- - - fi I i 1 --SdER3 riN GEORGIA rp-.. A,,. 18. 1840. ,hat the "Tl an!.' nnd it is t they baw again Wtaf, wife and two children, M11. wife, - andWiholUhi WXd! ban out tho inhailants tannin at GrecnV .They ,W':,-.Itl: 'rfTl'riv all the dwelling upto Jg' c,nnee several miles, a.nd 6 i - Cm nnOC h UP " - jM.llimn burnt. They are .n nitrht on Friday night. j lotted id .p... in(iiaM fired on San. . Ia-lttlll m m ' V. Mace and killed some hogs dJ cat"0 act ftey have ev. ' .ih? a0".. I),,, commencement of iricm?, i- six in number were killed . j i r.i . ! f n..rvmucbalarna,HuuuirotM urs :Dt H.nv. on tbe South prong of the -rfr ITwsew '6' , 7 among u,c:"-.:.,i ., I retnn'" iuij ui;t , ; STEPHEN McCALL. . Gca ioogi Esq- J-i3ujJi-.d- i s - " " CESTEBVltLE, Aug. 23d , 1 840.Tt n.. fimre' All is excitement and ! v-.- . . . ... abrm opthis way. Wiwmkw nayo hiu (jTboiwBai AmLlwaol hi children, ihercd ot Arch. Hogan s, (Monin,) and VdncbV.iut nbaut niglitfall, the fj the place ana mucu "'VWrirvu burnt every punon m ' wiirey nilrTiUWroUDty. 4t J wiut sirtvmitei from hi re, t ao not i nn wo ,. innvduii!'-r herd' M yet, fhotitth .lk.fi diuik diirt:rehtlv.'TlK'ro i a nnr pf ,Uieompin of dragoons from HmcK Jt,an'lTrt W trylog; to1 ralso fifty mtp f r tliirty dny; under an order 'trm (La.C FbvJ. What will be thn fmnl is- w linwoniv iPul show. If I think there iuny danger l.erft I ultfll at once take my femiiy 6y from bpi.-irY;;' . . ' Yfmrsin hnU, ;'. STEPHEN McCALL : .r.,4emaswTO!tj Aug.1 24J'l 6?40: f 'The lndiam at ayiinon 9. vwit iaCnv fcvn county, mnruerma aci wmm i irify nur I frontier wr, j buriutfj lin-m -iiUiigi land di'ittrivii fM'f rrojw' 4 On Wediu's a ..." -i . I 4ym.fMt MiwiPjadescrttd Uni- 1 ujfamilii !;, f jQytiti3 of -five- n!ii ami in.ulv.CvBWfnjennndcliiMn'n, Imd nmvd . (ormutunl md-ty, was nftnck d, and fn.ur of I itt ocmpfinbi MM, vis t -Mrs. Patrick pnl Mr. D-iviaaod two -of his cU'tMrtn. j Mf.ratfKk infumw mo tliot the ntlack wns m!t ubxrt dirk, At t!ui firo of tha first pin, Mm. Patrick , who; was : staixling by I k, f, 3 di-ad ; a.'ro.nenil di'acbnr'n) I ttomtlie.if!jf9 wan iioiju'dia'dy after cS' ,v (i,i,I.li Mitd Davij end Ids' two' ehild j t tfrae k t'i central liiJin -, ?(. 'the. P4t,aad'tlie w'w!roiJdioiubll4; ; a,tpr.flck !iifi jrn.n,i!ilt'f un'rfSvf oj ; (lie wter built UrteM. w ipA'r'l W 7 u iv.l j h o honor of being first Tliey Cannot do it now, as the t'orpoiso saw Uie kind Some days before us. As soon as a breeze makes, wo are off for Tongatoboo, from thence to tho reject then the Safidtricli Islands, which we expect to reach in July, on our way to the Northwest coast We shall return to the Islands by December. inis Island has been lately tacn po- session of by the English. Homo of tbe chiefs havexeded tlieir sovereignty to tlie Untish ljuecn. iTicy do not apiear to know : what they have done, and probably, as soon as they understand the matter, they will do all in their power to destroy the set tlements. The richness1 of the soil is said by our geologists, to be all a humbug. We are all in good health. . .l New York, Auccst 24. A Bermuda paper of a late dute rccived by an arrival here to-day, states that a Dutch Government steamer had arrived at Paramaribo from tho Campion coast with hlty native Africans. Indented to labor as pioneers on the public works for fourteen years. , . A French vessel had attempted the importation of a similar cargo, but had been compelled by British cruisers to set the blocks ireo. Holland and f ranee, the pa per states, are bent on prosecuting this new branch of trade, which they contend does not amount to enslavement , f. . The news by the Acadia and President steamship reached Montreal via New York six hours sooner than by the steamer from llaMux to (Quebec, lne Acadia a news reached Quebec in fifteen days from Lav. erpool- llaleigh Register. , Hon. Jons IP. Eatox. Our esteemed and distinguished "fcllow citizen, Gex. 11. Eaton, lute Minister to Spain, recently reached N. York, and' wo presume may soon 00 expected amongst us, wbera a warm