i "grievances which afflicted their -country , r.o nluf was r'-- crr.ci-ction j . by ib'j G.ivcr.jm-.r.t. On the contrary, -..; j : ' irVo ur earlier movement wc were cm; i- '- iiHv.icli that cencesiio:; lira is to say, ; - t lice t. Ireland had Lag attained its 1m.; -.-, Tint a-crtionis now rrjiphaiically re; , ,cd,and the loud cry of Irish ag'.Ulier 1 f penetrated ijito the interior cabinet of th : ' ! .ister, "ftiiJ (forcg and fraud having '. fj ju J useless) is endeavored to Ld quel! ! - this act J of benevolence conferred in a!c ciliatory manner. . Let us 'persevere. ; V.' v'havc every incitement V 'pesevcre. ' ' vtry corsbcsiirmado by'Knland 13 a frcst.r r ''. of her furriier "im-j'sticc. . Il-incrcasci t' : - strength "of the repealers, and diii.ir.istij . poivcr and .cunibsr of those why arc c;; . to" repeal,' - T" "l. f.. ; I. . "-tlc 2lst ultimo bcgaiia dl-jcjs: : tho CinmOci of Deputies on 'a motfun 1 .!. ! Muret da b.jnl, for th: conversion c; i: five per cent1? ; but it recent fcr tJio ftrcir.cr. - :nlcd liu.lc ii; ::.! i Tle Vressz &nys that'Cptl Tuc hat 'u;cs . dip;i'ched to Oceania with frf-.!i jnstri;':! o Adrjjiral' Amefln ; and a.U V, . os iU red tint Captain Vn ?:'. ' mis'ja tJr ' -1 - l!i'j"p.';.pru-ic!.i::-; abi,-, jv;.)v-,t cf our' : - " sr.-.sairu ia Owcauia:: It J4io serious a. .i ; '.'ili-ojl wc hid folic-r await amjilo" l:f.irr ' ; j -'.'The Gnrobcr of Deputies n j-cicd . : 23;!i u'.t. by :; Jtisidc'rablc m'lj ji ;ty,'t!. -s poiiion of .fci5rs. DjzjnandTaillat: ! 4uf : "-; the sjpp; .-.i'jti ofdur-ilir; ' -j j O.j in 'j t; ,;i! .y j ' I. CfvjJi,:?ax-pi canted . ; vthcCinnib?r ari'j'jpi.t;tiynfjcwar.' 1 h' I ..;.' .... I't'.yj b-ii-!irar i;t"of the. Narwjleon i"ji;!y, prouounce'd i: 1810, and condernn cd th'j clJer branch. of th Bourbon dynasty 1 to'clt-rnal c.i!-l The '. Clnrnbcr' on being ' 'con-uliC'cl, referred those petitions to the Prc . . 1 feident cf the Council and the MinUlur of 'thct -;! J nt c'r io jr; I'l "f l :"i '4 i'-l i 'lu-. Minister1' of Mirina had forwarded or ' thr to tlic comm idcr of t'n French naval ' station at B )urb:ni, to, mi:, s of ths vcsscU nder his cotuminJ to jiiijra, lo - tako ori ; 'jjard l!r; scuyi ued ui.inuiti nts Utcly -dij-tiivtjr 1 fit Nineveh by Messrs. . JJjtt.i .and Those reuiijn had been removed (. i r-ii i as far as C gd.iJ, and thence to Bus t ra. "A hall in the p;ilace"of llie JLouvrc is ivjw fiin np f r their 'reception. - f ' m .'. , serious i!!ne.s- of M. Guizott whoso 'ilfo u s'tiJ at one tinr to be in peril, has -iifuin!. ! f for thy quidniicd ; and l!u anx : "r lety of Lo ji riiiljjipc ab.)ut hid ablo and uc t I! !.vJ' n.iiiiter," bliows tho danger to !,;j!i 1. h;i3lLea cxposoJ. To enable hirn to ' . ci'uii Iii health, a conga apptars in icMcnL '. t ir ,:,.,J if ever a Mlti s.:er li-q-jircd a respite Juin tJio.fatiguas of oi.k:ct badgered ard wor iod cn all .sidi'3 ai i;' h is focn, that Minister . i Gj;.,j!. lie h ab)ut-to azek repose by ; .t :np-iiary rc-tiivmc:it to' his villa ut Pussy.. 