The Asheboro Couiier PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAK A J" Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. WKuterol at the Vost Oillee at Ashi l.oi.i as 'cronil C isk M.ittiT. IS THE U'.GIIT OK I'lIKH Sl'EKl'lI TO HE H'iT'n'KSS Kl '.Y NKCliO LEA P- ei;? In ;i lvcoii. issue tin- r.ultiinoiv Hun, en- of the ulileit mul "ivatrst pajKTS j)iil)lislitil in tills?, ahv.iy-i i 'i 11 -i r t :i t i v ., juiMi-ili eil tiio folKnviiii; i-.l il'M ul en an inijitiitMiit iii.-ittt-r. V iinti in full: 'l'liilmloljiliiH ncgruis having sum-tili-il in Unliving (he iiuthori ties into the sujijMVesioti vf "The C'liinstiiMti" a play which too ai Curatelv ih-jHeUil some racial trans to Sllit tile ller.i JKiliticiaila of the Quaker City the iicrot-s of Chica go are Ullili'l'tukllg to sil'JHeiS flee gpeich in that city. Negroes all Over the Union are alio en:T' jretl in an attempt to intimidate t he I'rtrfi detit, and make him rescind a very jironer order tJ discharge fioin t!i army three companies of colored troops who ia .! amuck at Hrowns Ville, 'LVxu,-. '1 he n -ajroes recog nize the fact that bv voting in a they possess a political powei in some of the Northern cities which overawed the small politicians and some of the small judges. If they succeed in these various en terprises, the negro agitators may well come to the conclusion that the white man has no rights which the colored man is bound to respect. "Senator Tillman, of Eolith Carolina, has Leeii invited to de liver u lectuie in Chicago next Tuesday for the benefit of a hospi tal. With characteristic charity Mr. Tillman has consented to de liver the lecture. Hut the Chicago negroes say that lie shall not lie iiertnitted to do so. They do not ;nov, and have no reason to sup pose, that the fcouth Carolinian will say anything distasteful to the negro race. Their determination is that he shall not be iierinitted to eay anything at all. The con stitutional right of free spe-ch is to be abolished. The South Caro lina negroes, who know Mr. Till man, are said to be greatly attached to liim, because of his uniform kindness and humanity and justice in dealing with them. The late Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, after a long acquaintance with .Mr. Tillman, declared that he was one of the most patriotic and most use ful members of the United States Senate. But the Chicago uegio organ says he is a disgrace to the Senate, and that he shall not be fernmted to speak in thier city, n Chicago the negro is very num erous and very powerful. For years there have been negro teachers in white schools to teach the sons and daughters of white people and to discipline and correct them when they r.'iiiire it. At the last election a negro judge was elected and the attempt of the white Kepublieaus who Humiliated and elected him to count him out greatly exasperated the colored people. Now they are asserting themselves by undertaking to say that a member of the United States Senate shall ifot be permitted to deliver an address for charity in Chicago, because they do not like him. Mr. Tillman is a hard man 'to intimidate, but if the Chicago ipolice leave him at the mercy of a howling negro mob, he will be help less. If the city government of Chicago in any respect resembles that of Philadelphia, we may ex .pect some judge the negro judge, iperhaps to issue an order to pro hibit Mr. Tillman from lecturing in the city, or else he may be left to the mercy of a lynching negro mob. "The denunciation of Mr. Roose velt by negroes all ovei the country for his order dismissing three com panies of negro rioters from the United States army is an arrogant attempt to intimidate the President of the United States. If it should be successful and Mr. Roosevelt ehould permit himself to be "bullied" by these negroe meetings, infinite harm will be done done to the army by causing it to be con sidered in part a licensed, murder ous mob, and to "the negroe them selves. All of the negroes in the three companies dismissed may not have been engaged in the rioting in Brownsville, but all of them