and cordial welcome from biroU; friends-awaits, him. We- lcnxirCS&niotfri various exchanso napcrsaiilier reiin souiteos,, Uwt IJiU&vmM to ration, us vll as which the lines must ran cannot be a tingle ridge or height of 4and, but must ho. the whole highland country extending over the disputed territory, and that hence there is iioUung definite nothing ascertained. The treaty indeed speaks of a line " along the highlands but the bintlands beinjr inter. pretcd to mean the. wholo extent of the country, it would be nonsense to talk of running a line "along" it Tlie simple expedient is therefore proposed to run a straight line through it ' ' ; , lho writer goes on .to say: "What we want is tho ground situated in a particular position, so as to give us a safe frontier and mean of communication. Wo want to keep the Americans at a greater distance from the St Lawrence than that of tlie frontier claimed by them ; and it is sup. posed, font is by no means certain, that portion of the disputed territory is necessa ry to uh for the most important of onr intor. provincial communications that between Quebec and Halifax. Now the lino which we propose, not by way of compromise, but really in accordance with the fair and lite ral interpretation of tho treaty, is in fact a very equitable compromise, which would divide the disputed territory Into pretty nearly equal halves, giving each party that portion most valuable and convenient to it" i - . When we come to xamine the proposed line, not by the mnp accompanying tha ar ticle, but by Chopin's or Mitcheirs,' it ap. pears to run pretty nearly along tho course where Great Britain claims that tlie bounda. ry should run. The writer has spent a great deal of useless labor. There is no Such ambimiitf in tbeVlinffuajie of the trea ty as he complains 0 43 what 11 cxpa deygnaMiOSjbiJa! Sop.1 tVsJ&MfiVaftii thatHlow into : the- St. iirWC&eintoao run enstworilly $ lim Aii.tntic-r di2iation which i precise enough fir all ful purtKws. Tli! land in controvcMy U ' yaluablo ' .10 rt t i 01. 1 1 no nugc-rcicr i ... ir . ... s ns caijeo a nage, mta not im nseioi niifyco4njwy5?4i w sumaerrM 1 of pi'licy adtptvl by fiiin. moii is not charactorlznd i.s a warm nartizqa , but hm; uniloruwy exwWted a j manly fcdepgtiovnc of opinion and semi-: menu, whielih.'is won for It'm tho';:'etB! of warrri 1 friend of botli : parties. : Ve rei member atttmiliag a public dinner tendered hSni by pur . citlwsii mtiwvl distinction if party sevrral yctM since, f tid are; ple&seii lo li?arn that, our AVJiig fr'lepdf ;;poifc a iimlar detjerVtd niorkof respeet.on turn anJongHVaai--- H V ilHetu. W'fYC who ;vote4 fiir Mr. 4rf .in. lUJ, fuiir rp iiow homw uro nil Whw, and W(' m fnfmWti iftW LogUbturu who voted for tWeKktr,Jlve aro ullye,. oil of yjwiiB v iih Msib)y um e.cj'tion, are iiowWains. So say tlw: New. York Star. SrE.vMuojir : txpi.onioxt-4)no of them unfortuimte fM5ciirri m.es took j.nce at bull past 1 1 o'clock Tuel! V niorpin jt m l!;rd the Erio, Ci.it. Titus; ' When nr.ding tbe Detroit river, about tlrreo Uulen aUovv Maiden, the eteam chimney bui t , by hteji mx persons -were, setddea, : u. v. fir. iHiin. s i" it v .Moulded." CJUiri"- rui- tKirlin, do. , iBit d iDgerously.v EIw, Kin in, deck' hand, danp:roiu!v. , :Tinjot?y ;Bark. hy,dt., d.K AiHlrew'ljfwm y, a rj-jideht of Fort t.rfttiot l)!,illy eUed-ifri Co:v;;of Buftjlo, dwk U'nr lamiiy iiercr-ai Great Britain for iho purpose of Conlnnitii cavort t btitwcen her : pwviocr4 But she mnm not espM;t' to gain It by dipioituicy flab' ''.A turrit'. ''y 'A; ' '---!v' 'Jr:. :": ::i v: The rASSA&XTO India bt the Red Ska. Tlie prospect for cutting through the Isthmus "of Panama, is, it seems, about to be realized. ' Transports have been freight ed by. a numbef of French engineers for the conveyance of tools and materials of alt sorts necessary to the undertaking, and the formation of the canal will be commenced immediately 6n their reaching the Isthmus. While labors like these, combined with the application of science to the principles of locomotion, are rapidly DreaKingoown inc physical barriers by 'which the races of men were for so many ages kept apart and ma kins the resources of all available for each, the universal diffusion of knowledge, under identical forms, is helping on tlie . good work destroying all the tences and re strictions which formerly made society so picturesque ana incominouiou. 