"MONTGOMERY ITEMS. Funeral of Mrs. Pool Personals and Short News Notes. From The Moafgomrian. Geo. H. Russell, formerly of Troy, has moved to Fayetteville. JanieB Ingram, of Richmond coun ty, has purchased an interest in the cotton gin of F. McAuley aud will move to Mt. Gilead soon. Prof. Wade Cranford, of Ophir, has taken charge of the ArmomJs ville High School in Green county, Prof. Cranford is a young man of ability and will succeed in his pro fession. The first Sunday in October will be observed as Orphanage day ty Methodists in Troy. R. N. Page will deliver the address. Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. King, former ly of this section hut now of Boston, Mass., and a party of friends passed through Troy Tuesnay morning on their way to Mt. Gilead, where they visited Mrs. King's people. Mr. King was once a man of ordinary means but by hard work and perse verance he has accumulated a nana' some fortune, his accumulations having reached several million dol lars. The burial services of Mrs. R. T. Poole were observed at the M. E. church, South, last Thursday after noon, September 20th, in the pres ence of a large congregation or rei atives and friends who had gathered to pay their last respects to one whom they had learned to love. Members of the Troy bar and Messrs. W. C. Hammer and J. A. Spence of Asheboro acted as pall bearers. The floral tributes offered by the K. of P. and Jr. 0. U. A. M., the Troy bar and other friends of the deceased, were very beautiful, and were a fitting expression of the love her friends had for her. STATE FAIR. Great Feature For This YearMadame Nordics Oi October I9th. The next State Fair, Oct. 15 to 20, will be the best ever held in North Carolina. The Fair will be opened by Governor R. B. Glenn on Tuesday "October 16. There have been great improve ments in the grounds and buildings, particularly in the accommodatipns for the agricultural and live stock displays, and an abundant supply of good water. The feature of the displays will be the competitive County exhibits in handsomely decorated booths. The general displays, particularly of labor-saving farm machinery will repay anyone's careful inspection. On the Midway there will be no gambling games, but it will be packed with high class shows and amusements. Every foot of space will be taken, and the Midway will be a brilliant scene with the carved and gilded fronts and the flags and bunting of the best shows ever seen here. Cane and Baby Racks, Nigger-heads, Shooting galleries, Merry-go-rounds, Ferris wheels, Razzle-dazzles etc. galore, Elec tric Theatres Galatoa, Old Plan tation Shows and the great Animal show of Francis Ferari, the finest in America. The trials of speed will be fast and exciting, and the open air at tractions, featuring Dare Devil Doherty Leaping the Gap, Balloons, and Platform work. Hon. Harvey Jordon will address the Uotton Grower's Convention on Wednesday night in the Hall of Representatives. The annual meeting of the Society is held on Thursday night and on Friday night Madame Nordica, the world renowned singer will give a concert, and afterwards will be held the Grand Marshals' Ball, with Chief Marshal James Vernon Blades, of New Beixe, and a brilliant corps of assistants in the rooms of the Capi tal Club. TRINITY. New Memberi Added to the High School FacultyPersonals. Trinity High School has added two new teachers t the faculty in the last week. Prof. N. C. Engli -h has beea elected Prin cipal and will teach the Bash-ess Depart ment, and Miss Cornie Scruggs, of Spartan burg, S. C, will teach Latin and English. Mr. W.T. Weeks, of Marion, spent Sat urday and Sunday with his mother. Master Wilfred Carr, 'of Greensboro, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. 0. W. Carr. Durant Ballanoa and Miss Bertie Harris were married at Elon College last Thursday Mia Harris is the daughter of Mr. J. K. Harris, and is one of Trinity's most winsome young ladies Mr. Ballance is a merchant and avery promising young business man. They will reside here. Mrs. Kelson, of Abury, spent a day aad night with her sisters, the Misses A e bury, who are in school here. Miss Mamie Harris, of Thomasville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T. Henry. Rev. Cox, of the Friends Church, of Archdale, preached an excellent sermon in the chapel on Sunday night - Miss Rosa Johnson left Friday for Mt. Gilead where she will teach school. CONVENTION CALL. Woman's Christian Temperance Union at W IiiNton Salem, Nov. 3 tod. j The twenty-fourth annual convention of the North Carolina Woman's Christian Tem perance Union in called U meet in Winstou ! Salem Nov. 3-0 inclusive. Members of 1 the Convention are the Executive- Board, see article iv on page 04 of state minutes) one delegate at large