ff Facts, Fables and Fancies IDA IX(;OI.D Written for the Courier. Church l''nlfi"lion. I ;tm awure that some writers up- hold denominational divinions in the church. I propose to thow thai divisions have, been and are a ilep.vs sion itnu a . "' flint- division is the l''"itiniate oli- Bpiinji of deterioration in the church. Itarly Clmrrh I'iuini!;ir. Some nineteen hundred years u'jo Jesus Christ, the founder and head of the church, went to His homo in the sky leaving unto the Apostles the work He h id beun; the found inr of the Christina -Church. Thev took to the work willingly on ac-1 count of the sincere love they hore their Master. They establisheil John, Peter or Jasnes, or Paul, but in the name of Jesus, the Christ. Those of us who take time to i think, know Unit this movement set on foot by Jesus, the sou nf a Oali- lean carpenter, win, in the time of IheApostl.s.cxcee.lingiyunpopu ar hen the ministry or .lesus had I b.-en at its lieight lie and His teach- j(jf "',,,.i j., :v;:V '(', ing had been popular among Hjwor,,; r. yivt. ;,,.,,. , ...,...,.. vast, nuuiuer in peuj.ie teiiiiiorary motives; wr.o uengnten ii- . .1 ii i ... ii i 111 mm so iuii as an nuiinini, i inn lie dispensed healinif and conuort i l i i i i to uie m. mil, w no, nen i ne shame and disgrace, the fr.ftVring and seeming defeat, fell upon Him, promptly forsitik Him to the cruel mercies of an unjust tribunal. And the little band of faithful followers were disorganized, defeated, disgrac ed, broken-hearted. They were ex ceedingly unpopular, an t the tiling they rallied their scattered forces j ami went uraveiy, as we hnow, n the work their Master I-ft .tlem. They endured every hanttlrp. They were tried before courts a' unreasonable and dishonorabV the one which tried Jesns. The', were stoned, b Hind, imprisoned and crucilied. Pioiuers Were I'lala Cln i-tians. The pioneers of the Christian Church worked without thought of sellish glory. They liad one end in wow to believe in God and save men from their sins through the blood of Jesus, their lately crucilied Master. They were concerned about religion alone just the ture inir ef Hearts and wills to their Lord and cot about having the new con verts go over to Hphesus and join i:i with the body of Christi ins there, oceans1 the rites they observed weie a liitle surer to lead' to ultimate sal vation than those obsci veil t Cor inth or Antioeh. All wet" jut )laiu. oriMnary Chrisli.ins, Christ ians, if'W'.l bb'iise. iii'raiuf Iiiiu l:i r. At line- I 1 tll.'cl cm til cli ill 1iim:i! el -: M'-.l lloir.-i-l.ed ::"d : In; u li 'i ii.i'iu'.u'i i 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 e i nuie;. came jiopiilii'i Worhllv me'1 so.i-ht its s!i. f !' vvorlillv L-oo-!. Iiilineiit'eii if fi:(-.vtl e wisdom of ir-iiniiie; fjnr. tti'h t-n- (";i.i--:ia'is. M.-i:iv claiiu. il tin- nnter el'si't of riilileons-.e--i i'ei the s:ik.' ..f th" e irti il r- .'.aid. And will) ll is in-iine ie cleni-nt in the church, ari'.e til- (pfslioii (.fihe "hoM's" ''nhys," and "wherefore.-" of relieion. And the p'leii -in 'im of the ('liri.-:tiiUi r-liiiion .-rrieltiiiliy be came more popular tlnm that re ligion lHelf. Insincerety nin.it ul wavs fiinl expresBic.n in ni.'d.llinir, and .