The Asheboro Courier. Asheboro. N. O. Nov. 8, 1906. Local and Personal. This is also the month to set out atraw berries. This is also the best mouth of the year to set out frmt trees. This is the time of jear to put out onion sets, and to prepare a pliice to set cabbage plants. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Blair, of Tioy, vere passengers on the vestibule Monday, going to Greenoboio. Hev. N. K. Richardson went to Greensboro Monday to spend a i'ay or twa befoie going to Mt. Airy to attend conference. Head the new advertisement of the Leonard-Beavuns-Stainey Co. of High l'oiut, in this issue. Mrs. II. M. Worth is visiting relatives in Asheboio. L'ol. J. E. Waiker has bought the Shube Luughlin home and will move there in the near future. Tearle Hayes, of Kandleman, spent Monday night in Asheboro. J. M. Walker lias been appointed Rural fie delivery carrier from Asheboro. He succeeds Mr. Phil lips on Uoute No. 1. J. T. Wood went South Tuesday on business. The Aslifboro Telephone Com pany has completed the new metal ic line' from Asheboro to Kandleman, which gives the best service to patrons desiring to reach High Point, Lexington, Greensboro, etc. Several persons from Asheboro atti inkd the Utiles- Wallace nuptials at fetiT yesterday afternoon. They returned on a special lust night. I.iaxton Slack, depot agent for the A. & A. here, is preparing to erect a handsome residence on Sun set Avenue. Nathan Burrow has sold his home north of Asheboro to Chas. Woodell. Mr. Burrow will locate in Asheboro. .1. F. Lewis, formerly with the IVarl Holler Mills at Kandleman, hiismovidhis family to Asheboro and is living at the Allen Auman house in South Asheboro. Shube W. Luughlin, who recently sol.l his home to Col. J E. Walker, has purchased a building lot on Sun set Avenue and will b"ild soon. (.). L. Sapp spent Tuesday in (ircensboro. Mrs. I. J. Fuller, of Fullers, had a serious accident recently. She fell and broke her left arm, crush ing the bone badly. Miss Willie Allred and Mr. Dan Hill, of Central Falls, were married at the home of Dr. W. J. Moore Thursday afternoon. Miss Allred is a sister of Mrs. Chas. Luck and ,Mr. Dallas Allred of Cedar Grove township. Kx-Senator David B. Hill, of New York, is slowly dyiug of Blight's disease. Since it has become known that there will be little wood offered on the market in this section this win ter many homes are adopting coal heaters. Read the adv. of ihe Ashe boro Feed and Grain Co. Messrs. Rich and Moffitt have moved their mercantile business to the Lane Store building on South Fayetteville St. The firm purchased the property because of the addition al floor space. Orlendo, the young son of Mr. Zelddee Hinshaw, is lying at death's door, if living, as the result of try ing to jump off a moving train. He got on the bumper of the Kamseur train at Red Cross, Friday morning to ride a short distance and when he jumped he was thrown backwards, cnishiug the back of his head on a crosstie. Greensboro Patriot. The Asheboro Nightingale Band will give an oyster supper on Friday night in tha new brick building uow occupied by the Asheboro Grocery Co. All are invited to come out and brine someone with them. The j boj s promise to give some good mu- flic as well as something good to eat. The money will be used tor the purchase of new and better in struments. One of the surprises of the elec tion was furnished in the election of Benjamin S. Davis, of Burke county and W. F. Wood, of Mc Dowell, both Democrats, to the Senate from the 34th Senatorial district. Four years ago the Re publicans elected one of the Sena tors in that district and two yeais tso eWtod both of them. Mr. I M' i : t r v xr vCnnA t v-fli irimtv. and a neDnew oi uoi. '. r. Wood, of this county. A meeting of the Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union will be held at the academy this (Thursday) af ternoou at 4 o'clock. Ah interested in the cause of temperance are urged to attend. Misses Clara and Rosa Spencer went to Star Tuesday afternoon to attend the Briles-Wallace marriage, which was solemnized last (Wednes day) afternoon. Andrew Murray was badly in jured in Greensboro on Tnesday of just week, while engaged in unload ing a piano. Dr. Alson Fuller, of Tabernacle township, is reported to be quite ill. Mrs. II. II. Delk, of Tabernacle township, who was stricken with paralysis some weeks ago, is yet very feeble. Mr. W. G. Brokaw, and