r " i r HONOR ROLL. LEADING ISSUE ANSWERED. Figures from the Records Flaunt Falsehood In Faces of Republican Speakers. When a full set of Fusion officers took charge of Randolph couuty in December 1S9(5, they found that treasurer J. S. Swaim had expended $308. 5S more money than he h;ul received. In other words the couu ty was indebted to Mr. Swaim in that amount. There was then due. however, the taxes for 1S9G levied by a Democratic Board of Com missioners, to be collected by a Re publican Sheriff and to be account ed for to a Republican Board of Commissioners. These taxes were tuined over to the Republican ad ministration, subject to a charge for $308.58 due Treasurer Swaim. Wbeu the Republicans went out of power in December 1900, after holding full control of county affairs for four years, they had ex pended these 1890 taxes. The taxes for 1797, 1898, anil S15VU7..U' of the taxes for 1900.' These j ligiuvs are from the. records The accounts of Treasurers Swaim ami Holla Jy. The Revenues from the County and Road Funds f'cr the years 1 S0C, j 1907. 19US and 1909, which were I properly chargeable with the ex-' peiiies of the fi'iir years of Repub ! Hear. Rule. ani"unfed to f'"'.9sl .n 1. 1 To this shouh! lie added :i!t. I !i j received from I'ther sources mak ing -i total of so7:?71. The annual exhibits for the period ofj Kepiiblicaii administration. Tin to j of which weie prepared by a Re-j publican Resist'. r of Peeds and the! fouith by the present incumbent of that office, show expenditures to the amount uf $03197.3-1 directed dy their B.iard of Commissioners to be perfectly fair, we should de duct from this amount $373. 5 of releases of t ixes to Shurilf Redding this amount is charged in determin ing the net taxes above stated. We should also deduct $702.80 com missions to treasurer Swaim during two years, as the other years do not show the commissions allowed him. and the $308.56 paid back to Treasurer Swaim on discount of the preceding year. Deducting these amounts we nave $61812.41. This shows an expenditure of $4441.18 more than received; and yet to get the full amount of the deficit we must still add the Treas urer's 1-2 plus 2 1-2 per cent, com missions, and $38.00 which the succeeding Democratic Treasurer had to pay back to Mr. Holiday to make his books ballance. Taking into consideration these two items and we find there was a deficit of at least the $6,297.70 taken from the 1900 taxs. Notwithstanding the fact that the Republicans drew so freely of the revenue for the suc ceeding year, the Democratic admin istration has been so economical since it came into control of Randolph's finances in December, 1900, that there is today on hand over $7,500 of county and road fnnds. Instead of a deficit the Democratic adminis tration has paid off the Republican deficit and has accumulated a sur plus of $7,500. And yet not one cent of the taxes for 1906 has been used or included in this balance on hand! Unquestionably Randolph's finan ces are in better shape than they have been for years, perhaps ever. This statement iloes not include the school funds. That matter was so fully considered in an article last week in the Courier , that it is need less to cover that ground again. X member. Ayuiusi t lit? leuden, bleak Xovemlier sky, Tlio brandies bare convey a cpn.