ASHEYIL'LK CITIZEN. K. M. FCRMAN, IORDAN STONE, 1. U. OAMKKO.V, -Editoks. TUESDAY MORNING, NOV. 1, 1S37. Cannot tlie great city of New York sustain a decent daily newspaper ? The leading papers of that city seem to indicate the contary, if the mat ter they supply is in answer to a demand by their readers. - "Trust" combinations of capital are getting popular. We have the "Standard Oil Trust," the "Sugar Refinery Trust," the Whiskey Mo nopoly Trust," and now it is proposed that all the funny men of the press are to combine and run one or more hng-3 funny papers. The word "trut" is the captiv.ition we suppose. -a- Jay Gould's wealth brings him trouble sometimes. The friends of the condemned anarchists expect liiui to use it to buy or corrupt jus tice, and save them from the halter ; and he is in daily leceipt of letters demanding his interposition, and threatening 'death if he fails to do as demaadel. Hence his sadden departure r Europe to get out of the wav before the dav of doom. GENERAL JACKSON'S SPEECH. The Atlanta Constitution of the 2'Jth, after an interview with the orator of the day at Macon, extracts the following as the sum and sub stance of the intent of the speech: "The eloquence and sincerity of the speech will be questioned by no one. General Jackson is a iu:in of illustrious record, and of the highest He spoke his earnest and honest convictions. The speech sifted down presents two points. First, that the South did not go into war to protect slavery, but went in to defend the principle of State sovereignty with the full knowl edge that slavery would be imperiled even if the South were victorious in the war. Second, that the principle of local government is still at war with the principle of centralized power. This struggle is not local to Amer ica, but it is being fought wherever human government has been erected. It is being fought notably in Eng land, where Gladstone appeals for a decentralization of power and the es tablishment of home rule in Ireland. General Jackson believes that local sovereignty is the true principle of government, and that it will finally triumph. Not in America alone, or especially, our wnerever unman gov ernments are being improved. The Lincoln-Davis sentence of his speech simply amounts to the statement that when this triumph of local govern ment, or home rule, is established over centralized power, that Mr jjavis, wno stood tor Mate sover eignty in the memorable conflict, will be vindicated over Mr. Lincoln, who stood for centralized fpower. Gen cral Jackson hastens to sav that this personal allusion was purely in cidental, and testifies to the high and earnest admiration he has of Mr. Lincoln's character as a patriot, statesman and a man. General Jackson only states what all thinkers in the South recognize to be facts, that the South did not fight to protect slavery, and that it did light to maintain those rights of self government claimed to be guaranteed under the Federal Constitution. In saying this much, the speaker made no false representation. But his error and his wrong was in presenting his views in such a time and in such a presence. The time and the occasion were not such as to have justified the presenta tiou of the views that were the sub ject of conflict, and physically speak ing, the victims of defeat. What was not effectedby the nobly contested wager of battle, will not be brought to pass by querulous complaint or clamorous denunciation. And the presence was most inopportune be cause Mr. Davis stood before the au dience, the concrete expression of the ideas and principles which had been submitted to the ordeal of battle and had the decision ' pronounced against them. Such principles are immortal, and physically force can never sup press the truth. But their ultimate vindication rests with time and the progress of events. "And the time is not now, when the passions of those taking the opposite position in the bloody debate are ready to fly back, on provocation, to their previous hostile attitude. It was. easy, with Mr. Davis before him, for the speaker to present him as the living embodi ment of imperishable through discred