"M P - LIFE IS ONLY TO BE VALUED AS IT IS USEFULLY EMTLOYED. ASM VILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1840. NUMBER 23 a. .- ' ; : v ' Ur!rr, rnnFBT.t EDITORS. I THE EMPRESS OF FRANCE; j:ircuBisTv. hkk. It, ". -.' n;. miViuhnil at Two l. Cent, per annimvin advance, or in.Avnn.iuu "k- Ms4"'" 7a.miI of the er. rTLt. Tj-rontinned. (except at me op. mJ ilXB III BL., ...Ail all arrearage" arc V . . I sr"- wm be inserted at vne A?'?IZ and Twentv-i'iTe CenU for ill be inserted at One Dollar P" ."''fJfioM miMt be' poet paid, igmLANE0uS FILIAL PIETY. ,r CHAM.ES MASLV, ESQ. Ml Too will ucTCrknow, til! the bitterness latitude shall teach you , tho extent of jpgrtunwc itiiJa vnur narents. nor learn urdwica j i . rr - nth of the abiding, unchanging nflec. T. . -i 1 - t.vit'n nta vnil. Nei, m" uy: "- . 'AamoA life I nUack ingratitude itself can cradi. V" V .1 - K Ml JUIO purwu 1 .nLkMfifnl illustrations ot this., truth - (unusbed in tho Holy Scnpturcs4-fliat .June, wuicn, hi ' --test philosopiier aim jun " -; .i niEin3 '-more true sublimiiy, more Mnai beau1)', more Pur0 morality, "J0"5 rortant histury,and finer strains both of ndc oduence, tnancan do coucci- I torn allothcr books, in whatever age or Uumc they may have been composed. u li im nanse and contemplate its sub. m pages, in the history of one of the ckhnrinces. He was a tall and come. rwulb, we arc told, and his father lored f .l-.TliniTlr. Heir to the throne mm v-.- ev . . , . , brat , reared in tho Kip 01 wxu nil the wishes of his heart Le induteedwilh alacrity by his 'Royal htber, and his aberrations covered by the nanlle of affection, w hen urgea Dy me H-ful Writ of malice and revenge, lie be- jmes the murderer of his brother, and is jmiwM ;to floe his country, the oun(Jid fcii 'stvof the laws, is made t yield to the niiinds of narcntal tenderness,, and tho amJcrinff exile" is brousht back and re. ored to hi fa iter's confidence ; and protcc- a Sullied bv tho corruptions of his own irt, and stimulated by wicked counsel. rs sad corrupt associates, 4hi nt rocious touth advances rom ono degree ot cnor. litv ta another, till, by tho blandishments - 1 M - flutery and tho seductive wiles of in. riguc, no corrupts uiciuaiiy 01 uns wucr a ibjccts, and plots a deep and dark conspi. icy to rob him of his throne nnd kingdom. tcasoaand rebellion, fired with the lust of irting unchecked in the voluptuousness of her-paiaee, he approves tho horrid counsel ifs confederate, and raises his paricidal rra to imbue h in his father's blood. A iiae,lhcrrcatest monarch of the earth, renerable for his' years and victories, sa- :red in his character, both "for, piety and mphwy, renowned for prowess and re- rcredfor wisdom, is reduced to the cbndi. ........ . jwo (H-lluciureTTtQ a sudden nnd cxl Jtane necessiry of flying for his life from ihe presence of his own son !. With a heavy MinLM a covered head, nnd a weeping rje, and bare feet David, we are to!d went fwty rrara Jcrusolem ; driven by : the in. prrecuon of his own soir from hishouse kad from his throne. Yet when tho victo fiiwikosts of Israel were issuing from their pics to rescuo their great leader from such iianatural peril, and to blast the machina. jtions i of this ruthless bandit, the illustrious patriarch rcmcmbcra that he is his-son. E"gardiBg him with unbroken affection, 1 apologizing for his crimes as tho way. . rd TSgaries of vouth . hn rhnrtrina hiaVji n. j . v . I-- as that " they deal gently with the young in for his sake. A nd when arrested in traitorous warfare bv tho vcnimnneo of rtl""gmy, ana suddenly overwlielmed lawful dcstnictioh. this inenntnmia miir. feror and barricideis found suspended be "en tho heavens nnd tho earth, in token f bit being an unfit Inhabitant of cither; nd when the inMliarenco of his death is ? i . ' fanounccd, instead of exulting in his own- man m nisfcsioration to ma estates Nd I crown, tho father is only overwhelmed Fn still deeper affliction in his bercave pnent of a child.; Forgetting tho wrongs pad liwulu that had bsen hoajwd upon him, rcprdlessof hisownjcxistenco and Strang ed with grief, in thopTenitudQ-of a heart mreting with the pangs of prJrcutal anguish w!'Ll0lh0 rcsi8tles(?cloqucnco of wouidto God I bad died for Uioe us ADaalom, my eon, my ion !" Jm roPUUJI mwciNK OPEHATES.