from each local union, one delegate for every twenty memliers thereof, aud oue delegate from each Iiynl Legion, which has paid one dollar ducx in to tlie State Treasury, and presidents of lo cal unions. lira. Xuunie Curtis, of Texas, who has much experience in the work, and who is called "the silvortongued orator" and win ner of all hearts, will lie with us. Several of our own state workers will add interest ing features to the program. Entertainment will lie provided for all delegates, and it is most earnestly desired that there be a full delegation, first, liecuuse you need the inspiration and helpfulliicss of your owu State Convention, and second, that you may get the benefit of railroad rates generously accorded, making it possible lor more to attend. Honorary meiuliers and friends of the cause throughout the state are cordially in vited to attend, and visitors from far and near are truly welcome. Local (Tnions will not lie unmindful to appoint delegates early and make every needed preparation for their attemlanre at Convention, and send names uf delegates, soon as appointed, to Acting President, 1st us look to Him from whom oar help coineth, and then may we do greater and better things for our onn and the world's uplift Yours fi r Ood. home and humanity. Miss Ei.iz.uietii M.vkcii, Acting State President, iliss XoniE M. Jotixsox, Correspoudiug Secretary. Slits. Mary E. ". White. Recording Secretary. Mns Ellen J. Y. I'rkykk, Treasurer Judge Hj mini's Arraignment. At no time in the history of the Republican party has it been so com pletely under the domiimtion of office-holders and little men who have no conception of politick ixcepi such as is dictated from Washing ton. At no time has the Kepubli can party a North Carolina tteen led by such small and inferior men as today. There isn't a man in the leadership who is more than dung hill to t diamond in comp iris n to the old leaders like Settle, Dockery, and Pearson. The present crowd makes no appeal except to cupidity aud to prejudice. The arraignment of the party by it ablest lawyer was not overdrawn when he said: "The time has come in the tide of Republican politics in North Car olina when one of two things must be done. Either the Federal office holders must own, control, aud man age the party absolutely, s they seem to be doing at this convention, or they must abdicate and allow the party to be managed and its policy shaped by those whose policies and principles are governed by other con siderations than office-getting, grned, grab, and graft. If the Federal office-holders continue in control, then no self-respecting mat can or will be induced to take part in Ke publican politics in this State. If they are forced to abdicate, as should be done, then there is a fu ture for the party. This may as well be said here and now. lne party seems to be drifting without a leader or any one who has the courage to speak above a whisper. Everything is subrogated to the chance of being a delegate or get ting an office. The thoughtful, prudent people of North Carolina never will and never oucnt to con- seut to the management of the affairs of this great tate by such an irre sponsible cabal as now controls the affairs of the Republican party of this state. Speaking Out In Meeting. From The Concordia Empire. (Rep.) We have been invited to send a dollar contribution t the Republican campaign fund that is being raised by popular subscription ana to which President Roosevelt recently subscribed. We would like to have our dollar in such select company, all right, but we've done all the, contributing we intend to do this year. We have recently completed building a house at a cost of some tning over $4,000, and for every foot of lumber, every pane of glass, every sack of cement, every pound of nails, and in fact, for nearly every bit of material that went into it we made a good, liberal contribution through the trusts that control them, and we guess we have done our share. It may be treason for a Republican newspaper to talk this way, but facts are facts, and it sort of relieve our conscience to tell the truth about the trusts once in a while. We'll just let the several trusts to which we have Jiad to pay uBwilling tribal in the past year pay our dollar for us. We need it and they don't. I shall be on the market from now until June 1, 1967, paying top prices for nice cat tle. Call and see me or write S. . Coble, Climax, N. C. NULLlWlNG THE LAW. Fbe Administration Defies the Labor talons. The Immediate employment of 2,500 Chinese coolies to work on the Panama canal was Indorsed by President ltoom rclt ou the 13th of August. The num ber eventually to be lmorteU for hucu work Is placed nt 30,000. All of thorn are to be Imported In violation of the Chinese exclusion