J -'JJJ- -J I- -I 1 willing to- reduce tho currency downto three dollar ahead; and) as a necessary consequence, to reduce, byoperatimofltiw, alie wages of labor, tttc price of produce, tnd the value of property, to corresponding low prices ; and thus sacrifice all the labo rknW Industry of the country I Those who would propose or adopt such a" diminu tion of currency, and scarcity- of money, may prepare to encounter the fierce frowns ojkI Aery indignation of an injured and ru. incd people . 'X - MOXOPOLV. .This hard money monopoly would he at. tended with disastrous and distressing el' fects upon all branches of business. Ifthis ncheine shall ever be carried into full oihj. Nation, the man m ho works now for a Jul. hrraaj'wUHri'Ccivniorc-tiiantwen. ty.fivo cents ( lie who gets fifty cents, would receive twelve and a half tints per day ; so that honest industry could not mifiport itself aad live by Tabor. Wheat, worth $1 a. bushel, would sell at twenty-five cents; corn, worth fifty cents, would go at twelve and a half: one bushel of wheat, (or I day's :. work in harvest,) will now pay a debt of one dollar ; carry this hub-treasury into practice, and then it -will require fourbush tls of -wheat, or four day's labor to pay the aanie deotof one dollar. Cotton, negroes, land, every species of property , must full in he same proportion.' The price of every article of trade, made by the planter, farm. er, mechanic, ami . work in n inn, would be diminished, sacrificed, and crushed he Tore golden images and silver idols. Hut observe the difference and inequality of this measure it, will reduce all this wages, prices, and proerty in our otttu country, while it braves all article imported here from foreign countries at, the present high prices ! K J5o that, by the operation -of this ,Sub-tri:asury law, wc! shall Ti6oinK!K6J7lr selllowond buy high. This is a. losing ujmniMca game to mat large and meritori ous class of society, whose lufor'bohstitutcs their capital, and currency, lint still "it j a bad wind that blows nobodynnygood." '"' The President, members of Congress, and all federal officers and agents, will make money by it. Their specie salaHes will be increased jiist in-proportion to the reduc tion of prices for labor and property. This jstho game of "heads, tho oilicers wins; tails, the tieoplc loose." This is a simple, but safe came : tlie process. I am informed. thi -n r,..l,,muf;t; .,w,u.,,rr'.,.' l.riVhLaii.1 nuitahlo to f ilnrnnhloTLiiv in nnn , .f. I I Wjllll S miicll hotter than WO do. TlllS lUL'll and ail versanti then takes and carries Jt authority appears to have decicd against away toa broker, and sells it; al a premium the Sub-treasury, because our Creator, has of from five to fifteen or twenty per cent, "made the precious metals so very scarce for bank rags and shinplastcrs. Ho pock- and hard to find, that it'-to impossible to -tsthe nrcmium. and rrnvs his debts with procure and consaiand a sufficent abniid. Diolinconstilulional currency. 1 !! do notjauco of gold and silver for general use and think officers of Govcrnmnct and miardTans common circulation. Some of my coustit- "of the people should become nwney chang. ucnU know, " nil that glitters is not gold," ers, brokers,- shavers, or speculators in anu ne umiaigs wr goui, gives iwru currency. 1 do not think the iron ami jol mr nam money, in m iroiu rt-Kiou, power should use its federal fingers to seize I have never met with one tingle practical and tear nicer shillings ana sixpences from goto, mmer who auvocuieu on, ctchmcc mini Ihe necks of little children, or rob the Id. money currency. Now thUt Ls a remark!!. tie-141 of the big chestof iwmetonc larmer to get silver and gold to pay public mosc genuemen who uve in oiau s mm n- .1 w A A I a a X X' . ? I nHn..n4 1 ! et arKnnn llitt ftl SW tnnl ' ' ' X' our use and trade, not only deprives Ms cf so much money, but of all the credit would nourish, j This policy will uproot nndunsettlo tlie