ROAD MAINTENANCE ! f ONDFNSFn FOR BUSY READERS. POINTS ON KEEPING IMPROVED HfGH WAYS IN GOOD CONDITION. Constant and Carefnl Attention Very Hecutrjr Value of Scraping to Im prove a Koad'a t oat ln Importance of Draining. The maintenance of a road already In good condition and of sufficient strength, if proporly carried on, is al most entirely a iiuestion of wear, says .Robert A. Meeker, state suiiervisor of lfn. .Tnreov'a ll lirll IVIl vti n-rltitlfr Itl -fJlA I Good Roads Magazine. The rapidity I Wil3 lynched of this wear varies with the nature of j night. the rock uwd for the road covering, j , . , . but even with the softer rocks there : 0 c ? Nat ?ntt, need be no deterioration if proper at- Ikm of Washington, 1). U, has teution is Kiven to ina-inteuanee. j been approved as a reserve agent The problem Is to reduce the wear, I for the First National Bank of both from truffle and the weather, to a ! Weldon. X. C. R. E. Simpson, of Atlanta, Ga., has been appointed assistant super iutendent of the Asheville divison of the Southern railway, with head quarters at Winston-Salem. Geo. Estes, a negro who killed oue officer and wounded another during a raid on crap shooters at Hale's Point, Tenn., last Tuesday by a mob Ihuesuuy minimum by substituting other mate rial for that worn out, and to do this in the most economical maimer. The conditions under which wear will be reduced to a minimum under a eer- JM. - Hl.rAI 1. 1 Mi A 1UA !. tain tr.u!:c are -face and siilisoil. T tlie l.iaterial Used I'.i be hard in oiv'.er t.i alnaue of sur ;a!:i lh-is object surface should st the wear of tl:e tral'.ie. 11.1t e.xi:aiu Do much siuall sieae to aluiorb iimisttire and should be tli i'-u:,U.v consolidated and of suliiciciit depth to bear the loads to which the f.ia.l is subjected, so that the wear nay be c "mine. 1 to the surface. L'l'ainae almost always requires at tention, and there i-t usually a great deal that can be do!u to improve it, trt a slight expense, and nothing pays so well In the end. l'r.iper care of the sur face is generally all that is needed to prevent water from standing ou the road or in the gutters, but a dry sur face is not enough. On a flat, water may be soun stand ing in the ditches to within a few Inches of the surface of the road, in which case both the subsoil and the road coating must be softened by it and remain so long after the water iu the ditch is gone. A deeper ditch, a larger culvert or a drain cleaned .out through the adjoining land Is usuftlly sufficient b) remove the cause of great tulscblef. On a biliside, springs under the road and laud water from the sides can be cut off and led away by underdralus at n trifiiug cost. The road coating may ofteu be im proved in composition and rendered harder by scraping, and a fairly good surface can be maintained at all times by projer en re. With material of all sorts the influence that a good surface has in keeping dowu wear Is greater than might lie supposed. Everything should be done to make a road strong enough to bear the traffic without betiding or cross breaking and a reserve of strength is always desir able. Fluctuations of traffic are most trying. A road may lie sroug enough to bear the ordinary loads that pass over it and still be unable to support the excessive weights that may be brought upon it. When we kuow a road is to be subjected to heavy strains, it Is always better to strengthen it by placing an extra coating tipou the sur face rather than wait u.uil the road is broken and disrupted. When a road Is broken or cut into by excessive weights it is no longer a mere matter of replacing wear, but of expensive re pair, and often of entire rebuilding. To replace wear that is unavoidable is a very simple matter when constant attention is given to the road. It is only when the surface is neglected for a long period that the matter of re pairs becomes a seri ms one. A little attention to drainage, the removal of slight obstructions from the gutters, the clearing away of rubbish from the mouths of culverts, the