Foarth 4aarterly Coftrne. H.ld Personal Mention. The fourth qaarterly confereuce of Franklinville and, Ramseur, charge, of the M. E. Church, was held at this place Sunday, and Mon day. Dr. S. B. Turrentine, preach ed au excellent sermon Sunday night and also conducted the conference Monday morning. The reports from the pastor, Kev. C. A. Wood, and other officers, for the year, were good and shows that the charge is iu a healthy and growing condition. Mrs. S. F. Fentriss is visiting re latives and friends at High Point this week. Trof. J. M. Way, of Asheboro, will address our people at the Town Hall Friday night. Mr. Way is a good speaker and every body is in vited. II. A. Russell made a business trip to New York last week. Robert Klkins left Sunday for Asheboro where he was married to Miss r loreuce IK-ndrieks, one of Asheboro's fairest young ladies. Mr. Klkins is depot agent here and is one 01 our best young men. We hope their lives will b? long and prosperous. .1. W. Craven, ,"f High I'oint. spent Saturday night and Sunday in the city with his family. G. (', Russell, has been on thr sick list for a few days but we are glad to state thM he is able to be out aaiu. TELEPHONE CONSTRUCTION. Illtl-rlllrlt i.lll- Doing CollMt-Hl--lloil Work -Hell llullilluu l.iuv Almiir lllvrr. Leo Barker, foreinau of the Ashe boro Telephone construction depart ment is pushing work on the new direet line from Asheboro to Ran dlenian. He expects in a short time to have the line in operation. The majority of the poles have been erected on the line. The work of overhauling the Ramseur line is also in progress. Another line is also being constructed by the Bell telephone and telegraph company which will connect all the mill towns along Deep River, with Greensboro, giving them long dis tance connection with the work A'orth and South. These notes show that Randolph is not sitting still, but slowly ad vancing in the march of commercial development. NEW BUSINESS. l'iiiiKiny To Opt'ii a (nal Yard IiiAsIic tiiirii At 1 1 net-. Asheboro is to have a domes tic coal yard and feed store. The linn will be known as the Asheboro Feed Store Company, and will do a wholesale business in tlour ami stuff. The new linn will begin business in November and will have their office iu the store room reomtlv va cated by J. W. .Jnllv, on I).-p-)t Street. The business will be in churg- of C L. C'ranford, as manager, who will make it headquarters for the best i oal for stores and grates heat ing, lie will operate wanons and deliver coal to the homes in the city. Mr. C'ranford is au excellent man and his enterprise and business ability assures success. NORTH CAROLINA MINERALS. Aimtlu-r Kure anil I'rri'inui. Metal l inunl In Hij; (Quantity. W. L. Thurler, mauager. of the Asheboro Copper Mine has just been inform h1 Ly a nuxbe.' of chemists to whom he sent specimens that he had discovered auother rare metal to be added to North Caro lina's catalogue of ore. Mr. Thur ber has worked on his find all the Summer and only found the name a few days ago. It is known as "Lu.ouite" and has only been known to exist iu the soil of Luzon Island in tue Philippine Island. Mr. Thurber has been offered $?2 per ton for the ore in crude statej loaded on cars, by an Eastern firm. Meit Hauiseiir. Mr. Rufus Finnison, vh under went an operation at Greensboro, three weeks ago returned home Saturday night, much improved. II. W" aud Ira Scott left Monday for Fall Creek Church, Chatham county, to be present at the burial and fuutral if their aged father, Henry Scott, who l ad reached the ageof 81 vears. Death of Little ( liarlex. Little Charles, the infant son of Mi. and Mrs. Oscar Williams, of Providence, died the 19 iusc. of blood poison. Although young, it is bard to gie him dp, but God knows best. The body i buried at Bethel. May God bltsa the be reaved family. Kev. (.'has. Jdinson onducted funeral ferviee. Notices Inserted under tKIa head at one cent word each Insertion. WANTED STAVES Highest cash prices paid fur all kind of staves for Norfolk mar ket. Apply to E A Hammer, Asheboro, N C. FOU SALE One store house and lot L'i'.xIi'iO aii'l one adjoining lot filxlliO with Hack smith shop. I'liion Store Co. 9--'0-4t. South t'ayetteville St WANTED Five young men to work in general merchandising. Address in own hand writing and state age and experience. 