1 1 ajipj us t':nt th j acco iiils of Lis illness have L ;cn s ) .ijwhat exagorated j but enough re. :.:vir: U .hov th:t tho energies' of one of .'cut ,itit.s of th-j Rg Jiavu Ljca overtaxed j , isnd that tho consequences will b: in'all pro I .I'Mly, a parti il, ifi;oi a complite recon slrnciion ol his cabinet:' . With the Tjproipcct b forj him, his o;;icial relirt-mcntat (ps pres. cit inv.: temp .rary thuuglj it be will no! prove-very injuiioua to his tamo, 'Count Dj c'ntel i.; Guizot's successor. ,' . 'r.''"7" li'iil 1 fnnr -il r-ir '"j" ond thj"t;bscnc9 :of thar hostility to England, - wllchh-.-j been onrimrv stock in Irado cf the French journals lately, has almost disap. t --,rrA t it-;. ri','! i ft i rt iT 1 o vrrif -1 tit i r, viio r.i jsrs to liavo tnuaj .Mcilitv U 1 I in raii.r:-' a toi ;n and eahuir; U with his A- r. . j;t tuiatiliu.iUo ;ttin was anticipated forth 'J I infant, in t!ic'Chamb..r of. Dt'p-j-tiej. M. Theirs was to intcrropj'ite ininisters t tich;;'; tlr- nil :dgL-d existence of ihi? Onler of Jl. .tjir. Fi"inc-H, whi -h would let , in tSio whole rjir--: ' ! a iL: fotwccQ ihcj church and all ' Thj . . . .ys thai JA. Guizit has reserved for his cor;siJeratiori during. his absence t.'ree o'ie-w.i namclv, the Ui-ht yjarch, tha--Texas, taud tha martial of ' 'J-C:tl of ypiin. The sarao journal cir- In VJ cn ''ihiJurd rurnor.of supposed intrbiios Marshal Souli and M. Duchal engaged ngaic-t M. Guisut. ;,t . Irorn Paris Prcssc. ' rr'U'h sqi. ''om a" certain source that tlic mouth, andV rccc,ltI, out at Ports. " Seymcur, t3 i. ( under the orders of Adml; Ocean." TUa pV. d li act -in the Pi.rif,e ; t'ton is to z readyl qbjecl of this' cxpedi. tweee. Great Pritaiii c f a riJptjre be to occupy, militarily, v' United States, -.poiii:- of the Oregon,, and important uumcrou American raor.. , capture tl.j lers. We arc far from de.n aiJj ;,. . h 1,-comcs us to cxaiiut- ous chances .y.-hh-1, cess, ahho" " ' tV :. t t Ti.c f . i I i : C. :. e i- f t.- ; u f j a ye- l t J th .i V f tT : - itit. Sir I t P, . l j j jCUj.Cw J, nnJ j!J3,r,:.j fjr l.;;ilit-; nl j cis. ' 'V. ' ; . ; c ' r r' ! ; '.. -t l!, Uct i :;.. i i...T-..:u" a :;r:ii.t fjr C-i'..o. ; " ;.l,t-: !y t:: ; ; ; .':::.( r f : a u ' ..) ! CVC nrL.T.l-r- .j.;a i-' r. ' . 4 Iro::i poon. f v.zCn-:. t: f.; lC.h i.'.t,' -ivi tl. ; 1 :. C'sj i.f poisj;.!. , -.-.-i U Lid ' .1'. " ; " r,cn-' t - '"' ' :rs 1 1 : j- r . tr t cf ii..,:... -r cry :.rj, i i.r thr .- .rJjy e ctatlo citir. ia the cv ) I. j;ood 1 tkiiig widow, gave notice ofiher bro ther death. The neighbors cafh in, but he was cold and stiff. - The Coroner, Charles T. Perry, was called, and proceeded to hold an ir.rpjeit oa the body. The jury examined sev. cral witnesses, but nothing or importance op. pea ring, a verdict of " Dir-d by lha visitation of God was rendered. The Coroner then proceeded to search for and secure ibe' per. son3l eiT. cts of the deceased. Scudder had, a few days previous, exhibited to various per. sons, his gold watch, OlCD'in bmk biiU, nd a handfu'l of gold eagles and half eagles. These could not be found, a'littlo silver mo. ney only remaining, where he usually kept if; in the bureau Mrs. Pennoyer was