j ,. . -, ' comparatively lew, tlie salaries low;, awl the expenditures of the Government, in cluding the amount annually paid on ac - count of the pubjic debt, were about one third .of the anuunt afterwards expended by President Jackson, when the public debt was discharged. , Men were'selected to fill nffimiyi th nrinr-.inln rf Mr lufTannn Via' cause they were faithful and honest, and re. taincd as Ions at they remained so. Pro. scription, under the paltry arid deceptive guise of reform, was unknown; and Mr. Tvdanis was, in fact, the President of the Nation, and not of a party, as his successor had promised, but failed to be. The ap. (ointment of .Mr. Clay, to be. Secretary of ... - . 7 ? - ' J ' I I- ouiie, was seizea upon as an evidence 01 " bargain and corruption,'1 and this outcry was reechoed and repeated, with a species of cuckoe frequency, till theTeo(de began' to credit the silly Blunder, and believe in the corruption of one of tlie purest Ad. ministrations with which this country had perhaps ever been blessed. The party be. came in facjUhe party of a man pd not of yiiH:iiRjs. n was empimucaiiy me Jticg . i . . . . - .1 r f mm yuny, iiavmg lis ueginning in ana mov in;? and breathing through, Jackson alohei It is true that all the arts, deceptions and irmnecuvers or the mere politician were re. sorted to and practised by those who advo. cated his. pretensions "to the high office to which they ."wished to elevate him;' unfit - was the man, and not the principle, whom they in reality supported, 'and aroud.whom they rallied as their id A and their cljief. jvnowing, too, mat names are olten more ,; eflocu've with the people than truths, they had the baldness to claim to bo the exclu. hive Democrats, and to constitute the pure democracy of the country. The Atftninis. 1 ration of Mr. Ailnma wa n ronulilw'-nn Al. ministration, and the republicans, or dent. ocratsol the old school, were its suppart.- ers ana menus, out alter tins new party started into life they found, to their aston ishment, that, though' adopting the theories anq pursuing the principles by which all - tlie republican Presidents had heretofore been governed, they no longer belonged to the democracy of tho country, but were classed among and denounced as federal. 1st and aristocrats. .The principles which they had adopted-were those of Jeffcrson and Madison. Their" republicanism was based upon tho Constitution thyy were iimlousof and inimical to. cvercrown Exec. HlilMtA'lttrop 9 Ami th Htftftfiti. ami frlnnAa uf the equal rights of 4he People and of a fair and equal Ir'preserTlationV which should not be controlled by Executive influence. " When these principles arc compared with those adopted by what was called the demo cratic Administration of Jacksod-if, in. deed, it was governed by any fixed prioci pics at all munkind will bo astonished at the blind infatuation and delusion which could lead an intelligent People to believe' in the democratic feelings of a man -who had assumed all the powers of the Govern, inufit, legislative and judicial, as well -as executive --violated Ihe'CinstUution . and laws of his country : treated as enemies his countrymen forexcrcising tho privilege "of thought and of action, to which, as free men, they were entitled ; trampled under foot the rights of his fellow-citizens ; treat, cd with scorn and contempt tlie privileges of the other co-equal and co-ordinate branch, cs of the Government; and had even gone so far as to dictate his successor to the na. tion. i Party feeling is too apt to wrap the judgment, and hence evils are tolerated which would not otherwise be allowed to - esisft 4n were'miaiea and grossly de ceived. ; Where ignorance did not prevail . the tiitterucss. of party animosity, or tho equally potent influence of self.iuterest and ambition, directed and impelled those to action who would otherwise have seen -no. thing ta complain of, and would have been disposed rather to applaud than to condemn the administration ot men whose motives , were "patriotic and ' virtuous, and whose minds were Admitted to be enlightened and vigorous. , . " . - The friends of Gen. Jackson In toth H iuses of Congress, continued, during the " whole Presidential term of Mr. Adams, to pour out their anathemas, to propagate all that was calculated to excite and mislead - thfr puWie-mind j an444abor-with-4inceas-ing assiduity , to undermifc and destroy his . Administration. The first subject of com- Slaint was tlie. excessive patronage of the Executive ; and, 'with a view to its limi tation and reduction, a committee was rajs. A in the Senate, in 1826, at the instance o( Thomas H. Benton, to inquire into the .expediency of reducing'' U. This com inittee consisted of Messrs Benton, Van iurenrT R. jtt.