th I . ..r limth legislator. ku la the Senati,55ofM popiS WiU be read .with interest and 1 k.uu lie rnanwirw. ' wardihM introuuceu r the Charter ot mo -.v-. lfided It be tenaereo oum.g .. - r Lion in wn,c" 7 j teed W provide by lew some eefe end Lr ,y.tero for closing tho concerns ft! .Bank, In n manner consistent with the fcreili of the stockholders, the convon. I jt,.r. nnd the safety of the funds ice u"i - State, as well as wun tno ngnis 01 ditors. I' '9 thouSht thia wi" P" tbo te by o Majority of 4 or B-if so, it I am the House by a strict party -vote. s object of tbe Democratic party in both acnes of the Legislature, is, as wo bo. o, tot to accept the charter, but to throw responsibility on the stockholders, and slBOT-lenselve.aaP ftOJrblcJi lang, when their lords nro about to take m them the stewardship. . tr M7Cjih,eh, from a .elect committee Ivhom was referred a biH to repair and ipiBrdcrabridge in Henderson county Lrted the samo bnck to the House," and lommendod its passage iho bill was jpotcd by Mr. Fsancis, and finally lort, a vote of 09 tn as 06" Tbe following extract of a letter from ( I . I- j ... tv memoer oi me jegisietr id me ooiiors W Wo take tho following extract of a letter La eenllcinau at Raleigh to tho editor of the I . . imborouh Patriot, at axuioumg more cor- . ... tljlhan anything wo have seen the true ena- fierr"MfrFaANcn is a gencleinea-qf fino4-r ticition, strong vigorous intellect, extensive Jin? snd for promptness in meeting any and W attack, no matter from whence, or from LaiUiay o ,M lcw equai. " w"u,- L to it iettorr- Read it. : . i it . ..l. T sttora no nine amuseiiieni io auure uocu. focos always excepted. , ,,V . .; ' i ),!:..'. ' PiLaiini.Jiiniiar.lS43. r Gentlemen : The most amusing and inte. restintr scene that has been witnessed this session, took place on Saturday in the Com. mona Hall, immediately after the inaugura tion of Gov. Morehead, and in presence of most of the beauty and wit of this city. The lobby and galleries wero crowded to overflowing, ,;A more complete victory never was gained upon the held ot uattue than was this ir. favor of the Whig. It was sprung upon us wmnout a moment s warn. ingt but the palm was so clearly enmeu off by the Whigs, that some of the Whig Mies In iho galleries were seen' to clap their hands in ecstacy, and refuse Jo (wive their seals until the conflict ended. You. know, sirs, that the Lobofocos have for sc. vernl vears mado war, upon the Banks, ma. kingthutllie hobby upon which they rodd &c, &o. Well, now, these dear, loving Locos in caucus assembled; deter, mined 'thai' tlirlr plans of attack Opon tio Banks should be carried put to the letter. Accordingly, one of their number (Mr. . ..... . . . j , -. . Heater) Irt tM Senate lotfoaucea iruur inn body a resolution proposing to raise a joint Mr. Calhoun. In this State, the Calhoun and Van Bureo men. ar beginning to grin most horribly at each othej. . They are letting ei-Uou as crabapple In Joly--there will be some Tar fuO, apnpog them, ere long. a w ar m m ' 1 ' ' 111 " li'l'-l. ' J , , Georgia Erecil ; ; " ' Gaorgia aecm to bo herself again. CnwroaD (he Whig candidate Car Congress hs been aluot ad by a handaome majority over McDoooiud his Locofocs opponent, 'Tims have the people signal lv rebuked the doings oC the last Legislature In referene to their instructions of Hon. John McPherson Berrien, the bnghtrtt star in ktr po- litical gala iv. We have not seen full returns, trat in the tixty.ttca counties beard frorli, the vote stood . -.