-.The Mad1W,nn oflho j0,b tmt w y Uurenhas wrUten a lugubrious letter to hiJ tilow,uzcns of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., ST"11 "?rm for tlio divU ampnj hii friunj8;.W t ? ftcC0UI?t of Midi diascntions in i$T.8? "rfd lhat Hhout that he has found himself deprived m approving voipca of thouanls of the ncnasofiny vouth. ami SLu8!0' who were ran. in the poliiical field wlum I entered ilU)M i.HA JI...L. 11 . ginsl , . !"uuuoai Mr,, van Uuren ?I to reel that rnmnmo wl.!..k - fn. IS I "ivin-uuica lOO iB fci.? T Vite aflLc,cd But 11 Jto own , fault If ho had taken our ad. W1827, green as it was,- ho might w escaped the pain" and regrer Jie f &?iKendu"' nnd 't the "friends THE EMPRESS OF FRANCE; -J J BY I. 1. rEBCIXS. 8he k the working of whom dratiiiy . ,i , ; The man o'f blood and victory obtained, ' Ilia mora than knightly height. - j,- . Tkt Cmqiermr. r ' When a few (centuries shall have thrown their shadows upon (he strange fortunes of Napoleon, and givenjo every thing about him the tingo of romance, the story of his fiMf 'i T.. will mwim in f ha atiiftont ' vnfliA n 111,. TJ L4J ..... V, . ...V .f.UUUI.. . u . I IV . U CjWc than a fact ; ho will took upon her as we look upon Mary of Scotland, but with a deeper interest, for she, far more truly than her lord, was from first to lost ' the child of destiny,'. : 1 - Told, whilo vet unmarried, that slie would bo a wife, a widow, and then Queen of France, the entire fulfilment of tho first part of the prophecy, gave liefcouragc4o btlicvo in tho Inst part also, when under sentence ofjicath. When her bed was taken from under her because she was dio the next morning, she told her weefung friends that it was not so, that she would sit on , the throne, on the ruins of which Kohcspicrro stood triumphant; and when asked in mockery to choose her maids honor, cincc she was to be Queeitr'she did chooso tliem, and tliey were her maids of honor when half of buropo looked upon her. . On that night which was to have been her last upon earth, Robespierre fell ! Had hc fallen a few days earlier, ner husband would have lived, and had he fell ono day later, Josephine herself would have becii the ten "thousand victims wnose names we have never neara. .; uui no m -a .t.r.lal that nisht. and her destiny was accom plished, i She married ISapoIcon, and through ner ami her husband, ho wai appointed t the army in Italy. Step by step they rose, till at last tho crown rested uporr her head. Tho second port of theprophecy was proved trad ; and she began to look forward to that loss of- power and rank which had also been foretold, and which was to close, the strange drama of her life. And ho that had wedded tho child of destiny grew -cv ery day more strong and grasping. In vain lid Josephine attempt to rule his ambition and chasten his arms. He was an emperor ; 10 wished to find an empire ; and by slow degrees ho mado himsclfrlarmhnr with the thought of putting her away, When tlio campaign of 1809 was at an end, hardened and nurrowed, the General came back to his wife. Hirformcr kind. ncsa was gono ; his playfulness was check ed; hc consulted her butseHorii, and sel i i. .jlli. i - l .:.k tl.ni uom sioiu uiuu nvr jm iyuk; jiuuis mm mm familiar love that made her heart leap. Sho saw her hour drew nigh. It was on tho evening of the 20lh Novcm- ber (he Court was at Paris in honor of the King of Saxony. Josephino sat at the w indow, looking down upon the river, and musing upon tho dark fate before, her, when V . . a she heard Napoleon's step at the door. She sprang to open it, using her usual exciama tion, ' mon ami! He embraced her so affectionately, that for tho instant all her fears and woes seemed vain. he led him to a chair, anil placingcrselTat his 4eet. and looking up into his face, smiled through her tears. You are unhappy, Josephine said ihe emperor.