solid specie foundation on which bwr circulating medium properly rests, and depreciate tlie credit and confi dence oftlio currency intlic interior of the country It will impoverish the country to enrich the city, arid rob the people to pay tlie tfesKlent. My objection to this bill is, not to the precious metal nionejftbut, to "the precious me' al monopoly. I lie money is good, but the measure is bad: because, no wan, nor set "of men, are entitled to 'c-'xc!u v privileges, or separate profits. Yes, sir, the money is good, and too good, to bo mo. nopolizcd and enjoyed by one class, or pri vileged order, to the; great disadvantage and injury of tlie Suites and the comniuui. ty. ,. ' . WhvtsWild we not extciuL justice Slid the rigiit of :llowship to our fellow citizens ? Ivnialitv is rhuifv smd since wo cannot have speciw enough for all,let u hhare,aiHl shanrnlike; let lif prcsentatives Oiw con stituents fare, and Ian? alike. I hen wo shall administer "the Gotten Rule," and not monopolise tiie golden money by ta king the lion a-8iiare, because we Happen to have the power. ' SomJ of the supporters of this project, seein laimagine if they destroy the cmlit system, (which consists ot aiiout louriiiin- dred millions of bank notes in' use,) that then, the same amount of sjKMad will di rectly flow into circulation, and take its place. 1 bat is a vain hope, and strange do. Iiwion. We may,call spirits (or ghost) from the vasty deep2 but will tliey come? Just as soon as four hundred millions of gold and silver which lie vasty deep in f.'unff undiscovered "country,: from whose bourn no traveller retjuriis,!. "lie musllihvc otic vliurp, I wran, WIhi ixn what i not to be Ken." . Mr. Speaker j j am decidedly in favor of gold amrsilvcr as a standard ol money, and as a currency, as far as it is practicable to bring iL, into circulation ; but after-exerting, itiid ' exhausting myineiital resmirccs, still there is a great dk-ficiency and general scarcity. Whenever Providence is agaiast us iijjon any question, wc may. , as well siibipit, and surrender our frail judg ment because the giver of every good and perfect gift knows exactly wliat is bility in the material, is Made up in couvc- mW; lightness, and cheapness. To a 1 I H 10 MKfSMEJN liKK. contrary, know weU that they never can plain man , Uke myself, a half bushel of salt I ' i - I succeed I advocates, whatever, tlicy may. sayto the arv. know well that they never can without somQ' such connexion as and of couraj fi xl us with all bo ScS ot Uiai revouaion. :. But supposo tlw mighty -vork urJ iswortlt as-qiuch, measured in wooden as D. R. M'ANALLY & J. ROBERTS, EDITOHS above The editors of this paper are no plislied, the church disorgaiuzed fc,, mabrasshapushel.prpyidcd theqantity . .gfj- . more favorable tof clencal Interference in istry aboJUk-d-ud her institution, , izan politics than any" one else, hnd aside; or, twhat is trueMmJchdJ cloth. sld and measured by a wooden yard. , partizan politics than any one ce, -n -77.r 7;" stick, is worth jast as much as though it KjVmj JUOnilllft UCIOOer Z, lOW. hitherto tncy navo loosca wiw .v r " -l' ,- i . 1 1 . r i uaq ooeii measurwl oy one liwue oi urnsa. provided the length be one and the same ; rwwmion tlii nrra n vi tf'tni ift I tit l)mmnip: aitoon 3i3aiAa xskt. clmser doubts the correctness and fairness xl- CoL Charles'McDo well, of Burke, oftlio instrument of measure, itU'bis right 2;-0en, Jimes, Welbohn, of Wilkes, to.xiiCjr. under the stamp and seal of the 3 David Ramsour, of Lincoln, kiw, to the standard fixed by tho-constilu 4. David F. Caldwelx, of Rowan, tiom Wc are searching after practical 5. James Mebae,, of Caswell, truth Xwhich must be tried . by common sense anhjun hod to . every day business. Now, siipose all the wooden" half-busliels 8.. Dr. James S. Satin, of Orange; and Yardstick titeasures in every house in I 9. Charles .Majtlt; of W'nke, thfrilnited States were suddenly converted 10V Cot. W'n. h. Ldso, of