- T' - :; ; ; 1 For Crawford ' -99 629 ,'' McDoiigoU , , '14 470; OTflere ii one of the rarest tit.bits of Locorocotsrn, we recollect to havo seen for rnany a dayi Mt contains Gov. UcDuaaild's I rf .fMi .dm juilhlmlUinff- Ilia afiiftnt ffom.tKf!. Bill whichntoly passed 'the Legislature ot fieorj-iaito &x ofttbat Sf5V?atoCongrs sionul districts. Congress, in the exercise of a povre'r whieh bodo h acracf .bfoMed ultralst, would ever think or-calltng uncon. atitutlortal, said that tho election for mem select c6mmittee of both houses, to go into! bers of Congress, should in all the States, tho banks, examine the books, count the 1)V.,i,rfriett. Th6 Ledshnnre of Hear- cabh. and report to this Ueneral Asscmoiy ' .. , . at a. earlyVday as possible. . This, we all gi, though decidedly Democratic , iul knew wquld take at leaat two months. Well let it be so,'; and forlhwuji proceeded to this resolution passed tho Senate, and came 0ff lne State into districts j but, Chas. to this House on Friday, passed the House McD0NALDf wluustetMstirne, happens without objoction-tho Whigs not wishing , RoWrnor. of that State, says NO. to throw any thing intto way oi invest g- - . rBW, IV. .l ki.hA .1 I lh lillW inPV 1 1L mu3fc null . I.Ji Ml " "Ihaveheardomo 30 of 40 speeches tbe House q Commons on J one s iv. ao- lioas shout the surrender of Iho ,rter. Asa Uriggs, of Martin, pv" Icdiscnssiou with u furious locoioco nouncing banks, and Uoclunng uiui Imihi was between tho supremacy of t.i" Inks and the supremacy of the people." " He wns replied to by ftnoimei r rnntui Havwood, a very talented man, and an tie and eloiruont speaker. Mr. t rancis is very large man ; a great deal more cor. .lent than the Governor, though not so !L Thevcall him here the " Great vv est. J-d." Jlo took tho position that tbo mal- lirafsppointing a sWect commmco vi tu. Jort some suitublo plan for winding op the ante was unconstitutional, becsuso ii vio- a nlnmn contract tntcred into oe- em the State and private individuals wt tho Lfgislatnro appointing a commit ;e ta go anJt-ti;o possession of tho B ink, i boats bonds', papers, &c. was an out- hreuaon tho riuhts and propeny u mm- fiduabs. He wnt on tosnowtosi mru tcnue was raised from the harries, tban from ivaM aKa drill rft In the State, ana defied lie Democrats to show otherwise. Ho Lowed how much was owing to the Bank, l what it woull produce II tnese ',.hi worn Immediatelv to bo collected. iThat it would produce additional distress by (urtaihng tho circulation of p per money in Ihe State, already by fur too scarce. In ihort.he made an able spcecn : mo skbicii- h reported in the popers here give you no U r II . In nnnrrlllIC. YOU IIIU31 uuki mm. . i "Hfl wns rr-nlied lo Mr. Braff,or INorin Impton. who is aaul to do tin . n ban of the Loco party in tho House : iki Bnm hiunhln nninion ho mado a failure. WifhI r ihn htiln Democrats the lieu ynt MitpTiiiti. also. 4o,roply.i-Duo taaMcKao tried liim.aiia buiu m i,1"" cis dealt in small matters; to whicn urnn. fii rpnlipil. thai when he dealt with the gen !u. i t.:.' i-rnnrnmenls. Ira was in' ;iicuinii aiiu ma mi.w0 ' ( - deed dealing with small try.' " Rocbinghnm, made a sulcwipe at uim , Mr. F. mentioned that lie meant. "O J'; pect when ho called him a popgun 5 ona was not surprised that no nao oiren ia the Scales and found wanting. Russell. of Granville, Iried him, and blustered and 1 inorted' about Francis having come nun Scotland, &c.l to which Mr. F. replied, that U was true, he did ronjo (rom oomianu -from a Monarchy-but here was lift Uir. fcrenee between Mr. BussWI ana mm-.., that Mr. R. was a repubiicaa by. outnee, while he (Francis) was ono from cAoce , nnd doubtless if Husseil nad Demi uu. .... Easlund. Prioco Albert would hate stood a bad chatiee, for he must have succeeded well with Victoria, from the viuio Dlav he had mado ot -himself there to day. Russell rejoined, and mado some allusion to the patriarch Isaac. Mr F. gravely re plied that tho nentleman .was out of order, for tho rulo of iho House wns, that no mem beRshould mnke allusion toon absent per son : and n I-nnr- wns not present to de fend himsW.iiG 1 was out of rder fcr allu ding to him. ' Mr. F. wcqt on to say that the gentleman, from --Ashe, (Mr. Bower) ae48aM vwr"rJurhvg-H tiuaJ, contrary td his expectation : for ftt the be Rinnino of the session ho was