ilea in "n rty the . . i kiun resu 1 .-ittoO. ivw from ine pan, PlrinD of wr- - ,wer. and & Skatoi. pAT. Sometimes, C0. IUS io find. j. .erV i"1-1' . - .liiiea cupital 5iD Harrisou ' oUis first , wi v". fid in the Tuscan, was f'sal"ry;i,in.,c. which will put this . m Hi"is " . .i.: ... L i. in mm ' .... at rest- . .,., wronrr to Wn" ' I IxjOB88 . . irff' fl.,rilll. . . . rrfghima ycar'-salury, iTtar lur7 ,.,,rv in suohcusva. 'm'l-kuttwemy. j ,1 .liars. W it 8 fc,reul w 11 klbe.much do you will 90 IT -nv anv United States tax itlyb01-. .....IwnolJ nuy H Pro- LtKD"" "jf" Fonitrn taxed articles are chief. TO'JriS It U little that I or-you '',hsl lnr'9SatarrwiH have to Jr L .,! whether rich or poor. :Kl!w!ll, Wwill put rkrh nnd-poo. L:iJ.11 alii"'. Lai? -WhydoyouaskT -nitusel inwnd to pay you; 1 r7ter vou grumble at Congress do rXJL ... tho widv and ch.l- Harmon. Ittonw." ...... m,., -rumble than Likaow it; but, poor ft I am, I y-L.-A must first calculate your share I .. ThHro nre in inu u. !U census, 17,106,572, persons; Jeh ould be f 25,000 to each per Ca you change a cent 7 V by do you us , "uw .tiuw.- - . - Va, male lit . I HT,.Can you change mo u .-ui, i No. , ITte Tln-n take the whole cent, ana : ll- -..n of ..vou if fairly divided, I r Will y-1 " v v firtte wnUi of u cent is just your portion Uto heavy tax of tffci.uuu. orftUo U) the. UlCKeilS W.tll juui vv... Itinek-ctioneeraomewupre two mid what would be jroui BY AUTHORITY. v iMttt of the ITmUckI State, Passed at the flnt Sraio of tbe tftk Congrt u. rPoBLic No. 12 1 . ' AN ACT to provide tat placing Greenonph'i Sta. tue Of WMninrion in UK luiunao m uio tol, and for expcnr therein mentioned. Be it enacted, That the aeconnta of Hor- uounxiiiK -r-..m ... ... ecution of the pedestrian e'a'ne of Wahinuton, I'iirlitfrn hundrrd and Ihirtv-two. and iiiii mivi.i m f . tlin account and chargra for frriht of the eame to the United Biaieti, oe aeiuca unacr mo -lion of the Secretary of State, according to th; riirhU of the elairoanta under their acvi-ral con. i:l ll nn.,n.J , Pmidri. That nnt more than fi tbouiand fire hundred dollars hH be allowed the Mia urecnoagn, in uic cveni iui u . . f C I.I. n A.r a.u.1. Anntrflllilint tne oecreiarT i v " ' - an afortwaid, shall consider him entitled to charge tho same i and not more man eigm uinurana n hundred dnllars for the freiglil aforeraid. and df tention of the ship, and tor an iron railin around the statue. 'including the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, aosumed to be paid by the said Ureenoug h. in addition tu the original contract as mode by Commodore Hull ; and the sum of fifteen thou sand one hundred dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the purposes aforesaid. 8ee. 9. And A H further enacted. That the sum of five thousand dollars or a much thereof as mav be necessary', is hereby appropriated, for the t f l,o ... ..4 u,t lie fmm the navv purimno ui n iii'" '"I; ' - yard at Washington, and for erecting tlie name in such part of the Rotundo of the Capitol as may II . 1 . I f.. L. M. k. llu. Sam. .a '! lu'u I imiHi-n h ... ru. 1 1 1 . . ........ IA UI-' 1,1 " 1 J , . . r in Bf..Antiineii with the loml iiirjui ... j resolution of Congress ol ine xweniyjeTenMi signaling the particular spot contained in the act of fourtecnm or joit, npra """"" " ty.two, lo me cmrary nwiuitiiuing. Approved. September 9, 1841. rr ' JOHN WHIT, Speaker of the Honse f R-preenlatires. SAM'L L. SOUTHARD, President of the Senate pro tempore. JOHN TYLER. ro itf 191 o l UDLIl.mllU. j iv a rT .., i Km transmission of letters and packett to and from Mrs. Harrison freo ol jLr That all letlers and packets i" ..... . .. , j i - . : i i. i. .nJ frnm Mn. Harrison, relict of tho late William Henry Harrison, bo conveyed i - i . I ,: free of pontage aunng ner naiuioi ui-. Approved, fceplemocr imi. TO.,,, V, ill AX ACT to make appropriations for the Post Of i . . nueift 'panmeii. R. if .nnrltd e. That the sura of four hiin- dred and niniity-seven thousand six hundred and i r. .l..tT.. lu ...I Ah asm t heri'hv. 8k preprinted out of any money in the Treasnrv not otherwise appropnaiea, lo enaoie .iuc o. ue-v Department lo meet its engagemenw nu j ilelit-, of which sum fifteen thouand dollars arc here by nppropnaled totnable me Aunror oi oiu II ,n mmlina ar.eoiint.bKks for lllS of- " i i j i;iii.iii k" , -- . ruin, -i"i, ........... , . - , , -,. . . t nza" a in nv omkt uu.-i- , ill ekttionecr somewbe c so i ficfc, ,nd t0 bring uP arrears of it. tar.autjxr1!?' f?'