Halifax? Imv.. li t iirh nn.s9 for oA-iir. knowing dispositifcasf tl human htart 0,, , - or -j . o . v. . i i diat to bo precisely their worth, njid pre- tianity Knows no ainorcncc among pitteal champions to throw 'arouiKr them vil institutions aro wtfjbtouta connai, v Itl specklcd'cloak of modem' Democracy, witl A'P--o oa some ayskj ... I ot rt-n-rion.' v itiiout such connexion and practically interpreted, means, Con- Icadingjwlilicjnhs ef tite fUtfr and par- perfoctT rights On Vjuch a course as this wtb-i. Thislr gn-ss shall have power toclarc the qimiW tiMlarIy fiwi we offer bo comnieirtV Its inconsLstencT Iy-winBwctly tity or number of grains and pennyweights there shall be in a cold eaele or silver dolr Jar, stamp them with certain official seals, ami finally fix the standard 'if money, w herc- by the value of all currency may be meas. ' Boston Q-.v X i :'4 C0. jl!N'tJED FB0M .OUH LAST. men and agents, that tlicy may engage in present districts where not onp penny J speculation, and enjoy the profitable privi. weight of nalire gold has ever been found, lego of shaving skimming, and having a will bear it in mind, and communicate it to largo per cciitXfrom the fruits of thciristitu -nts. .."Distance lends en. honest industry, or from the common cur. clmntments to the view," but "golden rency of our common country. This ma. dreams are seldom realised." In my dis king flesh of one, and fish o( another, is trict, when a man is too zealous and greet - very unequal and unjust, but proof positive too much for a gold mine, wc say, ho has that tho practical operation of rncas. the yellow fever. - That disease is as dan. wre is to inako invidious distinctions, and gerous to the pocket in the up country, as . furnish two kinds of currency of different it is to life in the low country very few value tlie-bottor rtlbrt ho Government,- survive it NowT-sirT-A administration and tho baser oort for the community gold hat taken the yellow fever and I tell those and silvcr'for.tho President and oflico hold, who are Infected with that disease, to be. ; era, bank bills and depreciated paper for ware that they are not "carried off," to I the neoplo and tax payers. This is very their political death by it ; and beware, that aristocratic Democracy!! The Sub-trcas. history does not record this brief pitiipl ury policy makes it the direct interest of on sonic slab at Kinderhook, the federal .officers to derange and depreci- "Here lies, ate tlie common currency as much as pos. I Martin Van Buren. late President of the sibhj because gold and silver will always I United States hrfadniinistnilion, died of (appreciated just in proportion as bank Yellow l ever, on the 4tn day ot March potes are depreciated. And thus specie 1 1841. V will be banished from circulation as money, J specie. .and become an article of merchandise, Mr SixAkcr, the advocates of this bil bought and sold in the market, Iik6 . salt have-dwcorcwJ that all-our illustrious and sugar. Yes.'sTr, tFo President's i bet. Statesmen and Presidents (from the first ler dollar may buy two bushels of salt, j,,- 0f qu Washington's administration while the larmer s baser dollar may pur. (i.irn to tho last of Gen. Jackson's were jbt9WJNow, if the famy.r twl mhtakt-aroffeiiwilTif tlw truu readhig ircr uuirai wi wuraw unu uipiwiuicu aim ancJ meaning or thts,constiluton ot the uni more, then the Presitk nt may buy four ted States. We arc now toll; by Mr. Van busliels of salt for his silver dollar while the Buren and his party, that although a paper tanner cnnnoi pureuuse oim wiui ins uc currency and bank notes have Ix-en in use prociaieu wins. imio. mis ikji even nnd circulation , as money , lor futy or six huihh4 jusuw. - aniK.r y- via tyvcars still, it was alt wrong -nnd uneon to Government, among other things, for etitutional : that nothing but gold or silver a gooa souna cquai currency nnu u is uie co : constitut ona currency. 