--' ' -. J" Not with vou, sire. -i ' Bah P said lie quickly, why call mo sire t . These shows of state steal all true iovs from mc.' . i - 1 ' Then why seek them answered Jose . . . f . phine. The emperor made ho . rcplyiYpu are now the first of men,' she continued ; why not auit war. ' turn ambition out of your councils, bend your thoughts on the good of Franco and live at home among tliosc who ovo you T' ' Josephine,' said he, turning his head from her, ' it is not I, it Is Franco who de mands it; ' i Are you suro of that my lord ?' said his wile ; havo you probed your heart to the bottom 1 ! it not ambition which prompts you toc'iJs'nsonsJbrrepudiating mo 1 for think not, Napoleon, t misunderstand you ; arc you suro it is the love ot r ranee i Every word that sho. spoke, touched him to thc-o,uick ; and rising hastily he rcpli, el, madam," I have, '.my reasons; good ning. ; ' '';f -' ' . Stajvsire said shox taking, hold of his arm, 4 wo must not part in anger. 1 submit leerfully. It is not rpy nature to opposo your will; I love you too ueepiy. or shall I ceaso tdldve you; Napoleon. because 1 am to leave )rour tnrono ana your siue. If still you go on victoriousjf shall rejoice with you. If reverse comes, I will lay down my life to comfort you. I will pray for vou morning and night, and in the hope thrtt sometimes y ou will think of mc.' Hardened as lie was, Napoleon had loved lis wife denrly nnd long f and her submis sion to his unshaken love moved even him , and for a moment his affection struggled with ambition. He turned to embrace her . .f . . l r I again, liut in mat moment ner iuce mm " . . . -. form were changed. Her eyes were lit with fire like that of insanity, and her whole person seemed inspired. Ho folt himself in the presence of a superior being. She led him to the -window and threw it open. A thin mist hung over the Seine and the gardens of tho palace,, all around was silent Among the stars before them, there was one far brighter than the rest; she pointed to it. , Bonaparte.' she said, 4 that star is mine, to that, and not to yours, was promised an empire. Through me and my destinies you j have jnseri; part from mo, and you tail. The spirit of her that saw mc rise to royalty even now tells me that your fate hangs on thine. Believe me or not. if we henceforth walk asunder, you will leave no empire be bind you, and will die yourself in shame and sorrow, with a broken spirit - lie turned away, sick at heart, and over awed by. the words of one whoso destiny had Deen so far accomplishcdr - Ten days were passed away in resolves and counter resolves ; and then the link that bound Iiim to fortuno was broken. Josephine was di, vorced, and as be said himself at bt.llelena from that hour his fall began. T. : -' Josephine was divorced, but her love di not cease; in licr retirement she joyed in all his successes, and prayed that lie might be saved from the fruits of his wild artiui. tion. . When his son was born , sho only regretted that she was not near him in his happiness ; and wlicn ho went a prisoner to Elba, she begged that she might share his prison and' relievo Ins woes, fcvery article that ho had used at her residence remained as he had left it; she would not let a chair be moved. The book in w hich hc had been last reading there, with the last pngo doubled down, and the pen which he had last used by it, with the ink dried on the point. When her death drew nigh, she I wished to soil her jewels to send the fallen emperor money ; and her will was suDmit ted Johis discretion. She died before his return from Elba ; blit her TasKtfibughls were of, him and of France, and licr' last words expressed a" hope and a belief that sho " had -never caused a single tear to How. . . " ' She was buried in the villagcchurch of Rue!, nnd her body1 was followed to tlc grave not only by princes and generals, but by two thousand poor whose hearts had been made glad by her bounty. Her marble nionuinj nt only boars this inscription : ,4 ECGESE AINIJrlJciRTEXSK TO JoSEPKlX