ASHEV1LLE CITIZEN; K. M. FTJRMAN, JORDAN STONE, 1. 1, CAMERON, Editors. WED'DAY MORNING. AUGUST3 1SS7 General William T. Sherman who is much more practical than his brother John says that for $25,000,000 to be expended an bar bor fortifications for New York he will engage to put the city in a po sition to defy the iron-clads that to-day can lay that city in asnes in two hours. But this is another trick to reduce the surplus in the tre.isury without reducing taxation. Lot us have some tax reduction lirot. The Knoxville Journal says : "The fact is, as every on knows who has kept ,up with the political history of the country for these three years, the democratic leaders in Congress have utterly refused to do anything towards a reduction of the surplus revenue unless they could do in their own way and in accor dance with their own pet theories." What have the republicans in Congress done to reduce the surplus . in the Aast thr&o yeara, save intro duce measures forspending it out rageously and extravagantly ? Dia they not, as a body, vote both agaiust reducing taxation or even al lowing a bill introduced by a large majority of the democrats for a re daction of taxation to be con sidered by the House ? A large majority of the democrats of the House have made several efforts to reduce the surplus by reducing taxation; the republi cans, as a bod', have not only pre vented this reduction, but have shown repeatedly "that their only "pet theory" of reduction is to keep up high taxation, and keep the sur plus down by distributing it around in jobs, mostly to republicans and northern localities at that. "The fact is. everv one who has kept up with the political history of the country for the past three years" understand very ta'lv the diffeience between the "pet theo ries" of the two parties, and a large majority of the tax paj'er3 01 the country endorse the theory of the democrats which provides for a res duction of taxation. THE GRAND ARMY, AND MESSRS. CLEVELAND, SHERMAN AND BLAINE. The Knoxville Journal, republi can, is endeavoring to make excuses for the conduct of the Fairchilds and Tuttles of the Grand Army, for their insults to the commander-in-chief of the armies of the union. The Journal adds : "There are reasons why the Grand Army boys shou'd not gush over MrJ. Cleveland, as h?s been before remarked in the colnmns of the Journal. When they were expos ing themselves to the hardships in cident to army life, and the bullets of the enemy, although an able bodied man of proper age, he was skulking in the rear. If he had done something for his country when hi3 country needed help, and taken the risks that others took, then these veterans would have a kindlier . feeling for him. As it is, they see no occasion to gush over him." If Mr. Cleveland obnoxious to the above, ben what will the Journal say as to either Blaine or Sherman. What did either do by way if "exposing him self to the hardships incident to army life?" To show the real an'.- mous of the Journal, however, in another column of the same issue, it says : "There is a general feeling of sat isfaction, we think, among republi cans throughout the country, at the action 01 the Ohio convention in en dorsing John Sherman." W?'l the Journal tell us the reas ons why the G. A. boys should gush over Mr. Sherman ? THE FLOOD A SUGGESTION. While the recent hot wave pre vailed over the country east of the Rocky Mountains, the floods which havo followed seem to have been quite as general, and more destruct ive. From eyer section we hear of heavily, eyen unusually swollen streams, and the damage to crops and other interests have been very severe. Our Georgia friends have Buffered very greatly, and we lear our South Carolina and Eastern North Carolina