' i li 1"" " " "" " . -T -, i, ' ' , . ' '';.- - . - .'..'... . ,, -U'.tn- . . , " - f'. f- -KIT . - ' , ' '. V.. .,(- LIFE IS PNMf TU BE VALUED AS IT W USEFULLY EMFLOYED, ASEEVILLE, "NORTfl ' CAROLINA, FillDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3, 1810. NUMBER 25 I r ;'-S?S. ii.ciiBMir. v your august and immortal name in a short sentence ;,whte?TwlirfiDTounil in Uje book I .send you, 1 Lave a, largo acquaintance lamoiw the moat valuable ami exulted class . uf la Dabluhed at TwO I of nifiU!1 but VOU&ra t!m nntv humnn hfint - I fp --,11 i .... - ----0 1 avT .. ini nrr mnnum. in dvanoe, Ot 1 fi,, u,l "liffiuntU ftU .m.raaw paid. orcne eveiuug lo a life o gloriously devo. 1!.7et w21 be inortcd t 4Jno Dolhr Wd to the universal happiness of tbo vgrld.' WashliVrtanccrtainfvcombinedinatenara l!iat wonderfuHy ftacd him for the position e nay to occupy. . As a leader ho appears calm, calcuhiing, brave as bit own sword yet tree Irons tp general' occompannncut Ot pcrsonaKDravery reckics' hardihood. It in possible that alljthis fniglit .not Hive toldln a wider sc"cmj of action, and his mind ' Aforth M, and TiwnV-Fivo CanU for , rfo W.uaicatioM mut bo pot jxld. JIISCELLMOUS. WASHINGTON. ..f.TWir!(T is tho conclusion of a long . , . fWihor number of the London f crirtninl Aavm nut amm tii Kn vn n.-awi-iA rficte 111 UK! ' , -.. 1 " J '-f r- fwof Spark's Ltfe-of Wasliington. have shown jt but nature had well miJced ingrediehU in ber cauldron when ho was I odIIIIl31.niiiJu ""o - , 1 tJby succeeding Presidents. Credit was formed, and, taken in a whole, his powers Lgtorcd the national aow setireu, aim must Da considered- largo. As a 'writer for its ultimate payment provided, his style U nerally defectivo m -succinct- nrrtdiL'iousitincrcasea i tonnage ness and clesrancc. and coherence of sen- American ports doubled imporU and tences ; but a fine broad lino of commw MDortsbJthaugnibnted ; a larger revenue senso and judicious tcasoning is dfocerOa. i-Lkwvd than had been caicuiaioa on ; inc uie t&rougiiout an he , wroto. rhero are D;n VVaterminated ; foreign treaties, strons aflinities of character and disposi- juu. . , . ...: ,! iT. i. t i M honoraule ana aavaumguuua m aniui-iuunmwrai uimonu ocoh, yei was eaa interest, ratified. tven tno election neither linagniati j . aiurs)r. Auamj, icucruusi jiup unstusuou writer, " ... iL !... p.i - , t i r kim.f nroved tlio magic u mJ ipuuo u ciuiiy oi i;eir naiures, mere is a wonuerou.1 4 measua'S of Washington. II J retired to I resemblauco. They did not think nlikc on iMniwd Mount Vernon.but he- was not! niany subjects, save on the immulablo forms ui"-'"' ... .. . ' ;.....!.. ..... . .. even thn toWJ adieu, even ui iiy-Hvu, oi morui jaw on waien tney were d.uu .AilwarJuju datiei tliat uu'iuestionable agrc!d,aud of wbicli th?v wero "nunctuar. .yiitv en'ails oV itJ p333csjjr. llj was J ly observant. Probably the Bard df Cava. fttedtodio i licr might not bavo considered this ' com. ! lJkawarrky!hirct, ' pari.jon campliinentary,,but a reaeinblahce With bimMtial cloak around huo." 1 thuro U bjtli in haWu and, inU:llect nnd i- .nfir with France armoured piety. On th(3 latttrpjint te-e think it fi :.!.. i. Pranfti hcracif beiriir iu a .atoto Unati say a few worils; '.Washington never ofreviJutioii, and disposed to violate wan. appears, in the later years of hU . Jifo, to Linlv everv moral, social, religious and po- havo takea tho sacramojit of tho Lord's itilnrincinle. 'flio instant war appear- tapper, though a constant attendant aU ed Decessary, ell cyea wcro turned on church, and always advocating tho cause of Washinetoa. Hamilton immediately Wrote I rehgion. e n re inclined to tluuk tliat the . i,: .f. nnnrk him of the sacrifice that I was rather a latitudinarian in his religious l wnild a.niin bs cjmnelled to make, and nations ; ainco it is difficult to conceive urn fmm tho President Adams intimated churchman, when dyi la him their intentions : " We rnlist have tifying his faith, and tittering prayers or viwrnamo if you will permit us. to use it" "is soul. I'ossiUIy. the character of Wash. TWo will ba nwrc clhsiencv iu it than so mgtoa leu mm to mucti internal, musing minv an arrnv. Before receiving ony re. and inward untraced supphcauon to God. . -i 1 1 . . . . i ii. ..i . .. . i nlv the f resilient naa noailUaiCU llim coin. I "a uiuiancr iJ-jaacaavu uiv;ui. uwui suuu' maaJer.lnhief oftlib anniesof the United ness, hia life was, free from reproach, and Xii.tr!. - It was umuini juilv confirmed . on hia external devotions were constant , Soil thA2iA. luiv.KtiS.