What a .fund for future writers in lier character ind .Site, and what a-lesson To" all of us,, wlicthcr in prosperity or aorer 'i PRESS : The Press has long been' lauded as the Palladium of Civil and Religious liberty, The influence which it exerts upon the pub lic mind is deep' and wide-spread. . Now, if human responsibility is increased in pro portion to tiic extent of one's influence, surely those wuo baye thecontrol of thb press snoum be regarded as amenable to society in no common degree. The bene fits which have accrued to society from :thc art of printing have been great indeed, bul u is mucn to oc iearca jnui me (hccirious ness of tfic press in our day, is doing in calculable evil. There are some periodicals which have lit tie or no respect ior tlio holi est things, and arc so guilty of gross corrup tion of the public morals, as' to excite the just indignation of a virtuous community ihe number ol such, howevor, is very small. 1 here .are others which arethe organs of religious or political parties, and have been originated ouly! to serve some particular interest. . Sa-long jas. ilicse.are employed in .an honorable and rcspcctlul discussion of doctrines or principles, they may subserve the cause of truth. But when they Are pnrvcrted to purposes ot personal slander, or used without a proper respect for those against whom tliey are directed, they cannot fail to do mischief 5Iaftybf the periodical Journals of our country arc the vehicles of vile abuse against .the char acters of public men. Sonlebfthem from day to day teem with denunciations against the candidates for the highest oflices in our government, and a st ranger -to tho . licen tiousness of tho. press, among us, would form a singular opinion of our national character, were ho to base his estimate upon the journalized character of our most UIHUllgUISIlUU ClllW-'UD. i! .? i I ' It is often too tho cusp, that these very men who are thus abusive of the characters of public men, are themselves f.U6 next thing to nobody; perhaps- destitute ot tal ent or reputation, strutting about in their Hjtrtri"! imbijrncnl"4j'iij)'j'"h the destiny ui mu t.iipuc siu1 upvm iiicir iiuu. i. ,9 such men as these w.ho degrade the noble profession tp whieh tliey belong,' nnd excite in the public niiml a. disgust oiul couteinpt for tho press. Wo care not to what party in religion or politics they may bo attached tliey are aa honorto nojic, a n incubus to any.- : - 1 Again. 1 o too great an extent has our periodical literature been corrupted, by the introduction of jests, and nnccdotesj- and all manner of empty nonsense , to the exclu sion of matter of grcuter importance. The periodicals of lour country should give us instruction as ell as entertainment. They should elcvatcjand refine the public taste, and guard with sleepless vigilance the pub. ic morals, A hc mon, who, holding the important station of a public journalist, is content to cater to a taste ho has aided m perverting, and fills his columns with trash conveying no lessons of practical utility, is no batter uan a school-master who should compromise the duties of an instructor to play the part of a buffoon ; and when hcj should be fitting his pupils tor the important parts they are called to act in future life, should he qualifying thcin onlytorbe ale house companions. - . It is high time we should wake up to the correction of these growing evils, and keep the press free from corruption. It 4 one of Freedom's priceless jewels, when ex erting its influence for the glory of God, and thoeoodof man. But when perverted prostituted, bribed, it is' like tlio fallen Lu- tier. o. C. Adcncate. THE JEWS. , ; The present physical, moral and social condition of the Jews must be a niiricle. We can come to no other conclusion. Had they 'continued from the commencement of the Christian era down to the present hour, in some such national state in which we find the Chinese, walled off from tho rest of the human family, and by their selfishness on o national scale, and their repulsion of alien elements, resisting