. -4a4i&ia'i ..rW:s:iT.T.vrtKSTuA7T cOTrf .TbnwV--rioirflan oneycar jlo be ac. m -id. -oad or pastel, Brazil wood, N.cara. iiiUHom cu . nn. in wi -,. iu-e mm - - J. ... mttfl ... m lnvit fur the bravo (I iuktersofbis country . Cmcrnnaii Gaietie From Tela. ti Win, id, ,ii arrived at New I iW H11-.UIIK.I lnil.."" Orleans on the 5tb, bringing T xas dat( .i... ni 'm... ..l..,oi,m of Prfsidi.-llt wus .taWnlnemin the 5th. and but lilllit doubt m-mi riinei) of the success of Gel). S illl. oWoo. We condense the lrom flu Pimviinft : --. TW vo unters. who wint out to u-uw- nut arithth.- S ,lil:i Fe u'lonvt-rs. hiiVO re- been nl) o to mvvX MHSH.W - n - - - ie IndisuB. Tin y jnc'di:d to the pliia shi-re. ihes im n nrescnted t be nssein by iuakrge force, but Ik fore their ui i i nl the mm had been withered, and tile linage was deserted. They neither mot nor beard from the expedition, ;t Cant. I-eWis anil hiiS'VijIuntocrs had TC uiiiKu m Austin iruui 1 ' " riOTT!Bi;xican snv the v learned Unit some .. .1. . r... awiiwiaM were coiiccteu near uiu v-o- mauchePeak. They were strongly forti led, though it was ihounht Gen. Hurlesu bo bad none niminst them would soon -WBgUiew to ternw -An expdit4H- tokave Brazos ngninst them on Uu: soili OetL Torrn fit with 250 had ula g'Mie thither. dpt. Chandler was attacked by a party "tledto txS Cherokees, and a brother ol GrS S.iilil. V.... 1.111. a v - -vwmu .ngfliiii ii. . I,. ,, "iiiiTnnutlMrBiirnot and I fTuston ""PS had returned, havinir scoured the Isiie country east ot the Brazns, and thus i .i . . . . .. . - . . pnmn inat tiiejntlian toree ivist ol tne Cf Tinihers arc entirely dispersed, and Wu Iodiao village renviirts in that sec ! A vast region of fi rtile torritury has ''I'wo redeemed from the savage dotnih. -bounding iu the most benutilid 8f ene. J-TIhs section hag U en hiiig rt-garded Ike garden spot, ol Eastern Texas. - -A" 8f k- was tt cent lymade (n tlie Fwt at Kingsb.irough, Three Forks of the Trinity, hy a party of Jwenty-five. Indinnsj tligllt skirmish i nsm H in u l.ieh ine In. iin t Ltn.ul ..i .i ..r.i .iihj f nill'll lll ri'Sl tM UIU '"I1J Wreatedru.kine off the horses of the trarri- Tbe horse8jwith the rxcrption pf rerorDcJ tlie next morn'mir. 1'licre fourteen persons in the Fort, onc-half -iiujrajick. . 0 the 23d. a street, ftoht occurred at Jerton, between Capt,B-nnctt and Col. r"', who. gurus and pistols. The par- ereibroucht. before His Honor the der knd. fined $25 and costs, Texas than twenty per centum ad valorem, A duty bf twenty per contum ad valorem, except on the fol lowing eunnv rafed articles, that is to say : muria tic acid, sulphuric acid or oil of vitrol, alum, tar. taric acid, aquafortis, blue vitriol, calomel, carbon, ate of soda, corrosive sublimate, combs, copper as, indigo, nitrate of lead, red an, white lead drv or ground in oil, sugar of lead, manganese, suU phale and magnesia, bichromate of potash, chro mate of potash, prussiato of pntath, glaubcr salts, rochelle salts, sulphate of quinine, refined salU petre, which shall pay respectively the same rates of duty imposed on them under existing laws; and the following articles shall be exempt from duty, to wit : tea and coffee, ail painting and ! tuary tho production of American artists residing abroad, all articles imported for the use of the ii ui...... . ilw i f..Ilr,ii'lr,ir Articles, when Ullllu oiaivr, a . ' specifically imported by order, and for the use oT any society incopWuled or eslablished for philo Miphical or literary purposes, or for tho encourage mtntof the fine arts, or by order and for the use of any college, aeadi my, school or seminary of laming, in .the United .States, to. wit, philQsopni. cut apparatus, insiruiium'", ouor!, iii.-,", ni., statues, busts of marbl::, bronz , alabaster of plas ter of Paris, casts, painting, drawings, engrav. ings, specimens of t.oulpturv, euliinets of coins, Ia nH nil oilier collections of ant i- :i:. ii.mi,- nnir. na nniiir. urnwiii''. llUllltn,, .Liuaiji ill"" ftl I ' I A. ,n,Mt ' mill. hIho. nil irnnortutions I I'.iriliiip,"! i.i.."i;r""-i 7' 1 . of specimens u naturul iistorvlumeraiogy, m- nr, and anauimicai pn'paruiiuni", muu' ciimcry, and th models orotlar inventions, plant, and trees, wearing upjiart'l,- and other personal bapra-je in actual us-, and Hie implenicnt or tools of trado of persons arriving ill the United States; crude antimony, regions oi ooi.w,.,, l. ;..w.rt. ,1 r..r lir'neil. anrol. ?um arab c. a 1 1 , ii.,. . . iiiip.i.1 m .... ' n aloes, ambergris, bo!c armenian, arrow root, an. notto, aumsced, o.l ol unnisceu, omoer, ava root, alcornoque, alba cancella, bark of cork treo dnmanufaCturcd, burr stones inwrought, , ' ..: U.H ,tU hnM nnlv fit to be re. crass in (Jig" ;- --- - manufactured, brimstone or sulphur, bnrrilla, braz letlo, boracic acid, uurgunoy piieo, o,rrn.