MONTGOMERY ITEMS. The News Briefly Told Marriage An nounced The Montgomery Teach ers' Salaries. Carl Steed is relieving Agent Freeman at the freight and express office at Troy. Mr. Freeman is off on a vacation. Miss Rosa Cox, of Dade City, Fla., after spending several days in Randolph county, ia visiting at Troy. Alvin P. Reeves, of Eldorado, died December 5tli, at the mature age of 82 years. One daughter and two sons survive him. Two gentlemen from Iudiaua were in Troy last week trying to trace their family connection in that county. They were brothers, Hal tour by name. Their ancestors left Montgomery in 1831. They found many relatives, but none remember ed their ancestral pioue -rs. 1 1 is announced that the teachers of Montgomery coiintv cannot draw their salaries before the tirst Mon-1 Mt. Olivet Thursday December 27th, day in January. On that day the j beginning at 10 a. in. There will fuml will be apportioned, us provid-! he religious services in the church ed by law, hence the teachers have! in themorning and masonic services to wait. I in the church or hall in the after- Friends in town have tv,'.'ived the' noon. We are expecting some dis- Mt. Olivet Items. T. B. Tysor left Friday for Tysor's Mills to see his sister, Miss Nettie Tyeor, who is very sick and not ex pected to live. Duncan Brown died in Spencer last week and was brought to bis old home, Waddell's Ferry, to be buried. Mr. Brown moved from our community only a few years ago. He was a good man and the family have our sympathy in their sad be reavement. Wni. Hammond, of San Atonia, Texas, is visiting relatives and friends in the neighborhood. It has been eleven years siuce Mr. Hammond visited here. Rev. J. J. Eada returned to our circuit and preached his first ser mon Sunday for the new year. We are all glad to have Mr. Eads back with us agaiu. Miss Estelle Sugg returned home Friday from Trinity where she has been in school. There will he a Masonic day it that uig;it. following invitation: Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Sturdiv.-.nt request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their sister Mini! io Stuart to Mr. Ruldick .Marvin rnit,i: on Tu'-ilav uiorni jg December I lie eiglitee:. . h nineteen hundred mi.! at half after ten nVi"i First Method i-jt Fpiscoj,.d L'liurJa La At Home after December tViMitV-sitii WadeviMe, X. C. Miss Stuart is a daughter of Mr J. lar memliei or Montgomery society. Mr. Brutou is a promising young I dleman man 01 a-'evill STANLEY NEWS NOTES. Coiidemiiation Proceeding In The Win ston Salem Southbound Bight of Way. The Winston-Salem Southhound Railway Company has instituted condemnation proceedings to secure rights of way through this county against several parties, and the cases were heard last week before E. M. Asbnry, J. F. Lilly and T. S. Parker. It is expected that the construction work will be given to contractors at an early date. Parker-Little Furniture Co,, will occupy their new quarters in a few Jays. The presence of Game Warden Tomliuson, of Davidson couuty here this week, and his arrest of Attor ney Zeb. B. Sanders and Mr. Jenes foreman of the Index, under the Audubon law for hunting upon the lands of O. II. Whitley without per Cedar Falls. Mrs. Devout s, of Atlanta, is vis iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Jennings. Mrs. M. A. Glass visited her sister at Cooleemee last week. T. M. Jennings, of Franklinville, was in town Sunda? morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis., of Staley, visited Mrs. Davis' parents Sunday. There have been several good porkers killed around here this fall. Mr. Arnton L-jngh'in had one that weighed 440 and Mr. S. E. Free one that weighed 406. While these may not have been the largest, they are the most interesting yet reported as there was a wager between Mrs. Laughlin and Mr. Free as to who should raise the largest hogs from pigs of the same age. The wager was a nice hat if Mr. Free won and a nice dress if Mrs. Laughlin won As the lady was the winner, every Legislative Contexts. The Republican candidates in Terrell county may contest the Democratic Representative - elect, Senate, in the next House, on the grounds that the elected candidate was Clerk of the Ceurt at the time of the election and continued as Clerk uutil the first of this nonth. Republicans claim that there are several similar cases in the State. Moses N. Harshaw, the Republi can Representative elect from Cald well