"The Asheboro Courier. Asheboro. N. 0. Dec 13, 1906. Local and Personal. Geo. M. Foust. of Coleridge, was a busi e-s visitor here last week. Prof. I). M. Weatherl y, and Misa Marirc-i M. McAlister, of Frank atteuded the teachers' meet- f iDg here Saturday. Jlrs. J. V. Hunter is spending the Xmas. holidays with relatives in Mecklenbuig county. Trof. Jno. illpinan. was L. Harris, of Run in Asheboro Satur- day. The Daraca class is arranging for a social to be giren New Year's night. 'Xmas shoppers should read the large advertisement of Wood & Mor ing in this issue. Miss Lillian Bunch returned 'Tuesday from Greensboro, where she visited Mrs. iroguon. Mr. W. K. Goff was run over by a hand car on the Southern Rail road at Greensboro this week and I badly injured. P Mrs. Fayeth Smith was run ver n truin lipap GihHOllville liist. Sunday and instantly killed. Mrs. Jesse Presnell has returned f from a visit, to her sister in Greens- boro. Chas. Clyburn shot and killed Jim Lydes in High Point on last Sunday. It is said that the evi dence makes out a pre ty clear case of self-defense. J. W. Reid, of Spencer, is here for several days visiting relatives. 'He has just recovered from a long attack or typhoid revcr. Mrs. J. M. Lassiter, and son Rush, returned Tuesday from a visit to Miss Dora Redding. The Randlemau Bargain (Jo. has H been incorporated with T. G. Mc- Alister, J. T. Council and S. W. iiwaim as incorporators. Messrs. E. B. Leach and Herbert Tysor, of Erect, were visitors in Asheboro Monday and Monday night. Mr. J. a. Cameron, oi voncoru Davidson county, were in Asheboro Monday. 0. R. Cox has moved from Cedar Falls to Asheboro, and is now oc cupying his new home, recently pur- chased from Mr. J. E. Walker. ir. WHiKer naa moveu imo me 'dwelling he recently purchased fro-ii Shube W. Laughlin. W. J. Adams, of Carthage, and Miss Florrie Wall, of Rockingham, "will be married December 19th, in the M. E. Church South, at Rock ingham. Mr. N. H. Slack, special agent for the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. has secured a check for $3000 in payment of insurance held l the late J. H. McDaniel. Rev. J. H. Stowe bas purchase d V. eight acres of land fioni Mr. W. wl. Richardson rn the southern part of town on Richardson Reservation. Mr. Orlando Free, of Asheboro, a sou of John Free, of Cedar Fulls, was married to Miss Daphne Wil liams, of High Point, last night. w ii hi up. imsmpKS manager of the Troy Moutgomrian, spent Friday rn Asheboro, on Dusiness. The Montgomriau is one of our most thrifty weekly exchanges. W. H. Chandler, A. J. Averton, R. M.Noble, Thos. S. Bell and ) V. T VnKln whr aro infprpstpd in fining in this section, are spend '' ing the week at the Central. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Surratt spent Saturday night in Asheboro at the nome of Mr. ana Airs. J. t. in anec. Mr. surratt is now leacning as me new school house in New Hope township, Bells Grove school house. This is a new school house and is one of the best country school houses in the county. More than '30 of the total patent folding desks have been placed in the building. Tlie teacher, Mr. Surratt has recent ly uiehin-eda new bell and donated it lo the building. Mr. Surratt is one of the leading public school teaoheis in the county. STATE OKoillO.City of Toledo, ) Luiui) Cuuuty. J Fruiik .1. Cliftioy tnnke onth that lip Is pernor partner of iliv lirih of K. J. liene ' & Co., ilnini; lui.u,,-. in ii. i'iiv i.f Tiilidii. Ccionlv mill t-'Hl.' lnriiiil, uihI dial mid linn will pay tin' mm of oNE HL NbHKIi hol.LA K lor iiicn nun n.iy airiii raiurrli Hi .icumiiii no-tine ny iw i.ae oi HullV emarrli fur.