1 bis is a "duty olieTresidimFand Congress, norr;,ow reading, and "strange provision, of omy io muse ano Keep me consuiuuonai j th0 original intention and jracf: meaning u. ... ii,-i vuui, 0 j,e constitution, liiai nonoreti iiisiru. but if there be a deficieTiey and scarcity of nieilt Jeelares, " Congress shall have, pow. tho preciotts metals, to see that Govern- rr to coi nwnW, reculate the value there. went and the people are provided nnd fur. 0f, nnd of fon ign coin, and fix tho stand, nished with a sufficient uniform currency ard of weights and measures." of equal valuo, and exercise their limited To coin money means, to ft Ihe standard powers to prevent the circulation-of any nmj stamp of legal valuo upon tho precious currency uiai is oeprccinieu anu sunn un. mctals. ust as it is required to fix thcsland Jrspeio-pa vahiivThen"papeiob lar would bo eoual in value to a silver dol.J intCntion and obj(x;t was, certainly, unifomi. jar. iiienino larmer wouiu noii oou- tyt and a rowiwion standard i' Where by all 'gcd to givif tlie tuho of his crop, or ten per currency, which purported to pass as hwn- cent of bis currency, to make the residue ty, or its equivalent, might he tried, com. f hisTtncans available. Then the honest, pared, and adjusted. Under this very liardwv5rking man would enjoy tho fruits power. Congress has authorized standard m ma un ii iiiuor, wiwiuui ut iii" iui haij.bushrls and yards, to be cast ana mm. Shilofek's razor, between the fingers of a ufacturcdoulofbrasi. That metal is dura broker : or hewed by a Sub.treasury broad bi nn,i vcrv"i;ttUj liable to expansion o axe,in tho hands of blisffieef; cont rac'tion. One standaTJhair.busTiel and Mr. Senk,cf, I represent planters, far- yard are sent by congress to each of tho incrs.moclianics, and labonng men cluetly J Custom houses, to each ol tho Mates and living far in the interior, a great dis- Territories, there toremain ns tho legal .tancc from the sea-board. And I do not like' model, and the right standani. The brass to see my consituentsdraiiH'd and deprived half-bushel weighs thirty-fife vgmnds. Tlie of their own native precious metals to satis, cast brass yard, with the matrix, which is I A F " ' . I 1 J . - J . M ly ffie specie exacuons of thfe GovernmenTT for the inevitable character ind 'direct ten denry of this monopolising scenic, are to abstract and withdraw the gojd and silver from the possession and circulation of the people in the back countrj', and coricen trate and accumulate it in a Jew large ci'ies Where tho Federal Government collects its ilemaudj. To withdraw our coin from m i : : a part ot it, weigns iwenry-jour pounas. They ate weighty and costly. These metal measures are too heavy for common use, and never were designed for any thing but standards. Iine hundred and ninety-nine half-bushels out of a thou. and, in every day use, are made of wxxl notwithstanding the great liability to c,tpanj. sion and contraction. The war.! of dura- G.im of nitv and contempt upon those if any sucli religion tliere be; nuut , Bypocriu'cal ranters, who, in affected sym- religion of our ntryv-What ' woolj J patby for the church, havp endeavored to nave guiT. uy , , :.wii t, w'.mlii,! afrnimtt tfiis i mi- that tlie answer will be that the laU per from the fact that one of its editors is a, classes will be elevated and our 1 clergyman. We have not progressed iis freed from tlie hypocrisy of the prkst, J rar in our work ignorant ot mo iaci iihh a "- Via vm wi--v"- frj oi Ka ur of would.be political leaders in tins the reHgiontaught.in the Bible and U 7. John!B. Kelly, of MJorc, . country affect to bo in holy horror at the churchUs tho only ft'bgion the world ft iileaof our devoting a paper to tho jiint knew mat reany oenenuco mo poor, interests of Rehgion, morality, and polj. Kvcry other system of religion ftttJ ever lieen nuulislicd ODDrcssea th . inln npfail nrirl mailo Of oold slid silver, but ll.WlLLIAM "W "HEBRr. Of UertlC. t .' .. . " . ' ... . ...... .1 - vir.CS .' , H