then interrogated, and stoutly denied all knowledge either of the money or the watch. By direction ofihe? Coroner she was watch ed, and shortly uftc .rdsshc went into tlie Kturc part of the house to the dockand say. tng, "Oh! I inust wind the clock tM opened the door, and putting her hand in, drew, forth the watch. . It was observed, arid handed to the Coroner, who then demanded '. of her the money. Sle' deuieU, however, ull knwledge of it, but upon being threatened wiihascareh warrant, she admitted having it, and was a. ken into a room and her clothes searched by two ladies.- They found accreted on her per. sm, ia an under yarment, eleven hall eagles, one eagle, and ninety dollars in bills another package containing fifteen dollars, in a glove one half eagle, and also a" paper containing a white powder, some small black and sori.e white pills. All these articles the Cjroncr took possession cf. - . Shortly afterwards Mrs. Punnoycr' carr.3 down and demanded the powder and jails, os she wished to lake some medicine but both TJIiJ:tlft. An csainir-.ali.ln t.f ihn pua ccr now took place, and then for ihefist Ji?t tac ldya went sbroatl thit ihcrc had been, foul play. , The Coroner determined to make a j-osl v.cricn examination. Accord, ingly yesterday morning, Drs. Cooke, Olcolt, and Gauvior made tho examination, and hav-i::-T l':l:e:i r-t the f!::-rneh, thj ceL!,rr.t! chc mist, Dr. Chilton, of this city, assisted by Dr. Cooke, tinalized its contents and foun ! it contained u firge q iantity of nr.cnic." The powder Upon Mrs. P. was also tested with a like result and up m cxarr.ialion, a j-orii...; of the same-poisonous drug was found in a pitcher, out td which tho sick man h;id drank durlrg the night. Seudder was buried yesterday, about 4 o'clock, P. M.. Mt-anwhile Justice John G. Spear, assisted by J. W. Scudder, Esq.,Dis. Irict Attorney, proceeded to examine witness cs in relation to thi3 extraordinary alfjir the facts nbove stated appearing in "evidence. Mrs. Pennnyt-r was arretted, and after cxa minatiori, was coramtttcd to the county j-iil to await the action of the Grand Jury at tho J::J.cn Oyer and Terminer, in June. - - . fdr. Scudder had been doing for some time a good business Lt he wn? Ion I t.f froh ic an i drinking. He leaves a son 10 years of a co. ' TUcr.dof Cri::i. Mrs. Pennoyrr." I: urn from thtr New Yor'- ' n e t, c;- Got. i l nr.d 'dfjrj v. s ts ,; , I o jrmi. " i ia ".j r.'ivi; iaV bc--fful : .sof .:-.!s. -1 j,i itv r.uu ' It ,' rl in r, .7n! - r ' ' o tiun ilu: t the nv no i!.'.;'.,t t!. it ! i frj G ju. '.-S k ) - 1 i w.l i 1 : :J ir. i . t r..-.r! t" ; Tr t - - iuC t : i i .' I V. i!. i.. . . t'h, . tha ' 'the ItU. ;.r.-.c- ' r ll.cy . c-pi. i than . "jut " .. :iVS If.)l". 