WHY GOOD 110 ADS PAY MAKE LAND VALUABLE AND CREATE HIGH AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE. Striking Instance of Importance of Having Improved Highway Told by an Arkanaa Mnn Serious Effect of Bad Hoad Tax on Farmer. At the recent convention of the Arkansas Good Itoads association held at Fort Smith. II. K. Keiley wording to the Goods Itoads Mafwz...e, spoke on "Good Itoads Why Thoy Pay," aylng in part as follows: "Roads are the foundation of civili sation. They form the means of com munication between people, and there Is no better Index of the intelligence of any community than Its roads. Good roads pay. They make high land val ues, and in time they create high aver age Intelligence In the country through which they are built. Perhaps no bet ter example of this cau be found than In New Zealand, where the general government undertakes the building and care of all roads the railroads as well as the wagon roads. The country of New Zealand Is much like that of Arkansas, but the government ndoptod ! a development pilicy which is very j effective anil highly profitable. One of i the main lines of business conducted j by the povc. umeiit el New Zealand is In real estate. It acquired by purchase or condemnation large tracts of land. I The first thing in the way of develop- meat was a highway built through the j property. Along this the government sells out to settlers on lung time and easy payments laud in suitable sizes j for farms and homes. The settlers on ! this land are first given employment I by working on the roads. After the ' roads are in g od condition the popula- j tion comes quite rapidly, and it is as- I tonishing what that government Is ac- I complishing in spreading Its people out j on the soil. There is no congestion of the population In cities. Kaeh citizen Is encouraged to get a home of as many acres of laud as he can take care of, and the result Is a population whose general Intelligence and comfort are greater than I have seen elsewhere. "That good roads pay is a generally conceded fact, and It has seemed strange to me that an argument on this subject should lie needed. A visit to any of the rural districts of Arkansas Is convincing proof that an argument Is required, for the good roads are not there, and I cannot conceive of a great er contrast than that which the squalor, poverty and ignorance displayed in our rural districts make with the Intelli gence, cleanliness and comfort one sees In a New Zealand rural district. I think this difference Is more due to the roads than to any other cause. Whether the lack of roads breeds ignorance or whether the ignorance breeds the bad roads is a subject I will not undertake to discuss. At any rate, both exist to ! such nil extent In our state that our ; first patriotic duty is to either dispel ' the Ignorance in procuring the roads or procuring the roads to dispel the Ig- j norance. "I recently purchased a piece of land j near Fort Smith past which ran two i good roads recently built. This land was timbered, but the timber had been j rated an incumbrance on the land. In ! fact, it hadn't been profitable tj steal I It and haul It to town, which fact prob- : ably accounts for Its still being there, j I had a lot of this timber cut and put a j rather intelligent persm looking for a 1 disposal of it. Some time later I was : surprised when he told me that it was ! sold at a net price, after paying for the 1 hauling, which would more than pay for clearing the land. On linking into : this I found that the g l roads made It possible to haul a cord or more at a load of this woo l to market and make 1 about four loads a day, whereas before j the good roads were built two loads of : one-half cord each were all that one team eiuld do. It cost .?.", a cord to haul this wood before the good roads were built and 7." cents a cord after- , ward. In other words, the wood was i worth .$2."