ited principles, at whose call the South, with recuperated strength, might gather up its loins for any trial of principles. But in doing so Mr. Davis and the South were placed in false attitude. Mr. Davis himself, as an unpardoned rebel, may not consider himself bound to silence if jie had chose to break it. But he is morally sponsor for the good faith of the South. He cannot encourage a violation of that prudential as well as honorable system under virtue of which the recollections of internecine strife are dying out, in the perfection of which the very ideas of Gen. Jack son, so passionately presented, must ultimately prevail as the real funda mental ideas of the American Constitution. The principles of local self-gov ernment and State sovereignty con cern the North equally with the South. No State and no people, claiming to maintain a republican form of government, - can nffbrd to sacrifice them. But this cannot and ought not to be obtruded in an in temperate way and at inopportune time, when it is so easy to inflame passion, excite uneasy suspicion, or give a sharp and ready weapon for political advantage. DEVOURED BY SHARKS. & Florida Mail Carrier Tora to Pieces ly Maa-Eaicrs. A Jacksonville (Fla.) special says: James E. Hamilton, mail-carrier be tween Miami and Lake Worth was devoured by sharks at Hillsboro in let Tuesday. Hamilton was a stout, athletic young man, and carried the mail a distance of seventy-five miles, walking the beach most of the way. The inlet is a dangerous crossing, the dark waters of the Everglades meeting the ocean tides and pro ducing heavy sea.?. Sharks of the most rayenous kind abound. When he reached the middle of the inlet the sharks flocked about the, leaping ten feet or more out of the water in their eagerness to get at human llesh. Hamilton fought them with his cars, but soon both were Ititten oil and dashed out of h's hands. Then thev assailed the boat, tearing away huge pi'.ves el' the pun wale. Soon it bj gan to sink and he was thrown head long into the mass of ficrcj inan ealtrs One shrkk of agony and all was over. The sea was dvtd for yard.s with his life blood. Search ing parties were sent out, but mill ing found. The tragedy such a horrible one that no iirtii carrier over that route has yet been secured. What a truly beautiful wcrhl we live in! Nature gives us grandeur of moun tains, fjkns and oceans, and thousands o! enjoyment Wp can desire no better when in ps.-rfi.ct health; biit how often do the majority ef people feci lii;e giving it u.- disheartened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when there is no occas ion for this feclini;, as every sufferer can easily obta;n satisfactory proof, that IS recti's Autj'tst Flower, will make them free from direase, as when l.-oin. l3s persia acd Liver Co:iiiai:it are the direct causes of seventy-live per cent, of such maladies ISihGusncs", Indiges tion, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Prostration, Dizziness of the Ilea 1, Palpitation of the Heart, and other distressing symptoms. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wonderful efi'e,-t. Sample bottle?, 10 cents Try iu (UV'At'iiWI v Ons Lived, the Other Died. A woman formerly our slave 18 now our cook. About eighteen months ago she. became tickly and had a conxli and was connued to bed, and it was thought that she had consumption. The treatment by physicianis tailed to give reliel In December, lssi, a node or the size of a goose egg formed just above the pit of the stomach, which when lanced discharged matter for 8 or 9 months. Ono of these also formed under herr rni, and three on her bacU, which dis charged matter for a considerable time. For six months of this time she was conlined to the ho'.ine, and niort of the time iu bed. The stomach often refused food, by rejecting what she had eaten. She used a great deal of medicine, but faUed to te cnied. I bought ono Lottie of our 1!. B. B. (made in Atlanta, Ga.) and gave it to her and shecommenced to improve. I then bought and gave her three bottles more, and he continued to improve and in two months' time her cough had ceased, her constitution