still kepTii', tlie same useV.d retaining the 12. Thoxas l. Joes, of Perquimohs . odilo tears over the prophetic downlall of a man, g,ves u ... . ca Wlm m Jhiino mmntitv. and csnacitv : would 13. Josiah Cou.i.VS.of Washinsrton', " tchurch fhey carq no more for than they over him, a.Ucpenus for its succen the articles sold o,adneasured by them be 14. James W. Bbva.i, of Cartaret, cat for the fabled man in the'moon. Wc pandering fo.urfjft any mom valuable ttian if measured by Uie 10. . Ua.mel is. maker, 01. jicw iiaupver. wooden instruments now in common use ? ' X "iJ' ofKr" and the cloth would not smell of(, "For Ehtors for President nd Vice cisly the estimate tho public in Uie eiMl save tlmt of character alonc, iroM. The value of the arain wld. and the President takes place in North Carolina tlie wonH place upon them. Willi them to unconditional submission in all fla t, goods purchased,, would be precisely the Lkco.xkThcbsday in November Steti , connect rejigioiis aqd polical matters in neither our pride nor vanity, and phej same. If there were no half-bushels and nl7 .,r(..o,. n 'sJ Th..r,h, L lit i..r "nnn nKl.nt uir.t tl. nm., all iU votaries on the same common U. ccdb paperhough under different . men, each Af in, the. listoryof tl. world iae vcrnnient, out of brass, there would be a then lej EyM: responsible ) only for thc; matter belong! ug age shows beyond the reach of succc;, Rreai nicoiiveiiieiieo uini scaiviijr uiiiuiij voter WU11. yoiQ. IIS3 . wiwio iiCKeu4 , 1 10 .bis uepaniimiii, is a crying snu uiii lor 1 1 1 . iuy the jicople; and very lew poor people couio allord to purchase ana ow n inosii usciui anu 1 Au Examination nrwl mnlrn'tlto inrkul Klttni nn1 Attn d lr tin in like manner, this coming clause in 1 -j r-- X I " r'"w - the constitution, when TiiHiffv 'umlcrsfdod Xiaiidpciruu, a held by ammberof'lhe at the, institutions of Christianity, is all dependence, 'human jaws are mere'e,, x 111a iiuui nun ucuu leu uuu airtrl Tr . t. 1 11 .1 - stency I 'j- or i-!otjy uviuu upti-jr-Btt uie pi- Stoo apparent to need a serious attention, Legislators of ancient or modern daltJ and'its authors too lately set loose from In nl1 religions there must of necessity J a pnestli jod, or teachers, the idea of tfc being " u-j claai of men set apart andd thorisLtlj either by law or fashion, to ips to us ia the naine of Gjd. or tj bo iu: preters of the word of God," is perfm preposlcrmu upon the supposition tJ rency; just as the brass yard is the . stand- thinks. At one time he professes for it the I aos buthe is onnoscd to "verv thin" I some system of religion is ncccssarv ard measure of length and breadth whereby most .)rofOUi1(l revcrenccrand then again like an outward, visible church rto every t!,c conducting tlie afl!iirs of civil society, nil ivnmlpn nr nther vardstieks mav bo I . . . . I .. . , a ...i ...f t 'h.A.i "c is-Tcoratng 'out in an indirect manner diins that in tlie remotest decree partakes 111 0,1K'r s)'stL'm mat could Do a. IJH.dWtHJll . l.rWJlt. Ullll VllllIV.i. VUIU m J. - -f -r.J.l..i. ' i ;i ' in...! -i im l.JLB3?gF and silver coinTStheryardstick of value in w 1111 UIU mjt. wt'i'piiio (loiiuireiatious 0f the priest." Ir is an easy matter fur nuc 'oui-.i oj uecessaniy as m money, matters; and all currency and. cir- agrunst i. llierc is here a. goodly spice cvcrv-bclievcr in the divine ori.'inal of tlK?T 'yiocr,sy antl tyranny, m its teachers, culation should bo made and kept equal to 0f what is to bo found . among .almost all jjuj0 to cg that " an outward """visible nhTte tail be in tlie teachers of christisJ IV valuer ouncTas1 wSs for'wethis iniM writcA' inconclusiyines.,, churchr unQ pf the institutions ii.separa. W. Hif ' mxl meiMnrfis " where reasoning is attempted, an( tor bvconucctcd I In slibYtTHikpcr'xfollarS tTnTr08 PafTa skimmliig along over tlic-sun a5oTrlMunllyea8T for""ecry sensible f organization church, then, our cod vcr dollar, just what a wooden yardstick is face, studiously avoiding close investiga. niaa woaQ mind has not been darkened bv I lry cou,dv'"f6ssay"'"gJiia notliing, - but toabrass yard. ' - "1 tion, content with mere bold assertions.