paity are looked for at Fairview Lodge Park this week. Rev. J. W. Rowell, assistant Grand Lectures, is here instructing the members of Balfour Lodge No. 188 A. F. & A. M. for a term of of two weeks beginning Nov, 12th. Rev. Henry Sheets, of Lexing ton, will preach Sunday morning and night at the Presbyterian church. The full election returns of the State and county cflicers will be published next week. Will B. Ogden, a book-keeper in Charlotte committed suicide on Tuesday of this week. Col. W. P. Wood, of Asheboro, is down for one of the addresses at the annual district meeting of the Pythiaus of the 7th district, Sat urday night. R. T. Pool and G. D. B. Rey nolds, of Troy, have formed a partnership to practice law. The force now at work on Ashe horo's streets are adding much to the appearance of our town. The appearance of stieets is of great im poitance where the advancement of the commercial interests of the com munity are considered. W. R. Poole wa9 in Asheboro Monday with a fine load of Thanks giving tuikeys. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Morris, of Salisbury, spent Sunday here with relatives. Miss Lillian Bunch went to Mt. Airy Monday to spend a week with friends. Krankllnvllle Items. Miss Isa Fentriss left Saturday Nov. 3rd, to enter King's Business College at Raleigh. We are glad to see Mrs. W. C. Russell, who has been indisposed for some time and is able to be out agaiu. James Buie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Jordan, and speaks very highly of the delicious dinner which his good wife prepar ed for him. Miss Flausie Stout, who died at Cumnock last Tuesday, was inter red in the Bi.ptist church cemetery at this place Thursday. Messrs. W. C. Jones, and F. C. Holiday will soon have Esq. attach ed to their names. They having been elected at the recent election to the important office of magis trate by the very large majority of one. W. R. Cox has killed the largest pig so far this season. It weigh ing 302 lbs. Miss Maggie Pelkinton, who has been ill for some time, died at Bur lington Sunday and was buiied here Tnesday. Miss Marian Dove, who has been in poor health for tome time is slowly improving. Pleasant Kid Re. Farmers in this eoinmuuity have about finished sowing wheat. Mrs. L.,K. Crown, who has been iu ill health for the past live or six months, con tinues very nick. J. C. rown and 0. I.. Bray expect to finish tawing timber here iu a few days ami will then move their mill to other quarters Where they will locate is not yet known. Masters Luther and Clarence Williams were recent visitors at the homo of C. L, Bray. Eli C. Cox, of Arehdale, visited relatives ami friends in this viciuity recently. Stanley Allen is preparing to erect a residence here. Kir Van Winkle. Song Ser iec. The closing exercises of the .Shiloh sing ing class will be held at Shiloh church Nov 18ih (third Sunday), beginning at 11 a. m. Two services will be held. Miss MaU'l Fen triss will assist the teacher, A. M. Fentriss, in the program. The Union singing will I held at Pleasant Garden M. E. church Nov. 25th (fourth Sunday) at 1 1 a. in. and 2 p. m; F.very body is cordially iuvited to be present. W. S. Graves, night money clerk for the Southern Express Co. at Greensboro, embezzled $1400 and left for parts unknown on last Saturday night. DISTRICT MEETING. Big Pythian Gathering To be Held to night. HIGH POINT OPENS HER GATES Representatives of the Lodges to Discuss the Advancement of the Order The Program. Large Attendance Hxpectcd. The meeting cf the Seventh District, Knights of Pythis will be held at High Point to-night. It is expected that three or four hundred knights trom the district will at tend. Among the lodges to be represented ure Greensboro Lodge, No. 80; Guilford Lodge, No. 09; Proximity Lodge, No. 1C8; High Point Lodge No. 49; and the lodges at Burlington, Graham, Reidsville. Spray, Worthville, Rainseur, Liberty and Asheboro. District Depntv McLean has arranged the following Program for the event: Opening exercises by Chancellor Commander, C. R. McAdams at 8 o'clock, Address of welcome by Dr. J. R, Reitsell. Response bv Grand Chancelor W. W. Wilson, of Kaleigh. After the response to the address of welcome District Deputy Grand Chancellor McLean will assume the chair and one minute reports will be received from the- representatives of the d iff el en t lot'ges. The balatice of the program will be as follows: "Amplilied