strengthened, appetite and digestion good, all discharges ceased, nodes or knots disappeared and she went to work apparently healthy aud fattened up greatly. This woman had a married sister of near same age who was affected in precisely the same way aud about the same time. She had node or" knot on pit of stomach, back, etc. She did not take any B. B. B. aud the node on her stomach ato through to the cavity. She continued on the decline and wafted awav, and finally died. There were two terrible c of blood poi son, one used B. B. B. and was speedily cur edthe other did not use it and died. It is most assuredly a most wonderful blood puriiier. I vefer to nieichanta of this town. Yours truiy, W. T. Sorisos. Tishabee, Ala., May 1, 1SS6. A SIIKKII'F SSEI.KASEIK For a period of sixteen years I have beer afllieted with catarrh of the head which bafl'.ed the use of all medicines used. Seeing the advertisement of B. B. B., I purchased and used fix or sc-yen botUen. and althonu'a used irregularly have received great relief, and re commend it as a good blood pp.ntier. Signed) J. K. Hglcosiee, Jr Sheriil of Haralson county, Ga, All who desire full inforrc-Uon about the caune and cure of Blood Poisons, Siorof ula and Scrofulous BweliiuKS. Ulcer.-, Sores, Ehcani linm. Kidney Com ilaints. Catarrh, etc., can secure bv mail, fioe, a copy of our r.2 page Illustrated Book of Wonders, filled with the moU wonderful and startling proof ever be fore known. Address, BLOOD BALM CO., toctl Atlanta, Ga. Wasted Employment as accountant, permanent or teiniKtary. . Ipve ha'l practiea expe rience in book-l-i'ji'pin '- i,v inyle and double entry. Acoonnta written up and put in proper shape from b'ntter or rough memoranda AcMtcs.s P. O. Box 274, Asbeville, N. C. F lOR RENT. S ICnom Ji'oiisc. South Mail. 5 minute walk lrom Court House. Gacd wafr, with good rock cellar. Ncise but small familv need apt!y. seSidtt Apply to A. FfiEtJK. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. The only 93 SEAMLESS I ftnoe in cue world, witn- Finest 4Jalr, perfect out ukkh or nans. and warranted. Jtutton aad Lace, all e, stylei toe. As and durable u those T. costing 5 or & all wear the W, I. IMHIbLiS s shop. np4 bcttan ef Moh SbM.1 w. T.. imii;i; aa.Kn SttoW w onex- colh'd for heavy wear. If not sold by your dealer ansi'i F OE SALE, The Enete Dme Store in Brevad. 1)9 onlv (true store in the count r. Will sell enran for cash. For particulars apply to GENTLEMEN' roil I Ita C. E. FARMER, malo d&wtf Brevard, N, C. Slperioe Courts Faix Teem 1887. The following are the arrangements for the Fall Terms of the 10th, 11th and 12th Districts : IfjTn (morqaktos) district- judge boy kin. Henderson July 18, 3 weeks. Burke August 8, 2 weeks. Ashe August 22, 1 week. Watauga Aupist 29, 1 week. Caldwell September 5, 1 week. Mitchell September 12, 2 weeks. Yancey September 20, 2 weeks. McDowell October 10, 2 weeks. llTH (CHARLOTTE) DISTRICT JUDGE MAC RAE. Catawba July IS, 2 weeks. Alexander August 1,1 week. Cleveland Aug'e it 8, 2 weeks. Mecklenburgt Augupt 28, 3 weeks. Union September 20, 1 week. Lincoln October 3, 1 week. Gaston October 10, 2 weeks. Cleveland October 24, 1 week. Rutherford October 31, 2 weeks. Polk November 13, 1 week. 12Tn (ASnEVILLE) DISTRICT JUDGE ' MONTGOMERY. Haywood September 12,2 weeks. Jackson September 20, 1 week. Macon October 1 week. Clay October 10, 1 week. Cherokee October 17, 2 weeks. Graham October 31, 1 week. Swain November 7, 2 weeks. Madison November 21 , 2 weeks. Buncombe December 2 weeks. Personal. Mr. N. II. Frohlichstein, of Mobile, Ala., writes: I take great pleasure in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, having used it for a severe attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and entirely cured ine and I have not been afllieted since. I also bca to state that I had tried other-remedies with no good result. Have a!:;o used r.:ectnc Hitters and Dr. King's New Li!o Tills, both of which I can recommend. Dr. King's New Discovery . for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, is sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free at II. II. Lyons' Drug Store. Malaria, Dumb Chills, Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks. T)i.v iirjiflsie ros-ulnr. natural e viic- iiiilioiiM. ut-vt? S'ripe : interfere with :::iiv tnif!scs4. Ah u futility meilicine. 