n tU From ths Scottish Patriot. T$m attld man's rrtnplalnf. ' Oh J I cannatcll too-boo, . ' Dut I'm weary, tad and dull : j, t My heart ia wae and like to break, I greet against 017 will: " And yet there's naetbing cither, ' j To mat me feel roe war, . . -. 1 Unlesa-JT be the boding thought O life's, faat closing day. . " Oh ! I'm anld and lone! no,', A And wadna care In dee, . For ila lang ain' Mary's kindly heart AVaa warm wi' love o' me! (, ' ' I" ' if"'' I wanna dowie a' tlio igr, ' '"j : - Min the left hw hcrsaluiiio-'1 r The eauld, could grave' uiy refuge doo, ' bin' a' I lorcd arc gaue. ' .' ; I eanna bear folk'a laugh, An' I eanna hear litem sing ; , I'm discontent wf a' 1 ace, " And fret at every thing. m, . Bnfthis spring a for lore o them " Thai lang liao pane .before . For llie tale o-'ny orphan boy, ,, Wad gar 111 hiuit run o'er. - But my sorrow a my ain, And f lie cup ia at Uietrim- ' , lint I'd rather bear it a mysal, f TUun trouble 0117 ant. . QUESTION INti TH E PRESIDENTIAL' ... CANDIDATES. Ono of tho many annoyances to which tho candidutcs for the " highest nlfico in the nift of tlie pcoplu am vJsiiosed, ". is tho re ct ipt of letters from Tori), DiiTfonil I lirrjj. a;coninnnied by a request lUut they btj--au Bwerctl at " earliest convenience, Now tlio most convenient period, with .Gen. Harrison or, Mr. Van Hurcii lor an swering nine hundred arid ninety .nine out of every thousand of tlieso silly missives would bk) tile time appointed by Sheridan for paying his debts fflat is, the day alter the day ot juuxmcnt, Wo aro not in iuvor o tlte Presidcnlial cnridiilutts ndoptini'jtfie that w hcn7imcrrogntcdoircnrh"nnt rrnps. - rnrrv on a correspondence; witll cVcrV self. important hUlo perwrfl who pompously subscribes himself !,'f lie People,'1 would bo the acmo of absurdity. vTliere, for instance, U Mr. Cocoon ho soils a alieet of foolscap with a view of 41 drawirtff out" Gen. Harrison, or tho pre. sent incumbent of tlio White House, as tho case may be, on hia, tlio writer a hobby, ' He speaks of the high office for which ho is heiure tlin fuvirJu, UmtIIs on tlio rignt wik:D under a Republican Government citizens have of knowing his sentiments on ques. tions of vital importance to tlicir interest, and winds up by ' asking, if ho should be elected, and that a bili were brought before Congress to cucourago tho growth of mo rus multicaulio, would ho veto it f ' Air. Chronometer f.'oit's; in tlw same style, but tella , tho PwajdentiaT candidate whom ho addiesses, flmt much as he ad mires tho general lectures of his policy, (to cannot cousiutently civo him Am support till he first ascertains whether or not ho is in favor of wooden clocks, and if, being so Jje would lay a deep d.uty oii a!J time pieces which would ailed their entire exclusion: ' Mr. Locomotive apologises for his intru - sion on tho time of one whose duties must bo so dhjI tifurioua. ,1 1c fetls a repugnance KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE. Now or never, fellow-citizens, is the fime for the important (act to be blazoned abroad. Trumpet the truth through all the streets of Ascalon, in Washington, and in New Orleans, and in Algiers before New Or. lean, and in thereat future city of Bath behind New Orleans, and at Prairie Cot. -tage-end at BayeuLarBfaaehe mtvefy where before and behind New, Orleans, as well as in every other corner, part, parcel, and portion of these great United states. Aerp tt brfore tnc.I'eopc.' Awaken the echoes in the farthest corners )f tlie Union and thrill the nation with the loud reverbe ration , Ptllowountrvmcn, utibort mil lions arc yet to pronounce upon our acts, so just look out what you are about. We are just stepping over the first stumbling block in the way of Republicanism, and if you are not cautious you w ill baric your shins, Sprain your ankles, or fall upon your noses. 1 wo more big stones arc in our path, and when wc succeed in rolling them out of the way, we may at onco proceed to laying the irons lor a grand rail-road track to tcrnity, But keep ihit ihinghfare the people, yes, and behind the people, and all, around the people, so that the people can t possibly move without seeing or tumbling over it. ; Hang it upon the horns, of tlio tnoon, fthat all tho world may look at it, or if you on n't hang it on the moonhangitupon tho tallest liberty polo, you can find, and if you can't find a liberty pole, jvhy, hang the thing, hang it somewhere cine. , Only kcrp il before the people ! because, although' the people don't enro, two pins about it, yttj if you make a noise on the subject , it w