Third," by team from Greensboio Dodge. No. 80. "Reminiscences on Taking the Second," by-Peun Wood.of Asheboro. "Pythianisin as a Character Builder," by David P. Sterne, of Greensboro. ''Are District Meetings Benefi cial," by McBryde Holt, of Graham. Pythianisin Outside of the Lodge Room," by J. R. George, of Reids ville. "Pythianisin In a Nut Shell," by Dr. Hubbard, of Worthville. Impromptu remarks will be made by a nuinbi r of the visitors, after which seasonable refreshments will be served. In Memoi'lum. On November 1st, 1900 the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johu Walker, of Grav s Chapel, and carried away the spirit of little Lelaaged nine years three months and nineteen day?. Lela left a bright testimony behind that she was going to be with Jesus. She kissed her parents, brothers and sisters good by and told tlit m not to cry tor her for she was going to Jesus. Lela said 6he would like to get well but said Jesus had come and she must go. kittle .Lela is uow enjoying the heavenly sun light which she had her mother to sing about a few days befrre she died. Littln Lela iu her white casket beneath flowers was laid v to rest in the cemetery at Gray's Chapel Novem ber 2. Rev. O. P. Rout a conduct ed the burial service. Dear little Lela, light of the home, Looking for some one beckouing come. Fair u a sun beam Pure as the dew, Anxiously looking, mother, for you. I'm in It a I ph. Mrs. l.iddic Hendricks, of near High Point, is visiting her sister, Mrs S.nah Humble. Mm. R. K. Ciox, of High Point, viiited A C. Cox lost week. Miss Ora Henley commenced teaching her sihiKil at Kockv liidge Alondav. J. M. Allen will move to Asheboro soon l!ev. J. If, Stowe tilled his last appoint ment a; Browers Sunday, K. I.. Winninghain has killed two Cine hogs, one weighing .'i 17 the other 324 pounds. t. F. howdrrmilk killed one weighing 280 p .Hinds. E V. New factories. Movements are on foot to estab lish' new manufacturing industries in Ashebo'o. We shall be glad to see a number of new factories es tablished in Asheboro during the coinii); year. Com eel f r relatives has institu ted suit, in Stanley Sapeiior Court against the Southern Railway in the sum of 20,000, for the death of Miss Mary Cailtou who was killed a f.-w days ago. Miss Carl ton had started on a visit to relati ves in Stanley copnty ami stepping on the cars she was bit by freight cars being shifted on tbe Yadkin road now controlled by the South ern. She was instantly killed. Miss Verdice Saundeis gave some of the young ladies of Troy an old lime quiltiug party at Hotel Uwhar rie last Monday night. Those pres ent weie: Miss Jessie Smitherman Miss Pearl Phillips, Misses Willow, Ada, Berta, and Lillie Hurley and Mrs. S. J. Smitherman, Messrs. Bruce Morris and Eandal Hurley. KING EDWARD'S COUNTRY. Concluded from First rage. ery business. Quebec is full of quaint old churches, many of them rich in historical legendary. Notre Dame, which is located in lower Quebec is insignificant looking but it is one of the landmarks and is well preserved. It has stood many wars and has been remodelled and beautified. The Basilica was built by Champluin in it are a number of valuable paintings brought from France by Canadian priests in 1793. The old gates whioh were only large enough to admit a horse and wagon have been removed and stieets now piss through at various points. The Kent gate and St. Louis gate have been rebuilt and enlarged into handsome arches. Quebec is full of monuments besides the oues al ready lnentionod there are many more. On the side of a cliff in Lower Quebec beneath the citadel is a marker placed by our country men at the point where Montgomery fell Dec. 31st, 1775 while a tempt ing to scale the h ights. The tan diadau government refused the right to erect a monument here. A monument has been erected to the memory of the soldiers who lost their lives in South Africa. At one place we saw what we thought was a dumping ground, but on enquiring found that snow was hauled here in winter and thrown over then covered with earth and it remained there during summer and waa used at Diug stores and other places ir. stead of ice.' In next week's article I will give a description of St. Anne De beaupre s Church and Jilontniorcucy Falls. Tenderfoot. Subscriptions Paid. Mrs. D. A. Yates, Alfred Rush, J. C. Maner, R. B. Stutts: J. M. VuncaLnou, C. B. Ingram, W. T. Cranford, W. II. Smith, J. W. Moore, R. C. Routh, Mrs. Kosama