, then Uke .WHITE,. 27 yean experience nas enabled us to bring out a HANDSOME, SYMMETRICAL and WELL-BUILT PRODUCT, combining in hs make-up all the good points found on high grade machines and others that are exclusively WHITE for Instance, our TENSION INDI CATOR, a device that shows the tension at a glance, and we have others that appeal to cart ful buyers. All Drop Heads have Automatic Lift and beautiful Swell Front, Golden Oak Wnntamrfe. Vibrator udRotarv Shuttle Styles. OUR ELEOAMT H. T. OATALOOUES QlVl FULL PARTIOULAR8, FREE, t XYTtfTE SEWmCttACtttNE CO. v CLEVELAND a r- - Before Moving into Our New Warehouse we want to reduce our stock of Disc Harrows, Buggies, Land Rollers, Hay Rakes and Mow ers and will sell them at reduced pnees. If you want. Bargains in above or any kind of hardware call to see us, before the season is off. Mrft-a w'-T)aAAlnti HarrlwAra CflmD&IW V, , J