removal of grass and brush from ditches and the careful spreading of small quantities of stone over depressions as soon as they begin to appear will keep n road la fine condition until it is almost en tirely woru out. Nothing H more neglected than the removal cf worn material from the road. II seems to l.e regarded merely as a clearing of the surface from the mud and. as sue!:, an unnecessary ex ponrte, while in reality this worn ma terial afreets ct.tltv e .:.:pjsition of the road o.'jrhig. c ucntly, un less the mud is wa d:cil away by na ture from the surface, scraping or sweeping is naeessary to preserve the proper proportion of s did stone in the road. Careful tests of the competition In our best road coverings have shown that from three-fourths to four-flftbs of t'.fe material Is. solid stone, the re mainder beipg ii:nter!al fine enough to be washed through a cheese cloth. Farther caie.'c.l tets have demonstrat ed tbat as this portion of fine stuff Is exceeded v.-:;i tlwi rantl be s-'t. easily acted upon 1 y tragic, water u:n frost. In consequence there will l.e an ex cessiva waste of road itintc ial. The Grand Lodge of Masons are in session at Winston-Salem today to lay the cornerstone of the new masonic temple !in course of con- ' struction there. Messrs. Moses and C'a'sar Cone, of (ireetisboro, have contributed 1 $250 to the Mclvcr memorial fund. Supt. of Public Instruction, J. Y. Joyner reports that the fund has reached $l,oU0 which lie has now in hand. The home of Mr. I'toples, at Kiiiicsvillc wtis entered Friday night by robbers who secured $150 iu gold and greenbacks. This U 1 he second robin ry Mr. Peoples has eNptriciiced during the past few tlas Kci nersviile being without tin officer Mr. Peoples placed the ciuse in the hands ut chief Xeely, of Greensboro. Fire was discovered in one of the. the tenement houses cf Eugene II It, at liiiiiiiigton Saturday night near midnight. The mother had gone out and locked two children in. They narrowly escaped death in die Humes. Pev. 1). M. Hawthorne, bus re signed his pastorate ut Thomasville, and left hist, week for Flainview, Texas, when he becomes pastor of the Presbyterian congregation. He will be greatly missed in Thomas ville. Lanster Ktiscisoti, a fourteen yeai old negro boy, fell from a car at Whitney last week and was instantly killed. The body was sent to Gold ston, Chatham county for burial Saturday. The school census of Greensboro just completed fehows -1,319 persons of school age. Fifty percent of them are in school. Twenty-three 1 airs of twins were listed. Iluhemtan Proverbs. Do the hard things first. It's hard to work, but harder to want. The heat t that loves must be pre pared to suffer. The world doesn't owe you a liv ing it was here first. Money isn't everything, but it ofteu makes a good imitation. A girl with a dimple will laugh at any fool thing a man says. It is easier for the average man to keep a dairy than a diury. The only man who never made a mistake died when he was a boy. Our moods are the interludes be tween the comedies and tragedies of life. It sometimes happens that a good man's conscience does not pivctit him from accumulating money. Some people imagine that ciinniiir and wisdom are synonymous, bit cunning is as plentiful as wisdom is scarce. It is a shock to the man who ! thinks that he is world famous to di -cover tbat ther are people in the next block who never heaid ot nun. ,jhuI Vincent in The Bohemian for October. WantK Produce. The Proximity M rcuntile Co. take a spice 111 this issue to an nounce that t hey are on the market for produce in any quantity. They will pay the top of the market and wii t the bes'. The Proximity Ct mil Mills have a population of 5000 people and Mr. Phoenix, the President of the Meicontile Co. is determined to iti'-'e. customers the lust in reasonable produce. Head the Advertiseui- ut. The peop'e of IPgh Poii t will, in J..iMiai, vole on the proportion to Ucic bonds to t li -amount of $50,000 b- extend the Kiudolpu and dilu te: l.ui'l K.iibo