-' jonnson, niacun, mm, t Findlay, Dickerson, Holmes, and uayne, who made a report on the subject, , from which a lew extracts may be taken to show the difference between the theories and prac- ticcs dpollticiana when In power and when j out of power . ! The committee In this report express their" conviction" that'the patronagef the Executive " way and ought to be dimin - ished." They claim for the Senate the control ov r appointments to office, and as sert that it would be acting in the spirit of the Constitution in laboring to multiply the guards and to. 'strengthen the barriers against the possible abuse of power. . The ' report speaks of the number of office-hold-; : ers as being veryjarge and still rapidly in. creaamsr.and maintains inai - eacn person 'employed will have a circle of greater or less diameter of which he is the centre and soul a circle composed of friends and re. lations and of individuals employed by him , self on pUbhcW on private account." It proceeds to dell upon the alarming and coTrrnue ecative patronage. atw points out precise ' " ... - . "ry UiestaterofnWngs-which subsequently existed during the Admlnrstration oi rresu dent Jackson. " The power of patronage" the author of the report observes. " unless thecked by the vigorous interposition of Congress, must go on increasing until t ed. eral influence, in many parts of this Con. federation , will prtdominaU in elections as omoletelv as British Influence, predomln. atcs in the elcctionj-of Scotland and Ireland in rotten borough towns, and in tlte great naval stations ot Portsmouth and Plymouth. He takes it for granted that the whole of this great power will centre in the President and proceeds to put the nation upon its guard against this danger " The King of England is the ' fountain of honor; the President of the United States is the source of patronage. . lie pre mi-isa fiv& v trsa sTintino stuff f Federal-ap-4 pointihents, jobs, and contracts:' he has 4 power' over the 1 support' of the Individu', als who administer thcreystern. He makes and unrgpkes them. lie chooses from the circle of his friends and supporters, and may dismiss them, and, upon all the princi pies of human action, will dismiss them, as often as they disappoint his expectations. tits spirit will animat their actions in all the elections- to Slate and Fedtral offices. There may be exceptions, but the truth of a general rule is proved by the exception- The intended check and control of the Sen ate, uniAoui new constitutional or statutory provisions, trill cease to operate. Patron age will penetrate this 5drf,subdue its ea- vacitu of resistance, chain it to the car of power, and enable the President to rule as easily and much more securely with than without the nominal check of the Senate'1' " We must look forward to'.the time when the nomination of the President can carry any man through the. Senate, and his re commendation can carry any measure. through the two. Houses of Congress ; when the-principle of public action will be open and avowed the President wants my vote, and I want hi patronage ; I will vote as he wishes, and he will give me the office I wish for. What will this be but the Govern ment of one man 7 and what is the Uovern ment of one man but a monarchy T" " This. was followed tip in the, House of Representatives by a resolution introduced by Mr;Saundere7oTIJcitB13arolina, cajl ing upon the Secretary of State to. report whatchanijes had been made in tlie news. papers which printed the laws, and his rea sons for such changes. It was asserted By tho mover of this resolution that this system of removal was " calculated to operate, anew did actually operate, as far as it went, to control the freedom of the press, and to en. list throughout the country that powerful in. strument in behalf of tho yiews of the State Department. In this respect it was much more effectual and much more dangerous It was further contended by Mr. fon, of South Xtaroliua, Uiat..TUho'-Mr-T two presses (the number uien employed to Eublish the laws of the United States) would e put on the diet of a wholesome regimen. 