County was Solicitor of this district when he was elected to the Legislature. tin uished speakers for the day. The 27 Mt. Olivet Lodge No. l!r extends to all a cordial iuvitation to! be present ami to bring well tilled; baskets. The Lodge also invites all j masons and members to be present as there will be special work to do' mission, has set the process of Iaw!body woultl thiuk it; very mean and in motion. Messrs. Sanders and nngallant of Mr Free if he doesn't, Jones were released at the hearing j "come across" with something real mue, uuu mi. juauguuu Buys f silk will do if he can't get auything better, as sil k is very becoming to Mrs. Laughlin. Best Christmas wishes to the Courier and all its readers. A reward of $100 has been offered for the arrest of Wm. W. Manley, late mauager of the Portner Brew ing Co's branch at Salisbury, who recently embezzled $1,700 from the company and skipped. Notice to Teachers. I have received a great number of inquiries hs to the use of the new and the old text books. The nse of the old text books may be continued, till September I, 1907. At that time the new books must be used. If patrons are forced to buy books this winter theyehould buy the new books. If any teachers did not receive special report blanks with their North Carolina Day programs they will please report immediately for their schools as follows: the enroll ment, the average daily attendance, the cost of fuel per month, other incidental expenses, and the number of days the school has been taught since July 1, 1906. J. M. Way, County Supt. of Schools. Central ('alls. Thii.king perh.ips a short sketch eta t'.w) weeks spin in this and other localities might interest your re.nler.-, 1 will give th" following. While on a business trip to (ireeiislmio some ten days past, I uiis rail 'd on to witness the very niiv'v arranged and oniet marriage L. Smart, of Star, and is a popu- of the youngest daughter of Mrs. Margaret Lane, 4'oitnerly of Run- Spending Sunday with other friends near Greensboro, I - - 1 received an invitation to another i.Uifity items. marriage that is to take place on Pauline, an operetta by Ohas. 11. Sunday after Xmas. The bride to Gabriel will be rendered'by the stu-' -' from Randleman. dents of the Liberty Normal College! Mws Bertie Bray, daughter of on Thursday night of this week. It! Mr. aul Mrs. J. C. Bray of Central is the tiist thing of its kind ever i rails, and Henry Cross also former rendered bv the college, and the fact ; b' of Central Falls, were happily that Prof. L. M. Foust is the di- i married recently, rector assures its success. 1 On a business trip to Seagrove The Liberty Normal College has : h'St Friday the loth, the freight had the largest enrollment In themd passenger trains ran together history of the college. The term at Ulah station just below Asheboro closes on Dec. 20. The outlook for ! smashing the cow catchers on both the spring term is the brightest it and derailing the freight haa ever been. The work done has! engine, luckily no one was hurl been the highest class, and the stu-1 The passengers on both trains stiff dents have a' 1 dene well. The stu-' f red but little inconvenience except dents will leave on Friday of this : delay of the vestibule. Another engine week to spend the holidays at their; was soon at the place to pull the homes. " derailed engine on the track again. Prof. L. M. Foust gives asstuancei 1 made a delightful trip to Mr. that he will be connected with the ' W. II . Uussel's on Little River, Liberty Normal College during the spring term. I'rof. Foust is a grad uate of the New Knglund Conserva tory and is a line mush-iau, and his where every thing seems lovely and prosperous. Coming bark, as I did by Seagrove, I could not help think ing what a pity it is that the work has given perfect satisfaction Southern Railroad seems to be un to the colli Piof. .J. A. Hovnady will spend the Christ mas holidays in Kuoxville, Ttnnesser, visiting his brother-in-law, I r Hackney. Mr. B. S. Kim ivy will soon have up a model dwelling. The work men have been busily engaged there for some time, and will be for some time to come. We are pleased to have Rev. J. W. Frank returned as pastor of the Methodist Protestant Church here. able and inadeMiiate to handle the lumber and cross ties, being placed at that station. Not only the right of way but the grove near by is 1 till of it and more coming in. A merry Christmas, to all. Mr. Miliburo It. r. I). C. II. Redding has been confined to his bed for several weeks, and is in a very ciitical condition. Miss Winnie Nelson is at home from Randleman High School to Our people are also pleased to have ! spend the holidays. Dr. Grissom as pastor of the M. E. j Miss Goldan Allrilge and Misses church. 