4 v ,5:oii;!. jc in every iiousenoiu. " ho!.: Notice to Tax-Payers! rBIIIE TAX LIST FOIl 1S81 HAS UEEX placed g in ray nanus iorconecuon. All persons are notified to come up at once and settle. 1 nev are now au? auu iuum ik pmu N. A. REYNOLDS, Cfhc-. in Com I IIoii-c. City Tax Collector. c'.6nj THE VILLA CHANGED HANDS-: MKS. It. V. HOLLAND ha taken charge of the " VILLA," corn ?r ot Haywood ami niuianc streets, as a BOARDING IIOI'SE, and is now prei'aretl to accommodate uoaraeis. oct l'J dtf T ADIES. MZX'S. Li a sii CHILDREN' SHOES MANUKACI111.KU by BAY KTATE SHOE & LEATHER CO. None better for service. DEAEDEX, RANKIN & CO., oct 9 dtf 5 SMiill, I i ) i! WHEN YOU COME TO SEE THE PBBSIDENT DO NOT FAIL TO SEE SAWYER'S LARUE STOCK OF CLOTHING Mr. Sawyer is now in New York bnying DEES3 GOODS, CARPETS, CLOTHINu, BOOTS&SHOES, LADIES' FINE WRAPPERS AND WALKING JACKETS. BLANKETS, a s n SHEETINGS. DO XOT FOKOET THE I'l.ACE. NO. 1-5 PATION AVENUE. NEW Furniture Store W. A. & Co., 117 1 niton Avenue, (Graham Building,') Are opani-i;; itp a Urs,e and splendid assortment ot New Furniture, of all 6tyles, aud oouipletandeler-tnt in workmanship, BED ROOM and PARLOR SUITS, LOUNGES, (single and double.) BEDSTEADS, Oil AIRS, &C, sC, and eirerythin;4 that can be found in a Fh'ist'CIass Furniture -orc. tub 2(1 dl2tn FOUR MORE 1UILR0A PS WE WILI. HAVE . Four Jre Railroads To Asherille that tbe people may buy the best Shoes, Boots, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Lap Boles, Horse Covers, Whips or almost any thins in my line, at the lowest prices. I will not be undersold. My stock is complete. Come and nee for yourselves. 3. U. ALEXANDER, oct 19 dfcw6mos North rmbiic Square. Chromic Looseness of too Bowels. ResultB ftom imperfect digestion. The cause lies in the torpidity of the liver. A regular habit of body can be secured by taking Simons Liver Regulator to aid digestion, to stimulate the dull and slug gish liver, and rid the system of exces sive and poisonous bile. The. Regulator corrects acidity of the stomach, cures dyspepsia and insures regularity of the bowels alike free from laxity or costiye-ness. Up to a few weeks ago I considered myself the champion-Dyspeptic of Am erica. During the years that I have been atllicted I have tried almost every thing claimed to be a specific for Dys pepsia in the hope of finding something that would afford permanent- relief. I had about made up my mind to abandon all medicines when I noticed an endorse ment of Simmons Iiver Reeula tor by a prominent Georgian, a jurist whom I knew, and concluded to try its effects in my case. I have used but two bottles, and am SfltiHdpd thnr T havn struck the right thing at last It felt its beneficial effects almost immediatelv. Unlike all other preparations of asimilar kind, no special instructions are required no In .. I, nnn .-1 , .. i 1 1. 1 1 A . This fact alone otigh h command it to an iruu:'ieu irmi ;epsia. '' S, Holmes, ' vneland, N. J. CONST IP ATI OX To ecu re a Regular Habit of Body without changing the Diet or Din . organising the System, take Simmons Liver Regulator ONLY GENUINE MANUFACTURED BY J. H. Z EI LIN & CO., Philadelphia. DENTAL CARDS. D R. It. F. AKRIXGTOX, SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE rooms: Oyer L. Munday's store, Tatton Avenue, se 13 12m B. H. DOUGLASS, D. D. 8. Dental Rooms oyer Graut & Roseberry's, Drug store, residence iu same building Asbeville, N. C lebz-wifcffw DENTAL SURGERY. R. J. G. QUEEN has removed his office to the I W front rooms over A. D Cooper Court square and otters his professional services to the public. All professional work done with skill and neatness, iune WMliwtf DR. R. H. REEVES, D. D. S., Office in the Connally Building, over Redwood's store, Tatton Avenue, A3HEVILLE, N. C, Persons having artificial work done, after ' ryinff it two or three weeks. If notsatlstle I, can return nana me money win ne remnaeu. jy l J-JR. A. B. WARE, Denial