people have like wise suffered. The streams through out Western Carolina have been heavily swollen, if not destructive ly so. though, aside from some wash outs at a few places on the Western Carolina and Spartnburg roads, we have not yet heard of serious comblaints. It is rumored that the Murphy and Spartinburg lines have suffered quite heavily by washouts, but we hop? to learn before going - to press that they are not so heavy as thought to be at this writing. .Aside from the distruclion of crops in the South and the low country, the overflow must produce ; a pois- oness atmospheie which may re sult very seriously. It might be an act cf humanity for our people throughout Western Carlina to have our friends in these threatened lo calities to understand they can get board at reasonable rates, at least during the remainder of the warm season. Rates should be reduced for these people. In their prosperity they contribute very largely to the prosperity of our section, and a con sideration of them in their misfor tunes, a loss of crops and and threat ened pestilance would be a gratefu acknowledgement of our obliga tions. We would be glad to know that our people take such steps as suggested. Now for Pennsylvania! The Democracy of Pennsylvania are as much in favor of the policy ot vieve land's administration on the tarifi as are their brethren in Ohio and other nortions of the'Countrv. In order that the true sentiments o the Democrats mav be expressed care should be taken in the selection of delegates to the next State Con vention. PJJioJiecord Dem. With tTk,?- vOi.d-Time Vigor, M 1... Quoth UieNew York Herald: "All three conventions the Khou Island, the Louisville and the Clcve land have heartily and generously endorsed the President I his rather an appalling fact for the Rei publicans to ruminate upon,?for they have fondly hoped to be blown to Washington by a cyclone in the Democratic party. So far as they are concerned it is a pity that th Democrats arc beginning to unite but for the country the out, look is auspicious. With undivided ranks, with a policy of mutual concession on the blazing revenue question, with the land question well at the front, the Democrats can go into the campaign next year with their old-time vigor-and come out of it with old-time victory." The Verdict Unanimous. W. .). Suit, Druggt.t, Bippus, Ind, testilies: "I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has siven relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing" Abraham Hare, druggist, Uellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever hnndled in my 20 years' ex perience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Elec tric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at 11. H. Lyons' drug store. MISS MARY MILLER Has opened a sum mer school for email children, at the residence of Capt. F. N. Wadilell, on Chestnut n.rett. Hours from 9 till 12. Terms f 1.60 per month of 4 weeks, july 18 dtf 70R SALE. A fine Emerson Fiano nearly new. On'y been used a few months. Apply to GEO. W. TILSON, june 30 dtf 352 West Hay wood St. y7ALUABLE CITY PKOPERTY FOR SALE. The Vance property on Spruce and College street for sale Terms reasonable. Apply to iuly 21 dtf GUDGER & CARTER, Attorneys. OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT, Apply at july $3 dtf NO. 20 S. MAIN St. piANO INSTRUCTION. MIS3 L. CAMPBELL is now prepared to receive a halted number of pupils on the piano at her residence, No.ill, Haywood street. ma 2i dim E. T. Owen & Son, Carriage Painters and Trimmers, And Sign and Ornamental Painters. All vf ork guaranteed to give satisfac tion. The only shop in Asheville that can give you a First-Class Job of Carriage Painting- or Trimming. Give us a trial, and be