1 ne sturdy and independent would be turn ed out to be fed on such offals as they might be able to pick up, until tlie whole pack should open in full and harmonious cry, in one common note, fwm the sturdy mastiff that howls at the door of the Treasury to the most starveling turnspit that barks on the furthorest verge of our frontier." " If (lie continued) the Secretary of State can so apply the patronage of the Government as" nourish to venal accord , eighty-two presses in our country to praise every thing the-Administration should dot and subject their proprietor to the punishment of the loss of this patronage if they dare to cen sure its measures, this forms distinctly a Government presV, which is more alarming to the liberties of the People than the organ. ization of the whole of Gen. Brown's army of 6,000 men, formed into the guard of the palace. Such were the language and sentiments of thefrienda of the nan who succeeded in being elevated to the Execu. tiye chair sentiments whir.h they found it convenient to forget or disregard when power was placed in their hands, and when they had an opportunity to exhibit their sin- cerity and tlie purity of their intentions:,: It willMaeenia the history of the Admin, istralion of President Jackson how grossly the patronage of the Government was abus ed, now tho press" wassubsidized, now recklessly men were thrown out or elhce, and others paid for their party devotion, and how wantonly tho public money .was expended without a murmur of complaint from those who had so eloquently lamented over and portrayed the dangers" wliich threatened the liberties of the country from tliepatRJBflgrmployebythethen--Exec; utive of the nation. I he expenditures ot The following devetapmenta made by an tditor who-bad belonged to the Jaekaoa parlvbtit whose conscience and independence of mind wotttd not suffer him to be a quiescent tool in the bandi of designing demagoaea, will ahow to what ex. tent the party, wben anconslul, earned taeir pro. fligate and ambitious views s " A small band of desperate men," says the ed. itor of tits Punosylrautaa in 1834, then the lead. ing Administration paper in Philadelphia, - under the Excitement and Inumpn or his (Jackson's; election, having succeeded to worm themselves into the subordinate offices at Washington, bare availed themselves of that popularity anc) success to create one of the moat ferocious tyrannies Uiat ever reared it head in a country calling itself tree and intelligent. During the last two or three yean, this unseen and irresponsible body of indi viduals, contesting principally of subordinate offi cers of the Executive 4iorernmcnt at Washington and elsewhere, have created j eonfedermey and organized a power which has for its purpose an entire change in the Government of the United States, as established by the patriots of the Revo, lution, and guarantied by, the principles of the existing Constitution. .This irresponsible cabal, who control and write for the official journal, call, ed the Globe, have made in twelve months more ranid strides to subvert public liberty, destroy the checks of .the Constitution, degrade Congress, disgrace the Cabinet, tubvtrt lie hnerry of th ureas, than a militarr leader, with fifty thousand bayonets at his back, could hare achieved in 20 years. One of the principal elements of this eon. spiraey is the orgtaixalion M. tks goeernmnt nffi. cert and tkt mnepaptr frtn throughout the conn, try, in the shape of. a permanent i body of police, empowered to circulate the decrees of the central conspirators, denounce toe refractory, destroy ine nower ana preiwiun ai ine urcuura wiumui the slightest regard to the Constitution or laws of the country. The Globe la the organ of tbe prime conspirators. Its principal editor is Amos Ken dall, Fourth Auditor. He is the master-spirit of the eonfederaey, and contrives a well as executes the reneral plans of spoliation, and.Me individual executioner of the refractory, be be either Cabinet minister, memoerot tongress, or newipoper edi tor. When a new editor or any standing or taj. enta begins business, be is bwuedUtely writtca to by the oonsptrators at Washington, In the same of the President, or oi tne reepuoircan-party, ana a core i rakcd ut tor ha pcil fuidncc." the Government were at this time consid ered so alarming and enormous that a com. fnittee of retrenchment was' raised in the House, in 1828, consisting of seven meni bers, five of whom were the fnendsof Gen. Jackson, to consider and report upon the subject.' I ne.resull of their investigation was, that the expenditures were unneceasa. rily great, and ought to be reduced; that tlie officers