- From Jlii3lime to the I it is difficult to reconciJo such a death with close of ciistance. Washington buried I the holy and enobli ngTwpes of Christianity himself iu military waiters, nud in supply, aorjething or sucli a system, if held deep ing from bis veteran experience infonna. I at tho heart, must have evinced itself. lioa to his riw recruits. France, however, We do .not say Una reproachfully over the never sea'jusly contemplated the invasion warrior s bierj but to us it would have been of Am.-rba from tlw ni:meut she saw the j most satisfactory, ana to tho world more aitbn bjsurring hors-.-lf Buonatkro then strongly evidential of a firm indwelling hope came hit J pjer, and settled, all .matters had there been even a shght developement witliAincriea amicably . , - 1 .. oftho holy bodoifienlsdf futurity. Still, in This adiustnient of dinVrcnccs, however, tho duties of his public station, in his chart Washington never lived' fc witness, dying I ty t the poor, in the constant ascription in command of the arm dostiucdta ope. ot oil his success to tho ; Divine ucing, in !e against her ancient ; allies. Oa the oiti2C3ot sjn, nusDauu, ana Drotner, innis I2ADjcv'179J.lio had .ridden Qflndt bis I . wjrm,and cenerour friendship to his mili private correspohSenco or thepublio docu. mcuts of Washinston, he jifipearsireserv, itig the question oThia-alJegianco for the lirilish Crowal to merit efpjally the pomtiort ho attained. To his biographer jt must have beeif oeCBly gratifying hr trace his writings " no lino which, dying, Jio nHgbt Wish to blast;" jniiis actions no moral in temperanfto to be extenuated or , defended by the force of circumstances; but atungu. lar faultlcssness, a wouderous freedom from all tho vices that have stained, degraded a ft a.. a Ta and uimined the lustre ot many a iiciincu chief, many a crowned king, and many a mured sovereign. " . OoTcrnor't J?Icia&c. Them nut. to It t " .1 il . I .a ... . i i i r ...i ;.. .1 1 : k:.. i..,. . i.: v.- JL. 1 they IU 1113 M llll , V JUIHI T i I IfU I J uiu li.' nA . . 1 i.. 1.1 i. 1 . r. ! . . ..J I iri hid 1 . it... tn lii j ftnllntw HilUniJUll. WUl QUI trMIll HIW ruill UUU I M . vihu j , fafeTlieteiM jpointofflfJtEpjaKiiito ha clothing to his iieck. A soar throat heappearsto merit tnc liigtiesteommenda- and hoarsness on the next da v soon crave lion. iNon omnia possumuijmmes. tviJence tbst I12 hidjakoii colJ. did I In this combination of qualities is to be not seem to annreliend'any dahfterassedl found tho power of Washington. On him the evening with Jhj family, and after some pleasant cjnvcrso retired to bid. : Ha was seized in the hTsbt with an aide, and oh Saturday, the 14th, his breath and. speech became impaired. On-5 of his overseers bled him at hhi request, and a fnesftngcr was seat to bis friend. Dr. Craik.. who lived ten miles ofE Dr. Craik and two oth. er physicians arrived on that day. Their united efforts proved useless. Towards evening ho said to Dr. Craik, " I die lard. birt f am not afraid to die. ' I believed Irom my first attack that I should hot sur. eit My breath cannot last longJ lie tbanked the physicians for their kind 'fss.and requested them to irivo lhem- itcs na lurttier trouble, but to let him die fciietiy.. Ha kept sinking graduallv, and Imost the instant before dissolution felt his n pulsed- Ilia countenance then" under' went a change. Ilia hand dropped from ns wnst, and he exoircd. countnr ,iiuio nis memory all that jhen remained w oer ot her Washington every tassiblo "-t.ro oi gmmuooana attection. t rance wen a republic also, raid dun honors tn thn republican chief: and Rnrrlnrnf - jthe example of.LordBridgport. then com- -uu.Ug mo ncei, may be given in proof, wndered in a sincere tribmn aiill.