u . , , I -..,-..; Jj ; sr. . 'iSi''i!" ' r''; '-' -I. f 'T'' A . ' i- 1 1 .vfl ! w - - :, - r!:frT?V.. !:... , - ; - . "'-"!" '"'.i' l"" ... v'"' ' i , iri'" 1 '" " ' ' ' 'iri" ' ' ', ;,, zzZ . 1 , . i i " . ; ; , 't VOL. VN0.129. THOS. W. Al'iaN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ycnns of rnc nr:c3cnGr:r: : Two Dollau and Fimr Chirrs per annum ia ' 1 2 ranee, or Thxcc Dolla within the jcar. : f ' No paper will be dljeontinae, except at the op-X-n of tbe Ulltar, until all arrearaea are paid.'' ' AdrertiaenienU will be inserted at Oxs Doixab per square of ten lines or lew, fof the firit insertion, and -TwEjrrr-fTTB Cum for each eontinaance- - The number of insertions desired must be marked ' on tlie margin, or the advertisement will be continu ed till forbid, and charged accordingly. Court Or. . ; . jdzn trill be charged twenty-fire per cent extra. ,t The charge for announcing the name of a candu -"' fits Ux oCce is C2 SO, in ad ranee, or 3 00 if pay. . jient be delayed. ! Xctters to the Editor most come free of postage,' ' tA fusare attention i t " " f ' ' ' - ' "''- t ' : ,'From the Rational Inteiligeneer. -"- . ! nr. Arc&er'f Ceport - ZPrexi Ce Senate Committee 01$ Foreign Rela , ttioris, Tpcn a Joint Retouiions from ihe House, for cr.r.fzinj. Texas to the United " i 'f '&aUMl x j 1 z:''"AAcl , : 1 ' : UiiWillinj 'thit ihU ' 2eci4We J argument rainst thelncorporatioa cf foreign States t: wl;!i cjf own "by nrty resort inferior to the treat y.rrV.iptj .power, thmd fail to be any . .rhere ex"rr:inea tfcrtwh thodismclinaiton , .which macy have to real any thing:, of what- . ever ir.srit cr i r.portance, tinlesa ia brief, we . bars tikcniy.2 sins to nakea-closo absU&ct cf ' tl.is report ; to thrtt 'hstnain pdixttt M least . may reach even the reader ivhb ha3 the least - tim3 to eparc fur the consideration of such i ir.ltcrs. ' ' " ' ; ' .' Ti.3 report seta out with adverting lo the X;IvCp interccl cr.J the strong passibnjy potiti. c-1, party, c:;J person?!, which the measure C.u crcitcd, not caly through communities tr.d rr.ir:c3, tut even in thoso legislative bo. Clzs r.l.ic'.i c::Iy calmer nfleciions should rcch. X7i.lt excitement, . produced by ' variius ' "Lzl very extreme views of a mere expediency hard! clsring itself any where in the same ll.t, the committer hbpa not to be able di. ; j iz'Ay to deal ; they confine themselves to the ' !?''.ir.?.t3 question nhr.c cf tha merits cf the ; :reral schemes cf, annexation, cf than , cf l.. 3 plan gen. In from the House in partirj' r, cni cf the constitutional possibility of thu3 tT.cUn the object proposed. The projects, re in the main, I alike n t!.3 Tr.odj cf fiction which' 'they propose; they all ' i.; -crt that the power to annex a Foreign Ter tiary cndEl&te, resides' io tins Government, and that it is through the ordinary. legislative cction th-t thin power isto.be exertc '. Thij claim cf power the report proceeds to exam ine, first, cs to its existence at nllj and, co. ccr. "j cs to its extent-, if existing. , , ' ta rerenniting the former proposition, that th:3 Government has the constitutional j'ower to cr.r.sx to it an Independent foreign tMrrita ry t!:a committee orotcst trrainst tha force of 0 r a w , l ?zzclzr.l as an argument.' If there ia prccy tl:r.9 that precedent may havo been illegal arJ ' jiV.varrarJtalle; or1 it may have expressly !;'!;,:cd itself, on the: principle of necessity, X"' 1 c.