convinced that we do what we promise. Fancy Sign Ornamental Paint Ins and Frescoing a Spe , ) cialty. Shop No. 2 Willow street. le 23-2m DOJf'T FOUGHT THAT "Sen? Bakery" : -No. 35 South Main Street, is HEADQUARTERS For Pure Fresh Candies of Bis Own Manufacture, as well as An unlimited assoriment of choice Cakes, large and 6mall, plain or ornamental, in the high est style of the art. , Our Snowflate Bread, Rolls, Buns and Biscuit, Made from "Minnesota Flour." Has no Superior in the South. Remember the place, and let no one deceiver UELI)0. Positively guarantees satisfaction, or . Forfeits the price of his goods. Try , -, i . . mm ana oe convinced. , ; leacl Cider The finest- beverage extant! Only " v '5 cents per glass ! 1 Fine old Cigars, rich with the fla- vot of age FreJl Oranges, JLeui ons, Bananas, etc., etc. Kind o Friends Henry Clay 1 Drew to Ifim. " 1 i tji M Li ir x cina lib iiw , uiau 111 uuuiit 11 ic 111 1 the United States ever had so strong a persona! ioi.owmg as rienry iay. T-r- r 1 1 1 I. rlis menus wcic cvervwnere, and tv.w u-prf sr. nnmcrmistliat h Mm. self never knew them half by name. When the "Mihboy of the clashes" " . . I rvi was the candidate of the Whigs for the Presidency it became known that he had overdrawn his bank account at the Maysville bank for a considerable sum. One day three gentlemen, strangers to President scott. ot mat institution, caned at the bank and asked Mr. Scott how much Clay had overdrawn. He replied tersely tiiat was nne of their business, and that his bank was not in the habit of telling strangers the nrivate affairs of its customers. The visitors said that thev had come to make the account good and that ., , , .u. .,. r ley nau ct HuCOi.u Uu mey migni. nnwvv ujy mum wumu be required of them. That placed 1 a different phase on the situation, a tvt.- ,aa i-,.v. tv,n Atr Clay's account was overdrawn to an amount oppioximating $30,000. The visitors opened their saddlebags and mmediafe v naid over the 1. tvj,. c.".i( flnj t . , . , , whn ipv Wfrc hut was UnSncp.ess-I ' : , , ful, and up to the day of his death he never knew who were the bene- I factors ot his customer; Mr. Scott's -..:,i tnfRlm!ntn Til., would be'- interested to know who were the riders who carried $30,000 in their saddlebags to save the name ot ileiu y Ulay, but no one has yet been able to enlighten him. Indianapolis Journal. An Old Maw. It is an old saving that 'there is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at its flood leads on to fortune," which means that there are times when if we avail ourselves of them, we may undertake the accomplishment of any desired ob ject with greater certainty or success inan it commenced at any omir time. Always have Dr. Lytle's Elixir for Diar rhoea in the house, so tnat it may De ad ministered at the right time. HOI TO MAKE MOM BY DEALING IN STOCKS, GRAIN, PEOYISIONS, OIL, ETC. EXPLANATORY PAMPHLET MAILED FREE. LAURIE & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, 856 Broadway (and branches). NEW YORK. GREAT BARGAIN. 1, That splendid farm of Cut. W. T. Oonenina'. 4 milos up Swannauoa river, entraining 'JO acres, is to be sold at owe, and if arpll-ation lie made immediately. A gocd bargain ean be hd. Slacres more of fill timbered laud can be added at tne same low tigures it desired. Aimly to NATT ATKINSON & SONS, Real Estate Dealers. Other fine places near the city at verj reason able rates. ma o uu J. VV. COKTLAND, m: !j estate jigewt S. E. Cor. rullic Square, Main sf., Has for sale IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED -PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ASAEVIJiLE AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. A GREAT BARGAIN. No. 14 Clayton st., Asheville. N. C.J A 5 ROOM HOUSE. J ACHE OF LAND, GRAPE VINES, FRIT IT TREES. The house was built by Mr Arm- stron(the builder) for his own use. The, above is offered at a low price jor cash. J. VV. Cortland, Real Estate Hroker. A FARM of A7- acres, well set in clover and grass, between the Burnsville and Warm Springs roads, adjoining the lands of Gen 1 K. Is. Vance, only 3.L miles from Asheville VALUABLE HROPERTV. J. W. Cortland, Real Estate Broker. 