-. for dyeing, smaltz, la.ting or prunella used in the manufacture of buttons and shoes, vanilla benns, balsam tolu, gold and silver coins anu uuimum, clay unwrought, copier imiwrtrd in any shape for the use ol tne mint, copjier m "-, -v.. in, .l.iwOa nf which Conner is the uiitirv, ui " ...... , 1 1 material of chief value, suited to tho slieallnng of ships, old copper fit only to be rcmanulactured, !. rliHnimu41c flower. iaiia cuiauiiiiwi ' coriander ,ecd. Catsup, enntharides, castanas, .. ' , .:.. . ...l..n.n.'Minl 1 1 111 FT, 1 fl chalk, cocuius inuicus, m -- i n nf inrtnr. vetcetablcs. and RTUiCWMiia, v.- - ' . " , . nuts of aU kinds used principally in dyeing and comoosing dves, laC.dye, emery, epaulets ana wings of gold or silver, furs undressed of all kinds, flnH or linseed, flax unmanufactured, fustic :- WimH flint irrindstones, gambatre, raw nlates for Knlerns, niues, an. '.;""'J:, 1.....1 v...;. ox and other horhs, uurirm on, nui , r...,...l k-.Ir nnneils. iuecacuanha. ivory uniiinnuio,., 1 1. . ., -f r 1 rmt inniner berries, oil ol unmanuiaciun.", .---i 1 1 - - , , 1 ,.I,I,T ni iililiT root, niu-fe. juniper, ae.p, se,..,-, ---. . manna, marrow anu oilier so.111, ' ' .tnftV mlm oil. mohair, mother of prarl, needles, .; mni. oil of almonds. op:un palm leaf, plalina. Peruvian bark, old .pewter fit only to be remanufaetured, p'.ast. rof Puns, q.iic-ri-silver. rags of any kind of cloth, India rublier, reeds unmanufactured, rhubarb, rotten stone, c.e. pliants' and other animals--teeth, policing stones, bristl.-s, ra!ans unmanufactured, raw arrd -mulre y -.1 -kin., snelti r. crude palliielrc. gum Srnrgnl, saffron, sh-llac, soda, ash, sponges, sajo snrsapar. unna alinilir IIIIIMIt'U. ItlllKH uiust ward of the Cape of Good nope, or beyond Cape n. nrW to tha first dav of August, eightoeo hundred and forty-one ,-..- -, . . . . .1 ..J "T,.l all taara SBC. 4. Aua meujmnimrmmt.-, or parts of laws inconsistent with this act are hereby rcpeaico. WI,rrP. Speaker of the Houm of RpneentaUtet. SAML L. SOUTHARD. PrcsidtHt of the Snate pro tempore. Approved, September 11. WlK iiiRntrtit.: AD CUTLEBV. mUE Subsenbi rs have just reccied from the I . , . - r. 1" 1 .-J ikr Northern JL rnaniinietones in wijhu" -------- - SUUa, a hand mc and well-assorted slock of Hardware and Cntlery, - which hev off r for sale on rerv reasonable terms, WHOLESALE and R ETA II the eormur (brick building) of Centr and M rccr Streets, . . AMOili WUICU ASK : Eigiih,Swedesand American Iron.assortcd sizes, Sandcrwn's cast Steel, G tman, K iglish and American Steel, Band and lloop Iron, assorted sizes, Lead ; cut andirmurbt Nuls, all tizej, Collins Ax s, Is and Gouges, , , ,, , 1 . . 1 1 n u ... . Anvil-s Vires, Smith's Billows, Horso shoes anJ II re.hte Mails, . it .. n .... n'.,..i..-. u-rwwl urrpwa. f ',K lrke Pans nod Krving Pan . . . . i. t 11 . 1 D.. ,.!... k'ni9 r l aNe K-uves and rurss r. n anu 1 u ,-, Mill, crifs-em, huiitl and tenant fwws, - Locks and llmt s, carpcuter's 1 unes unu w oo xt.e. :.;,:...r. j iwl -Vorrrrs. I, HUT .'l.,IJliui,"-' Grindytoiics,Marii!la and cotton Hope to incaes And olli'-r ancles, such u.- ate i- Hardware Stores. .... II.nil.urff. Scut. 3 J. teltl. Ii"if7 " . .. 11 J... 1 lie vreenvme .uoui.i" - - . i.i..i it: .i.i 1 M., nm r will nliastf ifive 4 riser nu oiiiiwi " . . mirtLn.ech, and forward their account lo this Office. Journal. tSufftutta IJanU-VoU Table Corrected for tho Chronicle It Sentinel, by Joan .. ... i old 11 I C.f Li. VV INTKa, .w- - AUGUSTA NOTES. Mechanics' Bank, Acrcnr.v Itmnsu-irk Gank. Bank of Augusta, AUgus:n ins. 01. iianaing tuniiauij. Ifrancn uuorgia iuiu-oau, ' Branch Statu of licorgia, SAVANNAH NOTES. Siuii. TlinW 1 Murinu Firn Insurance Bank, 1 ..... ... a Central Kailroad UunK, 1 Planters' 13a ak, 1 COUNTRY NOTES. .n ft ink Branch. Mncon. 1 Other Branches State Bjnk, I Bank of Columbus, " Brunswick Bank, St. Marv's Bank, , J Branch Central R R. Bank, Macon, 1 Branch Mar& lire Ins. Bank, 1 Im;urancc B'Uof Columlus,MaCon, 1 Comuicrcinl Bank, Macon,- 1 Plantt r's &. Meq's U'k.Columuus, i-s Milledgeville Balik, par. 2- dis'nt 2 " 2 " 2 'dis'nt 3 " WHOLESALE GROCERS, f ha fir at on. S. f. eorgia. 