continually tatkttf. He was reminded of the anecdote; of the Irishman who bought an owl? for parrot, to Vm it tniu mi talk having es caned it At ihn..n1 nfn wi.rli ha concluded it WIS afrniil in inlU nnnn alrnnffcrs ': Slid beinp after nwhiln mentioned nirain con cerninif his nnrrmV nrorress. he replied that it had not spoke yet, but he supposed it soon would, as it kent " a devil of a think. ing!" During all this scene the House waj 10 a continual roar of laughter. . .....Z. n ..nli, . nnTIWr fTnriiwi; I. oile-ot alanuwil&t W iheir lenders.' oh Saturday moved a reconiLr .1 Constitution you, gentlemen of tho siderniioh of tho vote by which the resolu-1 House 0f Commons, andof the Senate, in lion had passed the day befor.. - IJegin( i.hy and answer tho purpose for which" it was in-j 0f the Senate in the Caress or the muta tenddd. Tho Whigs, however, reiuseu w -Slates yes ,tnd you, Joftn, iwr, wf reconsider, upon the ground that the 'h!lppeiiod.'to get into tlio P.eeidettia chajr PMct imon the Banks of the Stater by f n , . . " -1 , J .t,.,;. I n! Ihis nation, ono "u an, wuu u-n, j iim nrmocrnttc hartv had Crippled their 01 una uuuuii, v , l!S&l'ml into havebeenmistaken-you have acted n; their affiiirs wiih essential to.the interests 01 consUitlionaUy- , UHABLES nic 1 o u u, ihn Banks, and that it was also duo to the GoVCrnor 0f the State of Georgia, do here .Ticcrs of the Baits, ana mat ir mo res- -.-ji -JuailoToor error, and Inter num. urns insuillciont loanswxx.thfl.4ttri L I . -,-- .v k it so by poso to save my coumry , vj Pi....m& iTki Ldfyt World of Fa1uoit..X new volume of this work cornment J'Uh the commencement of the present year, the 1? V 1 ...I. - . I 1 uk.CM nrsc nuwiucr u wuicii lias urcu itwiw. It is greatly Improved, though excellent be fore. ' Each number contains 32 pages ot instructive and entertaining reading matter, and is embellished' ly VM plate of Colored fusbiooa. These fashions aro taken from the Parisian and London stylos, and tbe pobl&ber protisea v that they shall be tut ifeein advance if, eH ether. Besides (hese, iho work U embellished with superior mereotints, and with line and stipple en gravlpgs. The publtshef bos' secured a long list of popular writers as contributors to tho work henco lite character of its literature is pronou need to be such as shall instruct, amuse, 'and especially commend itself I the hdits. Each number will be published on or before the 20th of "the month "prrcedmgTKaTToTwt suDscripuon pneo is iwu uuuu im u iu(i copy Invariably In advance, post paid j three copies for Ave dollars 5 eight topics for tan dollafsyalways n advance, sad post paid. The January number of the World of Fashion certainly promises well, opd" we bo doubt but that it will bo conducted in a manner with which even the most fas. tidious will not find fault. Address, C J Peterson, No. 98, Chestnut street, Phila. dolphin Gadeu" Ladu t Uoofc-.-esUiulished r me present proprietor In 1830-..eneh number containinz 60 pages. The January num. lbs party himself bad gives ! the defendant's wit eases prove aaanr J facta, which toUUy hsaga the complexion' ef the esse a is deeidetf favour r the defendant, ana uis piainun erer after eanpWina ofie umvtaimtf l lie. ; The m f Tident, was in himself. ; If he had told thi truth in the first instanoe, he night have save4 his money, time and temper. - ; " Vi hare you to know, Mrt. Stoker, that any nacle was a hahnitter of the law t" "A fig for your hmmuter," re lotted Mrs. Crabb, taming op hr Doae, and putting her arms a-kimbo, " havn't I s eonain aa is a corridor hi the navy I" lite New Orleans Picayune ef tho 23d ult gives news from Mexico. A Mexican steamer had reached Mexico from Yucataii. She brought unfavorable oews for the Mexicans, and requested more money and more provisions. The Mexi csds had failed in several attemps to carry Campeachy by assult. Tlia National Intelluiencer of tho I61I1 ult. contains an article from " 151 Censor de Vera Cruz," of November 10th, in winch tt ia announced that all the difficulties which hnun hn npndiniT between the U. estates and Mexico have been definitively arrnng id. The CenebTeuributeii lliis" happy ad. iustmeni of difficulties to the conciliaiing ... rr. IT- a u: deportment or nr. inompson, u. o. mm. ister to Mexico, in the exercise of his diplo- It is estimated thaf the revenue of Ohio will fall short of being sufficient to meet the interest upon tho State debt ty acorn viv 000. Increased taxation will have to be re sorted to." - OBITUARY. this llfo on th eveninir of the 7th 4.. bar residence in the V.oinily of Murphv, Cherokee eountv, N. CM MraJtiJJiA. srrs W. IIuHTca, consort of Col. A R. S. Hunter, Departed a ni Inst, in K fifl v.ninth vcar of her aire lifter a pro ber of this popular and extensively cirtuia. lrmcted mnessoi nveyears, uriueunn " niion- was insuillciont J .1 In mnlinn posK.,. ..... :..u. . nrirument acainst the adop aW.rtr1lineni Kiev nilirill ....... NnUiwiii.iMn...ii o Would be calculated to have the desired of. ,ion 0f an)Lsuch a measuro : In this State, feet : but, sirs, they would no go, and they'" Mq haB lne i,onor of recognising me as had to stand and lake the lash as well laid . Q " n. on as yot, everwlad T an unruy ln.MwaaM. horsonentup so tnni no cuuw nm ivr , . aSirs, wheu an attempt would be made 8,and by this famous Veto Message, but here it is, read lor yourseic. , . VETO MESSAGE. s J . On the Congreuiotial DMrict Pitt. , . . ExECUTIVe DErASTHINT, .. I ! " M;ilnHrvilI. Dec 26th. 1843. ( A bill " to lay off this Stale into Congremkjnal distrieu, and to provide foe the election of Hepre. ThU bat seotatives tnercin." nas o y V" i nw ww i f . , UDOn th lc of the ,.;....l iron'lemnn had been sick most .... ti,., WM adopted incompliance with the , the session, but got into tho House just, of an act of Congre-s paed r rt the ot tne session , is -oumrfiil luu sassian aasumins the antlioi iy lo control and Imiim t. menace one of the most powerful lata session, assum ng u piece of artillery that has been brought lo .Xi y that the Legta: bear in this campaign, iruc, u.D - Mature to parry a blow, they only opened another . . 1 ...t.!.l. iU Wlit fret ihrPW I port. hole, tnroogn wmui w r hailstones io a thunder hut sififif ns thirk as hailstones to storm. The principal actors in this scene on w it, n,.n of the Democrats were Card ell.BroKK. Jones, Wilder and Avery ; ... ilnnrt of the XVhies. Nash, rancis, tiurnnger, Aane nnu un...... ,.oiwi, tho vote, owins. to Dumpers, I.. .a. lUoia atsmtlltKl Ua ere broken up and UUI ai.w..j,..w. emolisheu. .... nfl,.,iuMit hv lliat consideration, or l'"1" "" . . y . t that the biU would not nave ocen paaaeo, .n.r.t ,J .nrh unconstitutional requirement! but tho Executive w unwilling to give hie assent laan sri Urllich mflT be construed into an acqui. ...... .n nntiMt encroachment opon the rights of Ihe Stales. Unsurhoriiod assumptions of power nrt rrnf iintde of a nation. We see it stated in some of our exchange in e,. of even jXJSi .. i H. .hi.ii moaeniwi, hui unu.ji -m. . papers, that a national monumcin eno danecfoug Murpstions. . l ;n i.'...iin.i hi ihn mrmorv ui I n k. f'nn.titution oi mo umica ciwiw, Sir Sidney Smith, and in ,he meanwhile his Ug 3tt aurviviiio; sister is earning S miserable Ond fn, .unions for Senators and prcsentativc. in . . a It eafrnllltl mim lttftli' IIWT mtHll. Iiei" preca rious living- by taking care oi emp.y ;id(l4 Mlttfc MC,u,We rcpoVuarfe. of . I- J L ftvfnt'A " , , . . ... r'nn.liimlnn kink. houses, -in -Uiaeignoprpoou, - Z2 rZmr7 a course as this is "too often pursued by In, f ht grow upia of the States which njjht uiS as well a. nation, Hundreds of WJegXEZi men see the: poor almost star, ng nroU,,u of preventing ttr tro ted work lias been or! band for soma time frubundam!y sustains the former high cha racier ef tbo- work., f ho cmbelluilunenta are even superior to the former numbers, and the matter equally as good. This work is published at threo dollars per annum. It ia much larger than tbe World of Fashion, snd is favored with a list of more popular contributors. '" Tile Magnolia.....The January number of this excellent work has been received, and from-a-hasty cxojiiinaUojh.wor.edi9rwed to pronounce it tbe.fnost mtereettng number we have seen. VVe have nor room at present for, a more extended notice twrhane we ma v Cive such a notice at aootheriirno.