1 rum countries of which, half a century ago, our knowledge was so vaguo and shadowy as to belong to tlie donafiou of fable, men arc sending forth their sons for an European education, with misgivings no greater than a country gentleman ot tne iosi century felt on dismissing his heir to Cambridge or Oxford, r row the land which uruce reached with so much toil and danger, and afterwards described to an audience so un. believing, we announced a week or two ago, the arrival of certain youths for in struction in Rome and Paris; and more re cently, we observed that the Turkish go vernment has sent from the country of tin Propliet, a number of young MusMUlmcn mmnUA ihHr fnliwsitinn in tllO lattfML ti - 1 . - . i .i t- r.S one f tlie high place 01 tiiainuei l ne world lslhkely, byjacfcev. to lntejspemrmii. nicate MrMtfftBuk siramiething re4i4f1lrriyeraU which its several Y-. '-EAktr: DiscM'iiRir . of AmkVica ---Thb Copenhagea;: Antiquarians hava recently discovvri'u iuw tinces 01 tno rnry.te. tknieilt of this Cofrtioetit b the' IScahdirm vinn. Dr Lumi, a Cejebjat'd Dafiih 2c Llri has iuilted ? tothe North V-;. k'ltcr Innn : J.ifrosulem fay$:-TItuil- di"!? fit ttiii Protestant elwrwjg pro ra. pi'llyv ?; FC tjw? prestf'W i'1hjh 1 hired The' English Ghurrli iiiurv i.i translutee kda llebre;,'lijid printed, sik! tho mUdon- aryi,Nieotaysoh, p tirfornis divine servi'e, Miji li!tWi;wisniit Pi. nt.. pf 400 J. 10( ;klv6 emhvneed Chri-ilinhlly . , An iiwtitu. lion f.fir cojtvfcrti lw Ut A chtiiUiwhed .by the r.iijriWi miKSi mriry s k;tv; an la lle- br.'W pruvef hook in to be pub'.is'jeil. . Tlie Enirli.-jli, consul e'uleavors' to cuitagn'tluj Jews t cultivate tho land of their. fathers, uiiler llie favor of MfhemetiAli, and con slderable (unntltie of land have been pur c'lannl for -foreign emigrants. ; It - is, said tli' fc is a rrtlinuilic ftty iiig, that when there s'mll he 2.,000 JeWisii inlialutftnui in Holy Land, tho law and rogulaiioj Itfe.pg-nn rnfotccd winch prcva Pal.-Htuie w&s a.JcWHh etDtf. in Turkey a ru endeavoring the nlxivo numier by .-cojoniH doubtlet', will not boo"duT!4!j.C' pnwfiful pwtjsJSIi ild:' rtt , rich i'i lyf;!:! Italy it)'i't to v- '.WiJ'. ttnniif H-ioriiv; Oaio. A letter to the Editors, coder date of August ?3r from a gentleman .in Ohio, in' whose views every confidence. may be placed, and whose means of form ing an opinion are interior to none, says : 'I never witnessed such enthusiasm as now seems to prevail thronghout Uiuo. Since my return home, I have been in vari ous parts of the State, and have attended many public meetings You may expect to hear of the election of Mr. Corwin to be Governor by ten thousand votes. Indeed, I should not be surprised if bis majority go beyond that, Harrison will of course, command a still larger vote." Nat. JnL Kentccet. Tlie Lefrwlature of this State assembled, in Extra Session,-at Frankfort, on tlie 19th ult Samuel Hanson (Whig) was elected Speaker of the Senate without opposition : and Charles S. More. head (Whig) was ck-cted Speaker of the House of KepresentaUvs, also1 without op. position. The purpose for which this Extra Session is called, is to pass an act to direct the mode of election of Electors of Presi- dent and Vice President of the IT. Slates. iioi. iniemgencer. Kentccet Elections The Senate of the State is composed of 38 members: 23 of whom are Whigs, and. 14 A tion men, and one jacancy. 01 Kcpresentatives consists bers 76 of whom are W, istr&tion or uo&Mrnsra as 'follows i tstriHMrheJi 39.1f- 'Tliis is njtrhcTal, lH;i suWtxinUnllif f4rr-fl fes. rdinr ta talil hnlitklw.it hv !vvl.Vit1l.-M J ' xf ' - f .1 tiJnyf ll T . ' -1 wweiieiiv mg menu, r,iir.it'r,r.H, aecordu3 to .this 8tater,ntrl3,S4l , which is as hear as rnxWI Iw- to tho 1fi,000 preili.