." per c ml after the roads i were put in. while it was absolutely 1 worthless before. I find that the dif- ' ference in the cost of hauling a ton of ' liny ta market before and after the good roads for a distance of seven miles ' Is about $2. One of n,y farm teams I over the bad roads will bring a ton of hay to town In a day. Over the good roads they will bring three tons, so the product of a meadow of 100 acres Is worth about ?.")0 more with a good road to it at seven miles from town than it Is with a bad road. Before this good road was built the meadow was worth $10 per acre. Since it Is built $30 seems a reasonable price for It. "I have found by actual experience that the tax the farmers are paying which keeps them p iverfy stricken Is that Imposed by had rmcl . For many years I tried earnestly t l ate an in dustrious class of farmers in this coun ty. On different occasions I did suc ceed In petting several such colonies started. None of them remain. Usu ally thoy were a liar ly class of Ger mans such as settled the prairies and states to the north and west of us. One by one they would sell out and go back to the prairie country. On close questioning I would find that the lick of roads and schools was so great these people wouldn't stay. Tlie country they came from had a tax three times as large as ours. In fact, many of the school districts in Kansas w'.iere they had lived levied a sch i l t lx much greater than our total tax. .ml it was not unusual for the total tar M if " per cent In the remit! 's frovi . 1; i'i these German settlers came. They would try It a year or two in onv v-v.'.-y of bad roads and low taxes. t':en sell out . and return t: the ." per c ..' t ix rate. "Good city "trren ji.iy Just t:s 'vv'.l as good count1-- rinds, fi it is al nt Impossible to I ave a c! ":. hc-tl'hy.. wholesale town wit! o-;t p ' d s're. ts "We In Fprt S.-;th h u e h- ! r. u fa'iV example of bo v goo ! t -. i r." ASHEBORO GRADED SCHOOL. Progress of School Honor Koll for Third Mouth of I' all Term. At the close of the third month the enrollment iti the graded school was 322. The white school popu lation of Ashehoro, according to the census taken in August, is 404. Already 80 per cent, of the total school populatiou is enrolled iu the school. The average enrollment in the city schools is ouly 55 per -cent. Asheboro is 25 per cent ahead of the average. For the third month the average daily attendance was 95 per cent, of the enrollment. Few, if any, towns in the State can show a better record than Asheboro. Also it is interesting: to note that the enrollment and attendance are both 50 pel cent larger than iu 1004-5; and 100 per cent, larger than iu 1902-3. The honor roll for the different grades for the third month follows. tflltST o it A HE. Hazel Spoon, Marjorie Menden hiill, liichard Burrow, Elsie Presnell. Warner Miller, Hazel Kivett, How ard Dickens, Kay McPherson, Karl Maxwell, Stanton Skeen, Fay Free, Carey Burrow, Grace Presnell, James Miller, Kollins Miller, Gusta Humble. Lillian Huustieker, Lucile Ward, Ktha Glasgow, John Brittain. Kdith Bctts, Colin Spoon, Kd Rogers, Pearly Way, Banks Kichardsou. sEcoxn liit.uu:. Margaret Morris, Frank Fox, Nettie Newby, Krnest Spencer, Hush Lassiter, Joe Hendricks, Marvin Free, Ethel Presnell, Jewel Glasgow, George Betts. Ihith McPherson, Lura Jones, Fred Smith, Dewey Webster, Victoria Burrow. THIRD GRADE. Mabel Free, John Plummer, Fred PI u miner, Byron llichardsou, Kate Brittain, Mabel Spoon, Grace Fer ree. John Swain, Harvey Rogers, Cleon Spoon, Clara Presnell, OUie Presnell, Carl Steed, Virtle Cvi ness, Lula Pritclmrd, Cortez Nor man, Jessie Ward. FOURTH GRADE. Gertrude Free, Lillian Hendricks, Fannie Newby, Nellie Spoon, Cornie Wall. FIFTH GRADE. Mildred Birkhead, Janette Dick ens, Eulah Glasgow, Maude Hall, Myitie Kidge. SIXTH GRADE. Hazel Cox, Farla Spoon, Allie Spoon, Enolie Presnell, May Byrd, Ethel Free, Virgie Dickens, Lizzie Witislow. SEVENTH GRADE. Lynette Swain, Cora Redding, i Annie Fox, Beta Scarboro. EIGHTH GRADE. Blanche Anderson, Maude Dick- j ens. May Dickens, Lela Hall, Lolliei Jones, James Davis. Reid Hannah, Clarence Hughes, Charles Kepharr, Cone Ridge. N'lLTH GRADE. j Flcta Fox, Blanche Spoon, Hem-! do.. Moflitt, Daniel Sharpe. Haiiiseur Items. j Miss Norah Blair celebrated her ' birthday last Fiiilay evening, Nov. i 23rd, at the home of her parents, j Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Blair. The in-j vttcd guests, who were piesent weie:' Misi I.illie Calder, Fannie Calder, ! Lela Phillips. Elsie Grimes, Ada j Kivett, Louis Scott, Sallie Brown, : Ida Jones, Bessie Blair, Lucy Blair. I The amusements of theevening were: dialouges, speeches, songs, and etc. i which were enjoyed by all who were j present. j Long Shanks, who has reached ; his G4th, mile post, says he got into! a very remarkable nest of old boys, one evening last week, at the Ram-' seur P. O. whoes sir names all com-1 menced with the letter B, such as I Uncle John Brady, age 80, Uncle I Daniel Burgess, age 