-7i pprw a law cverridig all human t;:-ctcts and obligations..., Of- such cases C:z leading 0H3 is that cf the acquiiitiua of ' .Louisiana by the Jefferson administration; cf .V'hich the later purchase of. Florida was' but ' (ho sequel, avowed and intended from the first . X.J iti completion. As to these, the commit. tea inputs with great force that legal prel c 2zl3 c'ausot bo made of them ; they were ei:tir.ctly "cd.T.ittedrby Mr. JeCersoa himself X- t ; ccts tiyond the letter Vr.i t!;3 t-.irit cf t'loCcntitution, and to ba'dictntsd cr.l by a Uw rr-erior to it. To cura it,ho pr- .Td, frst, an net of indemnity ; and secondly, crr ' Alteration cf. the Con.thuticn, th-t should s?r. xr.it tho" intorporatioa cf Florid, v.!.. 1 i: cc-IJ bs ejected. . Thess Lct3 ctr; t'.iccs in. i.in:es cf all fare 2 cs precedents, unless for thatwhich needs no precedent, ta t ct cf over !ingueceity.; . . . To j'Jrsti(y a like act, there rr.z: ho a like cecetiiry.;:C-id that would 'find its force, not n example, but in tho occasion and its more legal or constitutional validity. Cj'.f. rczTrvatisa de.ar.dsd ar.d fegalized th3 j cc ' -cf Louisiana :. but those acts can -its no ultra-cosstitutiscal cuthority for what cannot plead the same hih necessity. Cer tv.niy, they who uro the present measure al. ?t Among countless other j things, a like -?ssity ; but it is tor tr.sm to prove its exis '-I- end that with an adequate certainty, not I ; f ids fcsed caerely, not to speak of -dirrrcved.' - ' s ti deriving aefhoriry for this act from c . "are reg'-lar source, the school of strict. c.-.rccticsisu, the high and severe inter; T" :arf thn flnniitutinnt. hare always held I1"' 'l tha powers to be lawfully derived from t -".ntcentfoxthia Government, or any I -rt t it, are found la a precise crm, f0."3: fi r-ecial aort of schedule in the Constitu There and elsewhere in it I-ths powers have each name and Jefi To la valid in its "application, each .r c'ist answer to itsname and clefimtion - " ' . ' i. i '.' . ' 'tory hitherto acquired has been i ciity through the treaty.making pow. I hsnca tl.at power has, until lately 9 , I -ensiJered as sole ia that faeultv cr; c 't:Jc. i c-liir.:ted extent. .. I, : Vet ii 'Vv? th3 opinion of Mr. Jcfiersonitljat to admit a power so unlimited was to reader ihe Ct,ii:uiion a blank a truth too evident to need expounding. . Like all the other enu rr.e rated powers this power must be limited by the objects fo which it was granted, tin der this right construction, it is far from bein paramount: it is; but subsidiary the hand, maiden of the Cuostitutioa 1 Under this con. slruction, there must even be some superior power to put the reaty. making power in mo. lion nor ran the latter act, except ontx-hnH of that superior power, and in subordination io:iti"" -nm Uj I -tii.,.: i: ;'"-'T"i";'. : , Within its own proper sphere, however, though limited as; above shown; the treaty making power isj by fhe Constitution, para, mount to all others. That peculiar, sphere jls our foreign relations ; and oyer their arrange ment, of whatever uature, it has entire coo. .trol. j" To ascertain whether or not a particp. lar transaction belong to this power, we haije only jlo ask, ' Is it foreiga7M - ' " 'J ' ' We have seen that all the powers granteJ by the Constitution have attached to them th pres names, individual or generic -as " ttjo treaty-making power," "the war power' the revenue power," &c. The legitimacy , then, oi any pretended power is easily tested by considering whether it answers to any of these names. Try." Annexation" thus : ' U its came or its purpose expressed in the Cnoj stitution? Certainly not. Power is given tb Congress to acquire from the state soil ana sites tor ions, j ji. mere pe power to 00 the like abroad through the same means, ii must bo for the suijne purposes only. Such acquisitions, when made, full, like nil others, Under the: control 'ci Congress; but it follows hot, because it muci govern".. I.t i.-3 b.