-t,-J imewsrntier, inwhn'ie&Kfi cM?. aff;. interesting nc. eAuetof soirfo "iftuntitioiw inndo bv him in the fricMiiiy rf U ihia i in Brazil,., which. ore confc rnatory of the. Sc inJinn viaii -'by poth lis ubcoveries beg in ith the friig. 11 wilt of a fl.igjitone.covenMj with engra veil Uuiiic - cliaractersi but ; sn'ntly jtijitred Having siiccpcded jndrcyphering; several Wortl,wtiicli lio recognized rs belongiiig to tlie lei lan.ili--.1i' tongv, ho c.tten led h'w ri'S'Archej and rvn came 'hpon the found, hlion of hoivK n in hewn stoih;,- bearing a strong architectural resemhl.-inre, f the ruins existing in the n irthrn part's of N-ir. way, in Iceland, and in Gref nland. Thus encouraged ht went resolutely ' oii, riid at length , after ieveral days digging,' ; f jn the ScandiittVKUV'Rod of tlmmler, Thof, w ith all his attributes the hnmmcT, gaunt, leu, and magic girdK ;; Th sficii iy ha comniiBsiotied 1 rob'S! r Kirn;. (who. first cstuhlkhed, in on authentic manner, the ttistitc f ancient 'relations Ixtww'n wecometo the 14tn of February 1S40, which proved so disastrous. N At half-past 12 at night a loud noise was beard, accom. panied by a slight trembling of the ground, iucu grew every moment more violent, and awakened the 'inhabitants from their sleep. As the shocks became more violent roost of the people left their habitations. At halt-past 3 in tbe morning, while the rain fell in torrents, a violent shock was felt The people could hardly keep, their feet, tlie houses were shaken, and most of the buildings felL In many places the earth opened, and immediately closed again. IMotiung was left undamaged ; and - lou the 15th of February nature seemed to have attained the highest point of furj. An extremely violent shock was felt ; men and animals hastened to tlie water side, and filled all tlie boats without distinction of rank. The private injury x is estimated at 900,000 florins. Tlie Salem Gazette of Friday announces j tlie death of Timothy Flint,' oged 60f-t f. tne residence or his brother, in , Heading. ,llc is well kown by his "Recollections of the Valley of tlie Mississippi," and otliej nigniy popular works. Chapman , the loc bash r.iiquirof,la OCA A P; ren dwi eitlierw ifor4 arsime bin elevation Wthc Prtd(Kv tofcommend hiniUi the intelligent 'fieoplo W th Uniled Stales, or feniiiki him to arcV k ciioit T ; j y?-?'S S9k nf-niirtf.. a'intheCwirtfT.': !;"' '- sit ;FS? ' V W: '' '"' '' Pcz2i3.-4.WlKif M Martin V an Bu, " & fumitt SruMtiir! It wi! 1 jfmffwWrd. tllat one ol tlie cli:ircr(-L"oruit twm. Iltir.kin n, that b Bpiwovwl laur, wUik- CiorrHrtr f Id n, Mo in-II trnw -wliii nu n into lavrfrtir d- lrf mi ih IVdcfulh'odi-fn t niMirnv4Ar'rth fat! of Die iiiifurtimalo,Ui:-i.ni," until lli-lrfiverir redwitti wn?-' Ami what Mr lite Huowri" UVmwIve t Tliey ImVc . p buk' d thio hin. ing 'iitiin'nUliNU in n oit- irf llinut. r , - Tln-r hiive nfiudiatt d tlir i'iCitit hi tbargc mai-ti ihi ir old and n-i II.Ih lorrd I Mivertiur, b a wy ial mtutt K-k1odif jiiijiivnt of t-rrT hnnr-t man, in litnjmjic nol l b" ini!mdi-toni. TIm" (ml of. ff.licf hioli han bei-a laid Ht hi H'ifflr, M nUj-ffed In have jUtti O'jnimitti-d in Mr ini.tl, mi.iy ! lit. y have jrir a llurriwMi tnhjorily nf nine tiioinwinll vnUm I yhn need twiip.r cvidrHr of the poli. ticul kiiavB-lini w of Uic LrjtfoftHro k'ad.-ra f ; ft-r ;- ').: -.;; KauttilU RrgUtrr. " T' ASHEVII.LE female Hoarding lUui. 7: s HE HtiH'kWdi'rs in Ilia AhiUs ' VaaJk"',' Bjurdins HiMH-sarfJurcbr nolilit d that Ui first ihe(a!im-it of Five ll.ilUra ou flic aiiai baa bfi-q duo sine : ttir lt ttt Aiijjint Wt'-Hini) .as-.'1 Umto at pn-Minf di-manilii f. ntom-ron lli-em. pHT, Ihow who have hnt n agrvrably t a ; luriin-r n)u', atip irniiti t, fot urd uir in taliiM-nt inimctlittli-lr to thcTrtftWirvr, - , My ordi-r of llw It-mrt of Ditfftoft. ', , V'-i 1 J. W. PA TXtiN, -lurr, V '. . j.t. If?. - y , ;;:;; ,v f-.13 ,;,$. 