- Tke Dublin University Magaxn The sixth number of the 3d volume of this work has also been received. It contains the i ... r. . si... ' f..U 1 1 i n t . . n conclusion OI " JVT mens, ui v the Guardsman." and several other well written and interesting articles. We have been instrumental in procuring .ever! nubaoribers for each of the above works, and WiU cheerfully continue to do what we can for their interest, but tne pub lishers must not "expect of us to publish an nually or semi-annually their long prospec. tuses. We will give notice of any altera tions, amendments, etc., which they may r make, end, as we have done neretoioro, notice their monthly'errlvals. -True, tbey nm excellent periodicals of the kind, and ours is an exee'lle'nt paper of its kind, and we believe we can render them a greater service W pursuing e course which we propose, than by puUishing their prospec tuses Arrival 9 departure of the JnTaifs, ?irXKD MOIf A8HEVR.LS, Jf. C. EASTERN from Ashevilla to Salisbury, fob' none coeencs arrives Biinday, t uesday, and Thursday, at Ui. at., and leaves Monday.Tharei dnv and Saturday, 1 T. m. SOUTHERN frSrn ArhevilUtoGnenvills.SXi four horse ooaehss smvea JHooday, Thursday and Saturday, 10, and leaves Sunday, Tuasu dav and Fridav. 4 a. M. WESTERN from Ashevillo toWarrn Sprinra, lour norse coacues arrivea aaur, a. mavaa dailv. 4 a. ii. From Ashevile to Clarkesville, Ga.,lwle'a weeki hoaaback arrivea Sunday and Wednesday,? r. leaves ifondav and Fridav, 5 a. K. From AsheviUa to Morgsnton, to horse hack- arrives Monday and iriday, 9 r. St., and leave Tuesday and tfaturdav, S . M. From Ashevillo, to Aforganton, via Burnsville- arrives l uesduy r. M , and leaves Wednesday 6 A. M From Ashovilla to Cathey's Creek, via Sutphor' Springs leaves rriday, b a. M., arrives ffatur. damsville and Calocy's creek mails are carried 8 on horse-back. The Post Office liereaftsr will be opened an Sun. day for the delivery of letters and papers, betwoan, 8 and 9 o'clock a. an M. PATTON. P. M. . . its. Tt n l rt irt AiilCVHI LWCnOfv 404 " Di. Woodfln, RESIDING AT PLEASANT HILL; Eight miles from Franklin, Respectfully tenders his services in the various branches of his Profession, to the citizens of Ma con and the adjoining counties. Ho will oner no Battering inducements to the community, bat will thanKtully receive art promptly ana lanniui. lv attend to any calls with which he may be fa. ' . ' f .. lOAl i too voreo. jsnuory, iw jr.... Will be sold, on Vcdncsday, thti first day of Maroi next, A T the lato residence of Leonard Hill, dee'd., in Spartanburgh District, B. C, ohrUtinn fortitude and natiencc. daughter of Col. James Lucus.of tho Vi (rinui lino a compatriot with Washington, the Fil,nr of his country : who. toectlier with him entered and went through tbe Revolutionary war nvs us rndeoendenee. Sho had sustained the endtarin? relations of wife, mother and mis. trem, for tliirty-five years.; She has left an aged husband and three, survivftig childron, together with a large circle of neighbors and acquaintances to rauara-Jer loss. t'owmunicaferf. r MARUIE.D, In r.hrrnkca countv. N. C. near Fort Hem- bree.on the 5th instant, by tbe Rev. Christopher Bradshaw, David Purinton to Miss Jane, daugli ttxfiLtbfi JSevJChifeiQEliPX fedsawfmm such wcr Ihe elce hoarumgup n,o.u - b--' T t! th. Convention. and the tnt institution at their ucat.t. Uriltianef theiuitioit, often suffer their best and most useful