THANKSGIVING TION, PROCLAMA- iovern()i;;liiiii I mslall to the lf ir Tliankiiiliii'ss. 1,000,000 bales, this would mean a saving of $340,000 anuually. 'It costs under the present road conditDiis twenty-live ceuts to haul a ton of fertilizer a mile. With the good roads the cost would bf "Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, has the finest Macadamized roads, and it is being done by con vict labor. It costs an average of ".25 cents a day to guard, feed and i care tor convict lauor wnen it is Governor Glnin's Thanksgiving! ei, cent3 a ton Day proclamation, which was issueu last week, 's as follows: While excissive rains have damag ed our ciops. tmd twice during tne year the public peace was maived bv acts of lawlessness, vet our inniri- folu blessings n:teeo rar Miipasseu i m.imi!jeil ou business princioles. our temporary ills they call to f As for the couvict himself, sta us for thank.-givmg and prayer. j tistics show that 90 per cent of The percentage if increase in t he rhose who are workeil i the open State agriculturally, mdustria ly, ; lh , ,.ly fed !tnJ gn;iraeij, re educationally and morally) has un tl. t),:, f)im;iiVa mid pwisp to been phenomenal, far exceeds; be ft nieniice or cniirge tl) the State, our iouuesi uujits. farmi largely duatrial enterprises ar ly aeveiopea tnrougnoiu ipe ouue( "0r do I think it right to put and are paying good dividends. the honegt w euruer in com.wt. Teace and good will now exist be-, tion with couvict kbor or the tweeu labor and capital; no Ptil- m:luufllcturing iuJustry in oompeti ence or scourge has visited our tion with convict ,abor or the otaie, ana miu ine auove iu e.x-, ni.uiufactlll.iur industry in conineti- plienoinenal, ami lai exceeus, be ft nieniice or chlirge tl) the State, loudest hopes. I he prices t while of those who aie kept iu pris ing und trucking lauds have j o M worked in mine3( Sim mii3, ly increased in value. In-: 0,. ,ace3 85 cent, be neing rapm- .,,.. i,.,,..i.,,,,i ,.;,;,,J ceptious law and order have been maintained. Our educitioual progress is a source of congratulation, as longer terms, more efficient teachers, bet tiou with the one that hires cheap convict labor. "Indiana has mo:e than 17,000 miles of good gravel roads. I re member when Indiana was consid ter school-houses and equipment Lra,i nno nf u m;,-,. stafpa .-.f mark a new and progressive period . tLe Unioil. Today she ia progper m our school life, while the grow-1 ft,, hor n'u ,. , of our people denote a moral condi tion never before witnessed. Thus in things material and things moral, we, as a State, have prospered dur ing the past year as never before, and it is therefore appropriate that a certain day be set apart for pra'se to the Supreme Kuier of the Uni verse for the blessings so abundant ly given. Therefore, that all have an op portunity of showiug their grati tude, I, li. 13. Glenn, Governor of North Carolina, join with the Presi dent of the United States in fixing Thursday, the 29th day of Novem ber, 1900, as a day of general re joicing and thanksgiving, during which day thanks for the past mercies may be given and requests frvr fiitniv. orniil-ir-po niiiilo On this day I ask all our people, I Before we can ever hope to lift as far as practicable to suspend all N.orth Carolina to a respectable buBiness and grant a holiday, and to ; i 'aL luuo " gicot .c. ignorant, but the State is dotted with the finest schools and colleges. "Massachusetts spends more mon ey than any other state on her public roads. New York has just voted to issue $50,000,000 to her roads, to be spent in the next ten years. New Jersey has fine roads which have been of great benefit aud are the best investment the state has. Missouri is agitating a bond issue of $25,000,000 for her public roads. The Proviuce of On tario, Canuda, has ti0,C00 miles of good roads." FALSE IDEA OF EDUCATION. l-'oolNh People M ho Think It Kaises One Above His Station. i Charitv ami C'hililr assemble at 11 o'clock at their places of worship and offer up thanks to God for His numerous blessings, and to consecrate them selves afresh to His service, and to the psotection and building up of the State. I likewise ask the ministers of all churches ou that day to especially hold up before the people the bless ings to come from a life of sober ness aud industry, peace and good order, and by freely giving to the cause of charity, thus making us therefore loyal citizens and better Christians. I also implore all, while enjoying their holiday, to do nothing that will tarnish the fair name of the State or dishonor God, but that all they do may increase their love of country aud devotion to their Maker. In Witness, whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great 8"al of North Carolina to be-aflixed. Done in our city of Raleigh, this 9th day of November, 1906, and in the one hundred and thirteenth year of our American Independence. R. B. GLENN, Gov. A. H. ARRINGTON. Private Secretary. Value Of Good Roads. Charlotte Jsewa. Were you to pick up any citizen of Mecklinburg county who is well informed on conditions of the coun ty, and ask him what he considered the greatest advantage Mecklenburg county has over the other counties of the state and country at large and from what source he considers more blessings and benefits arise, without a doubt he would reply, "from her good roads:" There is not a doubt but what this answer would be correct. The public roads of this county have been for years and are now the chief source of pride to our citizens and it is through this