ill appear very cleaV to them that the thing Is ofHSomecpnsMweneei and the more noise they make the better. It would be an excellent plan, to send out to China for a cargo of the loudest kind" of Rong?!nd them a going all over tlio y. States, to the tunc of M Compto Dinner." Thi n,; wlicn you get thopeoplo all seated with tlicir mouths wideoDcn. null un the ciirtnii),-and cxhibiHtiis new Gorgon ! Freemen ofAmerica.Euardians of tlie counlry, Jrolhcrs of the press, wo chargo youwitfitorSirt our oyes, to keep this thyrg lieforc the people ! Ilemcmbcr Bun tfer IIHV ftud the battle of New Orleans, and keep it before tlie people! Think of lions oThcy-bjprilTi'M n,-ov reign citi zen, or a. body o( iilM-hfh behove tficm vtonwke a protiiiA-atjd'a frank reply j but lopeoplcJL- Lay your hands upon your hearts fttiers, and keep it be fore the people ! Think ol your wives and children, and of your dnldivn s children, ana keep It before the SherHTPB Sale. "H" WILL ezpoas to pnbhc tale, at the eoort hoose M. m Aaneviuc, on tlie hm Monday m lrornv bet next, the following tracts of LAND, ar ao much thereof as will aaliafy tha tax and costs due thereon lor the year IZSJ. Jo wits v 50,000 acres,": " ' rranted to Mark Mitchell and Thomas Davidaon, lyinr " itho aoath.weat aid of French Broad river, and on the waters of Viz Pine creek and Pawpawjoininr Half and Walton and McEntire's 01a iurrey, on uie earn si ae. t aiues ai 1 w uwu aand dollara. br Zachariab Candler. Tax due thereon ais dollara. ' One other tract of 50 ACRES granted to Peter Border, lying on the waters of UM norrn-eaai iora 01 roie creei, fining uic landa of Mangrum Jones. Valued to fifty dollara by Z. Candler. Tax "due thereon, fifteen cent. One other tract of , 2000 ACRES; being the nnaold part of a larjre tract of land granted to Hall, Walton and Mc Entire. Valued at two hundred dollara, by Z. Candler. Tax due thereon, aixty cent. W.JOXES, Sh'ff of Buncombe eo. Oti1oorr22,l8i0i . Im2I O The Raltigh Begustcr will copy the above for one month. R' 6 l-ri RE1VABI) I AN A WAY from the ubcriHer,on the 1 1th ulU an apprentice tlint waa bound to mc to Warn the tanner trade, by .ho nameotJEPTHA MAN KLIN QUEEN. The a bore reward will be given tot hit apprchenaion and delivery to me in llavwood count r, at my residence on Lufly rircr, but no charges nor ezpensea paid. And I do moreover forewarn lU prmni frtita harboring aaid boy, a I will put tho law in force against all ucii. NATH'L BLACKBURXE KoV. 6. 1810. p22 ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. THERE will be sold, at the late featdeaoe of GEORGE PATTO.N, dee'd on Bwsnnano, (commencing on Tuesday, the 17th day of No vember next, and continuing from day to day, until completed,) all the peraona property belong, ing; to the said deecaaed, eonaiatingof lgnt UKCif rong nesroei, Cattle. Hone Hoes. Sheep; a Corn, PodderrHay; Household & Kitch. , en Furniture, tanning loots, dc.- A credit of twelve months will be given, and purchasers required to give bond and approved se curity. ' JOSHUA KUULKI3, I JJ- ' OVATER-PROOF.) PRINlWCJ! PRINTING!! 3 V r . , k J r-inia Office havH, 1 .WiSE-nOUSB AXB lr HAMBURfii 8,C. .." i.'w awauc ...v rt 'mutli nmtified that he-4 uwiMfif w in liiu nwuiwi . p, , . rr..l J 'I .KU Ira nfT.r hi iiervce W hi 1 a-ortmcntof IkU mnA lk il ?ni prietora are prepared to "vute, ii. th, mtm J inaabbatyhyand on moilerati Urma. ah fc i.j. T Uilllia-iW"" laiiliui O-TheaaaortmMtrfTypeuithbpfijeea surpaaaed in any Office in this section of the 1 and being entirely new, we can af. lypro that Printing, of every description will be bZ' Such as Psmphlcts,now liuia. Way BiuV . and Horse do uuainra. i nuewionul an Vkii CanhtT every kbld of BTankaj Election Tirk,'r October S3, 1)340. CALVLV PATTON. td20 r l. .III rn,(nmjTi. in the Wire-Houe inn lommmion uuMBtr . ir. o.,tn kinvlf that the eligible location of hn t- n.u .-J ;i. Hwrnnrntive iumnnitv from I .nwT executed. ' ' e riak of fire ud flood, wiU procure nun 1 AU orders lor rnnung, auurcaaea mine Fuli . f ... - .x:- I . im trijknaiuiiv ntceiveaanii epil pairwiin;. ' . o-" j ( : r ""YrJ a. lie nas rcnum ion nmumwc i icnaru m. Aahevilie, June 5. 1840. . I T1IL0EIXC ESTlBlISnBEVT, IS ISBEflttE! A M. Fnlu - - ' WOULD respectfully inform hi friends and -the public renerallv, that he hafreommen. ecd the yAIIXlRING BUSINESS, in all its broncbra, in this place, and hopes, by constant attention to business, to merit and receive a liberal ahare of public patronage. He hopes to , be able tn vire wneral satisfaction. y ' " . . . - . JJ" He can always do louna ai nis soop on Main street, a Tew pacea below jur. biuiui s store. Asheville, Oct 9,1840. ' ' Ptl8 THE atibscribers. having taken, oof letters of administration upon the estate of GEORGE Dimnv A' A luwh noiifv all npmona hav. mgclain-against said estate, to pWnt theirs taiW t Green vflle. Mcmm oroneriv authenticated, within the time prescribed and Advertiser at Edgefield, UI as Adams &. Watkcr'a, and is filling up one wing .i it.