5 acres, with 2 houses, spring, fruit trees, on College St., lseaumount road and PoDlar st. J. W. (Portland, Real Estate Broker. E. V. JONES, R. P. POB.TNER JONES & PORTHER. . No. 19 N. Main St., ASHEVILLE, N. C, Manufacturers of and Peol.'rs in HARNESS, Saddles, Bridles. &c, And dealers in COLLARS, Horse-Brushes, Whips, Cnrrycombs, Spurs, tc. Fine English Saddles a nuM.lfu T?l Vaa nan. lnt r.1 Tl.lot i. RiuiJa just arrived. Lap robes, axle grease, lubricating oil. a complete assortment 01 everytnaig usu ally found in a First-Class EniHt dealing in our line ot trade. - - ' Our prices shall be as low as tne lowest, here oreaewnere. Give u a call, . - ' JONES & PORTNER, No. 19 N. Main St. QQO BARRELS - CALCINED CEMENT, PORTLAND CEMENT. 'ij. ROSENDALE CEMENT, at " ' BEARDEN, HAS KIN & GO'S, roar 15 dtf an xxcMmt stit&iotnt. "My wife nd myself were in bad lit. f r. n . r i J ueauu ior some nrxeen years, a cuanueu k - " r T Regulator Almanacs and raw A. 11. Stevens' and Bishop Pierce's names to uaumunisis. 1 men oniaineu buiubui x: - ' . 1 1 1 , i" the Regulator, and can heartily recom r. , 1 tk. I C . T 1 . .. . rnanflc as an excellent medicine. - Z. E. Harrison. M. D . Gordonsvi'le, Va DYSPEPSIA. Un to a few weeks airo I considered myself the champion Dyspeptic of Am- erica. During the years that I liae 1een afflicted I have tried almost every thing claimed to ho a specific for JJys- pep(jia in tl)(J hope of findim, eomethiiig that would ailord permanent reliet. 1 had about made up my mind to abandon all medicines when 1 noticed an endorse- ment ot Muimoiis iiiver icecuia 1,.T nn. inHnl,i ,iv iu. effects iu my case. I have used but two bottles, and am satisfied that I have struck trie netit inins at last, itieitita beneficial effects almost immediately. Unlike a 1 other preparations of a similar . . j Kino, no special instructions are requirea a8 to what 0pe shall or shall not eat This fact alone ought to command it to all troubled with Dyspepsia. J. N. Holmes. V-neland, N. J. CONSTIPATION ro Secure a Regular Mablt of Body wunont mansfng; the met or organizing the Sytem, take Siminofls Liver Regulator ONLY GENUIXB MANUFACTURED BY J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Philadelphia, DENTAL CARDS. B. H. DOUGLASS, D. D. S., Pental Roomi over Grant it Roseberrv'a Brui aiorfc, residence in same Duuuitig Aenevine, IN. reb2-wsw DENTAL, SURGERY. f R. J. 6. QUEEN has removed his office to the and offers his professional services to the nubile. w front rooms oyer A. u ooooer uourt sauare All professional work done with skill and neatness. mne 10-dwtr DR B. WARE, Iental Snrgeon. Oftice in Slutlcr huildine. second floor. work will receive prompt ami caieful attention, jy it aiv OR. R. H. REEVES, D. D. S., Ofiioe in the Connally Building, over itedwood s store, i'attou Avenue, ASHEVILLE, - N. 0. Persons having artificial work done, after ryine it two or three weeks, if not satisfied, can return it and the mone7 win De rernnaeu. jj 11 OARC. Two gentlemen er uentleoian and wife can ire comforable room and eood board by applying P. O. BOX 310. Location neutral. ml26 dti AMINE OUR. STOCK OF FIN E SHOES in Bay State Sailer Lewen & Co.'s, and other makers. BEARDEN, jan 26 dtf RANKIN & CO. West End Pharmacy 26S PATTON AVENUE, Telephone No. 9. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF DRUGS, CHEMICALS Toilet Articles JToie In Stoek Pi escriptions accurately compounded by exper lenceu urngsists at an nour. c iioit K i;ai:n, .TOBACCO, Ac ALSO DELICIOUS COLD SODA WATER ON DRAUGHT. Mr IT. G. Chandler is with me and would be pleased to see his friends. J. H. WOODCOCK rjlRAINED NURSE MIES JULIA PALMER, a grsduateof the Ashe ville M ission H spital, offers her services as a traiued nurse. Sue is cordially endorsed by tbe attending physicians and managers of the Hospi tal for competency, fidelity and character. Her present residence is at the Hospital. Appli cations for her services ahould be made to her at at place. jan2dt( BOAEDING HOUSE, BY MBS. G. L. McDOVALD. Located on Bailey street. A short walk Irom Public Square. Rooms -arge, cool, comfortable and well ventila ted. No better to he fonnd in Asheville. Tha table fare the best the market affbids. june 30 dtf . , Moore & Robards. EXCEIIOH BAKERY. CONFJECTIOWERY AND ICE CREAM PARLOR. Our Patent Cream Bread has no equal; a trial' will convince you of this fact. ' Large and small cakes of every variety baked daily. We have the largest aud finest as sortment of plain and fancy .can dies iD the city ; Mak a specialty of fine goods. . A full stock of Tropi cal Fruits always on ha"nd.- Our Nonpareil Cream is pronounced the finest in the " place furnished to private families " on short notice Call and see us at . ' DESMOND'S OLD STAND. South XIain Street HOTELS. ROUND KNOB HOTEL Trains stop for dinner Sunday 29th. W. D. S PRAGUE, ma 20 dtf Proprietor. BlackvreU's Springs, BUNCOMBE COUNTY. N. C. Both White Sulphur and Chalybeate Waters. 12 miles from Asheville. 4 miles from Alexander DcDot on W. N. C. R. R. For further Information come aud see, or address tuoh. s MOKK1S. Proprieter, June 10 dtf P. O. Blackwell's Spring, N. C. . Arden Park Hotel AND COTTAGES. 10 WILEd FROM ASIIEViLLF, Coolest spot in North Carolina Reeneiy delight ful. Rooms commodious. Table A 1. Terms reasouaUle. june 23 dim E. ii. KEMBLK & CO., Froi. m mm a w ?ii? wimh mmm 1 w IIciKlorsoiivillo, rV. C "VFFERS comfort to summer lOiirists and V- lainilies seekine refnee from summer heats. inose in seurcu 01 rest or neaun, win una mo AltLIXCIXON A deliehtful and appropriate resort. Good rooms, good table, delightiully shaded yara, ana gooa, cooi,waier. X)r. T. A. ALLEN, te 25-dlm Heudersonville. N. C. FitANKiiiiM'iimrsET IX C. CUNNINGHAM, Propribtor, FJUNK.1N - - A'. C. o Table Biipiliel with the hest the market allords. First-Clasa Livery anl Sale Stables in connection with house. Dally Hack between WebMter ft n't Franklin. ttooA Smmplt loom for flnaiiun. TJSH.US ITiiA O.VJU I, K. ept Hdly Alexander . Hotel, Ten Miles Ncrth of Aslioville, Is now open for the accommodation of summer boarders. The location is one of the most desira ble in all Western North Carolina. The rooms are large and airy and well Airnishcd. (;ood liv ery. Four daily passenger trains. Terms rea sonable. j. .TOHisrsonsr, MANA3EK. Alexander, N. C. junv!5dltn TURNPIKE HOTEL. THE MOST CHARMING SUMMKU RESORT IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. This delightful place, dear to the minor f the traveler of the past, ba- derived adilitionul attraction by the construction ot t:c ri:i!ruHd. which passes immediately b its hospiiati-e doork. The Turnpike Hotel is Oftecn miles west of Asheville, immediately on the Mnrphy branch of the Western North Carolina road. It is emls omed among tbt. lnoiuitains, and is on the banks ol a bold mountain stream, and has all the charms of scenery, of climate, and diversity of resources appropriate to its location A larpe new building, with rooms handsomely furnished and a table proverbial for iu abund ance nd its