8 W I 1 vr rrr n I i i - i I i OL. V WO. 35. j 1 tt I , . ' """ ,l: f . ' r :' ' , - . ' i T't - THOS. W. ATKINJ iff EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. , . : ;, a 1 i . ; ' .'.'it a m r,TEXMM , OF.. THE .nraSEffGjkll I. Two Dotuu and Fimr CrsTi' per annum in kdrance, or Thkcc Doixam within the yeuir j " No paper will be discontinued, except atj lha p cf the Editor, until all arrearages arci paiJ. f ? Adrli.c(ncnt will be fnaerted at On jpoLUia ' per a'; .-re of ten lines or lew, forT1""' ;-?rtion, and TwrxrT-r:vx Cjcxti for each, contfnu Jicc.-- The T) timber of insertions desired fi us t be parked 1 cn the rairgln, or the advertisement will be contma. i ed tiltJorbid, and charged accordingly Codrt Or. i ilcrs will bo charged twenty -fire per cent txir. - a The charge for umieanciag the name of aandi. i ite for oGce is C? W advance, or $3 03 if paj- nest be delayed. " ;' u. l x ; : j, j ' Letters to ilia Editor most coma frea of pestaje, J- v7 o insure attention. 1 i' '1 ' ' V f A From the Review. JACK LONG; btti 1TNC3.LAT7 .SD VEKGEAMCEi . v- ' ... :h i . - : i . ..Sit; " i., 7a tho folbwing Volar m of real occujrreo. ' . ', 'cca there are aeverat :ncf!ental matters it t ' "would be well to have understood. '.;S Ciuch 1 of. cf "crated romance is to be observed per r; '!n the narrative spirit of the limes, hat, ' .". ir;.!i a d3 respect for tho good naiure ol bur ' c: Jw' i, it has become iridisipeosablo (thsu u.e ' Cftc:.y..t ,;!jrhouId very sure of hU ground !(;it h, sufficiently s j, to feel that he can es J 1;' a 'gympathetic confidence bctwecr- his i - !'riand himself, that heij cotaUemtinj ti i-rpcto upon tieir credulity by sheer and cr: "'ox fabrications his own wherj he uc-'rtakes to tell what is called a hard' sto ry." 1 To define io words what the procc j3 of establishing their sympathy consists in-fi a difficult mitter. .The most that can jbe E-.i J of it h, thit it form itself. , Mere asseriior.Vwill net clways tnwcr. Where it 'b; required .-A l!.ey clone should he taken, they must be r - - :r.!cd by a nameless and inexpressible t.v.t cf enndor only, -but", uf. minute Knd ' I k. I c'.tail, such as personal familiarity vrhh tha incidents narrated can only give. 'It h c:y enough to romance upon the jjroiirJ jrlicf a general knowledge of 'character. " tut to tho cool search of au accurate ; there is a want of filling in, an absence t.T those finer touches which are butter iUt than described. A very ' unsatisfactory 1m. pressiouof doubt is th consequence, and he ivritcr who establishes himself on so unfortu r.ii2 terms with the render, must altogether fi:l cf prcdu-ing thielToctht: ainii at.; Nciih. cr i. 3 careless use of round assertions, 'rcitcritiowj of ones own special claims "to irnrr'culicy in 'truth. telling-will brinj ubo;Jl 'tv:t f!casant sl its of trustfulnes-j so desirable t1? rr.ir.d of tho hearer. There is another 3-i-ihat of too much pretension to a straight. forward 11 1 um not eloquent us '.usr. kind of manner!,' Dot the world .yin;; loo old for this game. ,Ther6 isyet Ji-.n which strikes mo ns the only trr ' " Tltkrt no protestations nt all, ono wr ' other If ihcro 'is a stiry to tell, t, "i carefully minute, and ak no f - : ' :rj eyed public will ratcw!. .: i. . rjy.1 A sensitive irritutiiity at i! i i .rust is not n whit more pcrs1: . '; . t' ii -ri ; 3 b'jilyism ; men like r '' r ! ! ) - I rr t!u.T.