channel that we have received more valuable ad vertising than by other means. The citizens of this county are soon to have an opportunity to make these roads still better, to ex tend them further, and w appeal to every citizen interested in the welfare and upbuilding of his coun ty, to go to the polls on election day and vote for the bond issue, which means progress as against stagnation and decline. In connection with the blessings arising from good roads the New York Herald, of a recent date, Kays the following tribute to lecklenburg county roads: "In an address at Mobile, Ala., Joan Caft, said that the cost to the farmers of the South is fifty cents on each bats of cotton for an ' average haul of eight miles. ' "If there were good roads the cost would be reduced to sixteen ' cents a bale. Estimating a crop of ' .. . of missionary woik must be done among our people. After all the practical and forcible, as well as eloqueut and patriotic, speeches by such men as Scarborough, Mclver, Alderman, Aycock and Joyner, and the countless educational addresses by men of lesser note but equal en thusiasm and devotion to the public schools, there are plenty of men in North Carolina right now who are refusing to send their children to school, though they can do so without money or price. They have a totally false idea of the meaning of the word. They think that to educate a boy means to raise him out of his class, and they appear to dread seeing their children enjoying advantages that were denied to them. They forget that it is harder now than ever for a young man or woman to make their way in the world without an education, and that when they re fuse to send their children to school thev are committing a great sin for which their children will tiud it hard to forgive them. It all comes about because of a false idea of the meaning of the word and we sug gest to our readers that they begin at the beginning iu their educational addresses, and show their hearers that education means strength and light and help, rather than a spring board from which a boy may leap out of the set among whom he was reared. They need to know that an educated man is not proud but humble. The bigoted fool who re fuses to speak to his neighbors i3 not that way because he is educated, but because he isn't. A shallow draught may intoxicate the brain, but drinking largely sobers us again. There are people in this very town of Thomas ville who would lather their boys would loaf than go to the graded school. They ought to be led to see their sin and made to tremble for the fearful responsibil ity they take upon themselves in thus standing betwe2u tlvrir children and the light. So long as parents look upon education as simply a step-ladder to social ambition (aud iu North Carolina there are thous ands of people who believe that) how, in the Dame of reason, are we to get their children into the schools? This class of people might learn a valuable lesson on this point from the negrDes; and unless they learn it soon thev will have to learn it when it ia too late to right the wrong thev have done. Yonr stomach churns and digests the food you eat and if foul, or torpid, or out of order, yonr whole svstem suffers from blood poison. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea keeps you well. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Standard Drug Co. To Cure a Cold in One Dav. Take LAXATITIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Droggiau refund money it it fails to cure. E. w UKUVL 3 signature is on DR. BOUGHELLE Dr. L. B. Bouchello of Thomasvllle, Ga., a physician veil known iu the South, is very enthusiastic overdue cod livpr oil preparation Vinol. He says,: "I have used Vinol In my fam ily an'l in my general practice with the most satisfactory results. It is exceedingly beneficial to those afflict ed with bronchial or pulmonary dis eases and to create strength." The reason Vinol is so far superior to old fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions, is because It is a real cod 'liver preparation from which all the useless oil has been eliminated and tonic iron added. We ask every weak, thin, run down, aervous and aged person in town, and all those suffering from chronic colds, coughs and weak lungs, to try Vinol on our guarantee. M ct Itaml,.!iMi Xi -.vs. I A taij;t i-riiivil i'l m-ifjiilkus enjtil a , corii.lnn l.iiij; ut tin' Lome i! I!. E. Mnn! ii I Lull Li-.'. S.tiuriLiy niLt. ' MUs Alll.i- tftmve I'l'emnl Lei- Si'Lcil at j l'ivspi t M.Mi.'ny, Nov. ll'ili. !ie is hoard ing iv i h .1. ! . .Mei.ilenhall. liev I'. A. (Veil closed a series f meet iiigsai 1'iea-ani drove List TluirsiLiy. Much joinl re.-iilii .1 I mi iLe earnest effort of .Mr. (Veil. Mrs. Minnie Hester, formerly of High Point, Las moved to tlte home of Ler father, A. C. UeiMiek. .iohi:-.ju La- bjuglit t lie McmlciiLall place near T.i;.ity and will move Lis fauiily l lie re fooii. Messrs. Krazier and Uedding-have moved their saw mill to Kra.ier8 .Siding. Mis. A. M. Iieddick Las lieen on the sick list ior ceveral days. .1. W. l-'ra.ier sjient Si'nday with C. W. Wil.oll. liei-d Vomits Lu a new house in course ol erection Lere. Im. l-'ruzii r Hjient Saturday nijjht in TLotuasvi'le. Mrs. I.. '.. Bird was a gue-t of friends at ArcLdale Sa u day and Sunday. MUs Mary Keddick spent a part of last week with friends in High Point. C P. lteddiek, of Knoxville, Tenn., spent a few days at his Lome Lere last week. W. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider l'axtine Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hygienic care of the person and for local treatment of feminine ills. As a wash its cleansing, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities are' extraordinary. For sale at Druggists. Sample free. Address The R. Paxton Co.. Boston. Mass. Mary Ann Butler, doubtless, is disappointed. His influence iu North Carolina, except among Fed eral ollice-holder8, has waned to nothing. The people have found him out and no more follow him in his wild rantings. Alamance Glean er. MjrJ Lindsay Dennis and Miss M;nnlfl Merritt ere married at the hclkU) of the officiating Justice, C. W Ball, at Troy, SunJay evening, November 11th. ( latcville Xeivs. Miss Jennie Wise returned home Wednes d iy, after spending a few days with friends ikar Sophia. II ul ert V. Allred spent Sunday with Lis parents, returning to High Point Monday. Miss Annie L. Henley, who is teaching school at New Salem, spent Sunday with her sin r, Mrs. J. It. Owen. 1. S. I.iiughlin, of liamseur, visited his pireuts, Mr und Mrs. J, M. Laughlin, last week Misses forme and Delia Curtis visited M'ses Clam and Maud Allred Sunday. llev. Sam Nelson filled Lis appointment the second Sunday, preaching an able sermon. M. A. Taken as directed, it becomes the greatest curative agent for the re lief of snffeiing humanity ever de vised. Such is Hollistc's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Standard Drug Co. Ull do I take Cardui"? writes Mrs. Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W. Va. "Because, after suffering for several years with female trouble, ant trying different doc tors and medicines without obtair Ing relief. I at last found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my ills, and can recommend it above all others for female complaints." Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache, periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited over a million who used to suffer as you do. At every drug store, in $1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER describing fully all your symptom! and we will und you Fret Advica in plain Mated envelope. Ladles' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga. Tenn. J1 W,NE CABDU! Now is the Time to Make Your Fall Purchases. Our buyer has just returned from the Northern Markets where he has prepared for your wants. We believe that our customers should have the best at the cheapest prices, 'and that is the reason we have our buyer to go and study prices and look out for you. That's our besiness. . We feel that Nothing is too Good for Our Trade and we don't want trade on anything but merit. We are the big gest merchants in the county and carry the best line of everything. It is too tedious to mention all the things we have. When you have got a day you can spare, it will be to your interest to come to see us. . Christmas is just around the corner and we have thought of the children too, and when you get ready to buy your Holiday goods come to see us. We have articles that will please the old; nice things for the husband and wife; the very thing for a sweetheart and tricks and toys that will please the little folks. Our Millinery Department is in charge of Miss Ora May Cox, of Archdale, and she knows exactly how to trim a hat to make the ladies and girls look pretty. Any of our eight clerks will give you careful attention. Reunseur Store Co., R&msenr, N. C. CHEWERS BECOrrflNQ Tift ED OF HEAVSLY SWEETENED TOBACCOS CAUSED REYNOLDS' SUN CURED. IN SO SHORT A TIME, TO WJN FROM THE OLD BRANDS OF MUCH LONGER STANDING THE PLACE AS FAVORITE WITH CMEYSRS OF SUN CURED TOBACCO. SOLD AT 50c. PER POUND IN 5c. C'JTSj STRICTLY 10c. AND 15c. PLUGS, AND IS LIKE THAT YOU FORMERLY GOT, COST ING FROM 60c. TO Si. OO PER POUND AND IS THE BEST VALUE IN SUN CURED TOBACCO THAT CAN BE PRODUCED FOR CHEWERS. R.J. REYNOLDS T02&CC2 CO., V.'ir.s.on-aljm, fl. C. Are You Going to Texas or to Any Point West? QUEEN & CRESENT ROUTE Offers Best and Quickest Train Service. Write today for maps, rates, routes and full information. J. O. CONN, D. P. A., H. F. LATIMER, T. P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn. to Be Given Away to j CUSTOMERS, i $107.50 BEGINNING OCTOBER 27TH AND CONTINUING UNTIL A FEW DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS we will give a ticket with every dollar 'purchase. The hold ers of the lucky numbers will get the following: free of charge 102 Piece Set of China $40 OO Sewing Machine 30 OO Silver Tea Set 20 oo Piece Statuary 12 5o Set Silver Knives 5 oo Grand Total to Be Given Away $lo7 5o We handle any and everything in the House Furnish'ng line' and the price and quality of goods is our best advertisement 4 BIG STORES 4 People's House Furnishing Co., High Point, N. C. Choose Wisely . . . when you buy a SEWING MACHINE. YooU Hoi fl iorts tod kfakfa corresponding price. But if you wana rtpuUbl iervic4bl Machint, then tak .WHITE- 27 vcart czperknc iu enabled us to bring out a HANDSOME, SYMMETRICAL tad VELL-BUILT PRODUCT, combining in to make-up all the good point found on high grade "-Uin other that are exclusively WHITE for insUacc, our TENSION INDI- CAT OR. a device that (how the tension at a glaace, and w have other that appeal to care ful buyer. All Drop Head have Automatic Lift and beautiful Swell Front, Golden Oak Voofcwork. Vibrator Rotary Shuttle Style. OUR ELEQAKT H. T. OATALOyE8 QIVI FULL PARTICULARS. FREE, v. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. . CLEVELAND O. each box. zao.

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