act unxi the alien contract labor law. The eight hour law was ubollsbexl us to canal work by Ibo Kepubllcu'is t:t the last session of coiijrress. wben tbey forced through an amoiHlment to the urgent deficiency bill t3 that effect lu violation of the rules of the house of representatives. Secretary Taft not long ago dlspens ed with tbe C'bluese exclusion act as to the Philippines in the case of twenty- five Chinamen, and It is evident that tbe entire Itepubllcan administration is committed to the policy of admitting Chinese la violation of the exclusion act and tbe alien contract labor law as well as tbe law forbidding peonage so far as Panama, Porto Rico and the "Philippines are concerned.. It Is characteristic of tbe Republican party that It should prohibit tbe pur chase of tbe cheaper material and equipment for tbe construction of the canal In any foreign market and at the same time Insist on using tbe cheapest lubor to be found lu the world to do the work on tbe Isthmus. Having re ceived the votes of tbe worklngmen by reason of false promises and lying mis representations for forty or fifty years, that imrty now throws OS the mask and reveals Itself lu Its true light as the creature atvd tool of capital and the enemy of American labor.' It Is no longer necessary for It to fool the peo ple. It now despises and throttles tbem. Let us determine once for all at tbe election this year whether this Is a government of lawbreakers or a gov ernment of luw made by tbe people for tbe people. The position of tbe Democratic party on tbe lubor question was set forth clearly In tbo Chicago platform of 1896 as follows: "We bold that the most efficient way of protecting American labor Is to pre vent tbe Importation of foreign pauper labor, and as labor makes the wealth of the country we demand the passage of snch laws as may be necessary to protect It In all Its rights. And we especially object to government by In junction as a new and highly danger ous form of oppression by which fed eral judges, In contempt of the laws of the states and the rights of citizens, be come legislators. Judges and execution ers." v Government by dispensation of the executive Is as bad as government by Injunction. Tbe Democratic party Is opposed to both. Tbe worklngmen may take their choice between Republicans and Democrats at the palls next No vember. Will tbey allow themselves to be fooled again? ROBBING THE INDIANS. Eiporan of Grafting Govern meat Onlciala. A full blood Choctaw Indian was a speaker at a Democratic barbecue at Muskogee, I. T., on Aug. 23, and bis Impassioned utterances were the fea ture of the occasion In fact, William Durant Is an orator whose renown Is now heralded all over tbe territory. Ills theme was tbe robbery of his peo ple by Republican officials, and the convincing evidence be produced has had the effect of demoralising tbe cam paign of the Republican officeholders to capture tbe organization of tbe new state of Oklahoma. "William Durant comes from a fine line of Indian ancestors," says the Muskogee (I. T.) Times-Democrat "In bis veins runs the blood of tbe chiefs of his race. He was a member of the Choctaw council and Is therefore fa miliar with all that was done In a tribal way. He told the people at tbe barbecue why be was a Democrat, and bis words were like brands of fire. No Intelligent man could have listened to his address and remain a Republican unless be held a federal job, and then his manhood should prompt him to re sign. "Mr. Durant Is a splendid specimen of bis race. He began to speak slowly at first, but as be progressed tbe In tensity of his utterances led blm to put words together so rapidly that it was with djfficulty that tbe two most rapid stenographers In tbe city kept up With blm. He recited In detail tbe wrongs visited upon bis peojrte by tbe bureau cratic grafters at Washington. He told for tbe first time of tbe legal fees exacted. from the Choctaws and Chick asaw by those who divided the spoils, of political robbery with those who con trolled Indian affair. He brought out the fact that lawyers were taking dou ble fees and double expense from the two tribe with the full consent and approval of tbe Indian office at Wash ington. The two tribe were led Into a trap by being; told that tbe roTernment would pay tbe exp-rase of adjusting the tribal rolls. Instead of selecting thetr own lawyers they found them selves saddled with a lot of designing manipulator who btedtbem for nearly ftOOOtOOa "Mr. Durant went Into detail in re gard to the cutting down of th roysJ Uea on coal In order to favor the cor poratkw who were then cbargtug high er price for mloed coal than bad ever been known la this sect too of country." The Iowa Idea has been oulderably battered by the apotrtactetn of Govern or Cummin, tbe taodpathtm of Can non aad th big stick of th president bat K Is rtlll In tbe ring and In th heart of the Iowa voter. It will bt pretty hard to make the Iowa farmer believe that the tariff fostered trut help or protect blm. t I RAILROAD THROUGH YADKIN. Citlxcli Of The futility I'xpected To Vote llniidx lor The r.ntcrprUe. The iiietiti"ii of ruii'ding u rail road was discussed at a meeting held in Yudkinville last week. The States ville people want the route finiii Mr. Aiiv via Yulkiu villi to tliMt plane, and ure endeavoring to '.