- i. .i..mrt of the late freshet, for the purpose of storing therein thr Cot ton of Planters and Country Merchants- This site is at least two lcej aigncr uian mj Ware-Uouso in town ; and tlie division that has been elevated will store from 1800 to 2000 bales. He will self cotton, and attend to such business ..I. tuiiallv transacted bv Commission Merchant at as low a mte as others engaged in the same Mil , . . I LIU " - " . j ir?- In ntmln SftvtintF hi WTykxm to hi friend mm advTinln?ooo term at) 1her can Be furnWk. the subscriber cannot refrain from fmni the manufacturer. The Trne made atiL. acknowledging the liberal patronnge he once re- fatabliahmcnt ia all cast bv hand, the mcf II not superior ui any in uio cmuiirj. -i.jL. We are trlso amenta for R. Hoe &. Co'S MarU. and Hand PRESS EK,-nd all other articles m. factored by tliem lor mniers- ana uindera aw. We also keep on hand, and contract for their,, alar supply of Printing Paper, of any quantity . Staiioncts Hall, 83 East Bay," -. CHARLESTON, S. C AGENTS for Lothian &. IlagartiTrpe Ta dnr. New York, will contract to sttnnU - quantity or.yariety of Printing Type to the tri era of North and South Carolina, and Georiria. ana keep it ix:roro the people J rut your hands in your pockets, and keep it bclore tlie people ! e don t know exactly what it is, or what it means, and we havn t timo to in. qui re, but wo observe all our political neigh. bors are extremely anxious about it, so, as in duty bound, wc implore you, as you love your country, Keep it before the reople!-- rtcnyune, at putting nuestions to a rresideutiul can didatc, but as tho question w Inch ho is about - - to ask h:is reference to tlio all-iiAportant . . . subject of public improveiiK'nts;' and is so m closely bound up with tho interests of linn " self and Ids six other Wlow-citizens, he has no other alternative left ; he distinctly . f hints that his support and that of his six oilier friends wero contingent on tho reply. . Having cone so far, ho then pops tho ones- . tioin 'I fivc ted" wuT you"use y oiir in fluTr enco lohavo a raiT-rond chartered for con- -Vi necting Frog Pond with M;ihw Creek ?" . ,, A man whose hobtfy is tho improvement of the breed of stock, threatens Gen." liar- rison with ykdeiit opp isition unless he pub. licly and unequivocally states whether or - not he is in favor of tho importation of asses (though there was a suflieient supplyjn the market. VAnd another threatens Van J5ir. - '-ren with certain defeat unless lie shoslKat lio is all right" on th6 vexed ninTlong - -- agitated question of; properly -doing a beef- steak. Hundreds, lie tells him, wiil with " ' draw from his cause unless he distinctly atates his. preference for a steuk broiled on agridirdB.or fried with onions. Of course. as there is soiuch at stake, the Democratic candidate cannot rciu3 to give a categon r J cal rrply,.'il',..,ll..lf ... The Soap Locks Sociely, before giving a pledge of tlieir support, must know each of tlie candidates opinions relative to bear s "crease and black eanes. If even a'remole t ilesign be entertained to prohibit the use of those indispensable artich s, let it be known, xf4 let it be published to the world, that their frit nd may bo know n iroin their loo, 4', So' the gJime g'jes on ; every grog shop - politiciaxi in the country calling for ' light' on subjects which are too trivial to occupy the attention of a village constable. Is it to bd wondered at then that Van Buren or Jon. Harrison have not time to do all their own writing! N. O. Fleayvne. " ifp . rvaPBstrvFii IUO I TT AVISO obtained administration on the estate XX of Col. John K. Bullrr, dce'd., at October Session, 1840, of Burko County Court, respect. fully request all persona indebted to the estate of the- deceased, to make immediate payment ; and those having claims agninst it, to present them, duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will bo' plead in bar of their leuuvciy. " : ' :: I HAKLES McIKJWEtiU, -; - " R. C. PEARSON, AJm'i ettaie oJokm E. Butler, ier'd. . Oct. IK), 1U10, tdslSS Ont Position. We believe wo arc not jarliculaly chargeable with political insta. il mnt-.ir. deliberation, ..