i . r . 9 r EXHIBIT FOR COUNTY Claims audited and allowed by the Board of County Commis sioners of Randolph County during the year commencing with December 1st, 1905, and ending with December 1st, 1906. OIT9IDE POOR. Mr. A. KobMns JR. F. Brirtue Jwckery Kciirus Xuey Bull- Zebedee (ilfoou Tom Llttl Raner Dorsctt Cornelia Kienurdsou .OraaMollitt urn. A. B. Jackson iKosina Wright Or Hymun M. M.Collrone ;LIzie.l. .laeksou Luciudii Parks Iwllah Ferguson Iiivy nnd I). Fry itsy Nance Wm. Jiavis Tena Kearn Joseph Willi Lydla Lnyil Tabltlia Wallis Hisnn Lilly Daniel Hk-en illarrlot Matthews - Hnierva Lilly Llndley Vuiieounoii Jtllen Jarrell W F. TroRilou Charity M, Parrlsh Julius Russell Mary Hill Ionizer Hulin Illzaneth Boon Ketlie Brown Hiniljeth Soots 4ieo. H. Lucas Mi In Northcott Isaac Hinder and wife .lane Btuley PrlHClIla Hill Wiztt Btaley Peter Dean astoti HeUSOll Mark Haivel L.(ray and family .Alfred Lane ...... Jno. K. Millikan and wife . -Caroline Nuwsom Nettle Gaddis Hannah Holland Wm. Walker Elizabeth HUilcy Kausom Crnnlord Klchard Allrcd .Jno. Taylor Enos V right Eliza Fields Augustus N. Routh Oliver Howden Cynthia Pritchard Nancy Wood Hlioup Elizabeth Kiuith Eli Hancock D. P. Record and sister .... Laura J. Chandler Klizabuth Kouth , Alnucy Coble .J. W. Hall , 18 00 14 00 8H 00 13 0U 80 00 14 00 a on 84 00 ! 00 1800 41 00 1 00 1S00 0 00 1SO0 a i oo 811 00 18 00 IS Oil 18 .) 13 0 15 00 J 4 ' 13 UA 13 CO 14 00 4 UO moo : 1800 31 00 18 00 a oo 13 IX) 13 00 113.'. 13 00 13 00 IS 00 14 00 13 00 1800 17 D) 800 14 35 4 OC 18 00 81100 13 00 30 00 13 00 13 00 800 84 00 400 18 00 33 00 11 DO 4 SO 1900 13 00 .. 7 60 io so 800 8 00 BnO 18 00 300 1 SO 1 00 800 Total, tlOlTSS COUNTY HOME EXPENSES A. h. Ielk, Mdse A. W. Fuller J. F. Jurrell and Co., Mdso A. M. Bulla, Beef W.J. lK-lk. Steward W. F. Miliary. Mdse A. W. Fuller, Mdse McDowell Bros. conveying U. Jurors to Conntv Home J. F. Jarrcll ami Co. Mdse LcxIiiKtnu Grocery Co. Mdse .John Delk, Pork O. P. Barker, Pork . Henrv Poole, Potatoes W. F". McCrary, Mdse McCrary Redding Hdw. Co. Mdse A. W. Fuller, Mdse Travis Smith. Smithing J. F. Jarrell and Co. Mdse A. h. Delk, Potatoes A. W. Fu.ler, Md-e Harvey Hunt, Work Thos. Ncwby, mending shoes Harry Williums, Feed K.A. Farlow, Horse .. 80 53 ST SO DOS 4 K& ftOUO 41 40 80UO 8 50 1100 9 8i) 88 10 33 55 rs M 38 11 47 30 05 1 K0 500 180 00 .IcCrary Kcomng now. uo., .. .. Kliza J. Caveness. conveying M. Wright. sell to County Home .!. F. Jarrell, Mdse W. F. McCrary. Mrte W, J. Delk, Steward W. R. Poole, Potatoes Harvey Hunt. Work McCrary Redding Hdw. Co. Mdse J. T. Redding. Hay A. W. Fuller, Mdse McDowell Bros, conveying C. Jury to Court House Harvey Hunt, Work W. F. McCrary. Mdse A. W. Fuller, .J.T. Redding. Feed McCrary Redding Hdw. Co. Mdse J. F. Jarrcll, Mdse W. F. McCrary, Mdse Harvey Hunt, wor .J. F. Jarrcll. Mdse A. W. Fuller, h. M. Pierce, Peas McCrary Redding Hdw. Co. Mdse John F. Jarrcll and Co. Tobacco .J. W. Morgan Bros. Mdse W.J. Delk, Steward Harvy Hunt, Work A. W. Fuller. Mdse W. F. McCrary, Mdse A. W. Fuller, Mdse K. N. Farlow, Pigs J. F. Jarrell and Co., Mdse W. F. McCrary-. Mdse a- Croker and Mcl'herson, conveying G. Jury to Court House .J, F. Jarrell and Co., Mdse AKhcboro Grocery Co. Mflse y. F. McCrary, Mdse Ocorne Klu(r. Work W. J. Ik-Ik, Steward .J. B. Delk. Mdso W. F. McCrary, Ashcboro (irocery Co. Mdse .John F. Jarrell, Mdse Crown MillingCo. Mdse ... .Jno. F. Jarrcll aud Co R. K. Trotter. Provisions Jno. Delk, Flour W. F. McCrary. Mdse Asheborn Grocery Co., Crown Milling Co. Mdse - Total, 13 BCRIAL EXPENCK8 OF PAUPERS. VI. W. Russell, cofln .. X. 8. Gray, " DaJcl Presiu-Il, " E. 8. Gray, Shrouding M. Lilly J. W. Jolly, Coftin JnoWrlght. " M. A. Kciuel, " Lena B. Hunt ' Augustus Kouth Total, 