of the Government were too nu merous; the expenses or Congress; too heavy, and tlie sessions too long ; that these should be reduced by making the compen satjon of the members, during the first ses sion of each Congress, two dollars) per diem and that this was all that could be done un. til the friends of reform should be put in the possession of power. These reports were published in great numbers by the two. Houses, at the public expense, and ind triously spread over every habitable portion of the Union. Members assiduously em ployed themselves in .franking these and other party slanders, prepared by tlie Cen tral Committee of the District of Columbia and transmitting them to all . who would read. For this duty many of them- were afterwards rewarded with office. In the Senate, Mr. Benton, chairman of the com mittee already mentioned , reported, in 1820, several bills, among which were one toTegulate the publication of (he laws of the United states and of public advertise, ments, by which the selection was to be made by the Senators and Representatives from each State, and the delegates, from the Territories; and one to secure in offi ce faithful collectors, dec., which provided, among other things, that mil nominations made by the President to fill vacancies oc casioned by removal should be accompa nied by a statement of the reasons for which the officer bad bert removed. As soon, however, as the Jackson TSTrty came Into powerT11 a change came overlhe spirit of their dream," and th Secretary of Stnte was allowed to subsidize or "control tlie freedom of the press" to any extent he pleased, without the least objection or the slightest breath of censure froralhe party which had succeeded ; and when the oppo sition requested to know the reasons of the wanton and unprecedented removals of meritorious officers'! from public employ, ment by President Jackson , his supporters were filled with i ndignntion at the insolence of such a request, and declared thafthe Ex Ilamil-jofCongress, and 'that-if he were guiltxpr any uuenieanor jCtlie xonstitutionalaad only remedy was impeachment. As an illustration of the contrast present ed between the prbmises and perforrnances of the party which subsequently succeeded in acquiring the control of the Government , it may be proper togive here a lew indis putable facts. Tlie number of publishers of the laws was increased from 82, to 110, and all, as far as practicable, supportera of the Administration; the appointments of members oi Congress were greater tlian those of all preceding Adminwt rations to gether; the number of custom house officers which had been complained of by tho com. inittee of the Senate in 1 820 , had increased from 174 to 414, and the compensation from 119,062 39 to $109,669 32, in ad. dition to which they wero allowed in New York, in 1828, upwards of $53,000. -The expenses of collecting the revenue of the United States had increased from $889,. 327 in 1828 the last year of the Adminis.' tration of Mr. Adams, to $1,414,528 in 1836, the last year of the Administration of President Jackson, being an average annual increase of upwards of $75,000, with a diminution rather than a corresponding in crease in the business of the, custom-house department, and the whole annual expendi tures of tho Government had increased in a A w years from $12,163,438 to upwards of $26', 000,000. The clamor set up about retrenchment and reform, was nothing more than mere party along, and only used for party pur. poses. It had no reality, and was not in tended to be carried out. Tho object of the opponents of President Adams was the de struction of his administration at all haz ards, and by the employment of every means within their power. . The opposi tion was directed not against the impolicy or oppression of measures or the- vice and incompetency of men, but, as was" observed on the floor of the House, by an eloquent member from Baltimore, 'f It was a pre meditated, forea vowed hostility to each and every adherent of the Administration, and to each and every measure it should pro pose,"' and it was openly and profanely declared that the Administration should be assailed and destroyed though it were " as pure a the nngels "artheTight-hand of God.