-ca ce. quired, tiat it bcLnjj toCu-:jr:;i taccquire.' Besides the claus-j last allu Jed to, acJ tl:it! other excluded byj Mr. Je.Terson, there is' nono in tha Constitution from which can be derived, 'except 1 tl.a merest implication, a power like that c jl.t tj cicrc:;cd by 1I.3 House of Ptcprczcr.t-iivcj. Since not deducilld from tl.c.e surcs, czn the proposed act answer to any cf tl.e nanu; of power j conceded by the Constitution ? It h a frrilory, a pry; a state, that isto bc r?"-:!rt J. . No',y( tTritTry may bo gotten by czr. v--tt by r"rc- -"" r' I " voluntary cc l'..?.. The ti-l.t cT ct)::'--jr:t "u in par.bb fru:a il.i ri0'..t cf ,: ; .J il ; Cw,-erii;r.ent thprc.'jre izz-zzz ;.i .1 .ui ail cther3. Merc' purch-j3, t3 wo have ,ca, Mr. Je.Tirsoti held t3 bs a power clcnicd us, excent under the livv.cf necessity. A pur chase ir.'-hl be nnd, a ression received, as in thecals of Floridi or Louisiana, where it would avert on impending and certain war ; fr the war power must justify what is the osly mcani of averting a war ; and evrn the clau.se of ' providing for the general wel. f-ro" tb.ough fibula by cne puty in a lati. itudinous claim under it,' and rtiduced too ir.ueh to nothing'by the over-strict intcrpreU- tienof the ether mfght well justify a power to, do that which - is truly necessary to the common, I the fedcral j(as opposed to the sec tional) welfare. Such a power, used as in the cass of Florida and Louisiana, is -con. serv-tive, J not unlimited limited, not htitu. dine j3. ' In those cases, it tended directly to avert" war and to cement the Union und Con stitution;' I v " ! '1 : : ; yhatff then, is the department of the Gov. ernmcnt ttiat can take this power-, if to be ex. erciscd?; Congress .may" declare war ar.d furnish the means or. carrying; it on; but there its powers end it cannot declare who is to conduct it, or how it is to be prosecuted. Occupation of territory in vrzr gives no title ; th-t, the urrui.0cir.c.:ts aud terms of peace czn L.or.e ccr. tJ !!.3 Icrritcry c Ti.j surrender 'of the riht 1 j procured only by ihe tr- rv! ;-.r. !::rj pr..r, asd the Icgitirr.ata ac. lien rr ::i, lhcrrfore,bo derived from that power alcr.3. The ! thing rrzzi be seid of purchase or cc ien. Theee iiely, nc ccssarilv, con'.mct between the. sovereign alienating anJ 1.2 sovereign receiving; and that contract, conducted for them by their agents or commissiucers ' in conference, is a treaty. This, then, is the only lawful avenue by which a foreign state or territory can be brought into this Union. If, under the ques tioa cf voluntary cession, you include' the case cf a population,' as well as a 'territory, then, since x has been ;already shown that a territory catt in, no raanner be brought ' into the jU moa but through the agency of, the irea. ty power, k foflows that its population, must be inc.uded within the sarrio rule. - Ili ..N on,jr-m t -c.?.s3ered, further, whether population. and territory, combined into a tatean independent body politic- can be, as such, incorporated into this Union by act' of Congress? ! :To make" such aa act legitimate, even ex ternally. Congress, if competent to is. should havo evidences of an authentic purpose, on the side of the other party or people, which here, have not been afforded. It has been but assumed that Texas desires this union. We have not regularly asked, nor she io any pos itive form given, her assent. We expose our. selves, therefore, : to all those charges of eager and reckless cupidity which we have so oflen'and loudly hurled against olhers. ' A sincrlC line of the Constitution, "New States may be admitted by Congress," is rcni ASHjEYILTiE;' N. "C, ; FRIDAY," FELr..7A.3-.' 