1! Jf"!1 sir. -x ' For tli Messenger.) :. .4 . TO MISS E. Z"". Oh ! lady lair, a stranger's hcrt, . " r- " la captive to thy will ; yX 1 ire deeply feel love's rankling dart , Thy charms bis bosom fill ; lie' seen thy bluab thy magic smile And drank the luring draught. Until Uiine image can beguile, Hisevery vagrant thought. - Whoeould be sad1, when eyeelike. thine, y Should beam to make him bleat T Who could bo gay, when they ahoold shine. To cliecr another's breast f Thm may love's mantling chalice long1, , Iianwh sad care away,; ' Inspire the lowly poet's song, - r r1 And gfld luVs transfcnt day v- O. ictOTaV AJUata Ashevfllc, July II, 1840. . ,. ' ..c From the Episcopal Recorder. . , I am weary. . I am weary of straying O-fcin would I rwd - In that far distant Jand of the pure and the bleat, .. - Where sia .can no longer her blandishments spread, r. 0 Uf'-; - --. ;. - ' And team and temptations' for fever are fled. x ' ' ' : ! A.-i it'J '- " I am weary of hoping where hope is untrue. As fair, but as flnetinp, a morning's bright dew : I long tor that land' whose blest promise alone Is changeless and suro as eternity's throne. 1 am weary of aiirliing o'er sorrows of earth, O'er joy's glowing visions, that fudo at tiicir " birth. - - O'er tlic pangs of tlie lored, which we cannot as ' swipe. O'er the blightinga of youthj and the weakness of I am weary of loving what passes a way The sweetest, the dearest, alas, may not star ! I lung for lor that land where those parting) are o'er, And death and the tomb con, divide hcarta no I am weary, my Saviour, of grieving thy love I 0 when shall I rest in thy presence above 7 1 am weary but O let me never repine, Whde thy word, and thy love, and thy promise are mine. .--,. VARIETY. YANKEE DECISION. , - " Some time between" tho year -1812, and 13, when considerable animosity existed - brtween the people of Canada '" andAe ' States, and when some of the British sub jects, who wero " dressed with brief author ity,"" looted upon Hie Yankees IS barlilQo U tter than brutes, the following is said to have taken- place at the Custom House at St. AaaRaleigk Register, iy '.- V A Yankee s of considerable dimensions entered the office and informed the officer that he wished to enter his load and receive a passport ThoonweeT-flast a sarcastic - look at him, and snid that it was customa ry for people when theyentcred bis office to receive passports, to take off their hats, and requested him to do so instantly. -s "Wo, I thank yon, said the Yankee, 44 1 paid four dollars for that hat to keep my head and ears warm." "" " You impertinent puppy," snys tins offi cer, working himself into considerable of a passion, "how dare you" insult mcT Off with vour hat immediately. "No sir, can't do it, keens my bead . proper warm." , : Aftei several orders of a "similar -kind, accompanied with curses and threats, which met with no better success, ho stept up' to -him and gave his hat a blow that sent it to the adjncent . corner W tho room. , Tlie Yankee paid no attention to this J but waited patiently until he bad received his passport, Jblded and deposited it safely within his wallet and was ready to pursue bis journey, when turning to. the officer he rem Jested him to nick tin his hat.7 and nut it on his head.-' f '"' : . Tlic officer much wroth, ordered him to leave the office or he migkt get into trouble for he did not often make words with men of his deffcription.' "I say, mister," says the Yankee, "you must pick up my hat and that, in just about one minute's time, or feel the weight of the death mauls, n nhaking his fist rather near, cr his lordship's face than was agrcea blc. " ' ' : The officer raved and swore nil to no effect, and finally threatened to crfne him it he did nt depart. .-, "Mister says thrrYirnkco, "time'lbes considcmblo binder fust," and at the Same time beginning to unbutton his coat, "and you had better be going after that hat." ! . After several mora' threatSf-whieh-had tho desired effect upon his opponent; and the time set being nearly expired, ho sneak. r edofTand picked up the hat arid offered " it to if Owner ; Iwt liowas not satisfied with that, and ordered him to place it on his head precisely as he found it L Tlie officer hesitated, but seeing the determination , of i the Yankee, he set it upon bis bead, and was about to depart when he was collared and ordered to placo it as he found it , " 4iUeresays.tlio4. aMkeeyJfluck -Uus car under, now .the other onoi pull it down . ; a little in front, dtc" All of which orders i;' thet officer reluctantly1 fulfiled. ' 'Thcre, uir, that s right, says the Yankee, 'and now friend, before X leavo I will give you a word ot poododicanever metkJle with Yankee's hat, unices' you are prepared to to take a peep into futurity. Good day, , In a personal rencountre ator near Dado- f ville," Taltoxtea" county, Florida, a few dayssince, Mr. Butler was killed, and hia 1 . , antagonist, name not recollected, mortally , wounded., ''' ' j " . Thc Albany Bee states,-that a pigeon - was hot near Kattsburg, a few days ago, having fastctied around liis npek a piece of paper on which was written,- " Rockv Mountains, May , H t0.