75, Uncle Mur-1 phy Burris, 68, Uncle John Bow-: den, age GO. Mrs. W. P. Ragan of this place had the honor to wit) recoguition in I a coutest for a short story iu the La dies' Home Journal, the subject be ing "The Be6t Way to Celebrate the Fourth of July." The conditions of the contest was that the stoiy be not over 500 words. At a leisure mo meHt Mrs. Ragan happened to see the offer and for a pastime wrote her views on the matter and submit ted it to The ladies' Home Journal. She thought no more of it until a wet'k or so ago when she received a Kksh rpmirtunw. siivinif that her stoiy would be published along! others ai'uepftd the first of January.: 1 1 i ir li Point Correspondent, Char-! lot re Obs'-rver. ! A cunpefetit teacher can get $50.-1 til) per month at Turks' Cros Roads 'v applying at once to R;inkit Bur-1 .. -r r W. R. Craven, liutnscur, I Ii. F. D. I. I POWER OF CHEERFULNESS? The tTny One DruKarlat Lighten (be Ilia of II U Cmtomen. A palo, weak girl entered a down town drug store the other day. She seemed about to collapse. The propri etor asalsted.lier Into a chair and pre pared a mild stimulant for her. The druggist's manner was so sympathetic that n little later she confided to him that she suffered with her heart and feared she had not much longer to live. "Heart disease?" Inquired the drug gist genially. "Why, I have heart dis ease myself; have had it for years. That's nothing. I dou't worry myself about It. I don't look like a man with a load on his miud, do I? You prob ably think that you are liable to drop off any time. On the contrary, any doctor will tell you that the average person with heart disease generally lives to a good old age. The very care that a sufferer from heart disease takes of himself or herself is calculated to lengthen the years Indefinitely. You see, a man with a weak heart naturally Is careful of himself a bit. He doesn't commit any excesses, never overdoes anything, lives In moderation and thus keeps his vitality unimpaired. That's all you have to do Just take care of yourself. What's (he use of worry ing?" The druggist's cheerfulness was In fectious, the genial interest of his talk made depression appear foolish, and the girl soon began to look more hope ful and even smiled. After the drug gist had gayly chatted with her awhile she rose and walked out of the store with a linn siep. This druggist, though he would scorn the idea if suggested to him. Is a bene factor to humanity. lie is a believer In the power of cheerfulness, and the good that lie docs hi bis peculiar way Is not easy to estimate. Not a day passes that he docs not Impart his message of the cheerful life to some despairing individual, lie makes nil others' ailments his own and points out the usclossness of worry. A man will come in bent and suffering. Perhaps he confides to the druggist that he has kidney disease and fears his days are numbered. The druggist immediately infomns him that there is no cause for alarm: he has had kidney trouble himself 'for. oh, so many years, and has no Intention of dropping off. That druggist, iu the course of n week, probably will acknowledge that he Is afflicted with every ailment except housemaid's knee. He makes every complainer feel better. He fairly radi ates pood cheer and optimism. It Is his belief that half the sufferers In the world have complaints that bright spirits will overcome. But even when they have a real disease It Is his theory that a little cheerfulness doesn't hurt and that the malady Is only aggra vated by constant depression, lie makes It his mission la life to drive away depression and turn the thoughts of people toward brighter things. His cheerfulness is a tonic that never fails to act. New York Tress. Test I-'or r.-ndy Rolled Lobitera. Should ready boiled lobsters be pur chased, test them by gently drawing back the tail, which should rebound with a spring. If the tail is not curled up and will not spring back when straightened the lobster was dead when boiled and should not be eaten. Choose the smaller lobsters that are heavy for their si.e, as the larger ones are apt to be coarse and tough. Lobsters weigh ing from one and a half to three pounds are the best in size. All parts of the lobster are wholesome and may be used, except the st niiach, which is a small hard sack and ciutaius poisonous matter and li s directly under the head, and a little vein whiii runs the entire length of the tail. A (ih'it Waiter. There are men whose pride is in the stoic endurance of acute discomfort. They insist upon doing unpleasant thing In order to convince themselves that they can do them. At Oxford some years ago there was an eminent Kugby football player whose passion was to discover tin? most uncomforta ble things and then to do them. One evening a humorist suggested that as it was January-it would be rather beastly to sit iu a cold tub all night long. The footballer at once offered to wager that hi? could sit till morning chapel time in his cold tub. And he did It. Loudon Chronicle. Kane find J-'lucnr?