13 3 3 o 2 3 14 2 j2J no tale. RESPECTFULLY aimonnce to their friends, that their Slock is now complete -to which thev liare added a lnrce ami general assortment CO'lTON BAGGlNti. BALE ROVE, and TWIXE ; and is offered for sale a4 uimL,, Charleston, Aug. 20, ltJ4l. 6 "'61 (KrWaiilod, iiiimcUinlt'lj',) -g AAA FEET hf-Tellow Pino PLANK,--J IIUU well kiln driid, ur.,1 delivered in Ashcv.lle. 500 ft-1 inch thick, i ft. Uig and W inch. wide. 500 It. 1 inch thick, la to 16 inches ....I IO A It.llli S. S IllPIC tlUnntltV ofaJher sawn LUMBER the particulars of which W4l.,be iiuide known on uppucauo" M , - ui i 1 r.s M piemoer u, io-ii.- Flo I :SE AXD LOT FOR SALE. I'I'.TIALE ACADE.HV. fTMlE annual public Eiaminut.oii will lake place I ... ' l'.. .1... 1 111. n.l' L on Thursday ana rnua), mc . Parents and other friends arc rcspecuuiiy tnyii- .... ea ta aiiena. October 1, 1811. uu ployediT.r aTongeV pTnoVrtKau oneyear;to be ac. counted for in the manner prescnoeii in uic b.-c.i.u section of the " Act tar change the organization of the Post Ottice Ucpanmeni anu iy 1'""' more ff. etiiallv for the settlement of the accounts thereof." paed July second, eif;hte'n humtred . . . n I I '..i .1 I.. ...!. arid llnrty-six: rrotiaea, iiui lucniouer -y .......A .I..II ha i-numtrll for bv the P.wt lljifin'pi io m ... r- J OlFice Department herafUr, whrn the condition ... -. . . r I..J I.a of its iunds shall pennu, to or rounun 'r nr Hi iirhin imminT m il wmeii viiv trvunui,;, wi 1 - --- j . --- Post Otliee uepartmcni may uciviuijis u.. into tlie I reasury. Approved, September 9, 1341. , - TPcblic No. 15.1 AN ACT making an appropriation the pur- chafC ol naval orunance u and for other purposes. ft, ii rnartrd hy the Senate and ffi'ii of R'. mfsenlatwrt of the United State of America, in I I I nl a l . r 1 , 1 1 1 f- H .1 ,-A ..ILn, Ka tMin mil nf rnnv mrilirVS in the IIMJUrUIIU uuiiuio ' . - . Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the pur- . .- i .1 1 ..n al , .ma nose of purcnasuig ornn.-iin-i- wiunmrvv for the use of the Navy of the United States. Sec 2. And be ttjurtker enaelea, inai ine SlreWy orfllcvy is Lereny auihorizel To ap- . i .. ..f ,l.n ...m lir.. i r, and herehv H nitpro. piy o ym i w. . " .-- - - . , printed, not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, to the purpose of making epVrimcnts to test tlie value of improvements in ordnance, in the con- . . I -.1 ... ! ..f ...r struct ion ot sienmeni anu mini and ill other matters connected with the naval service and the irattonataWerrWolW'lo mw purpose uf alefciyine any charges -left uiiMiid on account of rxperim -nts of the like character here tofore made hy authority of law. 'X. 1 WHITE. Sneaker of the Ifinv of Rnrreenlatioe: .r ri rwj ii iv i-'t CtOVr.RSF.EI! THE subscriber has lor sale at his store a quan ti'.y of firm-rate clover seed. Oct. 6. "'. " t7 B; C"VNN;. r'.'irioraffc and C'oniinision Jmtiry S. .'. AS I have. die'iiK-d rellinff good,- I fg I'-avc' to r.urn mv grateful ackndwlcd'n nic-its to my friends, and the jmbhc f ii. rally, lor iiieirim-cra'-rr-'iiagc while thus engajed. Jj- I now otl. r me service I oe ..i.i..v- u, to KEt'EIVE and FOUWARD ALL KINDS GF MERCHANDIZE AND PRODUCE, And. as I will not be engaged in any o'Ikt ousi- WYsh-rti Bank of G Kilekers.ille Bank, i; -or-ria Raiir.od Bank, Athens, 1 a i FarnT rs' Bank of ChalUhoochce.SJ 3J C-ntral Bank, t o Ocmulgcc Bank, t o City Council of Augusta, 1 l -J City Council of Columbus Macon, ' and M.lhrevlle IS o 20 Monro." Railroad Bank, uncertain. It . till- ii f D-iricn and Branches, " Chaltalioochec U.K. & B kingCo. " SOUTH-CAROLINA NOTES, Charleston Banks. Hank of Hamburg, I In' ttinUli. .1 SPECIE-PAYING BANKS. Mechanics Bank, Augusta. Bunk of Augusta. Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Branch State Bank fit Augusta. Do. tJeo.R. It. Bsnk do. Agency Brunswick Bank, do'. Commercial Bank, Macon. Insurance Bank of Columbus at Macon .Do. Branch in Savannah. I -i-l par 1 dis'nU A MAST OP LETTEttV . w - ruuvivii In the Post Oliice at Ashevill I ii.'t.i ..r OetolH-r. which if nol taken out lwfr., I lie 1st of Januarr. I?t-Vnlll btrsCnt to the in lev ( General Post OlBccasdead letters Win J Alst-jii Col Alston fl Alston . J I- Alexander II ibt .M'-.:ni,lcr I. a ll' .--ii' v sse lil iiilmi Hies Hi i vurd J ltiniliillor EL-ati- S II, ,!1 romissory Notes, and "Me op between them, the mutter A .- was A-rasrao exploit. The democrats of ofK v' 'a villa8e '"tlie northern part ewTork,) met on the receipt of the - uie cto, to tesufy their joy by the big a. Thev not it out. loaded "JM torch in hand, one of their number w3 ft U kilt In a. . . I a em I fciu T. wuen a huge two-tisted ZT" "wnded through the crowd, strode thep,eCej Clapped a fi,e in the 7ent .'th hammer in hand, drove it.home, "g "vetoed John Tyler." The a done io an instant, and before wrpnse he occasioned had subsided, appeared. Who be was, or where vwac worn , nobody krH w. M aa ' F-T4"!' the atith ulu bv James A. Bubel. alVI.00"4' WlL8!'