Surgeon. Office In S'.uder building, second floor. A work will receive prompt and careful attention, jy 14 dlv . Howell k Lea, SUCCESSORS TO J. 0. HOWELL, AT THE Spot Cash Store, NO 17 NORTH MAIN ST., Are receiving a splendid line of Dress Goods in stock and colors Iriiriinmirs, Uents lnderwear in all grades and colors, a special bargain in Gents' and Ladies' Red Underwear, a splendid line Plush and Silks in almost every shade Hats from 35 cents up to a good Stetson; some goods bought very low, and will be sold same way- Towels, Table IJLnen, Napkins and Colored Table Covers in mrny qualities and colors. If you want cheap goods, we have them. A big lot of Tennes see all-w;ool Jeans at prices that will catch you. We keep Graham s nome-made Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen. Also some Coffee of good quality at 4i lbs. for $1. The best lines of Flannels, Water-proof, etc., in this town. If you want goods and good goods at low prices, call on HOWELL & Ho warp Profit and Waits Rob- ison are with us. . 6vsters served in every shape at Tur ner & Bronson's afier the 8th inst. The lovers of this delicious article will re- ruen.ber this fact tf HOTELS. ROUND KNOB HOTEL Trains stop for dinner Sunday 29th. W. D. SPRAGUE, ma 26 dtf Proprietor. WOYAH HOUSE, Corner of Pine and Baird streets. At beginning of Sunset Erive, Asheville, N, C, WILL be ready for guests on and after 1st of September. New building, with complete sanitary arrangements and all modern improve ments and comforts. New furniture attractive grounds. This house will be conducted as a first-class house, with due regard to the comfort and convenience of guests WM. w. blatchfo'rd, aug 19 dtf Proprietor. FRAXKXIX HOUSE, D. C. CUNNINGHAM, Pkoprietor, FBANKLIN - - N. C. o Table supplied with the best the market anords. First-Class Livery and Sale Stables in connection with house. Dally Hack between Webster anal Franklin. ?9f Snmpl Rvtmm Tor JMiammeir. THit.flli fJait0. UCJJ. sept 11-dly i 'Reeves House," "Wctynesville. !N. O BRICK, ENTIRELY NEW TWENT1 Booms, Single and in Suite. Location Main.street. three minuteH from either the Post Office, Express or Depot, fifteen minutes of Haywood mite Sulphur Springs. Ol'EN ALL THE YEAR ROUND. Kates reasonable confer with us.' Yours truly, A. J- REEVES, ualdif Manager. French Broad Hotel A. G. Halliburton, x Prop. This Hotel is located within one hundred feet of the Western North Carolina Railroad Depot, and nex. to the offices ot the Superintendent and the General Freight Agent of the W. N. C. R. R. Good Fare, Comfortable Rooms. ON 'reasonable terms. FIRST CLASS BAR is attached, where will be found at a'.l times th ; best brands of rjqitoi'fs, Wines, ISrandicSi Cigirs, Teb(icco. Telephone connection with Dp-town. mch3 dtf Big Bargains! OFFEUEO BV JLOTS ! For a short time we will offer speciol prices on lots in Military Fark. Some of the fineft Building Lots in Asheville, commanding a beautiful view, and well shaded with oaks. Will give prices of a few of them : Lot No. 14. on Pearson Avenue, nice shade, contains 3 acres, street all around it, (5,000 Lot 7, Pearson Av'e, covered with oak, 1,000 Lot S, 100x20, do., cor. lot, do. do., 1,200 Lot 9 do do do do 1,200 Lot 10 do do do do 1,000 Lot 11, 93x350 do do do 1,200 Lot 1 2, 175x1-18 do 3-corner lot, do tSOO LIKCOLX PARK. Lot 28. 120x164. Bartlett St.. nice noil. oak. 1,500 Lot 29, 123x164, " " 1,500 Lot 27, Wx240, wanton St., . Lot 63, 69x150, Bl'n & Bar't 21s, do ' 700 Lot SO, 80x150, do i Poplar sts 61.0 Lot 16, 60x150, Bailey & Poplar sts, 600 Lot 6, 50x100, do aud Bailey at 250 Lot 1, 60x100, do do 250 KIIBLIIY PARK. Lot 3, 75x150, Bailey street, 600 Lot 4, do do 500 Lot 12, do do 550 Lot 19, do Blanton street, 550 For rent, a nice G-rooui house in North Asheville, price 515 per month. We have other nice city and country property for sale, and all on the most reasonable terms. Call and see us. BOSTIC, BLANTON & CO , Real Estate Urokeis, 13 Datton Avenue. INSURANCE. LIFE INSURANCE. tot T B 1 v 4 -LEY MTJT0AL LIFE ASSOCIATION OlT Vi-KU11A Issues policies for from $y,ooo Jo $3,000, AND combinei trie guarantee eature ot