28r-C--:3 dered, in spite of all authority, the basis of this act. If to be thus interpreted, it over throws all limits to construction, all bounds to this Confederacy. Either. efTect is si funda mental change; of this Government ; Con gress may annex any and all foreign states w1iaterer At the adoption cf tbeCdns'.Iiu'icn we pes. acssed, in wide' and. waste . realms,1 all the scope which even imagination had then taken for the extension, of cur limits; end accord. ingly in the repeated discussions of this clause', not one allusion occurs which intimates that such an effect from it entered into aoy man's conception. - 'k '-:,- v The compact itself was a well-considered compromise between conflicting interests and sections. . JDut the admission of am unlimited power, by an ordinary act cf legislation, ut. terly to change the entire face cf things, could never have been in the contemplation of those who, whb such zealous, care, settled that compromise, and, provided such checks upon its change. The small states that sub. milted only with misgivings to the present plan, could aurely never have agreed to one under which, by' unknown crJ Loun"c!!es3 ac. cessions irom aire: J. t:..ir rel-iiva mllucnce in the Confederacy veu!i be utterly swallow ed Up. i .'.-'' "By the Constitution foreign relations are entrusted to. the .Executive and two-thirds of the Senate ; while to Congress is given the power to admit new states, hit pccsible that the biter power should include the fjrrr.. er? Cji if it be a fjrcl-a state thet i3toL2 admitted, then what but the departments clone empowered to treat with foreign states can :t!e en J arrange the matter, or even receive or give the exprersioa cf a willingness lo be united! It i urged that this is a matter of ths pco. flee will, here and in Texas. Hut this h cr,3 cf thoje thin '3 where, in our Governm?nt. z f trA Zz c.V -. ' is not let in. Th? it- 3 the Cc..'.-1 . j entrust it to the c:.?i ; jn cf f ..jt..' 2 states, through the f'.-n t the voice cf a majority cf th. people, if th.t were c:eertained. Yet more : we are ono people c..!y ia cer lain respects ; in ethers, wo are but a body of independent-states, equal partners under a r.en rreen:cr.t. Of sueh cn erren-e. x:. :r.t it i3 cn ir.;?percV.3 ccr. .,cn V..Z.I V. -j r!y c!.-::. ntesrrectcf nrticj cr.nr.ot be ch :iea or cie!-::r:n hu: yj, c. t 2 z ' eacn. It ia r pnr 1 :t a fere:;;n c!-te, the .".Ii which irr-;!ic3 a re. very act of iretinj sort lo the tr ity.rr.akirT rower, cennet be a w broug'..t in'o 1'. 3 Ur.'un by oet of Conreej. The rcnert next pzrees to the feci-l cb. jectioni cf greet fjr; 1 '.!.!:'; 1!j c-ir.-i ihe Joint Rceolutior.?. Eut th::?. rr: :J fer timo and spare, v-o 1 nn.-t fo!!j.. A Kc::;..:stic Clzvy. , . We find the : following electing crJ ro mantic sketch -published undsr iha Lc I cf Police Reports, in t! e Ealtirr.crs Hepullieen of Thursday evening:, - . , Povcsrt. A few days since, a peer, yet decently clad female, presented hersilf ct cne cf cur 1 " j'.ice c.ccs, and rcquected t! 1 rr.?"!:. i '. . f I " - I ' " WW d cena r.cr to ibc l.:r r.innsr and hngergo denctcd thr.tt'. h-j seen better days; and while she L . j J . J th ofTicer to grant her last request, th 3 t. :r2 in rapid, course trickled down her f.ncved cheeks, and her soh.3 chchcJ l.cr L".:,r-nce, as shs tried to tell her rr.curr.fJ st-.v- The cfTicer cs ia. djty l;-jr.J, c.'.rd ! ; :. when she re!;?d in a r: r.rr th . ' tears from the eyes cf th"" e sv.'riy r " ' law, whose heart3 are r?c -s ri! v '- ' pity and tha ilner fj!!r ; eft: o 'As!; n:er.et t..y t.-.. iIjci! ?, rf.3 beer ia j.'.!...:e cr.J 1 ir.ecrj'.ii:e-r.;;Je:.:j.: bjt let c.z t'ged p:::...:;, . lcrv'ir-g TeCTC, beer tht I.. I ..I the inmate cf ca Al; cipient of publie charity. 