-, Wlien Thiers was president of the Freiirli rc'imlilie, he was about to Issue some important manifesto anil submit teJ the draft to a eritieal frioml. "Yes," salil the critic, "tlio matter is clearly expresso:!, but I miss the ease ami flui'iicy of your usual style." "All." replied Thiers. "1 have not worked those in yet! The ease will cost me much labor, mid the fluency I shall have to drug iu by the hair of Its head." Xever Recovered. "You pay you are n woman hater, Mr. De Smith?" "Decided ly so," ho replied. "Iu my youthful days mi woman made a con founded fool of mo, nud" "You never pit ovor It. I understand, Mr. lie Smith." Milwaukee Sentinel. The New Suburb. Mrs. Suburbs (with paper) I see that the site of the K.'inlcn of E len has nt : last been located. Mr. Suburbs Yeil When will the Pile of bits t.ii;" place,: nud what s the fare from the city hall? I'uck. Grant me, O l'.it'.c--. rio;:-h of wis dom to live well. Prosper!!;.' to live easily irrnnt me nut, ns thou seest Lest. Carlyle. Every saint in tin calendar Is said to be pnvided with a liornl t '::! !e'i. CONDENSED FOR BUSY READERS. The Methodists of High Point are preparing to build a $50,000 church. The North Carolina Baptist Con vention will meet iu Greensboro next week. Reports at the Methodist Confer ence at Mt Airy recently show the membership of the churches to be 82, 000, and the Sunday school 60, 000. The New London Mercantile Co's Store, in Rowan county, was robbed of $400 and a lot of mer chandise last Thursday. The store of Ritchie and Maunev, also at New London, was entered the same night and a lot of goods removed. The case against Graham Trotter and Elmer Brim, two prominent young men, of Mt. Airy, who were charged with shooting Miss Ashley, which they claim was accidental has been compromised. Miss Ashley gets $2,500. It is estimated that including fees and costs the case will cost the defendants $5,000. Coal is Felling in Asheville at $0. SO per ton and only a half-ton ctin bp purchased at a time on ac count of the fuel famine. President Roosevelt and party returned to Washington, after visit ing Panama and Porto Rico. Mon day night. He announces his satis faction with the conditions and thorough enjoyment of the trip. Saturday afternoon James Ed mundson living near Guilford Col lege, took a gun out into the yard to kill a chicken. After accomplish ing the mission he returned to the house and as he entered the door the gun struckrthe facing causing an explosion. The entire discharge struck his 17-year-old sister on the head, practically tearing off the left side. The North Carolina Methodist Conference has accepted the offer of the Western to make annual approp. riation to the Orphanage at Raleigh' the assessment is one tenth of' the pastors' salaries. The orphan age property is valued at $00,000. Machinery has been ordered to double the capacity of the Pomona cotton mill. Mr. W. P. Brown, superintendent of the bending mill at Siler City, was here last night, returning from Cleveland, Ohio, where he has been to attend the funeral of his wife, who has been an invalid for some time Greensboro Telegram, There are two new pastors sent to this county by the M. E. Conference hold in Mt. Airy. They are Rev. R. L. Melton, to the Asheboro cir. cuit, and Rev. J. W. Ingle, to serve the Uwharrie circuit. We learn that both of these gentlemen are cxcelleut preachers and will doubt less please their respective charges. WOOD & MORING We take pleasure in announcing the arrival of our Fall and ing in every department. Best Styles, Best Quality and Best Dress Goods We have a full line Silks, Broad Cloths, Fancy Suitings for street, dinner and evening gowns In fact we have a full line in many other goods which we can't call your attention to at this time. Lad ies' nisses' and Children's Cloaks Surely from what the ladies tell us we are headquarters for cloaks this fall. We have them