88 10 CONVICT FORCE EXPENSES. .J. B. West, Smithing Roddy iwatn, Provisions Hannah and Hardin, Halters etc June Peace, Provisions f. M. Walker, conveying convicts to Road Force F. B. Kennedy, Making clothes etc W. H. Hardin, corn H. H. Kennedy, Supt. ... N. C. Cranford. Asst. Superintendent .. L. B. Hoover, Ouai d R,UGaddis, " J. C. Cos, " J. R. Smith, " U. E. Kearns. ' Jno. F. Jarrcll and Co., Mdse Liberty Mer. Co. Mdse J. T. Redding. Corn . McCrary Redding Hdw. Co. Mdse W. J. Miller. Mdse Liberty Milling Co. Mdse Webster and Allred, Mdse H. O. Hay worth. Leather H. H. Kennedy. Supt .1. B. West, Smithing W. J. Milkir, Mdse W. U Coltmne, Guard H. H. Kennedy, Sunt N. C, Cranford. Asst. Supt M. B. Hill. uard , A. C. Jackson, Guard Hugh J. Burns, smithing Wilkerson anil Underwood, Mdse Ashclmro Roller Mills, Mdso Lexington Grocery Co., Mdse ). G. Hendricks and Co., Mdse -T. A. Kouth, M.t Wilkerson and Underwood, Mdse P. P. Jones. Feed H. H Kennedy, Supt N C. Cranford, Asst. Bust B. B. Hill, Guard J.C. Karlow, Guard W. L. Coltrauo. Guard A. C. Jackson. Guard Q. M. Raiding, Lumber TnmiNixm, Corn 10 95 57 06 800 8 33 100 19 83 30 00 4A00 8360 1500 15 00 13 00 14 75 835 84 97 18 08 1 30 19 05 88 53 89 47 13 10 8 45 4500 5 45 11 40 18 Ml 45 011 85 00 18 00 1X00 300 80 05 S 30 10 SO 38!I7 13 9 31 35 8 50 45 U0 8.100 18 00 15 fO 1 30 g uo 58 47 RANDOLPH COUNTY. H. H. Kennedy, Freight etc 88 A-hebnro Roller Mills, Mdse 43 8 McCrirv Redding Hdw. C. Mdse 7837 J. Kirkmim, feed 9 41 Standard Drug Co i puny. Mdse 8 00 AsnciKiro imig company, muse Asheboro Grocery Co., Mdse 44 60 Crown MillingCo., Mdse 05 35 J, A. Kniith, Mdsi- 14 Ms Ash. lsin, Roller Mills Mdse "3 50 H. H. Kennedy, Supt 45 00 N. C. Criitifnrd. Asst. Supt 85 00 B. B. Hill. Gil-mi 18 00 .1. C. Farlow. Guard 18 0U I. L. Redding, Guard 18 00 Wilkerson nnd Underwood, Mdse 30 38 G. K. F.irlou , Clothing ImriiC In tamp Road For. e 1 a" H. H. Krnneily, Freight etc 3 65 F. B Ke incily, Making Clothes 18 8 Ptiuhs id Llm-lH-rry. Mdse 10 81 Ti e Liuerty Milling Ct.. M.Isc 47 81 J. W. Pugli and S'ins. Provisions oou Curtis Hdw. Co. Mdse 4 A. F. .Lines. Fee I w H. F. Humble. Foed 8 j W. J. Miller, Md-e 40 ;0 McCrary Redding Hdw Co So 55 J. A. Kouth. Peas 81 H. H. Kennedy, overseer 45 00 N. C. Cruniord. Asst Supt 88 50 L. K. Hoover, Guard 15 00 B. L. (iaddis. Guard 15 00 S. K Keurus. 15 00 J. C Cox, Guard 18 40 Stand ar, I Drug Company, Mdse Lil-Ttv Milbng Co. Mdse 1 5 75 .1 . R. Stout Co. Milse 1 5 Wood and Moring, Md-e .1. H.Robblns, Provisions 8 94 Curtis Hdw Co.. Oat 4 35 Lexington Grocery Co. Mdse 43 17 Curils Hdw. Co . Mdse 84 0 Roddv Swutn. Provisions 83 35 H. H.' Kennedy. Syrup etc. . 8 50 Libertv Mer. Co. Mdso 80 40 Liberty Mer. Co. Mdse 18-9 J. R. Mnrlev, Board 9 85 H. II. Kennedy, Supt 45 00 N. C. Cranford, Asi. Supt 88 50 B. L. (iaddis, Gunrd 1500 8. K K-ams. Guard 15 00 L. E. Hoiver. Driver 15 00 J. C. Swim. Guard 18 80 Lavlna Peace. Making clothes . 9 91 J. T, Stout, Corn 41 S6 .1 I). Peace. Corn etc 10 51 McCrarv Redding Hdw. Co., Mdse 'i 73 C, F. Coltrane, Outs 7 SO J. B. Richardson. Provisicns 81 81 H. H Kennedy, Board etc Sli" Joe riWHtin. Corn etc 17 40 W. J. Miller. Mdse 44 13 Le:.ingt)l Gnwery Co. Mdse 88 78 Ashcboro Roller Mills, Mdse JL 80 IH J. K. Davis. Mdse V 8543 Crown Milling Co. V 10 89 Troy Redding. Hauling 4 00 J. A. Hartley anil Co., Mdse 58 43 R. M. Ward, Mdse 80 l H. H. Kennedy, Supt 4500 N O. Cranford. Asst. Supt 83 50 B L.Gaddts. Guard 15 00 S. E. Kearns, 1500 Ben Hill, " " 1850 J, E swahn. Driver 15 00 J. M. Deaton. Feed 3 50 .1 V Lambeth. Mdse 87 01 A. R. Craven, " 1 85 MeCnirv Redding Hdw. Co.. Mdse 803 71 J. E. Davis, Mdse 19 68 W. L. Coltrane, Feed 8 W J. O. Fields. Feed etc 84 10 Asheboro Roller Mills, Mdse 48 00 S..K. Kearns, Work 