1 I will grant your tfetire t!.e r.:gi... replied, 'but. if I new more ch-utyjur LLtc; and circumstances,) I .m;ght probably, something better for ycii.1- i1 Iwtll tell what I d3re tell, if ym will be lieve that I speak tho truth, and use ycur in fluence to o.:...j me t .1 i;tuvit;on, m wh:ca :r.j, wc3 her im. pqssicnci answer. - !Th3 mr.gie:rr.e j :c .:!eed to da c'.l I.3 could fojr her, and al!cviele?.:r til-itiea as much as possible. , .. ) May Hraven l!c:?yc3, tlrPs!:? zz ?, and to(d the following mcirnful and thrilling c:n ca'tenation of suCering and perversity, cc-. mingled with sobs and the actual fee!ir: the woman. " ' " . Two years ago,1 sir, I was bar; kcjiw inol what it tves to ivact; r..y were rich, and owned one cf the Cnc-t f tatlons in a Southern state: I was L.: y.. 7 not twenty, but I bad my suiters, the ssr.3 of Wealthy, men, yet 1 loved them net no cne of the gaudy throng had as yet, made an im pression on my 'heart. There was in the neighborhood, a poor, but manly youth, the teacher of our district schecl ; 1. 3 visited our house, I and was treated wlib all ths'respect and attentiorTthat ths ether yjritors received ; and'I I. sir. fell in love with that man. and it was reciprccaied. My fithr rcea d!.;ev. eredj our secret, end forbads Urn cicr to crcrs his threshold frgaia. iteed ! iay,: sir, W3 rr.:t clandestinely W.d were warned; we. H?d eH tock up cur residence in this cily.. My hus bancl, my William, taught aa academy for a live!;heod,r:d fur eighteen raer.thj we were happy, but lhei hj husband was taken sick, and he he i(-died! Ycz chGcd! 1-3 died 5 and I wisjeft alona en:c; j itrtrgers. I wrote to .roy, parents, asking thir frive. nesS-i-but--roy -letter was returned unopen ed ! ; ?,My little, I nieans arc exhausted, and t must etarve, orr-go to that rcijje c! poverty the alms he,ic:e; but it v i!! net hit leng, the sand cf raj: life arcr.carly rt;r. zit z: il look for a refog3 from thu v::r!-3 rr.: rl:s in my crave 5 . , . ! 1 r..ha ended, ahq every eye present was wet with tears for iheif unhappy situation.' One gen rl cm a a whq;wns prceent, with that noble, generous, anJ paialy f-dtng, to character;?, tic of DatureXcotlerr.enxcrr.e f jrv.-er ! nr. J offered heir a liorftear. 3 c?y! -j L ;'.'i h3 roof, which we need not add, v-z cl crfJIy and thankfully accrpted, and the left ths oHice with the prospeit cf belter, if not happier days before her. , ' . . ; Thus, it i3 i.i thij wcrlJ, mUfortuno darea place her rulhliic3 hands upon victims of eve ry grade ; and sons and daughters cf luxu ry sometimes drink of the bitter drer. of the cup 1 of penury and misery !.. . . ... n Vj r..;.x l!.e I.'ct;' 3I I;.. !. Tncer, cf i'tb. 13.1 J : : ;:I"7 tI-2 Cents.! . -, Yc:'.erdjy w&i the duy assigned by the joint rcecleiiea cf b6:h Houses of (?ongress, for the performance of the constitutional duty of opening and coQnting the votes for president and Vice President of the United States giv ca Ly t!;'e Electoral Col!?-es cf ihb several In r-reuenee cf thet rcse!j;i a, the Hou:3 cf Rc-r: rt 'n fjw : t'e'era 1-J o"c!-rh, fj-;;er ' J the ."r.e:: ia v.hich it - '"giged,,erJ prepired to receive inta i; Chin. her, r cceor:'ing to previews arrange. t..ent, tha Cen te' 4 f iho' United Sta!--'. " A Uh!e I. .J b.erf plueed in the area befjro the Clerk's t,!o Ibr iho accommodation; of the recording c.1!cears bf both bodies. The mem bers, r.3 longer ia groups in tha' ai!esacd lobbies, cr lounging ever the last r.ev.e-:per, were "rerally tp t!:"ir r?1!!?, end t!:e si'er.ce (,f cxect?:ea rrrdeelly reltled, deva en e!l prceent, .3 ihe rer cf l!.3 dlA p..!n:ed to the he-r cf r.a." Ti.e cer3 cf'lhi hall vcre thrc.b c;;;:;, r.r.d in" a f.-v moments the erc?:h cf the ' -!e "-3 indiceted. by the eppearancs of their Serer-nt-ct-Arms, who was followed by 'the President er.l Ceeretary cf tha Cer.ate and i;ea by t!.3 C.n'itcrs, walking two by two; who te': ren!? pre("red fer them in a double eemicircis round about theer.