AS VIRGINIA'S BIRTHDAY. EASTERN IRRIGATION. He Would Have United Slates and British Men-OI'-War, Wherever They May He. "Dress Shly." Economical anil Sneeemif nl Methods In North Atlantic Stiffs. According to tin? popular conception, the tielil for Irrigation is tin- arid or teuiiaritl region in the west ami tloes not extend to the liumiil oast, where the supply of moisture is considered FUtBcii'iit for tin: growth of erop. The distribution of rainfall, however. Is so uncertain that crops throughout the east often suffer from droughts. With out Irrigation eertain crops, such as strawberries, celery ami caulillower, may he entirely lost, lk'onomlcal and successful iiielhods of irrigation adapt ed to humid conditions are. however, quite extensively used. August J. 05 i Washington, Nov. 5. Secretary I Honaparte haa received a letter from Mr. N. Darnell Davis, Auditor i General of British Guiana, calling attention to the date of December 111, 1900, us being the three hun jdred and thirtieth anniversaiy of i the sailing of the Sara Constant, i Godspeed and Discovery from Bluck 1 wall, England, for Virginia, being ; the inception of the Etiglish colo ! nial enterprise in the United States. 1 Mr. Davis suggests that iu coni ; mcinonition of the event all vessels I of the United States navy, whether I at sea or in port, shall dress ship on that occasion. Mr. Davis has al ' ready made the (suggestion in En i glish newspapers that Great Britian I recognize the birth of its "eldest daughtei" ty a similar action on I board the British vessels of war. BACKSTAMPING LETTERS. Pntroua Object to the Outnitulou of the Receiving Date. Richmond is one of 12 cities in the Union iu which the Govern ment is testing the effect of omitting the backstanip of letters, showing the date and hour received at its destination. The postmaster claims that it materially assists in destribu ting and delivering the mails, but the order has been greeted by a strong complaiut from the business public. This stamp affords thetnily means of lixing the blame for delays in transmission, and such delays have been by no means infrequent. Promptness is desirable, but should not be accomplished at tne expense of other essential features. The cry is for the backstanip on all first class matters. KUDISO OATB IN l-'Ll'MK. IK.wie. Jr.. an expert ia the ir'igation nud div.iniigo lave ligations of the de partment of agri. are. has noted pome interest ins points of practice iu a rit- tit :c;ort ti irrigation iu the north .Ml v.::'. elates. : .':.:" t. lie ; .-1 1 - . -. I from ir-rii.-.: 1 1 ... a:v lii.iit.M i :iu crops. sti; 'i I c! iver. w! rye. aa-l c ' :i :.: n i tU-u.... :y '.-d i .. ; ..: ... -.' i-ln.rl v.:. !'i i I ', i : a .: 1 ;: ;:..":.v lie K: v ;i ."- : I-:-; : . . a:;-! irri- ;: will v. ii-i.i NO HUSTLING HARDLY. ;Olil Man I'cil lcr Heat Him Two to One. The Smithliehl Herald, of a week ago, contained the folhwing story of an interesting fox race: 'Last week while VY. D. Philips1 was pulling fodder a fox came trot- , ting by. Mr. Philips laid aside his : handful of IV. Mar, rheumatism, ! utliiiia, and old aca, and gave ! : nloiii;h lieiiis, briars, over ditches, ' etc., and c-iptui'cd Kcvnaid with no utlier weapon or oa; hut his old hat. Mr. Phillips is M u-ai-s old. and de- ' -i : es a medal nr ;i iiow hat." That is iiothing. Old niaii fed l. .... r. of H.'ivwiMh! county, is lis, ei'S ..hi. (tliv day last Week he1 i ,v,::.ii; i. deer 1m fore i.'vnkfasi, walked to Vaynes ;l!e ,..d back before da! k, making a ji.lii! of -I I miles bet .Well Stl MS, ale! ets ;,t a -frolic that Model Mountain Iload. J. t", Colgate, a New York linnWer, has just completed a road at his coun try resilience in ltoiinington, Vt., that Is a model Iu its way. The road is up the side of Mount Anthony, and, though the distance in a direct line from the starting point to the summit is only half a mile, the length of the road is four miles and a half. The average grade is only 4 per cent. The building lias employed from fifty l t sixty men for fourteen months and j lias cost !?rj.