9 00 H H Kenned v. Feed etc 184 J. R. Marlev. Bo.ird 79 88 H. H. Kenneaj, eupi iow N. C. Cranford. Asst. Hnpt 83 So 8. E. Kearns, Guard 15 00 B. B. Hill. Guard 15 00 Joe Swaim, Teamster 15 00 H T P iwhps. Arrest and Ketnrn to Road Force : 10 00 McCrarv Redding Hdw. Co., Mdse 9 64 J.C. cox. Work etc 84 50 CmwnAfilllnrOo.. Mdse 8819 J. R. Marley, Board ,4 00 Naomi runs store co m use -am J. O. Fields. Feed etc. 18 63 H. H. Kennedy. Supt 4500 N. C. Cranford, Asst .Supt 350 J. D. Peace, Asst. Supt 85 00 J. C. Farlow, Guard 1500 B.B.Hill. " 1500 W. L. Coltrane, Ojard 1500 J. K. Swaiin, Driver 1175 J. D. Bulla, Med. Service 30 00 K. A Cox. Feed 5 00 Asheboro Wheelbarrow Mfg. Co. Mdse 80 40 Julian Milling Co. Mdse 1185 Crown Milling Co. Mdse 83 96 J. K. Davis, Mdso 88 95 J, B. Richardson. Mdse 83 95 H. H. Kennedy. Smithing etc 4 50 W. H. Brewer. Mdse 70 E. L. Peace, Corn 30 00 J. R. Marley. Board 10 60 Curtis Hdw. Co., Mdse 57 SH A. R. Craven, Smithing 1 50 Crown Milling Co.. Mdse ...i 3 45 Marion Osborac, Smithing 13 69 J. B. Richardson, Mdso 17 31 W. L. Coltrane, ' 583 W. H. Brewer. " 8 85 J. E. Davis and Co., Mdse 8 S3 J. R. Coltrane. Corn 578 J. R. Marley, Board 8 35 Libertv Drug ( o.. Mdse 8 85 W. T. Hannerand Co., Mdse 4 03 W. J. Miller. Mdse 81 85 R. D. Patterson, Medical Service 18 SO McCrarv Redding Hdw. Co., Mdse 34 40 Liberty'Mer. Co. Mdse 79 17 Curtis Huw. Co , " 50 96 Asheboro Grocery Co., Mdse 84 33 N. B. Curtis, Feed 5 00 W. J. Miller, Mdse 84 35 ' 44 99 Wilkerson and Underwood Mdse 55 44 Home Ruildinc and Material Co. Mdse 3 00 Pugh and Lineberry, Mdse 4 48 U M. Redding. Lumber 48 80 H. H. Kennedy, Supt 45 00 N. C. Cranforil, Asst. Supt 85 00 J. C. Farlow, Guard 18 00 B.B. Hill, " 18 00 D. L. Redding, ' 16 30 Jose oh Williams. Cook 600 J. W. Peace, Provisions etc 8 59 W. L. Coltrane. Provisions 18 07 M . K. Ferguson . Cora 85 00 Isaac Routh. Provisions 13 70 J. A. Kouth. Mdse 80 87 J. B. Richardson. Mdse 9 55 Wood and Moring, " 71 38 Asheboro Grocery Co., Mdse 71 83 McCrary Redding Hdw. Co., Mdse 31 05 R. T. Ruh. oonvevlns nrlsoner from Ttoy to Road Force 00 McCrary Redding Hdw. Co., Mdse 35 46 W. J. Miller. Mdse 4014 N. C. Cranford, Asst. Overseer 80 Oo J. C. Karlow. Guard 18 00 B. B. Hill, Guard 18 0 Wm. Langley, Cook 85 50 Home Building nnd Materia) Co.. Mdse 8 00 Asheboro DcpartmcntSlore Co., Mdse . . 85 88 Wood and Moring. Mdse 70 03 W. V. 8 ted man and Co. 8 75 Asheboio Grocery Co., Mdse 66 18 Crown Milling Co., Mdse 18 80 C. C. Croker, Arresting Convict 4 76 Croker and McPheraon. Couvevinl G. Jury to K. Force 8 85 Total, (531008 BRIDGE FORCE EXPENSES. J. D. Peace, A-st. Supt J. C. Farlow, Guard Alfred Stout, Guard E. E. Lcwallen, Lumber R. M. Ward, Provisions J. R. Coltrane, Corn etc J. T. Lvmbert, Mdse J. B. Richard on. Provisions etc J. M. Gray, Corn etc Lexington Grocery Co., Mdse J. F. Coltrane, Grain and Flour H. H. Kennedy, Supt N. C. Cranford, Asst. Supt J. D. Peace. Guard W. L. Coltrane, Guard B. B. Hill. Guard A. C. Jackson, Guard Lewls-Wlnslow Hdw. Co. Mdse .1. R. Smith, Overseer W. L. Coltrane. Guard G H. Farlow, Guard Jesse F. Coltrane, Provisions J. R. Coltrane, Teaming C. C. Caveness. Peas and Cora J. D. Peaoe, Overseer O. R. Karlow, Guard J. H. Robbins, Work June Peace. Guard J. I. Peace, Asst, Supt. B. F June Peace. Guard G. K. Karlow, J. H Robbins. Cook H. L. Andrews, Work .1. F. Jarrcll, Mdse J. I). Peace. Supt J. C. Farlow, Guard June Peace, Guard J. M. Floyd. Work C. C. Caveness, Hauling J. D. Peace, Asst. Supt 85 08 16 00 18 00 173 98 19 04 34 00 85 86 17 98 11 63 49 36 105 74 45 00 8500 13 91 15 00 15 00 15 OO 480 17 00 13 80 11 10 14 IS 4 00 38 43 80 00 1500 15 00 15 00 SO 00 15 01) !." oo III IK) 8 00 35 30 -jo mi 15 () II 00 5 0(1 13 no CO (10 15 (10 15 00 .I.e. Karlow. Guam 17 OOJiuie Peace. Guard 16 50 150 100 w. o. Jones, Peas , W.J. Mollltt. Provisions . (J.W.Owen, " w. s, Gardner, " W. D. Moflitt, " Total. 