- ia front cf tho Clerk s table. ! ' The I.-iJor.t cf the Senate having as cer.d: J iz- th.3 ll eakar's Cheir, the Cpeaker ( f the Hee:e being 'tzz'.zl a Us left, atood, C3 did tl:e men.her? cf the House; u;;til the Centers were-scale J i;i order' ".Tha Tellers cpt-e:r.teJ Ly the two IIeusra(Mr. Walker, cf the Cenile, ord M-ers. Iler.r-dy, cf MJ., rnJ Eurke, cf tj. lh, cf the Ilouea) tcek their eeets et lhe tnbL cf the Ci.-rl;, tha Cee i,:irycf the C.ltJjon their r!;h't, the C'crk f.flhj Ilcucjca their Lft bar. I ; th? ch: f C'-h-cf ihe U .-J Ce'nitj bJrg eeated ct tha tabl tj., ;h'e t..o Zz:.l. et.Arrr.3 hrn-in j: : c ; : ' rt.!d:. Ti 3 fccvn.'i h d r.-th:r rf tl e rem th"t '.. -'1 l.ive blazed upon ths eye r.t'a cere:r;o ; ' ' c f lsza cen'r-.v;':dr.c3 in Gocrnrr.er.'.j cif. -j -:f;--'--d Ti..i c-rs. D-enJing ''j',1 rh c f" el rn the i- erent : f t' 1 ' -". vo ! s C t3 c -.3 v.h'J -3" v;;'.3 1:... thet Lit. r.. 'vr.icn neve c.lea cc. ";Vi-i23 cf a difpeted lhrcr.3 '.jCIJ WorlJory indeed, of a disputed f;ainship la th Gbvernments of ihs ie .v rid could lobJc oh this peaceful and t r'.ini'jly, "rerr-'mberirg, the p :. 1 hid, called it 'together and th -h it was virtuji:y'ipcon;i..:rr.e:e, 1 'y: '--;.? y;r-:diy thj I ;: er; .a . . ;J foH.cur.. glhesjccci- '-nta r. . - -eu!ivcpr.vcr by a d.g-.t:J cz. - ' -cf.aNatjcVs.Wi:!! , i r.e 5pcct3cl3 we ttrr.t! contemplated bye a auditory as tire as t!.3 limit3 of the ga.,er:es could by, pis;h:!'.:y certain.- Th ladies, never the hst 1 5 cceh a prevailing en. t' :?ra, or to r"i3 t.i:h intercct ca :;!ema , - ' e:?, I.iJ be.a. fcurirg along every -jC.t.jC -1',3 cnd.'ei3 multitude of t- ?y r: .'c!i the narrow rp3ce ...".ettcd 1 3 them, f.j hour- before; but: the T-d'-ry r.e'dcd lheir3 ceu'i by no means icoa t:!a all who r'rvgf?'1 ferrc:tcr standing rcem with.'j its rrecinctj; and theee who cr. rived too late for the.se privileged places wero faia ta cei:er.t ther-jiielvss with 1I.3 two r.:r. est virgj cf the gbnt:emea',s gel'ery, I .: euer s:z,2. lr.a psraere c: which run3 re:;nd thV. ' dary cf, the t.a!i, . zi- - " j p j - r' - r ': rr.-.teej - w . wiih eager, crdrl.s- 1 : ";- r "TV"'- r f ::ctwe;;r:-ctirg:i:r! tew. Coneidering the Multitude assembled an -leg ulioce pervaVaaOii!!. when I law r-r-ct-' - - Mr. IZzt'ix, Prtc:de-t cf tl and icld that " tha Cee .t3 end Uou3 cf Re. 7 ""Ives had met, tccerdirg to 'th e Cor.. c.'.'.z'.'. r. , fer the ptrrpcrs cf ccur.t:rg the v-'.es givcaty Ui. .ersci 13 several s::t j Prciidea l': J Vice Vit .fiest cf lh.3 U; States;" and then, t:.Mrg frcra lh.3 p-; .rs before Lirn jona cf 1I.3 i-e.!.d f cikeg.j, brc!:-lh3 reels, opened it, end L.l : "If :e. se;.t to yea, ger.tlerr.ea Teller;, thj cf ths Clecters cf l!.3 stet3 cf Maine, t..-.: . . .. 4 ' ....... -: ...1 ..... . j ,.. .. s , ..... may be counted." ' . Mr. Walker then reed aire J the Re:ert cf the'p recce dings cf the Electors cf tht State, and the Clerks took down tha r.utr.l.rs ts thy wcrecnne-r-ceJ." ' 13 t:.: rr.cnr.er tt.e re;ert3 ifcrn z.t states were gene thruugh with; thj Td!:... relieving each, other from tiras to lirr.e 13 the reading.. ' ' ' '- 5 ' .The process was necessarily rather her.vy, end nothing bur it3 great inirimle i.v4 crtar.ee prevented it3 being iasu.T-rably udicej, the reeult cf each ballot beicg known so long be forehand. Yet a stronger, on witnessing the respectful and restrained attention cf all pre sent, might have almost supposed that ths re sult was now made known for ths first time. ' The counting being at length finished, Mr. Walker rcssand said : " The Tellers having counted t!:3 , votes giren fir Preildoct end Vies Pr:::d:r.t cf the U;.::J Ctitc3, havedi. reeled