- the eloudsof infidelity, toseo the beneficia! wou,d lo09C all abhorence of vice, all p, .....j touch, indeed, is the article in question. tmt fljW 0lll ormnizaUon, eriu --tiyes to virtue, tho deprat; fFrom the Nashville Banner.! Assertion after assertion comes in tho most M W.ii ns nbilnto necessity in order t I morality of Paganism, would bo brou-r - ,.C"!.G:i . unqualified manner-denunciation follows tho perpetuation o Christianity. Tbelback. manki'n3 would rjc robbed of -tt personal popularity than any man in Miwiwippi, denunciation in quick succession and af- truth Ja t1l0 wnoc article in question, from j firm assurance of another life, and thcrct r,?" ?Zn L ZZl Icr au U1C ulU31crJDg 'gi l,fimtio.la.slii3:iU datrJJackBon.JulyJTth, 181!), and addressed to nothing proved. Tho same bitter invee- right agrarianism and iufidelity. Tncl lii'tot thtir charity, and of tlieir chastity -SrauT Uvea which we find here haye becu hurled Lnc. arc not new, as intimated by the in a word, of all those virtue, which arrin at the cnsuinR election. Hears: against tlie church in every age, and still New York Post, they arc the doctrines of noraio'aud sublime our nature;, virtu l ra, ana ever snau do a aumocrai, ana lmnrcL'nable and imncrishablo as the ni are ;.,n,l..i;. s .. . i i. I that natural relinion nevor knew tlmt k when tiio who profess Uie doctrines of dcrooc- , . . 1 ,J ' "u,v -----p racy carry tln m out in irood faith, I will be found OI neaven snc smnus, wane an sucn mis. i iterated airain and neain. and though a lonS on,y to Christianity, and witlw cone with them, and not till then. I have no giles either fall harmless v at her feet i:.:i :. !. 1...1 :n -....tl. rl I iiiuuiiu vawiwiuu iiil-v ure auu urireu I I " ...u,,. the source from which they eminatc, continue coIT with tenfold force upon tho heads of J wjtn M mucn anDarcnt confidence nsl 'iufanious degradation and licentioJ fTTJ .T.t,!?t., .tllZ iChUhJ!fdi 1,1086 by whom were Uirown- tliough nothing had ever been said or writ- wretchedness, and.the future more VicU conceive are calculated to susuin our free insti. We liavc long since known that the most I ten on the subject I and miserable than this. 3througli U.o land. 1 1 ? IV untl"nS eorts nnv c loS n,nkig I Tlt it is right and proper to worship Such arc iheucjdscparaMj Thefinnncial ctnicrrmi of thcTsmrntry aitfinso f Bostony-New Yprk, and -elsewhere, -to j the.Supreino Being , Mr. firpwt'son admits, J connected with a doctrine held by a prw ?. ,pr 7'" lu'r Z nZ.Z?Z sprcadinnucuty, nnd rnkc ...road, upon bthislone-crtyfust be inent political party of our country- doctrines of an oxclusive gold and silver currency the church organizations of tho country j done orderly , there are certain rites belong-1 party which claims the Chief -Magistral rd nvcf that they have their regularly established ing toristianity which cannot be dispens- of this nation as its friend and fellow t country. -? lecture rooms and have tried to Hood tho I ed with without destroying tho distinctive I borer ; and a party (hat will no doubt mil- clumXa holeou, , ith their various produc, cbaracterisUcs of the system-all' rites every possible effirt to bring practically d convinced that in consequence of local influences uoiis; oui wiiue meso were Kepi uiscoii-i proup)osc order, all order direction and I near those grand kgislattve measures t f.laTJrr" Kr:rrr . v7 nected from tho lending Polltlco1 questions cmtrol, and these necessarily presuppose a which, they look forward." We do a such a Hank can and will, as t has ui uus uuy, we, ui euiimi ju n iui mosi oui. i mrccinig ana controlling power. All laws wish to oe considered as ct We come now,,as proposed in pur , last, the Jongiiicarceration of- their native insig- to consider the views of Mr. Brownson in