$ This was accomplished, and the events and measures which have been at tempted to be sketched in the following pages will show tne evils which have reH suited from too easy and implicit a belief on the part of the People in the hollow pro fessions and deceptive declarations of reck, less politicians and. demagogues .whose great aim was the acquisition of power, the gratification of ambition, or the emolu ments of office, without much regard to tbe interests of their country, or the happi nessand welfare of their fellow-citizens. , A dry joke. A dry joke; as it is term ed, sometimes furnishes as much food for laughter as the lively repartee er well adapt ed pun. An English paper sayazthat the nime of a juror, on the list at the Court of King s Bench, being called the other day, upon not answering, the usual notice that he would be fined was denounced against him, upon which a person who stood by very travely said' to the Court: "You may fine htm as much ak-ou please, but IdoniX think you wtu ever recover the fine, wn I I saw faim buried about a week agq.!. The Locofocos were but recently build ing all their hopes upon the belief that Gen. Harrison would not " come out," as they expressed it Well, the General has come out, and Van Burxn must go out Reading only furnishes the mind with materials of knowledge. Ti thinking rnakeqwbfrt we read ours. . LATE FROM TEXAS." I3y. tlie arrival of the packet schr. Henry Clay, from Galveston, which reached this port last evening, we have Houston date to the 14tb mat. ; But little news of importance is received by the arrival. d The Houston Star of the 13th October saysS' ti A gentleman who left tlie camp of the Federalists on the ISeuces a few days since, has informed us that the Federal army un. derCanales recently overtook the rear guard of Arista near Camargo, and after a slight skirmish defeated it without any loss on their parti ad captured sou men and all baecage of the enemy. A large number f good muskets and several pieces of ar. tillery were also captured. Among the prisoners was aq officer named Uriea, who had aided in the massacre of Zapata, in consequence of which he was executed. Gen. Canales had succeeded in cutting off Aru4a4rofn tlie road to Metantoras, and he was therefore retreating with great precipi tation towards Monterey ; the forces under Cannles wereyithjn one day's march of mm, ana were muKing every exertion io intercept him on his route to Monterey. The garrison at Metamoras consisted of only 100 men, and as a detachment was sent to capture the place', it has probably fallen into the hands oi the federalists." . Gen. Samuel Houston has been elected by a large-majority as one of the represen tatives from San Augustjpe county? , Tbe Br. barque Elizabeth, from Liver pool, has arrived at Matagorda, with a cargo of salt, coal and implements of husbandry, wira upwards of fifty emigrants. Da. Duncan. The defeat of this distin guished Administration leader is a signal rebuke-to his friends and associates, tie is of brutal manners knd principles; a fit tool consequently for the knaves and charlatans in power. Enjoying the conn. dence ol Mr. V an Uurcn, lie was the ire. quent guest, at hi9 table, and the companion of his morning rides. The. citizens : of Washington were more than once gratified by the exhibition of the President -'of "the United States, enjoying tlte early air in the comnnnv of his familiar Duncan. Ilia Vulgar and abusive speeches have forme,(i'a largo portion of the electioneering matter of the Locofoco campaign; and have pro. bnbly been quite as influential as A mos tt.... i:rn. r,:.r'T.r.- zxti pTendinTa Kxtra . (72Z. in tvrorlueinir thfi prcsrjirpcrtilicaJjX'fojTO.'J tion rallied all thcif" forces to retain his scat for Dr. Duncan; but the "sober sec. ond thoughts" of the people have condemn ed him to the retirement, where there will be ample scope for the exercises of air his virtues, and where JuV vices will.be less disgustingly obtruded on, the public notice. N. Y. Courier. ' Mohe Forgest ! Forgery seems to be tlie chief weapon of the administration. Id addition to the grand aflait-whichhas lately come offlnrNe wYorkr-we" have one en a small scale, but of not less daring atrocity, in our own state. . i-.. It is well known that the present Chief Justice of the United States (the Hon. 11. a. 1 aney l was formerly resident of t rede rick county, where he justly possesses a very great influence. The adherents of the Ad ministration there have resorted to . the extremity of forging his name to letters to persons with whom it was supposed his requests would have weight, in which they are exhorted not to abandon, the Adminis. tration. - Uno of these letters (addressed to Mr. Michael Null, near Emmittsburg) having been shown to Dr. Augustine la hey , (a Whig and relative of the Chief Jus tice,) he addressed a letter to -the latter, asking him if the letter to Mr. NuRjwas genuine. 