1 Lama and Ollie Julian of Millboro, Rev. John Burgess, pastor of Lin-1 spent Saturday night and Sunday coin Circuit, M. P. church, spent j with Miss Mabel Lineberry. BOtne days in Liberty recently, Mrs. W. S. Linebeny, after Bpend much to the delight of his old j ing three weeks with her son, C. T. friends and acquaintances. j Lineberry, of Winston-Salem re- J. D. McCollum. of Reidsville, turned home last week, was here the hist of this week. He Your correspondent is in receipt came to accompany his daughter, j of a letter from Mr. Joseph C. Vic Miss Ada, home. Miss Ada ha3 1 kory, an old Randolph Boy, now a been a student ot the Liberty Nor-j resident of Bloomingdale Ind., atat mal College for the past term. I ing that he will be inGreeneboro on The Masonic order has established ! the 19th, inat. to spend a few days a lodge here which seems to be do-1 with relatives and old friends in ing good work. Guilford aud Randolph. The Reading Room established by j Democrat Bill, has sold his cot the Liberty Normal College is quite; ton aud is now ready for another a help to the student body. On the campaign. table are about 30 of our best period-i Mr. Marion Trogdon is prepar icals and magazine ! ing to start up his Foundry in a i ror. AmicK win spenu most ot j few days, the holidays at home working in the interest cf the Liberty Normal College. Wcth knowing. That A!'i -ok'e Plasters are the highest re salt of ni'dinil science and skill, aud in in gradients and method have never beeu equaled. ' Thntthey are tlieoiigioal and genuine por ous plaatars apon whott4 repuiation imitator trade. That llcock'! plasters never faij to per form H jenieilial work quickly mid effec tually. That f r Weak Rack, Rheumatism, Cokls, Long Tn . " le, Kidney Difficulties, Strains, and all h i l puin they are invalaabfe. That iien ynu buy Alii? ck's Plasters yoe obtain t 't t pliHters made. The school at Grays' Chapel is progressing nicely under the man agement of Mr. Elmer Julian. Cow Walked Out of a Well. 'I Yadkin Ripple tells that a cow recently fell into a well at Yad kv . e, and when found seemed un lnj . "I. Ropes were brought? to r . 'ier out but this was impractic al crowd gathered, secured picks : -els and began downponr 1 upon the cow who continnal oled it under foot. Soon '.' wi.s sufficiently filled and v ia freed. She had walked - well. Th ly i Ala of Lexington ha' recent i. Flectric Burg'i V Barrett has been op stuiaster at Pinehnrst, oiillings, resigned. before Esq. J. W. Bostian, who made the ruling that under section 3480 of the Revisal there was no violation of the law until a refusal to give permission to hunt had been declared. We are told that the State is not satisfied with Mr. Bost liu's ruling and the case will go he fore the superior court upon a mat ter of law. In the meantime, Mr. Sanders claims that his arrest was without authority, and he expects to make the game warden and the Audubon Society pay dearly for the Slip. Rev. A. B. Iliuirycutt, of Nor wood, is assigned to Glen ville cir cuit, Yad km county. lie is a b oth er of our townsman A. C. Ih.ney cutt. The damage by lire on the n:ght of November 28 to the cotton ware house of the Wiscassett mills, in which a number of bales of cotton were burned, has been appraised at 2,500 and the undeiwrkes wi.l ad just the loss at these tigures. Alderman L. Ed Ileilig is secur ing subscriptions for 5,000 shares in a new Building & Loan Associa tion to be stajted at Salisbury early, in January. COMMISSIONERS' STATEMENT. Annt.u. Statement iK Tin: Boumimk Cot sty CoMMlsSlnNKIIS llill K.lNlmlJ-11 Col'STY urn nil; veiii F.smsci November the ;;oih lilOli. II. T. t'liveness, l.j I' Com'r $ 30 (1 10 miles Ui 5 cents... 2 (X) II. ti. Lassit. r, IS D'seom'r 30 (Hi 4 Hi miles di routs... L'O 80 A. X. llulla 11 l's com'r 28 OU 1'L'l miles id ocents.; II L'O J. T. nmonlis l.'i IVs t'lerk to tiuard 30 00 Total $152 00 1, .1. P. IWi.Mgh. Clerk i.f Board of Comity Cniimiissioiiers fur Itamlulpli county, ilo hoii)ly certify that the foregoing (state ment as to er iliem and mileage of County Cuiiiinissioiiers, nail vr diem of C'ler i to Board is true and correct J. 1. Ilolloi nun. Clerk to Hoard. This Dec. 3rd UNM.. High Point's NEW STORE The Ladies' Shop ping Emporium Everything in style and the price and quality are our best . advertisement. Ready-to-wear gar ments or all kinds, Cloaks, Skirts, Dress Goods, Silks, extra length Gloves and everything in Ladies wear. If we sell you onces you are sure to come again. 