-, FKANK I.CHhSKV bkiitii in in iiim mo aim .uiwrimn m inj . A.W.tJI KAsnN. N.u irv fulll c. HuThC'iunrrh Cure I taltt-n liiUTuitlly. und u t- ulm-ilv on Hie lilmul ami iiiucoii- mrfmvs f tne y-.Uiin, fcfinl fur to-timoiiial-fr. o F. J. I'll KN KY & CO., TiiKilo, O. IM by nil ilrurvi-tr, it. ' luko Hall s Family FilU lor constipation. W. F. McDowell killed a sheep last week weighing 85 lbs dressed, Mr. W. A. Webster, who has lived for several years seven miles below Mt. Gilead, has moved to Archdale, An important meeting of the Knights of Pythias will be held in their castle hall Monday night. Readers of the Courier who are saving tags from the R. J. Reynolds tobaccos should note their advertise ment on the third page. No tags redeemed after January 1st, 1907. The music class of Miss Nannie Bulla will give a recital at the Academy tonight. A. C. Kellcy, of Carthage, 6peut Monday in Asheboro on businesss. Mr. Samuel Spoon and family have moved to Asheboro and occupy the new dwelling which he has recently built near his son-in-law, Mr. John Humble. The dwelling of Suaau Staley, n old colored woman, in Coleridge township, was burned on last Sun day night. By reading our advertising col umns you will see what the live, up-to-date merchants of our town are offering. The merchaut who does not care euough to tell you about his goods and the bargains he offers, is not considered enterprising. The Literary Societies of Elise High School will play "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch," on Friday evening, December the fourteenth, nineteen .hundred and six. Ad mission fee ten cents. The pro ceeds will go to the athletic fund. W. C. Armstrong, who form :rly held a position with the Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co., in Asheboro, is now bookkeeper for A. V. Cross, contractor at High Point. Mr. Arm strong who recently visited his father at Central Falls is a young man of merit, and his many friends will be glad to learn of his success in our neighboring town. He visited friends in Asheboro Monday. Why Not Items. Mr. and Mrs. John Stutts, o Moore county, visited their brother, Wm. and Henry here, last week. Messrs. Frank Hamlin and R. L. Freeman, have recently stopped school to teach in Montgomery. Mr. Walter Williams has also stopped to assist his father at the store and saw mill through Xmas. Prof. Garner will have an enter tainment Friday night Dec. 21, 1906. He has a full school. Miss Lucinda Latham is suffer ing very much with a bone felon. Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Lawrence, and little daughters, Delphin and Lizzie, spent Satuiday night at J. II . Spencer's. MifSts Jessie Boroughs and Esther Auman, of Asheboro, spent Sun day here. E. B. Slack is at home for a few days. C. E. Stuart visited Asheboro Saturday. Miss Tena Richardson has return- ed from a visit to South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Auman, of Steeds, spent Sunday at Mr. T. M. Lawrence. Mrs. Nora Russell has gone to Montgomery to visit her son. Prof. Garner, E. E. McNeil and Miss Bona Yow attended the teachers' meeting at Asheboro Sat urday. Miss Coney Spencer spent Satur day and Sunday .at home. Miss Emily Garner, was here Sat urday on her way to Jacksm Springs, to spend a few days. Ralph Items, A. C. Cox went up to High Point last week on business. Miss Ida Henley, who i teaching at Spero, spent Saturday and Sundav at home. K. L. Winningham has gone down South. Will Luck, of High Point spent Thursday night at A. C. Cox's. Houston Luck is all smiles Another boarder has arrived and we guess he has come to stay. Preparations are being made tor a Christmas tree at Brower's Chapel. The school at Browers is progres. sing nicely with Mr. Williams as teacher. Mr. nialr With Mattocks Bros. Mr. Roland E. Blair, oneof High Point's best known salesmen, is now at this place to show yon one of the newest, swellest and cnenpesc lines oi clothing you ever saw. Don't forget. Mattocks Bros is the place, High Point, N. C. Furnishings for men women and children. O rover, son of Mr. Tilled Oi;in- ford, at New Hope Acdeinv, wl i'e I plaving with .-i shot gun one ilny last Aeek, was dot ihrniieh tie .foot. The wihiimI h a SWiuiH it e I but the vUM!f man is geting along ' rtasonablv wi ll. BAPTISTS MEET. State Convention Held at Greens boro Last Week. GOOD SHOWING MADE FOR PAST YEAR. ScmsIuiis Held In The New Itsi ptist Clnii'ch Convention Serin on lly Dr. 1). Hale, of Wilmington. The State Baptist Convention met in annual session in the First Bap tist Church at Greensboro last Wed nesday morning of last week. The attendance was good, and enthusiasm was manifested on every nana. The first day was consumed bv the appointment of committees and other pieliuunarit'S. lhe followi g oflicers were also elected Wednesday: VV. si. Jones', of Raleigh, presi