'tCTTlwa'ififf Govrntuf of Virginia U off -n-i a h azard of JJIIM) for th'' xptr lu nfm uf lam ti. IVannon, eiiarjfi with hnVtnj niunVn-4 Halljr Smith. nf.PitlayWanin rrnintr, bf riving tuY pnu rot.' r ariiind i aWu! 25 yrjtf old m-ar i f.rt bijrh,' lrnd,-r, and weighing: prftttiiv Jj!l Un.; with riid.lv emitrj;kwi, mndy iiai,rrd whikiTii ... C5"Nae Coit,o v-j;;:-:'.- fir FfltllO.SK dup ilits aulweriber iiwat at bornby ", JH. nofil'u'd io pn-paw tlttm)-!!? ii i)tOf 0i, uie tritli cab up.. ,Liiip'r mdulgnncf cannot: -be ififcn. :,. .-...:,;, y-y: ; ; 7.: y hhjl N. B. I m at th nrxt fcuprriur Court, oa. .Mnndsy sod. 'IVulay f tlir (lrt fti-clt, and BO v fcwgrr. : '-; ' .-.;; V: . V y-'-fi -:, 'V' '';;-, .rrTTKft FREEMAN.? '? Scj.t. l, lin. -;:'-- ; , ,ttwi$ ,. ;;; ntttit Indian JfttUntii " ; ; ( TlIt'HK will f omni. iir-a pmtmrled meHinf . ' v. (tjd willing) willi th Chfiuttp Indiana,' ftt Maeo-rr.wfc,:Mmr iletmalufiy, in Ilnvwond , county, N. O., imTliunitley after tha 'trou4 gab.? ' 1 .1. rfc .. .L. . ' , - r- . ' ' . Tjtr riiH-t)hg wi!l t e mJufleiJpifjrtigli an in, trriir.twbjr .' o'jftJS';-'";. ''.' -f ; , , f.tV : wUlK-arlf . eotntfnan-rwir, heavy 4 i . i ' V : ., .fWiV , coat wli.-tufakcn to..,- lt wi'4ja.-J. ' JJrr ' lA-nelilmrj. ..! t?. J ih-.W Nfenrt Nf UfKB JIlHBTl ! f" i u L-. tr ,,s- woiuTi :; i.Hiirfri- .''::ry---.- .' - tho Fis must land and. orth , Atnencn WtRtwM'. opy l ym iWtfU t.--'U'j -' u: f S'; ned when rT'm: w n m-. .Thr-.ral.Wns WWOTM1" M f r- ' p vn-l to tou: tetWm4?i2&w'',vr- r"-,sl y .VUaU vot- f;,r Gen. lhirrin; nXht ' '.. ,- niiee ini ot iV. I w'i'fVj t , deck sh'.-rr--tiJ5 -fm-Hn -fnaf-jyjr i t,4.;, ;.t,ti,: Tw r-'l l-.:h-Hl ?J-yy3W&v& 'a;: viee t J Hcn jo nil ' Palestinf iii fc.w;-r.A-' r ; 7 .?,,;g trqdrr.t.-'i t '-'-vv f- sil t f; C ; i'.L';--:-';'-;. .- ;' :.f i! - ' ,r. ; i. eeautieiia ry . , whK'h Common t , - ,jve fAijrysted..'-' U.wa ys tnv iunvnmitt.to stato the .4.." ..t ri' , of Si.linfit. j Tintv Were c.unt- y ftiia, nnreliiisi n!i'il .Indian Ale from A-Kix$tir -avinf 'i.it from "; - i-f ' JV'-VA;fMb? , t, . , . 1 1 j lvi'':tak6ij' f '. j m-i-suret (vi jprt- . . Erie. aniViHitSiht1 Jiorrjf,!.' p5ear:irHn rV'-'JWtsi b' jm h i.sti.f-il 1 1. - i. ...t their ijee bJafi'-'Re;! t Tfl-Jj,'.:: the piri. 'their ' T1 " fS-, thru hrur crisp tnd tis 1 and their moutlw r iw arid llv1y- krt thoo injured were fn (Wi'hold, nitd tl! pipo hnr..t in Htieh a wfi'y as j ta". fuve tin: steanvdowQ upon them. ; '; lT';-?Sv ''' . Mc."Ba'ly;' sheriir of the Western di strictj U.C., was' sitting op tli-i promenade. leck in conve rsarton all ms -niece.- lie heard tlie fxt'h wion, and esehnnun, Ell stai we are lot !" attempted . to- throw- her (. int : t V f "it ' 'V' n ' .. , rf:f I.. I V 1 r.-! l".vri'-.l i!tt-.Hifj(ta in ftht fi1gH. 'rav.j fi-y,. , n Ittirtit ai'J llw rr-i' of vewtirjl I , ; :- : ,;'" - - : '-'!.,',h- i.i'ht a litr'i;f fifty was' iuf-si '"'(' 1 '..:!.-, iiii-j !i.-.Ti.,.n, . niul .it ,i,--n lf .'"f!'itHHli!f (. in n vt in .f. ";'t '-"' -' J; bfrt f!if r'litlf iittrr liljj.ljnrril " f.t M iMrr ' IV foftthrr wMtlerrt a( "if-t .-n tHViitfe in1 ,ti 'vieiiiitv '-.!.'i.-d- ; f ' - . ' J in, Hiyd li i !4 jt?t veH tit ihe Kccmuit h-,v wfit, i.r, i,,l m.Wfff t.r u,k vui.?,)or.l.-rf..t n,n Cf.f.in Trm-y' l" M of ihia i:, i '.'. .r- vniJiij aa an ji'h !ertf. , tn m-cur-if. if pi.issi. '' it! r-t who l.'ielfl lliW iiw -,?i--iVp-ff!-f:t of i' nil- t iti r- ' Pr::,-".Tr,-iwt enim.lt!ic 'tVnV i iv tut tarry 4,s nWlpwis- attacks Jils-- ri. .";.-" -. ... . lvBt V,XfUi :BmmTio!-Thc ship y - f, irrivcd-ai jRlrm, .rMniiicWlta, :Sfiritt f"-t; New .Z-nlandt, bringa , 'M'imMtlOB tlmt ll- "ViHtM Sfu-' wwl,,- i '"tf'HH-'; foi-rvn ...! "17: I b'T of K ;,rhlj KT.. rr.'i . .t - fV ASnl. 'bml. toltel'eiep tWTifiy finished .rrpairing otid r.'n j'-iatho srjimdron. r C.S. S.... V... ' ' ..:' j p; ; -tsr Zeaiao, Aug. t, 1840, tyl f '"'- - a-;n.eV nf-raM; -that j 'i f cont-ijT hh ui for t! overboard, f A rf.-rs near by caught her i W tn "iMib tllje.'