made themselves accessory to the crime by shielding and conceahrg the criminals. These negro troops ran riot in Brownsville last summer and tised the arms provided by the government for the public protec tion to fire into the dwellings of peaceful and law abiding citizens. The order fodismissiug them from the army was a most proper one, for if soldiers, who are paid and quipped to protect the people, are permitted to attack indiEcriminate- y unoffending men, women and children, then the regular army, instead of being a protection, will become a national peril to he abolished. The President's order discharging these rioters from the arinv has been suspended and may be revoked. If it is levoked, it will cause infinite injurv to the army and io the prestige of the President. Worse still, it ill tend to make the race issue a national question. The negro is entitled, under the laws of the land, to the same po litical rights and to the same mea sure of justice as the whi'e man, but no iii'M-e, and the oll'eiisive mid insolvent spirit which many of the race have been manifesting recently: i w ill be likelv to in jure him, eo-u wit!', those who have been iii.-J best, ; friends, and will increase and ex tend the ho.-tilily which is alieauv felt toward him in 111:111 v section.-. He could devise no surer wav f Mivnet hening the prejudice iigair-i him than by" the arrogant .utkudc which the mgrois of Philadel h.ia and Chicago have recent Iv assuin- Ilojs il lid . II II A boy is a boy, and as such pos sesses different characteristics from a girl. One cannot train a boy to : live dolls and such things without j grave danger of niakiing that a bom-! niation, a sissv sort of a chap, of the j little fellow. All thinking parents realize that there is no use trving to: , keep boys away from the water, they j j take to it as naturally as young i iillCKS, uiiL it is iiecesaii 10 teacii jtliein to swim. Neither is it wise to try to keep firearms out of th hand-j of vour, for as long as fathers and uncles go hunting, and as long i i as soldiers parade the streets, boys I will manage to curry freirins in im-, i nation ot tlieir elders. I lie sane, sate and conservative wav is to 111. ,,,,, tl... i.mvj tl.,r r.,,.i- ti. ,t hrearins are dead I v weapons made , r . - 1 e 101 me e.xpiesa purpose 01 miioij;. 1 leacu 1 lie i.ius io leai anu lesjiect weapons of all kinds, and so to ban- die firearms that never under any rirrniiist:iiices shall the weunoiis. loaded or unloaded, be pointed at : anv object which thev do not 111- tend to shoot. Teach the little fellows how to load, unload and lire pistols, revol-; vers and guns without endanger-: ing their own lives or those of any-1 one else. Dan Beard in Woman's Home Companion for October. HUNTING IN RA DOLPH. Ahiuiiluiu'f ol ;ame Attrart) ioi (-nit n --Many l'orelffiii'rs Spciiilhi!; the VinUr. The abundance of game iu Ran dolph county has attracted sports men from near and far, to spend the v inter in our midst. The woods and lields abound in quail rabbits, squirrels, and the opossum, of "Un cle Hhetnus" nolo, and many marks men, from the north and several from Italy, Spain, Germany, and England have secim d license from j the clerk of the court, tohuutiuj this section. ' Among those who are enjoying the sport aie: Messrs. Ernest Clapp, Gailand Daniels, C. E. llolton, C. . Wright, P. D. Gold, dr., and K. II. (iuinwell, of Greensboro; Mi. Chris Brandley, of Syracuse, i. Y.; T. A. Dent, of New York city; and Mr. Arthur Moses, of Washington, D. C. These gentlemen have organized the "Ridderick Hunting Club, of Randolph County" aud have leased 5000 acres known as the "Red Cross" section near Liberty. Last week they slayed 350 quail aud 25 rabbits, beside one opossum. To Public Hrlioul Teachers. I am now mailing the North Carolina Day programs, special re port blanks to be tilled out on De cember 20th, a letter from the State Superintendent and the pro gram for the next meeting of the Association of Public School Teach ers. You are to observe North Caro lina Day on December 1 4-th, and you will be expected to obey