1 coinimu t:rfr Tvi rs ; Vtc: : to ia r fixed, ::ttnttr . ' So, th -n ! This is ihe. realaiija cf the assurances held c".:t to Per.::-) I va Cri.:.; the hist yiar's canvass ! This is the ei."fi. cuioa of, the personal dec!ar.;liia tf ceil ;i:i distinguished Dern rratic le.'jdjrs, ti.3 l-i..t. sylvanian especially, that t'.iey hr.cv Mr. Pdk to be a better friend to the TariT (of IS 12) than Mr. Clay ! This,, finally, is li.e. real meaning of the letter to Jdui K. Kane." The siones the Tariff is f.el.l.d t:i r,;;T TKJt for all ! , is too unequal iii ilscljloo oppressive upon sone irJcrcsts, ico purlhl j others favorable to the rich, loo lurdnnane topic poorer classes of the ccimunilj." ' We are to have ' the best, wisest, and r.usl nearly equal, system of revenue that can bo adopt c I." The Treasury is to be " brought back to a fair, equal and just rcreftwtitandard, and the public burdens equalized." Is there any doubt dan there be any daubt what this, if honest, signifies? -Who can mistake the drift of lhe.se declarations ? Tim highest duties in this Tariff, are on iron, coal, salt, hemp, and coarsu cottons anJ woollens on the main articles of our ova manufac turing production, that is to say. It . is the taxes on coarse articles " burdt-momo to iLj poor; they ma t then be reduced to the M rev cnue standard," probably ono half ; for this " revenue" theory is, that yuu a re to place the ligh'.cst duties on those things wh'ch can be most largely and cheaply supplied from abroad, and that low duties oa such will afThrd more revenue than high. Sugar, Hemp and bagging, coal, iron, lead, wheat, potatoes, coarse clothing of all sorts, whiskey, vino, gr, butler, cheese, oil, fish, provisions cf all sorts, coarse carpels, tec, aio. to conic ia at " revenue duties.'" Our workshops may be that up, our fcrges ttep, ottr ::: 'ics forget jo..t?ra 'Jo carry Texas, South Carolina had; for fie rnnrnent to be t'ticriHccd to ihe Nirth : but the Administration fears her opposition . and must now appease her in turn by sacrificing Ihe Tariff! - li..i..li. , .1 -v.. 1 1 . I It will bj remembered by our readers, that James Back, cf Ga., ck'-rged J. Pv. Gid ilii!gs,of Oliio, upon the fi jor i.f the House of. llepresentatives, and just before-the ad journment of the ht Congress, itli having franked home " a calico frock," mail.ed " not Public Document.". Mr. Gid !;r:;'s pronounced tliis itatJinf i.t false from h:j ?:.':it, and since then he . has ferreted out the v ' o!e matter fr. .a which it app-ars that it v. j Hrr.cry I). Potter of Ohio, one of Mr. Black's Lccofoco friends, who franked home the c:d:ej frock. Mr. Diy, the Postmaster ut Pa:::c-vi::.-f Ohio, explains the matter thus; 4 4 Tho frank was C. J. Me.WtyN a-J E.' D. Potter1 was written upon i!.. package at the k ft end. Dr. St. John m a brothcr.in. I iw cf the Hon. E. D. Potter, nr ! Mr..E. D. Potter now boards with his family. : Some smaller packages, or v.l t c:..j smaller package, came directed to Mrs. Th D.Pott--by the next mail, !- " f '- - ' niGn.::;;:i frlilay, tine C I 'JIG. -Journeyman Printer, uhou trilling t i v. -.rk,for r rices ia necordjncc'uiih tho Lard-1 r.c - 2 cf the ttnics, tea get a few rr. jr.:!; i im- ployniecl atth'i oIT.ce by imir.cu.:L cpp!ic:i- ton- I , : . -A srtirt, active buy, f nm 14 to 10 years of r-., w ill Lcu!;t a ct cfacc a4 au ap prcciico to the printing Luir.cs3. " : Weirogrct to learn that the 2&irjll Pot hs ma do its cp-n r:i r.ce in Nasli coui:ty onJ i spreading to a cocsi-erable extent. - Tho Baliimore ll rest Associatiju was dis. ;jircd ;a the 7th o!:. O'Cucnir late spcrcb ia ril-tion la I'.'