--Ill tlf!.CC.f:f-at"1'(if liMieur , Nii.r-4iwMTm e $ f 'unhk b"F-f hinijii!!. e rcitild . W ; r-iel"?t d him. One, of ihft eal-b.tl fwn,.lr:fo-f, t;ed 1! li.re mir trjf'rinfuit If lltlu: WI, isd anollif" f was tlHgH t b dyiitg.itifjfMto Cow. A'lwrtltrr, Noarn.f.AsTi.n.i i!irri4tiv,'--lt iifpi Proti wiitr CIeui'I,mj,"i'f l'f-.eil i dAs b-"n has declined !! ;noiiiirw-ntif ni!-ssni(j'f tir ifie fiviitj.fsii'in Kml'nrv'.f fif tiw TKit).ai'.tern li-'tnwj'try uwh:t th.ii r eeltl net itf i-n'ijre.iji. ; i ti otl--.r Cimtrfti- 4of1r are CnpU T'deoif of th- Cf. S. Ar tiy, nnd Priff(i,tr Rrnt fck f Vew Vifk.' 71 Ji uimH Agt-iSi 'thf.t llie Coinrfij m will rtiVMie H'll lutfUrec r-mHsfJiw' t pric-pi iru tit wwi wai-ni tntm? ihw tiuiKHiknt or Knifr'vjjtrtHS'Sus.i-fr. ntw.ivs It -Vi'hH reply till h5; ItjkI ' viif h f. w ti.-iji aLvVftWn laymir his handoti Ids lira rl k Iki pi M('b .ww anil!..-BOb'tnn tan-3, ' If jt'ii ak i;i wy fte Aa tmne ; an-l' if yit will hrtMivi safe plat:i; I will hrjnir pvt l'.ii liuUH:iyii'W to-morrow wlw will n ! tl. ,saviW?onfeasili.r,-.' I replied, - Thi- J$wtli'' fmti prorihets had ni safe j-! i'. siiiwn iiitMnYMniS-8S'trtuh in, Init ll;y rn'id" tlx" ?u jn-ii-.th-vV-ry, . fare of hi rp; ; iissfi&?ii!iHftit , ml - deatii. ' If yi i.-twv!,t'H7p-afiii maijp to inc lathers has' lisn fo?f J.-T, J t u 't Bf eab;Ait rtw , then ft fe'VfVv WinsrTfll; the. honor of Mi h he- tMJfnfi knriw'l4linfiljrwo ffftwM -th fgf s fWtfwfeft-. titer i;.may,:lA; Act lvabi2 tU" I:- irif-fwe- t ", t-'y "f fliak-ur", and pririvt tlv-1fnt liriy 'start fpiiWfiiVTO'irtuirient at Sf ifi I liilnnd Pfjcfecjl itortherlv ti llw lih'f5'ii'i in'fa rjif -!-jo" wrsterly alon ' 'the .ii'iVii.slr!PHi - to exifit P nd cluifiietl jy tlie British Govertunent .to-' W tlie. true treaty ingMamls. -; f- -" rtt i ...- . ' . In the last numhi-r of the Westminster Review there, ii on elalwrnte . treati.-te ?w llie boundnry que stion, aeetmrj.aniffl by a m-tpi- 1 Te article b' 'iiw thus ," A war between the lTniteil Sfntf j hnd Great "Bri tain, would be, without eteepiim, fie m-rtit calfiinitoos er ent that eould ajT-ct the inter efctsnot ni rr lvf iheno two cn-al nationa. but tjf human fre'diiin and civjliz-Tii'.n. No Huh war could rr wool f he cnrrit d on V tween them.' The mighty enerfieof bth parties would in such itcfisr? lepjt forth to the utmost, tVr." - 1 - t ' Tlo wrln r nlvp r,ri tiio? portion of fh 'trehty u( IT vhich refer W tlie b-Mm-dary ri Miemi. ti tind, come at last 'to a V' f v ir fonUs'.in, t,Ht tlje bigWandi'.of. ll . Ireafyr'g--mateJiCT. .C,V1'I-J jS?sifr )Jit& nvii.i.i.Aii : English'.1 nviit-r, Jobu Piet'Chjliifely dif.-d in L'.nijoOi leav, ih the Cdl.twiii-r '.wiJH'' I'jriv a ltd. bemii hth K iiiy m jdirw rjiy old.: blafK- onat I rive ttttd bcqneuth t.i inv iiiix-o the fl inn I waist- CiKil 1 :lKtw wear I gh? ' sr.d btHjucath to each ofmyiyter's ..graiidvliiUlwaj- pari-of tIR? -eartnon pw 011 tiit top m my wardrob.;;. finally, 1 ffiv9"niid.U":q'Rtttft'ito.'tiivr,iuter sslnhmu irirt the proaent year, &k f herV'tho brWa Isif.rircjtirf f,t!w tif.-t'helt'yea'r;- haW; tAr 'ad of tiiy bi.':;,rW;di.iji:fm5"t of intv- lejyimvs, wo' it tins piraii;;o wii ,--iaw reiifl, may ly b HnagHK-t t he. dt sxl wtw spoken of hvull Irt.ft waV -lty' menus fl uteri h tohlm, ftiidhi'i wstef in ft fit of anger, gave the tirwn jnr, ln-r t;gcyi . kk k hidi bbiiin fkVtt'.,or;aitiipltte.f4Wir4',f ginos onrvd out of il,.nnd tWX'jul'eliHr.pfwint inent gayf- way to jny.;;: Eaeh'hufriixl to' j!xnfiiin(J l.w ir her leaey, and the flumel taibiemit atid little earthen paUi -weroEntntt HjuaHv well filti ; tlio t?fu.f r hnvini ;nly .Tub J w.vijjr- .fnd."lf, o i&instanti. noftle,; under .tlw; date of I ebruary . ?th , Wit;:VRmOwft: rWriiere in nt ;pke)it Wrrtc tir. amon; the Jew of tin?! capital. 1 he chief riit.bies had led them -citpeel thati;ecprdin to their books, tao ai appear same lime dri I.ut si veml monthH ready gone, bndtid their nr .''nrt "signs, -of hi coining;: A jearned ,rahl who oiwt cd Mr. Sr-baiifllef ift-nis translation of the Scriptures, occasionally visit nwr and ' al nioht flirt. fr.tf -onM.