- :- U SlSGCLAl CU3TOJI, I" BCGABD tdLCKOI. inals. -Wo extract the following from a new vork Tocentl v -nullwlied . entitled "rilgrimflge'tA Jerusoium and Mount Si nai," by Ikiron Gerarnba. ' i TJiere prevails ut Lucerne a very extra. Ioruuiary custom, a custom that makes one shudder, and that " cxiuts no where else. The law directs tliat sentence of death shall not be pronounced upon any who have not I confessed theu crime. Convicted cnmi hnats, from whom no confession can be ob tained, are punished with hard labor only: But what a horrible condition is tacked to the miserab(c life which is left them! At the next execution, the last condemned criminal is compelled to repair to thcpot where the scauold is erected, to catch tle head as it falls, and to carry it to the grave, in the presence of tlie whole popuMion. Some months ago, an unfortunate young woman was convicted of infanticide, and executed. Iter wretched accomplice, con demned only to forced labor, because he would riot confess his crime, was Uierefore I obliged, as the last person condemned, to l.a .sr a -a a - -1 a a a a take the head 01 ner.wnom lie naa lovea, whom he had seduced, whom lie had ruined. At the sight of that pale and lived head, of that blood-staincu . hair be started back in horror arid affiichL In vain he refused to obey; the application of tlie whip breed him to perform the task. y " MaTBiMoMiAL ExroBT. In tlie earl settlements of Virginia when the odventu rcrs were principally unmarried men, it was deemed rjneessary to export such wo men as could be prevailed on to quit Eng. land, &s wives, for the planters. A fetter accompanying the shipment of tlieso mat rimonial exiles, dated London, August 12, 1021, is illustrative of the manners of the times, and tlw concern, tlien felt forthc welfare of the colony and for the female virtue. It Is as follows: Nvj V ' 'A, " We send you in a siiip,one wilow ond eleven rrmiils for wives for tho people of Virginia; there hath been especial care had in tlie choice of them, for there hath not no of tliem been received but upon good commendations. - "In cose that they cannot bo presently married, we desire that they bo put with several householders that have wives, till they can be provided with husbands,' There arc nearly fifty more that are shortly to come, and are scut by our Hon. Lord and awuHY4he-ait ccrtninworthy gentlemen, who, taking into tbeir consideration tliat the plantation can never flourish .till families are planted, and thejespect of wives and childreiHbr their people on tlie soil, therefore having given this. fair beginning; .for the reimbursing of whose charges, it is ordered that every man that marries them, give one hundred and twenty pounds of leaf tobacco for each of them.' : ..; : : -:- ' ' . - Tliough we are desirous that the mar. riage bo free; according to nature, yct we would not liave these maids deceived, and married to servants; but only to such free men and tenants as have means to maintain tliem. . We pray you therefore, to bo fathers to them in this business, not enforcing them to marry againstbeir wills." i . To PRBVEJtl HORSES BEUfO TEAZIjn BT flies. Take two or three small liandfuls of walnut leaves upon which- pour twor three quarts' of cold water; let it Infuse one night, and pour the wholo next morning into a kettle ; and let it boil for a quarter of an hour when cold, it will lie fit for use. No 'more is required than to moisten a sponge, and before tho borso goes out of I tlie stable, let. those parts which are most irritable be smeared over With the liquor, viz; between and upon the ears, tlie neck, the flank, occ. lNot only Uie' lad v or gen. tleman who rides out for pleasure will do rive benefit from, tlie walnut leaves thus pn-pared but the coachman, the wagoner, ami ui uincrj who uao norscs uurioir uie l I -II -..1 .L 1 , .1 1 hot months. . ' ; " A little biiy in Boston has been induced to try tho experiment of selling iced water at one cent a glass! ; Tho first day he sold 89 glasses, the second .184, and the third 201 , making 474 glasses in three days. The ice having cost25 cents, ho cleared alxiut oao hundred and filly cents a day. A writer in the Mississippi Free Trader recalls some remarkable coincidences of date on tho occurrence of tornadoes in that region. In the month of May, (some