-et tin election rallod in Yadkir. to that effect. However the commis sioners of Yadkin decided to cull fie uleutbn ut their meeting in Oe tober. A proponed route is from Mouth of Wilson, Va.. via Sparta, Klkin, Yadkinville, Winston, High Point, Asheboro aud to the coast. The route would develop a fine section of con u try and is regarded by many hs tbe best one that has yet beeu mapped out. The Pennsyl vania Air Line is said to be backing the pioject. Yadkin is enthusiastic and will vote $100,000 to secuie the road, while Forsyth is expected to vote twice that amount, says the Elkin Enterprise. That paper says Yadkin will do her part. The Art of Pleasing;. Somebody Baid it is . better to be beautiful than to be good. But it is certainly better to be good than to be ugly. It is better to be charm ing. A woman cannot charm be cause 6he wants to. A man is not agreeable because he sets out to be. Quite the reverse. In effort is fail ure. The proper effect must, like repartee, be spontaneous ind unpre meditated. It must be radiated naturally, like light and love. Books there are that pretend to tell how it is done. They do so quite as competently as grasshoppers teach entomology. The ability to charm, to ba agreeable, to be entertaining, is an ai t apprehensible only through influences generally prenatal but always prolonged. Tbe mere tech n que is so volatile that it must be inhaled. Like the Mayflower into nation, little by little, it must be absorbed. Kings hdJ thugs may abash the amateur in the art of pleasing but the artist is at home with them. He puts himself in harmony with them. In the ability to do that is the whole secret of the art of pleasing. Edgar Saltus in the October De lineator. LEGAL NOTICES. North Carolina, In the Superior Court. Randolph County J. E. McPherson, at als, , at als, i . et als. ' vs. Sylvester Boltug. NOTICE. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons In the above entitled action was Issued against fit in on the lath day of September, 1008. bv W. C. Hammond. Clerk Superior Court of Randolph county, returnable before said Clerk of the Puperlor Court at hie office in Ashe boro ou the isth day of (ictotier, 1806, said action is brought for the sale of real estate for partition, at which time the defenduut is required to ap- lear ana answer, pieau, or uenur to tne com plaint, or the relief demanded will lie granted. n.u. BAJDRMI,!,. s. u. This the ISth day of September, 1900. NOTICE. Z. A. I-ewallen has this day entered the following land in Kundoiph Co., to wit: A tract of fifty acre mure or less in Ce dar Grove Township, on the warters of Tav- lor s I reek near a pond adjoining the lands of E. It. Hudson, the Barber lands, and Z. A. Lewallen; for which without objection filed within thirty days from this date, he will ask for a warrant of survey to the County surveyor ol Kanuolph County. This Sept. Zl), jyuu. J. P. Boroughs, Entry Taker. SALE OF LAND Bv virtue of au order of the superior court of Kaudoipn county, fi. (., in me special proceed -inir entitled A. W. Grav etal.. VS. J. M. Grav et al. I will on the -ill day of October 1906 at 12 o clock M.at tne courtnouse aoor in Asne boro. N.C.. sell to the hii-hest bidder at Dubhc auction tne loiinwiug aesennea tanas: 1st tract: Known as the Wllllum (iray place. Beginning at a stone in the public road, run ning North 47 pole to a stone, by the side of the public road: thence east 18 degrees North 105 rods to a white oak: thence South go rods to a Kwtoak stump on the south side of the mill road : tnence west tw reus to a stone in . r. Brown's line: thence north 11 rods to a stone; thunce west 1? rods to the beginning coutainins 88 acre and 183 rods more or less. -ind. Tract Beginning at a stone in 8. M. Sainton's line: running east 105 rods to a stone thence north 87 rods to a cedar: thence north 18 degrees west Si rods to a post oak : thence west 10 degrees Sctuth M rods to a stake in Stanton's line, containing S4 acres more or leas. 3rd Tract Beglnlnlng at a stone besides tne ulilic road. Mnttie Routh'e Corner, running North go desTees west 67 rods to a stone in public road: thence west 21 rods and 10 link to a stone in Palmer's Hue: 'hence south 51 rods to a maple: