The Asheboro Cornier FRICE ONE DOLLAR A YE All Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. -Hiiteixl at the I'ovt Oillce at Astiebow as 'ecoiiil C. Mutter. THE lUiOWSYlLLK INCIDENT AND THE DISCHARGE OKI'EU. Several wci ks a"0 members of liree ci lnj-iiniis i f tin.- ifth United j italcs Hi giiiuiit, composed entirely j 0"f mulcts iiiul atatiotied in thej tpwti of Hiou tisvillc, Texas, turned j &ie .vii.-', w Inch they had tor pio-! tctiti l; tin- libeitus Mini rights ei j people and uplit-'dir and main-1 tying law and ordt r, on the homcrf I Of ilifVusi h.-s j ceple, while the' munbiis if i In- company wcivj waHviii.z ;!. sir' cts ;it night. When I tht.' inatli r vut investigated, aU tilt- llliinbiTS if till' full! j ;! 11 V re fused to make any stati inent as u ho di J ! Ik- shooting, and tht' names id' the guilty could not In- Cerlained. Afier a full i ti vi-t i -a -lien, Piv.-iili-ni Roosevelt di.-iiii.-M'd V.'W'1'V llllllllir if till' llu'lc I'nlll- vianu?. At once du re began a .great stir throughout t lit- north anions negroes, demanding that the Prisidciit tvi'all his order. Tin1 President stood linn; the county j : ho block, but he failed to hold tin Republican commit tte of New j second train and this failure caused York adopted a ictoluti mi on tln-it to rush im another train that had President's order, and calling on j not .gotten Oil I of the block or sve him to rescind it. TIkh it uasjiiou. tliat Secretary Tai'i, the head of I - - - - War Derailment, made a coniphte break-down, suspended the order until lie could hear from the Pre sident, who was on his way to Panama at that time. Mr. Taft ient a eablt-to his chii f, w ho, after due ivlhrtion, very wisely said that he could not rtseind the order, '.ion, aslawv.'is a Mr. Tuft, for one time has fallen V-vriousiv eonsideri t loivn ami fallen at llie instance of ' f,.,.j when they have a mgro j'ld-t a political organization in New ; prcsidi::g i:i a high court of justice. York City suppo. ted hy a number ! .Many ate demanding that here of m gro organizations ami Ibi'iin-lly I sign. methods throughout the country.! It was alright, v. hen through the recently, and was well attended and a most profitable session. Dur ing the session a trolley ride was given otit the city; the beautiful new graded school building was a matter of interest to the teachers; the school gardens were especially interesting. The present ollicers were re-elected. Appropriate re solutions were adopted ns a tribute to the memory of the late Dr. ('has. I). Melver. On the closing even iug an enjoyable nception via tendered by the teachers of the Salisbury schools. o TI1K KKCKN T WKKCK ON TDK sorriiKUN. The killing of Samuel Spi-m-. n i: h six others and the wounding of U' or ,ri persons In the wiiek on V.'edms lav night of last wv. k. at Lawu-rs Koads near Lynch! ui-', due. like most oilier railway .".iiisions, to the negligence if thus whose duty it was to prcuiit it. The S. ml lien: has now its m ;. lilies operated on what is known as ! he "i'doek Sy-tc'lil," which is s ild (o be thesifest method of opeia'ie,' trains known to m dern railway operators. The telegraph operator alb.u ed a following train to rush upon the one ahead; his signal hewed there was still a train in i DAVIDSON ITEMS. Itanilolph i!rii l'lirclinsc Mci-rnntili-ltusini-s at 'ItiiiiiiiiM llli' (itlit-r tvs. Krom Tiie Ii.-:i!eh. Mr. Albe-t E. Wharton, who has been book-keeper for the Lambeth Kuriiiiure Company at Thoniasville, for the past two years, has resigned and will go to Greensboro wheie he has accepted a position in the olMce of the clerk of the court. He will be succi tiled by Mr. Ed l'epper, w ho is row billing clerk at the depot. Mr. J'eppel' will be succeed ed at tiie depot by Mr. C. C. Prifi h aiil, who has formerly been leeeiv- I will hand you ROYle yr a. m i n l: clerk. Mr -or is Mr. Hm The above ei;; IVeelllber 1-1. i . :.-t V. . . I; i hlle-e:;. i Ut S 1 1 j nand- The 1 itcliard ut Mt. s siicces I'bas.nt. . are informed. I !'!iol!aisi!le's ompi lo' LitOCR, T. r nn ma '!!.::; iy Mr-, is. of l!a uleaian, . i'. i i' ..