say on tho 7th) 1832, a very violent berricane crossed tlic Mississippi, some 8 miles below Natchez, passed oyer Saragossa, six miles south of the city, on the Weodvillc road and the Meadville road In a north easterly di. rcction. The year 1824, on the same date, precisely, another tornado' followed injts track, and prostrated the gin at Saragossa, and did much violence in sundry places. The i branches andkayes of trees j&dSLin Natclicz, and Uving fish7 of three to six inches in length, were picked up in the streets. Un Uie 7th May, 1832 alter an in. tervat of.ght7ycara77irton Kingston, tottsviile, ana onward in .the same direction as the previous, prostrating trees, houscfl,' and every thing it met Tho tornado in 440, was on the 7th of, May.- Ilero are lour tornadoes occurred within a period of 18 years at diflererit inter, vals, but all on the same day of the same fMa(ti.JournaL , SwiSAtiNG. Profit Or pleasure, there' is none ia sweating; nor any thing in men's natural tempers to incite them to it For though some men pour qui oaths as freely as if -they came naturally from them, yet surely no man is born of a swearing consti tution. IJUJotson.- - - " - 'a- 1 A ctKAa CASB.-1-Tbe Scioto Gazette days: "Mr. Fomth.inhis testy letterabout k Vie. Prr.ul.wv Mn. tbn tho v ico rrcsiuency, aeciares mat no friend of the Administration can now hope - . . , r . i(U I to bo elected by the people;" and the Ad. ministration paper at Pittsburg, ''(tho Mer cury) says that, if Col. Johnson cannot be elected, neither van ' Mr. rVan Buren.' They are bothlight; and between ttirrn, they mnke out as clear a case against the ....... j. . i " ionuiusirauon as rouia oe ucsirxu. State oi Nor tli Carolina, BUNCOMBE COUNTY, V Court ff Vleat and Quarter Session "' A"s. 1"? iitMdaaimt kried Tnonaa Titum, J v,-v a mna. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, tljat the defendant, Thomas Taylor, is not aa inhabitant of this Shite; it is ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks, in the "ILguland Messenger," lor the said Thomas Tay lor to appear at the Court of Fleas and Quarter acssions to be held lor said county, at the Vourt House in Asbeville, on (the third Monday after the fourth Monday hi HepUnubor nert, then and there to replevy and plead to issue, or iudsnnent will be entered against him, and the land levied on con demned fur the payment of the debt and costs. Witness, N. lUaaison, Ckrk of our said Court, at Office, the first Monday m July, A. I). 1840. N. HARRISON, Cl. July 17th, 1810, V - 6w 7 ' State of North Carolina, BUNCOMBE COUNTY, ' Couot of Pleat and Quarter Sessions, C July Term, 1840. "wT'lr ttaehmerU ' kvisd Timiua Tavumu. )r ,. - , . , TT appearing to the rausfllction jm the Court, a. that Um defendant, lliomas Taylor, w not an inhabitant of this State; it is ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in the "Highland Messenger," for the said Thomas Tay. lor to appear at the next Court of Plena and Quar ter Sessions to be held for said county, at the Vourt House m Asoeviue, on the 3rd Monday af ter (he 4ta Mondav in September next, then and there to replevy and plead to issue,1' or judgment wiu do eninreu against Dim, ana tne tuna levied on condemned for the payment of the debt and cost Witness, N. 1Iaiom, Clerk of our said Court at Office, the first Monday in July, A. D. 1840. N. HARRISON, Cta. July 17th, 1840, 95 v Cw 7 State oflVorth Carolina, - BUNCOMBE COUNTY; Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, 1 i i JV Term, 1940. Jacos B. Suvroan ioriginal -attachment levied Thomas Tavmuu S v0 liUd- IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant,'Thomaa Taylor ia not an inhabitant of this State; it ia ordered by the Court that, publication be mado for six weeks in the "Highland Mcsscngcr.Mor the said Thomas Tay lor 10 appear at the next Uourt of ncaa and Qnar. tor Sessions, to be held tor said eountv. at tho Court House in Asbeville, on the 3d Mondav after the 4th Monday in September next, then ana there to replevy, and plead to iwoio, or judgment will be eirtlWdlSeStlrist liIftiTTiu 3 Tlio liuid levied on con demned for tlie payment of the debt and cost. ' Witness, N. Ihaaiso.v, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the first Monday m July, A. D. 1840. . N. II ARRISON. C'lx,- lyT7lHri840.T J5 . 6w 7 State of iVorth Carolina, f BUNCOMBE. COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, i-r- Juty Term, 1840. r ? f.