.s .jr.lry wr.s the cause ul :' :itro. The'tpccch was read ar 1 refernd :....L!jar.JrcJtis;ifcr - ..::. - 'C"CJ - T i nr. ! rZiijrr-? iis Association which, if;er - j s i .! ile, were carricJ,and l!:e Associi liua r.;V turned sine die. It is surely lime for Ar.-.- ric a citizens to cease their cllorts inLc ht'.f of r. !atlca whoso culy return has I .""en . , - . ,i ; . i.. ; l. j . . . : u ;.: lion. It will be seen with what tenacity Mr. Pull; aJhwr-s to his declared centi.V.e.'.t, that he would act as the Prcs; ' ?r:t cf t!.a n-uion, an J not of a party. Go it, Jimmy, ' with a rush," vc want the p 'e to sec ell thj beauties of Demftcrucy curing your admicis tration, so that the triumph of Whig men and measures at the" next clcctioa mav be "lori ous and.comp!1 e,; Appointments ly ie President. Robert McKcily, IlpgUter of the LanJ Of fice at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, vice Alucr Hoot, removed, , - ; - " , Christian . Iluber, Receiver cf PuL!!.; Mo neys at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, vice Moses II. Kir by, removed. Ephraim D. Dickson, Register of the Land Ofilce at F yctteville, Arkansas, ice James II. Siirman, reirovcd. Thomas. M. Carr, of New York, Consul United States, for Morocco, vice Jjhn F. Mul lowncy, recalled. - -Simeon M.' Johnson, Gnsulfor the port of Mitanzas in Cuba, vice Thomas M. Rjkney, recalled. Benjamin P. Jell, Register Land Ofilce, Washington, Arkansas, vbe Sam'l C. Wheat, removed. - , .'-.- 1 -' Willi-Vm Ad.nr.s, Receiver of Public Mo-" neys, Johnson C. 11., Arkansas, vica Alfred Henderson, Removed. John Brulon, Register of Land Ofa.:e, Johnson C. H. Arkansas, vice' James Wood, son Bate?, removed. ' , Patrick Ctj'iins, Surveyor of the Revenue at Cincinnati, Ohio, ice I-aii!i Wi:jre. Elias Rector, 'Marshal of Aikansas,' vice Henry M. Rector removed. ft- ' ' i i,. , . Goilc-fs Ladys Look, for June, IS 15, has been received. It contains two beautiful en-graving-?, an two fashion plates and Mu:3. To say any thing in praise of this Magazine would be supei fiuor.3, for its fa mo is pheed upon too solid a basis to need any addition. The Wheat Crcp. Wo understand, says tho Hamburg Journal, froaa a gentleman di rect (rpm Abbeviilo District, that the wheal crop in that section of country is far better than had been anticipated by the firmer, and that, from what he could learn, the crop ia tho upper districts would bo an average one. George Bancroft has just received an hoa. orary diploma frora tho Academy of Science of Benin, in honor of h"i3 literary reputation, and especially of his' history cf tho - United States.' : . n. marble bust of Gen. Harrison, execu te lamented Clevcrtgcr, while in Italy, hased from his wiJow by the citizens iati, has arrived ia that city. It is 1 by good j-Jges a work cf great and merit." Telegraph. Vty are glad lo VrV.ir-tca Cor. -,:itu:ion, ikat "W tie PhihclphU and New lejra; h Company has been t instalment