NEW YORK FASHIONS. Jumper Waist, Braiding, Fun, Box Coats, Fitted Coats, Ktons, Trim mings, Neck Pieces, Mud, The High Girdle, Fichus. Ia the bright suashiae of beuti fnl October days, the leading thoroughtare8 present a gay appear- ance crowded with well dressed T,eonle in their new fall suite. much interested however in window I 1, . , . "I displays, lest soms .novelty escape them. Constant variety is com ing up in waists, called "the jump er waists", which are really guimpe vaists, cut round, in scallops or in any fancy way around the neck which is outlined by colored velvet, passementerie, ribbon or bunds in raised embroidery, with elaborate yoke or waist beneath. The "sus pender effects" are on the increase, and handsome passementerie with or without pendants, are employed on white lace. BKAIDING. Braiding is used on suits, on velvets for trimming, jackets and cloaks for day skilfull needle or evening. Any woman can make I an elegtnt garment at home by having good materials and pattern. No special fit is required except around the. shoulders, in the fash ionable, long cloak for evening, and braiding in self color, with a gilt braii on the inner side, is very stylish. White broadcloth, braided in white silk or trimmed with fancy white silk braid and a few pendants (of passementerie) ou sleeves, front and shoulders, defies criticism. The above design is by the Mc Call Co. of New York, Fashion Publishers and Manufacturers of McCall Patterns. It was very evident fall opening, that short and mediumlength fur garments are the style for the com ing winter. The box coat remains Btaple, usually about twenty-two inches in length, and comes in Russian pony, caracul, mink, seal, or broadtail. The fancy for braid has extended to fur, and quite a number of coats have one or two rows of braid on skirt, front and sleeves. Embroidery in Persian colors appear on any fur jacket of medium length, accompauied by handsome metal buitona. Sleeves are long, threa quarter and elbow. SHAPES IN FUR COATS. Tight-fitting and half-tight coats of broadtail have their admirers in persons with Bhapely figure3, and these are rendered striking by cloth or velvet vests, embroidered in gold or Persian colorings, but thj Eton (in all fashionable furs) will dmbt less 'e the most in demtnd, be cause so jaunty and so attractively mannfactured. These also show fancy vests, the froats thrown open or closed at option. Braid and buttons also add their attractions, and for evening an Eton of white caracul is trimmed with military gold and crimson braid and jewelled buttons; such a coat is however a.i exception. Large revers are still shown, but the majority of coats are collarless, to admit of a con trasting neck piece. The shawl collar and the turn-down collar are both seen on handsome coats. For neck pieces as well as c iats, this beautiful fur h in sp cril prominence, and th forme, vari-1 ouslv fnmwl wmi hoa'U and t-ti si come at all pnees. Ermine and, chincbilla cau never lose their! charm, and shoulder capes with long ends, or cravats of either fur are a coveted possession. Muffs' are large and the newest are of 'hanging skins", that is to say, fur i tabs, finished alike on both sides, 1 which is au especial "fad" this I season. Of cour,e there is a sub- , stantial pillow within the Lb.-,. - IOI11U3 IU uiuucui . " r " THE HIGH GIRDLE. For evening matter how simple the material, the high belt is very imortant, and to set properly, should be boned of rich Pompadour ribbon, and with the now fashionable lace fichu, the ends crossing each other and passing under the bait, the eft'ect is charming. Maline, or any soft material is appropriate for a fichu, and worn with low necked gowns, is draped around the outline, and j knotted loosely in front Verona Clakke. There are two sides to every ques tion your side and the wrong side. The seven aes of man: Baby, Willie, Will, William, Billie, Bill, Old Bill. mm SCHNAPPS. mm hit." Lc Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TMets. Seven Million boxes toM b past 1 2 months. This Signature, The Value of Time. (Richmond Jouma. ) . T , . , A idon financier - has lost a fo"une through uiissiqg a train by a frat10 of a miuute. . . A Nebraska man has lost a bride 1 tne flame cau8e- '1'hl' yuug w0"iaQ declared that she would . . i ratner remain single tnan oe wor "hanffinff -ii i i " uw u uy iubi bww u w a rm m wwaii. carelessness in keeping an appoint i ment. has seen the nnnnrtiinir.v of a i lifetime slip away. As cents are to dollars, so are minutes to hours, and the saving of both is an absolute necessity for the attainment of success. "Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the I stuff life is made of." Benjamin