- JoobLac. )Origmai attachment levied Thojus Tavmmu V V wUai. j IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Thomas Taylor, is not an inhabitant of this State; it ia ordcrea by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in the "Highland Messenger," for the said Tnonvis Tay lor to appear at the next Uourt of fleas and tjoar. tcr Sessions, to be held for said county, at the Court House in Asbeville, on the 3rd Monday af ter the 4th Monday in September next, then and there to replevy, and plead to awue, or judgment will be entered against him, and the hind levied on condemned for the payment of the debt and cost. '".Witness, N. Habbjson, Clerk of our said Court at Office, the first Monday in July, A. D. 1840. r , v i J , . N. HARRISON, Cut, July17, 1849. $5 -; 6w-,7 State of IVorth Carolina, BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,- Juty Term. 1840. r ; MAkTIN B.IJA!C, . . IT appearing to the satisfaction of tho Court, that tlie defendant, Thomas Taylor, is not an .!.;. n A ti. :u u. .... : l. -.i.. .f k.-. .-. . . i .. .. . . . - . that publication be mado for six weeks in .Uie "Highland Messenger," for the said Thomas Tay. lor to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quar. ter Sessions, to be held for said county, at the l-ourt House in Asheville, on the 3rd Mondav af ter the 4th Monday in September next, then and there to replevy and plead to issue, or judgment wiu be entered strains! nun, and the land levied oa condemned for the payment of the debt and coat. Witness, JN. IfAsaisoM, Clerk of our said Court at Office the first Monday, in July, A. D. 1840. 7. N. HARRISON, Clk. Jujy 17, 1840.' " I$5. ' . 6w 7 Stationers' Hall, 85 East Bay, . CHARLESTON, S. C . A GENTS for Lothian Sc IlararS Type Fonn- x9l dry, New York, will contract to supply any quantity or variety ot iTintmg Type to the rank era of XSorui and aoutn Carolina, and Oeorga, on as advantageous terms aa fliey can be furnished from the manufacturers. The Type made at this estairftshnient all east by band, the metal equal, il not superior to any in the country. ; We are also agents for R. Hoe &, Co's Machine and Hand PRESSES, and all other articles manu factured by then for Printers end Binders um We alao keep on hand, and contract for the reg. u)ar supply of Printing Paper, of any quantity or aue.) . . .M . . Johnson At Durant's Printing Ink, always on hand, r or sale by : : BUJKGES &. WALKER, March 3, 1840. , : , ' - : 1 t eommittmi tn lh Jail nt Runeranlu. county, on the 23d instant, a NEGRO MAN, about 35 years old, f feet 10 or 11 mean uign wno says un name z.i.'Z- and that be belongs lb Jonathan Harriaon, of Hay. wood, Chatham county. North Carolina. f Says he left honie "in company with a mulatto boy named Toney.,'. The owner ia requested to come forward, prove property and pay chargca, or he will be dealt with according to law. -' - ' J-Jat. SMITH, Jailor, i Asheville, June 26, 1840. tf 4 ICT WANTED, A T this Office two apprentices to the PRINT. XJsV ING BUSINESS. Boys from fourteen to . I i I . None need apply but those of good mora eharae. ter, and have the rudiments of an English 'edaca. tkm.. Those wishing a situation would do well to apply inunediatclj. U ' r ,t -: ' JunaS, 1840.-, Zl F t V 1 ' 1 Constable's Warraiila. . A L-iKGK quantity just printed aud fur sale at JM. thk uiiice. M Teti Dollars Reward - STOLEN out oUhe stable at Jolin Love's, ia Uaywood County, North Carolina; on Satur. dv niirlit tlie 20th instant, a yellow sorrel horse, with a pretty large bhtxe hi his face- extending to . J . .... - a a I iL his aioulb three white n-ga-Hus tuna legs white, with wind-galls on live ancle; he is about fifteen hands and a half high very heavy bodied, with hrantiful car. head and neck i be steps .! and iHiMk-alks and trots well : one of hsjhips a hula lower than ths other ; be is eight years old-dM will unhitch himsslf.if he an, front any place. - 1 swapped for him four1 years go, last February, with a man by the name of Fbelps, in Greenville District, B.C. I Jiave since rode hiaa oa the Blairsyillc, Lafcyette, and Spring Place Circuits, in Georgia, and franklin Circuit, N. C. ' Frankh'n,June36, 1840. 3t-4 IVOTICE. LL peraona are hereby forewarned against J. JL trading for live notes of nana, exccuiea ay me to Henry Hise, and wttnessed by wuiiam AITman, bearmr date Febl 3d 1837, and payable in the years lt39, 1840, 1841, 1843, and 1843. The amount of each particular note is not recoL lected the amount of the wbolo was nud notes are supposed to have been stolen, and I have this day settled the entire amount. " -" ' - ; , - VAI1U lUKUi June fith, 1840. Q i ; . . 3w 5- State of IVorth Carolina, BUNCOMBE, COUNTYr "': Ii Equity Spria? Term, 1810. iauaQvmoix, - 1 "- . ( - il VS.' ''. Hihtsl 8mm. and others. 