9930 PUBLIC ROAD EXPENSES. W. A.. Tones, Lumber D.T. McCain. " M. B. Stuart, " etc B. Pritchard, . ' ' etc Z. V. Fox. " etc Home Building and Material Co., Lum ber 1. F. Brown Lumber W. T.Thoniburg " 8. K. Trogdon, " Awick aud Smith, " S, W.Laughlln " 533 6U0 350 8500 768 8 83 8 18 1140 700 7 75 101) 178 M. K. Brown, , c. Johnson, - Dai icl Klvett. " W. H. Hugcs, " W. C. Cannon, " W. C. Cannon, " Farlow A Spencer, " Addison Branson, " H. H. Elder, ' Bulla & Spencer, ' Houtn, W. M. Shields, " Wj Jackson. " A. W. Leonard, " H. W. Elder, R.C. Hoover. " J. C Hammond, " W. C. Cannon, " 815 477 135 80 00 7 1H 674 10 50 B9 05 815 OS 8 41 800 10 50 B.C. Blair, N. B. Curtis, " H. L. Miiler, " Pierce, " . Grimes. ' D.T McCain, Work Teaming etc W. H. Sexton, Lumber D. C. Kivett, Lumber J. M. Miller, Lumber, etc Beuoiii Piitchard, Hauling Rock David Thomas, Work C. L. Coble, Service Road Order vi. A. Humble, Lumber W. C. Cannon, Lumber Total, 309 15 BRIDGE.-1, Ntlll Freeman, Lumber 8 00 J. M. Andrews, Lumber 4 93 J. F. Hughes, Lumber 10 77 H. H. Kldcr. Lumber bt H, H. Elder, Lumber 11 79 John C. Cox, work 6 UtJ J, W. Binghuin, Lumber 7 19 J. C. Cox, Work etc 35 00 J. T. Redding, Work 8 00 W. N. Elder, work etc 4 00 G. M . Kimrey, Lumber 10 59 J. W. Luther. Lumber 4 00 J. K, Payne, Work 37 SO J. M And.ews, Lumber 630 H. L. Andrews, Work 34 75 J. C. Cox, Work etc 40 80 T. A. Cox, Work 88 39 H. M. Daniel, Work 85 80 McCrarv Redding Hdw. Co.. Mdse 117 90 R. L. Davis, Hauling 88 00 D. M. Welboru. Lumber 8 00 E. U. Hill, " 3103 E. E. Lewullen. " 61 10 H L Andrews, work 19 50 JCox. " 33 00 J I lledding, teaming 23 00 H L Miller, teaming a 00 C W Miller, learning 13 0) W F Mc' rary, mdse, etc 7 00 W U Pool, work 12 00 J H Wright, repairing bridge 7 30 N E Davis, lumber 15 00 .) U ox, work 131 50 Mc.Crary-Reddina Hdw Uo, mdse... 70 14 il L J Monroe, locatiusr and draw- ins plans 7 50 Aalieixirn Wheelbarrow & Mfcr Co. lumber etc 254 86 Lewis-Winslow Hdw. o. mdse... 4 58 J : Allred. repairine bridue 2 05 J T Redding, hauling, etc 17 40 Farlow. Dickens & Spencer, lum 9 42 J C t ox. work 19 0( H I Andrews, work 8 93 J W Lassiter, repairing bridge 114 10 H T Caviness, x and rec'g bridge 2 HO W T Foushee 4 Co. lum Ac 30 91 W T Foushee Co. bldg. bridge... 225 01 W C Russell, repairing bridges... 132 37 Frunklinville Mfe o. work, etc . . . 2 2 W N Steed, lumber 65 58 A F Cox. lumber, etc 20 47 B.ooku A '"ox. lumber 2 90 Brilcs & Hoover, building bridge... 00 00 Alpheus Aunian, work 43 00 J W I'arker. work 5 21: J B Richardson, hauling 4 00 Johnson & Spencer, repairing 0 09 Wm II l'ickard & Co, lumber 20 10 0 D Lawrence, building bridge... 150 00 Kandleman Store ' o, mdse, 2 10 McCrarv-ltedditisr Hdw Co. mdso. . . 83 00 Alfred A Williams, lumber 2 50 J F Hamilton, lumber 2 40 A W Fuller, lumber 3 4,'i J M Floyd, repairing bridge 39 50 Wall & Sumner, lumber 5 Oil Wall & Sumner, lumber 1 10 Farlow Bros 4 47 VV N Elder, ex bridge etc 2 00 SE Allen, work 114 II T Caveness. ex bridge 0 00 T A Slack, building walls 35 0' J P Routh, lumber 4 90 J O Cox. locating bridge 3 00 R F Lassiter, lumber 7 72 Rush A Parrish, lumber, work, etc, 70 04 G M Redding, lumber 30 8: J C ' ox: locating bridge 2 00 Total 2,423 89 COSVEVIKO t-RlSoNEHS TO JAIL. J. R. Marley, Can. Convict from Montgomery 11. C. Hayworth con. prisoners to jail : v.. M. A. Cagle. con. B. Matins to jail.. J. R. Mckenzie con prisoners to jail 0. R. Fox con prisoners to jail ' " " Mat McCollum to jail J. R. Marley con J. Lynn from Greensboro to jail R. L. White con Mad. Gray to jail. Hiram Almond con prisoner from Albemarle