-timea the xtry first mte'stion I always ask him as fit enters tho hw fikrf , A hndamKlris,' -like the ' prbpht : iSidMm'!f, them"; 'Voup'.oe, iwn flsiiiv'er, (rtiVkflfou be skin with'tho sword-V; But, nhn Christ. nd fecit jeet'; to-'Ventdteal Pvios or" TfiB irfi'? Tbt tiW'-Alaj(itindi..i I attain, Mr Vltnow itoo little rl hfenst in the sulu -irtienees 'fiirl his M?d (or July. ie ocrans will IVxm (ofitKinf in Tor aWv by thi tifiK: CT", waiJvo t"nn tf inintl. ift. f!mf fi wrion - with llidn mrtrai-id a'hfrt ibSuri irtivliai on'vjb mvnfid. and UaL 1EWAE MM1 thorn 8frtrV-'Ia! restent -of $3W to h". ' lh atv-jrfiiSt' atrfw ins iinfflrm ot ajj rf.iin.' An r ehtrroriwnj iiftjotrlZM tlieChaJ jpratkn. Th :'nme thoaand np. in eon. th America. nnthtxT will he prra'Iv kftmnnt ahatl be reduced '0ciljtieaof travcN aur- Ieaaenc& -Ti. O. Bui. ocos. Mr. G. Haw. n, was iniured to tne Mnfl nn ttfraxtnv Insf ttutibition of loco fbeo 'Xft--.uvages to:.'S..HittT America, but (.veri fiimiriflH-rniancut estahlishmc nts in Un; country:, . T-fV- n.ii'iifin!es. but !-i":itis.I Ik lii - U ,r V.i,ly Vstendi'd-thriM B0r;n- Ustffhn'Joneil bw, and I am of tho;' opinion tlmt hM nio-it pKHninent; ini-s.s.' Ur ; an piJti.ri'piih!k-tn, ; t. - thn fife, tliinlc ft chrfht 'will be wl-4toii.r-",iTlw times, hsivc 'bcert.getiin .w'otse v t'f since Ite ciiineMnto priwer, onu a he.- m ir'i ter. mined tj jK-rsi-it irt hiii rvl c,:niiv'; I think a chvtij must be fur thc"tMrtterii c'ltinot Ik for tlxs wtrw:Wfi':;f :i '''!X fiyfiri;fi'-i ', ;! Tbere is ratieii sr.vxl prectal if.'ns" jji hi remarkiJivl w lain mnild hope, ibiif tbfrc 0 re thi:md5 lijxirina ,timk-r sin'iSlar eonvieliiiiw -tta'to t!. ruituHis nh-asore'of Mr.' Van Buren, sr. j of tfce .if.ir.;ty erf a mange,:, ;;-:,V f -t;? :;-:- tfjun witlted .id "cause ..-nn an. 'nreeaWc sur prise A f isb STAT6 fNH if.rY.- AnHilnaor'f u... 1.. . .. ..-1 . ... ... .' -L-Cic.fVi: irt"r'j yt-sloijii lllWli tdfrvinS3Fv"'',suWesiin u uuzen wrungtf 3:w.-jn jouio.irs, ;uito. iaii. irrijkhickknacksr4dvh tion id'pay.-hV-mag who stiKjd .beyiid tle cmterreoj).e4for'iuv sistaecfi Ilis -unttsuai fapacity' of .jaw, however, cnabk'dhim'to fcitVartfcbsef urely rvt-d.' - Tlie scaly fellow w;as captuml 4()eriadr as'1rtjK'sn tiarstuy than many leihiws arc whoM payiiig for ; what Atff pbtiii aZ&tff&i to hiaentcrihg the iliond.bfe-d'and deyoiireijl a. fit piJriStret. IIjrvisit to; ihd nA2trwas, perhaps, in fcflrcftttfSdeijQAhd he eot his deserts XZ-Thila. Ledger. hereatrstdictinction and privilciro of an A- mcficSn a this, thai he is permitted to be a man, a e!f-ustainf d, aclf- rrjrulatin?, a free man tbe only man not a subject, a alnve, a machine, not in thia caatc, or that, belonging neither to the ae. cond or tliird estate, neither noble, nor gentle, of lord or commons. But man with a human head and a human heart a God above and a con. science within -t-amid his fellows and equals to work out bis owa happiness .here,, and salvation hereafter, as best he can. This is freedom and humanity. God's government and man's gov ernment reconciled. A Chance fob Bachelors. By the late census of Marblehcad, Mass., it appears there are three hundred widows in thnt town. The population is 5JS75. Dolt. Sun. .y-'iAfositEs.-lifv rn!nfti,f tli;ariS trial found by Mjy Ivwwfcyj- 'd .U- I'ffiiis, Jtavcv.ls.rrt propr-rly up, find itt iitir-h-nyih U fhifty f.s tind Its lm$it. fltln lWt.;;:V'hat a rnotwirWiyi it must : h'fve iK-en when nlivfv It i -'hfiieyetf,. t, be "n siHvisrujri of t ft . TrtwrawAvfori diloift, a s;)H'u.' wliOK'iiwitWive'wa-tiW.Xit the tW w Itin tlud '.tlistiiigttlstlnil iwif irdisi announix d it. A'uoop; lrvt3TMr-TTlKiUfpr rv.' i:i,.;.ri.i.' in. i ... .. -rlZj- 'Jl-tl't limnhtf! ': 'ftfcmtyqAfcMticfaif', to cet the lv tliA in-'h"!lk'" 1 avl never uncovered nitU ftidjdjIictf.ti KJ i :i..r..Ac-..'.i t.tii..?.'..". 'r..tt,K'' V,:have adopted the. ittlw!i;:reja'' tiWiSf-'JAfiyi member o( this cluh, wi ptia'li-jnVrw'fq lil? shalt Marriage mcenpe BONrwc:, , Saprior Ind (oatjfj'airt VriH :;;. -;-. A N U a V,'fcrtJ aai'rtnieni of other Blunl", ' il jut ruted, in' f upri-Hr slylcv- IVaaie, at tWltiee,at rmrtMuul mudiratepHcra, ' : .; m..i; is, iMii. . ;;;:vr - ; ,y'l', 13 if; HirAtii; oF.N)iiTii. cAubLiNA'v 'rv-.