the law without question. This is 6et apart as a day to study particular facts in North Carolina history, and it is not necessary to have a public entertainment. North Caro lina Day can be observed as a re citation on North Carolina history, except you take an entire day for it. However, we hope that the pa-en ts will all go to the school houses on the 14th, and enjoy the day with the teachers and children. The special reports must be made promptly on December 20th. The date for the next meeting of the Association of Public School Teachers was changed from Decem ber 1st to December 8th. Every teacher will be expected. Very truly yourp, J. M. Wat, County Supt. of Schools, Iii lt"-Me. , j;i'""'li'ifi- frni'iiiijj bote 1. That an Hum rooli'tl 11 1 '.Ik llelil He'll never iv;w' t lee inure, runt ami roar, lire; e I'eels s.i cr: Iheeie el'lel'ler. -t A- hmi-.'ll' iiv :'. W h Willi 1!, He - -iekly iniiiil .i,Kr k'in I I . hi, 1.1, 'lie An,! lid..--, hi- An.! .-el lie With all . I 1,1 xv i 1 ! 1 l .i !"' -I"'1 til. ll .em .-.I r have - ne Te me.e thn-ijji' hi Hi On I . I'.iin Ill- I .11' :. liii.ik a liul.le lie - -11. ai l, si a rl An. M.le - lid. -11: el r 11. t all, i- l.i.l. A - veier- 1 inn They Kiel .! l.i- e wall, An. I .n 11111 lief : I lie- etln I! it i 1 lan.'iia;:.' -hai-) an. I U . m hi- -,eeii, ei iiues that 1111 one's (' ihlnh he's very nieai:, .0 the . leelien. He lah.n-.-i An.! 1 "hi'li ma e k,v he r.mht ., with clean hamls. ,,, . '. .1.,.i,i,i s;,u,is . , .,, in . .i,iitf Mk,. .1 ill 'll.UV-whiiti ,-lil.ller l.r.neb 0 ;he eleeli.Ml. uf Ai;im. Helen ! ;t. Hut In ha- -uiT. And failed m v'.-i a 1 fearful loss, Io Lo-st at- the world Imt dn s Ami s le ele t i . 111 . hiia ik'MI ti) vole, he I. ioi to toto. hii.'.-fr faUehoed wrote, lis diriv threat 10. II And he says M, l ip oar tii.-u , ,. , Or b lolled eif 'I' Vfi -r il ion? III. He says we han bed lots of ea-h 1 1 1 bring abmit that dreadful crash, -. Whieli kieieke I his nar'v all to mini Ami '.i it pile I li' e heap i f tra-h All. did e I my a '..l.'l'.r of ivlieat, ! I. eat -treat That before llie election. 13. T'.ie 111 :n ho ui.'.iiions went lojjet A little hooe TllKlK throats 10 wet, And he should own, declare and h-i That by his crowd the 1n.n1 was met At theehrlioa. 14. I'eor Daniel S!iarM was not bu'hli.eil. As ev'ry lieiiehnian of them Knows; l-'or home to Alaiaanee he 'N And there lhr.11'1 suiiini'T keeps hi cloth K Till the election. lL'. If he his tax in llamMpli pays, And in (his e oiinly six inotilhs stays, And makes it liolin ia future day-, We'll gladly -aiisfy his craze At U.'Xt election. I"- I.iuthieaui had moved aw..y, -hat had .' to -tay "' '""'k 'eu his railr lav; et pay At theeloctiol.': 17. Is Hammer not a mammoth whale Willi sm.ill li-li willing on hi- trail? And in tin battle will he fail, Ami did he rot their falsehoods nail jtffliSJ Before, tfce elect ion? IS. I'm (.'lad that he is bio enough Not to answer such vile slull' As comes from that old naiiseus bluff Who's always surly, grum and gruff After the election. Hrsiic IUia. Pinsoii News. Mrs. T. U. Hill, of Piuson, is in Baltimore Md., undergiing an operation. The finuurs in his section have finished sowing wheat SiHt-e the election, the price of barbcring has increased ten per cent. The radicals' faces are so long the barbers have to charge extra for them. The free nchool has commenced at Boll's OroTe with W.G. Surratt as teacher. CARBUNCLE CURED. Three years ago my system was in such a condition that I had a succession of Boils in all sixteen. They were mostly between my shoulders and on my neck, thougn I had one bad one near my light eye. As ftt as one would get well another would come and thev trou bled me and caused me to suffer all th(suinmer. Finolly they devel oped into a large. Carbuncle 00 my right shoulder as large around as the top of a teacup. My whole arm was affected and caused me great suffer ing. I had to carry my arm on a pil low. It was September when he carbuncle came aud for six weeks it had to le dressed tbiee times a day. Knowing the trouble came from blood I bought a