-.itiK. An iron observatory loo feet huh will crown the summit j and afford .in extended view of the sun'oiiii.'.i:la" e nratry. jjllL PER No More Cold Rooms If you only knew how much comfort can be derived from PERFECTION Oil Heater how simple and economical its operation, you would not be without it another day. You can quickly make warm and cozy any cold room or hallway no natter in what part of the house. You can heat water, and do many other things with the nli I'l.n 1'ityx. The new pbn a.! .pled last spring "f paying cash for road work Is giving satisfaction in Kcdford township. Mu ll., .-ays the M !: News. More work l.a-s already been done than in all of last year. Tbo township has Ivon redistrieted ia! lil'toi-l districts, to be supervise,! !y'auiasiors, each of when i fitrtii- bed with a blank i;'""t' !'!'.i day's work ;mi iier for sl.r.'t i- i istied on t':e town-chip Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Turn the wick as high or low us' you can there's no danger. Carry heater from room to room. All parts easily cleaned. Gives intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smoke less device. Made in two finishes nickel and japan. Brass oil fount beauti- iuny emoossea. oms 4 quarts .t oil and burns 9 hours. Every heater warranted. If you cannot get heater or information from your dealer, write to nearest agency for descriptive circular. THIS a is W AtvTwwi. cannot be equalled for its briirht and s'.t a "vii;;ht, simple con struction and absolute safetv. Equipped with late-t improved burner. Made of brass throughout and nickel plan- I. An ornament to any room whcthcTl.hrarv.diniug-.ooni, parlor or bed room. Every lamp w'arranti .!. Write to nearest agency if iiot 'ut your dealer's. STANDARD CIL COMPANY TM! r:, Vr CTT. if TTWTff L ' r- , a. .x. mi iii-MtiHii- ir ii n .' V niW., '.'ft ' i Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours o 1 1 1 11 c n i or set. tlingindicatesan unhealthy con. dition of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back i. also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. Jt corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne. cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of. 5wamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should ha-e the best. Sold by drug, gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You mav have a sample bottle and a book that tells all nboutit bothsentfreef bv mail. Address Dr. ! Kilmer & Co., lliug ! hamton, N. Y. When j writing mention this paper and don't 1 make any mistake, but remember the ! name, Dr. Kilmer's Swainp-Koot, and 1 address, Kinghamtou, N. Y, Homo of Swamp-Root 1 Sl, ,.. The Votl. rnrdhn, 'sMa.e.. ''TT " . . T ... Iv ! fW' ';; !!'-( r'f, .i;!u.!',t iZ'r'- i ' aParcdTl'b,;1-'.1 ! , v i.i.-,, M.;le :' : . in- ,,! a m- tvain . . . r r : ! 1 :';;"' ; St; ; : .,,,,.,,11 f.rI$$lSiM i 1 .; i . ..;.i . "1,' in r- 'A'iK'67St-n'ilJiy.' THERE IS A SEASON FOR CHEW1MG REYNOLDS' SUN CURED TOBACCO Chcwers becorftingf tired of heavily sweetened sun cured tobaccos caused REYNOLDS' SUN CURED to quick ly win from the old brands of much longer standing the place as favorite with sun cured chewen;, because k cor 'uuMS iust enough proper sweetening and fla voring to preserve the quality of the leaf and enhance its goodness, causing a large increase in the demand for sun cured tobaccos. '1'"' t tjfi: r Mr. I', .a-;.' s :y- iai:-1 a ot:o yard in t' v. ''. a i: . .. i. ' a -!i i I then ''.': 1 i:i a !:.:::' : of .! tar 1 ' ! 