paid up, ond i.:d. If stlisficlory ar made, with the New Jer. ny, tho telegraph will bo between tho two cities ingof the next session of that no obstacles to this be interposed by the ng cupidity, which are ':cd as ihey arc unpa- a has been raised in ... Vk, opposite St. Pc vd nearly thirty feet. by machinery, and built beneath ihe -. . . - (Mu.)Etpc:i. issed through Orcrroa. It ho Missotiri : Promi3 .iot be long be capable Ac -rJ.;:g U a pan jr: "j ia ;..u Spr" C.ll.)J ....!cf t'lIV.ii:. . rams ia difierrr.t p"irt- cf t!.jV; crcl! y i ;. ; . : "r cl:r T N--."c j.c: :a4 ir w;i!i th era i'.e t. . s lhrc can c'. .ey,ir.icucs arc i. :d tu bu I r says a your r :nt.cmaa ia tho puL!"3 t:r:-tt cf that ci:v c! . .1 a yi'-rj 1 . !y an ' : : i - - waist, or.i uf.crirj a cry.cf j y, prin: 1 r.. cral lasses cpoa !;cr 1 3 with ih r!.. of 'ihouht.. Oa cotr.ie:t3 enex ! u.-i'iw.i, it O w .... ... was fwa J thai I1..: ; . .n i: J :, ' ' ' the lady for hcrtuia 5T-!er, uhoni I.; v.t? ccurtir;. Tlie Tin.. 3 t!-: '.3 II d'n -t.r.j-j j.i ir.arry a I dy who l.-j a tv ..a t.o'.er, C3 r. - in rniht to kiiiirj som-U-v clip's r.!. llo tliouzht 1 " Ind his o.rr. ' A dead w'-e Lird v l 1 a f- '.v ". ) l-t- j oft'.. since, c.:n: Z wila in :. . t cf Morses Llcctro Tc-;rPb, a f,w i:.::.s - r' , -, . , . . I r. -l'li iik1 in" nn nti1 i ! s 1 - u i v . s i v " i ... ' o . ,, J ' . . . . nraincd and r.o sh kir.d, v.t. s C : . , death, wh!ca In killed h!.;!; p::.'. djiir-t! i v :rt: or wc-j f r . J t . : a cf t' ." ' ' ; i ..i, which cssrir.LIed it TuscuL ; . i .;a mst., ijcmmatc J ;..:......., 1 n rrv. I as tho candidate of that party fr G jve: As usual, the " f::i:!.rul" arc r :1 ;!c at the nomination, but,cs vszzl, w o pre tlie disafilctcd will be whipped i:.: tr "Three ilavcs ore to be hur,' :' i. ' Car.pbcll county, Va., forattcnipt dcr Mrs. Muhr." " ; Gen" Jackson. It appears by the fj"...'. irg cxtrcctef u Iei:cr7ionj Gea. JilI i 1 1 Mr. Polk, dated May Oil), ihat'ihe vcr.Lralh; c:c President cannstlast much lergvr: r ,4l must close. I am greatly nfilieted. "- 1 cr., zv. Ilea frnm the toes to tho cru. n cf the head, and in bandage lo my lips. What i.. iy be tho result God only knows. L,..j,.; .iJ caI.-..- tJEu'-n-.:: 13 his wilh Mv uh .'j : m j falules you r.r.d lidy, ttnd. ir.iy G.d ; i. .'. 'j over and vivo yea a cj;::c.--. f.! J 1 ! administration to curb.Ioved cojutr). Year fiinJ sincerely, ADRLW JACnwI. We It nrn that Gen. D.ickcry h;3 ed himself 'a car.JiJlc for Congress ia th: fourth District,' in eppositioa to Mr. Wert!. bothwirgs. . . x..j i. nerr.trg Wew.s, a h:r .;rg Le cofoco paper, expresses the rpir.ion, ih-t ' a thkLh.a of Ci.urhes i!l h.ti j a i'l! " "ood c.Tect r-a th3 Abjlitiia :!', ' t; ? cxe " ' l..at ... -s grown throvgh t!:cm about Livery, r.rd thr.t it will have a tlrerg tendency to Lave th -a rpjcrli-'n where it belongs, to the Sjuth, r. !,:;!i alone is c:,;.:::clcr.t todiscuc3 it." R::.U cr.r::3 l: ;.'.;;:::; Ti j L ... ' .. Tirr.cs cf t!;o 2lih u!t.f ia giving' the l:t:-i news from Jatr. uca rays : ' A new survey cf the Isthr.ujcf P.ir.r.n, by aa engineer i:t Jamaica, is ..t:.'