1'lfoXIMITV MtHl'ANTIU CV It I ireenslnro, N. C FOU SALE CHEAT--One new rubber tired top buggy, easy runner, can Ik? seen at the Lewis-W inslnw Hardware Company or Apply to HAL WORTH, Ashelmro, X. f. tf Capt. Llueberry Keaeut. Auertloms of "Central" Why a man Should Vote Democratic. Mr Editor: A friend of mine handed ma a copy of the Randolph Bulliteni in which was an article from Central; speaking of Private Seott Lineberry being among the wounded on ac count of briken promises by the road force. To those who know me, its uuuessary to reply, but for fear some may think me a weak kind of a Democrat. I beg space in yuir paper to say that I don't belong to that class. I am a Democrat because 1 believe iu a government of the people, by the people, aud for the people, which is Democratic doctrine. I am a Democrat because that party ha? give us good honest government both in State and county. They have cared for our nufor tnnati s, pensioned the old Confeder ate soldrer, built a home for the old soldier, whose people are not au.eio si ppo.i n ni, un wn.cuij Wanted A girl, who 'can cook am prouu,. duiu ur.uge0 ! iiml a3Slst jn il0U!ie work. White neeaeti omit good an, ; prrflrri.Jt Write or call on vw,...w ..... Mrj j, term: increased the salary of teach : i- q ers; all without increscingour taxes. ; I hey have placed our county out of debt; and now our county orders are as good as gold. While under Republican administration; they I were worth 2" cents on the dollar ! and you could not get the cash for j them at thaf; and last but not least l am a I'emoerat because 1 am Lost A gold watch Monday morning between Central Hotel and depot. "J. L. W." engraved on case, finder please return to the Courier office and secure a reward of .s"),00. Webster, Asheboro, NEW HOPE ITEMS. v. Hen. tral I !: t i tlx riety Organized R r Sheet to lecture--Orclit Music. Mrs. J. W. Strider aud children, f Troy, have been visiting iu tHis i,;fo ,.,,. i l ,i:.. ;, .i-, i community for the past week a ' ... .,.. ,i Miss llattie Cranford, of Horn- bay, has been spending the week Protracted services closed here Suprenucv, can we trust tut rv.ll...l u-hita P....,,U,'n..,. I..rff North Carolina on this i.,s,.e. 1 1 with Mrs. Mary Kearns. Tl.r, tl,.,t thev are glad the negro i.Misfrau-1 Sunday n'ght- , , chised and are as much opposed to! of our young people at him voting as you and I; But aoes j ded services at Center last fcun their conduct prove it? I answer . . . , no. Wh.le i,i power they hugged L Mr-. .A- bhl h!" !turnetJ the negro in their convention and I fur0, I'ury and, Statesville and at the ballot box, and put thousands1 h-brought with him a small lot of them in office in our State. I ?rSx. u 4 c But says one they did not do Thfi Hope I ebating Society that in our county. Did not the 1 reorganized last Ihursday night. Republicans of our county at one ,JJV will be held on every time have a negro on their ticketti rhur.sday night. All the young for countv commissioner. Well d.i m"a 01 rue community are invueu 1 remember one of my neighbors: 77 lT r.,r'r T walking up to the polls, and as he!New. lle Ohestr will furnish b.rwi..ii in tini-ot .r,,n,-i-i I in u sic on every occasion. here troes and all. . ue,11.tu oer u ?l "uruay Does Lot the Republican Xatioual .u,?nt hMe "f r-v bneet?'. of Le3C; Hand Book declare in favor of ! lnton WU lecurf hl9lm.t negro equality both political and ! nl? t0 Ne.w York CJ: herJ' social; and oppose Jim Grow Carrs: ! body come' 11 Promuea to be a treat Did not every man who voted I The Orchestra will furnish music, against the amendment, known as .... . ., the lirandfather Clause, cast a vote for the negro to vote, and now tell1 M,tW KtM leffc Mondy me they are glad the negro can't jfor Udtmioia, S. C. to visit her vote. Can a niau trust such a!Uint- , , , ,. , party. I answer uo. And are not: A-B- I rogdon has sol i his farm the Republicans in the State of ! h,ore t. Messrs. J. A. Autnau and Maryland now registering every ! K'nS- negro they can and if they could . J- A- KmS attended the fair last get the power of government of Wt'ek at Haleigh, also spent a night State and the appointment of Reg-j wlth hl3 daughter, Mrs. R. C. Cox, liters in their hands they would i ,lL "'s" 1 ,'mt register every negro that could; spcl! "cat" in Xoith Carolina. No! .Mr. ( !ent;Ml, it would take, something more than a broken promise by a private individual, or even au office holder, to wound me so 1 wou'd not vjt for the party if my principle. If an officer was to iive me uii'.