- o Miss Avoua j CwV1 Tboma. Young ; aU of Van- J'tiJr- --"J President of lh' Senate pro tempore. Approved, September 11, lsll. " ' r. IHIIV TVIM meric. weld, woad or pastel, Brazil wood, Nicara. irna wood, red wood, cam wood, log wo .d, d r li kinds' nnmanufactiired woods ol any kind, except rone wood, satin wood, anu m inog i .. i nil... Ali oila of American fisheri-s ny, wiitticmiu c i and all other articles the produce of said fish Ties i f.. ..i ,:, . and zinc; and also, wooi iiinnaoo. ............ value whereof at the place of exportation shn.l not exceed eight cents ,cr pound : Provided, Tiiat if tw mixed with dirt or other material. and thus be reduced in value to eight cents p r pound or under, the appraisers shall nprrraisc haij wool at such price as in their opinion it would have cost tad it nol been so mixed, and a duty thereon shall be charged in conformity with such appraisal, j. .J .,.r,A,d (at titer. Thut wh'-n wool of ditT, r- cnt qualities is iniorted in the samn hale, bag or ., narl thereof is worth more than ciirht cents a pound valu d nf aforesaid, that part shall pav a duty ol twenty per centum n ... . Prooid.-d, That boards, planks, staves, scantling, sawed timber, and all other descriptions of wood which shall have necn wrougni miu ""i- fit them respectively for any s-cific or permanent use, without further manufacture, shall be deemed and taken as manufactured wood. Sec. 2.' And be it enartrd, That there shall he Wtedf on eaeh-imtr every n on-ciuiincrutcd article which bears a sirnih tude ilhcrin material, quality, texture, or the ue to which it may be applied, to any enumerated ar ticle which it. must r.s inbles in uny of the par. . . .. i. i r .. . ticuIarsbelore-niiMioni'O ; ami ,i any nun - i ..!!. .a., mhli.a tun or more eiill. aiea nrueie n'inj " . - i . r-, .mcrat-d.articli on. wJlicjlLitiMent ; rates of duy : 1.1.. -.h..... oli .ll l. I.'.vinl. Col cCi- arc now enarm-aun , ii,, . -- - - A x .i ,....1 nn Himli nnn.enuiiienitcd article th, ru, I"" . . ..f .Iui,. ia clinr n ahlc on tne artich BUIIlt; iav ... '.-.i y j,- 7 . . which it n-si-mhles paying IMP hignesi oury , anu on all article, manufactured fnim two m - more . iW.r WaW.41w,WV.alill..''Mi' . " - 1,.. h,.c rs on as fair i house the lH-t care' 11 lll, --'ni i"iv '"J..". .. r t - -- , talienaml' f.rrwarded with despatch, or promt'lv oh vd. r-... .' ..... ..! olwrrvalion. I have long ihonir!,! that a faithful ajent could render eonsid- li ; (,,. Klf. in se HUT their COT i rain' : nn i ...... ,-, . .) ii .... hnvinir their TToeerK s; and, as uniiuiii ii -,,,.- .'--- - , i ., A in this iniirki t lor the last ten 1 ll V ... ' .. - T .... Vcanw-d acivua.t.ted with Ihc rineof i.,...;-. 1 n fon-offer mv services to my friends I .1. . I . , I , r. r-. tii r:i !lv : and will faithfully IllIM Ull. iiuii-i I-' ' - i f d -vote mv u;i.livided attention to the interest ol ail l!w,-c who nnv commit to my charge the sc.! iug of their produce and buying such articles as thev imv ord- r. Is Ull CASES, UV COJ1SIISSWNS SltAI.I. SK "l"- e...s,-,it. 23. ir '.l. -'(, P. S. I am not interested in ;.ny Wan house in tlie ..lace; tl.r. fore all col Ion s. nt to my care : ,i ,1 :w ,!ir: , ti d. ami if no directions, my bvCt Jimiihahrwinbe. us.d for tlie planters- ml. - rest. ' Tlie Greenville Mountaineer. F. 'g field Advrr- ti"-r, lVndleton .Messenger.iiinianu " ' . II : '!'!a!id M ss.-ti-er will iusest t!ie above-two ,t!is, and Lrward hills. johiii-i.. NlrsCS Crose lH)i.trs I A Mutl.eS . Pet. r r.nd (i o M.Her J-A'.MiCollou-h 2 J II J M; Knight or J Tut tut J Miiioror Win IKa. v r C1 Thus Mori is ?a,J J.ierrb Cooncr L Ciuell ' '" Miss M M D:clx! J V Palmer WinPaxton Cu.t S Potter M.-ijGen B M lv!ni y3J .s I Pyatt M i'ealherstoii II. v F M Funning Miss S A Gr og Mrs LP M; S M P U'o.H S J T Gil Hi n J V Giil. s,u; .1 lines I Iriirv Miss P I licks J IC.lll I liC!' 2 V. I, II -s Tho's 'Ilips J I lo i i n trHiileTir-1 srsPattorASetlin A Porter Mi P ni" mm SADDLES; BRIDLES. THE ifi & Wi undersigned (late mitii Ki.iiiT,.; beg leavctu m- J)ririiliei"ehsTr!m'-Tsri''dlrM'piili-hc at -ferjiej, that they aro receiving invoices of a Splendid si arte of. Goods, i.i. h tinu m na rnn hbk'ih pn - mav be chanreitble ; Provided, Ilia', if in virtue Jol'n Ileii'lers-.n Win Iliisscitinc V Jones W.n ki ily C i.t Win Ihrris n Sii,inl Mnri i y R. v S M.r;:in October 1"3I1. A Pi lMl M M Prajton iit'i; ,S II U .burn o. P Reed ; s M RlicJos :,-)i S T : R .berts (' B Uielnrd in St. -in 2 - j-pfi!Ttf- ' J s Si in iliniioh J A