-d out of their ; ' r.-rciding, it v,:;:: ! : 1 . - . ! : n t.nrc JeHnato iJa, t . . i ..-.ir.cd, cf t!.2 social, c-.. . v .' i. : .r region in whicli thc:;j itr :' - - ' s-r-.-ttcd. Every Lo ly k: y '' t V. -1 tha peculiar arJ ( ' r. ' :l cf , r.Jtcr.turous rr.:n, a:..! : iI.j.j of i i!ir;;ly but hs well f ji:::u: i ncar.lv all ti.j t. ti..;:;. i '-3 cf ibis fact alou-vj would rUuru!! to expect,1 that lha C"-r..v.i;v;!;nj cf ,v.:. u r..:ry pr.ssionato and oppj'.:3 c::tr:.:.: Xvculd had to many c.xirava;ai:cr3 in l!. , zi ti-'icf their antagonism th?.t c"ccr:j rfH I.: - ths'unhesitatins cxprc: .!;a cf '-u:.lri.' Ll:i i.::;.u!3C3, would c -J'.nary ir.ci cT I'.'j l.cre that the quick wrath and LlooJ v t A &hou!d be often simultaneous, where ihs "l formidable weapons were openly worn, h - v.:Z ; traini little regarded, und nc- r-1 rcr.'.irr favored a resort to them cn'J Iriviilocc::'.cn3. Though this much of ' a vc--jj knp--j3 of the state of things there', riif.t prcp.".:a the anticipation fsr, a gooo dcil cvcn:ll..::h a kl q tho principal c:i:::.cf tl. : try '.c r still farther pre. f.zt2 i; tcr a'r" '.izMioa cf what ir.ay preper iy cc.? wi... a scope cf such Drees, still 3 tVrcu'J '-J :ult to understand ho,v ths t.:br.:trcu3 c:.-V.thias cf frontier life, with ' '.;!,:.) C.:;:3 who have lived anaidit it nra fa. I..IV. :r, can possibly be creditable. One must his'own eyes and hear with his own y - re". ho can Tcadily conceive that ma,. ' : rf .' '.i ccirrir th-re could bo ioc!:ed up. - . .'.tcrs .ci tcrse. let outrages lua : t.rn-'.o succc. 1 each other rapidly ; j i are lynched, c.J 'itbed, and shct, with i : t -e: cempuncio m you would feel in spit- a goceo! Tho h'.v cf blooiy forco recognize 3 j. : 1 . 1 is no medium to: e-l :tl. -srate retaliation, jOaition. nf Mthpr iTpneral t. ..o interpe : or; civil cr iation, between kty breed," as the phrase is in the west for a ;ry cf. unree.iin.. j blood wreaking j f ;mily remarkable for- it3 wandering propen d the stricken vjm. " Personal ' ;g-j. He Ud already pushed ahead cf lha , iren r?rve, and i jii ',n tho.ueo of cjuloment of two states and cno turritory, '-'. ' r "3 calculated fori and following the game still farther.towarda - - " "ndirg pwert ; -uth, had been pleased with th promise . . to How recklessly thse are di-plivel in'iy Un appreciated by remembering the late notorie ty" of the Regular wars, that raged so cxirr. minatingly in th:3 very county of ShelbV, which is the scene of our story ; and the an swer given by President Houston to the first application which wes nude for his interposi tion with the civil furces under hw comma mi i ; .. . , ... i to put a stop to them, is entirely chaVacteristic of the man and the country : " Fight