1 ' fHlIIIS was, originally, a Bill of Injunction JL ; Upon tho coming in of tne,. answers, ine Injunction was diiwnlvd, and the Bill Continued j an original biil. At suDsequeni term. Icava was given to amend the bill by making Junta Allen a party. It appeanng to the satis faction of the Court, that the said James Alien is not aa inhabitant of this fUte, it was ordered that publication bo made for six weeks in the Highland Messengef" for the defendant James ADen to appear nt the next Courtof Equity to be held for theounty of lSunconibn, at tlie Court Ifouse in Aahcvillr.on the third Monday after the fourth Monday ta' September nextf-lhen and there to plead, answer or demur to satd bill, or tho some will be taken pro eontesso and set for nesting ex parte. A true copy from the minutes. -ar ww aw ar t w a-s w W a n ' 1 TCSt, fU II. JnCCAilJilUU, ! ivU Km IYs foe, $5 . . i-3 ' State of Jtrth Carolina, : : ; HAYWOOD COUNTY. . Court of Picas and Qnarter Srsdoni, : June Sessions, 1840. Cxoaos W. Havs, ) Attacumeilt, i-ied W.W.Wnx V T appearing to the satistketion of tho Court, JLtbat the n trndant is not an inhabitant of thisJ Ktkte. it is ordered bv Court, that Dublication bo madefor 6 w4inThe said W.W. Welch to appear before the Justices ol I -i . r - f . i . f . 1 I u ineour(aiorcmHi, ai uie neat unn w tm wjiu for the county of Haywood, at the Court House in We tncsviUe, on the third Monday after the fourth Mondav in September next, then and there to replevy" and plead to issue, or judgment will, be entered against him, and the land levied on' con demned to satisfy said debt and easts. ; ' Witness. . WILLIAM WELCH, Clk. July. 184Q. IIYafee 4 00.1 --6i State or IVorth Carolina, haw wrvuu vuuni r. COURT OF PLEAS AND QUARTER SESSIONS, Jane Seisioni, 18W. Allison 4 Bryson, Original Attachment vs. ". John Carson. i levied on land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, John Carson, is not an inhabitant of this Stale, it is ordered by Court, that publication ho' made for six weeks in the "Highland Messenger,' for the said John Carson to appear at ths next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held tor said county, at the Court House in Waynesville, on the third Monday after the fourth M 'Tiday in September next I then and there to replevy, and plead to issue, or judgment will be entered apainst him. and the land levied on condemned tot"thc payment of the debt and costs. "- - . " - -- - - - . , . Witness, WILLIAM WELCH, Clk. . ' July, 1840. JlVa fee $ 4,00. 6w 4 i II7E ha ye now on hand, and shall continue X.jUf to keep, a large and general sasortment of printed on good paper, and in the latnrt style, which will be sold on the usual terms. - We now have Constables' Warrants, ' , Ca. Sa'a. and Bonds, - ' Superior Court Ca. Sa'a, County Court Road Orders, 1 "Executions, , Guardlana, Bonds, " ; . Apprentices' Indentures,. ' " Appearance Bonds, ' . Constables Delivery Bonds. ... Superior Court Witness Tickets. -r- , Uounty Oourt i; do. do. - County Court Ca. Sa'a, &cn &&, And are now prepared to pnnt to order, in the neatest manner, every description of Blanks. tT All orders for Printing of any kind will be promptly attended to. . ; ' a "Messenger umce, '-" AshevUleJune 5, 18-10. ( BY virtue of a deed of trust to me exceuted by William T. Coleman, for tlie benefit of James M. Alexander and others, 1 shall proceed to sell, on Monday, the 3d of August next, -ml tlie store house of Vol. ucuben JJcaver, near the Sulphur Springs, the entire stock of - -; - of the said William T. Coleman, compriaing the general variety usually kept in a retail store in this section of country, and admirably adapted to the trade er consumption of the country. - - Als, Thnreday, the 6th of Ansust next, at Ashe. iille. I shall sell aa above, at the store house ecea. pied by the said William T. Coleman, the entire Stock of Goods on hand, C Comprising a fine stock of j . , ;' CLOTHS AND TAILORS' JRIMMINGS, and a variety of ether Goods, admirably adapted to the wan la of the country. . .: a , . . T Also, On Tuesday, the 11 Ui of August next, t the dwelling house of Joseph Rice, Esq.,- v 0 BEAD OF1I0ESES 1SD 2 STAGE COACHES, together with the HARNESS, && TERM S All sums under fire dollars, cash. and all sums of five dollars and upwards, on six months credit, with note and approved security. rTAll persons indebted to the said ,A:ilfiam T Coleman, will make payment to the suhMsriber. . ISAAC T. fUOK, Trustee. June.26, 1840. , vtr-4 Seed WheatU : Ififl Bushels choice SEED WHEAT, of the AUU bearded kind, for sale by the subscri. brr, living three miles east of AshevQle a asm. pie of which can be sees at Uus office, r j - ' ' 111U.. A. rATITJ.I. June 9, 1840. .- - ct S iptONSTABLES' DELIVERY BONDS, fori HJ sale. . Apply at the - Messenger" Otfioe. Ahcyulc,Juns 5rltf40i. -: . , . 