or II Wiigoiir r J ,s W ..1 v WHrlT Worrr-V - 2 J J AV..!f - K Wlete J M 1) AVIiilsou m; - ,s R Wi en THE subscriber wishes Hsell the House and I..I.I, 111,. Inu-n nf A. ilf-iJ!i HAW flCCUnicd by himself, situate oh the main stret, south of the Court Il ui.e. -N. On tlie lot is a largo and comfortaSlo house, sui'able for a dwelling, store, or public house, with large ami convenient stables uvl c.lier out bnihi- diately jiriiiil the lot," niul i) trae! of fifty Aeresof vnulliiil one 111 ilc from town. A further descrip tion is deemed unnecessary, as it is presumed any person wishing to purchase, will examine for them selves. T.nnsmado to Buit the convenience of ,he pwyWr. JOHN OSBORN. Asheville, September 10, 1841. 3 Police. THE sutrseribcrs Having qualiliedas r.xecutors of the last Will nnd Testament of Jacob Summer, d. ceased, will sell on the Moth and .ui davs of October next, on the premises, lliree nines fr.,"m Henderson Court house, the following valua ble property, vis: Six Hundred Acres ol Land. with a comfortable dwelling house, and all other necessary out buildings. Three .Vrfjrof. Thirtv-two Shares of Turnpike Stock Horses, Cuttle. Waggon, Carriage; ami all extensive set ofCopp'-r, Tinner's, and Blacksmith's Tools Terl Boxes Tin Plate, a quantity ol Corn and Hay, Household furnirur. Cos-r Rivets and Copper Clippings other articles not numerated. ' Terms of sale. Twelve months credit, with note and approved securitv. - p.srvMEV, iprf JACOB UAMSOUIV Jf. 13. All persons in J. Wed fo the rstate of Jac.b Summt v, d e'd, are request. .1 to make im mediate sellU inent, and any (s-rson having claims a-ainst said f.-'i t- will hr -s-nt thefn, princny an. h. ii!ieat.,d, and within the time prescribed by law for bavnieut. otherwise this no!.e will ue jueau in bar of their recovery. . I . i. : ii ci, t p,,-, J. RAM SOL' It, T S.-i.temHerin,l?.ll. tdl Diu jo in aTIxgus tc Cti. ESPECTITLLk inform th" puhhc umi liny are now prepared to work tho .'VHHTJBJdff'Mi on the Smoky Mountain, near the Tennessee line, and, Uu V expect in a short tun" to lie able to fur nish lhv"n)rToimdinir country wifh IZpnonx Sattn and affirm of the best quality, on tho mist advantageous terms, August 27, lei I. t Coiiiixiiffei! to Jail N" this place, on tin 3 I'll nf AtlTU-t. a E(fRO Af.l.V. whosavs ins iinnie m Ml I'.iiir r. oaw nero is about live feel .ight.inches high ; near J.I v.arsoM; S..VS h- h. longs to William Ziglo), Crawford count v, (i. or Tia. The owner is request-, ed to come forward, prove prop-rty, ;;iy charges, and kiiHii-waA-,- -iri-iU-bdisiiod f a the law directs. ... J. M. SMITH, Jailor. A-hevd'.r, S-pt. 3...H-U- . .'. tf W I W. COLEMAN, r. . 7 4 i or i,i:tti:us TV ESIAININO hi the PosHifrice 51 t'ta-Uin. XX on the 1st of tlet.-h.-r. lu. winei. .. ..... - . 77-..... :.. .!... .nn.ii. wkl be sent to the Ocne. f:il Post r:rrie "is dexIlerferWf- fPinrt.- .. 16 1 AN ACT making appp.priations for outfits and salaries ol diplomatic agenia, aim wi ui" i'- poses. . " .1 - . . it. ;i h tr Senate and Ilaue of lien. . . .. r 4 k. l'.tmA X.'airm of America in re :..,: "I .... r- ....... -.,.J Tlat the following- sums be. UVHificw - - : and the same arc hereby, anprojiriated. to be pa . . r' " :- ,1... "1ar.nuiirr not otherwise appropriated, viz.: . '. . ... Kor ontti's ot minwiera io uia, .-(, . ... j, -. ,r . . - ... p.. . . .1 . .... ... , ....I rnurmvu nil. III. 9 ,.. . ' - CO, I'm tr.... - - tugal, Denmark, Sardinia. Naples, Chill, and I el an, sixty-thrce thousand aouars. - For salaries of ministers to Spain and Brazil, for the residue of the current year, eight thousand dollars. . . --., '-. For salaries of the sctretnncs of . legation io the same places, one thousand eight hundred dollars. Also, so much a may be necessary to pay, lor eomnensation. to the clerks and other othecra .1 ni tmm lli-. the librarian 111 U1V lei.iwi v. - -- , and assistant librarians of Congress, the gat-- . , 1 : l. . r . 1 7 ... l.n. ...nd..r...t keeper ana uunptiav, h. r . . by them during the present extra session, three months' additional pay; ana io uu; uit-ut, assistant messengers, pages, and laborers of tlie two Houses and Library of Congress, and to the hostler of the House of ReprescntaUvea, the usual ailOwauc-a ii r to each of the police of the Capitol the same as to i . J . i j : .: r the messengers, lo oe paiu unuer uie mrcguuu . i - :.. Mn 1 1 i. fViinminl Pnriil nf r.rh me ,OIIIIII.w:w vmm h. vw.h..6.... - House. And me regular pay oi uic ii-.,K. . i ne r . i. - c..n..r. nf tha Senate andotRce ine uui-c ui - j " . of the Clerk of the House of Representatives shall be equal to tlie pay ot any mw p"" i i ; rrrinl sengcr ciupiuji--... . .. Also, a sum not exceeding two hundred and sevcnty.tbree dollars for completing the contract A bindine- the catalogue of the .u. r. ....... k - hbrary. f. , Approved, Bcpiemoer 11, xa-ii. f PtBLIC No. 17 Be il tnacttd by the Semite mnd Ifou of K'p. .4f L. rr;.r fSttmm mf Anutnc IJI Congre mhUd- ThmX on all rtirU imported into luo vniira irotn ana hw i I .ntii Av tt SertjffT.IrM' itrhiMii hundred na fortjiw, there shall be Uid, collected and paid OD m UUVM u ma , uvw wmiui a-.