-'hv lor. nr. U n I t f . ' J . "6 ""."OR nau mast OB thn wan nf Wash. pngton', docease. He had commanded du fog Wo the applause of many distinguished r"- ana jcrsitine may be adduced gawngothcrs. The former said of him. notwithstanding h III 7irf uaulirifi w infant ff exalted integrity, it must bo consider. rl 9a sinmilarlv . O -V v Ul44VCf illUi tJO BIHJUm jjove experienced a lot: which- so seldom C fot.- P0rtl,l numanitTrand passed variety ot scenes without f tain and without reproach. It miui inA create Mtoruslinient, that placeJiii circum. oces so critical, and filling for a series jeanj a station so consnicuau r-hn. P61 Should never hnw Wn !i. . pion f that ho almulil in m ima C.1"6 bccn ccused either, of improper insol f fcOCe Or mean Bllhmiaoinn in him : Pwwithforeiffn natinnn. Tn tnm If n.n pervedto run Ue race of glory without eneacing tlie smallest interruption in the Bncy of his career. Jkine wrote to Washington as follows t have taken the liberty to introduce we conclude our remarks, in tho language of his last biographer : It is the harmonious union of tho intel lectual and moral powers, rather than the splendour of any one trait, which consti- tutes the grandeur of character. If the ti. tie oi great man ougnt to do reserve a tor him who cannot be charged with an indis cretion or a vice, who spent his tifo in es. tab! i si ung the independence, the glory, and durable prosperity of his country, who sue cccdcu in all h undertook , and whose sue. cesses were never won at tho expense of honor, justice, integrity, or by the sacri. fices of a single principle, this title will not be denied to Washington. . The laborious and accurato work ' to winch the lile we have reviewed, w prefixed we are happy to learn, has been extremely succcssmi iB Aracnca il is siereoiypeu, and more than 6,000 complete sets have been already sold. It is stift selling with considerable briskness iti the Southern and Western States, where literature perments with glower course than in those bordering on the Ajlautic, by reason of their distance from Boston, the place of publication, and the difficulties of conveyance." r In the re- niiining eleven 'volumes Mr. Sparks has adopted an arrartgcniOnt'of the multifarious materials into five parts ; the hrst embrac ing official .Jettcrs relating to the French War, and private, correspondence before the A.mcrtean Revolution, from 1751 to 1755, two volnmes ; second correspondence and miscellaneous papers relating to the American. Revolution, from June 1775 to 1783, six volumes sttlifro, private letters from the timo Washington resigned his commission ' as commander-in-chief of the army, to his first Presidency, from 1783 to 1783, one volume ; fourth, letters oliicial anf privateTrom the teginnirig ofTiis presT; dency to the end of his life, from 1789" to 1784 two volumes: fifth. -speeches arid messages to Congress, proclamations and addresses, one volume; laborious indices follow.; If Washington has not found a Homer, to give to actual exploits ideal glo ry, he has ar least obtained a iaithtut ana affectionate biographer, who has given him ! to the world as he was, and few are the j spirits that could ' have so well withstood i its scrutiny, or have lot.3 needed fiction to ctibellish them. Whctlicr wp look on-the 1 The reviewer b eortnin!y wrong hero. . . ia abundant proofa tlit Wuahinirtua was iatitadinariab la hip oninlona, anduiuch reaaon think that be was a believer in tbo beat tense of the word.1 If a man livea tho life of. a ; Christian, it ia not of much importuaeq whether U djes in eaitacy or in a calm. , m . , lids. J. oj , V. To rREVEIfT THE GROWTH Ot WEEDS ROUND voDNtt fruit 1 bees. io diminish the growth of weeds round fruit trees, spread on the ground round tho frcslrtransplanted trots, as fares tho roots extend, tho refuse stalks of flax after tho fibrous parts havo been separated, tins gives very surprising vigor, as no weeds will grow under flax re. fuse, and the earth remains fresh ond loose, Old trees treated in the same manner, when drooping in nil orchard, will recover, and push out vigorous shoots. In 4laco of flax stalksthe leaves vhiehfall from trees iri autumn may bo substituted, but tbry must