-. ihe purity nf the church was contaminate'... The lifgiiililug oi'l)ii-inr. , This invasion, the exact date of j which it would he hard to ascertnn, marks the he.'inniti!' cf the dilTer- enoes wnien nave tp-ui. , !' (visible) to its very coie. I he 1-; ginnin- of docUines and creeds over , t i ... . . ii. .1 .1, wli.cli people nave . . p ten umu they have heen spiritually atarved. l-::itiK llusk-i. i Trving to uuiiivel the mysteries of whv Oo.l is the l-'ather, and Jesus the Son, why shall we h"lieve in Him. and ho.v'is He inlinie i- ; not religion. To such rcasoni'ig j is to put the epiritual hody upon , a diet of husks-. Ai d it d.i-s r.o' always take a philosopher to d thi3 hii.-!.' i m i ii'-r- Anions tli. 1 it, is fonn.l a- w-lk humlily e.lin- .1 it Any pei. -on v. ho hack f. i.ee I'm an with i'H ii.-ighl or eular w nl:nu; i f I an" hour about s . 1 1 1 t it. i his the iavli .: ,.ie hell, true thn' n oi.' li.h su.-.l!o-,c i .!.; is eating lni.i in hi-' ' 11 aa the ohihi.-.jih.-r m h-n ..i-; i about the nauiie of do 1. lial Is C'liristianiiy. To b 'lieve, to know and t.) i.cei t j the tru'hs of God without j.iuof i. i MASTI-.N. Christianity. When ve eeiec to concern oii'svlve- more :,bit the hows" m ','.h.a'' of tvlifioti tfoiii cligion iN lf there imi-'t. it .!( :i!'i ly be division. Irc iiuc no t.vn in r ! Suns from tin- .kt ;lnoini of iu, i.t:il 1 I .1 .. .. .1 . find ex-iclv id !;.-. J;.t r 1 1 H difference in fen fir-' theie N .offer ence in nature. :; ' t . 1 ei-.iv soiii tuns' present hims'f m ln own ii.divi jn. ulity before hw (!"d. .m. tied alone. S"in? on." m iy point tin way, hut Utfellv f-.'.vi file1 .-ecvr-ih every soul iuut t i'irii t'ni hav. i" out with li's Cnd. But physical nrniental i',i!T ".'. need not account for 1 i i -i-m . ,m long as we do not. (iiie.'-rel over things. No o is saeirr. eicn-j'i to i got his chri.-tia'i living ..') n-.i - i) al-n:i 1 i'eki'e.r j (laws in his neiehh takes everviMin "it live hi-i own life and live hi-i own life and live it aUn Ulantly. i I'iiii., Some o ij.Iiers I'iie S'liijiii. 1 ,1 m:r vl t'le jts t()ilaV niv ' .... . ,. . 'settinf fort! 1 conelii-iioii-", t f p'-o jfs ai;d .1)ll0.,,,s i '. .l ' 1 C.H!e!l '.! i'l tier wur 1 1. iilte -iv in ..rvelons s to ; i'i ei ii I e , eons' l'Uetiol! .ud jt"iti.--.-"ilijry. Tllev ; d.) not win coiiv.ti- li.-u'i-:- iU.v' are ttio bu-y li0.jM .g up t.h f.t'if .: , of religion to tie H.li; f.r iti p'ct i ion, too iui-v piusMti a. imen's i and p iinlin-f out r to S 'n.dv j .lift up .J.-siis h.'f !- ti ev of ' (Miinai i'l si'iee''. 'i'iiey nr very proud of 'e.e -'I'll. I) I ( II I j ')(.- j, 11 'III ', MM I we I'e to I I, I'e'V wo.ild e.-ni l i i ii ..If of ' a ..I i b-t us have a h ::) I.) heart, talk. J'.lalinrale IVearhert. Th- matter v'i h t.h-' ..!"i-e:i t-. day is an intell c:u d ivei,-!l...v and a -;iin;u d !' mi. i.e. N. t t iia' Would in Mle l.-iiS' M-i:.-::' :ibl!-e liijh. learuine, 1 wonl-l .1,1:.! ni l it to Hi : utteimos',. Pa d . a hi-hiy e lue -ted ma i, u t he r ie to the Cm inthi ins, '-I d tei niiiie l l ni to know anything iJie'iig yoi. saw- Jesu--; Christ, aiid til ii i-iii :ii-.l." Learning i.i a gr.-e is nnti'.'.-li learning. High learning u ii.-e!. yon alour.d ihi.m.'h :-l the '-v paths of lii-ig'.'liee'.iee e'.d gr-m-l" '.' .Ia:''.le.i M'lir . es will1 mlioiie e' . boiat.