Lineberry, O. C. Hamilton, E. E. Lewallen, T. E. Luther, W. S. Sta ley. Miss Sulii Younts, N. M. Cran ford, Miss Laura White, C Biaher, Geo. Allred, O. E. Rich, J. M. Ellis, J. S. Sugg, O. R. Cox, II . I). Cox, D.J. Staley, J. J. lurner, Jas. 1. Turner. lie H as a Leading Issue and That Part' l'y Explains Hig Democratic .Ma jority. Salisbury Post. Seuator Butler must have con sidered himself the issue in this campaign to have expected Senator Overman, like Spencer Blackburn, to disfranchise himself, break all bis dates and go 300 miles to debate with theex-l'op. buckle-berry eater. Kiuston Free Press. Neither Raleigh's dispensary nor Charlotte's prohibition sits well with the Greensboro Industrial News. Pray what does the News want more licker and better licker? Furniture! - Eighteen years experience as buyers enables us to delect the most serviceable andlornamen tal furniture. We have just received an other car of the most uy-to-date furniture that has ever been exhibited in the county. It consists of Bedroom Suites, $12.50 to $75. R ckers, and other articles found in an up-to-date tur niture store. Come see and be convinced before buying. Thank you for past favors. Crescent Furniture Co., Ramseur, N. C. HIGH POINT MACHINE WORKS Engineers, Founders, Machinists. High-class repairing in all lines. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Lathe Mills and Pumping- Machinery. None but expert mechanics employed. We make a specialty of repairing on heavy machinery and solicit cor respondence. IF YOU REQUIRE PROMPT SERVICE WRITE US. W. H. Watkins, Jr. Gompany. CASH BUYERS OF ALL FURS. We guarantee you better values than you can get any where else. Express or mail us what you have and we will make returns sam; day they are received. If desired we will hold goois until we see that you are satisfied or forward according: to your di rection. Write for our price list. Ramseur, - - N. C. We want during November and December Large Quantities of Pork, Rabbits, Quail, Chickens, Eggs, Honey, Dried Fruit, Dried Peas, Fresh Butter, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese. Ship us and we will pay market va 1 u e or write and name yo u r prices, free on board your depot. We have 5,000 people to feed and want all the produce of good quality .we can get. PROXIMITY MERCANTILE CO.. Greensboro, N. C. Furniture! .40 to $ 3. HIGH POINT'S MOD ERN LADIES' STORE Carrying a full line of ladies' furnishings, Dry Goods and Notions. Ladies Rerdy-to-Wear Gar ments, a specialty. With the opening of this store the trade shops here are on equal footing with Greens boro and larger cities and the saving in TIME and MONEY is a big items. Our store is all the name im plies a modern ladies store, with men and women of ex perience in charge. Express on purchases amounting tc $5. and over. Quality and Price Must Be Right CalU and be convinced. Look for sign Leonard -Beavans -Stanley Company, High Point, N. I . IHE BEST 3,000 New Words Hew Gazetteer of the World with mnro than 25,(100 titles, based oa tlio Intuit cuusus returns. j,TcwEiocraphical Dictionary rnntninin v 1 ho rmmos of over 1(1,000 uotud jiursous, luto of birth, dontli, etc. Filltfvl W. T. IIARliU, rh.T., I,T,J., UuitoU States Commissioner of liduoatiou. 2380 Quarto Pages KoT ritl. (000 IlluMrstioni. Ilith DindlaK. Needed in Every Home Also Webstsr'a Collegiate Dictionary lilt 1'offM, 1100 lUwtnUoni. Regular Edition Ti10iS!4 ladioi. 8 binding De Luxe Edition 6UxHl! la. Printed tram mm. plntrfl, on hiblo paper. I bewitiful binding. FKEE, "CiotiaaarjWrinklM." IUtutntedptmnbleta, G. Q C. MERRIAM CO., Publisher. Springfield, Mass. Coal vs. Gold. This case is on trial in Ashe boro with the people as the judges. We have on hand a large supply of DOMESTIC LUiVlP COAL furnished in Asheboro at pri:es much lower', than any o:her town in the State. Try it this winter and save 50 per cent, of your fuel bill. 'Phone 69. THE ASHEBD30 FEED & GRIN CO. THE and 10 CENT STORE is the place to get your CHINA WARE, GLASS WARE TIN WARE and everything needed in the dining and coofcroom. We also have a nice line of Notions of all kinds. If bargains is what you want come to see us. I. T. BIRD & SON. sheboro. PIGS FOR SALE. These an a rrw lt.vren Mack Mum moth and Engl it-h Horl Bhirc. Come early as the suip y is limited, W. E. Swim. Recently Enlarged I WITH I

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