to Asheboro 0. R. Fox con prisoner from Hen derson to Asheboro Poindexter and Vestal con prisoner from Yadkin Co. to Asheboro... W. H. Glasgow con Aringlon Fruit to jail T. W. Miller con Wes Bunton to jail W. B. Owen cony Lacy Staley to jail 8. R. Green con prisoner from Stanley Co. to Asheboro J. R. Marley con Grover Blaylo;k from Greensboro to Asheboro... C. L. CobU con Lucinda Dixon to jail etc C. O. Ingold Assisting in con. S. L. Snider to jail J. W. Parsons, con prisoners to jail J. L. Sheek con prisoner to Ashe boro jail 2 50 3 05 300 4 50 10 00 3 00 20 55 19 05 45 95 300 300 300 45 55 0 70 3 50 1 00 800 14 15 Tolal 4-214 00 T. C. Coble con Fannie Coble to Morganton W. C. Smith con Lora Smith to Morganton C. C. Hubbard Ex. Joanna Coble... J. F. Hainiltoii " " " ... A. M. Uulla " negro D. L. Fox " lunatics etc.... A. M. Bulla " Sam'l Yates... . " " " LeeandThomji- son Y. M. (J. Johnsou Ek. Lucinda Dixon 15 40 20 30 2 00 1 00 2 00 7 00 3 00 7 00 2 50 Guracy Jones, Driver S. W. Caddell Ex. Luciuda Dixon. 2 50 J. R. Marley con Lucinda Dixon to Morganton 18 37 W. H. Glasgow con 8. L. Snider to Morganton 19 70 Y. M. C. Johnson Kx. Lucinda Dixon 1 15 Total ?10192 SMALL TOX EXPENSES A M Bulla Medical Service A C Whitaker " " W T Hanner & Co Mdse A M Bulla Medical Service Warren Wilson Board DeLacy Foust Medical Service A M Euliss Board etc A M Bulla Medical Service 0 00 28 00 2 00 5 30 125 00 1000 5000 14 60 20 00 55 00 Total $315 80 JAIL EXPENSES J R Marley, Jailor, Nov 1905 49 70 Wood Moring Mdse i ) J R Marley Jailor, Dec 1905 10 00 West Disinfecting Co- Mdse etc... MM J R Marley Jailor, Jan 1900 8 00 r eb " 18 UO Wood k Moring Mdse 8 10 J R Marley Jailor Mch 1900 44 90 " May " 41 oO Lewis Winjlow Hdw Co Mdse 85 J R Marley Jailor June 1900 47 30 Asheboro Electric Co light for jail. 75 W J Miller Mdse Z 00 J R Marley Jailor July 1900 75 40 McUrary-licduing Huw Co Muse... i)0 J K Marlev Jailor Aug lUOO .00 HO Ashelioro Electric Co light for jail 1 50 I K Marley Jailor Sept 1900 02 10 Apr " o i 0 Wood & Moring Mdse 252 J R Marley Jailor Oct 1000 78 20 Total $535 71 rOMSIITCEE H M Robins settling with Treasurer, USU and Sheriff 10 00 II T Caviness settling with Treasurer, V S L and Shenll 8 OO J M Way 2 days settling with sheriff 4 00 11 1 Caveness 2 days settling with sheriff 4 00 Total, . 26 00 COUnT HOI SE INCIDENTAL EXPENSES Home Building & Material Co. Sash etc U. 11 if 2 70 2 10 1 10 1 88 10 50 9 95 W. C. Hammond Book Case for C. H Wvatt Chambers Work John Rich Work Asheboro Electric Co. Lights at C. H Standard Drug Co Mdse .'etc Wood & Mrring Mdse 1 03 1 05 J. It. Marley Work Jno. Rich Janitor and cleaning C. H 1 50 3 38 1 75 E. Moffitt Wood Z. Franks Work Randolph Chair Co. Chairs for C. U 600 1 50 10 50 2 15 2 35 Jno. Rich Janitor and cleaning C. U Wm. Burns Wood A.J. Woodell Work etc T J. Finch cutting wood, C. H Jno. Rich Janitor and cleaning C. H McCrary-Redding Hdw Co Mdse... 1 50 8 86 Jno. Rich Work 138 1 40 " " Cutting Wood etc for C. H Jno. Rich Janitor and Cleaning C. H Jno. Rich Janitor " " Cleaning C. H Asheboro Drug Co. Mdse, C. H McCrary-Redding Hdw. Co. Md.-e. C. H Juo. Rich Cleaning C. II " " " " " etc J. M Lewallen Work C W. Steed Hauling Saw Dust.... Jno. Rich cleaning C H 7. D. Stedman & Co Mdse 1 50 1 20 75 1 00 80 1 3 30 Ashelxiro Drug Co Mdse. VV Jir D. Stedman & Co Mdse. Rich cleaning C. H .... Total $78 ELECTION EXPENSES. IX A. Sikes Judge 1904 1 00 W. M. Moffitt Judge etc 1904 2 00 R L. Causey, Reg. Voters, Hold ing E. etc, 1900 7 50 N M. Lowe Reg. Voters. Holding E etc 1900 9 70 J. E. Cole Reg. Were, Holding E. etc, 1900 11 02 Wm. R. Julian Reg. Voters, Hold ing E etc, PJOti 10 59 J. P. Phillips Reg. Voters, Holding E. etc, 1900..... 