Franklin, who said this, not only understood the value of time, but he put a price on it that made others appreciate its! woitn. A customer who came one day to iTranklin's little bookstore iu Phila delphia, not being satisfied with the price demanded by the clerk for a book he wanted, demanded to see 1 the proprietor. The cleik pleaded that Mr. Franklin was very busy iu the piess-rcom, but the customer ! the spirit must be restli'ssness, bu insibtead, and Franklin, suuiiuoued, , c.iuse we now leani that Loudon lwta hurried our. ' set sail in a forty-five -foot craft for "What is the lowest pi ice you ;i seven years' tour of the world for will in ku fur this btok, sir?" asked , the Woman's Home Maguziue. the luiburely customer. ' - "One dollar and a quartm, was the pt'umpt reply. ' Wlmt? Hliy, your clerk asked" me only a dollar just now!" ; "True," said Franklin, "and I could have biiller aU'orued to take a .liilhu- tli.Lii hi Icjlvh mv work." The customer thought hi .. . . ing. "t.'ome now," he said, laugh-' iug, "your lowest price for tnis; bonk?" i l .n ...i .. I,..! if vui: uuiuii miu t nan. " liy, iii.'ii, yiu just said a dol lar and a quarter: "Yes, and 1 could better have taken that than a dollar and a half now." The purchaser paid the higher price. At that, he had learned cheaply from the greatest philo sopher of his day not only that he who squanders his own time is fool ish, but that he who wastes the time of others is a thief. This busy world does not wait for laggards. I Success will meet no man half way unless he is on time. The habit of promptness is a priceless possession. Chatham Notes. From The Siler City Grit. Miss Blanche Bukhead, of Hill's Store, Kmidolph county, is in school here. Miss Birkhead is a niece of Mrs. W. S. Durham. J. Rankin Pnrk3 aud wife, of Salisbury, arrived Sunday, to visit The Tobacco Thafi Man's fondness fcr chewing tobacco is created and popularized by the tobacco produced in the famous Pied mont tobacco belt. Only choice selections of this well matured, thoroughly cured leaf arc used in making That's why SCHNAFFS takes a smaller amount of sweetening than any other kind and that's why SCHNAPPS has a wholesome, stimu lating and satisfying effect on chewers. There ara many imitations of SCHNAPPS claiming to be "just as good," but without the flavor cr quality that has made SCHNAPPS sales more than all similar tobaccos. It is made J.i the Reynolds factories, famous for producing the best chevi:g tobarcos, by clean, sanitary processes, under the same 'l ecLior., Lince 1875, of men who have made the business a life study. They arc the largest and hest equipped flat plug factories in the v-'oilj ar..! rc situated in the vary center of the world's greatest chewing totacoo district. If you've r:.Rv;r chewed SCHNAPPS, now is the time to get acquainted witii the cleanest, most healthful, stimulating, satisfying end wholesom i form in which tobacco can be used. Do not accept imitations. H. J. R;y:3LS5 TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. ss sweetening imitations To Cure a Cold in One Day relatives here. Mr. Parks return ed Monday, while Mrs. Parks will remain here awhile. W. G. Fiazier, brick-mason, was called home Tuesday by a telegram announcing the death of his mother, near Kandleman, Randolph conn- ty. J. R. Andrews, of Causey, pass ed through Monday, returning home from a visit to the home of his father-in-law, J. Y. Chisholm, in Randolph county, Mr. Andrews will soon move to South Carolina, to engage iu the lumber business. Notice to Public School Teachers. I will hold a public examination for teachers, beginning November 8th, and continue one week if necessary. Every teacher that ex pects to teach iu Kaudolph county this year is requested to appear at this examination and committeemen are urged to secure their teachers and have them pvesent at that ex amination. .J. M. Way, County Supt. of Schools. An English critic, iu comment- .ng on Jack London s "Cull of th ild" said that parts of the book undoubtedly itflected the author's dominating 'spirit. If this is true Thousands Hays Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common jlass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; i . . i nsediniimtorset- S..UH 1 t . i: . f-ir J 1 W K 1 11 Tl 11M IV rrin. (iition of the Uiii-ni-ys; if it stains : WVTwAir?