dent. Lee II. Battle, of Greensboro, first vice president. b. V. iiobgood, of Oxford, second vice-president. Rev. William Lnnsford, of Ashe ville, third vice president. N. B. Broughton, of Raleigh, recording secretary. ilight U. Moore, of Raleigh, as sistant recording secretary. Waiter Duihatnof Raleigh, treas urer. F. II. Briggs, of Raleigh, auditor. Livingston Johnson, of Raleigh, corresponding secretary. lhe following trustees were re elected: W. C. Tyree, of Raleigh; G. C. Briggs' of Waynesvillc; N. Biggs, or bcotland Neck; rx-Gov ernor C. B. Aycock, of Goldsboro; D. L. Gore, of Wilmington. Rev. i?red D. Hale; pastor of the First Church, of Wilmington. preached the convention sermon. Thursday morning tne convention settled down to actual business, aud every act was characterized by deep earnestness. Rev. J. W. Gwaltney, of Hickory, made the report of the trustees of the Tho.nasville orphanage. The report reviewed the work of the or phanage over twenty years ago to the present time, showing a most flattering condition, there being 333 children now there well cared for, contributions of nearly $25,000 hav ing been made for their support. It was also stated that the insti tution needed a new infirmary, and the convention pledged its support to preude it at a cost of about $10, 000. The Baptist State Convention will meet at Wilmington next. Christmas Tree at Shiloh. Blanche, the four year old daugh ter, of Mr. and Mis. A. M. Macon, died of diptheria December 1st. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Phillips are spending several days at J. C. Cox's Mr. Phillips is hunting. Rev. M. L. Hurley filled his regular appoiatment at Shiloh Sunday. Mr. F. L. Brooks is spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Books. Rev. H. Albright the county surveyor has been away the ptst wet-k surveying land. J. E. Albright attended court last week. There will be a Sunday School Christmas tree at Shiloh church on the night f December 25ih. G. D. B. Reynolds Esq., of Trov. will make a talk. Everybody is invited. Elma. Christmas Shopping. Our merchants have more Christ mas goods than ever before. The stores are filled with splendid bar gains. Do your Christmas shopping early and avoid the rush. If you wait until the last few days "the weather may be bad and '.oa will net get to come to town. When you conn to do your Christmas shopping, o not fail to come to see the Courier. Vick's CRAMP and J PNEUMONIA CURE. Mr. L. Richardson, Chem., Greensboro, N. C This is to certify that I have been using Vick's cramp and Pneumonia Salve in my family for three years and have always found it to be a certain cure. I always keep it on hand in case of an emergency. Yours truly, C. C. Cranford, Prop Crown Milling Co. Asheboro, N. C. L. RICHARDSON M'F'G CHEJVJIST. Greensboro, N. Caro. I I Kanoy Items. J. B. Beck's little boy is still very sick with pneumonia. J. L. Owen's haliy, Penn, has been very tick for the past week but is improving. Miss Callie Auman, who is teanh insr lit Browei'a Mills, si,,., t. lost Tuesday iiight with MU Mai'.-j Buck. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, iof Mont gonr.ry county, ure visiting their i daughter, Mrs. Madison Asl.ill. W. I). MoHitt has bought the! Will Wreuii placp from D. Auman. Messrs. Carter and Gamer arej puttiog in a new stock of goods at I Brower's Mill. i A young man arrived at Orlendo I Chrieco'g lasi; week. I Depart The progress of Randolph demanded a change in the conduct of its mercantile interprises, which resulted in the establish ment of the big- department store. The patronage extended us keeps us encouraged and always placing on our shelves the newest and best in every department. You save money by buying from our stock which represents both quality and quantity for each dollar spent. Something to See. Dress Goobs The goods below can be had in all the most popular shades. They are the most popular fab rics: Broad cloth from 85c. to 1.00 Mohairs from 5c. to 1.00 Henriettas from 85c. to 1.75 Panamas from 75c. to 1 00 Serges from 25c. to 1.00 Plaids, 50c. Dress Silks from 1.00 to 1.25 Silk Plaid Waistings, 50c. A beautiful line of prints to run from 5c. to 7c. per yard. Dress Ginghams at 8c. per yard. Apron Ginghams at 