-e of rob!, Though in tlie uvkth tbat now Iiiis pawnl us by Tbey were arrayed in gowns of elotb of gold. To-day a huroiul ibey wear of wiibered leaves, Which have withstood Boreas' bitter breath. Chill will they lie when he at last l)ereaves Them of the few that closely cling in death. The rain drops down in slanting jwvir all day. The river, chill and dark, doth scarcely flow, ' The heavy clouds enwrap the sky in gray, And ne'er permit the cheerful sun to show. Ah, Winter, with your joyous Christmas bell, I prithee come and ring Xovcmrer's knell. By Ethel Oviatf Lewis, in the XovemWr Metropolitan Magazine. E. E. Spencer, who has been visit ing relatives and friends at Arch- ' dale, has returned to High Point, where be is fireman on the South- em, ' I Howard A. Bat.ks, formerly with; the Charlotte Observer, ban resigned j his position on the Staff of thei Philadelphia Record to accept an editoiia! position with the ( hailotte' New i.. 1 i Graded School Pupils Who Oeserve Special Mention For Kxcellence In Work, The following pupils of the graded school have been, during the past month, perfect in attendance, neither absent nor tardy, have made a mark of at least 2 on every study, and have a grade of 1 on deport ment. FIRST GRADE. Pearl Way, John Brittain, Colin Spoon, Ranks Richardson, Caney Burrow, Dewey Webster, Lena Will iams, Ed. Rogers, Arlie Freeman, Grace Presuell, Connie Ingold, Martha Morris, Lucille Morris. Carrie Burrow, Carl Rogers, Gar land Lowdermilk, Robert Plummer, James Miller, Mary Moflitt, l'lazel Spoon, Dwight Richardson, Hazel Kivett, Cleta Rich, Alarjone Men- denhall, Earl Maxwell. Howard Dickens. SECO.VD GRADE. Ruth McPhurson, Marvin Ferree, Jewel Glasgow, Margaret Morns, Urshi Williams, l.ila Slack, Lura Jones, Prank Fox, Byron Richard son. THIRD OUADE. IIaiv"y Rogeis, Fred Plummer, Itilla Spoon, Wiley Rush, Kate Brittain, John Swain, John Plum met', Grace Ferree, Mabel Ferree, Lucille Scarbor', F.llie C'roker, Nannie Hummer, Car! Steed, Clcon Spoon, iies.sL1 Auinai), HoSTt Cox. FOCIiTll (iU.VDE. F.rie Atchison, Sirona Croki-r, Gertrude Free, Fai.nie New by, Cor n if W!(ll, Call Annum, Clarence McPllel'iOll. FIFTH oliADi:. Mildrad Birkhead, Janette Dick ens, Maude Hall, Eugenia McCain, Lillie l'arrish, Ulnak Rush, Norma Wall, Willie Hughes. SIXTH (JRADE. Far hi Spoon, Lizzie Winslow, SEVENTH GRADE. Lynnette Swain, Bera Scarboro, Mamie Morris. EIGHTH GRADE. Maude Dicken3, Carr Everett Winslow. NINTH GRADE. Blanche Spoon. Au man, Worthville Notes. N. B. McDowd spent last Friday and Saturday near Level Cross. Will Prevost. of Greeusboro, was in town Monday. A large number of young people enjoyed the corn husking at J. F. Slack's last Friday night. Messrs. J. M. Harrell and R. L. Hi! Hard, of High Point, spent Sun day in town. Rev. J. R. Hutton filled his regu lar appointment here Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Groce, who has been seriously ill, is improving. Mrs. Ferguson, of Burlington, is visiting h-r sister, Mrs. R. W. Giles. Vinol builds you up and keeps you up Our delicious Cod Liver preparation without oil. Better than old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for Old people, delicate children, weak run-dovJn persons, and after sickness, colds, coughs, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Try it on our guarantee. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hvgienic care of the person and for local treatment of feminine ills. As a wash its cleansing, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities arc extraordinary. For sale at Drugci.sts. Sample ires. Address The R. I'axton Co., Boston, Mass. Notice. Bv vlrtui' uf n MurtK'Ko Died oxoftiH"! !iv Kit White. Marv K. White, .lime K'llliins. ;.mi it.i1 lur-rtt mi't wif... M:iiv I,'..ri'M Jiiinif KrM.1lll. K. O. KM cj llll'l nssitflh l II) .1. F. Ili.ttnyin. iiiiilt'-'il-e Ix-imr t'K'-tTl ill tilt Kim:" tf 1' s- (itl'ico ti RiimI..I.Ii rum, iv. Hoik ln'i. IVft; I, uitli K,vrni .ale ti.-ui .husl III Mil' 1 III' .HIT th til'. 1 11 I'. I. !! M.. tin- t..'t .':.,'! !. Til.. 'il ly TmviiO.il: Iit-jrtiiiiiiu' nt h 0i' p. .1 ' y Millikii'.'s rnrnpr, j-.n'l mmiivr-f v si . ri. N li n Nui; . tlii-lid-fiiulli !-.' rO to ii , en i,c ; r.i, to a mi'. t!wii"i' :i till I'l l-, m t!. li-.