1 .; , saving ! bat -if :. '..!! !;'. 'a roi'j;:m.-:ioh i' 1 be I ' j.aiun '!il. of CAiiiittu ion luri; ask st i::sKLF.ns. and 01'. Tli" water U adi.btte.l ly sh'jrt hijiu to tV eiis of , V shaped wujdru tra'.vabs, frj:.i wbich It Is ad mitted U t ie im-iv,-; ly laeans' of at'j't-jtnbl" sliIn t.'.iC.i. (Xee first cut.t Tho tr n ?lis ura built of 1 by 5 and 1 by ; ineU boards nailed tosether and p.ovluel with V l::e'a holes Thera tuo throy holy la tiv?e troughs for every two furrows. On ot? New Jersey farm t'ao Touud Is Irrigated by sprinkling from ssrera! .-.-.ter wi:che3 set ii'v. feet apart oa a suovible length of two inch p!p! w'aieh Is tuouated every twenty f?ot 0:1 tro v.-hoeleJ carriasps. Eleven v.ater r.'Itchea are mounted on 100 feet of pipo supported by four carrb'.'-e'?. as s'aov.i !u I'iT- 2. and -will irrigate, r.-ltltout tasv'.s, a space 110 by 10 feet. IIarTell!T: Cnrrt. For sixty nere It will pay yon to have a binder t eut an b'ml lj corn and a husker and t lired.ior ti !: uU ths corn aud care for the foil.Iar Sbre lde. corn fodder nill uia'.ra es.e'.lent focd (or horses aud uiuits. says an 0i 'change. ; lie..! . it Hi, -.111 el liathaiii. I b- 1 a 1 .1 , e. tailo .! J n.-iiiveiv til: I ti.e lliatl W!H v,;,.- Uiiletl at I.'al i : ia-t Uec-k by S ,1m, nl Aif I.ii.e I'.. email I'i.iii.s ttinie lie was iv-.-i-:ii.u-i.:-iv,t lor l.obcitig 011 u freight tiaii. w 1.1't V. 11. lSryson, ol 1. lnf i.atu cottiily, iu- lrson wa.s in I'lti-I. 'io, well utiil s'', 011 Sat uri'iiv. No il.oioeiiiph of tile dcitJ ;u. ill HtiS taken bei'olu tile boile was bf.l i. . I. . 11 t'n. t'liii-lliiii ( iiiit'creiu'e I Alerting ! The Not th Carolina nt;d Vireitiiai Chii.-tian Conffifiire will ireet in, annual M'saioti at KI011 College, Nov. ! iOth. President Harper has issued a call addressed to the churches of ; the conference. A large attendance j of members and delegates is PXnct-1 ed. : r,. . : :.,:. i:m h- i iu't .i a- 1 'h.iinisau ,.f th- 11 a-.i ..;' !: oiea' ..-, of Cuilf.if.l e 'lliity, cf h !) b 'el! a ' .. r be' t a .a.iy years. .-n. e,.-.-or U'i! be li't'lle.i N'.) ell! ier b'th. (b nit:.- wci: !; be lot- uio;-,- u-.-i fit! if it We:'. Si ' 1- !1 1 . j I. l t ! M : JT. Its :t fill lilliaeky to 1 1 ' to kis-' it i r -1 ill Itle.'ark .Hal til..! out it.' iter III ! lief. Dvisincss Local- Notices Inserted under this head at one cent a word each insertion. WANTK!) ST.VI'.-lliJ,e-' ( i-!l J.laee p.iid Tor a'l ki.i'l- !' -uw- I Nurfolk mar ket. Apply to K A ll.ia.mcr, A-ln-bori), X f. I" ,ei' .---' ;a - - i.i-i - , 'j, , ".,.. ti ,s ';, -j is riCto:iip::re r.iiri ci;rc.I,bi:t ;!: in ir.ade from cIkmcc S'Jfctit'ns t.f ihcg-tuiiie sun cured 1. .:' ,;v..'i v.-'-. .'..: V-jst ?::n cured '. .) .u c ;, -.v. it 's-.i like that you formerly :, .. ' "... :.: to $1.00 per p-ou-id. if.-.d ;'.'. s 1 ! at ih'c per pound in 5c. cut:-.: .M icily l:'c. plugs, and is the best va! .: :.; c:-red tobacco that can be prod need for (.',:::rz. R. J. R.iL;,r2!.'.?r..T-r. ''CiACCO CO. Tv.s:. r-JTrJc N. C. Mr. ;.' Tearlitr at king's Prof. John W. Glut's, of Asheboro, has been added to the teaching foice in the commercial department aud Miss Myrtle Cruse, of Blooni ingdale, Iud., to that of the short hand department of King' Busi ness College. News and Observer. Three Years. 'How long," asked the judge of a vagrant negio, '"have you been without anj means of support''" 'Since tiiy wife died in 1903, sub," itpor.ded the darky respect fully. October Lippincott'd. Apple Ties. Slew the apples, mah fine. To each quart add one tcapui.n of butter; wliile but, un lm'iui'H, li i.ion or vanila to liaver", .wei'ti n t.