-ux have come to the conclusion that, after the 4thof Mirch next, we v. fight on the ad ministration side LouisrUfe Journal. j . K .,' Rathes Old. Acnt!ennn who tra velled -in Peru, in 1834.Vtd, thru while on a tour at Payti" Ht. C'nrles' tid2ing. son United States C-mrol there, introduced him',tq aO pld-vlniio la.ly 142 yrs of se- r -:r--: .... x. L.A ITT3 NEGROES, And. other Valnable Property. FOR SALE! , OTICE la hereby givonrbat on Monday the 30th day of November next, there will be xnosed to Public, Side, at the Into residence of Cut. John E. Bulk r, dce'd.. in Burke county, i miles south-west of .i.)rennlon, all the personal property belmiging tnithr eslpte of said deceased, consisting of !l VERY L(KELY amongst which are men, -women ' and children. Four head or Uornen, Seven head of MULES, large and well. gondii fned ; ' .., A number of Cattle, Ilogs and Sheep ; I Road Wagon l.ttco-horse IfWon; Barouche, and 1 Carryall, with harness attached to each i A considerable quantity of Corn, Wheat' Rye: Oats, &e.. See. " . .. ' A general assortment of Farming and Min tng loots, besides various other articles, O A credit of 19 months will be given, and obnd, with approved acciintv. required. CHARr.RSMcllOWELjL , R.C. PEARSON, i Adra 1 t Morganton.N- C-, 29th Oct, 1840. - Fitly Dollars Reward ! "ITTILIj be given by the subscriber, (or the ap. ' prehension and delivery of a villain that passed himself in the counties of llavwood and Buncombe by the name of THOMAS UREELEE His person is rather delicately made, about 5 fret j il or 11 inches high, with dark hair and a tbin visages- when ho Ml here, lie waa dressed in country jeans, and riding a bright hay horse sup posed 4o be worth $60 or 870. Ho had Tn bis cossesMon 854 of bank notes of the following de. scriptiom viz : A 20 note on the Bank of Colum bus, two other $5 notes on other Georgia banks 810 dollars in South Carolina, bill and a 1 note on the State liank ol rt. Carolina, all ol which 1 paid him towards 4 8n note of hand forged upon Wm. II. Thomas W Cherokee county. Also a dark drub orer-ebat pattern, with necessary trim? ings, consisting in part of red padding, and flan nel, cotton drilling, and dark pearl buttons. The above reward will be given for the said Thomas Grrrlee if delivered with his horse, and any part of the above described goods anc) cash, or 825 for bis person alone, i ' t ' T Asheville, Nov. 6, 1340. .".23 All editors friendly to justice will' please rive the above a few insertions. II 3 Jirav M.lq uor Cordials Sic. J. COCIIE, FRENCH COOK, CONSTANTLY keeps on hand, all kinds of W'inca, Liquprs, Cordials, Confectionary, Bread, Sea., Ac., etc. .. t J 7" Ho can cook, in My best r reneh style, on iliort notice, any dish that may be desired. An apprentice will be taken to learn the Baking business. i ''-' He also wishes to hire a woman woo is capable of doing all kind of hoose1 work. " ' 4 , tea Ashevdle, Oet 6, State o(. iTortli Carolina, MACON COUNTY. .Original Supplemental BUL lUSHvGaaov, ) Wm. D. Smith and Maloit B. Pattox. 1 '" K: IS EOHTI-FALl tERM, 184D. IT appearing to tho satisfaction of the Court, that William D. Smith, one of the defendants in this case, does not reside within the limit or this State It ia ordered that publication be made in tlie " Highland Messenger" for six successive weeks, notifvtnff "tlio said defendant, William D. Smith to appear at tlie next Court of Equity to bo held for. tho county of Macon, nt the court house in Franklin, on the 4th Nonday in March next. (1641) to answ-or plaintiff's bill of complaint. or judgment pro eonfesso will be entered against him, and the cause act for hearing as to him ex parte. . .. Wilnc. Sii'L Smith, clerk and master of our aid Court of Equity, at office, the 4tb Monday tn September, A. V. isio. SAUL SMITH, C. M. E. Printerti fee, 5 50Q 61-21 niankat Blanks!! tiX JUST printed, and for sale at the " Measengcr" . Office, a new assortment of IfLANKS among which aro Constables' Warrant, with Judgements and Executions Superior and County Court Solicitor' Indictments for Affrays, Aasaulta, etc, etc. - " 0"A11 orders fur Blanks of any kind, promptly attended to. i Asheville, July 9 1, 1840. 8 Notice. I HEREBY fofwam all persons from trading tor five- Bonds, or Note, grvcir-by morlo Robert Rogrra for tiiirty dollars each given in December, 1839. The consideration of raid bonds having totally failed, I do not intend paving them- Tlie aaid bondsare in tlie possession of Edmnnd 8. roster; and a suit will be instituted in Equity against the said Robert Rogers, Edmond S. Foster and others, respecting the said bonds and the con sideration for which tlicy were giver!. , October 30, 1840. .c pWl by awior-thifitie will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to the estate are ten lies ted to eotnc forward and make navmenu - JftSHUA ROBERTS, ) CAU1N PATTON, ( Auirastl8. 