1 PRINTING! PRINTING!! s-sraniQ OHm havins now on nans f eoiuinw 1 I assorunentof Book sjhI JobTyj, Pro prietors are prepared to execute, ii the mo fwh- 11 tin ..j an nJmte unaa.all kinds of ' jiibm "'t LimWKSS PIISTWC, - a!. Ps.n.ni.lrt Rhnw Bius. Wsv Bilh, Stage and ILe doJ Biauness. notesstoaal ana wunS vw v . -1 . , Cards; every kind of Blank Election Ticket, tue eVe, 4m. "'' ;T-f 'X',"--':-- IT Tlie assortment of Type in this Office b not surpassed in any Office in this section of the State, and being entirely new, wo can safely promise, that Printing of every description will be band, somely executed. . - f 'l - ' All orders for Printing, addressed.tc the rubliih- ers,willbe thankfuUy reeeiveaano ftvmj tended to. . ;Ashevtlln,June5,1840. ' : State of Arth fiarolinay BCHCOME COTSTY. Sujftrior Courtof Law, Spring rm,1840 SusannAu McCamos, V - " ' I Pftrmos roa Vii4jAG.McCaofi,indothers, I Dowss. heinstlawofDfeyidMcCarson. J IT appearing to the satisfaction of tho Conrt,fhat .William P. Poor and Mira Elixabeth, his wife, two of the defendants, are not inhabitanta of this State It bordered that publication be made, for six weeks, in the " Iliptiland Messenger." published at Asbeville, for the said WUliam P. Poor and his wife Mira Elizabeth, to be and appear bofore the Judge of the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Buncombe, at the Court House in Asheville, oft ''thd third Monday after thy fourth Monday in September next ; then and there to plead, answer or demur to the petition filed be petiuoner, or , tlie same wiu be taken pro. Cpniesso and set for bearing ex parte. ' '. . Atnieoopyfiwtbiinmotea.i'T - 's . '' ; Witness, . . J. ROBERTS, CUc? June, 1840. . 'IVsfee, fl 50.J . . ul 1 BOOKS! BOOKS! A HANDSOME lot of new Religious BOOKS, consisting, ia part, of ' ' - j . Clarke's Commentary on the Old and New Test. - meats, b vols, royal octavo. Wesley's Sermons, 2 vols, royal octavo, Watson's do. , Watoon's Biblical and Theological Dictionary, CovaTs Biblical Dictionary for Sabbath Schools, (a new work.) . ' . Travels in different parts of Europe in 1836-7, by Wilbur Tisk. 8. T. D. , Parents Friend, or Letters on the Education of Children, by Rev. D. Smith. . Chad's Magazine, 16 vols. ' Voyages and Travels, compiled from the most aa. thentic sources, 14 vols. Evangelical Rambler, 13 vols. A rreat variety of Sabbath School Spelling, Read. ' ing. Question and Hymn Books, A, f I Single Sermons, by dihercnt authors, on a variety jtuyccii A large supply of Religious Tracts. "- p All of which will bf sold hnr for caih. Enquire at the office of the " Mossengcr AwberMJxaimS, 184(L Z-?-r-1 - 7 Religious Notice. THE Baptist Church at little River, in Hen derson .county; N. C, have appointed a protracted meeting to be held at Jhat place to eommenVse on Wednesday 22d day of .July next, and respectfully invite the Gospel Ministry to at. tend the meeting. By order of the Church in Conference, E. HIGIITOWER, Clerk. June 19,1840. GodeyH JLady9$ Book, ' : 11 IGHTEEN Original contributors to January J number. Nineteen original contributors to I ebruary number. Ueven cmbeuismnents in tne two numbers. Ninety-six pages of reading mat. ter by authors whose names stand among the foremost in the literary ranks of our country, as follows 1 - " -r-t-.----VT..-.. Essayists. Miss Mary W. Hale, Irofessor Walter, Mrs. Hofland, Mrs. Sigoomey, Mra-Uale, Mrs. . . Kllct. , , ! ; ' Poeta. Miss Mary R. Mitford, MiaiC. IL Wa terman, Eliza Carle, BUss H. r. bould, airs. II. Sigourney, Mrs; F. S Osgood, Mrs. C. Baron Wilson, Wm. Cutter, James T. Fields Isaac C Ray, J. 8. Dusolle, James Montgomery, Miss Ju liet n. Jjewa, Miss A tf. Woodhndge. . Writers of Tale Mra. Scba Smith, Mrs. E. C. Embury, Mrs. C. L. Hcntz, Mrs. Mary H. Ter. sons. Miss A. M. F. Buchanan, Mrs. IL B. T'Stowe, Mrs. M. St, Leon Load. St. Leon Loud. Of the above eminent writers, celebrated in our own and most of them well known in other coun tries, have each had an article either in tho Janu ary or February number of the Book. ' ' ' It is unnecessary for us to say that no" sfteh ar. ray of names can-be shown by any other Maga. sine in this country say pnet. i- ' ' We sive three tunes as many embellishments as any other Magazine, and each plate is equal, if not superior to the one of any contemporary, and yet the price of the magazine is not increased. Our edition is inirocnae, therefore we are enabled to go to a greater expense than any other publish. er. a better return may therefore be expected lor tne price paid tor subscription. - .. . In the two numbers just published we hays erven 4 plates of t asbions, eontamnur II jrurures. 1 beautiful specimen of Lace work. 1 Splendid Steel Plate beyond compare, las ftest baa engra vifif ever publitkfd in sat Asjeriesa Maritime. 