- ty, or which aro charjraWo with a doty of less of thij section, any du'y cxcr-eding the-rate ol twenty per centum ad valirem shall be levtied pri or to'the thirteenth of June, eighteen bundre.l and fortv-two, the same shall not in anywise af- f ct the dispositii-n "f the. proceeds ol the pumie lands, as provided for bv an net passed at tlie pn, d nratidrd further. That no, dWv higher than .twenty per centum ad . . .i . I .1 l.v.11 K,. li. valon-m, in Virtue OI Hie Finn seen-o. n.uo Tied and paid on any tit.manufactined article. Sr.c. 3. iliirf be it further rimrjcr,. That f-nm amijifUJhft.pasriolUiacaUiawi pavablft on exported r .-fined sit?nrs. m innfae'ured - . ' i ..i ...... ,1;... 11.1 lrom ron-ign sugars; ainmn-csrinrT. ,,,.,..- ...- .. fr. m foreign molasses, shall be reduced in pmpnr. tion to th!i reduction which shall have been made bv law (after the passage of the acts of Congress .i. , .n....r.,i nt Jnnnarv. eighteen hundred II liiL in.ii.i and twcnty.nine, and twenty-mnth of teen hundr-d and thirty, allowing said drawbacks) in the duties on thejmportcd sugars or molasses, out of which the same shall have been mnrniifac -j i .:M...l in no ease shall ths draw- lureo or uisim, ...... back exceed the amount of import duty paid on Cither of those anicies. Stc.4. And be it further enacted, Tliat prior to .1.. j j ni V.-hriinrv next the wines of ..... . .1 .,.,1... Ilin nriti'KinnU France shali nol ncsuniecu;u, " i -m of this act, or any existing law, to the payment oi higher rates of duly than me louowms, ....... 7 . or red wines in casks six cents a gallon ; white wines in casks ten cents a gallon, and I-renou wines of all sorts in bottles, iwcniy-io r gallon: Provided, That no higher duty shall be charged under this act, or any existing law, on the red wines of Austria, man are in, -.- this act, levied Upon the red wines o. c.., " the said wines are imported in casks. . i.ii.:, ..ii.,rfJ. That the act DEC. a. Ana oe ii -. -- , entitled " An act to release from duty iron prepa red for, and actually laid on ran..j. ...y j i-.......o(l, of Jolv. cnrliti-cn planes," apnnvwi ri.. hundrediand thirry.two, be. ftnd the same is herf- and paid on sucb Iron hereafter imported a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem : PrewiM.Thiit J V . . . ,h V.v,r . , n such duties sucn repeal snau doi ok.. . be imposed on any railroad iron which shAII be imported under uie provisions o. - - . or to the third dav of March, eighteen hundred and forty-three, and laid down on any railroad or mclined plane, o. wme... u. -,. . been already commenced, im necesaary to complete the same. Sue. 6. And he it farther ena-ted, that nothing m this act contained shall spply to (food. 'PPed in a vessel hound to any port of the United States, actually laving left few last port of lading east. terms as thev can find any where else- JV They will have constantly on hand, a gene. nil assortment ot SlDni.ES. BRliiLEl MlSTfLE.S. k WHIPS, Trnna. lalirrs, h iishts a inrucws, Sv'e. Vner,nnd 7iir,'.' leather, SW Findings fa., nnd II r; S'iin, SM'rry W-ire and ' Furniture, of .c ry deneriptioa. Tii--V renir't thnsr. in need of artiel.-f in tneir I n . to" nil at the old Brick Stvid, Nign of tire li'iaek II .rse,") corner of Centre and Mercer sfret"i3"wIfTivTrs'nt"?i TlaMhWuKyTrrjTVr'd ' t 1 .....P,. t ti.1 il irk. pu.ic.uau. " . ,.; rn H-imhurg, Sept, 9. 1M1. ' '"''f ' I r Phc Ur-vnvilJe M rU-.ine -r and II .g.ihi'i.l Me-n.r.-r will cpy four Sfu -s. and forward ac eoiiuh.. Jmiriia . .'.Ill R.llks Will ('irtei-M S lvli.,1 W, Jill in Eiiali.y.J-'n" s ist. r .I-.ihn . Fn'iIiiisC'u lotto Misi JmneK' It. nj in.'ui Jiiiiu s Jam. s J. J-s'tU J.irrolte N J .Llkiis-jT iiuji-i I -linst,, h"R .'s'l-t id', ..,!.:,!; I'll, ni zi r Sli umi 1$. nroniu M islil) eirn Thomas Miirrhv Pruslu or Will Jne . Mdr.tirr Andrew M. I I'm Junes i Mc'Jowi'il Jolltl Morrison WnTiTrm2 Pfii'ler'Tass or J.i'.m Jpl. inniims Tli-mas JLjiblitiiitL--S.