every assault from with out in shape of hostile invasion, and from an overpowering national pride., forbidding tho introduction of new ana foreign customs we should not sec so much mystery inter woven with their existence. But this is not their state ; far from it- Tliey are peel- ed, and scattered, and crumbled into frag ments ; but like broken globules oRiiuck. silver, instinct with a coliesivjo power, ever claiming afiiiiity, and ever ready to nmal gamatc. Geography, arms, genius, poli. tics and foreign help, do not explain their existence; tune nnd climate, and customs, equally fail to unravel it. Nono of these are or can be the springs of tlicir perpetuity. They have, lived under the rrgintf of every dy nasty ; they have shared the protection of jasi laws, the proscription of cruel ones, and witnessed tho rise and progress of both;, they-havc used every, tongue, and lived in every latitude. Tlio snows of Lap. tand have chilled, and the suns of Africa have scorched them. They have drank of the Tiber, theV Thames, the Jordan, the Mississippi. - In every country, and in ev ery degree-' of latitudeandr longitude, wo liiHla Jew. Jt is not so wan any oiner race. Empires the most illustrious have fallen, and buried the men that constructed them ; but the Jew has lived among the ruin's, a living monument of "indestructibility. Per secution' has unsheathed the sword. and lighted the fagot -Papal superstition -oid jlustem barbarism-have smote them with uTis'pirrfiig feroc i ty ,' "pe nil I rcscf ipts a lid deep prejudices, have visited on tlierlj most un. righteous chastlfiemcut, ami notwithstand ing alii Iheyirvie. Roliert Montgome. ry, in his Messuih, thus expresses the relative position of JluvJews: " Empires have ittn4c-nnl kiniloinii pasard awar, But null, apart aubliine in miwry atanda 'Ilie wrrck of Israel. ' Christ hath come and bled. And miriclcs and agr round the cross A holy splendor of undying truth . Preserve; twt yet their pining spirit looks For that unrisen Sun which prophets hail'd. And when I view him in the garb of wo, A wandi-rinff outcast by the world disowned. The haggard, lost, and long oppressed Jew, 'His blood r, ox is' through my spirit rolls In fearful echo from a nation's lips. . Remembered Zion! sliU for thee await , A future teeming with triumphal sounds And shape of glory." . - . Like their own hush on Mount Horeb, Israel has continued in tlio flames, but un- cousumed. Tliey arc the nrisUx-raey of Scripture, reft of their coronets- princes i' i T..u. 1l...l in Oegrooaiiou -a uuo louian, a un uaii, Spartan, an Atheniun, a. Roman, are names known in history only; their shad- ... i , ..1 ows alone haunt tnc w oriu unu uicser on its tablets. A Jew walks every street, dwells in every capital, traverses every ex- .hernonotony ot the nations of the earth. The race has inherit ed the heir-loom of immortality, incapable of extinction or amalgamation. Like stream- lets from a common head, and ewnpused of waters of a peculiar nature they have (lowed along every stream, without blending with it. receiving lis colorants flavor, and tra versed the surlace "of tho Globe,, and the lapse of many centuries, peculiar, distinct', alone. Tho Jewish raeo, at this day, is nerhans the most striking seal of the ba- crcd Oraeks. ' Thf.wU Jio. pi?wibihtyol i i.- . accounting for tlieir perpetual isolation, Uieir diuifCssedhtnv dirtiiKA bcinga 8 ny grounds save those revealed in 'the records . . i. . , , of truth. Their oggregatc ami lnutvuniai character is as remarkable as tlicir circum stances. Meanness the most abject, and pride the niost overbearing the degrade tion of helots, and y t a conscious and manifested sense of the dignity of a royal priesthood crouching, cozening, squeez- ng, grasping, on the, exchange, in theslioj ialht world t with nothing too low for them to do, or too dirty ', Hrprofitabte, for theni to pick up ;- and hotw ithstanding in the synagogues, looking oacK along nrnny thousand years to on anccsjry, beside which that of our peers and princes is but of yesterday,; regarding