nificance. to have their narribs or charsd urcd, tested, regulated, and ascertained, reference to Christianity in general, and ters before the rcadiugpublic. ' "V Z ri rf the organized Christian churcMu: particu- But to, return Mr. Brownson, value ; and gold and silver shall be the only Par- n the sulct jf- Christianity it is proflssts not to slandjmosed to religi true national standard of money and cur- difficult to tell from his article what ho religious teachers or relicious asset; lie 'ion ujbla. tional Bank- cha ruins the k ireclnig and controlling power. Now, their design avowedly is, to present mixed and imperfect state of so- the members of tlc present AdminM" their infidelity into the political ciefy, and all enforcement supposes an ex- tion party, hundreds and thousandsof tbet creed of-the present dominant party, and ecutite. If, for instance, baptism be an arc men possessed ofJi!"li -'-natrioticm In votinir for Gen. Harrison let it not be said I ,. n make the nunstiona at isu 'nrpsfiiit I ini;n;n f r;a .,;.. :...t. I ATTrrr ". :' - .l !. f .... aiMlnininiv mm alui I. Knwnrth, of " ......... v V....OU.UU, ouilK, IIIUU juu nuuuau ll.T.UU"3, U1UU lO WUOm UK public confidence. He is the son of one of the themselves under different . , circumstances of tho fitness of the candidateaiidpropfr principles are as revoltin a ny mea a ndtpf"ait earth, but who, we koy too coot Madison, and of James Monroe. He has always wuiiara, uiuu,uu9 oil miiui uiiiua iu un-ir sacraineui is lO .00 panaKcn oi, the times dcntly lollowed Uieir party leaders, Slwyi"d chi" vicWS Which they otherwi9 "W not have and mode are to bo determined, the quali. have looked too little to the ultimate leu ed aeainiit him which has been sustained by proof bad, and lays a corresponding obligation ficatious of tho communicants iudsed of cies 'of the doctrines which thrv have toUto thl' ch tfn 'a Fc It is true that Gen. Harrison after havins de. ty to seeK some opportunity to bear their I hands ; and how can this be done without One thing in this matter we consider mysterious, not to say inexplicable, tlmt is slll . . ... . ruircurev atone WnirM adVocat" tec,n U,m n- re nugatory without enforcement, in. the lief in these destructive doctrines upon i for inconvcrtabic bank paper, but for such a dne I tice. LnTwljehwa 5nfide,i,y inta th HitW ciefy, and all enforcement supposes an ex- tion party, hundreds and thousandsof tbeJ verted into pold or silver. -ni.4ai Una (M!ahnl fvsrknt milkll li fo antrl SwUHrlll his eaiidconifort ty hts own fireside; but when policy ThcseT)dioTlSTdoctTinerirl ik. .f ... MimJMl m- l.i. Mimln'a 1 l....l.. t.r ." .Tr: ' ' . 1 V-.' ' la . ... .. . I " u..- ... " - orouiH ueiore me coumrv ov vouucuins I icsrc oi nartakincrnt t in nn irnvm nr . I r.,n.,. ;n iK n n : i . . :i ever been lounu I . . . . ... a - p - ::;:" i ... ,uv. ivu ivciicw Mun jiurii,u Agatn, if tho continuance of the privi- though these startling disclosures wr u m ui wmiui i nrnii'riit neti irt t lw rnimtrv liv rmlilirinn I m i:k:. J,.l l, l,n. ..p. kun r...l I J. l. i- IIIWTHI. VIIMMIIE.IVU. .IV v.-m v. a..u..u . . .... ..... , . I I ainong the first to gird on his armor in defence of " pouMai journals , ana under the specious christian system be conditional upon tlie though: as wc showed mourlast tlieTKa XnVZtctt,, year fritm 'Tf f - 'M and obedient servant, , imuisiers oi uie gospei must nave noiiung i puniy oi the system itsCll be guarded, then number of the leading men of the saw iiiyjL to do they are denounced from Maine to the power of enforcing discipline must be party, no administraUon paper that' msr n 1 a m I 171 ,1.. ZC l . a.. ll l l . IT M MB. ut'RRX a Awr Diixi-mereit mo murwaii uu y urvuuij iu UUIIK. mucn lOOca SOmCWncrc. ftUd tlllis trm-mmrnl I hm-n n UQ u,;,lnrui i I - I w ' O v' I a ww omiiuiK; UUt.f IlllUim J Ww .Jq5!?tejf ciMiojaimiici-l suliscribe to these views we m " .T",,.. r.:irj.:HJl... LLi i.in dy can be spread over the country, and the out onrmization. nnd th,. vorv ,.w.i .l.r. a .i. .r.i. i. .t. SV IUI rjuipiin!iiiai n lliW ill n scasa. (.sxsv I t . J i wimjiivu. 