4 rages of muse . A XNew rdnblematcallJov. er. In addition to our usual well arranged embeL bailments, we always publish Steel Title-faget timet aver . . . The whole amount of engravines and embicL lishments of various kinds that the Book contains or will contain this year, .may be estimated at about-SIXTYt I,... A new series' of papers of neat value haa been lately commenced by Mm. llale. "The Domestic DeTxtrUnent" this during the year will compose a great amount of useful matter. For enterprise, at least, we thirik we deserve some credit ; we have been the first to mre to an American public original articles from the pens of Alary Kusseu MiUord, author of "Uur Village" mm. vorwaif Boron nuson, eartor ot lpndoa JLa Belle Mrs. Hoffland, author of several useful and valuable works 2 James Montgomery, author of "Omniscience of the Deity," Ate. ; Thomas Miller, author of Fair Rosamond and Royaton Gower Ebenezcr Elliott, author of Corn Law Rhymes. Wedonotparticulariyniention theaeaarneebe. cause they all date from London- our object only is to snow that where -there are good articles to be had, there will we apply. No author of any re putation has eversougbt admission to "The Book'' in vain, z . - . - - f-- umcji uajy ixjoa m lurmsnea ai s per an num, the money invariably to be received before a tingle number is sent The following system of ciuDoing may answer the purpose of many wish ing wsoDscniM. - - , - , . . CLUBBING. ., Walter ScoU's Novels, and Lady's Book, oa ' year, , flO Marrvatt's Novels, and Lady's Book one yevr, - - - ( . - if'-?' . I'- 5 Miss Austin's Novels, and Lady's Book, one vear,--;s,-.c-v,.-. , ,,; . 5 Lady Biaaangton'a Novels, and Lady's Book, "oneyear, . 5 Miss London's Novels and Poetry, and Lady's , Book, one year, -- S Pickwick Papers, &, &c, and Lady's Book, one year, Mias Leslie's Cookery, and Lady's Book one year,--- ... . . . :9 - Two copies Lady's Book, arte year, "- AD orders to be addressed s ' ' L. A GOD BY. 211 Clicanot at, Rulatt Iiu 5 JPKOSrJCCTUaU, t niGflLAND MESSENGER ' A aVriy paper publuktd i Atknill, n . Pcrbtcd to Religkm, Morality, Science 1 .', " "j n eneraI Intelligcnee. , K proposing to mulish a new Journal, tni h ' r to swell the number of poriodiral, flooding our country, it will naturally h , of us to give an outline of the principle-, h, , we expect to be governed. This we w i ounckwlyas fwawbtet And,-; - , 1st- While we caotiously exclude ai , eontrovcniief .on. abstrase and disputed Christian Theology, we will carefully and am ly hold rm the Bible and the CbrisUan relin mdispensohfe to the aaoral, social and foliti tefestoef MyennnTanity.r---' 3d. We shall indugtrioosly labor to actlu ' maintain sound principka of morality, totttti and good manners. Vice In all its varied shall meet its merited rebuke, and a decide , will betaken against all impwity-of expnai, representation, as aD clowniahrtess andor In short, no pains will be spared to makeo ,. a wtkam Mememgtr to the virtuous anrf every age add of every seet .t . , . 3d. A liberal share of era; attention sbiSk voted, to those branches of nataral aeieaea oeasary to be at least partially understood fcj r farmer and every mechanic of the country, i - 4th.. The political Department will be oni: immediate and sale control of J. Rosrjrri, , believes himself to be a true RrnttMiau. m,' such camat, and fill not, support ths leadin, , sures of the present Administration.- Oa thai ject, his course will be calm, though decided, ( ii . . . i i-i . wiu, ai au umes, iaae uie uocny oi prompuj , plainly expressing his opinions on all subjaca i mgon the political interests of the eonwn; wiUiout,at any time, prostituting hi paper a I unhallowed purposea of detraction ana aba. course will be decidedly independent. He it s1 ed to no party, and will always write and pat. what he believes will tend to the public weal i sujaaeas what in his jugdment would be vim, ---And finally, as we shall ask tho favor-a! changing with the best papers of tho coontrt. bope to he always ready to keep our reader bit edof the important transactions passing alb anaauroau. . Term. - Tlic " lIiOHLASDMussmwiEa" will be miMi. with a new press and types, and on a large sIk ffl 50 per annum, if paid in advance, or 93U Uie end of the subscription year. - ' . . . j No subscription wiD be received for a less p- than twelve months, nor will any paper be a n'nBedxcept at the option of the puUisbcr.'a all arrearages are settled. . f Cr Axr rxasoN raecvaiMO six scascarsBu, ? ss cjrrrTiJco re A corv uurn roa pM vbaa. Asheville, June 5, 1840. . 