-..;t J ho - - xin? imra:, . t i. Vnlisrrihrr r-! n'vJI'V.fTI-'ri.l.Y, announces thai he has leased the STORE nf Unrkrt nnd frntrr Strfrts, IVIllll ui .uui'"- " latelv occunied bv Mr:C. II. Taylor, and Will , ke. p'on hand an assortment of , fSrorertes, COTTON BAGGING, ROPE, IRON, &C, 8tC. J Orders from the country will meet with " ''tana,tr'Ctallt'nl,"-II.URUHART. ii K... Kn, u. 1810. 24tf Slop flic Villaii TWEXn'-FITE DULL VI1S REWARD!!! ON the 24th instant, JAMES H. MrCLOVP broke jail in this place, and made his escape, tK-in committed under a charge of breaking opt n a store. .WW is alKiut thirty years of age. neir six fcut high, sandvhair and Ik ard rather red. The subscriber will pay 8 Oil for his W.n- Asheville, N. C Sept. 1,1U. Low-fli rmi k JoS J Le.ll)ett- r Ira 2 M.w'fre W.ilhien M Chin-..';.! Lro. Mason John Oct. 8, IS"-!! . p. - J cob S!i phenrj is' '' D S ii..Vrs . inii' l Thoma-- William . , Wild.- GeiTZ.-. -Wi;irim- Wiliiim Titins John J. K.S1LER, r. a. 67 Notice is hereby given,' T3 ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, That there was taken Up by John lil..., Itn.ienmbo conntv. N. C 11 . . i ' v r..,..l a-...W .... tK.. mit- lrom Asiicvuie, uu ..tsmuiiu v.-.-,,... Mb. of August, lH. A brisli! bay ."Tlare and a Colt. TBc satd-tiMTc lis.mall-wliitc sif V iaJlusjiisUtv, l. ..i il.,. nr.ilr.r on I he isimts of each i eve uir.i . - . . , wind-illed ou her.Mt bitiil Me i siro- I , ..... i l... I.,-..!,... i.i,Ma ,li with no--u in.. ' - .- a ir.'e b II and leather collar, with a snm!! scran of leather Sewcn on ine iMm-wiir.-n.. ' mare is alrout l.'i handu high ; uppraisc." her and coll to be worth forty dollars. lite owner is re. quested to come forward, prove property, and pay shatges, aud.Uke her and colt away in the timo prescribed bv law, or tliey will be dealt with ac. cording to the same. R. T. WELLS, Rnuerr. S-ptemm-rS, -. 2 e.v tj - n WIXG ili-iKiseil of tuv-Jfoetr hrR.ioiTs, anT r. irtedmv MoreMo PATTOX & (KORN, J.wuuuviud.auv.ioniur cu.-out,-r.iiiJ.huu.iJ,w. OMIOItS, fwhowill conduct the !ui-iness has been loni' in mv n'nf.l .-VJiiitt. and I can sa.cly to. c.imiiv n.l bunas w-rthv ..f 'ill Coiili.ienee. X - v" J P. rsoiis-mnN bted to me, will find nu- in at tendance at the old stand, tt'ld nr.- .. irne. -'y r -.jpjesUMl K,.eiHC-4orwar4.;tUat -oftce-, and pn-vro. .u... f ,..1-1-1 IV AsiuivaiU-. J..h-. liil. - - ii - fI.Tiiri to employ- A GOOD MILLER, who can come well re. commended aa1 an honest, industrious man. can find employment with the subscrib.-r, to take charge of hi wvrana p..!.. .. - Asberille, Sept 89th, l-l- - 66 R1 I.IT OF LCTTES1, EMA1N INU in UitrrrtH!ficc at BurasviK.!. which if not taken out in three m-in.ii. be scut to the General Post Oll.ce as.dea.l letters. Allen Josr-,,1, .' l ,r: JV Dewf-sc m 3 o FlemminR ''"tl Gihhs Thomns Ilonrycut J.-icob Ilownnl A (i Iluirhs W in M.-C.mrrv J is Ii Putters n Rev-J 1 1 Phillipps J 'hn -Strah-y Dr J 1 Silver Jiieoh H.-hslev rietiry nnd Sh.-wf.inl M.irtin p0y WvJllJSSO ,IortonMr,Oz,bi th viLSOX, r-n-Oct. 8, 1811. ' J The tiiiclersisiicd, nAV I XU qualified a. Administrator, of the estate of RES JAM I SK I ". d. e'd , at July Session, lt?H, of Henderson t ounlv n. respectfully request all persons who are indebted to said estirte to come forward and mike psvnx n AndtlurM having rlaim. against the estate will present th-m. anthr-nticntcd. as the U di rects, or thi. notice w'-ij"vfi,I recoverv- ELISH DA.MtL A- Septem'jet 15,1911- tf" - Siatv oi' .orlsi i'aroiina, eALivi::.i. eoi NTV. COl RTOFFI.r.AS .4 A t) Q V 1 Ii TFR SES. ..$Mii-jLYTE!iM, 1841. - f OUUr.Ul'.l) by Court, that ptiliheation hem for six weeks in the "Highland Messen; Wn-ir. Gatiiks, r. r n, nvtn I enV.I M U.K. 1 made ger" for the defendant to appear 'it our next t our! to lie held for the cormty of Caldwell, at the place appoint, d hv law for holdmr said l ourt, on um fourth MonitaV in Octoh r next, to plead or r pie Vv. otherwise jiidgm. nt pro coiil, sso. wiil be enter. ..." j, .1... i 1. I, ....... I ,in tcn ed up against Hun, tino i,.,....-. .-. deiuiK-d to satisfv plaintitrs del)!. - Witness. K...sui P. M..-i.r. te. of our sa.d Court, t office, the t.h f rrr's fee. St:. 50J ls"r ' l rayed From the su'oseriln r, living on Flat . ., . v . v crerK, nviiieouiu .-..hoi,. ... ... Jit -last, one sm-ill black filly, 3 m vin. ,iM. ivilh n small It'll on, and . ...i. ... ,.t..M..l l.,,rur r-r.1t. 1 rr'nr on - ciav nana or m.-am - - -- - j old. ''h filV was ra sed in South Carolina, and mav attempt to get hack tiiere. Any information' directed to the sulisenlK r, at S'.oCiSVlUo P. O., wl ba thankfully receive , ' U. V. IV Uil'tM, 8$ S.irtember 10, 1S4I.

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