-iiess. s-nks yon t':i!l of i' t.nea dumps voa 'vle-ie y.;-; from on the old i:.i'u,i -'r --m .iiiniii i.-n-e. Ii- vvv It in i .l.ilis e'il' ,le. i s u t -ii, i. r S-) often see liuv wle-ll t iiev h :t. ;:!) init. I'e-lji l.eil .ulolli.'.l so.-a.el U I p I (11 1. lit i Wii - ii' w In ii u t I. wlv I' to I ! onr- ho .. ije to (lis ll,,n, is no; tu i .-e. v II tin, !;ll-r' The I'm er, s tint' hiifli c'e.in lun. . n i i pure h-'iirt ) lie- ci' in r'; is i- h. i lit in t'.ie li-Mir. of (J..!. .li. r,o LV1J If 111. . serviee v i lie lief- 'iscienei Ct'lierul Au:i!eiiiii'. I inn lad to note l h i' th 'ie is u general awakening, -md h it steai" of the str.inj;e-t deooin ia'iou-.iiv wi 1 in-to put ..side the thiues lini. .li -rM...,. , ,.xl.,,.;l,,. ;l .-. ;z ,,; k tli(ivll sH tht. lllt ,.. (v)llft.,.t.M;.0. It ,...'t in New York ilhoul. n . or lio. Th" (JetieV !ll Coiil'ere'K e of the M. H. Clinrell, oulh, the l'resliv t. 'li HI (J.-lleril A seinblv, I he ll 'fiirnie-.l ('hu'eh, and, I think .sol.le oi h.'IS hive aiipr o e I the pl;,ii of union. brotherhoods ai'" h.-iiiLT fo''i.i. d iii many Churches which, I iii"!er-t.-:mi, in most places e open to men .-lfl..l. Th.-.-i id a "..neial iiong, church i v pvaeiieri!,! a iy .); lei ,u- li re il 'itoii m-ietings .i-i-ig oi' interests ;il" eveiv.vh; re oil e-i-i.ei, which i-. .."ii'o it i.f what e ir'o -i-'.is .ill I( lelleil i- to m . -'er'.ii:--'! V - i' ! . N" . ni I! i;t r A n- i- Cm nt i'iv hn.i Is l i t . eel ! ..! I - e, I - vi-i-'ii of ih i i I. :;"ri r.-c ite $:J '.'(Mo -j:J.io ji j,.r the new se.ile. lie'l u :i il-i v mi- geo. kinuey billed. I'ntal Wreck SearDauvillil'as-ieiijfcr Train ( rashiil Into a Freight. Another wreck occuried near D.inxide, V'n , List Satii'dav morn iii; ( miisihl' i he denth of Engineer r.eoree. i;. Kidney, ,i.d J t o.-oe Ford, i !.- ti-eman u.-i-i l.tteiiv i, pnvd. The i -:isveu-i-r tr i i tn-iii run liv Mr. Knan'v e a-!ed into a f)ei;.'iit trim .l.i e running at 35 no. r mi hour K'ijiiee r Ki.,n,.t , who was l i!! o i, has lie. n in i : i injiioy of I he .-oiit'.ero . iid is a lir.ilher it JVl..'i.'-er '.' '. . Kllll'-V, wIlO a-- i ipn'iiir' "i -. ;j , lien It el .-.he,.! ;.,'o . !n- ri .-f , i . ver's t-v. r : I lLt ifid hiiievl i'lesi- I- :; ji H', r I.:, I t'n vf hi- AN OLD-TIME MELODY. iS.ni;-, : Hilar." i-i ;,, ,i !.-.. -i ii.H.l. :m !.: v. t'i lie I !,.. ,!. in i V.,-i .iii.I u, , !.. ni.. -nr..- ..i. t'lior.is. i ...i '. i. ii li.t.ae. f-'ai-' ' 'I '. l l iier. .it-.ll- i.l ilel-, . ..Ii" il.Hil" I - e I 'f I.' Ii . ac ilari l-.i, A'i I ii . t-n ... I. -i;. ii- i 1 .. ii -. K. her, J..i ier, ret, ie !i ,1.1 w :i I Mi nim-, .....-l.ll.J III 'i W.llll v !'oe S.ler tj.ty Lo.ui und Trust e .!U(i.l.:y Vtlll ..'III i'f U U nil.'. I'd a.noi.g tin- iini'orta.it !i-.:iuei:l i.ist.i iiiM'iis of Ciit'biiu coiiiiy. I'll' ecniMiiv .i.b forme I I - v.iekliv Ml.'i-: P. W.ll.-to t.f (i:'eclls'u.'o, -. ..I :i "ii iio.-r ci .; i.-i '.s i:iist p'M- ;-.-l t " le.!: il -s or c. IPcPOlTA?''; ; at: :C3 G: sr."'- This space wns bcutii '.j '.".'.. "" ". who may have overlooked th: f:.j i':.r '-.' . ' -: - - -for the return and delivery to v.:z of l:'.;;.-; ; :".o.:e -..r.t .'er tised in our icco Catalogue ond Clreular ci J .: c::i?rcs by the terms cf Hie ojc? if self on January is, zgoy. We would not consider giving' prescais to one with out p-ivinr presents to a!!, for ta'.