-nce. I might be tempted to scratch hini fiom a ticKet, but I think but mighty litth Messrs. R. L. Freeman and I). Kearns, of Ether; 0. T. Stuart, of Star; C. B. Aumau, of Biscoe, were visitors iu this section Sunday. Mr. and Mrs R. R. Auman, of Steeds visited at T, W. Liwrenc's Sunday. Mr. Jasou Boon, of Seagrove, aud Miss Brower were recently married. Miss Mary Branson, of White Mouse, and Mr. John Lucas, of of a man's political principles who : Ujgk Mills, have recently entered will Ueseit his party on account of ' "l"u mlf' some ill feeling against some office: M. A. Cagle has moved to his holder: or because some one iu ' r-in e lce purchased of L. L. Rich office has mistreated him. Such (l unison, and J. I). Lilly occupies the man is net a true Democrat or man Cagle honse. who will desert his partv because 1 e . Mr- Frilnk Bean unJ sUter are thinks he has been mistreat -d bv 111 school here now. an officer, is not worthy of the . A l)arty of capitalists are inspect- j pi ivileJge of voting. In jns'i to ln several mining properties in Mr. Bulla I wish to say that he was 1 Kandolph this week. iu no way responsible for the broken ! ' ( latham Nott.. prou lae Mr. Central alludes to, and .... ,, that we believe if he is selected 1 Ke Kcord- which he will be, he will do any-' Joseph Thompson, a miserly thing in his power to send the ' bachelor, died near Pittsboro last convicts back in our community ! week, leaving 5,000 in money in nxt sp in' and grade Ithe roads ' his bouse. It is said he had wheat his appointments this week. He hopes to be able to do so next week. Col. Wood is in the prime of life; he is oue of the strongest and most; influential men in the State; he stands high at home and away from home. In the last legislature ho was chairman of the finance Com mittee, the most iinpi l tuiit com mittee in the House. He is mi able conscientious and honest man and candidate, and will do more for Randolph County than any man we can sen tt to Kaieign. Tom Foushee is as good a man as Col. Wood; he is thought as well of at home, and has a wonderful anvouut of common sense. He is taking well wherever he goes, and is making votes tor himself and for the ticket, and will make one of the besc members of the Legisla ture we have ever sent to Raleigh. Now aud theu there comes along . a few rattle brained speakeis, sing" ing a siren song of prosperity, aud talking about the expenses of Ay cock's and (Menu's a Iministratioi.s, aud trying to deceive the people concerning the benefits which they have derived from an honest and economic, administration of afl-drs. ! Storm Kills Main. Another disastrous cyclone swept, the Gulf coast aud over Cuba last week. The reports place the loss of ; life at 275, or more. Several small: vessels have been wrecked at sea. j Among the vessels wrecked was the j St. Lucille which belongs to the I Florida East Coast Railway Co. I Rescue parties have retniued with! aboard. ' " " ; " Capt. Bravo, commanding the St. Lucille, says when he anchored on Elliot's Key, 25 miles south of Miama, Fla., a tidal wave engulfed the island. 250 persons lost their i! uvea. Other cities on the cost and in Cuba suffereu heavy Joss of prop erty. The funeral of Mrs. Jefferson Davis was conducted at Richmond, Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The service was simple and held in St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The church was crowded. After the service the crowd joined the proces sion of Militia and accompanied the remains to Hollywood cemetery where the interment was mad 3 by the side of the deceased Pres dent of the Southern Confederacy. A Guaranteed Care for Piles. Itchinc, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding files. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fatfs to cure in tUto 14 days. 50c. THE The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths.; There is a dinense prevailing in this J country luostilutixerous because so decep tive. .Vlanysiutdcil deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance the kidney-poisoned bloxl wili at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement nf the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel inn badly you can make no mistake by taking I ir." Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary elfeet of Swanip-Rit is soon realize i. It stands the IniilKSt for its wonderful cures of the most distressing oases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and i- sold by all druggists in lifty-cent and one-dollar size lttles. You ma v have a sample lxittle of this wonderful new dis covery and '..wik that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Uinghaniton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Im't make r:!iy mistake, but rememntr the name, b warn jv Rixit, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Biughumtop, N. Y., ou every bottle. 5 and 10 CENT STORE is the place to pet your CHINA WARE, GLASS WARE TINWARE and everything; needed in the dining' and cookroom. We also have a nice line of Notions of all kinds. If bargains is what you want come to see us. Z. T. BIRD & SON, Asheboro. I Mt. Airy, N. C.,Oct. i8.