me to report tho came to thsJPrcsident of the Senate.V ' ... The Prp';denl of the Scr.atn ihen, in a clear and firm oiee, which resched every rcecei of the . Hall," announced i!;3 result cf th.3 counting. After doing which he pronounced tho Fiat of th6 people in the following terms : " I do therefore declare James II. .Polk, cf Tenr.ce e, having received a rt:j jrity cf the whe!3 r.jrr.ler cf electoral v;,te3, to be d-!y elected Pr,:dent,cf ths Unlit d S:ate3fer ths term cf fjur years from lh.3 fewrth day cf Mareh nest." lis made a similar anr.cur.cei rr.cr.t cf ihe election cf Georgo M. Dallas, of Pcnr.eylvasie, ca Vice Prudent for thecamo term; and' thca added; "The buiiiec3 for which the two Hou'es cesyer.ed having r.cr been completed, the Senete will ce.v re' era to its ChcajberV 1 - - Th.3 r.'.crr.her's cf the IIe-j-3 r: In t! r.d rt..; :i;;ed 1 t.m iirg until the '"e.e- ctors retired frcrri t' e Il-il in tue r-.re c.-drr ia which they l.-.d cr.tcrcd it.- : . . Tl:3 cercrr.er.y ccceLd j.;-t aa hour and a hall, and was conducted throughout with th.3 most unbroken decorum, the final er.ur.ciciiea cf the result not h-iving elicited even a reetad from the mu'titudss airerr.lled thrn: !i all the gtlleriesj lubbiea, and cuter purviers cf the Hail. The IIouss immediately r";:rr:J; and, in a few minutes, Hall wss ss still and empty ns if tha grcetet ceremony, tp. gardirg its internal tlTiirs, ia which a gre-t cation can b3 cceepie-d, bed net zA j.-cc.d wvthin tts walls. : 'i rcrvLia ec.G et cec.r.cx r. t oisas. . ' I'm sip-'? yet I'n t!r;' j:t ! ; And ye-ri 1 ava forn ri.ic2 I ccras cet! In vain I s;h in rain Ifrctt- ,,; Ye jedi ! v. Lat are the cr.cn ahout T - I vow Ir.i twer.ly cli ye powers ! A f j .'ruler's Ut h hard U tcir ' Oa eart.li alor t3p--j -rrh?rrs, r And.;'lcrwardi lead pc datcn lcrti 1,1 " ,h ' ,f h 1 . ,tf ' 1 i i '!'-' Jr! f " ': s-' 1 1 i't l. S-V" 1 ".! i"- 2oc rytt no t..wrycl! I'm pu7Tl?i r-::t8 ta rihs it cet , - For ercry beaa my ct p I set, - . " . Vt'hat, what, wLit ere fe ttca about T T..rj d;r.n J r:; '.3 they tzm't propose, ; Icr fcr, p-tb-rs, "I'd r:t r jy."ycsr . . J?st let t'."n try f-r fceavea knows ; . , Tra tri- i cf ilrjls-blscincss. - , Net married ytt-i-r.ot married yet , : t Tho desce is in the cer, I fear ! . r.-alikea eczielhlag to be let. - And to be Ut alone that s clear. Tliey saj Le's pretty li t no chlik , , ' An J I j v? wit', r-i ii r - ' i d. I V 1 1 f -'' -?;- r.-ry ' 1 ' .HP"! e T. -' IP". ? " ' 1 - - . . " rtiC-rti'-::::; A shert vi-t t' I lectrati.led my curie. '.ty a v. i!? strikes a i.-.Ilcr 13 the jcJiei-.l t!e;arlrr.er:t tf tha Capital t.ore forciL.lv than the cir cf qui. etude ih-t prevails. Sa dihTrent 13 it from a Nisi Prie:, Common Ple-s or Criminel Cench. Yea iDck'ia vaia foruhs Jury box-ths ivi: cces atand anxious clients incesenctly r. hi. perirg in the edvocate's car, oracce-cd prii oners. . No rjucsiion of4' guihy or r.et g-iilty'1 is there heard.' Few spectators are seen ia the Court, unleej there heppenj tj le z: z:. gement of general interest, cr a epecher cf extraordinary celebrity, end even le'rr.j t have an iTrtcr.t and peculiar cce to rr.cn c"3 cr V.s c e dicr.es will ha thia. There be.3 bea no very crc .vded Court since Wchcter ar.d Clnney c.eceurcd dialectics latt winter cn l!.3 GirarJ Will Ca. Oa a pleasant day, :vcr, v. r -.3 cf !cw.c3, v.jth l..e.r vvt.:.;ercu c e.., 1.. e (.. . ,r -zc . Cepitcl, gliding frcra ihe llcu:3 to the Ce.v-t3 Cl.err.her crl.thereVrdcwa to the Seprrrr.e Court roen, r. htch is under ths Senate China, ber, tha fev cue!.!ncd see;is. are filled. At tention apd peiitencs are hero enjoined ly .2 Cheats. ru.:H!-. - - rz3 rt 1 T("f f 0 1 c: - ; ! ; t-J . ...- m , c'.ccr '.