.. J t received some attention;-but tho qucJon sccm.3 to be which would be the i:j,t pr licable, a railway era irncuJ urz. J i c - J I The matter is viewed with nv::h' ii;terc:l rt Jnmnica. b .cause, should a rr " -ci '. i c : r; " '. out for making a passage across the Lth it would contribute greatly to the rc4torr.'.h;a of thctrudoof that quarter of the world." AGocl Cfei. Wc cM'g'.t to r:c;r! such sentiments as in the onrcxed cpistlo from an lr:.Br::i-h carted Irh.hrr.-.r:, t j t!. editor of the Richmond (Va.) Star. Such er.li.ner.3 from aa adopted chizca cjJ.: l sufijsc with shame the checks cf lha 44 chicd troops" now waning at the Lillet box cpjah; their own ccuatrymcn: To As Ed'dzr cf tz Stir's . . Mr. Strcctcr I am very plad to ree yea lake the ccur.i yc a have ia rei :tioa U A:r.r icanism. And though I am not a native-born American, I have lived ia t! :j cju:.:ry fjr nearly forty years have reared a fantily cf children ia it and am prreJ to ca'l il my own , ir.y : h : J h v. d. I ha ; e, c f L: : ) , r ; , nhr"v"d. rn.y h-'- fei:l.iy c:.d t.-.a such foul use rr. : tf tho vctcs i.f Ln.i;':..rs who have beta a t!.:;t t;...c, i.:; 1 am compelled, ia police to my: .If ar. J Lrr.!!y, and the i ctls cf thj c i.at : U .i i my. home, to join you and thousands of ether Amcricar.3 ia calling Lu.!!y fjr a rfor..) i.i our naturalization l iv.3. I aia tl. p:J to add, that the American parly will fi:.J r.nr.y warm advocates among her !..! 'il tz:: from- " OLD IRELAND. Calvin tr lle, a free burglary at the last Term cf DaviJsoa Ejpe. rior Cuurt, and iectcoced to be hang :J, xr.i executed at Lexington, ca Friday tho lC;h intt. He made no confesiioa. Death cf is II;. Join. ' CszrplcXT.. i Charleston Courier cf Saturday says : 44 We Icara with deep end ilr.ecre regret that the Hon. John Campbell, for many years a els tieuished rr.ir.ler cf Conga. 3 from ih; Pecdec District, d.cd at his retidenee ia Marl borough DisUict, ca Monday last, cf a hacDmorragecf tin lergs. He had lien, f r some years, in d jh'c-le health, end ct theh-i election for that among other reason, declined bcinga caridatc for re-t! eti:a. The PIguo h.;s cgaia brokca cut at Jeru salem, and is carrying oUfcrty prrse-3 daily. a u with a letter from a CI.. I ? r unci. I ; r rrival r.t i. , t r: Somer?, ih'recl frcra 'i : i'i'cd en . v. receive I tt r r : Tiro U S. tr- r CTer.lr ! . : f. i. r v. r. i . j L' liv:s t f . - I : I ' . i t:r " :an -- t :: . .:.U : Vrra Cruz ca the 1? '.. , v. - - m hen ii.' of its r it was i i.r, . v, ; :.G.rrv,t r ihef hha ry? -r c; Vir U VJ ir r i .:r.;J, r i t' '". t ) a t....t ,'CJ v.;; r Prr A: i . . 7 c.. I..-. C h r. r. J i;..n t. .a cf L-Vh ry Laccy, cf TT o' ervi. thu it ih.-ld t. v.-. : :, Mo, Lr. f.h-rs ' v,': ' II'-rl 3, t f 1 . r I It '...it i.t half p f.....e,i. :a, yecrs i c - ; l f never t:J :., j j i r I e:e,t U h-U. cr. t - to th? p P 1 1 i :: ' cf Fr" r ; jiri.j t f 1 c ;- J -cr, tJ were r J, - - ' ...... r: i 1 ; --F' - r-l, that - crr.pl? I n ..-.-. t fer C T1T and r or, .2

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