it out among yourselves ! : The sooner you kill each other off the better V ' ' It !wa the period of the first organization of the Regulators to which our sMry refers. Shelby, in the latter part of 33, was a froiitier couoty and bordering upon that re, ion known as the R..'d LHiids was the re. ieptacle of all the vilest men who had been yriven across our border, for crimes of eer$ degreel ' (Jorse-thieves and villians rjjngre gated there in , such numbers, that the operi and bare-faced effort hid been mada to coni vert it int a sort of ' Alsatia of tho West J a place of refuge for all outlaws, who under atood universally that it was only necessary, to the most perfect immunity in crime, thai they should succeed in effecting an escape tq this neighborhood where they would be pub. Iiciy protected and pursuit defied. .The extent to which this thing was carried r iy I r j-3durcd when it is known, that L - is cf r xlisgulsed as Indians would sally forth into li,2 neighboring districts, with the view to visiiir -some obnoxious person with their venjoancc cilher injhe shape of robbery or murder. Returning with great speed, and driving the valuable stock before them till tl.3y v.erj among their friends agiin, they vou!J i -1 :r ' tho hoVus and mul.s, "rcyumo t! ir r 1 . pearahec, end lauh at retail '.i .r:. C. :. single men would, in the face of thy , c;;r:;rr.!: tho most daring crimes, trustir.j to an cic.ipj la;r j for protection. They seemed ctormiit. e( at any risk to hold the county good against the encroachmen'. of all honest citizens ; and it came toll notorious,' that no man clv!J move among them with cny citizer..!;'.." . :.J proper motives, but ct thoexj-er..3 cf I.:: ; r. sonal safety i..r hisconccicr.co Lr t!.3 cr!;..j of rcfaing to lake part with them v.a3 in it self sullicieht to suljecl all new comers to a series of persecutions; which soon brought tljem into terras or resulted in their extermi nation.' Wc do not vvish to be understood that tho v ! -.!.; p opulation of iho country were avowedly I.jrse.ihieve3 end cut.throat3. Ti,:r3 was one clas3 cf wealthy Planters, an-, oilier of the old stamp of. resile;, migratir Ilur.ters, who first led tho tido of popu'.nion over the Alleghanies nr.d aro r.o.v 1 Jir it across the Rocky mountains. Tl-:'l.j madosemo prtler.sions to cutv.ard u'eeeiu:.:, crj in various ways cctd cs rc.ara;..:i l4 .i ihy wcr.-3 dispined ; vhilo tl.ess List, t'..:;t Liter intolerance cf restraints which t) unbounded license necessarily engenders, c'j- U'rcv.nuJ to suL;:T)it to no nrvnuo :'I in any v.-ay re n or eir.! irrass tl.jir !et cf t!. m; . -. .II c u . i i ;ruu:.d ctu tho larger pi initio-3, b-. tl. i u V li I r-r-d-r, t for Lbor. cn c:. c.-, . t.. ro".; tr o-.;n ur i-ur. i.r.ev .crc t.n.i.