-KiiininiL'. i oiiuuiiii! u"e m' ri' LETTER FROM JOPLIN. Randuipli Hoy Writes Interesting Letter of hiii adopted Home In the West. Mr. Eiutor op Courier: If you will permit a former Ran dolph county boy to have a small space iufyour valued paper, I will promise not to be tiresome. The Courier is always a welcome visitor out here as it tells of the great pro gress of our home State, and espec ially Rndolph and Guilford coun ties. There is no oue that takes greater pleasure in the progress of their boyhood home than J, and, right here let me say to the Courier that I am glad to see it taking the stand it does for goods roads. Let your paper continue to stand for good roads, for thatis the next b st to good schools and good school houses. Also boom your mines. They will bring capital and indus try to your door. Ores and metals always create good times and life in any country. I am glad to note some of my boyhood friends have raised fine crops of wheat this year. Now a word for Joplin. Jop lin is located in the south wtst cor ner of Jasper county, Mo., and four miles from the great Prohibition State line of Kansas, which litis oil and :as but not much prohibition, dopliti's population is 41,000. A post ollice building that cost s!r".00, jjood school houses and line school system, four ohiuvhrs which cost ovi.t 50.000 each, and vend othi-r nice larire chinches, four railroads ooil street c:ir service. ;nod streets and line homes eoinnuie j thetov.n. It is surrounded by the! greatest zinc mining district in the L n i ted States. I would sav in conclusion that there is more money handled every Saturday night in joplin than anv j other town of its size that I know I of. Wishing the Courier and uiv friends success, I am, Yours truly, W. H. Ellimi.v. The new Christian Orphanage at Elon College is uearing completion, and is expected to be ready foi oc cupancy about January 1st. Business Locals. Notices Inserted under this head t one oent word each Insertion. WANTED STAVES Hiirhest cash prices pij for all kinds of staves fur Norfolk mnr- Apply to L A Hammer, Asheboro, rs U. FOR SALE One store honse and lot I'fixUiO ami one adjoining lot (!4xlli0 with black smith shop. Union Store Co. 9-l'O-lt. South Favetteville St WANTED Five vounc men to work in general merchandising. Address in own hand writing and state age and experienec. I'lloXIJIITY aiF.IICASTll.E I O. 1 0-11 -4t Cireensboro, N, C. FUR SALE CHEAP--One new rul.hcr tired top huggy, easy runner, enn be seen at the Iewis-VVinslow Hardware Company, or Apply to UAL WORTH, Ashelwro, N. C. tf Lost A gold watch Monday morning between Central Hotel and depot. "J. L. W." engraved on case. Finder please return to the Courier office and secure a reward of $5,00. Wanted A girl, who 'can cook and assist in house work. White girl preferied. Write or call on Mrs. Y. 15. Webster, Asheboro. X. C. Pure Food, Good Health. I have a complete line of groberies and general mer chandise. Furnish your table from our stock and you get the purest and best. I pay top market prices for produce. W. W. JONES HtVINESS OFHORTI'XITY A MANAGER to tuku clinrKu of otlii e unit also do mii't work eounrutiou with Miiimiue Milwriptlwi AKfii'7 eMablb-lied twenty years, Uoiiiu a bubi ntwsof JSOU.ftiO per year. A ierson who is re snMble and exprtive In meeting people and euiivawdiiK. who will not object to iipliitiiii iicrvnts and working with them in his territory, To such a person we will pay a monthly viilary, a ,inraisHimi, Rnd alo a further interest in the husineJB of nuicl territory that will brinif in a iKTinanent return and income. Address THE HOME MAGAZINE, Uc 4C, lndianupolis, lud. ' t-M-Ot. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. O. ( ifliee Ul ir.na: 9 a. ni. to 1 p. m OVER THE BANK MLtia a p. m. to 5 p. m, I am now In my ottlne prepared to picticu dciiU"try in It various branches. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE "tf&W,"0 3TU0RT McQUIRr. M. t , PmipfT. Thin College conforms to the Standards fixed by law ior Medical Education. Send for Bulletin No. 11, which tell about it. Three free catalotuts Specify Departrtenf, MEDICIHE-OfNTISTBY-PHSPMACY Ttyj your tongue to A and look in the glass you will see the effect You can't help puckering it makes you pucker to think of tasting it. By the use of so called cheap Baking Powders you -take this puckering, injurious Alum right into your system you injure digestion, and ruin your stomach. ap piamu Royal is made from ytnan Alum but you have the profit ot quality, the V Frank H. Wivnn, of Siler City, b;is been chosen luisihrss manager of The Andiive, the iiiaouzuie pub lished at Trinity College Durham. The school census recently taken here shows that there are 247 school children within the Hunts of the town. 15 more than last year. Siler City Grit. The Better Way The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated; you couijh, and there is more irrita tion more coughing. You take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation for a while. You take SCOTT'S EMULSION Mid it cures the cold. That's what is necessary. It soothes the throat because it reduces the irritation ; cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation; builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them back to their natural strength. That's ii jw Scott's Emulsion deals with i sore throat, a cough, a cold, or bronchitis. WE'LL SEND YOU A SAMPLE FREE. SCOTT 1 IjGTVNS, 4,V"'v'C.H':r'''" I WOOD & MORING. We tat e pleasure in announcing the arrival of our Fall and ing in every department. Best Styles, Best Quality and Best Dress Goods We have a full line Silks, b ancy Suitings for street, dinner and evening gowns In fact we have a full line in many other goods which we can't call your attention to at this time. u Ladies' Hisses' and Children's Cloaks p Surely from what the ladies tell us we are headquarters for cloaks this fall. We have M them in the long coats just the style for this winter. You will find them in black, tan, cas Hj tor and the light fancy colors. Prices run from $4.00 to $15.00. Clothing Did you ever hear clothing talk? If you never did jusi come this way. Will Coffin will 4 be glad to explain our merits to you. He has been a busy fellow and has sold many saits E3 already. Suits from $10 to $25 in stock. Black and fancy mixtures, newest patterns and iP styles in making. W Rain coats from $10 to $17.50. Over coats from $4 to $20. Our gcods are. made by the noted Griffon People and speak for themselves. j Our line of winter underwear is very full and complete. . la i'ri Up - To - a 1 1.' AVOID AhVH (9 0 0 pure, refined Grape Cream II. A. Klueppelburg died at the Meicy Geneial Hospital at Charlotte last week. He was born in Ger many, coming to America when a boy. He wrnt to Charlotte when yi'iing anil has filled many respon- furniture! Eighteen years experience as buyers enables us to select the most serviceable andlornamen tal furniture. We have just received an other car of the most uy-to-date furniture that has ever been exhibited in the county. It consists of Bedroom Suites, $12.50 to $75. Rck e rs, and other articles found in an up-to-date lur niture store. Come see and be convinced before buying. Thank you for past favors. Crescent Furniture Co., Ramseur, N. C. Broad Cloths, J Wood CgL Moring.- Date Clothiers and Furnishers. J BAK03 of Tartar Pristc mr profit of good health. sible positions in that city. On the 19th of March, 1902, he was mar ried to Miss Manr'e Hearne, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hearne, of Albemarle. He was a true christian geriilunau es teemed by all. II EHaEEfiSSBHBBSEBESSfi H furniture! .40 to $ 8. Winter Good;, Prices. Great show- Furs We have them from $1.00 to $10.C0 and $15.00. Come before they are picked over. You will be surprised at what we can show you. They are selling and ycu will need one, so come at once and make your choice. hi Mor'.sam;