men h jt waa ihfcndcd Congre ahould w Sbind die' in poWrti actual want, and after they are doati spenu hlMfc . Th whoio provi- . . .: ,nr,nta id uerpe and adopted with the . ingle intent toensarea re. thOUSanas III crcvm.s . . ..ntalion ef all the Ktatea in MWgrcaa, a..u .. -aJ-s i "ii- r,... j .ii am. of the most oevwus ex. tuate tneir mo "ros"-?";M t. The act Give us that charity which work u.uej . ... . slate,tobedi,lricu,i. which has a tender heart and an open hand iu ..e- .rid calculated ac- fSLactuaYwa,,taroundlr,eustha, JrS' -hih exhibits itsely suitable l,Linr tom the balls of IcgWation mem- . --eiECied. according to cstaa- returns to its actual hencincxor, wm. V r ZT'" regulation.. eempleU and unaltered in lo Aim that the service rendered jb properly J fa'Z&M . A. .r,A n. ihnt which lets hm the act undrr consideration, add to the tT nppreciated; aod not that wnicn ic a representatives of the people of live and die in want una tnen n: - ia, whom 1 1 asuere i ,ti"be hrA The character ot o true pniii". pist and chrfstian may in retbrenco ;o this !, a.immed up m-few wordsit isJi i debt it is so. While be was Post Master GsnWal, JMeasra. Stock ton a4 fitoki, orw-ted to tba "IVpartment claim of s....i iIimu..j Milium, which Mr. Ksn. nu, atank .....kiiitvM of refusinr. Block. Is BtokM W.t. ..t nd finally re the arooont of their elaim far which Mr. Kssoaix "aw wnpriaorsW. flcf Miaaivn. Mast .thou menosl TKen ttou hasToWtcr 1iWreasrraV4tceH ihem. eet tho none 7 Then tftou tiasi Ann in rtiprn rheerte r?et them. Art thou in urosoeritv T She donWes Jtk Z Art thou In I She will icomtoti assist and Jtfnnpu Wanted. fiTMIE subscriber is about removing from this I nrl havinir to raise money shortly, he Mf..llv Invites those owine him money in Buncombe county, to meet him in Asheville, on the week of our next couniy couri, nnu ir mm at least pari. Prompt attent ion to this might pro. bablys.v.cost. inirMTOV. Ashevillo, Jan. 20, 1843. . 4r 133 FASHIONABLE jcsrex3 m.K7svrsaa-a ASHEVILLE. N. C. -rtvi fn tlum 1 vouna men, and old ones. XX too Run here, and I will make vou the best r..i.L-i.hhi l oi anv hi.. ami , I I The subscriber would most respectfully inform th eeblie that he has received uie WINTER r WSlilUiXd : .rwl .nr. let anv person wisliing a cheap and FASH ION AUIii Butt of Clothe motif, come to me, j i I..'. n nflfHianlensed. He has in the last twelve months so greatly improved in i the art of CUTTINO, that he nauers nimsc.. cannot be excelled hy any one west of Iht i lllno Ridge. XT He ha. K-" " 'T" ! WO III a I. Ill" vun.ssw. . ... - 1 give as hng a time tor payment as en, '"""'; m. would k. ICT lie tente. In. thank, tor .u. tis.,1 n-fmnsM alrendV bestowed. CTHe 1.1V llli-. f . n.lU. still occopies bis old stand. A. J. r Asheville, Jun. iJ,io J- . " . A chance to malaC Money M-OXE TRACT ja&Ju.aLi ySL. JaV" JCa at containing 387 ACRES, on which is situated e COTTON FACTORY, working 332 spindles... .with machinery sufficient to carry on tho same. Also, A jRUIST MILL, th fiirec ruti of hunncrs. In the Cotton F 0 tory thero are six ponun loo?is, Dresser, Wood and Iron LaLlis, and E jfine Lath, withjaljeessani 1 oolt Wit ufiicient for kefpin? up the samei- The Grist mill has 3 sets country stones and one of French Burs, all of snricrior grit. .1 jSsf1IVr, y BLACKSMITH'S SHOP ds TOOLS Giu-Iionso and Cotten-Cln. AND ALSO, 'M DWELLliNli HUUbi, Kitchen, Smole. House, Barn, Stable, md many other small Vweumg llourit suiiable for families to carry on the Factory, trr The MILLS havo lately been repaired, sad ar. w in eamplota order. The water. power at these works is abundant, and the machinery now constructed all well constructed to guara against freshets. IT" A crotSU of one, two and three years will be given purchasers giving bond with an. proved security, and mortgages to secure the pay. ment of the purchase money. TllUMAa I Jan. 13, 1843. OUNO, J?Meater. 