justly, Abraham, Isaac. awLJacob as their gn-at progcnitbrS, ind pressing forward, on the Wings of faith anl hope aod promise.no a long-expected day when they. now kings and princes in Iisgulse: shall become so indeed by a man. ifestation tho most glorious, in a dispensa. tion the most sublime. Ihe people are a pcnwtiial miracle a living echo of Heav en's holy tones prolonged from generation to generation. Dbeadful accident. Dr. David Pal mer, while lecturing on chemistry at Pitts-' field, Mass., on Monday week, accidentally inhaled some concentrated sulpliuric acid, through a defect.in his apparatus. He was rendered unable to breathe through his mouth or nose, bu by an incision into the windpipe, his life had been preserved down totlie last dates. ' Ninetv-six" thousand muskets liavc been manufactured at tlic national armorj, at Springfield, Mass., within the past seven years and are now stored there against the time that Uncle bam shall have occa sion to use them against his enemies. A man in Boston:, the other ) day, by the name of Notion, named his "yourjgest son and Iwir, Boston, and the little wretch is now a Boston Notion for life.? Was'nt tliat a curious, notion ? 1 " L , STORY OF REAL LIFE. The New York Sun relates the follow ing: , - A physician of respectability ', who for mcrJy resided in this city, died a few "years since, leaving an only daughter, who was at that time about fourteen years of age. AH our citizens engaged in business, have fell the effects of the reaction produced by the rnad spirit of speculation in which all our enterprises were pursued; but upon him .more particularly fell its heaviest, weight". His whole, fortune was rt stakp; and the calamity swept away almost gycry vestige of his forincr competency. The motlier of the j'eung lady had dictf some years previous, and, by the decease of her father, she was lierselt in a large city "without a cent, nnd almost without a friend. 1 he young lady received from strangers all tlie5 sympathy which such a case would call forth, but few or none al. lowed tlieif feelings to interfere with their interests; she was consequently obiged to resort.tooiieof the many ways which this city affords to females to obtain a scanty subsistence. She at first procured work from a tailoring establishment, but being unused to applying to any occupation, she could scared v earn, enough to support ria3 tUrC. v.. . ! . Z. irr: . --'-vV" After a short time, a lady who had ob served the difficulties tinderwhich she strug gled , proposed to her That shc slieulilbresidc with her and perforin the domestic dhties of the house. Conscious of her inexperience and of the many dangers to w hich her situ ation exposed licif, slie coasentcd, and has continued to fiilfjl the duties of a domestic until tnc present rnomeni. ,' A few months since, news arrived from England that the subject of our story had become heiress to twiity-fivc thousand pounds sterling, by t'ne deceaso of a distant relative. I Ieretol'orfc shehHil been entirely and, contrary to tho effect w hich such on unexpected g.-xd fortune generally pro duces, slid received the huwh of the change in her afliiirswithsuch motleration,.that uo eflort was mridc on licr part toclnini and got possession of her property. A reverend gentleman, well know n as the piistor of one of our inoft respectaUe churches in the central portion of the city, and who had noticed the young lady, enme to the know ledge of the fact, and, at her suggestion , immediately engaged prtssngo in a steaiii. ship, and is at present actively engaged in proving his protege's claim, and making the necessary a rrani'-incnts to place her for tune entirely within her control. The young lady is about the age of 19, possessed of sorue considerable personal attractions, wliidh-are visible, despite of her humble occupation, w ith 'an education by no 1niiw4oniniercial prosperity which nothing can slenler; and with a disposition calculated to endear her to her acquaintances, she bids fair to yet occupy a station w hich will alfordher .mind an opportunity to reflect its virtues to a greater extent than in her late humble circumstances she could have anti cipated. 