-.Tj(t Howard Patterson Smith. v0.S sou of Mr. and Mrs. A. E W of thislplace, died Sunday "moS5 nf mpn,knn. - ulorniDff The interment was in Oit,i i flowers. Messrs. J. p. T:tT, ot, Graham: (J. P. and R a "cn,1 Liberty; and Misses Mav pattp ' f and Pattie Smith, of Libert"? rrwll rb fo.l """'J, at- A Kad Death. On the 14th dav of fWi death angel visited the home of' Mri and Mrs. B. Branson at- v i ,. I ville. rakincr from thai nM,i . little daughter, aged about ei wr. Sh had Kn 511 .6UC lQT t weeks, suffering with diphtheria The remains were laid in the ceme uerj ai auiiy oprings. STIEffS CLEARANCE SALE of Pianos and Organs Taken In Exchange as Partial Payments on the Artistic Stieff and Shaw: I Nttcfr original prlceS.ViO. onJy , IIMMM) l;Knahc, new, ortKlnnl prte SMM.OO, only 100.00 1 Kranlrli 4t Haclk, rc- AulDhril 'iJ.00 llr4t Pouil 47-j.OO 4 KUhcr. Sl.tlMMI and S II. Vim t Kvrrrlln 1HS.OO to -iilo.iui 4 MlinNhki lO.IM to luo.wi 3 Harvard, rrrliililird I Kenning, rrnnlshcd 1 Uoldanillh 1 Starr 1 Stten Kxnare, rentratic 1 Knabe iiqnarr, rrntruuK 1 Decker 8 Square Piano 10 Organs TS.00 '45O.00 140.00 133.00 10.00 ao.oo 73.00 o.t; to iwim S:i.i. to S7r. Chas. M. Stieff. j SJiitliern V:nerinmi 5 W Trp.ili1 r , i Charlotte, N. ('. C, 11. WII.MOTit, Muna Furniture! Furniture! Eighteen years experience as buyers enables us to select the most serviceable and Ornamen tal furniture. We have just received an other car of the most uy-to-date furniture that has ever been exhibited in the county. It consists of Bedroom Suites, $12.50 to $75. 1 Rockers, to $ 8. and other articles found in an up-to-d V-a t. r niture store. Come see and be convinced before tuying. Thank you for past favors. Crescent Furniture Co.. Ramseur, N. C. ha and all will be w.dlj W. S. LlNKHEKKY. Millboro, N. C. on hand 20 years old, and was so illiterate that he did not know the denominations of paper money. . i ne tuna tor the Chatham Uon- Monre County itema. federate monument has reached The.e. $1340.31. Miss Saliie Ferguson, who has, Mr. Joshua Johnson, of Had ley been residing here for the past two I township, died on last Wednesday years, left Monday for Sanford, , fter a sickness of several months, where she goes to enter the (Sanford ; He was one of Chatham's oldest Hospital to become a trnined nurse. and most respected citizens, being The shingle mill of Eastwood and ' in his 87th year. He lived and Fry, near Allen Arnett's, was I died within a quarter of a mile of burned about 11 o'clock Saturday j the place where he was born. For night. Loss of mill and 125,000 many years he attended every term shingles about $900. Origin of the ! of our court' with his wagon tilled fire is not known. I with leather from his tanvard, and Kev. John M. Arnette, formerly lis well renumbered by his many of this county, but who has been preaching at Albemarle for the last year, has gone to the Seminary at iiouisviue, &y., to complete his theological course. The actual work of grading on the Pinehurst and Carthage Kail- road begun last Thursday. W. R. Bonsai aud Co. have the contract for building the road and are working one hundred hands. They ex pec to have truinsrunMin into Ourth:i:re friende. So honert was he that only an hour and a half before his death he insisted on paying his attending physician for his last visit to him. W iMirt Cut tn Order. I have piin hased a niat-biiie. for sawing wood on your premiss and will loe reaily to firve the public ly Nuremlwr 1st. Har. your winter supply sawed anil stacked away. Send order to or gee Jso. W. Ui. ii. Aslieljoro, N (.'. WOOD & MORI NG. 1 -f Q We take pleasure in announcing the arrival of our Fall and Winter Goods. Great show jf ing in every department. Best Styles, Best Quality and B.-s" Prices. q Dress Goods We have a full line TSilks, Broad Cloths, Fancy Suitings for street, dinner and evening gowns. In fact we have a full line in many other goods which we can't call your attention to at this time. Furs We have them from $1.0') t S10.C0 and p? $15.00. Come before they are pickei over. JS You will be surprised at whit, uv cin show U you. Thy are selling anl y.u .vi'.l need one, so come at once and make yc ur ci oice. Q Ladies' Hisses' and Children's Cloaks Surely from, what the ladies tell us we are headquarters for cloak this fall. We have them in the long coats just the style for this winter. You will find them in black, tsn, cas tor and the light fancy colors. Prices run from $4.00 to $15.00. Clothing Did you ever hear clothing talk? If you never did jus . come this way. Will Coffin will be glad to explain our merits to you. He has been a busy fellow and has sold many suits already. Suits from $10 to $25 in stock. Black and fane mixtures, newest patterns and styles in making. Rain coats from $10 to $17.50. Over coats from $4 to $20. Our goods are made by the noted Griffon People and speak for themselves. Our line of winter underwear is very full and complete .Wood Moring. pj Up-To-Date Clothiers and Furnishers. 13 by January lit, 1'JOT. attrac-