--!iiboi'o. st '.ii k (ilase-! .l.'l.n- ! .Meii- I'e run in s. ;.t. Mi.' rge of the and Mr. le ceinpaiiy i f r.oml'iiv, I to F. S.1 di m e near old Hock ' ,'h at.d w ill enter v-! v.i.h Lee I.ollin ami miM on V. 1'. St. ed's left She i inn if yoj go Blindfolded into his store 5Jd ask for Baking Powder. Any maker of ALUM Jhk'ng ?ov. der would like to Biindibk! the ho wives, so that they ecu id not see ihe label ill mm mm. 3 on the can. am; T. McAlisier. . f A, tiii'se ii'-utb ra 'i .-,!,! in ; h owned bv M ;.-!. d. T. Leue I'lni'k, irlins Col: . lei M I son . I tr;:inler w day. Til - b'.isim ss i! t he -i.une n,;;i,i:el as' at p i.'oaveil will hae cia dry gaods depart tiH'iit Low e will remain wit ' t ;ili the !i of the ear. Mr. Kliis ducks.. n. . has inoiid Ids family l.oilin's lt.--ii!i'll;-i' lua Sprin;:s cl rari neis!ii opei iCe a s:i :arm. Mis lora Sills, of l!ain, l-'iidav for the Old Country, will .isit Fi', i..iin, I'.el: 4m m A LUM Will One w ho Tlleie we;e recently twil'.ly j'idgis i-lectid ill Chicago, of their naiie-s was Harnett, i mi and was elected, at the r.ivnt i leetiou on tile Lepubliean ticket, .ml is a ingr ). There is a great deal i f trouble now about his eh e- l litigants are ' how they will ! lid iiiiinv other id b. fei-' she l-i-alli". Mr. Clms. K. Laml.. th elected sllpel illlemlenr Metl. (list Sunday sch asvi!: , for the cnsiiii eeeiling l'rof. J. N. I!: Miss Annie Moving. , eat a few days the v e in the cify '.i-itie Miss Agms Moling, le-.-bei's in the :'r.n ot interest has been of t h e 1 at Thom year, sue- d Asheb lirsi of one 1 si- die tile I at s i I le : O.lV sr.- .1. Ii. These negro soldiers shot up a town and all of them refused to tell anything about the disgraceful af fair w hich resulted in muriler. Every one of the soldiers who did not participate in the crimes are fiiielt. feis of murdi is. We had bce.i led to believe that Secretary Taft was a great man above the disfranchisement of many thousand of white men immediately aftei the war in the South, negroes wire elected to Congress and such high olliees as Lieutenant Governor and Justices of the Supreme Court, to say nothing of the hundreds w ho were elected to minor ollices. Yet when one is electe . ill i Northern L. Ve'- .' and !'. U. George Weibortl f,i- a over into UaiidnlpL i hunt and were entirely bagging eighty fjur rab mil 1!. Sink, with idde, Went a rabbit successful, its. ROYAL is an absolutely pure, Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Aids Digestion-Adds to the healthfulness rr food. IJfS'Jf W "ou -V v,''r,r to knew if some certain b:and of Baking Powder contains LW SL,'!Lt ALUM rr ffa irpliatf of LIME, send us t!;e name and mc will (without cost to you) advise you from officii! r;'o:t;. F.OVL EA:a:'G FOWCi.fl CO., KCW VOHK CITY 1 lirwrr; 7,":: k;ninv Si ; piii-n i si Miss Aim! Gi'een spent I tsi. Si unlay nig lit with .Iis-es ?!,i:;c and Ev.-lvn Mollitt. Lym' on, the little son of Mr. !'. Jiec'v was very sie' last week. Mr. '.V. A. Wi-iin s-pent li week li. this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. 1". 1! II 1 J;i 111 -I'll I last. week. 1'eter 11. Heck, one of Moure! : county's lest business men, eotn-tnitti-il suicide at Southern l'ines Wednesday of last week. He was a native of Pennsylvania. The body was sent a Iloulette, Pa., tot burial. His acute nervous con dition was the cause of the rash act. ' Tin- I car Ol Djini most fatal of all ordinary Republican politician, and j Center of industry, in a great city would do his duty w hen action re quired it and had the nerve to stand up for the light. Hat this incident sh ows him to be a verv small man. Tiie news which Queen A ii in and Ci ei Maryland about buyin astounding. It i-i said that the M"vw Customary price paid lor votes like Chicago, a gnat wail goes up and they send for Tillman to make a speech. 'The Chicago Republi cans are getting what they deserve I now, a little taste of what the South conies from j suffered for many years. Counties in votes is It is said that Cel. A. H. An- hrst tee-pnsiileiir ot the ill Pail wax, has decliin d the that county is from ij-2.00 to .".