1 Mail orders given prompt atten tion: We pay ex press on amounts of $5. and over. When here call on us. Lednard- Beavans-Sta- mey Company, (Next to P. O. Building) High Point, N."Cv Asheboro lmproiii. During last year there was an in crease of 50 per cent in the popula tion of Asheboro. This year it is said that the increase is still great er. .More dwelling houses have been erected this year than were ever erected before in one year yet it is almost impossible to get a house for rent. Many citizens have erected lionies for theni-'elves this year; a number of theui have aided in erecting homes by the Building and Loan Association. I iltccn Minus tills inter. According to Mr. Geo. Beck, a Davidson county fanner, there are 15 snows due this winter. Eigh teen snows were on the calendar for the season, but thre of them have already been checked off, two skiffs and one a little larger, probably u skuft. He bases his predictions on the fogs in August. For every fog in August there will be a snow in the winter. Mr. Beck says there were eigliteen fogs. How People Lose Their MONEY , By concealing it about their person; by stowing it away in mugs, jugs and jars; by sewing it up in. skirts and ticks; by tucking it under couches and carpets, in cupboads and bureau drawers. These are some of the ways by, which people lose their money, and sometimes their lives. How People Save Their :oney By depositing it in a good bank. Confident that this bank fully meets the public's needs, we tender its services to all who believe in keeping on the safe side. 4 per cen interest on savings deposits compound ed every quarter. BANK OF SOWH GREENSBORO, crnsboro. n. c. Branch of SOUTHERN LOAN & TSUST COMPANY, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $300,000.00. The Christmas Thought Ra- diates FROM EVERY SECTION OF OUR BIG STORE--FROM EVERYWHERE GOODS FOR CHRIST MAS GIFTS Our Holiday Specials are Represented in Large and Attractive Assortments of French and German Novelties in Bisque and Metal, Gold Inlaid on Glass, Pottery, Bric-a-Brac, Brass and Copper Articles, FrenchChina in a great variety of Beautiful Plaques, Plates, Comforts, Trays, Cups and Saucers, Tanquards, a Grand Array of Japanese Pottery and China, Chinese Porcelaines, Artistic Pieces in Small Furniture, Screens, etc. Ourf General Stock Offers Many Useful Gifts Year after year THE USEFUL grows more into favor, and this Christmas season our splendid stocks of things useful are in entire harmony with the Christmas Gift demand gifts may be easily chosen customers will find no such variety elsewhere. Toys. Doll Carriages DollGo-Carts Doll Beds Boys' Tool Chests Toy Pianos Toy Trunks Boys' Steel Wagons Boys' Automobiles Boys' Coasters Furniture. Bedroom' Suites, $12.50 to $40.00 3 Dresden Toilets, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 Couches, $5.00 to $25.00 Mattresses, $2.00 to 12.00 Rocking chairs, $l.t)0 to $10.00 Iron Beds, $6.00 to $15.00 Art Square Rugs, t Matting, Oil Carpet, Hall Racks, 7.50 to 15.00 Easles, .75, 1.00 and 1-50 Collar and Cuff Boxes Military. Set3 Comb and Brush Sets, .50 to 5.00 Manicure Sets, .50 to 3.00 Shaving Sets, 1.00 to 4.00 Ladies' Work Boxes, 1 00 to 3.50 Jewel Cases, Gold, 4.25 ' Cracker Jars Bisque Figures, .25, ,50, .75, 1.00 and 2-00 Bust Figures, .75, 2 50 and 3.00 Clocks. .75, i:00, 1.50, 2.50, 7.50 Silver ware Butter '.dishes, Bread Trays, Knives and forks Albums, .25, .50, .75, 1.00, 2-00 . Musical Albums, 3.50 and JO Pictures from .10,' .25, .50, 1.00, 4.00 Umbrella Stands, Jardinera Mirrors Special to the Ladies. This week ail cloaks and furs will be reduced 10 per cent, from former Erice. We have some eauties left. You men will need a New Suit, Over Coat or Raincoat for Christmas. We have them just in, and can fit you. Our store will be kept open each night until 9 o'clock. Goods well dis played and priced. Come and see before the rush. , After Thought: gSf! All new goods and King Bee. for Men and Boys, Patent. King Quality, " " Society King " " " Queen Quality for Ladies. .Wood (EL Moring.- Up-To-Date Clothiers and Furnishers.