1810. ' 12 3tv. , NOTICE. A PPLICATION will be made at the next Y9l Session of the Lcgiiuaturc of North Carolina to Incorporate the Ashevillg Femalo Seminory, and tlie Boarding House connected with the same. .. "; : ' Oct 6lh, 1840. " if 18 lmi thm. and hooea bv nil attention to business, that it will be renewed, and it will be thankfully received. - .... , 4 ; 1 . l GOfJ-OTHUN WALKER. ' llambrirg, Aug. 8, 1840. 6m 1 ii The Mecicnirer at Aabcville. . C. and Moan. afesncnirer ai rcnaieion. insert the above six months, and send their accounts to O. W. STATE OF NORTH CAPvOLINA, fjBurke County. Oscik eIMf,-P.Wilxis, i Qj Public. James Urro.VAanil others, J In Equity. SPRINOTERM, 1840. Johnson & Du rant's Printing Ink, always . hand, for sale oy . BURGES & WALKER, March 3, 1840. v -. - . ' , PROSPECTUS For publishing a Religious Periodical, to he entitled THE: LADIES' HI05ITOE. IT is intended that this periodical shall be adapt, ed to tho literary, moral and religious culton of the female mind." It Will il possible blend tk. TTT annearinr.to tlie satufaclion of tlie Co JL tlmtthedefendanui,LemiielWreaver and wile l'wvPa with the aweet" the-mstruetive-vrhknr Jane, Elizabeth Upton. Jr, Thomas Upton and I entertaining. It Will consult the various seat James Upton, are residents of another rtateii tious and relatons of woman, and will address, is ordered that publication be made in the " Hijfft. admonitions to the lowly and tlie opulent-M land Messenger" for six successive weeks, notify sister, the daughter, the wife, and the mother; 14 inn- tlie said defendants to appear at the next Court will urtre on all. tho motives to dutrl and Drrm A LL person indebted to the subscribers by I of Equity, to be held at the court horns in Mar-'1,iTe, to Christian charity and beniucencc. "i JSL book account of twelve months' standing, I ganton, on tlie 7th. Monday after the 4th Monday a;m wiU be to constitute it a monitor to the yonn, NOTICE. are requested to call before or during the term of our bupenor Court, and close their accounts by note or cash. All persons indebted to us by note aro requested to make payment. Many of our customers can pay ns a Utile money, which will be thankfully received. F. Sc. M. PATTON. Asheville, Oct- 9,1840. pt-rlB , in September, 1840, to answer Plaintiff's Bill of Complaint, or judgment pro conlrsso, . wm oe entered against them, and the cause act for hcar inir as to them exparte. ' S ' Witness, Thomas WnSeTT7Clcrrand"Maler of our said Court' of Eauity, at office; the 7th Monday after the' 4th Monday in March, 1840. , . THOMAS W. SCOTT, CM. E." Printer's fee, $5,00.1 6swl5 nanfef to hire. ; LIBERAL wajres will be given for a smart, active NEGRO MAN, who can come well recommended. He will be "hired by the month or year, according to the wih of Uie owner. jr Apply at this omcc. . , ucu mi. Notice; APPLICATION will bo mode to the next Ses sion of the Legislature of North Carolina for an act to incorporate the town of Asheville. uct. aui. jaiu. . u ta MARRIAGE LICENSE, BONDS, &c., Saprrior and Connty Conn WriK VI E have now on hand, and shaH"coflt?nne V V to keep, a large and general assortment of I printed on good paper, and in the latest style, which Till be sold on the usual terms. Wc now have . Constables' Warrants, 1 . ' .- t " Ca. Sa's. and Bond,. " w Superior Court Ca. Sa'a, County Court Road Orders, .v T" " " Executions, ..... Guardians' Bonds, Apprentices' Indentures, : v. Appearance Bonds, Constables' Delivery Bonds. ; ' . , Superior Court Witness Tickets. ' County Court e do. do. County Court Ca. Sa's, &cn Ac., etc.. And are now prepared to print to order, in tlis neatest manner, every description of Blanks. - ' ' O AU orders for Printing of any kind will be promptly attended bv , '. $ " Messenger" Office, '" ) . i 1 . Asheville June S, 1840. I noons, nooKS. A HANDSOME lot of new Religious BOOKS, consisting, in part, of Clarke's Commentary on the Old and New Testa. ments, 6 vols, royal octavo. Wesley's Sermons, 3 vols, royal octavo, . Watson's do. - " Watson's Biblical and Theological Dictionary. . Coral's Biblical Dictionary for Sabbath Schools, (a new wrork.) Travels in different ports of Europe in 1836-7, by ' WUburFisk.ST.D. Parents' Friend,- or Letters on the Education of Children, by Rev. D. Smith Child's Magnxine, 16 