(ai pr sideiiey of the Road. Col. An .tpiece, yet when the light is hot 'die is has, for many yivrs, been over local ollices, sometimes the i-lent.tie.l with railroad interests in mice naid is as hi"h as 1 .10.00. 1 the Si nth, and has done a great and horses, hoines ami boat proper ty have been given in exchange for voles. It is said that the peo ple of Maryland are becoming aroused over tiie debasing ami vile practice resorted to there, especially by the Republican party. The hiibit of buying votes has become so Common that it prevails iu many iiounties of the State and almost universally on the eastern shores of Maryland. The practice in Mary land should be stopped by a strin gent legislation, prohibiting vote buying or otherwise corrupting the ballot box. A pure and uncorrupt ballot is the bulwark of a free government, and we might say the foundation upon which we rest the principles which control free in structions. The put chase of votes and the debauchery of the elections, will place a premium upon wealth at the expense of ability and merit, and will diive our best citizens out of politics. Au awakened pub lic conscience, not only iu Maryland but everywhere, should make the purchase of votes so dangerous that no man dare do it, and the court the grand juries and the ofiicets -whose duty it id to enforce the law, should use their every effort to bring abjut a reformation in these matters. deal for Noi th Carolina and for the; southern states. No citizen who; has lived in the State during the' last generation has probably done! so much as has Col. Andrews. i 9 Many think that the death of : Mr. Samuel Spencer, President of; the Southern Railway, will bea great loss, especially to the town of Spencer. That town was named for Mr. Spencer and was one of his pets. Millions of dollars had been expended there; parks had been purchased; and much more was to be spent. 1 lie most latiti ol a!i ins seems to be the fear of dying. This is illustrated in the story of the discntetitei! tiout. told by UeP.iv Ibooke in ' The Fool of Quality." This foolish trout was so naughty that God determined to punish it by granting it its desire. That de sire was that it should have under standing of 1 the traps and baits and I d'.mgeis that threat eed us s.ifety. so that it could aviil them. The desire was glalitid, ami iu vcr was a more fatal gift bestowed. The tivut then devoied itself to ires' rving its own safety with ail 'he enthusiasm of a dietisf. It wouM m t g' into il. eji hohs ia tiie stream, for f.-ar that big lish would devour it. Il l.ep'; ava from shallow plaees for fear of be ing stranded. W hen t he shadow of a cloud pi.-sed he thought it was a fisherman's net and tieai ded in hiding, lie wouhl eat a worm or II V, for f-ur a look niiylit be concealed in it. Thus this over careful trout kept, himself in con tinual flights ami alarms am! could neither eat nor drink not sleep in peace, lest some mischief should be fall, lie daily grew thiuer and thitu r and sader and sader, for he pined away with hunger and sighed himself to skin and bone till, wast ed almost to nothing with care and melancholy, he at last died from the fear of dying the most miserable of all deaths. Baltimore Sun. Ml from stavi Mrs. IL G. V.'hitaker returned vili-burv 'ast Tinir.-diiv and ii few days with his daughter, , ut inston-Salein Young before going to hi.-: i Maj. J. E. Allexander has been reappointed refeiree iu bankruptcy The Hunk at Denton. Articles of incorporation of the Bank of Denton have been tiled in the office of Secetary of State. This bank will do a commercial and savings business. The capital stock authorized is $25,000, but business may be commenced with $5,000. The incorporator are: J. W. Noell, S. W. Finch and Wade II. Phillips, of Lexington. at Pilot Mountain. ; Mii and Mrs. Ez'M Vox visited! latikes in this coiiunuiiiiv lait i weekj "' Miss Evelyn Mollitt i teaching; at the Trogiion school house ihia' winter. 