bo covered with waste twigs or any thing else that can prevent the wiiidfrorfi blowing tiiemaway. -' . - - r( ' 7 1 ' - rnESEgyATlON OF Ci nSAGES. TIlO fill owing methods ofprcserviiigcabbagi's for winter use, arc tho result of experience : 1 ho cabbages should bo iratliered before injury is done jlhem by tho sevcro fafl fixists ; tho heavy pdtsido leaves should remain, on tho stalk Fix a stridg or cord', round tlie stumjiiear tho root3, suspended from the sleepers with tlio heads downward in a cool cellar, ond they are rt'adyaiid fit for use at un nine's. , auoatres kcdi in tins manner retain all their peculiar flavor and sweet, ness : Ihe wholo virtun of the stumn and eaves is concentrated hi the part which is used, are handy of access, occupy but little room which would bo occupied by other purposes; and seldom if ever rot? tho out. ide leaves wilt and contract, and in tunc become quito drvr which forms-A sortof coating that serves to exclude the air from the inside of the head. Another method practised by some,' and liighly recommended, is to cut the head from the stamp, pack close in a sack, tak. ingcare to fill up the vacancies "with dry chaff, thereby excluding tho air, and keep in a dry cellar. Albany Cultivator. Herbs if dried ia tho sun, turn yellow, lose their fragrance and much of their real virtue. They should be spread out thin, say upon the fl Jof of a garret or open cham. ber and left to dry iu tho shade, beinjrocca.'i may be tied in bunches and hung up. Sou. for wheat. Rich , heavy ToamsV containing A considerable mixture of clay, are mast suitable to wheat. Wheat has been cultivated with tolerable success on sandy or silicious lands ; but en lands of this description it cannot be repeated oftener than oncean hvc orsix years, and the land ought to be prepared and enriched by the cultivation of preceding manured crops. Lands strongly calcarious, or abounding in lime, are'favprable for wbeat and indeed all other crops. Wherever clover may be made to grow, there wheat may bo cultivat ed to advantage with proper management -Yankee Farmer. ' Botts n horses Mr. John L. Smith, an old citizen of this county,, and who has dealt much with horses, informs us that iie has not had a horse die with botts for twenty years. When it is recollected that almost every farmer Js-Josing borscs time -after time with this disease, we should .bo dis posed to pay somo attention to Mr. Smith's remedy Jot Mis,, winch ne assures us lias been so etlectual. It consists simply in feeding oeeasionalfy on" heads of rue, a quantity of which he always keeps on hand for that purpose. IIo is convinced that the heads and chalfof the rje seem to cut and cfiectually carry off ihe grubs, and tliat if a horse, every fert" days, be fed with rye heads, bo will never be annoyed with bottst Tho ne may be fed in the sheaf. It oper ates as a preventive, tathcr than as a cure. WeiopCsoon to hear of its being more generally tried. Southern Ctuhvalor- Wo have hoard that when a Scotch duchess, once " the admired of all ouscrv. crs, was questioning the children at one of her charity schools, the teacher asked, " What is the wife of a hung called!" "A Queen," bawled out cneof the philosophers. "The wife.of an UmpcrorT" "An Ex press," was; replied with equal, readiness. " Tlien whak is the wife of a duke called ?" ,"A drake" exclaimed several voices , mis-1 taking Uie title duke for tlie biped dud, which they pronounced tho same. Rich- mond Slar - - Goon Example. Oliver Ames of West Bridgewater Mass., come need life by mak ing a dozen shovels, which he took to market in a wagon. He now ownthreo extensive factories at' Eastean, Braintree and W'cst Bridgewater employs 60 workmen, "and has four teams to carry his shovels to mar ket. His profits are 920,000 annually, lie commenced life without a -dollar' ' sion pf specid payments ensued throughout the land. A tremendous and frightful rev. olution, in every branch of bimim ss, took place; and credit and confidence were T i&t Hon. t)U General Armbly of N. Carolina I ' Gentlemeni The deelarationa of tiio people against thl) administrations of tie haken to the centre. Money became more Fedcialcnd