- cc.tj cf era v.a:... I "zt t.3 Jo. .J.erwd t.; .::.:v.":.:j ireta t!.3v.e..a cf thj Ux z rst3 , . races cf the f t h:r.ch, th.re ij r h ' " e :3 cr cen:t:.i:.nt. Ifr "i i-!a Co.- , v.h.'h.r :n t - r i" "C3 r chr-::. a be . ci -.rTi " cnecf the p:;'',, !c:. .1 r e e-r::onl". S." . ' . .."n d j ca ?.h? : u it were a c. rtci recr :a u . c:.:cuea &: t: ::: A the I t the c:r. , .: end :, ta th.3 chiircf jcr, it i3ri:d. Jcg3 Te r ry t r ta Icrm :te - that has peered mechc.er t i. s.vari:;ycer.-:ji;cn,t..3l r, aa u:err.rorUl'.3 wed c." 1:: aJ ths ccual crgaa LI ere" c.,,". pain.V.ly C ;rccccJ t.I.h r:;,... ri-'.tcr.ay bsseca lh3t!.er:crr . , C.ery, ( a t'Jry at Icc.t r' erter ih ) with a literary fic3, a cl- ti r.ee.t: i - - hb...eh. t! setts, nr. J z a I. tj I'.i c. server tr a f :l tele fever:. I his eppe? rcr.ee. Ca the.';;. Jcrtiee h r-?a the r.-.r.ly f::. cf Ci.ie, v. ha is rcmirhch' f crect:::-j cf l.ij re.ti!c3, ' ' f-ce end crr-n,;3 Ire . yea r intcr.Tgcr.ee, thv. irJ.j rZ.- mini, eye, A r.trrcrijt' :.t l:r ehc': -r.:td:ce:vV r i ' :. .-l c-.cr 13 Le T." ' ;rt cf the ' integ.i:; U a rerr.inrr.t c-" moral cc.T;e;itia. Oath; 1 mayba kJhJ tl.3 Geer !i ' agentc.rL'ehirg rr.rr: v.lt'i t rr.cnr.er3.cr! ie rice ihe err.:! " : t f 7 m : If Mnyr .tcf the.'j. cichlce:: h':;e. Ha c::.v3.:.-.. fcr a J.'ji ihea fer acer.;i.el ! cr.Jcr.3car.r,ct !.-!" r;i:h'."' 1 "ra r. rr.Jrcrer.er brow, re:r3 r:"'"; ! :'j wUch if ever cc: ' ! ! Ijrc.-ier.ee, wcuM rr.-cli i.r;rr.. e t! c.Tpreeelua cf Li fece, I tt.'.d-.-'.' te a rr.en cf very rcrpectille t' Iert. la U:n rdt C trcn, cf whom ths Yc:.hcei vre;! J ci!l n c " prceentirg ttethirg ttr."..:. g i ; i : wcr..ir.g to Llerle-Jy Ij h.;3 crdjeei prc'-eeiea. TI.3 u. t., ..... ,CI . . c ; Vi. J : , v. 1.3 ar3 net ccr.:! I : : . : , ta l..ive et'.-.lr.ed a very cc::! -1 ! terr.pb cf j Mice, the1) t' ; ' 1 12 ex: :t cerrf-ry, en I t3 thought ci by th:ir;-r:cr.cl fr.'.-rd: Mr. r..:';r: t!;3r..;d,l l " S J"pC3 thi L. porta r.t ciw;... dent c!""! : v.'iy t- ' : :n thticityye::-. . rericuj rr.evr V. '..-3 ia I.cr.r cf T . t i c LtJ LAfTy lh-.t lh J i"fv 1 cr.ce;:.tcr tt.:r;::3 ci i . to ive r'-'Q enough cf then :jl ..tr lifter his arrival there, r. t..l!"..ary, we b ,:firp, meet '' tj their duty us cnurifjlly cst!."y c. . , r, i-;r.ct cf the snovr, li.jy 11 ' : : ' ''zfzj.zrrUiiinUU J. LZ'Z DSPARTURi:. r.3C rr;.J djy fr thj ci: , 'Ycs'crdev th.3 Ft" '1! eti'ewr," 3 bHr" v-tv -' rjt .if "rrrerc n:re rreere :th ;r. . ! Ia ; .'r.:cnt t3 t eccceeiea i' : c : : vcr .eri tcr'.i.r ly a fr.lr.ute cr : : he I. -3 c.tefjr ceveral weeks. I:. .... cfter jvi, 1.3 .illuminate J th 7..'. r'-'-era cr , end cer.tinu.l t3 th:;. j c. ihe c:.t' : ccrer.-.ery cf wh'c'i we rrj ihee.1 1 r; -k. At a very early huur (it ' . :rg r. : r..crr.irg) a vast concouri3 cf t :r r-c.t : l-star.ti-l ci.'izens might have te:n : :a ' erg:ged buying mat and pre.:..." j o : . ci-'jfjf t -: :rrJ 2 eg ta t: ho pl.ee 1..: mrnf cf C'r'iT. M r.ilf pact t h e, 1 Ur hiving 1 "n ci c oath street, r -t ' there r.c3 ti -r's, a cutler: (' cut.'et) in a 1; ! - ' ' ! .: attached 1 z, ! . ; fjrm,r. er.-. 1 . , i:.r7 c t3 I. A. tt I- cr.J tva r- ' it en? c .ci : .' 3 r thecth:r V .'.'cxiccacrnr' ! untiat'ef " ihey were be:! Tt to Le a pari cf e c ! leehirg to see hcv:ngdic-rrecrr:(r : . pc'ritteOtheexcii: ce-roes rrturce J to their I -he re, At lz: put! 10 lh 2 city . : 3 1 - rr.u;:c- cur.d cf drunee c :. d ether 12c; iri. i..:rs; t!.3 rrditery x ere firmed, cr mirchingcpcre street, rccrchid ether, tr.J cp e::d dewa cr.e cr tv.-. irg, evid-etly, under the cc-.r.J c .'"ere. ' The v.cltc A-irg wc-s cie-" c;cs, & way w.;.. ei tr.j 4.e.r the tt.rr.er t.-, :.' t ' T ... rc.es. ,.rr : 1 1 1--- ct. II

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