7 Kon'l le. a Nun ; or, the XauticOi ad ventures of young Lady. A singularly Ilomanticolfiiir has just been brought to our (notice, namely, that ot a lemale sailor having arnveo here sortie tiaySTago-mJlic ship uuccephalus. We understand that she is a' very comely interesting girl of eighteen , the daughter of a British olliccr, and related to an English nobleman, who having the misfortune to loose her mother at tin early age, was placed in an English convent, with the viewultimotely of taking "tbc-vl.-WhiJstJaboajdcT in this- place-, she, for the sake of her health, visitcdocca sioiially sme friend in the neighborhood, where in the house of onp, she first met the object of her attachment, now an officer in one of the native regiments. Subscquent- Llyshc was" consigned to a convent in Dublin to the end thut slie should take the veil. Here she remained some months; but resis- ting every anruint nt to induce her to do so, privation, sullering, and cruel treatment at the hands of the lady superior were her lot f -slie-fell hick-and m;scyiiyeydjon hospital, whence, thruugh the connivance of a young English lady, an inmate of the convent, who supplied her with the means, she made her escape in the disguise of a boy, and forrned the romantic resolution ol coining out to Bombay, hi search of the young oflicer-4bove iiientioiied.JiWojrare told it would occupy a. volume were we-to recount all her, wanderings, and the snffrr ings and privations of the poor young crea ture in her endeavors to get on board a ship bound for Bombay. This at last she ac complished. A few days after the ship sailed, " the strange boy,' on being ques lioneti by, the captain whence be came, proved to bo a ymujg lady ; a cabin was humanely allotted to her at once, and she was treated exactly as a lady passenger." - "Truth is strange lrangcr than fiction.",, and hero is romance iu real fife that dripi dedly elucidates the saying of the wet We understand that this young lady's histo ry lias excited considerable interest nnd ad miration among tlic society of Bombay. Probably the whole ample page of fiction could not present an instance of greater de termination arid constancy than is exem plified by this case. Bombay Times. -4 .- - i : Anold fellow who was saddled w ith an ill-natured rib, being ' visited bvhis pastor, the latter assured him that he could not Ikj a good christian unless he toolrtfp his daily cross i whereat lie caught up bis wife and began lugging her about the room... 1 . Sunday Morning Atlas. ; BRITISH TORY OPINIONS OF VAN - BUREN. Aa f bo Administration press has recent, fy been very busy quoting the orjijiiona of anonymous foreign correspondeiiis in res pect to tho party contests now waging in this country, and continual and reiterated chaages are rung upon the old, stale and "Britisli gold." Under these circumstan ces, it may not be unbecoming to quote some of the opinions of Britisli Tories of the tendencies of the policy of the party, and that our readers may see what thor ough bred monarchists thinkof the cliar. acter and acts of our democratic President , We commend the following article from ,a high toned British Tory paper to our read, era: . From the London St. Jamet Chronicle. The people of England may learn a lesson of Republicanism from its most bril. limit specimen, the Government of the Uui. ted Suites. Jt has proved a splendid failure. Van Buren, who lias learned many useful ; tactics in this country, will bring the democrats 'round to a ratiimnl jnuim tf ovuAivoa uia-iiiBua Ajiiusu i ii uuv iijO aiiu Monarclual obedience. Democracy is tho best and most powerful lever in the world if pressed judiciously. Monarchies have how upset by it;: but fljany more have been established by it " Vah lluren is said tohc a nou-talentcd manbut hc knows human nature he knows his countrymen, too, and has laid therihcst train tlmt ever was conceived. He has prevailed upon tho Kpularoid