- ynr linen it is i iilfVw r evidence ol lcnl- ney trouble ; too frequent desire in the bacli is also convincing proof that the kidneys aud bladder are out of order What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most (lis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may" have a sample bottle and a book tha't tells all .Kr-r about it both sent free etn&SWf4It!Sfe by mail'. Ad.lress Dr. &pKj Kilmer & Co., Iiinj;- "!SS: haniton, N. Y. When Homeof smunivitoot. writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and tuc nddress, Bingbamton, N. Y. Hade requires and tnan Cures Crip in Two Days. on every ' Xs?T -W m rrttx' box. 25c. 19 HelpIHelpl I'm Fallina Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res cue with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was because Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair medicine. Falling hair is caused by a germ, and this medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the healthy scalp gives rich, healthy hair. The beat kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty years." A by J. C. Arer C... Lowell. KM Also maaulaotureri of yersl ' SARSAPARILLA. ' PILLS. 1 CHERRY PECTORAL. CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY The Largest Best by Test Established 1898. Makes a specialty of French Cleaning and Dyeing. It is a Process of dry cleaning, the only way to clean ladies', children's and gentlemen's clothing, and household dra peries, without injury to the cuff and shirt work unsurpassed. Packages re ceived up to Wednesday morn ing at JO o'clock for Saturday morning' delivery. W. A. COFFIN, Agent, Ashebcro. At Wood & Moring's. ' THE ELLINGTON, THE WINTER PEACH. This peach has been kept in perfect condition until November 24th. I have the only stock of these trees in existence, and am offering: a limit ed number at 50c each, f. o. b- here. Order at Address JOHN A. voUNG, Greensboro NurserifF, Greensboro, N. C. Carolina Stock and Poultry Farm. Fine Pigs and Poultry for sale. i Berkshire Pigs ... $5.00 Each. lirown Leghorn I ockerels. Barred Plymouth Rocks. C. U. Hinshaw, Greensboro, N. C. nn Yftll UAWT TOT RFCT I vi ivu limn 1 1 1 1- ULjli SAFEST, EFFIl IENT FAMI LY MFDICINES? BUY Vlck'a Little Llirr 1'llln, Su perior to Calomel for c-lillil or adult. Vlck'a Yellow Flue Tar Cough Syrup, Ae. Cure, wor.t vonirh ami prevent. eoiiHumptloii. Vlck'a Turtle Oil Liniment, tt.V lle.t anl largest for mau or beaut. Vlck'a Kentorltlve Tonic Wine ot foil 1,1 ver Oil, SI. Hit. Vlck'a II mil ami (tnlnlue Hair Tonic, rOc. Not an oil or lj e. dandruff, re.toi-ea tlie for the price hjr L. RICHARDSON M'F'G CHEMIST. Greensboro, N. Care -J , Hall i-riir ninni iniMf II nL bAKULIIfr COOK STOVE Guaranteed to give entire Satisfaction in every way. This stove has every modern improvement including extention top shelf, side shelf, kicker, niekle towel rod, niekle knobs, orna mental base. Every stove nicely polished. If vnnr mprt'lmnt lines not sell these stoves. write us and we will quote specially low prices delivered at. your railroad station. Ever)- stove guaranteed. Manufactured by Qr. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, Gpeensboro, N. O. For sale hy Lewis Window lldw. Co., Ashelxiro, N. ('., The Watkins-l.eoiiard Co., Iiaiuseur, X. C Little Phoney, But BigifVloney You will save money by paying cash for what you buy, and will avoid paying for goods you think you haven't bought.. So call on J. L. Norman and buy cheap, where you will not be bothered with book account. Nice line Groceries, Notions, Overalls, Suspenders, Pants, Shirts, etc. Jones' O'd Stand, North side Depot street. Pure Food, Good Health. I have a complete line of groceries and general mer chandise. Furnish your table from our. stock and you get the purest and best. I pay top market prices for produce- W. W. JONES ECZEMA and PILE CURE FREE Knowing- what it was to suffer, I will give free of charge, to any afflicted a positive cure for Ec zema, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Piles and Skin Diseases. Instant relief. Don't suffer longer, Write F. W. Williams, 400 Manhattan Ave-, New York. Enclose stamp. L. M. FOX. M. D. ASHEBORO. N.C. OSerx his tirolesviouul Hervk-e to tbe cltizeuk of Ashtboro aud Ktirrounding oommunlty. Ofilces: At Residence Dr. J. V. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN - AND - SURGEON. Office-Ash.'Wo Prug Co. Residence--Coine. of Main and Worth Streets. Asheboro, N. O. Dr. S. A. HENLEY, Physician - and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO. N. C. Office over Spoon & ReJding's store near Standard Drug Co. A C McALISTER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. Fire, Life and Accident Insur ance. The best companies represented. Offices over the Bunk of Randolph. N. P. COX, Jeweler and Photographer, Asheboro, N. C Earm for Sale or Rent. If you would like to rent or buy a two-horse farm in reach of Guilford College, Guilford county, N. C, write me at onco. F. L. TOWNSAND. Franklin, N. O.

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