-'vv'rt '.!. ! KQwity.VWl:3:lJ'';':i ' . . f I'ltlSii TKH M. Iftiff. ; ST npjiefiriT? iothe aifaetifi of Court, Ijiiit Ifie iji t'litiuntj..'!.- ihh 1 Weaver nutl wife . Jane, Klinbeilt I'j.l.m , Jr.; 'HiourfM ; I slid ; Juuf I'Mi, an." risiili-fit if aiKHM-r ltt It i ofitcrl d that puli'icfttiaft biufiitp .iatbelligrb'-. )andM-jwB!rt r"? f i surwwire wfnks, tnAi(yt '. jnj the f aid d -ft ntfnnls lAoppVuratJliu nr-xlfowt id K-ioilv. lo h.' held at the court bruteu.m J gaiilon, lirf Uie 7tlt Monday afler Un? 4ih .M'ilay' ! in hspf r lei to answer, I1i.fitr lliii nf I'omplrtiiit,; or jrtv!pm:tif pro " omfi, ; will ho efiti ri'd fif iit'.t thrift, aid IIk' eause set ; fur htat imr as t lift f. exparti'. , :- : ! . Vii-,' Tn)a tV. SoBfrr, ("terk anil Mtrr ; nf oiir xaid (anrt. of Kqiiify, n( ollk-e.- tli . -Tllf.. .Moiulay aU'r il" J'U Mfmiav " Miirt-b, 140. . 'v ; - 'nioM.ts tv. .sorr. . ;. . fined tiienty-five dol vf , chamna jme; ihm'pnid witui front tlie day of ni:irriary ;v aJE9Ta?cttoxjeEirsaTE bt.ax earth- .d?j&Pimiiam the - larjp stof I ttCIJ5rSpice Islands, and lickings ;e(oh.-cAriic. VftgZpn the morning of the 2d of February, atihalf-past 8 o'clock, the air appeard dark and threatening a strong north-W'tst wiinl, accompanied by heavy rain, drove tlie clouds impetuously along; and every thing seemed to indicate some extraordinary phenomenon, which in fact soon followed; for a thick smoke soon arose from the cra ter, accompanied by a loud subterraneous noise like thunder, while boiling lava and hot ashes burned and destroyed every thing on which they fell. If the appearance of the phenomenon was striking in the day timo, it was still more so in the evening, when tlie stones ejected from tlie crater could be distinguished among tbe flames. which frequently rose to a great height This destructive emotion- hftd - twenfv- four hours, and ended with a friihtful sub terraneous noise, which made thc inhabi tants fear that the pround would give way under their feet. The noise was so great that persons close together could not hear each other speak. Passuig oyer some days (Printer fis-; 55,(W.) Ul Card. . 3v f t fcjj--w-i-fBiKiViiig oriJM-.taj-tWt'a Cfiveninrt Mlifwld'-he'lttld Vka plate on the itb of Octobrr'nc-ttin&li feA'?J.d'f 5t i-this aocesUoatoliovir met with general Sppmba. tioh, wfi.iierrUyannonncti m bt.f of tlie n big Prtv of Nrth (Vrotina, tfiat nicas. WiiX as '-Ji Wftttj lfT4Ts Cojntwiotr ti:i.o n tnt pfypjt thrrrfieKotlUric' Sltite ta be repre. aetited..cit'!ier ynJffiyJimiXe. Whigs of 'tiCrfta S ikMry experts -etertf man tSii9JS --- . . . . jffn-r-Cir.VS MAXLY, i;ej. w. iiaWooii. . T.J. LEMAY, JAS. IREDELL, If. W. MILLER, WrBrCALH.. - - Raleigh, x.c. ii. McQueen. KI.F.CTIOI TICKETS. ELECTORAL TICKETS for the approaching Prcsidenlial Unction will be neatly printed to order at the office of the Messenger. Those wish ing will do well to order in time. Kept. 18. 15 ARRIVALS AM) DEPARTURES OF THE MAILS, At and from AsherUle, N. C. &-Mondari it Fridays, 9 r.H. Eastern, via Rather fnrdton, &e Sandars,, Tuesdays and Fridays, at8.r.M. j Eastern via Bnmsvillc, &e-Mondavs, 4 r.m. Southern, via Catley'l Creek, AcTaesdays,! er.ji. .4 1 i viriiTviti. Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays, at 4 o'clock. a. at. Wednesdays. Fridars and Mondays, at 4 O'clk, A. M. AaaiVAi.s. Southern Mondays, Thursdays 4. Saturdays, by 10 o'clock, r. M. Western, - via Warm Springs, ie. Tik lay, Thursdays 4. Saturdays1( BJ r. it, Western, via Franklin, to Ga. Wednesdays, 7, - - i Eastem.via Morgantonl TuBy and Satur. Fridays, 5, oclock, a. days, 5 a. u. Mondays, Tbondays, and Siiturdnya,5 o'clock. Wednesdays, 6 A. v. .Mondays, at 6 o'clock. ' -v ' t 1 . v '!i 'i?''! ' - ? ',' ' t: il'j . ';Ji?. ... ' f. :f - - : . ; I fill j Mill ' 1 lliii" ' WW ''Inst " i j r m ,1 m m "I 7 " i;: ' ' li t ' -AT i ti i; M t.i; 'll f tit ; i m - -I"4