nl r thttf point. The teaectp'in no v reached by that mi is -U uiiits distant, from High I'ui .t. Consumption There is no specific for consumption. Fresh air, ex ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come pretty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Mil lions of people throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung. Cf From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not lake it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They can take SCOTT'S EMULSJON and tolerate it for a long time. There is no oil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scott's Emulsion, r.nd that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. C We will send you a sairple free. Cj Be s-jre that thit picture in the form of a label it on the wrap per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott & Bowne Chemists 409 Pearl Street New York $oc. and $1, ill draggiitt From the faro; that tlie le.alic' maintonrji e ! Btant nn;l ciu-f : the heat r menui 3'j I.T e: certain :'c 1 him ro. r.ovi i' it ! ,f r- : li!v scan i rco.:fr aJ :'.'.:'' con ti. T nttaiu r -. e-e-.tfu1 o a !' a fi : .: 1 interior Decorations. I have a full line cf attrac tive designs in wall papers and can hang same, refer ence given. ol. liarcracnJ, Asl.ckrc, N. C. 1 AP IF amies Never resisn yourself to suffer pain. Women's pains are curable. They are the sign of dangerous conditions of the female organs, which should be promptly attended to or dangerous results will follow. T A KV. r O Ifl flPnt h r nni IT COMES TO WOMAN'S RELIEF whenever she suffers from any of woman's biting and weakening pains. It not only compels the pains to stop, but It follows up and drives out th cause of the pains, which prevents them from coming back. It makes you well. Try it. Sold everywhere in $ 1 .00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, in strictest confid ence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope), how to cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept.,Thi Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. " WITHOUT A PAIN," writes Mary Shelton, of Poplar Bluff, Mo., " 1 c-ji do my housework, although, before taking CARDUI, two doctors had done me no good. I . .n truthfully say 1 was cured by Cardul I want every suffering lady to know of this wonderful medicine." Now is the Time to Make Your Fall Purchases. Our buyer has just returned from the Northern Markets where he has prepared for your wants. We believe that our customers should have the best at the cheapest price?, and that is the reason we have our buyer to go and study prices and look out for you. That's our besiness. We feel that Nothing is too Good for Our Trade and we don't want trade on anything but merit. We are the big gest merchants in the county and carry the best line of everything. It is too tedious to mention all the things we have. When you have got a day you can spare, it will be to your interest to come to see us. Christmas is just around the correr and we have thought of the children too, and when you get r ady to buy j our Holiday goods come to see us. We have articles that will please the old; nice things ior the husband and wife; the very thirg for a sweetheart and tricks and toys that will pie se the Lttle folks. Our Millinery Department is in charge of Miss Ora May Cox, cf Archdale, and she knows exactly how to trim a hat to make the ladies and girls look pretty. Any of our eight clerks will give you careful attention. Ramseur Store Co., R&msenr, N. C. Are You Going to Texas or to Any Point West? QUEEN & CRESENT ROUTE Offers Best and Quickest Train Service. Write today for map3, r it r O. CONN, D. P. A., Chattanooga, Terr., , rout 33 and full information. F. LATIMER, T. P. A.. Knoxviile, Tenn. BIG OPENING--NEW STORE. True economy is wisely choosing that which will perfect satisfaction at the least cost. Nothing is ever enr. nomlcal that does not serve your purpose. In the gathering of merchandise for my new store e treme care was taken to include