excellence are anions tbe attrac tions, yor terms and particulars apply to Mrs. J.C. SMATHERS, Turnpike, N. C. junsd3m French Broad Hotel A. G. Halliburton, x Prop. This Hotel is located within one hnndrc of the Western Nortli Carolina Depot, and nex' to the oflices ot the Supcrintendcutand the General Freight Agent of the W. N.C'.K. It, Good -Fare, Comfortable Rooms, ON REASONABLE TERMS. FIRST-CLASS BAR is attached, where will be found at all tim es th j best brands of Liquors, IV'iucs, Brandies, Cigars, Tvbacco. Telephone connection with Up-town. nichs dtf "Heaves House," Waynesville. C. BRICK, ENT1REL Y NE WTWENTTc Rooms, Single and in Suite. MODERN DESIGN AS To VENTILATION, LIGHT, &C, Open fire place3. New Furniture, of Haywood hard woods, open Verandas overlooking tbe sparkling hichland Creek, aid oat- usou the grandeur of the llaliam en.l surrounding moun tains on all sides A Never-Failing Well at Pure Jure Stone n aler nearly lcr. Voll. Location Main street, tl;re minutes froni.either the Post Ollice, Kxpross or Depot, fiftecu minutes of Haywood While Sutyh'r Sjiriiiys. . No fire ''escapes" excopt from stair ways, and from b&'.cunies. Escapes not needed. Only one insurance arent in town. But four Iiousea burned in the town in seventy-five years, and two of those, the jail and Col. Love's residence, were burned by Kirk and hit, troops du ring the war. Sfo electric bells clerk and seivants can hear and are ready to obey the soft est whisper Iron? a guest. TROPICAL FRUITS AND FISH ' in season. Other fara the best we can get in the markets here and abroad. WILL BE OPEN JUNE 20. . Hates reasonable confer with us. Yours trulv, A. X. KEEVKS, ap 24 dSin Manager. Cesar's Head Hotel, South Carolina, Will be opened for the season of 1S87, on tbe First of June. The comfort of guests will b carefully consulted. - Scenery grand beyond conception, Temperature averages from 60 to 70. Atmosphere bracing and exhilarating. Uihmte unparalleled. Nature's own sanitarium. Freestone and mineral waters nhundant. Daily mails. Livery elablo Resident physician. . Varied amusements. Hacks to order from Heudersonville, H.C Time (Ci hours) over good roads. Terms pev day, $10 per week. Special rates ior families by the month. F. A. MILES, M. D., r -- ma 25 dtf ' Proprietor. The White COUNEK MAIN AKD Kil,: UNDER WHITLOC K'S f I O i i PEOPSIETOn. Headquarters for fin f LIQUORS. I charsre aocor.liiivtly. ARE ABSOLUTKf.Y PITRK AM) UNAllIffrF.IEAa'S:5. a.iul are recom men tied by the best judges fur VMcdl.-io-il :: . . Also Fine Billiard and Pool Parlor. Goods nhipeil to all points. No charge for hoxinsr. Lock x ! Asheville, N. 0. The only strictly White Man's Hii.r in th State. ja6-dawly and It. The Clerk, the Customer und the Shoe. Plea3e tho eye, but giv the loot :i i chance. Try on the shoe, and when it "JESS" fits, buy, and two soles un made happy and comfortable. The largest and l"iiiti Stock anl Rest Facilities Tor kEiiyiiig Shoes, at iis.i:i:ij v WKAViars SHOE STORE. FISIE : INSUIiANCZ; 69 ; INSURANCE Z INSURANCF PlthUlAU & GO.. Abfieville BEST COMPANIES. FIRST TO PAY LOSSES IN THE WIL MINGTON FIRE oih 16-dlv TANNER & DELANEY EN GINE COMPANY, RICHilONO, VIRGINIA. Business established 1865. The most complete Mwcliiiie Shops in the Sou Hi. KninrM. ItoilciM, Miw-millM ana Machinrry. Itigrltt mnd Trmmitay Etocomotlcta. JPoU Hoad Locomotive Specially. "Correspondence solicited. Send for catalogue aprlS-dAwly Turner's EAST SIDE S. MAIN SRREET. THIS First-Class liesort" is new open, day and niht. Meals served at al! hours, and oflhe best the markets, home and foreitrn, can supply. The cooking is by experienced and skilful cooks, in the best provided and lies' arranged kitchen in the State ; and to this public attention