mostof tho State Governments scareain both hemisphens it Becmcdin.' the deep sensation and embittered feel. otrut navqyanisiieu. interest rose, ana ings of tho contending parties as to the I w Jll Jifiieahy negotiations could bo effected cause, must necessarily irreatly ilecpen tho 011 Bny term Instead of colly investiga interest which usually attends tho meeting, ting tho caues and- opplyiflg lueh rcbe and increase the responsibility of your1 hon. I as Jds eleva ted and powerful position might ornttic body. . - ' '' I command, to save tadussnds from ruin and " But, while we have", in the confident hopo I distress, tlie President denounced the loeel tlwt it Hill 'restore tho country to iu former Banks us worthless, and fait!ilcsi-cniirsued . . . . ' a? . i . . . - ... nappy and prosperous condition, abundant I them with nji inveterate rancour snd turn.- cause to rojtwce over this peaceful rovolu. cd utwn them tho full tide of publieindigna, tion i yet: we should remember that our fcl. I tion Hliado them tho stalkimr horse of the m . n .. . . . i a ...... v: . row-ciuzcos oi tno admigistrolion party r aemagogae-robi)cu tliem ot tiw peoples witu me exception, perhaps, of tho oiheers ebntidencc, and paralyzed all their uselul and aspirants,' although mistaken,- s we j energies. But, by his own act,' the depos believe, in their views, caft have but ,one it. of the publie mouies, the BanbsTiad been common interest with Ourselves," ond arc stimulated to wild expansions; thoywerc, ratlier entitled to our sympathy and concil. for the most part controlled by his own po. iation than to our hatred I and , persecution, litfcal friends, and were the creature! of his Their fortunes havo failed in their own devoted Sfcttt'3, hands, and nndor their own manngement , I In the TrocShry Circular, the President and it becomes us, as those on whom the added another link to tho already length responsibility hns'deVolved, calmly to sur. J etied chaiiof Executive usurpation. This vey tlio positinn wp occupy, and prepare f circular renuired snccio. only to bo received ourselves with energy and dignity4o meet I at the lund ofticcs, which che-cked sales, tnecrisTs. I and, by turther alarming thcenpitahsts, ad. as ii4s, mo pan ot wisuom to protit oy i uca nnotnor mow to tne nirenav -siiiMiis experience, it Is necessary and proper to I credit of the Banks. Cbngrcs ventured on rejer to the causes of the revolution, .and I ft vote of disapprobation, by n large major rturtioularlywheno connected, with cur pc. I ity in both' houses, rciic&Iinir Iho order. I!.. l . ' . .1 . ' j . Lit . n . .i i. ... i i put nic rresineiir pineeo, itiu n.s i pqcKet, end thus-defeated it. I no I'rc siaetixs nopmerity wan fc t so powerful ns tdce'iitrihute very In rgt ly to the clectiojTof his suctossor, the "jireseiit in. cnmlx rif , whose other claims on tho confi- culiar interest, the better to1 cnftblo -ua to avoid tho evil and embrace tho good i no unnirortna, junitca dtntes. wtiicti grew out of tho necessities' of the country, at two periods of greet distress, (and which wuuiu wj'-ui uiiiiom to givo sacrcuneas to its existence,) ond which answered eyrryftk-nceajid sfibctioo ofllffi American people, purposo promisecl Dy m most saimiiue triends, or anlicqtated by the public, Was UixMned to l',xecutivo hoslihtvbecnuao it would not yield political obedieaice. Jt was rc-chnrtored by (Jongcfis-but vetoed by tlio4residetit. Hio public money was the n were certainly nuestionublc I le pniiiiMal however, to trend in the fwlsteps jf lih il lustrious predecessor, ond declared that it was glory enough, to,. have se'fved 'iui'Kr sdeh a chief; and the people were satisfi?ov The prem fit icunilent came into power removed from It3, law ful place of doposite, I nt a perioil Tinwt unfortunnte for hlmsell iu dm Bank of tho United States, to the and for the coiintrv. "A re-aetion, as we local Banks, by tho Presiifeit, under the have showj) had commenced in a bloated ilea that it was unsafe. This ground, taken I and boasted prosperity j and lie bad pledged. by the President, was disproved by a ivnortlhirnsclfto the course bestetijle-tdatfcd to urge from a committee of Congress. l it on. I Irf had, in his zeal to support the TheSenntO of the United States became views of his pre'doccssor, dciibmiceda Bank alarmed at these indications of violence and usurpation, and declared the removal of the depositcs unconstitationat. ' 'llie I'resi. dent appealed to tlio piitplo, aguinst both tho Uank and tho Senates-declaring the Bank dangerous to the libcrtie-s of tho country; a monster of foreign materials and that a better currency could be given by the local Banks, witifout tho danger ; and that the Senate bad donohim gross injustice.