President to set uu. example of absolutism and independence, which per haps no other man in that country would have attempted. He will ultimately, mildly nnd fniitiikiiNlv In it hnvincr tlm unntirtrf nT the democracy, ho will undoubtedly sue ceed in bringing the whole Union tmdertlMi sway of a ' few. enlarged and cultivated minds which arc the source of stability and MtkmiUXlUlQm&X, llic people can- not govern themselves any more than a public school can govern itself without the sujierintendapco of a master. It must be merely an increase round of tiuiior and contention. We have now more hope for t America than wo ever had since her. Dc.j claration' of Independence. Mr. Van Bu ren has succeeded in running down a national bank, which was the mart formid able obstacle of Executive control, and has collected the reins pf a good team of State institutions, which will draw well together and bear him upwards like the steeds of Pegasus. The Republic of ho Unit, States, like that of Venice, will become an oligarchy; but it will be, unless we are mistaken, a' mot enduring one. It "will not, like Venice j become a splendid ruin of palaces ; for it has .arterial springs of paralyze, and which do not depend upon the diseased stomachs of Europe lbr"a healthful action. For fifty years or more, it will x a clever oligarchy, and then the people will wisely and cheerfully consent-to its becotn-1 ing a limited monarchy. Van Buren, we believe, has a son or two, and he will prob. ably establish a sound and useful dynasty for that great continent Although we do not agree with the above writer in his opinion of the case in which this change could be effected by Mr. Van Buren, however much ho might desire it, we have no doubt that tlic tastes tor royalty which this writer thinks hc sees in tho actions and measures of tlic administration, may have caused him to think that 44 the wish might prove the father of the attempt" The writer is evidently, from what hc has observed of the policy of the present incum bent led .tojiope. that monarchy may Le tho rcsu t ol our experiment m lree government. The following extract from another English Trtw rmiifll' ttntrfinl Il..rilt.l .VulkadL'S X UI V ) Hi, j i,i,,ii., ...i.-.., the light in which the 6ncmits of free.inst!. tutions view the Sub-treasury and standing Army bills it shows what the Whigs fear, but" which the foreign aristocrat hopes, may prove powerful instruments for the, over-Throw-of our institutions : ! From the Montreal Herald 4 'The People of the United States may wince as much as they please, but it is not IU UV UCI,J1IUM UI, "' ...... M II destiny is now in the hands of the individual to vliom this article alludes. 1 o tnc possession oi mc swora, i resi dent Van Buren has now; by the indepen. dent SubJreasury late, added that of tho purse, and if any further disclosures of his intentions are required, look for ono moment at his recommendation, to the last Congress, of a standing army of two" hun. drcd llwusaml men! Having-one. half. of... this disposable force in constant semce, commanded by officers of his own creating, and himself commander-in-chief; possessed, too, of a civil Ixxry -guard numbering forty thousand office-holders, and aided by the monied power, Van Buren may laugh at his opponents, and the result wiio can doubt J JUUICIOUS tllairiwilioiiwi niR.ua luitu o what arc called the Whig States, will enablcthe PrcsidenJ cither by votes to con. trol the elections at the polls, or to enforce obedience. 41 Our Republican neighbors, therefore, may as well prepare for the change, should Van Buren be ejected for tlic second time." Thanks to an ovcr-mlyig. Providence, our destiny is not yet in the handsof tho individual referred to ant we can assure the Montreal man that he will never live to sec the consummation he so ardently desires the destruction of our Republic and tlic es tablishment of a rjionarchy on our soil. It is too freshly andj deeply imbued with the blood of freemen to take kind'v the rnot of

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