6c, per yard. Union suits for ladies and the little ones. Things for Christmas. We have already received a lot.of Christmas goods, for both young and old. When out shopping come in and inspect as they arrive and plan for the Yule Tide. We have silverware, beautiful ornimental vaces, water sets, table ware, handsomely decorated lamps, and a most striking line of wall pictures. Our stock embraces articles for the little ones, too numerous to mention. Diamond Brand Shoes The most serviceable shoe for ladies and misses on the market. They embrace both style and comfort. See them. Don't forget our Grocery Department. We handle only high-grade goods, the manufacturers of which are not excited over the "Pure Food Law." They have always been pure. 'Phone us your order, and receive the prompt service of our quick delivery system. To keep in touch with us and our store makes the problems of domestic life easy. Asheboro Department Store Co. Headquarters for Christmas Goods. Do you want to .substantially remember your friends this year want to give them something they will really appreciate see our collection of hand painted china, cut glass, toilet articles and other things too numerous to mention. We are offering big bargains in these lines. We nre headquarters for both Christmas gifts and groceries. We are anxious for the house wives of Randolph county as well as Asheboro, to try our special brands of canned goo Is, warranted all high grade. Trwn we al-so have a fresh line ilavorings. cryst;i!izod fruits, raisins, currants, etc., for Chrlstm i. Fn-sh supply f sa-ici's, pio kk's, pr -3? A' !j, etc-, put u.) by the celebrated Heinz concn. norris-ScarJo Pinsou Items. Qniney Hill, who hos been visiting in Soi'ih Carolina, has returned. Charles aiid Misses Ada and Ida (Tali, of Chandlers, visited R. L. Tallin's Saturday aud Sunday. The corn crib and grainery of ,7. W. Crinford w in buttled Dec. 2st. Tlx- chihc of the lire is unknown. Wilson Russell visited at A. G. Oi drill's Sunday night. l!ev. Mr. Clark preached at IIi'U tjuvo Siuid iv. Sami el J. Root, of Charleston, S. ('., i.s visiting in this community. M.ilire Unwell lias a new bdanlui? John Tullieit was shot at Wilson Mill's store one day lust week. Mrs. T. O. lli'l, who has been in Baltimore under trcutim nt for some time, is limy at Troy. Kekchug. ent Store Co. Seasonable Goods Romona Tricot, warranted all wool per yard 25c Melton Vellon, most popular fabric for kimonos, dressing sacques, bath robes, etc- Krinkledown, which makes up beautifully in ladies' and child ren's cloaks, wraps, etc. Complete line of Flannelettes and Outings. Walk-Over Shoes for Men Last season we sold more of this brand than any other sold in this section. They are solid com fort, to the wearer. Call for the Walk-Over. o-MoffittCo vv vv W. Ii Watkins. Jr. Company. CASH BUYERS OF ALL FURS. We guarantee you better values than you can get any where else. Express or mail us what you have and we. will make returns same day they are received. If desired we will hold goods until we see that you are satisfied or forward according to your di rection. Write for our price list. Ramseur, - N. C. In New Quarters. We have recently moved our business into the Lane . store building on South Fay etteville street, where we are better prepaced to serve our customers. Come to see us in our new store. Bring us all your chick ens and eggs. Buying Country Produce at Top Market Prices is Our Specialty. RICH MO FFITT, Asheboro, N. C- 'Phone 34 We will give our employees a fine Tur key as usual this Xmas. We want 1,000 Fancy, Fat Young Gobblers, the choicest turkeys that can be founc in North Carolina. How Many Can You Furnish? Write us at once and state number you will deliver us by Dec. 2Ut h and prices asked F. O. B. your depot or delivered this place. PROXIMITY MERCANTILE CO.. Greensboro, N. C. Crown Patent Flour. Ii pronounced the best by evi-ry consumer. Try it. Also phone us your orders for Meal, Feed ftulT, Bran, Siuirts, Corn, Oats hi d Hay. We carry the lu st and cleanest. Ytiiii'si"(k will thiive en it. Wc ulso dtlVr ii l.-trjre (iiani'y of M. ingles at a b.-rguiu. He me nher mir 'phone number wh o you need Coal. THE ASHEBOH J FEE & GRAIN COJ Thono No. ,;0. Turkeys j Wanted.