1 PBOPOMLS f 27l(lt jssnmga fwriodiiml in lha sity -of IVl which will be exclusively devoted to p literature and Science, entitled ( TH1EjIERALICJ! and to be edited by Hcoh McQcxtv It hw remarked by an eminent man, whose cnliirl and spirited labors for tlie wrlfaro and glori Worth Caroliha wiu form an Interesting porbV her future history, "that the character of country was principally indebtod for rtaekri and lustre to the elevation of ber publie ran,'., Andpercaps the voice of calm and impartial n son maysufely pronoun re the decision that it be a vain and impracticable attempt to ts making known the characters of the aarfittn citizensof any community, without having i imparted to ths world a perspicuous ..and taof! revelation of its resources of Literature and ence. It is a mournful fact, in connection r the history of this Ststo that she baa sal immenae privations of character and fanws the want of a faithful and accessible r through which her devoted sons miirht. comas eate to the world those biogpaphicaj incident! historical and literary fragments which baveW garnered op in tlic archives of private aflcctc and which are so closely associated with the ot the people. In this respect, we are far at rear of other States in the Confederacy, wt ean prefer no just chum to a Superior rank ai North Carolina on account of the vaster tne of their moral, intellectual and physical rcaoow And we cannot surrender the endearing eo' lion that this State presents an atmosphere ti eieotly genial and a soil sufficiently grateM I sustain, in vigoroas prosperity, a journal pat; devoted to Literature and Science, until tht i periment.shall have proved unsucccssfnL j ' The most, prominent features by Vhick I Emerald will be distinguished, wiD be a penn rintf effort to rescue front oblivion the numcn facU which would be so peenliarly qualUUI give solidity and extension to, the web of out k tory as a State, and which have been ramdlr s sing beyond our reach ; owing to the wastinr i a.. . I.:L : , . j i ?- ' . .. i wiik, m clskcq oj uroe over dou i written and traditonai memorials of men t to I fresh the recollection of the talents, virtues J services of these patriotic men who acooain:. themselves as faithful aruardians of the most r ciousriUandmterestsof the8ute,in th f riodofher infant weakness! to deliver to the am an accurate knowledge of those who bavo Iwir toned and adorned her character in more nm times 2 to elicit and rirrnlntn flu, f f nv ous and cultivated intellect, through the mk of articles which will be prepared for the Ens aid on the subject of primary interest, both in circle of tho more" severe -sciences, and ia s( milder walks of polite literature and to advav' the interests of popular7 education, by unifonv persevering in the view of those facts, subjects ai examples which will be best calculated to exert ( salutary influence over the public mind. I For the purpose of nlacinr the hterarv -nwr ecsof the Ijnerald upon a secure-snd peitiuuri basis of interest and usefulness, the aid of intellifrf and gifted gentlemen has been solicited ins Vance of its publication : and tbassuineeswbs have been received noon this point are such at i justify the anticipation that tho enterprise will kj susuuncu oy some oi Uie most luminous andpr lar-pens of which the State may boaek- Itbst expected that each number of thejncrald w3; ecive a considerable accession to its interat i presenting a sketch of some eminent eitizea i nortn Carolina. - And these sketches will at dsjeriminately applied to the characters of H the living and the dead. A ( It wiu be one of the chief obicets of tho Ef to regulate the selections which may bemads ha paper, by which approved mnxuns as to r it a vehicle of useful instruction, and to setT some degree of gratification to every class of den. ' . w- r. - --. . 'I A constant effort will be made to nard ins! that lengthened species of vravitv. which maT' preach the limits of monotony whilst at the a me uie spngnuincn of its matter ahoold in njpable profusion aa to acquire the stamp of " ty.rhe hope is cherished, too, that this aen cal will prove equally acceptable to kothW political parties which now divide the popuUb' of the Union, in as much aadistingaished indir. a warmly devoted to each of these class) men nave pronused as contributions fmm 9 pens; and aa every topic which may be faintly tinctured with the party politics t tuaca, shall be rigidly and inrlexibly excla, from the columns of the Emerald. . - I , 1 IvlUlS-The Emerald wUl be nubhshed mi-monthly, in quarto form or eight pages, ea imperial sheet of fine paper and handsome rf at four dollars per annum. Pains will be takk make it eoual in point of mechanical execou to any similar publication of the Union ', and I contemplated, in a abort time to issue it wed should it be found practicable to do so with to our own interests and the entertainment ded to our readers ; in which event, th,e, fnibs? lam will pe mereaseo to five dollar. Raleigh. N. C. Ftb. 15, 1810, XT