1 he Chief Justice replied that it is a forgery t 1 he whole correspondence is published in the last Frederick Examiner. Bolt. PaL The Right or Scffbagb: A trial of much interest before the Supreme CourLof new Jersey, has just closed. Col Thomas Cadwallader, who was a native of Ewing in that State, and who in 1825, inherited the property on which he resided, and who paia proneny nnu personal taxes mere, had been in the habit of spending liiswrnteTirin New York "or Philadelphia : in the latter city he hired a house by the year for two years and lived in it; returning in the spring to his place in New Jersey. On attempt ing to vote at the State and Congressional election in 1838, his vote was denied on the grounds that he had lost his citizenship in New Jersey. He sued the Judges of the election and the court decided that his vote was unlawfully rejected, and judgment wa"sj entered accordingly. . ; Maine. The Quebec Gazette of Friday has this following extract of a letter on the movements of the North-east boundary surveying expedition, dated ' . . Riviere DE Lorp, Oct. 20. " The whole of the "American exploring Erty, with Professor Renwick, are now at ike Temiscouata ; they pretend to "have found out some highlands near the Toode lick Lake, which adjoins Temiscouata, by a river of the same name. , Capt. Hawkshaw R. E., and - Mr. Harvey (son of Sir John Harvey,) have just started in companV with Lieut. B rough ton, K. E., oneot ineimmissioncrs-thpy are going to Quebec for a day or two. Mr. Feather- stonhaugh remains here, and joins Lieuten ant Broughton at Riviere Ouelle, which they have to explore, and then they close their labors for the winter." f Z : f ' Amos Kendall's charge. The New York Courier" says-3" The Locofocos now say that Ajios Kendall s going into the F.y. tra Globe, was the prettiest piece of Jeremv Diddlerism of modern times. He'chareed along the whole line,' and took a dollar a piece from the entire standing army." " If the Sub-Treasury is an unwise sys tem, let it be proved so. Bring forward your witness.1 GoJe). The witnesses have gone forwaru-ome to Europe and some to Texas. . iMroiTAxr tioii Florida. The Sa vannah Republican of Oct. 21 , tavs t We have received from a fi iend in Fkr. Ida the following important informatioiMn relation to the Florida war. From the source it comes from, it may be relied on as correct 1 It was brought by the steamer Charleston, which arrived at Savannah on the 29th inst; ' : '" ' . - . Gen. Armistead" has suspended active operations for the present, in consequence of an agreement between him and the Sem inole Chief to hold a "talk" on the 10th inst, at which ime the chief says he la will, ins to make a treaty of peacer which he savs shall not be "svoUed"trtbt9 other treaties have been. , No one here has any confidence in him or his treaties;' yet you know Heaven is always better to us than our fears, and some good may grow out of it . . : . Stokx and Steamboat Accident. The Missouri met a tremendous gale in Saginaw Bcv on Friday night last during the early part of which the connection of the boilers j gave way and . let on the. whole, of the steam. Ine boat of course, became un manageable, and was drifted more than 75 miles by the hardest blow, ever known upon the lake. , The surges were overwhelmninsr rack. ing the boat at very scam, and dashing im. rtiense quantities of water into the hold at every swell Tbe passengers manned the pumps and kept her above wjatcr until tbe storm abated. The smoke pipes were blown away tlie lower portion of the wheel-houses daslied in and other injury done; but no lives lo3t len tons of goods were thrown over. board to lighten the vessel, during the gale. Detroit Daily Advertiser, OcL 26. John Qfincv. Adams. The Hon. John Quincy Adams has recently been unani mously nominated.-for rejection to Con. gressby the Whigs of his district, In his reply to. the letter asking bis acceptance he says : ; . V rrom the first Organization of tlie Gov. ernment of the United States, under their present constitution until very recently, a 'l-i. 