4....139 Shq prays for thee, wishes thee at home, and welcomes tnee wun joy. "b s delightful at home. No society is equal to marriage. - " Thoughts, sir, thoughts !" exclaimed'aro tho divine wings that bear me up inta the seventh heaven, to en, joy the feast of reason ana tne now w while you can only feast on bread and chees and porter'. But what is the use of speaking to you, your never had a thought" in all your Kfo." - . " Yes f I bi ve one now. "Wbafisitr ' ,. ".That you are a fool" ; unethu on ge M ralion by the will of Go. trr- W hat nnrendorfuUtoaci.,lilCSsJ-p4 . ".. i ..I v . w. J t I bye, is becoming quite common of late. Just listen here how the Madisonian, Mr. Tyler', orgnn, talklwu4-tiiiM0.n.a I t Mr eirtrA 1 letter, which we noticeo somcu.. The meaning o this accora.n interpretstioo, Is, tn n - - made Secretary oi o - ' h u. Vn Ruren should not is eiecicu. ...... . - , t i t. tk Mr. Benton intends to secure the vote of Mississippi himself, U !n"i ihn Hnu.. to barter his State to rhe bt advantage--the Premiership being the price set upon tU" ' Thesame paper asserts that Mr. Benton declared openly in St. Louia that he would support Mr. Cit for the Presidency before ' ... ..I,- The act under considerate, judging rom certificates endorsed, was nrsi "j v-- ate a-id laaUV by the Mouse, sngiiUrkcfiuUi Hottu.c inhicf it it was rcBortcd to lne noum in - -tA Z constitution declare, that every bdl F. . ,i ...nin dvsin each House u. f : -I..M hpMma a law. i , cSursc of halation a bill is passed thrnegl. a 11 courso oi - r House. Dclore it rc-u .i. . ' ,.. this objecUon might be overcome by an explana tion fron one or both ef'the Iloosrs of Oeeeral Asser-Mv, but as the other reasons herein assign- ?. . .... c- , T annmae. from tie turn ii m m , ,;,. fact that t wa. nrl passea mere, ..... - edl I dovhi. with the krt reluctance, M oth er session .f the General Assembly wifl intervene before another Coiigt-ional lcf"',N . . D Signed ertASrcPONALP. ftr The shock of an earthquake was r..l. ,.t flrtluwrlria, S. Ci.. on ihrlllh iP r. .i f.,i. stTlharleston. s On the 4ib inste ishock was ifelt in most placesfhrougn. out EastTennessee, .t. ooA ni art An 000 in toseie arrived at jn luu ... " - " . N. Orleans from Vera Cms eed MaUmor as. nimw he.medV. Arcspecf. able citizen, who has seen the remedy al hirlodto tried with success,-has requested tho toq-Jirer to publish the following recipe for tho euro of scarlet fevee." In nil such oases, however, tbo advice of a physician -hniiM first be obtained: - ; i ' A-rlministfir venstTo an adust give two tablespoonsfull, and to n child of two r,r ihrM vpara ot ace. ono spooniun, taken onca- in two hours y gnrgnng-rhe- itimni wirh vrmst . when it is sore,' wimeai- Tir tieisnn -The cause of ladies' teeth .i..ia nt aa much earlier a siage man "v .. , , .,:u..i1 that of tho other sex, nas Deen nuriwu- ,,vhfi friiinri nP the tonirue uponTTifm. n nrf.nrrtinrr to Some WhO Deem inem .-i ;...!., n ; nuiinrr tn the sweetness ot i heir ia; as it is a laei -tweu . uj... .rA iht uwert thinss ny every uwj o-; , t:-:-- " rot the teeth. VscsaTatNTV ofths Law A m.n fait. Into ith hia neighbor, ina to n" "T" -hud, an against him, relates the rest wth wr - . l. n vnnd hands immediately jTnon witrbe-reeefvee r slrimerluH .u- . ,,ii nfff oaao iw u - IVCITV hiwhwi . 4 will also nurchaM. ' ' Raccoon, Babbit, tt Musltrat 8Mn For which I will pay Ha or Ocedj. . fV jHi V"- AJ--. i Asbcvilc, N. Cm Jan. 13, 1843. 8t 183 LOOK HERE. IS It worth whilo for us to remind our custom en, that their debts full due on the 1st of Jan. uary 7 We think they know it, and will attend to it, and when they come to pay op, which WS hope will be immediately, luai iney win wring nun money than they owe ns, with which to buy sosm of the CHEAPEST GOODS everSJbld in Ashe. villa. . ' ... . WILLtAMS t ltOBEHTt? P. 8. Yon had all belter believe we need ths monev, and must have it. W. ot L'-f - Asheville. Jandarv 6. 