is specirlly invited. There are public and piivatw dining rooms, at which meats are served a la carte to transient visitors, and to regular table boarders. Also an elegant Ladies' Dining Room, strictly private to ladies, or ladies and their escorts. A laoies maid is in wait ing. Suppers served to order for private jT.rties; also Suppers cooked to order for Uuiiiy or weading partiep. nineties for pic nic or excursion parlies put up at short notice. Meals sent out for a small ewtra charge. Ice Cream and other delicacies served at the tables, on the balconies, or ?i the summer houses. Ice cream'ent uu to city customers or fairilies: Table boarders taken by tho week or month. An invitation is extended to visitors to the city to call and spend the day. All conveniences an accommodations provided. A lady cashier presides over tli9 e" counts. Call and see us. TURNER Si BROWNSON. ma 29-d3m Select Boaiding and Day SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIE- AM) Lim.K GIRLS, Hilisboro, N C. FOCSDED 185!). The Misses Nash and M'ks Koli.ock will resume the exercises of their school on 2nd of September, 1887. Circulars ent on applimtion. iuly 21 d2m . B. DAVIS. 1. H. C KTER Davis and Carter, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS - , OFFICE AT Farmers' 'Warehouse. - AH property, both Real Estate and Pernor 1, entrusted to their care will receive their bet.1 attention and ue made to obtain the highest prices. Mr. Oavii has bad thirty yeaii' experi ence in the auction btuines. . ma 7 dim - Man's Bar 11 ! k - i-.ui-i i..;t ;)u i: ! ST, .ir.l M W. 0. MULLER & CO., Ao. 7 South Main Hreel, Asheville, N. C. DKAI.r.KM IS All kiii.lsof WIiiskii'8, brandies, Wines Ale, roilrs, Citrary, Tobacco, &c.; fine Kentucky llye and. Bourbon Whiskies a specially. niSTlM.EKS' AtiEXTS FOR Turo North Carolina Corn Whiskey and Apple Brandy. 1'ure Barley Alalt Whiskey for medical purposes always in stock. Sole agents and authorized bottlers t "Anheuaer-Bxisch Brewing Assoerlation celebrated Louis Lagci Beer for Wentern North Carolina. The following Brewings constantly on hand, in kegs and in bottles.' Anhemer I'usrh, Standard, Imperial Pale La.r and original Budweiser. tiers by mail'. Telephone call No. 39. Billiard Hall on 3d fleor. je 10-dtf Has just what you want in WHITE GOODS, Muslin3, Lawns, Iiamburjr Edg ings, Parasois, Fans. Wash Goods, and Robes, bought at bo torn prices. Our Stock of Table Linen, Towels and Napkins you will find unsurpassed. CLOTHING for Men, Youtha and Boyp. Hats and Shoes full line of every description. TOBJMCCO anil CIGARS, The best 5c. cigar in the city. OLD RIP Chewing Tobacco. Do not forgot the place James P. Sawyer No. 15 Patton Avenue. 11, ...,!!!. M (' T,, 10 S7 Pigeon RiTcr Nmseries. I am prepared to furnish 50,000 Fruit Trees For the fall season, consisting of Jlpple, Peach, Chcrru. Grape, fines, All varieties well adapted to Western North Carolina. For prices and particulars as to varieties address J. A. MAY, Prop'r, . .. ap iS d.w3m Pigeon River, N. C Hot Spring-, Sf. V. Delightful rooms, superior table.airy altnatioa, cuperb liows, well Blinded grouuds, one of tbe moKt eligible health and pleasure resorts in tli mouutains within two minutes walk of the depot. Kor terms ipply to W. T. MESSENGER. july 7 d ain Hot Springs, N. ft W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. Tho only 3 SEAMLESS 8 11 tie m the won a. Finest Culf perfect fit, and , anJ Laoe. all atvies toe. As stylish ami durable a jj Uhmc costln or Vi., SlIOK excels- Hie 3 KImhs Jvcr- usea by otucr tttan4 Wtwm of ftrt 8b. Bov (1 wer the W. I DOUGiAS SHOE. If your dealrr doe not fcrop them, send vnr umneob posua to W. In DOUGLAS, Brm&toa, llub . J inWdwly :. ' j 1 m ... ' 5" I .