-s that reach us after our cfier har, c:-..oired, and for this reason vc will not consider any car.c: Az':..vct for delay in delivery of tags, and wo will positive" refuse to ;ive preociits for any tags that reach V.i::;v:o;v-no!ers, N. C, after Tuesday, January ist,. 1907, wiuen is in our offer. l'.O c or any nolL ; toe ii To LaV-:' V , t; r-rCM t I L C.0VC1! State Auditors Itcport. State Auditor Dixon has nearly completed his letter to the Governor, transmitting his report for the fiscal year ended November 30. The bal ance on hand of the general fund a year ago was $282,714, the receipts from all sources during the year, $2,228,478. The disbursements wero $ '.143,109, leaving the balance $338,082. It will be remembered that the State auditor three weeks go said that the balance on hand ! would be over $300,000. The bal jance. ot the educational fund on ' hand is $"G)52o, the disbursements ' during the year having been $80, ' 1)85, and the receipts $125,951. The. 'State Debt, 4 per cent,, is $4, 131,451); 0 per cent., $2,720,000. There are yet outstanding of old North Carolina railway cointruei-io i bonds 0 er cent., unrodeenie I, $2 2, 000. The ;ot-il I. 'lit, is titeivfore sii,87l,15i). The Sti'e owns 30. ('00 of North C.-iroiiuu ruii.v:iy hUh-M : $:i,0(ii,2Ui; 10,1 iW sb-ties Atlaniic i& jKorth.OaroHnii 'ailwuy stele, $t.20ii.i;o0: Alevanilerouiity binds, :2,750, 5,4.10 sh-ir.-s Wilkesboro & JeSl'ersou Turnpike Company, : .54.(10(1; total (iislxirsetneiits, .sl, ; 323,550. ! A eorpor.-.ti ci !vh upplied to the Wilson county (.'iininissioiiera for a fra'-cliis.i to operate electric cirs I over count roads. Thousands Yim Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it Bow To Find Out. Fill a bottle or coimnon j;l:e;s with your water anil lut it sUuul twenty-four lenin-: i!!;eihi!ienUir set- tli:i.;;inilieales;ii! ! uuliciilthv eon- , liilio-.i i .I' the !:ii- j ueys ; if it t:t:uiii. j your linen it i:- ; cviiler.ee of !'.'.- ncy trouble ; t. o i fiX-quc-nt iksile 1 to kiss it orjn'i" ; in the be.t.U ii nlso eonvineiii:; proof thnt the kidneys! iuk'i bladilcr are out of order , What To Uo. There is comfort in the kiiowjcilj-e -o often expressed, th:it Dr. KiiineV:; Sv;imi)-Uot, the jfeat kiih'.ey rvi-t.".:y, fuhi'ln everv wish in euriie; rheuuui! i:-j:i. jiainiu the buck, kiduc-ys, liver, bladder and everv part nf the urinary jias: le.ie. )t lorreets inability to hold water mid sealdini,' Jiaiu in passin;; it, ;r bed effects following use :f liiu:', wine or beer, and overcomes th.it unpleasant lie eesMtv of beine; eoinpi lled to e;o tiiU n duriii',' the dav, and to et up neu v times duriiiK li'e nielli. The mild alio the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Roi. A soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures oi the most di:,-li-cssiii" cases. If vow need a medicine von should have the best. Sold by dnr;-j-IMS in fiflv-eent and one-dollar sues. You r.iav'have a s.ur.ple bottle and a book that tells all fXr-. ji.lv.Hit it. bo'.h.-enl free by mail. Ad.!re.'sJV.is.-i-:..;!j.j:i Kilmer S: Co.. i'.iii':- "'; .-r;ci--- -he.iu'.ou, X. V. V."!-.: ! Kt.:-. t.vnnr-,..-r. writm;; luenlion this paper i-.