1843.. . 128. tf.- . TWENTY DOLLA1 Ranawav from the subscriber, on Friday nieht last, the 3lhh of December. a bright roulat. lo man, nU,cd MADISON, about 31 year. W. 5foct7 or 8 inches high toUrably .U.ot built, weighing loJbs., Bas rca -ny . - -colored 5,at 2? might p.- fc a wb.U man. f not particular y observen is aiiiMuuy - wears a truss. Ho ware off a white hat, a cheeked home spun Cotton coat, and Sue mixed p.n..kK. Hehad a expired on th. 8d in.t. ,Je(r-Af rtm"UTT!i mare It is possible he may bavo bean famished with a f"o pa.nd'l. Ho oonbt'fcldc.voring to tto. nonhve1.olding State. Tho above re. . , ,i ... will be nuid for .u. .Li,.naim, of said Kellow, and hia confine. .. f .;r . that I can ect him aeam. Letters upon the subject may be addressed to the subscriberafTylersvillo P. O., Lauren. D.nct, o. 101 Jan. 6, 1843. NOTICE. THE heirs and distributees of Thomas Shoe bird, dee'd, are requested to attend at Frank lin, in the county of Macon, on tho Monday- be. fn iho hist Mondav in Jsnuary next, it being 1 Uie Monday of tha county Court, in order to make a final settlement of said estate with the eaeom tor, THOMAS fctlt-rilt-nu, Jsr. Dec.aaiHw. Tennessee Stone IFYire, OF every description, for sale by WILLIAMS ROBERTS. AdieviUc.Qcc 9. if J3t nortcaB ' , , INJUNCTIONS, Ko,uUy .tVriund Subpamas for sale hers.. . , , ., . .' '"' -Estray. TAKEN tip, by John Clnj ton Esq. at hia rcei Joncc on French Broad river, in Henderson coumy, 18 mils frmn Hevidcr-onvilK on .i.- io, I,mli.r. 184-'. one mare muui., oTOOffcWrra-Marlri po,cd to bo three or.four year, ol ; 3 ban. - high tn ns u'l-irr n imriv unm-.. .. eTi. reqliirtocome anorBroSfnr, paVt charge, as tiro law direcU, of itwill ba dealt. with accurdinz to Ihe Mine. accoram Jf.REM,An QSDORN, Ranger. -January 13, 1843. - 123 U. S. District court oi Hf. Carolina, IN BASKRUPTCir. XTOTICE to shew cause sgainst Petition of UUn Aniermm. of Cherokee county, Far n tx declared a Bankrupt at Wilmington, on Monday the first day of May next. ' , X William. Ti Coleman, of Buncombe eounly. lata Merchant to be declarcU a Bansrupi ai vii.'- i LOOK HERE! THE vear ia now drawing to a close, and with . it will expire tbe the term of credit for which , we havo made tlus greater portion of" our debte, and we beg leave to remind our customers that as our debts were made with the peeitive unUrtUd. we that payments were to be made by the first or January next, we havo incurred obligations which will mature ui mat " require our customer" to mpct their engagements promptly, or wo must be at considerable Incon- vcnitnee ana lorceu iu " of resorting to collection by suit. ,';,' We will receive an additional supply of " TER GOODS in a few days wo shall ba abls lo sell GltEAT BARGAINS, and while we beg leave lo tender our thanks for past favora. wo will be pleased to set and sc.. ui our -enu-... customen".".' """'"v. "'A'slieWeTm;,47TyriWfr Ul! G4ir ruili y-sutd-J LARGE number of these vaiuaoio ww .or 1 sale at this Odics very cheap. r -..i..,;iu Mo 2.1. B.,vv..i., ".. . . Star Iron and Casting; , WILLIAMS oi KUBIK1S. tf ' 12S For sale by Dec. 9. .. . . -M partyr-andertake. te erov. th. wbol-jsa- S. he bTs .Uted it, and ask. for legal redjs, Aft Lb an examination, a suit i. .1 comes on-ths plaintiff a wrtesa-ars baerd. thsy radaos in a great degree tbe euhwrtng wblcB J.knM.ncy, of Y.ncey ' county oUfa, ngmn mi ,m 1 , Ar.t imw nt Mav ne.t. By otder ef the Court. H. IL POTTER, J.noary3, 1843. V. 123 police. THE undersigned, by mutual consent, as wall as by limitation of their contract, have dissolv. ,H the partnership heretofore ailaling at Seotts rrJek. Hay wood county. N.C. All the hmds gndolhes psnperty ra- ""'"t-- ItUI at tiwsaawj-a an . . ..-1rrn lo lviiiiau. orcn - ,l,i. i. l.ia due tlic nrm arc -. . debu doi from tbe Bfm Ul' THOMAg. i ALLEN riSHER. ......... November 10, 1512 - . - 1 r T r-j ' . $

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