'e j ii ! sense oi uecorum iniversuuy prevailing, has forbidden a President ol the United States from all active or even indirect can. yassing of votes for himself, and hasalike interdicted the eTercielnu Pre8identr-upo theeiection-efl- his 'successor. I have not felt mvself at liberry to depart from this rule, and there fore have abstained from attending at any of the public meetings held within the, last twelve months, with reference0 to the ap. preaching Presidential election. I have deemed it my duty to leave the people of this Union to make up their own minds. upon whom they will confer the honor, and impose the burden of their chief magistracy and in pursuance of the same obligation i have-retrained from addressing my eonamtWorifwealth and prodigy siuutMiis, ciun uj luuur, US 1 IIOU UCCBSKW allv done hefum ; but which cntild nnt have Tailed at, this time to be attributed to the de sire of influencing the election of die Presi dehK or even to a motive still more selfish rdid. It is a source of satisfaction to perceive that tlie people in all parts Union have made up their minds, needing exhortation or solicitation am, with great respect, gentlemen. your friend and fellow-citizen. J. Q. ADAMS. ; RESUMPTIOIf OF SPECIE PAYMENTS. The Banks are preparing for resumption, and we shall rejoice wben the act is accom plished. The war movements in Europe, tne increased importations into this country, the accruing interest on American stocks in Europe, and the consequent, demand for specie, may possioiy mane the resumption more oimcuit man was expected. v , - Since June last, the exports of specie, to Europe have been about $2,000,000, and probably as much more wilj be wanted to pay the interest abroad on American stocks. Still I weliope the resumption will take place. Business men and all should lend their ef forts to facilitate the process. According to the law of Pennsylyama,aha - JJ.JS..andI outer oanxs oi mat sxate must resume in January next, or be driven into liquidation. it tne u. a. Hank resumes, most of tbe Banks of the Union will follow her .exam ple, . The insolvents will go down. Alex. Gazette. - The riches op Michigan. A very ex tensive bed of bituminous coal of superior quality v sample of which has been sent us: has just been opened on the west bank of the Shiawassee river, near the village of Corona, Shiawassee county. This proves that our state-geolist, Mr Houghton, was rrect in his report to thie Legislature on this subject A large quantity has already been taken from the bedFree Press. - A DEEPLt AFFECTING SCENE. In the last Presbyterian Advocate, the Rev. Richard lea gives a most interestinz account of the sickness, religious exercises. 'and hannv. triumphant death of Mrs. Woods, wile of T sir - a . . lit. wm. woods, and daughter of the late Wm. Semple, who died near Lawrence ville.Oct 11, 1840. On her death-bed she called her children to her bed -side and thus addressed themr ' " T " " My' dear children. I cave vou to th. Lord in baptism : I have Draved for vou. and I leave you with him. Seek him early and you will find him. Your dying mother requests you to give yourselves awn v in Jesus Christ" She then, with a fremblimr 1hd7"wr6!e the following sentences in mree Bibles; Son, give me thine heart;" n When mylather and mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up ;" "Remem ber thy Creator in the days of thy youth." This done, she presented one toeacb, say. ing "Dear children, read these carefhllv every day, and pray to God to bless them to you." When you mention this scene to the youngest one, almost an infant, his lit tie heart will throb, and his eyes wil fifj wiiu tears; uiey never will forget and tomq of the without from me. I Comspondente of the "lesscn'tr; . ' New Yore, W 10l8l(l It affords me no little pleasure tn k. .. to lay before you the result" of th u fimto ni Mninflflintu...,:-... New Jersey,' Michigan, Virginia, mjl counties in Georgia. We have beaten ft! I "magician" in his own State! over luJt, a thing before unknown in this Reputij aresideTsrheatetrtD; bis oWBtate. i so it is, and so Do it ftationality, I pride, nor nothing else could save hiinj Maine has given an increased majority i Connecticut over six thousand PennsXI nia over three hundred Ohio over 25 im, New Jersey over every tiling, &;C. T v lrgiuia mm u oupiiuu is u CoumL gives a Harrison, jnajority of l,7oc Michigan gives a small majority. GeofT so far, has given a handsome gain last month, dsc occ But now M back" and see what the virtuous and int. n gent people, of these United States hai, given ; only listen to the thunder of ifo, voice f whvthev have eiven fin a .:.' that must be nearo ana len an over theW 1 Martin Van Buren I ! President of the IV ! ted States, tba consoling tidings that their free will