-. The appeal was sustained, j Nothing,was recol- lectcd but his splendid and successful ca. reer. Several of tho State Legislatures were filled by his pnrtizans, vho supported his opposition to he Bank, and instnlctod theii Senators to expunge the resolution de claring liis act unconstitutional for-remov-ing the dposites, or to resign their seats toa Saino yielded to the servile act, in defacing the journals of tho Senate; and others, through a cherished though mistaken no- straction abandoned their' posts; which has impaired, and, if continued, will dc troy the most stable and valuable part oi our Coaititution, and, in all probability, the government itselt. of the United States as unconstitutional, and cut offall relief from that quarter. The local Hanks had b?eii den-j'jn;e'd as unworthy of public confidence.; and - lie sunk -them- yet tower byeoncurrliig in tlioir condemnation, i honttairs of the countrv had. became desperate niffiev scarce and Bank notes depreciated the prices of prop. erty ond laborjcrumbling down improve. mentssiispendcd and bankruptcies tinnier. mis. Iiidced, so gloomy were the nflutrs of the country, that the President convened an extra session of Congress,- to devise meatts'of relief; to whom ho gravely re commended the withdrawal of tlie public monies from their places of depesite, and to lock theni up in salcs-jand vaults as tlie reiiiedv.' ' ' ' had been used, from the cstsbfishniont of the government, as depositaries.; and which in timrs of emergency, responded pati iotic ally, to the calls of the goycrumt-iit ; and which Jind aide-d the great intr rvsts of the country to "enter honorably the lift of com petition, in nil necessary and valuuble The House of Ileprcsentatives could not f works of imnrovi'mcnt, with -.those '-of- the- but leel the influence of the will of the peo. j old worM. At the first nioiiKiit of ththcul plo concentrated, in the Executive. His I tv. they are condemned as iiinwurthy of power war tremendous cnouah to intoxi-1 nubJiceonfiJince, and cvin tlangerou-j to cato the bruin'of a less philosophical chief. J liberty.'. Again, in December; 1837-33, 1 ho fate of the Bank . was decided. The I tin's Suh-Treasury is pressed o.i the eonsid. depositesVere retained in the local Banks, j oration of Congress as the grand panacea and recommended to be loaned out. tucks of all our woes, increased rapidly.ltnd discounted freely. I Congress was composed of a majority of 1 he disbursements of the government in-1 Ins friends, and it is quite immaterial heth creased t some fifty per cent., or ubout 'cr they coimidored his project incoinK.tciit twelve millions of dollars annually. Prop- lor t!ie crisis, defective in principle,' or erty end labor of all kinds rose in pnee. nerveless in expediency- it.w;;s rejected Public works were commenced, and some .The. President now 'seemed to take the completed, of vast magnitude; and general matter seriously to heart. Tie only i?.iea proerity n igrxd not onlyin this country; saitrhe had concocted ? by thtf utdof1 the but iii Europe, Up to 1834," unde-r the Secretnry of the Trvnmfy, must not be operations ut tha-i'bill of nominations," treated so. Jjgbtlyr His forces nr5 m.ar llio payment of the publie debt, -mostly due shalled anew tho unfaithful discharged, to Europeans, filled that country with and more supple tools nut in tlx ii- places. money seeking investments a great deal ol They open tlicir battery on the dead bank. which was takfin by our Ibtatps, Banks, I Ihe dying and living banks tliey represent Rail Roiidrf Canals,- and ' Manufacturing then as the hydra-heade d