- ta-te and bake in shallow f.'e tins betw.'i-n two crustsi. The liottom in, -i can iie pla'n and die top pn!T pr.ste. SALESMEN" WAX 'I LID 10 look nfier our iaiei'est in b'ai.ilolp!. an. I a'ljac.'ia eonntie-. Salary er l'i'i::. A ldre-, blNl'iibX Oil. "(.. Cleveland. Ohi . Hl'-INK.-S i.l'I'dKl I'M IV A MAXAi;K.; to tuke I'lniiue of ulliiv mid u!-o .to lo.el wnik conneetiuii witli Ma-iiine .-nlicnitiim Agency .-tal.lislH'.l twonty yt-itr-, .loin? a l.usi-l.e-s ..( f-iKMiiK) per year. A 'r-.m who is re-s..iiwilili- iimt exir--i v.- in nnviini; luoplu aim iiiiiva-sini.', who will not ol.jcct to ai.polntinK i.k'inv- ami workiin? wtM. ilu ni in Ins territory, Tomu'Ii a iep.i.n we will iny a n nntlily salary, a ,'oiniiiis-iou. ami alo a I'nrttuT interest in the Im-iii'-s o( sai l territory that will l.rinc in a Itfrrn-inent n-tnrn an.' mrnni..'. A-iires- THK HiiMK MAHAZIXK, Ufa. V. lielianiipulis. Iml. ii-Jtiiit. MHICK TOCREHIT KS. Having ia!itiet ns administnitor on the es tate of T. II. FulliT, il.sva-e.1. Iwfore W. C. Hanimonrl. Clerk ..f Sii'.i..r Court of Kn iol.h Co.M.ty. Xortli Ciiroliiiii. tni- is to notny nil persons huvinir claims inruinst said estuU; to present them to the nit'tersiiesl on or ttefort' the a.'.lh .lay of oeti.U r r.i7, or this notice w ill w jilt'iult'il in Imr of ll.tir recovery, ami nil IK-r-ons in.leliteil to saiil estate, are hereby noti tied to make immcliate wttlemeiit. This Oct., isth l!i. K. W. FULLER. Ailmr. of T. H. Kl'LLEK. dee d. LAND SALE. By virtue of an order, of sale prnnte l t.v the Superior Court of Kandolpli County on the- fsjtition of John F. la'rell Executor of Hannah tol.biniolfccased against C. L. Hf.l.l.ius et at. I shall sell at the door In at Id o'clock in. on the rd day of Deceinlier 1!KI the following real estate to wit: Two tracts of land in Buck Creek township in said Count1'. Tract No. 1 joinlnn the lands of lr. A. M Bulla. W. F. K. nud ('. I.. Mobbing and others ts.ntttinintf 30 acre- more or le-n. Tract So. si BiiiiK one fourth iaterest In ST acre-more or lest, adjoiiiinif the laiidn of C. L Rol.l.lns. K. K. Tn.tter and others on the stream of Caraway. Terin Cash. Title reserve I till the further order of the Court. J. K. JARKELL Exr. and Com. This November 1-t i!i. o I WOOD & M0RING. S we take pleasure in announcing the arrival of our Fall ami Winter Goods. Groat sliow- Pj g ing in every department: Ik'.-t Style, liest Quality and Best; Prices. 8 ' Dress Goods I Ftirs I We have a full line Silks, tt road Cloths. Fancy Suitings for street, dinner and ewnin gowns In fact we have a full line in many other goods which we can't call your attention to at this time. We hava then from $1.00 to $10.00 and clo.CO. Come before they are picked over. You will be surprised at what we cm show you. Th-y are selling and ycu will nee.1 one, so come at once and make your choice. Ladies' Hisses' and Children's Cloaks Surely from what the ladies tell us we are headquarters for clonk this fall. We have them in the long coats just tho style for this winter. You will fiud them in black, ti n, cas tor and the light fancy colors. Prices run from $4.00 to $15,00. Clothing Did you ever hear clothing talk? be glad to explain our merits to vou. already. Suits from $10 to $25 in stouk styles in making- Rain coats from $10 to $17.5"). Over coats from $4 to $20, noted Griffon People and speak for themselves. Our line of winter underwear is very full and complete. If you never did jus. come this way. Will Coffin will lie lias been a busy iellovv and has sold manv suits Clack and fancy mixtures, newest pattens and Our goods are made by the Wood Moring.- Up-To-Date Clothiers and Furnishers

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