-i.l dtjll't i make env milake, but r. :nl er .an:.'. Dr. Kibnei-':. Sver:;.-U.)ul. ;.'k' n uddress. I'.r.i Uauitou, N. V. 3PL 9 fall cziteut cf time as heretofore stipulated :as aulhority to change C'-?--C JZtV's every Lj Mr. and Airs. A. H. Price, of i Su'isba v, wi 11 leave in a few weeks for Ja i ille, Fla., where they will reside. They make this de acon oa account of the ill health VIr j. Price. During the fucil y.ir ending Xovcnibtr 3()th, the Stati charter ed 902 new en erprises, a3 against 093 in 19;)o and 5 40 in 1904. " For Lung f nr I' A.'fr's ClhciTV Pecrnriil ce.r- t thinly cures coughs, colds, j: bronchitis, consumption. And i It cer:.1.;::!'.' f.rensthens ver.!; utnrcGts cr.c vcaK lungs. There can be no mistake about tliis. You know it is true. Andj your own doctor will say so. Too beet I'.iii.l cf a 'ostim-.ninl -" ijolil ir over i .b;ly yeurs.' '1 Hade by T. C. Ar -r C".. I.oxo!l, iltn. AUo i:.anuruOLurors of S'.KSArAKtLLA. VIGOR. Wo I. av. no r.fiv.i;! Wt publlBll tho f j-i.ii:!i.!i ol'n.l our picdifincs. :o the hovKCiia rorular with Aycr's a.' ar.d Vvas hasten recovery. 1 THE WINTER In November 1902 our .in tention v;as caileJ to peaches which Capt. Ellington, Pres. Gicensboro National Bank, had gathered front hs gar den. It fccinj so l.!c we were inclined to look upon it as ?. freak of nature, but when we a.i?n found tbem han ingf cn the tree 3.te in No-vcm.-r 19C4 wc erc com pelled fo lake off onr hats and ackr.OT.'Iedc an intro duction to a peach of first c!ac quality, knjtheningf the peach s;: aeon fully one moatli. I havo tlic Entire Control cf tl is pech. Fur this and other tarp.air.s rrvK'uy f ed', J.CWA A. v0UXG, P C: .- mvht vo Nui'serii?.-;, Greensboro, N. C. or modify this Cures Cr;p Li Two Days. iTHE CAROLIfJAl! COOK STOVE! :d to !,ivTa t.itire in everyway. v iii !-r:i itncri .vc cut ,., i. -:- !iult, .... . ..- i- . ..rnu ,..!., i,.ii'i,-d. lml sr!1 Il.i se luvps, ijii.il - -: .-.::!-:v low . ei- r.ii. i .;i.l H.ition. .'1 .M iiit-tiK-l.-.n-U lv . GLASCOCK & SONS, Groen'-jjore, N. C. Win.-lt.vv l.'dw. Cc, .Vat i.iii.-l.euiiui d Co., . N. C, N. C. e Money, Hiy ioney You will s.vc money by paying eush for what you buy, and wiH avoid pp.yinjr for g-ood.s you think you haven't bought.. So call on J. L. Norman and buy cheap, whero you will not bo bothered willi book v :coun-. Nice lint- tirocories, Notions, Ovei'diij, Susycnders,' Pants, Shirts, etc. Jones' Cd Stand, North side Depot street. Pure Food, Good Health. I have a complete line of groberies ar.d general mer chandise. Furr.bh your table from cur stock and you get the purest and best. I pay top marVet prices for prccucz. W. W. JCKCS iCZiK and ViLU, CURE Knowing- what it was to ulicr, I will give free of charge, to any .nif.'tcted a rosi ive core for Ec .:e:n."t Salt Rheum, iirysipelas, I'i'es and Skhi Discms. Instant rclirf. LV.i't :uf;.:r b:-.:r, Vriiz Vvr. vValiain 40.) .'.v.an!uttati ...s.., . .t. , . co .... o . .. ,.Mp. I Dr. S. A. IKuisLr-V, I Physician - ,nt - Z-.-rct(n. I A.ii:iiOKe. r . o. A G McALISTCi? U CO. Aslieboro, U. C. Fire, Life and Acc:Cc.-:t Ir:.-iur- over the 1'aiik .if I'.ei.! cooro, - on e, lirr .1 e. :- I. " ' Cn:: i.H ' lie I I. ee L ev. -.1.1 1 A I. el) TO Iimg

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