9 84 S. M. Iwis Reg. Voters, Holding E. etc. 1900 10 07 L. C. Phillips Reg, Voters, Holding E. etc, 1900 11 10 L. F. Fentress Reg. Voters, Hold ing E. etc, 1900 13 52 R. L. Toltrane Judge of Election, etc 1900 300 H. C. Causey, Holding Election etc, 1900...' 2 00 Total $92 00 STATIONERY, rRlSTINO, ETC. McQucddy Trinting Co., Records, etc., Register' office $ 14 50 Walker, Evans 4 Cogswell Co., Re cords, etc.. Register's office 22 00 Asheboro Courier, Printing, for the Sheriff's office 2 50 Asheboro ( ourier, stationery, C.S.C. 8 45 W. C. Hammond, " " 5 15 Cole Printing Co. " " 10 10 Edwards A Brougbton, marriage license 2 22 Cole Printing Co., County Order Book 7 50 Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co,, Re cords, Register's office 10 00 The Courier, Printing Co. Exhibit . . 51 00 Edwaids & Brougbton, minute docket, commissioners 8 00 The Courier, stationery, C. S. C... . H 80 W. O. Hammond, Stationery, C. S. C. 4 75 Edwards A Brouchton. Binding Tax Boeks ; 9 W. C. Hammond, Stationery, C. S. C. 3 Edwards A Broughton, liecords, Reg; Office 11 Edwards A Broughton, Tax Receipt Ex; Sheriff s Olhce Southern Stamp and Stationery Co., Seal, etc.. Register's office Standard Drug Co., mdse , Trcns . . . Ashelxiro Drug Co, Imlse., Register Standard Drug Co., " C. .S. C. J " ' " Register Walker, Evans A Cogswell Co, Re cord Ihkiks, Uegisiei Col? Printing Co., stationery, Reg-it-ter .'2 4 2 1 J 48 I 208 Total SU'LDIOB COIBT EXI-ENSE3. T. J Finch, sum. jurv, Dec, 1905 T. W. Andrews, four days officer to grand jury S. C Cranford, Court crier 14 70 5 00 8 00 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 00 20 00 10 00 7 50 7 50 9 00 7 50 21 00 3 23 15 00 7 50 7 50 12 00 0 00 0 00 4 50 4 50 15 00 3 00 6 00 3 60 12 00 3 50 1,007 00 M. A. Cagle, deputy Dec. term .... K. L. White, ' . . . . J. M. Luther, C. H. Lucas, " " " ... A. E. Hall, janitor " " .... S. CJ Cranford, court crier A. bi. Hull, janitor March term. . . . . M. Luther, deputy .... C. H. Lucas, " " " . . . . A. J. Ru h, " " " R. L. White, officer to grand niry. . T, J. Finch, sum. juiy March term.. R Marley, boarding Jurors .... W. H. Glasgow, deputy Dec. and March term . M. Walker, deputy March term. . W. T. Andrews, 5 days officer to grand jury A.J.Rush, deputy July term. .. . . M. l.uther; C. II. Lucis, ' C. T. Luck, " ' " . . . . M. Lewullen, innitor .... T. J. Finch, snm. jurors July term, J. M. Walker, deputy July terra W. II. Winningham, deputy July term C. L. Coble, deputy July term .... S. C I'ranforO, court crier July term A S. Barker,' deputy in cute vs. J. Richordson, et nl Magistrate, Clerk, Solicitor, W itness fee, etc Total . ....$1,339 55 MlSCEI.LANEOl'S. H. M. Robins, connsel to board, 1 yr 50 00 A. M. Bulla, supt. health, Nov. 1905 12 50 Register of Deeds, issuing orders. . 14 OU w. u. Hammona, assorting, unngo. rolls, etc. C. S. C. office 25 00 53 00 Register of Deeds, 1st and 2nd copy Bchool taxos, abstract, etc Register of Deeds issuing order. . . . w n n .,) ,,i; ;,,mra 15 00 3 35 . S iiiimuuwu, j A. M. Bulla, supt. health, 2 mos . . Reg. of Deeds, annual exhibit, etc., 25 00 53 87 17 40 5 44 issuing oruers .... W. C. Hammond, pensions- A. M. Bulla, supt. health 12 50 16 90 13 90 12 50 3 85 Reg. of Deeds issuing and recording notices Reg. of Deeds, issuing orders A. M. Bulla, snpt of health, Mch. 06 W. C. Hammond, recording jurors Reg. of Deeds, issuing orders 15 lo Urd-. of Deeds, indexing records. postnte, etc . M. Bulla, supt. health. Arpil, '00 12 50 Reg. of Deeds, issuing orders A.M. Bulla, supt health, May '00 Reg. of Deeds, issuing orders A. M. Bulla, supt health, June, 00 J. 20 50 12 50 13 40 12 50 8 76 Reg. of Deeds, abstract uo. tax to Auditor and (Jor. tom Reg. of Deeds, issuing orders 12 80 A. M. Bulla, supt health, July, 00 . . 