and sovereign choice", i) may retire to" KinderbookV 'and there & main, unwept, Unmourned.and undone, ii' far as politics fare concerned. Yes, 'f People have spoken, and America is free" showing most conclusively and income, bly, that our glorious and unequalled ft j Eublic can and will, under its incompjn ! le consfitution, govern itself f and that tJ dcr the most formidableand corrupt specie.! of opposition that it is possible through on I judice or interest to instil into the minds, its inhabitants, the "ballot box that " Sai turn sanctorum" of our republic, can ir,' will correct abuses, remove obstacles, t.j 8troywhatJJswrongoncL defend, what ! right without the shedding of blood it' tramelling of conscience, or coersive ures. Let the i eagle -eyes of Englami' France, and the world rest on us, (as tb do) but let us mind the things that concen' ourselves, maintain our wholesome ur diejather than give up our present cocri. tutiori, trust in God and tlie moral lam (,' the land, and they may look, and scan, u, annoy, till there heads are white, and it: children after them, and their own natkj sunk and forgotten, only In history u i, Gjeeca RndJKflnjeyet,fljcr. all tjiitAiKi.! ica shall stand as firm asjthe pilJars.oX.1 ' heaven. May the spirit of him who f ems all worlds brood over, and govern a' Kepublid till he shall say to all flesh, " I enough, come up higher." Tbe last M of Locofocoism is unstrung, the last i ' ai- -i t . 1 ii I J l j S row iwwd, tiro Hra cumrpuiwu uown, g last mast gone by the board Hope haiti pi red the beacon light of success has goo out forever-Hhe day star ceases to shut the radiant point has vanished the for has disappeared, and there is nothing It save the dying groans of conquered priA escat The question is settled here on d hands, ;lle; New Era" the moat, rsl and outrageous print in the party says, "I is the first time that ever a Democnt President was beaten in this country. 4 And the " bvening Post," says, " Genen Harrison is the Presidentelect of the Uniii States," dfc. So you may fold yourird in peace on this subject and look rand Wf for the best The great beauty oftL change is, that it has been done by lb farmers and mechanics of our country, id! not by hirelings and speculators. Io Ne' York city, the strong hold of abolition, tj in many other 4iacesUieLocoS,carr the day!!! Time, that eternal tea wlk crushes all intrigue, imposture and lie.-) bighteen months from to day, New lor city will have its WJng Mayor, Counci, Representatives and all ; mark that The "last card" of Locofocoism been played to their eternal disgrace, in has involved many of their most emiocl men in sad difficulties. " Martin" has made due preparations n " llindcrhook lor comfort, convemencf, and cabbage. Respectfully, yours, &a I Late and important, from Florida-! - .l rived here yesterday from Flat Creek- Capt P. informs us that a report reachc; Garey's Ferry before he left, that on & turday last, Lieut. Judd and four soldbl were supposed to have been, killed by v luuinns, near ot- Augustine; biuics w he was aliead of the above named party beard the report of tlie rifles and saw lie Judd and the soldiers fall from their honr From thefacTTtiarnothins has since heard from them, it is fcard that the repcf may prove true. . . Extract of aJetter to the Editors of i Republican received from an officer of rlondaArmy: . PlLATKA . NOV. 1st imo- By last nitrht's exnress. I am enabled H give yon the result of the conference of tb Indians with UeiMraT Armstcad at lamp Bay. ' Halleck Tustenusrsra. Tisrer Tail, H six others, came in at the appointed tin" and among other things, agreed to mcetil General with 300 of tlicir people at f"; Kin? on the 7th inst for the nurnose of w ther negoeiations. Itiseipectel that twoChiefs named, will proceed to Wv ington and visit the President in fffi parsona. If they should deem , it their interest come in in good frith, it may end the wj as they ordbablv have it in thcirpo dictate terms of raace : but I dpine that 1 tne war is ended nntv nnort the ffOOO ofthe Indians, will last forever andC 1 hey are like. F.nglnnd nn the boupw question j they will appoint commission and negociate until doomsday and . aoomsday bold on to the country. " Mv sorr " said an afTeetinnate mothw' her son, (who resided at a distance, expected in a short time to be tau ' you ne getung very thin." ' Yet , er," he replied, " 1 am, and when y -me next, I Uiink you may see my n. .

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