only goods of unquestirWrT merit. They are now here and will be fully displayed rm this day, and the many special values will prove unusual interest to money savers. I intend to show my old friend and all who come, values which cannot be matched eZ where even at much higher prices. e" I have planned to increase my business greatly, and now is the time for all economically inclined to buy, for I intflmi to nntrriTT crnnra nn cola ut oiipVi lnr yylr, , oaa opening rank as the lowest price buying opportunity offered the citizens of Randolph county. Millinery. Our milliner, Sirs. Emma Wall, haa jtisl rolurneil from the fashion Centres with tlie most sillraciive lino of millinery ever slnnvn in l!nndolih County. Handsome piiiti-rn lints will he displayed at our openini; day, .vliii'h can he duplicated from our trimming dc)iarlinetit. She will take pleasure, in showing you and serving you. Winter Wraps. . $.- 00 ladies' Cloaksat $.'!..-0 .il-'HMI ladies- Cloaks ai sli'.iO. 'ht!,!ren's Cloaks from $1,111) to !?(!.0II. Underwear. n'- Heavy Winter for ill) cents. niienvoar Clothing and Overcoats. IS. Oil l.'ain eoats f ir men for s 115.00. I.aifr ' stock oveie.ia's in inanv stvlcs fr.nn $0.00 up I adie-' eoats for .?$ 00 ll'yiiii neetl a suit Tor Siindny or work day, see us. We have tlieni in prices riiliffiiin rrom $1 50 to !?IS.(M). Latest fabrics ami cuts. Shoes. Keith's Conipieror, for Men .fj.(K) f,r S'llft mid $ 1.00 . f ov Wolf Sin Hi, for Children. An extra good sorvicciilile !.. J,,,, ri.,.'t .-, Kn:mn tenl p'riunn leather throughout" nica from On cents to A 1..V). 1 Dress Goods. .-.'. inch I.VHautsOOeent value at 1.1 per yard. Mohairs fmn. l cents to ..-,i ,,r VllrJ .Many Hindi's slim- lnj; reduction Ladies Cloth, all liad-s, Silks from cents 1 yard up. Free Buggy. To introduce- the Cascade Unking IWJer we lire poii.jr tn Rive away "i0( I'lvmiums' inchi. Immune sS.i mp Im'Ky, reed rocking chair, .".I piece hieakfa.-t set, ciy-tal water set, cold tflass raiersct and Hundreds of smaller prcuiiniiis. for each nddi'ional 50 .cut pumhaw of merchandise, after v.m se.- if baking piwder, we will give iinceat tlie Iiiiyjjv. I.Viiu'mlier soiii -Inly will pet tliis hand some tup lnutfry for .10 cents. Urn n o:l!l 111 extra e G. W. Elliot k Company, Randleman, N. C. $107.50 to Be Given Away to CUSTOMERS. BEGINNING OCTOBER 27TH AND CONTINUING UNTIL A FEW DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS we will Rive a ticket with every dollar Ipurchase. The hold ers of the lucky numbers will get the following free of charge. 102 Piece Set of China $40 OO Sewing Machine 30 OO Silver Tea Set 20 oo Piece Statuary 12 5o Set Silver Knives 5 oo Grand Total to Be Given Away $lo7 5o j It 1 1 I We handle any and everything in the House FurnishW 1 line and the price and quality of goods is our test advertisement & 4 BIG STORES 4 f People's House Furnishing Co., 1 High Point, N. C. J Choose Wisely . . . when you buy a SEWING MACHINE. YouH find afl torts tad fciodsat corresponding prices. But if you want a reputable serviceable Machine, t&en fake the 4." V'Sifl --i WHITE. 27 years experience hi enabled tit to bring oat a HANDSOME, SYMMETRICAL and X7ELL-BUILT PRODUCT, cotrbintcg in its nuke-vp I all the good points found on high grade machines and others that are exclusively WHITE for instance, our TENSION INDI CATOR, a device tbat shows the tension at a glance, and we have other that appeal to care ful buyers. All Drop Heads have Automatic Lift and beautiful Swell Front, Golden Oak Wookwork. Vibrator mdRotary Shuttle Styles. OUR ELEGANT H. T. 0ATAL0QUE8 GIVE FULL PARTICULARS, FREE. 4 WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. Before Moving into Our New Warehouse we want to reduce our stock of Disc Harrows, Buggies, Land Rollers, Hay Rakes and Mow ers and will sell thera at reduced, prices. If you want, bargains in above or any kind of hardware call to eee us, before the season is off. McCra.ry-Redding Hrdwre Company

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