- .1 up to tho lest pilch of resiles ;r.k.c 3 by tl.i.s closing around cf unmamguable per sons, and organized themselves' into a bar.J (if Regulators, as'lhey termed themselves. Tlu y proclaimed that the county limits needed tien, and that they felt ihcrr.eulves se--r: ;lly culled to the vork. Accordi.egly uuJer 1..0 L..j cf a man who was him::If a LrutJ mon-ter, named Hinch, they commenced c; ralior.. In this public-spiril r.nd pr": -wort'" r.d-rrt-ki'v:. thev soon rr."r:-veJ ' i re..:?lh2 ceur.ty to t!.: eulj:et:ea cf foer, if Let. to nn :..T-e:ler.e:o ru. jr.".tiun eft' : .x o:.tivc3 tl.y arregatcd to iLemsclice. Ti.o rieli planters "th.ey compelled to pay a heavy E'ack-mail rent, in fecsimple cf a right to crjoy their own property end Ilv. ;, with tl. 1 further understanding th-tt th?y wcro to be j-.rr...e!.ed in these immuuiiu 3 from all dangers frum withuut cf a shni! ir kind. The planters in return were to wink upon any deeds, whoso coloring might otherwise char.eo to be ofTensivo to eyc"3 polite. The other class a clas3 cf s!r. pIe-h:erteJ, sturdy men vvere gouJjd and tortured by tl. : most aggravated annoyances, until driven i.i despair to some act of retaliation, th?y fur nishedTtheir tyrants with the shadow of ex cuse, which even they felt to be necessary, and were then either lynched and warned to leave the country in so many days, or shot if they-persisted in remaining!. So relentless nd Vindictive did these wretches show them, selves in hunting down every one who dared oppose himself l them in any way , that very soon their ascendency in tho county was al- j rncet without anv dispute. Indeed, there we re very few left who from any cause pre- SUmed to do it. " Among them was one of this j last class cf wandering Hunters, known as I Twrlr T.nnr Jark had coma of a ' wild.tur. r - - --v I'-y county, and 'J havexstopped ins, had ii been -ut troubling him v. i,j his nel"hbirs stopped there, jut -ai ihe foot cf t! , I. necessary t j s f.r, self or.carii'j tu know were- He had never thuught it at all essential to ask leave of any ' '.v eminent as to how or where V.o shou!J m;ke himself at home, or even to i:. - -Ire v. hit particular . nation put its claim to any region he fouud suited to his pur poses. I i'i3 heritage had been the young Earth, with its skies; its waters and its winds, its huge primeval forests and plains throwing out their brtud breasts to the sun with all the sights and sounds and living things that moved and were articulate beneath GodV eye and what cared he for tho authority of men ! The first indeed that was known or heard of. Jack, was when he had already! built him a snug log cabin, on the outskirts of the county, near the bank of a small stream ; stowed away his fair.faced young v.i.'j er.J twochil. drcn c-L.'.Iy ir.:. it, (for " Dan Cj, id" had founJ J..: cut, with all his rucgli shyness, feveral years before,) an I he wus busily en. gaged in slaying the deer and bear, right and left. ' , i . -He kept himself so much to himself, t!.at for a hmg time littlo was thovji.t cr e-.l him. IT. i ;ivio for h-r.:i. ; i-. i t. .2 z.l)i'.. II.. !; J 'j i '.. j Lut follow up the game froin mornir til! r.:jht, and it was so abunJ :r.t that by had full opportunity for indulgence to Lis entire content. Cej-or.d this he seemed to have norartl.Iy ! ... L : in that itary 1. v.L.ea, L. cnc. to HI n ull tl.ceo t!u"":i'.i veir.3 c." re. vc-'.Jcerr.orcrc.::' riH?, ridet t! ti: p!..in, or in the t'eep wooe'?; er.J Lo eys appeared to liave been so successful, that the rumor gradually got abroed that he was a splendid shot. Thi3 attracted attention sorr?. what more to his cpiin-r.:! r I r- 1 tery l.