thence South 45 degrees west 31 rods to a stone: theuce South 21 rods to a Willow in the old line, containing 28 acres more or less. 4tii Tract Beginning at a stone, Maine Routh's corner on public road, running north 134 rods to a stone: thence east 1S1 rods to a Vickory: (hence South 14 degrees east 85 rods to a stone; thence South 24 rods to a stone, Mattle Houtht corner; thence west 13 degrees south 105 rods to the beginning containing 104 acres mire or leas. 6th Tract Half undivided interest in a tract kn iwn a the Massey Polk place, bounded on the north by T. 3. Steele, on the east by John ftellars, on the south by Bob- Frailer and on the west by Will Adams containing 80 acres more or let. ' H. M. ROBINS. Commissioner. This ssth day of September. 1900. LAND SALE. R virtue of the power vented in me by an or- riar'nf tha Sunerinr Court of Randolnh Countv N. ('.. Id a recUl proceeding entitled W. 8. Skeen Admr. Vs. Zorada Russell, I will on the 42 day of Oct.. IMS. sell at public auction to the high. et bidder ror casn, at tne court nouae door in Asheboro. N. C, at 1J ociock M . tne mercnant able timber on tne following described real estate; In New Hone townsnin, bounded on tne Nortn by Columbus Lofliii; on the East by Alson Sur ra U: on the South by Alex Surra tt and .1. A. Cranford: and on the West bv W. M. Ruwiell aud Columbus Lotlin. containing about 120 acres more or less, it being the home place where Alex Kusreii oien. This September 91, 1909 W. B. BKEEN, Commissioner .State of North Carolina, Dejiiirtnieiit of State, I'EIIIIFK'ATi: OX IIISSiiM lliiN. To -Ml to Whom Tlioae IV -siut May f 'on cern (ireetiiijs: Whereas, It appear to my sutisfacli 1:1, liy duly iiutlieiilicuiii'l recunl of t!ie proei ed ing for the voluntary diasolu' ion thereof hy the unanimous consent of all of the Block hoMerx, dcxnitel ill my ollice, that .he MrCniry-Liissiter Company, a corp -ration of this State, whom principal office is situated on I 'I'imt Hlrcut, in tile town of AsIu-Ihiio, in the oiinty of Randolph, Statu of North Carolina, f). ft. McCrarv, lieing the a-ient therein und in clnutru tlnuvuf. mnn wlmm process) niay lie Berved, has couip!ie3 with the reijniivniputs of Clmp'er 21, I'evisal of 1905, entitled "Jor-ioriitioiitt," preliminary to the issuing of thix C'eitilicate of Dissolu tion: Xott, TliKiiKtDHK, I, J. Bryan CirimH, Secretary of State of the the State f North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said cor poration did, ou the 1 lth Jay of July, lllilU, iile in my ollice a duly executed, aud attested consent in writing to the dis-olutinn of s iid corporation, executed liy nil the stockholders thereof, which suid consent mi l the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on Iile in my said office as provided liy law. in testimony whereof, 1 have hereto my hand and nflixed my official seal at Haleigh, this the 11th day of July, A. !., 1900. J. Bryan Gimmes. seal Sec.of State. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Caroliua, Department of State. To all to whom these presents may come Gr-.t-t-lngi Where as. It appears to my satisfaction. i duly authenticated record of the proceedings lor the voluntary dessolutios) thereof by the ununi mous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Engleworth Mills, a cor porution of this State whose principal otticv is situated in the town of Randlemau, Countv of Randolph, State of North Carolina. (T. G. Jle Alister being the agent therein, aud in chai .-e thereof, Un whom process may be sem-d) has complied with the requirements of Chap er 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled, "Conwrnti-ns'' to the Issuing of this certificate of dissolution. Now, therefore, I. J. Bryan Grimes, secretary of the State of North Corolina, do hereby corn :y that the said corporation did, on the 21st dnv of September, HKK), tile in my office a duiy execut el and at tested consent in writing to the dis-o. lution of said corporation, executed by all stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file In my Bald office as provided by law. In testimony whereof I have hereto set -ny hand and affixed mv official still, ut Rah is; i, this 21st day of September. A. D.,l(u6. J. BRYAN GRIMES. Sec. of (State. NOTICE. ' 1 will oner for sale to highest bidder, on 2)th dnv of Oct. 1806. My personal 'property, cou. sisiiug of two Horses, one two horse Wa;im, one one horse Wagoa, one Buggy. Harness Farming Tcols. Lot of Wheat, Corn. Feed, oue set Black Smith Tools, Household aud Kitchen Furnlt are, and other things not necessary to mention. The sule will be at my resilience, known oh the Com ant Residence, and will begin at 10 o'clock a. in. terms cush. W.O. WRIGHT, Frnnklinvillc, N. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator on the es tate of Anthony Moser. deceased, before W. C. Hammond. Clerk ol the Superior Court of Kun doiph county. North Carolina, this i to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or beiore the 11th day of Sept 1907, or this notice will be pleudedln bar of their recovery: and all per sins due and owing said estate are hereby notifi ed to make immediate payment. K. C. PALMER, AJmr. This Sept. 11, 1900, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as Executor to the last Will aud Testament f A. W. Kennedy, deceased, before W. C. Hammond, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said deceased to present them to the und- signed on or before the 26th day of August, 19o7, or this notice will be pleuded in bar of their re covery; and all persons due and owing said estate are hereby notified to make iramediuts payment. CICERO KENNEDY, This August 45, 1006 txecutor. Notice. V. E. Allred has this day entered the following land in Itandolph county, to wit: 10 acres more or less in Franklinville town-, ship, on the waters of Hicks Creek and Fieep Hiver, adjoining the lands of W. E. Allred, Andy Fount, Gaston Lane, Geo Baldwin deceased, and others, for which without objection filed within thirty days from this date he will ask for a warrant of Survey to the County Surveyor of Randolph county. This Sept. 5th, IOOti. J. P. BoRotr.iis, 9-13 06. Entry Taker. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrators on the etateofN.R. Skeen. deceased, before W. C, Hammond, Clerk of the 6utierior fourt of Ran dolph county, all persons having- claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, ou or before the 1st day of October. 1906, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their rcovery; and all persons ow ing said estate will come forward ami muke im mediate settlement. JORDAN R. SKEEN, H. M. SKEEN. This 8d day of Sept. 19u6. The assertion is backed by our sales for the past few mouths. Easy running, durable and comfortable. We also handle J. 1. Nissen Wag ons. Jahnston Harvesting Machinery, Mowers, Stoves, Ranges, Mill Supplies, Builders Hardware, liucpy und Wagon Harness, Stag Paint, Barb and Smooth Wire and everything ia the Hardware line. I auila JSi Wlnelnui tNCOfVOSMtft epit&l Stock $30,000 RALEIGH, N. C. Pullen Building . THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the world's bent I I nod?rn Bu lne. Education. Old e it Business College in North Carolina. Positions cuaranleed. tackl by a written contract. Ma T&ostlon. Individual instruction, We alo teach Book-ket plug, Shorthand, Penmanship, by mail. Beo4 for HomeBtudy rates. Write todsv for our Cstilccue. OTers aad High EndoKtmeuuj. Thevars free. Address. IKINC'S BV6INCSS COLLEGE, RtUisN M.Cr Cbavrlott N.O flow in prescriptions filled by the Standard Drug Store at Asheboro or W A. Under wood, Asheboro, . C. Bring or send them to us. We are the prescription druggists of Randolph. W. A. UNDERWOOD, .1 1 iJ a.TH.i N. C. Trinity High School. ' lid Trini'y College.) Locution live miles Mititlieasl of Hij-h Point. Climate and water unsurpassed Faculty of seven teachers. WJH a'oid thorough pre partition for jip'i unire class of leading Col leges, in the State. The coming year to be most successful in history f institution. Strong linancia' linckicg. lintes very reason able. Write for catalogue mid other infor mation to J T. Henry, Principal. flev. B. I.. Hargett. Financial agent. Castings Castings Castings Grate Par- and plain cast ings of all descriptions Delivered a.t Asheboro for 2 1-2 cents per pound.. Send us your orders. Biscoe Foundry & Machine Co, Biscoe, N. C. My Work Pleases! When you wish an easy shave As good as barber ever gave, Just call on me at my saloon, At morning, eve or noon, cut and dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. My room is neat and towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen. And everything I think vou'll find, To suit the face and please the mind, And all my art and skill can do, If you just call I'll de for you. TOM CARTER. SOUTHERN MACHINE WORKS We build Machinery to or der, overhaul and repair ma chinery, cut gears, make patterns, models, etc. Southern Machine Works, High Point, N. C. North Carolina, Ri ndolph County. NOTICK. Is hereby given to the public that application will be made lo the (iovernur of North Caroli na for the union of Charles Redwlne colored convicted at July term IWW, of the superior Court of Kamloli'h county, for the crime of an attempt to com not rune, and wntenced to work the it wids of Randolph county for a term ol live years. BKITTA1N i FERREE, This (Sept., 6th ItMNl. BUGQIE5 Are THE Best. Uaiwliiias a f CHARLOTTE, N. C Piedmont Ins. Bid.

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