monster, against Companies, and returned to this country at w Inch the former President had to exert his a rate of interest higher 'ihan had Tjcen Herculean strength' t J kcepin checkrOw; given bythw-'overnincnir Whether dc. porations of all kinds - were declared -dam signed or not, this command and disburse, gerous to liberty, to the poor, and ttTdeiuo- went of large amounts of money complete- cracy. " Congress convenes, and the Prosi ly, at the time, covered tlie consequences of dent draws a strongnnd vivid picture of the tho destruction of the Bank of the United distresses of the couiitry.nnd ngain rccom- States, and gave to tlie country a hollow and I mends tho locking up of tlie public money luciiuous prosperuy. . , .. - in sates ana vaults, as tue moans oi reuei. IWtwitustanding. JlifiPrcaLincrcaso of This-, -doubtless, was pro forma, -pa Iks had c.uuiiuiuB,auiiit; iuriy iitnions ot surplus i no money in iuu a nusui j iu ui. had accumulated in.lhc-vaults of the' local The fact that he litis had to issue from time Banks. V Upon, a previous occasion, the j t time, T-rciir- notes, sliews how" jirf-pos President had advised a distribution; and, tcrous it is to expect relief nt present, at after a fierce struggle in Congress,' an act least', from a scheme on which the Govprn was passed directing it to be deposited with nicnt is destitute of the niateria!s"1o per- the States: and although; his views had ate. 3T2IakgigP'TreBtiryeh rnica law, the State of New Jersey has-bof-n dis franchiiicd her legal al official altcsta- bf the Goveraor of New Jersey, I herewith submit the resolutions of her Assembly on this subject, lharked A. : While the rights of New Jersey were being desecrated in the I louse of Repre sentatives; the Senate Vas engaged in pass ing a resolution gratuitously refusing to assume tho debts of tbo States, alike in. suiting to their feelings and injurious to their character.. If, under circumstances of peculiar Hardship aotfV distress, a State were t6 petition Congress toassumo her debts, and Congress was to (low, it would not differ in principle from assistance grant ed to an ally in distress by War, or to tho relief afforded Carraccas suffering from-the cfli-cts of an earthquake, or to New York, when almost devastated by firo. At all events ,a State would be entitled to o respect ful attention and friendly' consideration ; but to refuse without being asked , is marked willi the grossest impropriety and injustice. llio Senate knew that many of tho States were engaged m improvements of great importance:, and of pendi-d On negotiating loans in Europe to complete, diem, and re. quiring unimpaired credit for advantageous success; winch was necessarily injureu Dy that ccjin of the Senate and the works most -probably defrntcd. - - It is true, that INortli l arottna lias no . pab!:c debt ; but its net the less injurious mid insulting to her Character, to be told by her tervants, (who ate presumed to know) in the Senate clirmler, that she is itnworlhy of credit ; and Mich a declaro: lion by,the Senate, lien seen in distant parts 6f the world, where negotiations for money ore sought, must be injurious to her credit nnd probably would have defeated her object, if she had alteiiiited to procure tho lonn cotitcimilutcd by ihe act of your hist session.' ' Now, gentlemen, Iliavc hhcwu yoa ihe lostruction of tlujNutitintil Bank, m total disregard of the wish of Congress und the mercantile and commercial parts of tlio iiu. Hon ; the violation ol law and contract, in the removal of the public, tiet-sure from the dace where the reprt scntinm s of ., tho country directed, under a false allegation; the issuing a hpocio L.ir.ular; at the Exic iHivc will, and tlie continuing itsijie-ratioii after Congress lied cond iniied it ";. placing the nLiblic niauiey in fiivoiito Wal Banks, and urging them to use it in expanding dis. counts and, liocauss they cotd J not return it when, called lor, denouncing endpcry,. cnling them ; die outragd Upon the sove. reignty of New Jersoy ; the gross and gratuitous insult on the character and credli of nil the States; were enough, 6urtiv, witliout referring to the operations of trade, or tho abuse of th'j taiikin' privilege, to alarm cnpitalisLifls to tho stability and in- icgruy oi our msmuuons -to Danish money .i i . .i. .