OLD LINE" Companies at the eosi ol ordinary co-operative insur- re in Secret Orders. FIRF INSURANCt. nsursjQf against loss by Fire in City aul County on all kinds of Property, Real and Persona . Sh ' tsoll us long term. PoLc' issued at fair rates A. 1 Companies, Home and Foreign. TUOS. W. BKANII, Agcpf, OrBce North Side Cknrt Square, mj- 20-tf The White CGl&NER MAIN Aim EGLE SHLStn1 U N D E II HITLOCK' S S T O R F. T .e3 "pr PB0FXBET0B. Headquarters for fine 3 TQUORS. I keep none but the PUREST, at d charge accordingly. Mv ARE ABSOLUTELY PUfilE AND ij:$tarui&,kka's,!:i, and ?.re recommended by the best judges for medicinnl urc Also Fiae Billiard and Pcol Parlor. Goods shipped to all points. No charge fjpr boxin?. Lock Box I Asheville, N. C. The only strictly White Man's Bar iii tbe State. ia6-.dawly CS3 or Cn3 ! i-zut: . .. CD STRICTLY EST CLi SR tLOTIiX, I'.liyibly situated. Com;nanditij: niajiniricent mountain views, and yet convenien to businefs. A home for ladios find families?. ianl2d&wiy RAWLS BROS., Proprs. FINE GROCERIES I TOTTED MEATS, PATES OF G ME, CANNED FISH, CANNED FRUITS, FRENCH PEAS, Extra Fine, FRENCH MUSHROOMS, DEVII-ED CRABS, SHRIMP, C. and P. PICKLES, PIN MONEY PICKLES, JELLIES & PRESERVES CANTON GINGER, GROSSE AND BLACK WKI.l's JAMS, OLIVES, EDAMCIIFKSi!, FINEST SALAD OIL, INSTANTANEOUS CHOCO LATE. BROMA, COCOA, NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, PURE EXTRACTED HONEY, FINEST KEY WEST & IMPORTED CIGARS TACLK SUPPLIES OK EVERY DESCRIPTION, us I Pa O 1 w o H o ft d No. 53 SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone Xo. 38. W. O. MULLER & CO., No. 7 South Main Street, Asheville, Ar. C. DEALERS IN All kinds of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines Ale, Portes, Cigars, Tobacco, &c.; fine Kentucky Rye and Bourbon Whiskies a specialty. DISTILLERS' AGENTS FOR Pure North Carolina Corn Whiskey and Apple Brandy. I'ure Barley Malt Whiskey for medical purposes always in stock. Sole agents and authorized bottlers ol "Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association? celebrated it. Louis Lagei Beer for Western North Carolina. The following Brewings constantly cn hand, in kegs and in bottles.- Anheuser Busch, Standard, Imperial Pale Lairer and original Budweiser. Goods delivered to any par: of the city free. Prompt attention paid to all or ders by mail. Telephone call Xo. 39. Billiard JIall on 2d fioor. je 10-dtf F OR SALE. Ono Tnt and House nf 4 r oms. Price $700. 200 down, balan -e in yearly installments of 8100 with interest at 8 percent. . One Lot and House of 4 rooms. Price $.'00. $200 down, balance in yearly installments of WC0 with interest at 8 percent. One Farm of 100 acrrs, gcod fraireil house, good water, and outbuildings. 35 acres cleared, 85 well timbered, 10 miles S. W. of Asheville. Price 8800 $800 down, balance in yearly install mentg of $200 with interest at 8 par cent. Appty lo J. N. 8NELSON.x oct dSwtf A Fheville, N. O. Man's Bar CD CD -v- - ? l: ') 1867. 1887. Hampton -AND Featherston. The Oldest and Most Relia ble Liquor Store in N. C. We carry the largestassortment of goods of any bo. se in the State. We handle nothing but the verv best good-;. Our Whiskies vnu lirandfes a . pronounced'b) pnysicians to bepurtjuiitliin fadulteiaLea. None'but pure Liquors are fit fo medicinal purposes. Our Stock is Complete in Every Particular. Old Corn Whiskey from one to four j ears'old. Old Rye ""of "the highest "standard brar.ds. Ali;kinds5of Wines;, Beets, Ales, Porter, &c &c. Cigars and Tobacco & n Sreaticl lla n ' ' 1 esfa " d?Jfi n estj o n the mai ket. We are very thankful togour pa-, trons for their past favors, and we wish to say in conclusion that our prices and goods are right down to he hard times. Be convinced by calling on us, West Side Public Square, Asheville, N, C. jan8d3m JUST RECEIVED EXTRA FINE CAPE 'COD CRANBERRIES AT J. M. HESTOFS, Eagle Hotel Block.. PORTLAND & ROSENDALE CEM ENTS, CALCINED PLASTERS, Plastering Hair Lime, Lccks. Nails, Glass BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO., oct 9 dtf -55 Sonth Main at

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