vols. - ' ' ' Voyages and Travels, compiled from the mostai thcnUc sources, 14 vols. -Evancrelical Rambler, 13 vols. A great variety of Sabbath School Spelling, Read. ing, (Question and Hymn tfooka, &.c &-e. NOTICE. WISH ta sell the wefl-kiiowtr Stand 5 miles below tlie Warm Springs, Jf', tr ana ono oiiic auu u nuu buutc t uuiiru- J&i, Rock, on the public road on trench troud Kivcr. ITicre-are n ONE HUNDRED i.D SETESTF ACKES OF LAND in r.ulUvation, and ONE HUNDRED ACRES niifht be cleared. ' It is one of the best STOCK STANDS in the neighborhood, and suite a business man very well. I have a Nursery of the. Munis Multicaulis. With or without it, I will sell the farm as it suits the purchaser. - r-t - , . I should likq to have a part of the money, if it is not practicable to make the whole payment, when possession is given. - For further informa tion, call at my house "v"" :. . . . ,S P. II. NEILSON. itJlly Grove, N. C, Oct 12, 1840 tf-19 . : Police. - THE subscriber having taken out Letters of Administration on the estate of MARTHA GUDfJER, dce'd., notifies all persons indebted to the Estate either by note or otherwise to make payment to tho Administrator immediately. Per sons having claims against said estate must pre sent them legally authenticated within the time prescribed by Law, or this notice will be plead in Bar of their recovery. . I L. S. GASH, Admin, Asheville, N.O, Oct 22d 1840. 4.20 an entertaining remembrancer to ths-oircles of tar drawing-room, a gnuro to in? matron m tho ui. ions care of Ui&nur-rV,Biid an aid to the drw tions of the ctostt and the snnctuurr. , ' To ajtirfn tliose ends, it wiQ embrace several . partmenU,litera!rv, theological, and miecelhae. 60s; and will avail itself, as far as possible, of 1 treasures of history, of biography, and of genmi science of whatever Is solid in didactic, or cbs and Iniiliful in joclic conipnwilinn, laslly as chiefly, it will be in its general character, Eiilicd seeking,, amid the unfathomable treasures of Ik Christain revelation, whatever is'cncliantin. cmbch'iliinrnt-whutcvcr is rich, and sanetifriar, 1 1 t- r 1 I I : . . I. . tnu pussiuiin nuuTen-iwrii faviug uuiii.. ' - ; 1KKM.H. , v' The Ladies' Monitor, will be piiblitlicd montili by the agents of the Methodist Book CoNrM.1,11 Cincinnati, Ohio, on fine paper, of twcnty.twoR. ges.superoyal octavo, with a neatly printed eowr. at two dollars per annum, payable invariably ia k, vance. The first numlicr will be issued the Iris' January, 1841 ; provided tho patronage obtaiari will juatify-the publication. Q . NOTICE. A ND a general assortment of other Blanks. . ? . ,.J . .. . tl,n ina, nd 1 1th wilnn. f n .1 ,iij . 2. Inst printed, in superior stvle. FotkuV. . ymwnfnnan, - a vanery jkr. I. JZJ. government to. t.or,g.nal this otSee.at our usual moderate Mice. C : onJcc . ; ,: .4 rMMll AM.mhlr ,n(itw .r. .m ,X u. Air .j -fW ncverthek a ia itun T " , . . . - A largo npr.iy oi neugious iTacis. fr' I Z.V.uiLu . i".-.Ju- ,i " mi j " I "Pinions of Uiose who ditfur . r ' -: ' ' " " 2 Au of which will be sold low for caslu Enquire " "y "J "'. columns will be open to a - T r .l- .. . a - , I fwhicn ku rramed at Die Inst muin.1 to ml I ' . . PROSPKnT(7S awnconiro 01 tan -messenger. i r - tl . , ri, V 1 ail political subjects, and It wUI . r I A.hfvlli JnnA IHAfl ' 1 wuhhie miv..um,, ui innmiBUll- I l l r 0THB WESTERN-CAROLINA TEMPERANCE ADVOCATE ) A momniu tmprr, arxaita to int A emperanct aiHTitn sv D. a. m'ajcxixt. A TEMPERANCE COxWENTION that was il. held at this place early in September,rcsolv. ed on publishing a paper of the above title and character and appointed Dr. John . Dickson and U. K. -it Anally to conduct it rom tliemany p resiling engagements Dr. Dickson already has. no deems it impracticable for him to be recognized as one of the' editors, though he will cheerfully ue all bis iiiQucnen otherwise, to promote its in terest ; the subscriber therefore, in obedience to the wishes of tho convention proceeds to issue Uiis prospectus in his own namr, with a hope that ho will be aided in tlie. undertaking by all the friends of the temperance cause throughout the country, and that the paper may soon have an ex tensive circulation. , FsiRXDS Or TBS TcMrESAKCR Caws! tWTOtl' we moke a most earnest appeal while thousands upon, thousands ol dollars are annually ejpen at theatres, at circuses, at tlie race track, or i reery, while no pains are spared, the luxury of re: tiremcnt and case foregone, and no labor decmcp too severe to advance the interests of political as pirants, can you not do something in a cause that must