bottle of Mrs. Joe Person's llmedy and took a half dozen bottles before I stopped and it cured n.e. By the tim I took the six Lotties, my Caibuucle was well and I have never had a touch of the' trouble since. Mis. E. Z. TAYLOR Hookerton, N. U. Now of High Poiut, N. C, August 16, 1904. litefcaiiif! iitww N V'-lll'? TO GUARD "SHIPS against the unseen dangers at sea, f Li'vfvi the United States Government maintains lighthouses. iMS - To guard your home against the un- liSfePSiSSi dangers of food products, the Govern- ft mmmwWmi ment lias enacted a pure food law. The , MWM&t law compels the manufacturers of baking V. immMm powder t0 print the ineredients U I'&Mt hel cf each can. f S-Si??i:'Sf?l " Th3J Government has made the label your protection li li&'--- so Vou can avoid alum read it carefully, if it does not 'V 5'!in sa Vs9 ceam o;f tartar hand it back and ? Sayplainlu- ; Aliiuit Job Work. I The Courier .'(lice bus made many ! imT"ven ents in its j ib department anil solicits the patronage of the public for all k'ndsot' job work. 'I he iff usnl of Mayor Dunne, of Clin ngo, to participate in or in any' w . y ee'inti-nani-e tin appearance of1 Si'ii:i!.r Hen. Tillman, of South 1 Cai'ii'iiia, in Chicago, where he lec-1 tund hist, nigl t caused the I10spit.1l J authiii i'ies, iimler whose auspices he j lectured, under iirot st of negro agi- tatms. In provide a body guard of dein tiv s t accompany him from Phittville, Wis., and 'remain with him until he leaves Chicago. Business Locals. ! Notices Inserted under this head lit one j oent word e&ch Insertion. i WAXTK.D STAVES Highest cash prices paiil for all kimls of slaves lur Norfolk niur ket. Apply to K A Ilimimer, Aslu-horo, N C. 1'1'HS. FCliS, I-'fltS -Mink No. 1, simill K.tUO, M.iliniii i.."(l, Ijiri. 100. Vo will not Mt thif. laid I'V imv one else than ' J.' H. l'AVNK, IJiirlinglon, N . C. Folt SAl.K A honsfi and lot rear Arailt'iny. (ioml neigliliorliood. Terms ruiMiniifili. Kor pnrtieiilur call at Courier llllil-H, SAl.K OK LOTS One pood utori'l.outw rmil lot on South Kayctlcville street, linilil iiij ldxl'it; also three building lots SOxlSO ftt on Sunset Avenue. Call on or aciilress, O. K. KH'H. Aslieboro, N. C. SAW MILL FOR SALE--Ono small saw mill niiilit, coniplcto for sale at 11 luiipain. All bi n oil riuiiiiug condition. App'y to or addrrss. E. O. 1'IEHCE, IliMiver Hill, N. C. II 2- -Jl. For Good Sound DOGWOOD, WE WILL PAY $15.00 PER CORD, LOADED ON THE CARS; PER CORD FOR MAPLE, 4 ft. Ion?, 7 inches and up; HICKORY, $12.00 3 r Cord. H. D. WOfVTH.Treas. Greensboro, N. C. ROYAL, is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder a pure product of grapes 'rids the digestion adds to the health fulness of food. retTcusHtOM Women' $3.50 Men' $350 to $5.00 The most comfortable shoe for tender feet that it is possible to make Our "Easy Feet" shoe is made in softest Kid and Calf Leathers in neat styles, by our special process with a Mattress Insole of First Quality Wool Felt that will not pack down, but forms itself to the shape of the foot and remains springy and comfortable. i W MAKE MORE FINE urncf no use 15he DRUG Store next door OUR NEW CHRISTMAS GOODS are on display and we have the best assorted stock in Asheboro and the most reasonable prices. It will pay you to call and buy before it is picked over. Remember us when about to subscribe for new magazines, we can give you the very low est prices both singly and in clubs. Our stock of drugs is fresh and complete, we have everything of the best. Come and look anyhow as we take pleasure in showing our goods whether you want to buy now or later on. Asheboro Drug Company, J. D. Simpson, Manager. r oeiure moving inio uur Nev warenouse we want to reduce our stock of Disc Harrows, Buggies, Land Rollers, Hay Rakes and Mow ers and will sell them, at reduced prices. If you want bargains in above or any kind of hardware call to see us, before the season is off. McCra.ry-Redding Hardware Company V - POVDER ADMMOND ClSMOAf OIAMOJVD BRANDS SHOES THAN ANY v r-f WEsr. to the Bank. r

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