4a. 1 V; lilt J Ull aiU HJ PLKJUsV kt or perli-p. $ t5, tttcpt TIV E OFFICE HOLD, haters of God and Holiness reek their: ven- UJcrc ceases to be aoutwurdrisiblc Or do they think that there is nothing it ERb w;hoare exc ..dVdILach poor man m to t,- .ft- church. - - bl.;.".!;;, .1. .. . , .... T " . . . -,. bear a heavy UllltArr tax. nut the lat orticc . , I - uiin.iu Uiu nuute sjsiem oi I an mis calculated to mako tearful inroad hoMcrsare to 7 uiiinu: fcacn private We will venture to say that tho world Christianity becomes a perfectly dead let- uron our civil and relioious Ubertiest M cilixen M siso 10 oe narcnra nunareasoi miles ai. , , - , , . , . . , . r , ,. . . , - , . - - o thewill df the President, whilst the OFFICE has not known a more deep-laid and fiend, tor. Ihis, indeed, is what Brownson and they think it best to conceal these Uunf HOLDER is i sitting eomfortably by his Are side! like scheme, and a more deadly blow has his coadjutors know, and this Is, without from the mass of iho ,,1,. , wtinlV In oUier words, the Peop e are to pay the taxes ..;.!, !::..:. : ..:... JG...i...-.,..li " '. . .- . rll-Sn lnff,PwP'c' , uaw-iiit jf uesirc. 1 ncy lauor to hope they will pass with the moment, or President in outer words, me reople are to pay uie taxes I . . . . ..... and fitrht the fciules, while d.rir. j.r.v.vrihe pcr been ajmaJUlCJdigluil.-rtrti SlIfTI ,T;rf r "onsoi ourcoumry. werepeat ,t, and excite tho prejudices -of tho uninformed they tear the implication of the Raleigh Register. among me canaia mere can do no reason againsi me church, her ministers and in- together with many of his most particul The IWrlvania Democrat asC. whether we able doubt of its truth, that the policy is stitutions, under an affected reverence for LdilicaJ friends! We repeat tons thev 1 .1.. i.ti .1 . .1 fi. .Lr. ! 2 1 1 r 1 .- . t . . - ..... i i would treasurers selrea." havcthe office holders, that is, th leg. j first to silence tlie minrsters of tho church christiamty," knowing at the same' time tliat silence is inexnlicable - ers "work for nothinir and find them. I ... -....., , , ....... . I .-imuuit.. - Wewould certainW have diem find oy reueraung me nacuneu cry orcieri- u mechurcli go Hown the chrktian rcli. Iu reference to the .mliiMla. th tnu l,gg! TT; ?J? "I"' V fP"rty from father to son, ofTe. y- 4Mderohogarb4ho all religwus theliboliUon of the rite of matrimony,' ' anu moral restraint Tlus was the scheme hn vn nnlv in onn . '.1 . 1.. .. ,Ki k- 1 .v. auj uiai uicgq u A-r.T.N Esn-araisB-Under this csnlion tho cal v,cws impose tnc r llinueiliy Upon Uie Harmbwt - Keystone" of tlieStkh slates " that I Country. me r4upunr 01 nuwuh uy ins mri -iiu ciuseu a contract with Mr. Norris, of Philadelphia, for two hundrrd Ioconiotive Engines, forty of which arc to be delivered each year ; for which the Enipe. for 1 to pay 1400,000 dollars.,, Ihese cogiuc are pnocilly to run upon the great railroad now in conntnictioj!' between ' ft. - I'etensbun; and Moscow. Something of this T :r . i i .1.. i . j r . Wi must oi uie leaoers oi uie memorable revo u. tim.it.. fr,.;t, r ,1,- .; u::. rinr . ( 1 . I O v ao v lliX UiiLl-.II I9UU rs be resorted to in order to success. Infidel, tion in Prance, and there is cood reason i.Ics notieed ,W. ' A ty cannot bear the hglu of investigation- to believe that the ultimate design of the hope to effect while the christian sysW the more it is examined in the calm sun- advocates of these doctrines in this coun- and the christian church are in existed shine of reaspn and common sc-nse the try is to fustct. uponus the prominent f. Mr. Drownson tells us rdaYiily that the" " ,orcoo:,tf iiecnhant.es priear,andits turcsofthc French poiitkV of that day, stntion of'thcchuich anjjLthc r i ' i t - m .

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