-.blts. T. v 1 IT ' ' h:.r.,a:.i v.: s t!.l;- . . , ! pea red to wifj t!.u 1 1, e . . u, , u ' , - pelUec-l g j r;, J ' r L!-.-j ; . '.i fyingcxprci:ons. T i.ij, t ,r :i in cer- i with his lolling, av.kward i'.i cr.l t"l -re:, cessive e.xpres.icn cf sirrplieity cr:d ce:,y terrper, di?pe:ed thceo harsh, ru3 m. ery . 1 o -re tly lat...:: ce. I'!. 3 ruc. LJILJ hi;.! x.:. such a for: ' ' ' cf, tl.-.t r. j 1.. 1 !.;..) t:for : tl.-; ' eti f - .en . ! U : ' j Lf u te..r, :.r-:try. In - t" c:;r"",n- 4 ' r.rer we heve . :-s teo hry looked j:tlho j L... tl.j . ! f-ro , 1 1 c : . . I in s- l; -Vt i",c!ir".: ..:...., r r- t. .Jo !' 1 ill. 3 L ... I ; :l f :r !' 't t' r:;y to :s ; -r.- :. t: 3 r -.: - ( --ry e ;rt cfcej)!. V c: U t i i n..t ll. a rer:: 11 kel 3 1 physical c: rgy to pu-.-eej, in tl brutljiulence. 1.. A skill ho was conjectured esrvicocf thir sjhcm.j cf Ilut Jack weived all sort of participation in them with n smi!'" 3 and unva ryirj good humor, which, though it cr.regcd l,o Lafed ru.T.as, gave ihemno poseielecx cv.3 forprevc-t.-.:. Th:y ilu!J r.el I.eve : g-iJjJ il.l , L-t that tl.wi-e .a3 still Ies3 i.i '. .; ..it.. .1 fori;.IJ-blo person er.d ri.e, .. I t..;m-'..o-.v or ether they had an ur.;.1ned -:.:a that tl.e r ..Vvras nut " rt h:rr;clfl"'r.s lha j -: ia t!:3 wc?t that ho had ret yet t ec n r- I : n cc e: e c f 1:3 c wn c;- rgl:s and c. f Lllltl l.. J tl.: ... 3, wh!i cut Lel.r:..t.-,IcJ0ir.g it, a ll.le w.'.w;.e to . eking l.lro. They finally gava hirn up, 'lh:re.e;e, er.dJ.ick mightaf;er all, - havu been Lain pe :co to love f lolly und ihu children as hr.rd ai lvi pleased, ?.nd indulge h:3 pieeiun for mar!:mar.sl :p ?nly at the expense of the d v. i! J thirgs around hirn, but that he :;t:I.. tly led to rr.ako zn unfortunals c. r ' cf it. A fow h" I.ut3 near tho cen. Cv;r.-tl:utcd tl.e county t -.vn. "reeery, or store, r.s it ' -'3 iJ Hero - n 1 rx ' - ! I . re 1 1 . 3 ( came into ll.L j l-.v.' for a frw.i s , .g. t. tracted by tl.e ".. g, tl.le '..eetl 3 h;ed quarters cf tl:a Reg.! .tare, crd they .::i:II collected for a grand tl.g;'.!. g" rr".!;'.:, . .' f course getting druak us fast c.3 r : d'-'- '. steady their nerves. When Jack arrived, 1. 2 found them gathered in a group under a cl. tercf t:v.C3, several hundred yards from tl.a houee. It had been soma lima slnea ihcro had been any altercation between any cf them and himself; and t' "-gh ho supposed i: v;3 ali forgotten, yrt I - I:'t r r:o littio dislr.ell.aa ticrito jo!r:rgtl. . ", r" ! ".d re--!ved rut to do it. Cut as ceee, cr.i cgiio, cud sgain, that sharp report ho loved so well to hear would ring out, followed by tha c.'rr.crs, ex. clarnaiion and -eager gro-g leg cf tho mm around the target, to critically 'c'ar..leJa tl.3 result of each shot, bh r? r" tu-?'r--:-:, and curiosity i I. k..' rs &hota over- coir. 2 a he.If.de Uned feelleg l!.