12 50 W. C. Hamiinond, recording jurors 3 10 Reg. of Defds, issuing orders A. M. Bulla, supt. health, Aug. 06 14 50 12 50 10 30 12 50 14 40 2 33 1 38 Reg. of deeds, issuing orders A.M. Bulla, Supt. health, :Sept. 00 Reg. of Deeds, issuing orders Asheboro Drug Co, mdse N.H, Ferguson, agt., tax relunded 0. P. ( ox. G. H. Bean, J. A. Richardson " " Geo. W. Rihtsell C. H. Lewis, holding cor. inquest . . W. H. Glasgow, services in inquest Z. F. Rush. Jr., 1 doy juror at " 35 00 1 12 2 25 1 25 5 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 A M Free, W J Miller, J M Betts, ' C C Cranford Everet Davidson ' " " " O R Fox, sum. wit " " E G Rachel, tax refunded L A Lewallen, " " Relcca Lineberry, tax refunded R M C Johnson, 1 day on pension and mileage B II I-aBsiter, 1 day on pension and mileage W C Hammond, 1 dny on pension lid T J Finch, taxes refunded, '03-'04. . C Bowman, tax refunded A M Bulla, supt. health T J Finch, certified copt to C. S. C. W C Hammond, recording poll tax es paid, etc, Reg Jof Deeds, 1st copy tax liooks, 91 10 names Reg of Deeds, issuing orders Frances Dees, trans, to Charlotte 7, W Hunt, railroad fare for Zebe dee Gibson 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 10 2 25 1 50 3 00 2 90 2 00 88 59 1 27 12 50 15 00 22 00 03 455 80 13 30 4 00 7 50 Total. ..? 1,208 98 LIST TAKERS. D. G. McMasters.... J. W. Pugh C. R. Curtis Thos. L. Russell J. C. Bulla D. M. Wealherly T. P. Barker R L. White N. M. Lowe C. O. Ingold E. B. Uach J. P. rhillips T.S. Craves r. S. Bouldin J. C. Lowdermilk... S, E. lowdeimilk.., L. C. Phi'lips J. T. Bostick S. A. Cox 18 00 21 00 26 CO 20 00 20 00 25 00 25 00 1800 18 00 18 00 14 00 11 50 19 00 28 00 20 00 25 00 23 00 35 00 10 00 Total .40100 Grand Jurors, Total $407 50 Petit Jurors, Total $381 35 Talis Jnrors, Total. $304 30 RECAPITCI.ATIOSS Outside Poor i County Home Expenses Burial Ex. Paupers Convict Force Expenses Bridge Force Expenses Public Road Expenses Bridges ..... Conveying Prisoners to Jail . Lunatics Small Pox Expenses Jail Expenses 1017 25 1334 86 22 10 5210 02 999 30 309 15 2323 89 21100 101 92 315 80 5.",.") 71 20 00 78 03 92 02 2luS 79 120S SIS 101 (Nl 407 55 331 35 304 ."-0 1339 53 00 15 ommittees . 00 Court House Incidental Excuses Aeclion Expenses., OS Stationery Printing etc. . Miscellaneous , 25 List Takers 20 tirand Jurors 25 Petit Jurors 50 ! Talis Jurors 40 Superior Court Expenses CD Total Disbursements s 17002 Rixi.ipts. :T..n" f.-r 1 I". Conn' 70lM,;li ! '89 2 1" 5585 55 I, I. P. Borougli9, Register of Deeds and ex-officio Clerk to Board of Cour.ty Com missioners of Randolph county, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true exhibit of the receipts and disbursements of the county funds of eaid county for the year ending uecember 1st, luui). J, P. BOROUGHS, Cl'k to B'd Co. Commissioners, LEGAL NOTCES. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as executor on the estate of Emma Wright, deeeased. before W. C. Ham mond, Clerk of Superior Court of Randolph County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said e-tute to present cneni lo me unuersiguea on or oeiore the 89th (lav of December 1907. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to suid estate, are neruby notified to make immediate settlement . H. L. RROOK8HI RE, Ex. EMMA WRIGHT, Dec'd. This November 89th 1900. NCTICE. J. W. Llndan hits this day entered the lollow- Rai-k Creek Townshin on the waters of Caraway Creek adjoining the lands of J. W. Lilidnn, Mrs. A. M. Osborne and B. F. Bulla, for which with out objection tilled within thirty days from this date, ne win asK lor a warrant oi survey w tne County Surveyor of Randolph comity. Tins noveinuer lain iisjo. J. 1. BOROUGHS, Entry Taker. LAND SALE BY VIRTUE of an order of