1 A I eit I ec 15-di the Leonard I lea vns. Stanley Co. High 1 omt's New Sire wid conduct a big fur sale (for one day only) pries j range from '.! cents to $46010 pd-l set. It will pay you to wait. Watch for announcement in this paper.! .1(10 pices f fur willTv on sale. I K 0 liusirvcss Locals. Notlots inserted under this head at one cent a word each Insertion. W.Wi'F.D ST.W T.S IIi.elie! casli priees ,i I I'.. rail l.imls 1 T slaves 1. r NmTulk niur :l. Airily te K A Hammer, Aslieliero, N C. YVe riirik': is wort;. " 'ji.; can give yet money in I? is potb , - ry l ii 1 ru.v lc i; ct than only one kind of shec ice thai wry v.e for the A sK;es makintr The second annual eession of the Kortb Carolina Primary Teachers' Atisoci alien coQTcui-d ut Salisbury The project for - a new county at High Point will not be apt to ma terialize. The spiritjmamfested by our good friends in the neighbor town, is commendable, but theipros pect for a new county is, as we think, rather slim. $300,000.00 is being expended at I Gastonia on mill improvements. I During the past year $50,000.00 has been expended in improving the ; spindles. A Library building is ; also to be elected 40 by 50 feet to : cost $3,000.00. Prof. E. Frank Kelly, who formerly lived at Victor, Moore j county, but who has for some time' held a position as manager of a ; manufacturing pharmacy in P.alti-1 more, has been appointed to the! chair of Phainiacy iu the University j cf Maryland.- 1 Thanksgiving Dinner. The special service at the Holiness church Thanksgiving Day was greatly enjoyed by the large attendance llev. Chus. Johnson preached a powerful eermon at 11 a tn which was followed by a dinner to not only the poor of the town, but to the entire church, Sunday school and their friends. The table which stretched the full length of the building, was abouudatitiv supplied with all that goes to make up a sumptuous 1 luuiksgmng din ner. At the preaching service there was one profession. l-Vli.S Fl its. ITU'S - Mink N'n. 1, Mmil :;u. .Medium .VI ."O, Large f I 00. Ye, .11 nut ce lliis Kiid iinv one else ilian " J.' I). I'AVNK, Iiiirliiiiiton, N . (', M nppr:it ;d:;- f.tei..ri iL-;Mi-l;-v:;'.i to proline fi-r I --;- 1 cv..iy ii.ea i'i i.-.t :. 'il c ;;i : uaUurinlv t!-c l.i 1 Ask your dealer L l'Ol! 3.M.K Aeu I'-iiiv. (ii rasnna')li. l''e Hliee, A lmiisp faml lut near : ut neiglitiorliiiiHl. Terms j particular call at Courier j SALE OF LOTS One good slon-liousr and lut en South Faydteville street, Imilil iug Kixli4; also three bnildinjj; lots fiOjtlOO fei-t on .-Jmsi't Avenue. Call on or aililress, O. E. IlICII. Aj-I.elKiro, N. C. Fort SALE 100 aires of tiiiiliere l land, nno mile Sordinest ot Aslielxiro (U08S tract) a'ljoiniiifl Sjiciicer and ISrown. Send me cash oiTers. Nathaniel H. Myent, Kent's Store Virginia. asxmxt&jcxzi. tawmfj f -s-k! vi . ;rcciisbiiro Marriagp, Joseph Sydney Sencer, of High Point, tind Miss Laura Pelle Thack er, of Greeiisboio, were united in marriage 011 Thursday afternoon at West Mrrket Street M. E. Church Greensboro Miss Tlucker is a ncice of (J. II. Ireland and has a large number of friends who wish her much liap pimss. Mr. iSoeneer holds a re- .pon-ibletiosiLio,, with the Souther., 3 Greensboro, Furniture .Journal, published m l liiga l oint. t "BaJitijwaTOisiMaaraani an1 Tlvrto viirinii uuu PNEUMONIA CURE. Mr. L. Richardson, Chem., Greensboro, N. C This is to certify that I have been using Vick's cramp and Pneumonia Salve in my family for three years and have always found it to be a certain cure. I always keep it on hand in case of an emergency. Yours truly, C. C. Cranford, Prop. Crown Milling; Co. Asheboro, N. C. 1 15he UG Store next door to the Bank. L. RICHARDSON MT'G CHEMIST, N. Caro. OUR NEW CHRISTMAS GOODS are on display and we have the best assorted stock in Asheboro, and the most reasonable prices. It will pay you to call and buy before it is picked over. Remember us when about to subscribe for new magazines, we can give you the very low est prices both singly and in clubs. ' Our stock of drugs is fresh and complete, we have, everything of the best. Come and look anyhow as we lake pleasure in showing our goods whether you want to buy now or later on. B 1 Asheboro Drug Company, j J. D. Simpson, Manager.