-t be vtva going to do what, for Molly's rike, was an imprudent thing. Hinch, the? regulator Captain, had always been the unrivalled hero cf such occa sions ; for apart from tho feet l!:zt ho was re. ally an admirable khot, hs we.3 known lole so fierce, blustering, and vindictive a bully, that nobody dared try very bard la beat birn since be would be certain to make a personal aHiir cf itith whoever prceurr.ed to bo so lucky or so skilful. . New, every be e!y In tho ceunty was aware cf this but Jack, and be either was cot awarecr did cot care for tho rnauer, if he.did.fcc39r.it.., no knew, though,: that Hinch was a famous shots and noticing that he t was preparing to shoot started to join them, determined o see for himself vhat they called good shocitirg. Hs cam3 svirgirg himself carelessly among them wuh long heavy strides, as they V. cro all vociferulicg in half drunken raptures ever tho glorious shot ju: rr:i:? vv Hinch and hot in his customary manner, .Z3 swearing and'raving at every ono ercu J i r taunting hcni with their bungling, er.J LIng them oWagain. Ob serving Jee!: ! 'ed-.tKe target "away, and v. a h,thn;3l it ineultingly lx Jac-i Lcr " "s! .iot! LocU at iht! j VJ pushing it cber tij i beat it.- : Jack stepped ' e rate! y. at ths board v - - " Pshaw! tho cross t!.ink I was doin -.4 J.icciin'asthal!1' IV.t ycu?'1. reared -'t; "You'll eu? .I'd Look cL hi3 cyce. j c J t. i . ru:.:.d, thar, r. v.rd n: " I'.l : r.t r: ' tr. .... .i I-.. . ' l- - t ' , t .-3 f 3 t r t c-.. y ;.: ! c ; it r 14 ii cn r - -ti : i c - t a .---! rill.t, ll jrr- C4" ' I eg !.-.:!..: il.-t 1.3 can1! tlj i: c : .'ruid to Ll.eut v.iih mo again!" " Lli Jw.ek, inking aside at thy men, " if 1.. .-a by thit Let; j-r.r 'cars cgiir.it i ' tko it up. Eiy3, fisa r.:v barJ it v.iilia : lee cree3 on tl.e c:.r, cull sho t!.o Ceptein here ;I.o cLe.n ll.i. il.oGtin"!" As ho said thl3 ho laughed hun:orcc!y, and tho rr:en cculd not I ing him. Hinch, who was leading I said nothing, but glared creur! I' white, compressed lips crd a chafod ' etifl 1 fory, v.hieh r::ido theco t.I.o k:. r- u .'.. udder." Tl j r.:en, v. ho .ero in 1 ld U twll .l.-;l.;r J-;li nun:, ceted ccutw."..pt or u..cceee!U3 si:. loukcdcn tl.e j ,cgree3cf lh".3 scene, the reeult cf this comi.eg trial, with i cu::r:lly. Tho now beerd v:a3 r.0.7 . end Hinch stepped forward w;:hgre"! -to make h:.3 shot. After aiming a le he fired. Tho men were arouni tl ; a moment, and instantly prce!:: rate shot. And so it wcs. VI ball had broken, without tcuel.i' : Jack, with tho sarrto ire;" r which r.:arl:ed his wholo ! . I wi tho slightest hesitatFon, : 'g ; ! ; he took his stand, 1 il.. " "T ,1 yet taint plumb tr:r.t ... boys;" cr J tl.ro-.virg e . I." .an t..:rjyct. " T rir.3 r'"ain m t. i cereo ..re j L:.jro cr.o rg forward and Alll.3 tlccuIJ ll.l:.';. i.3 I. c.r.r.0U4".e:-J tl. tl.3 nr.-.. ... . " to ;.. J C every o: ward tl to- h f:- 1 - en: rr " 1: I d I?" ". : a ce-.v-:-!;!"" He corr.obaek, . ::.reir. j uj cn e :rt::.g!i::er r. e.3 T.e.J l;...:o a rr.u;2.o: Jacu we na,ha id ci without lurnirg his head. 