sale granted by the Superior Court ol Randolph County on the peti tion of J, E. McPhersou et al, against Sylvester Boling et al, I shall sell at the courthouse door at 13 o'clock M. on the 89 day of December 1903, the following Real Estate, to-wit: A tract ol land In Richland township in said county adjoining the lands of Tyson Boling, Huston Trogdon, and others; and bounded as follows to-wit; Begin, niug at a plar, thence East 81 chains and 75 links to a pine, thenee South crossing said branch to a pine and post oak, thence West courses to the mouth of a ismall branch that (enters Into said way or branch thence up said branch vari ous courses of the branch to the head thence North to a pine and sassafras thence still north to the beginning containing lot acres more or less. TERMS; One-third cash, the remaining two thirds on a sredit of six mouths, the purchaser giving bond and approved security therefor, and the title reserved "till the further order of the court. T 1 day of November 19o9. JOHN T. BRITTAIN, Commissioner. LAN SALE. Rv virtue nl n order of the Suoerlor court of Pnitnlili enuiitv in the soeclal proceeding en titled A. W. Gray et al VS. J. M. Gray et al., I will on the 84th day of December 1906 at 18 o'clock M. sell at public auction to the highet Diuuer at me counnouse uour iu iwueiwiu i-,. v.. none-half undlvide Interest in the following described tract ol land, to-wit; A tract known as the Masscy roig piace, bounded on the North by T. J. Steele; on the East by John Sellars; on the South by Bob Fra zier. and nu the West by Will Adams, c attaining I acres more or less. Terms ol sale 1-3 cash and the balance on a credit of 6 months, Title to be retained until all the purchase money is para- This Nov. 88, 1095. ' Commissioner. State ol North Carolina I Department of State. ) CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent ol all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Asheboro Cann ing Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in tne towu of Asheboro, County ol Randolph, state ol Nrth Carolina, E. Moffitt being the agent therein and In charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 81, Revisal of 19U5, entiled '-Corporations," preliminary to the Iss-iingof this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of NorU Carolina, do here by certify that the said corporation did, on the 8th dav of December, 1906, tile In my office a duly executed and attested consent In writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said cunsent and the record of theproceeiiigs afore said are now on tile iu my said otllee as pro vided by law. In Testimony Whereof. I have hereto set my hand aud affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 8th day of December, A. D. 1906. J. BRYAN GKIMES, Secretary of State. 23,000 Nov Wordo U : r Casetlcer cf lo World v' 'i i ---M'uin iV" -1103, uisetloiitbo lu.t.:vt...-j uturi-i. IJorll'.ocraphical Dictionary r.rmlr.::tTt :tc names c f o-cr 10,000 noted j or-i-u.s, c.;-.o of birth, tlcnth, etc TVihvl 1-717. T. HART:! PYT., LL.T) V J -j -it t a Corainissionci- :t Ed ucation. ZZZ0 Quarto Pages I J'5otlcd In Every Home j Wc jster J Collegiate Dictionary :::) -1 uoo r.iutiku r.e.-::jr-"l'"'.Cj:'-.i;--r auadbgfc 5 I..ti. K..Uixl' ia. rrfnteifrom I.- -v.nl. :.i,pf. 8 b"rt(ftd binding. - -J., u;ijnarj-Wriflxlt.''lJ(irUodpMoplilt Z. Ci C. MERRIAM CO.. 1-i..iiher3, Sprinofleld, M. Road Funds for 1990, Look Out for Cold Winds You must wear a hat or at least you will when you come to see out new line for fall and winter wear. The shapes are varied in style and color to suit all. Greatest care takento give you a becoming fit. Mrs. E. T. Blair, Asheboro. N. C. 73 10 00

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