be dear to every true, patriot, philanthropist, and christian T Recollect there are but few. m. few, mich paper iri all tho Southern country. The Western part of North Carolina, the West ern part of Virginia, and the Eastern part of Ten. nessee particularly, need a periodical of this kind. and it is for yon now to say. whether 'they shall hive it . j The very low price at which it waa fija-d bv the Convention will make it necessary that aery large 'subscription be had before the publicai jon ot-it ean be justified. , . ' I tlie first number will be issued early in January I Stephen-Ulasner next " .... lWm Greene TERM. JjHumphric Ths WsTT.k! Uakolixa Tkmperaxce Apvocats will be published oh a medium sheet in quarto form, each number making eight pages, and will be furnished to subscribers at the very low price of nrrv crvraa copy. Where single copies are taken the payment mint be made invariably upon the reception of the first number. Opostmater, editors or publishers of papers and all Ministers of tlie gospel are authorized agents. J.' , ' All papers mrndiy 10 tne cause, wm please give the above a few insertions. , . - IIST OF LETTERS Tj EMAIN1NG in the Post Office at Asheville, 11 NrCl. on lc lf oTOcfober. I84CcwWch not taken ont before the- 1st of January next, will bo sent to Uie General Post Office as dead letters Abner Aiken ' Joel Butler 3 John McBaird Iraac Bunting ft Bates -Ignatius Braice t ol p -M Butler Bcvil McEntire Chark's Moore Tboa McManus ' Mrs Sarah Morris Jacob Martin O Mcdaris x John Merrell PBOSPECTL'S (IF TIIB fTHE ib3eribrT propose topnbli.li at CaHma. JL- Anderson District, S.C by the first day ' September next, a weekly Journal of he abm title, of respectable size, and good paper, sad ho type, to be devoted to the dissemination of pojiti. cal principle, in accordance with ' a strict 'eft straction of the Federal Compact and the ex. trine promulgated by the JrUcrsonian Rrpublicu School. As consistent wilb those prinrinlet i will adrocatc tne electron of im. 11. Ilarrim, of Ohio to tho Presidenejr, and John Tyler, of Tj. ginia to tlie Vice Presidency of the United Stato, and win ecercisc all honorable means for the fiaV version of the present Administration, with a tra Conviction that its leading measure arc in diml hostility to tho prosperity and happiness of tW great mass of the Citizens of our Common l oo- try, j" It will observe a mild and digniht d tow, and aodres itself in plain- language, tor the ce mon sense of every class of citizens for what benefit it is designed." It will be the uneonipra. mising opponent of that ridiculous system of pre scription for opinion's sake adopted by the prrsrat mwm,n,Mu,i, aim -wm iiiiiiiiuini uie uue CUV- acter of an Independent public press. And although it will advocate the Election a Harrison and Tyler with all the seal and ability i can command, as the only hope of restoring tk purity and repnbucu treat with respect with ns, and st temperate discunrion at under no cirensv partizan. but that it will scrutinize every act of the Administration is the ti.nc being, and condemn or approve' as m redound to tho interest of the South. - Th IIiglil-.d Sentinel-will not-be -exelnsiTrh apohtical paper, but will devote much of its nmns, to Agriculture, Education, Literature, lbs AmosN . , . I " m.x. mil, iivnirinnuiiiriihUKrih im.wi ircrcur noune an Demon i :n - . . . it t . ' . . ui iw. era, timion io umrm incn a menu? ra niiire. io present uiem I -.r f..l . ......:: . ..... t properly anthenUcated, within Uie time prescribed to .Ult taste of all elan. f re.ders. TO. ALL WHOM IT XAl rONCEsT THE citizens of Hendersdn connty will peti lion tJic legislature of tlie State of North Carolina, nt its next Session, for the enactment of a Statute which may obviate, disannul, and make void, whatever may have been done with regard to the location of the town of Henderson. ville ; and also for an act which may so repeal the fills in the free voters of Henderson county, to I be determined by an election st each election pre cinct in said county, upon a given day. . -.Qct 9, 1840. ..bt 18 Tni" .. u- l. i : . , . .... uiuus, h vgricuiiuir, uuucauon, XHicraiure 'r h.RT'.nf takC" 7u 8pCC'al " donees, History, Novelties A, KM. Jni; JM "t UonKuPn.ftho I? 01 ment, the Turf, Field sporta, W markeTs. Ac Noble Johnson, dee'd, hereby notifies all persons -in .JL.. u. D Ball or M Freeman Jas or Saml McCarson Ja M Brooks ' Jonathan Merrell Jas M ItumeU - Wm B McEntire T L Clingman 5 - Wm L McRee George Candler " B W Newland Miss $ L Cockrn Col of the 82d Regt , ' Joseph 8 Chunn 2 . , Jas