'I:. - .edthoRe -J.il ahr.oat con. vuled wi:Ii fory', 3 t:.e ce 1 13 rue .".log I ;-Ii taur.r av,3y to h.e ur.-er h.s ci.jj j -t: and lurg and leud I.o peefod ,;L. I 1. Tho men v. I.o at (tre: I.'-d bn gr astonished tet tho re; c .rirg -' ': thus have ve-'ereito -"bcrd t' I' mc-t forr-'v"- r-:g?j r-' -tire - ' -N t ' ' - ' I : , - - , , f , ; ' y. ( r n pcarcd to be so e,'pjb:3 a ' L . c also in the laugh with Ilir.:... TI :f t. I it was cowardice! A holy re;.:.. .t ceu!d net understand, kept wc!:!i zr x.eru over the terrible' rerponcecf pr.;;:en. Iftl : only cculd haro z :;n !.e .v tl.t l.-eeJ rr.e-lve face was wrenched ted grcv ukiio-wij tl.e deep inward spasm of pride t'.ruj-lirg for the mastery, as tho:o titter r;:L;3, so hard to be borne by a free hunter, rvrg ten h:s cis, they wculi h-vo taken ' re'rglo le.varc how they for:I.:r rr.:!c::-d l... :rj slursbercf Cerco cnerle. Tl.otircrg r. aa io reality had rcvcr weked. His cer.ee:: ness was only aware cf a rirg'j as-i?"t r.ri that coctrolled cri curbed all ethers. TI ? image of his v.i.'j end children rceo above tl.e swelling tu.-r.ult v. Men shook hl$ heavy free.e. fljsaw ther.i c;:;r::d tr.J !.?; :!. ;, wiili : j protection in this wild and lawless. re:en should ho fill in a strcgg! v.I.h such! fear!-! odda. For all thceo men wcro tha v.llllr s!aes'Ktho c':et tee" j cf f.r. '.. : of h:3 bru'.el i ''.-r; r - vrcu!J I " ! -- ; a contest, net v.IlIi I.I... : let . el! l,' them: This wn3 l;z?..t tl.e:: prlJ . Jack, and ha waLcd c.:. Tut ho 111 red the halo cf Hir-V r- ' ?.r:r. io Le s.. t", . a-rr.anr.er, cf ll. e t ..I..j I.j prided himself, rr.ot trcj, io il.3 pr---r.eo cf Lla men; to be deprived of so fruitful a t'.ema of self-glorification and Lre:tir t!.- r. " :z. lion of. being the fo.. frontier alTjrdd, v: , of lho hick.l!::'- furore to t'g tl ' ' er.-.:n t. l'ro r.-. The decision 1 C u-rtc.itho C.V.iy C :rt I e : c . 3 re ; for a i ll:o Justi r to ret ;i! in ' -n ( I f ' -f.- ...-ter for-aj-ere.vp. - ..'.- Jepreme Court was de. .:iee Ruffin : it is long, - ! duties cf tho Ju-:: 'itientotl.ljsul' et. I.h tl.o is,l.li cm. '3 cut ct cur re- live : J L rir " C. t:.- in t.. ft-. I Ly aii;:::.J 1 ; 1 1. Tl..t i' 3 Jl ll::: I g:r.r.i cr re'e.3 a lie;... - ll;gJ ell erc.l Tl.t r jJu .le I. .I 3 that tl.ay .. ' greet : a license U evcrv c n. It n t: '..mi r. t 13- r 11 :c- : i) i t v. I t 5-If invth3 r -: ..r ; : ::.'.!': . "" -..',-.., - I W r J U U i 4. i . J 4 J I U " t ! . 1 . 1 I . .. - :.. I to a i.u:j cf . j t c cf tl.o pleas .1 ero 1I.3 t .. ' lecned, cr ! e 0 tl 0 -''- r -deea net re-uire it, cr L:e 1 " -nurr be r K ii u!i L,w r . ... . . tho public rcq rr-- i. That no r.undamus will Ho f; ;.., I.'ghor Cuurt to ccuepd thern to grer.: cer.3. o. Thtt if th? Ju:tie'3,cn n ft " I ' 4-.V a ii- .;cet;en tr. - -'Jfj- cr :rero 3 c! ar.d ceprceeen, t ..ould bo.liablo to ir.Jlet. 0. If the Juetieea sl.uuld cV.r.:rr.". c t error in refusir-ra licer.ee! tl ten i -;r.. ar? in ro way liable or amenable. T.wf LillztiCU.il. w. Dr-Idrl 'g c :. . : n , in a recent letter to tho Amerie-o L.L'j "1. ciety, says : . 