- , . aod destroy credit in fine, toroducc the terrible pecuniary revulsion; which has shaken our couf try to its centre, bringing ruip and distress on thousands. And tln; Sub-Trcasury remedy, gentlemen, for dis. eases like these ! Surely the S mgrado theory never has been so graphically il'm. Jrali-d.1 'Till! Utakbiy iHui-e(iuuev of Tn-asury, he decried JnstitutioiH whielft he projwsed remedy is, iml"cd,' like sport- subsequently uiidcrgorie a." change, he refuc tantly approved the naeasure.- i' orcign ca pitahsts, used to Wa rs and con vulsions, wa tched ,the operations of our gov- ernmcnt with a vision true to their inten-sfe and, taking the alarm at the attack of the 'resident on fore ign capital, Ins revolution ary spirit, and oaring; .usurpations,' -withdrew their funds, in time, to a place of safe ly. The Banks commenced curtailing, ; to meet tlie provisions of the distribution act. But it was soon discovered that it could not, with other -demands, bo met ; and a susptn- tions tranqilcd under foot her sovereignty violated her rights disregarded and insult ed, by the friends of tho present Adminis tration in the House of Representatives, by refusifig scats in that body to persons regularly commissioned under her authori ty, and" clothed w ilh all the atribqlos of lier sovereignty. By thb.net, every State in lim l iiiiiii has rocoived a blow which should not lie diaK garded. '-By tho rcqucuVMiou of these iiistitutienis tin tho District ing with'our wrongs and sufferings. What good' can result from tli3with drawal of all governinentai conneetioi. all its fiscal operations -from the Banksaiid leaving the States torfgulate the currency among themselves ns they best may 1 It is like separating the bead from the body.and exjiccting their joint, functions to bu con tinned. The President snvs that the tanks form a Chain of ilependenco from ono c-nil of our country to tlie other ,-and that it " reaches across the ocean and ends iu London, the centre of the credit system ;" . and with this chain of, ilej-cndeA-e of mighty magnitude, he will havo nothing to do, but lea-e us to the tender morck s of tlie Eitglish to regulate our currency and crctlit, "perfectly indifferent to our lute, s that the Government and its officers get the-ir dues in gold and silver. Tho President certaiidv kteiks to a total destriicHoJiof afTTiaiiks wjjen he" says, .'It is, a principle than which none is better settled by experience, Thlit the., supply of tbe jii'ccious nlctals will ahpys be lbund adequate to the ilses for which they arc re quired. Tbry abound in cguitrics wliere no either currency is allowed. jiko the fabled appeanince', of men. in Rhoderick Dhu, aVis'ohly necessary to mil, und wo shall have" a plenty of specie, which socms to be so dear to his fi-elings. Heoverlooks7 " or forgets entirely , tlie sacrifices, to which - we iniiHtsiibmit to obtain it in couiiietiliou .... .. ... .... with tnose countries wnerc it is now nem. It will be first necessary to make the bal ance of trade preponderate in our favor iii order to t lli ct this, (ihe aid of bank credit and our hitherto liberal and enlightened policy having been dispensed with. We mustjiubmit to tho Knropoarr and Asiatic prices of labor, thoir rigid rennornv, their grinding slavish Imbits of toiff before we can successfully coniM te w ith the m in trade; agriculture and manufactures, of produce a balanco in our favbr to be disuhargod in coin; To expect a permanence of tlie pre- ., ciotis inelals'iwiai-recdiMl-wtifttHr8t -importation , would lie about ns rationnl ns lp attempt a suijiensrbn of the laws of gra vitation. " 'r The President salys, ' in a country so commercial as oqrs, banks in some form will probably always exist," and thinks this Sub-Treasury will deprive them if the character of monopjlios, and be a salutary rcnilotorand k o tliem in cnocK- In tins r : . . . . . i expectation ot the continuance ol winks Ik- may be sincere ; mil ine rwii oi-sinicw o! L -i I

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