in the long coats just the style for this winter. You will find them in black, tan, cas tor and the light fancy colors. Prices run from $4.00 to $15.00. Cloth? ng Did you ever hear clothing talk? If you never did jusi come this way. Will Coffin will be glad to explain our merits to you. He has been a busy fellow and has sold many suits already. Suits from $10 to $25 in stock. Black and fancy mixtures, newest patterns and styles in making. Rain-coats from $10 to $17.50. Over coats from $1 to $20. Our goods are made by the noted Griffon People and speak for themselves. , Our line of winter underwear is very full and complete. H - Up - To - o Will Refund Kailroad Fare. Do your trading in the live, up-to-date, growing city of Greensboro where there are dozens of large stocks from which to make your selections. Members of the Mer chants' Association will iefun'1 your rail-road fare one mile both ways for every dollar spent with them. Write to Chas. R. Brockmann, Sec retary, Greeusboro, N. C, for full particulars. Tuesday an employe at the saw mill of W. H. Tucker, eleven miles Southwest of Asheboro, got his hand caught in a saw, inflicting an ugly wound. Dr.' Fox dressed the wound, and reports that unless com plications set in, the hand, the bones of which were badly splen tered, will not have to be amputated. Three boys who were "hoboing" from their homes at Kernersville to Winston-Salem last, week were caught in a freight wreck near Col fax. One was killed. When in High Point stop at the Leonard Beavans Store Co. High Points modern ladies store. LAND SALE. BY VI KTt'E of nil onlcrof alo irnintiM lv thn Suiktioi Court nl .:uii.lol.!i (miiitv on the n ti- j tion of .1, K. McI'Ihtsoii vi til. aiaiinst Kvlvwlcr j Holing i t ill, 1 Mmll mII ut the courlliouVe iloor at K o'clock M. on the SI) ilav of lieceinlier 1WH! the followiiiK Heal Kst:ite, to-Htl:A tract o'lniui in Kiehhuici township in said county udininiiiK tlie lands of Tym lioliinr, IIiiton T ronton, nml ' others; und hmimliil lis follows to-uit- H.'nin. I liinitiitn !ar. thence Ku.st si chains niM "ft links to n liuc. thence South cros'ng said brunch Ma pine and post oak, thence West courses to the mouth of a .small brunch that Voters Into said way or branch thence up said branch vnri- I conies in iw iirHii. n io me head thence North ton pine and sassafras theme .-till north Ui die U-KiuuiiiK eontalninn lot) acres more or TKHMS: Oup-third cash, the rcnuiiniiu," two thiplsou a e-edi! fif six inonihs. 'the purchaser Kivini; bond and aiinroved seeuritv therefor, and the title rest r.-ed Jtill the further order of the court. This SHdayof Xorrnilxr 1 Jot. JOHN T. HRITTA1N', t'limmissioiier. To Be Given Away. A Beautiful $2.00 and a Beautiful AT THE ASHEBORO 5 Every child under 12 yeais of age gets a chance at this doll for every 50 cent purchase they make here after December 1st till December 24th, and every man, woman, boy or girl gets a chance at the toilet set for every $1.00 purchase they make during the same time. We are going to offer some bargains that you can't afford to miss. Prices below will show you some of them. jitaivir worth IS nnil iio cent at IO (duKBimrf Morlli IO renin nl or, Kliltre lot of TliiM'nre prr plrrc IO StntloiiHry worth null ij.'t ceil! IO lny liotikn anil Irdfrra or. Men's ami Indies' '4", trill hiinr Ill IS Mini iiO fful plvlurm antl picture finiura IO We are selling everything at reduced prices. Come at once before everything is picked over. We are going to have a nice lot of Christmas goods to please the children as well as the grown people. Z. T. BIRD $c SON. Furs We have them from $1.00 to $10.00 and $15.00. Come before they are picked over. You will be surprised at what we can show you. They are selling and you will need one, so come at once and make your choice. Wood (Si Moring.- Date Clothiers and Furnishers. H o High Point's NEW STORE The Ladies' Shop ping Imporium Everything; in style and the price and quality are our best advertisement. Ready-to-wear gar ments of all kinds, Cloaks, Skirts, Dress Goods, Silks, extra length Gloves and everything in Ladies wear. If we sell you once you are sure to come again. Mail orders given prompt atten tion: We pay ex press on amounts of and over. When here call on us. Leonard- Beavans-Sta-mey Company, (Next to P. 0. Building) High Point. N. ('. DRESSED DOLL, TOILET SET AND 10 CENT STORE Winter Goods, Prices. Great show-

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