14 Tho demand for Christ'.an l'" J cnzJ.r.t c-d doulilees will incre-. . I .. '..e!3 empire cf Ci.lr.1he3 rce:rl J : ( ;. r el. " Repeatedly, in the course cf tl.l 1. J.it I Lava . distributed more than t: o hundred portions cf tho Clble, arncrg tl.3 Chine:-; before breakfast, and all at.th- . . -1 f - .r, tl 1 Joorcf our depe.ltery. : Dr. Ball and myself havo re g j f -r a daily morning ard cvcr.lr- ' .'. '-t c" books. And we try to ir - tl... :;;,.. tunities, not only in; : i..j b.j cf !.; fo:J their hands, but leurJ 1I.0 n:...3 Ci" J.. in iheipsH' . ' , . ?a:Va c rr.-g:;.; : : Ti:rd r;a ? ; r. tjod-el', in a vcrg reeet fo:::r f.rr.i C.r.tar:- t:r-. e IT vl"- :! -JUrg: : ;I. and t t o a 1 ncf r n I '. " i c ? t " Fre-it - . : cf t!.o C cf I :.: -.a wo havo rlreie' -:r.t, ,..;c: 1 " . v.. ;.. ' : eti. fo.-J If- - e.ti. mates ab.ut il . '-..-i p r , ; j . ; ; Ci;7.:.:Ml. - ' "iV-vtj.r.o . million cf bu- -. - ' " ; j. ra;:o 73 cer.s ; or 1 ' , x , ;i . jt. C?3. Crt' :- r. .. i . ; ..j.lhe " 'J W.J,. , - 4. . 3 i w York ce.;:.'3 r :t l.'i r.l ;.! . ., ; Virginia cr.J :-' : t'-3 s"o quan'l'ry c-' : -e-;-- -j . Aw. . . i r s : ve n r.:li;i r 3 , c r. 1 :'. t I.. : . a i. I.h h . . C a . z i.-...J i 4J :..;..,- ..r t.:. . :x quarter r.-.ll.jlcrs, l.l. i..;re tL-.n I'lrLrJ Ly r.eerly a quarter cf r. r:il'l,-i. . Cf.Ci'3t t'..oro v..i3 re!;d cr.o hu -cJ rnJ ; e.;r.ty.tv, o r II I... ; r.:..! t;. r ;;.r I In tV in i;Cv tel.' . tl 3 . '. .la .1 :..ll.le.n, CI.Ij ZJ t-.'lll.r.j, .. .MillLL ?,::c..:uel.y,:-l' : ,r.-J i..:.-.l5, c:.-li I .1 10 i .. ! I ; ; , Ti.J cf t' cr it t r - , ( " " ccrt-er I v:':-1 ! ! cr'-" : r - - - : rr."!l ' TeT.r.r i: : IC'lir Virg:n"a C.e'rgl: : Ycrk",r ! r .."v 1. 1 ; X v - 1 4 . ci . : . . . 1 - r..r.r.e)Ier.li 7, Vc:... iJ,.'..,. 4 r:-.:?i.e A. v I LJ.3 nearly fj c? a a. . . Of J.'-, ! 17 r-.'- at C" ' -1 ' - ' - r rr.eetvel.: ' t . ture, dc-jlL'j tl.-.t t i cy.; ! , -rh ... L; i-.n bebw". ' . ... .rtr 'crk ra::s r' ui 5 r.illei f ri; Mtnr.eIv:.r.li, Jr. Il-r-, -;; J CI.Ij, l t f. o i.-.::::.-:r.!ii i Vcr... .:, : i.i r.:::: -c-::.; i r-.J Co-.- -.:!, 7r . 1.;. cech ; r,c-.f Jir.'y.i.-.i I..I.-.I-, .1 , w J c ach , ai. d u , .1 . , D. Cf C... ., tl. j c: i i: : :t f : ' 1- : "" r i 1 -1 r ' : r - - -' . ' f C 1 -' . . V., . .." - " ; :. i;:.e, ITI . : . . I . . : 11 j . 4 t , t..jr; cr j gru ., f .. ' ' : t ' " "I '1 : "a t' ' V . if .1 if 111 ' ever r.e.l a c. . ;:. it'- r.I.-.J : : - I Cr'g " " t' ; Jr i t..at cf i he: - r c t., - ' ' . r In f iff V.J. I J:;,g . . I r...r.:rr-r.tc..-c- ' . .... :,::r.IIeban,c ... r i.. 1 c c ... I that i '5 c" : v.as r r ' 1 c:.a;a ' I r t;. , C . I . ; 0 t-3 C j r :..t , If. -IJ boi.aet c: ' ' ' j "j ci.':-: cr ' I : : .j . ...t '---ar. '." 1.1.:' c that l:r.-- for rat I: j'brc l.th ir.t' , " ' ,-r-,f-t::-W; -g . 7 T . . i, ' 4 . -w,-- i. 1..0 c.ty c; i ....e ' --"-tir.: C::; 1 . V -

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