C Nauglian - A B Chnnn , John B O'Neal! Henry Carrol v ' James Patton's Hardin JasCso - Rev H N Pbarr Sarah Cook 3 " . "NN Pcnland MrAMr S ChetboroughWm Parham A Culvcrson or ' 1 Hiram T Price Ja Rutherford ( J B Penly by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate, are requested to come lorwhrd and mnke payment I war n v - . a. V " . . y. l. JUMSUK, Adm. Aug 18, 1840. - f '- 14ct - The subscriber, a -few weeks 'since issued prospectus of the Southern Time and General Is U lligcncef, -hirh w designed to- occupy Jif. tral ground in Politics, he was not aware at tb time that South Carolina would enter the arena af President making with the earnestness that she likely to do. But having been dissappointed" that expectation, and not willing to stand ataf from an - important political ' contest, has thai changed his purpose and has issued this prosper. J E Dent Wm Davis . v Wm Debose Mrs. E Duncan Wm Elgin Gen E II Edwards 3 WC Foster John Frrcbce 3 Wilson Ken-bee 3 Nathaniel Ferebee Tho Foster Col Jas Gadsden 3 JuaGudger Saml Glover Wm Garrett Ellinor C Toreher Col John S Preston Jas Patton David Rymcr Miss Ann A Roberts Joshua Roberts 3 Bamet Statham ' Mordoeai Solomons Elizabeth Stuard Richard Sondlcy RE Sutton . . John Thraah RTwdil I.evl Trapp Mrs E F Thomas Maj E W Tate N W Woodfin W H Wilson PROSPECTUS OF '- A Mifeelitmeoiu paper, dnottd ta Iitrrnlurf. AirrirHllure,Miralilv, Amusement. At. Ac . s wuun w.many tne present undertaking I f..,n.in. i ,: j 1 hthZLet 'ng "-rally (but more particularly in this District s. Thtdavh'eiri. From tic very short time unta lie nropc-es gef point the of&pnng readv to rise in mini. I n... .l , i . ', . .. . . aneeagainsthi..ire;tohievehi.puTposs. And iSiZZX iT r. !. however ardent may be our rUtical attmnat to S2j Ttf T, forthw,th fhe"" " this or iJksf partv. we rf,aH cautiovTrTn J V' (PtF. - - . - ' : . " I w iiirouirn Uleir I'ostmnsterpl In I allimin Ajiaer- exirssing any opinion relaUve to National affki, Di5iet q r . . ; l! T' T.ut which would tend m the least to disseminate the StWf " .1 i seeds of discorded rtrife. that m .Iredy Z tSelriS fn. .,. ii j . ' 3 mterest for the cause of reform, and mar find s far, too numerous, as well as too destructive to the peace and prosperity of our country. Hence, in regard to political affairs we shall oh. serve a strict neutral ground-, admitting into columns nothing neither for nor against our party preferences. Knowing the incalculable enjoyment of . hear, ty good laugh, wr shall regularly furnish our read. wade Hampton r.lssnheth 1 UaJton, era with a sketch af tlie riii.qfo,,, Qun shall Abel Harris N B Whitfield be a reapite from tlie noise and clamor of political David Ilenncs . Mrs Stracy Webb contention, where ererv man ma dwell ;.. f i t :.k tu. i , . J r " .ui uiiii m i uiuniie wiuioui icar oi moiestntmn. BenfaniiffKiHg- V King f TEXDITIOXI EXPOXAS, ' JUSTjinted and fcr sale st this office, on onr usual fcws. Sept. 25, l4. I Wm W KiUian Joel Lervis M Lervis Saml Murray Alexander Mazyck ,. Dr P P Mazvek Miss Ann M Mazick m- . ' .ura luooan Oct 1 U10. WM. J McD WhTlson MrsJ B White Jas M Williams Wm i L Webb R Williamson N Walaford Joseph Wright Joseph Wilson ' Oscar Willa John B Whiteside inconvenient to. mix with the eotnmuiu'ty in pi curing subscribers between this and Uuj proposes time of publjcation will return any number sf names under ii guarantee; that may think they can procure. 'The prss throughout tlie eountrjr si requested to copy this prospectus. . - TERMS. T?rl,riKMlaIl4 "''nel will be ptihlishrd at ?i- aovance, or if paid m Tour month from u time of subscribing, , 53,00 if paid after months and within thejrear ; and 30 if paid bt thind of the year. Gentlemen who obtsa six subscribers and become responsible for the" a week on a Superior-roval sheet, at the low price iLz- e"tl0edto CTcnth number gratis, s of $1 50 in advance-, 00 at the end o f six 7"'' W'D bereccived for less than a ye . j ri"1 ."conunuca unui au anearagn paid nules at the option of tho Editor. :. T -- -T J.P.REEtl. August 1st, 1840. , Ths Tenkesseb Mibros will be published once months, and S3 50 at the expiration of the year. No siibsciption will be received for a less perk COLEMAN. P. M. -18 than one year, unless paid for at the tim nT-k scribing. VALENTINE GARLAND. Unabethton, TcnnM Atlgost, 1840. rtONSTABLES' DELIVERY BONDS lb, . v Blank Ieds. A IARGE supply, printed on firstrate pep for sale at this Ofrie. em mml term. a-- , , Oct. 16. - . 0"- " IJVT. i -i 71 -I A 4 .. 1 --f A. i;

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